Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wi 25W
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L Mems Start aa Pinchot Cen-
aiders Fair Sex for Im
portant Pest
tVJ Gilferd I'lnrhnt, thp Oovcrner-elpct,
3Pf f 7 M ffOlhff In linvn n tn. lull tltnn titiinaliiir
9&M. Jh women f n Cnblnet appointments,
my mono in tnueii witn tue situation.
It wns recalled today that during the
tampnign Mr. Pinchot in enn of his
Speeches announced thnt women its well
men would he considered for pests
In the Cnblnet.
Xnturally the announcement thnt n
Jverann might have n Cabinet office for
Hie first time In the history of the Com Cem Com
tnenweilth stirred up unuunl interest.
find friend of "possibilities" get busy
Mr. Pinchot was almost everw helmed
With suggestions of women for a pest.
Certnlu premliiptit women leaders
thereupon went te hi" rescue with
Statements te the effect thnt candidates
for Cabinet office should be considered
en the "bnsls of merit and net of
Sm M
New thnt the election is ever and the
open Reason for Cnblnet gossip is in
sxxliur. the talk has started un
tarn In
"" irem every ward, township nnil borough
Women Are "Electioneering" in Camden County. The Democrats
Interevtlngly enmigh, some of the "UtMde of the city of Cnmden nre jiibl jiibl
Wemen lenders are especially concerned H" ev:; the majority they gave (.nv
about men candidate or nbeut retaining f',m,r ''i'""?. VVI.. s,'Mnt"r l re"nS
certain men members of the pteseiit llvA,, for I nlted State Sennter.
Cabinet. Fer example, it is under- I;;,w2,,l ';, KpHeher, of the Demo Deme Demo
Moed thnt Mrs. Barclay II. Warburteu. "n"c StJ'P temmlttee. Is in charge of
Vice chairman of the ilepublie.in State e parade arrangements. He premises
Committee, would net mind becing Dr. I lnet, bang-up, jnzz-darndest
Ulalr Spencer appointed as the sue- turnout that Cnmden has teen in n
censer te Ur. .leliu M. iJnu y. State
Commissioner of 1'iiblie Welfare. A
fehert time ngn Dr. Spencer was a guest
at a dinner party, which included Mis.
l'inchet and .Mts. Warburton. Ur.
Spencer Is Assistant Director of Public
Welfare in Philadelphia under Barclay
But it happens that Dr. Baldy is a
hrnttiAr rt XfUu 1 1i?ip!iiT f!i ltnlilv l.find
or YUUampert. an iutluentini rincuet' "i'i,u"""cniH. mere nre -.everai im- . c niusvu. uewever. te answer ques ques
werker nnd lender among the women in Pertant departments thnt will cornel '" as te her personal feelin' en the
the primary campaign. Hence there is 'under the supervision of the new Deme- . I.Ie.mI Geerge situation as it Mauds ut
obviously room for argument in this crane Mayer. ! pre ent and returned in her pleasing
ease. Alse it is reported in Pittsburgh Ihe Heard of Education. Playground .li",i,1 audit te the question of pre-
that William riinn, former Hoe-evelt
lender of Pennsylvania. Is booming his
daughter, Mrs. Mary Plinn Law rente, ,
as successor te Dr. liald. .
Just te add zest te the situation
tnat William I linn, former ltoe-evcit
dared for him as against Mr. Alter
iii the primary campaign nnd thus
helped greatly In working up feminine
sentiment. When in the city, the Govereor-elect
nlwajs makes it a point te
confer with Mrs. Warburton.
drawn up a report wincn distinctly
approves of His plans and policies
Via iim eiucr iiuiiu, il is cuiictrueu
thnt powerful political influences which
backed the Fere-ter In the jirim.iry
campaign, notably the Grundy ele-
incut, has always been opposed "te, Dr. ,
1'liiegan. It Is meie tlinn likely, hew-
ever, that the Governer-elect will be
largely guided by the report of his
cducntlemil siib-iemmlttee.
Many women leaders nave sme'tcd
lhnt the rir.-t tTablnet etlice le lii te :
I lime Interesteil were rein ni pi tint """ ""eies win ee nine e OV Jinyer-i -"".. v"' "".""-'" um eiuune n
both MUs I.jen nnd Mrs. Lawrence 7(, ''"g. while the empleyes of the , r''""' '". t,l'' '. Ieel that America
have been house guei-ts at Grey Te - .departments are felected by the beards " V, V ?,. f i -m.V'0 t,",1 ",erI1 e:i
ers, the Pinchot country home. And. ' themsehes. tl le .u stie of prohibition and felu mubt
of course. Mis. Warburton 1ms al.-e -" the terms of the present mnnber a-.f u,'1 ''.r,' ., . .. ,. ,
been there. Besides that, the Oever- "1'ire at different intervals of one tJ ,:,ln ' Jir,c' hnrthp.,1 n,,,rf
nor-elect is interested in Mrs. War- , J'ar. D-'necrnt; will net have entire i .7 " ,'?, " "ftVr'S -nifl,"T.,i,,y w,,h
...... ...... . 1 .. 1. . I Ki.lifrnl nf .it... f .!, I,n ..!.. t . I . IU Ullll'U I(U SO lllT In HllltO Ol till, IM.llll
I'urieu iews inasiiiuc 1 as sue 1
In or Out for Flneran
s n - blact for muSh dliuien. Ale ia.ver. who also has power te transfer 1?..".," ". '"."L " ff?"H' i "H.1. .l.'.w
ri'i.A. ih 'n.iimiiL I - iti..nti ni 1 n nrinniii- vt nn mflim ft rnn - .' ..
women lenders favor his retention In , men for "the geed of the department." ,u ".S.; ""fl "f e,i l," "'":" "i1 .
.10 Pinchot Cabinet and it Is under- The Police Committee of City Council fLiMin
teod that the education sub-cemmUtee ' net, . u.jen all pen-Ien,. g ; ; $ IXSZflt Jwr?len ""l
C Mr. Pinchot s Citizens Committee While the new Mayer will he nblt 1 . intradluted en ilu hut I
1 State Finances, after examining the te distribute considerable r-ttrenagf ' ,-,Cm wbiel! nreve it "
erk of Dr. Finegan's department, hud among the Democrats who h !;ed luri ' vi,n7. xiiss Sl'uik ws in slmth Vfrie-.
woman siimihl he that of Secreurj of which leti'-ists of seven members, ale
Whe Commonwealth for the lea-ou, jmt made without ponllrmntlen b Conn
always plainly stated, that the n-il ill. Next Februar Mayer King will
work is carried en by subordinates; nppeint three members te suened I lairv
that large technical or admini-.tratie r. Sharp, president: Geerge H. (Jar'-
experience is net u pruie neeeity.
Ileie theie is imether rub. : frlenils of terms will expire January 1. l!)2.i. when will be ehn.-y nf itnitiu: a leiiiemeut te line, and ten band, distributed at vn
A. Nevln Detnch, iMiiip.iia'!i nireeter the new Mayer will he Inaugurated, pluite life vt years hence by eting rie'is intervals, added a lively touch
for Mr. PIULhet, are utging him lut Terms of two' mere men will epite iii l"i 11 bill which the!.- ceuimunit.e-' op- Iwhiih helped te make the parade a big
mni piacc.
I'ewertui support among ijepnblicun
women lemleis t lep.iit.... will be
accorded Dr. I.dwnrd Nlartln. present
Oliue v.ui.ii,lfs unei .11 iicilim. a a
means of insiiriiis his reteniiuii. I)e.
Martin is .1 brethir of Judge .1. Willi,
I.ate unetlielal election returns show
thnt Democrats haw made considerable
rains in both the Sti.te Heuse and the
.State Senate.
In the Heuse there has been an jn.
crease from feuitiiii te fniti IPI)ie-i-rntlc
uienibi rs, w 1I1 the pncsihllitv
L tliat tlie nun ner uu le .Ii fnriipr
s , I I,,,..,.,,,. ., ;,. ,.. 1 ..... ...
III! .Vlir l. " 114. ' nun IU'-UU,rsilip HI
the Senate h.ts been ,'uri'es. .1 frnm
ft tjiree te s.
t These nre the Demneiits idee ted te
tlie Stn'e jseiiaie ii.t 1 uesiim :
Feurteentli IUsirht Ilarey Ileff-
liiiiu. Stin '.slung
Eighteenth D.-tri't Harry D. Kut,
Twentieth District Asm K. De Witt
I Plymouth.
Twenty -fourth Dlstrlit Charles W.
Seuth. i!llnmpert
yl,IIH ILIUM ,'1-ilH . , liltl l4t
IiSnlii". Sprln-; Greve.
r.. n..l n.i .Hi llle, CI... I lnH T
Thirty teiirin instriet 'v llliam i.'and I re i 'i piirtmenis iiinier rin
Betls. Clearfield Ice sit f r isinii.
te the St.i'e Heuse of Bcpifsent.vive
Adams ('iiuiiiv --drover c. .Mi.rs.
Benier, IMwiud .1 Sihleiter; ierl,s,
Orville C Esheliinin. I!alili .
' Scheener. Wilsnu Sun.': Biad'nrd.
Charles M Drls; ('ainhri.i. Frnnk i,
Kerns. P.itrnk Mi'Derninii , Carben.
.William D IIent7. Cmrinn, W. F.
'Marshall; Celunilun. T c H.irter;
i Jnmberland. Allui P Stewnn; F.Ik.
' Jehn M. FImui: F.rle. Jeseph M.
Schilling: Fi.iiiUiii. Charles I). Mine.
hart; Fulton, Nuns F Henv:-, Juni
ata. Henry I Lamer; Lackawanna,
Features for Tomorrow's
Public Ledger Boek Pages
Children's Boek
Nev. 12-13
JPhilndclphin Beys and Girls
Will Review Their Own
Beeks in Tomorrow's
Themas Sheridan, .fnlin K. Htnxltskl ;
.xicnenn. Maxwell i. Moere: Menree,
Chester II. Ithediw ! Menteur Hlmrti.
Mess At. belts; Northampton, V, ,t.
I Donahue, Wllmer Albert. Irwin X
i Jehnsen, Itebcrt A. Stofflet ; Northum Nerthum
herlnnd. Jehn J. Behnck. .lelin M.
Macks Perry. J. (1, II. Hlppninn; Pike,
Edward II. Lebar; Schuylkill, Hey K.
Brnwnmlller ; I'nlen, Jehn M. Umidy;
Washington, Jehn L. Pest; West
moreland, tleerge 11. Rrysen; Yerk,
It, L. Urenncman, J. M. Fllnchbaugb.
Democrats Plan Mazz-Darndest'
Time Town Ever
Triumphant Democrats of Camden,
who elected n Mayer en Tuesday for
the first time in twenty-one years, will
pnrnde through the principal stieets of
that city tomorrow night in a blaze of
red fire.
.. '"i"'"1:: "' "I. ?'" V," ' 7.. ."'
Mayer-elect x Ictnr King will be in
" '"" ctuiimn. mime up ni ucickhudiib
Beth ltenubllcnns and Democrats are
speculating as te the effect the elec
tion of King will have en city ap
pointments and the control of city bod
ies. A ceneral scramble for tl offices
Is looked for. I room In the llellcvue. Stratford, trvlng
Though the present city chnrter N't" answer many questions nt once 'ami
semewnnt nntnninteri and permits Cityi111'!' "ir mc sruy eyes quite unruf unruf
Ceuncil te make the majority of the lied.
vmini?siiui. ueura ei aecdis, n;ir-
Commission. Beat
r ommNslen.
City Plan ( emrnh
; "mI " 001ll"'1 ""
Mayer. All the
i. l'nru tommi"ien,
Nien and the Sinkin:
under the control of the
new appointments te
one year, as tiny are selidlv Hcpubllean
at present. '
Bules Police Dcpartnient
Mnmr-eleet- Kin v. Ill l, ,!, l.n,,l t '
the nnli,. il.n.rtmmi .., I,.. 1,-
suspend for dereliction of l duty . All ne
autlienty te (Usiniss, nltheugh he can
ovcrturew tue pe-.veinii nrgani.uien e;
termer t-en.itnr uaMU liaird. tlie Jlc-,,
puuiK-iin? .sun ni iiniirui i uy i milieu.
That !eiy has nbelute control in the
nppeintii eiits of all officials and eiif-
plnjes of mxii.v titv departments, in-
1 lading Beard of Health. Street Cem-
mi-siener. City Clerk, Eleetncul B11-
lean and Water Depirtmcnf. In sev-
einl ether departments the Majer's np-
pmntments are -ubjict te continuation
hi 1 eumtl.
Atinnlniments te Ttiinrrl nf tiliir-itlnM I
land and Dr. Clement T. Brunch, whose
UVU mi the ett,.., tw i 11.12.-1. Tbl
means tiie Democrats will have entire
Mmtrel of thc b(mlll ln V.yx, and fm
pIebabV t ,P.,r, iatP1. ,.w.a ln the
MPnt ( n Itpnnhllenn hehlL- elected the
!"'t time. Hie iippelntnn his ..I -he
secretary, the business innn.igir t'
medlial assistants and the nurses are
made by the beard.
Siibjeit te Conflnnatien
Terms of three members of the I! ur.l
of A-sessiip, will eplie diinn,' t'e
regime of the new Mnver. Tley nre
Wt'llam II. Davis, llr.''!: W'lliam D.
Vanninan. 1024. ami Wllt.m- I! Kills,
president of tlie beard, l'.i'j.-, The aji
. petutmeutb by the M.iym te ibis lu.md
are subject te cnntirm.itlen by , un 1!
Similar conditions pre 1!! t,, t'.e
Playground Commission, wl.bh ,:i -res.
ent'lncludes Meiers Bnkei. Mr I'nn.e
Burrell. Mrs. Louise I W'.i'sli, ( ii .
lande M. llewen and Clnule. lli't.ng.r.
The In nnl eontteN the appm 11 aent nf
'all office empleies end p 1 ,, nitel
telicheis. The -nine 1 ninut .mis 1 Mst
relative te the I'rnk ('iiiuilsjnn due
1 member of that heard is ret'nd iaili
, year.
The Fire Department mines under the
I supervision of Cniir.eil's 1'lie Commit
I tee, wli.ih controls iippiiiiitmi nt
Mayer-elect King is 1 1 nt nil the
matter ni iippeinin.eiiis, nut Mis p-n.
n nnl Ixi ...llleni.. ,i...n.. I .1 ..e
riMltini I . ... . I ' .1, I.IMH' 1 11,
(barter as well ns placing the I
1 Its
Dreps Weapon Pointed at Police-
man's Head and Meekly Gees te Ja.l
. Mrs, Antonie Zillln. of l.lii, N. .1 , '
near Ilammonten. sweie eui a u.irraiit
for her husband yeMnrdn, . . I.ar.l... i
with nsault and bnttiv with intent
, te kill and rarrjinu t nni ealed deiidl)
weapons. The Marram was c,vci, te a
'. , ., ... , ...
member of the State polite te serve.
x lien .rnie iinru in iiic x.nrnnit m
told iieishLers that Im- Stale pullet-
men en 1 I mil ..lite mm. I ,, r nek m.
I ad
, 1 , . ,
his aigument Im preuuecil ., !nded
pistol and a blackjack, llien he sat
en the front perch and unite I for the
SI, -In i.i;rn Tim nnlnlilmpu (ln'.,l .,.
police, The nelshhers lleeked te,
ll.nl. ,ll,u Un.ivvinl. ll.n. V II.. .. ..l.l
make L-r.ed his threat. '
Down the read ilve minutes later
stretle a State trooper. The trooper
walked te within one fnet of the muzzle
nf the run nnd, loekins his man in the
'mi?" .1 . if, .
Iien that B'tn bi'foie I nnint three
or I'll bust nu In the nose!
"(Inc. two, th " the pisti.l dreppul
Hi tlie noer.
.SO J nil
1 in. ehV t
are L'tiim: In kill Ine tre.in-
he peliiriimii nienred. "IH)1
that j.nk hefer
heck Jen exer ltn
a tan 011 the wrist !"
The hliickiaclv dropped.
"New fellow nn:'' the trooper said,
and an hour later be led the meek bad
man into the County JaJI at Camden.
....... ...... .... ... ...... .............rt.i ,,n, in,, ,ti'ij ...
Agnes Slack, Here te Attend
Temperance Convention, Says
U. S. Sets World Example
Itoetleggers mny reme and boetlpgRers
may go even ns thieves,
Hut this is no reason for decrying
the prohibition law, contends Miss Ag
nes Slack, of Derbyshire, England. It
would he ns legicnl te suspend laws
against theft for the simple reason thnt
they had been violated.
Miss Slack, n world figure In the
temperance question, arrived In riilln
delphln today. 8he Is acting vice pres
ident of the National British Weman's
Christian 'lempernnee Union. Sin.
comes te take n prominent part in the
four-day world temperance convention
which opens in this city tomorrow.
.',' ve '""' mW8 npalust thieves
4000 years new, haven't we?" the
distinguished visitor put the question
humorously. This is her sixth trip te
America since 1S00. On her last trip
two years age, when she was the guest
pt the I lilted States Government, she
hnd a long ehnt with President Hard
ing. In thnt nme class of distinction
can be plneed a visit with the Queen
of Italy, a tetc-a-tete with Princess
Margaret of Cennnught, a stay in India
in a guest of the Viceroy and a ten
l'.v visit at the home in Wales of the
Lloyd Geerges.
She showed today n telegram read
J"K,tl,us;,...M,M 'W'' Slack. S. S.
Heglnn, White Star Line. Wishing
ou every success In your work for
temperance in America. Margaret
hlejd Geerge."
Silent en Lloyd Geerge
The message fell out of Miss Slack's
crowded black leather hand bag as she
rummaged in it for a hit of temperance
data. She was heldimr court In ).pp
'" l" " rcvvni conicnnen mat
!!Us been going en about shins biinginc
liquor into American ports, 1 feel It
'""" u. Pcnum ining it tiie United
',,l",it tllut sometimes lleat around in
u"1' euutry te the contrary.
Praises America's Werk
I "O'Cr HKlKe nil lltHlress Without
alllllll!lg III tills UMglllllCCnt net O"
America's," she -aid. "The nut-timd-
8 1"0'1 ier ' 0T " """"P
mericn has been able.
sI. ls invitcd te meet the t-ibinet nt
. Si hur. the home of Cecil itliede-.
... . .1 ... .1 .
President Opposed
te Spring Session
(intlnufj frun r.iBc One I
managed te escape disaster en 1 in sii.iy
The hct observers here feel that
the Ship Sabs', ly bill N ilend.
The teal light' in the eem,ng spssmu ,
will b.- mir an investlcatu u of ile-'
tterne (lenetiiFs handling nt the war
fraud- oe-r the repeal nt the E-i'i-
Cummins law and ever ta'iit'en. The-e
vl.e wi-h te force nn inn stisntlen of
Mr. Daugiierty or rail.'' ad b gisl.it en
may tl" up sn'nie of tin' iippioprlatieu-
bllfs. ter which there is always l;u'
enough time in the sheit es-inn, "ni
ilms j e1 the calling of an eviii
sissleu in the tprtng. And nine thei
set this extia waslen all the fat will
1 irt I ,t fill. tilstt.
A strong party organization would
have all it cnulJ de te put the app'i
pii.it.nu bills and ether ahs.ilutil ne .
iary b-ilslntlen tlirniitli in I In- si, mi
-e ib'iii te come, lellL'thene 1 lis il h h
Mr. Hciding's palling Cnngn-s lei
twii i"Ks aliead of time Mr. H..rdlng
de-irng te put nothing li lln win ii
this iisiilt, will luiidli I .'i s a enntiii
tuns ijuesttrill like tin s'.lp sui
Ib Is etpeeteil te ivi mnmmd it. but
f iip'iesitlun arises he will 1 t it i'i
Hi- pT't organization i- net efiieunt.
And it will be weaker in th m1' -
si'ssieii than it was in tlie Insi, fit
the radicals are iiiiuuiagitl by Tue..
I s .iiljllg.
Vi Hnrdlng h- m ti unhnpny pn i i
tien se far as his pinrum Is em
.rued. Hi- only nnpe nt" giUlti.' i'ie
hills he wants lies in the pn.-ent C..n.
i-r -. lint f he ass fur in ,i h c i .
i rgenl. lie will ilnr ii,i Ci ns- s. I,,
make a special session m Mt spring in
e liable.
Three Sections Get Welfare Queta,
Bringing Total te $2,075,379
An enrlv victor) in the drhe of the
Welfare rederatien lampaiyn te ruhe
KB;WW,,,11.,,"J t
rrlptieni had reached ..(("."..li-im;.
Tlie entire receipts for the fit -t ;(al ,
its existent weie . .iiiii.i.j....5
i Oermnntewn went eer in .mom in
,1P enmpnii;n Inst nl.'ht. !dewiiiK
i HoMierntiKii nnu .Mnna.uuh, Hie fir-t
districts te iiemee Mi-en-s. ,,!Bllri
. , .'line im, uiw-i'ui 1 neiriiinn, an-
'' . .. .
1 liuuii' ' u ,in ,, ,., r i--i-iii. we 1
sai,4j!1.0.'t, mnklnt: 11 total nfSlsc
83- for the district. ('heitnut Mill
alone remnins undir .Mi
lllstr Ct tO ltinKO till' Cllllln
uihiriui ')"'"'' "V """ .ipprexi.
inUtPh' SStKMJ rPIUIllns til he w,
that section aim te carry it exer
D rectors of Norrlstewn nstitutlen
.,.,, ,,..
Authorize Addition
t'enstiiittlnii of un ndi'ltle'i tn .Mnnt.
colliery llie-pum, MiIU-Ievmi, ;;lvn
, that lusiltiillen tube Hi. nn mi m -
pneltv, was iltcldeil upon l.j the Beard1
of uiricierh 111 11 mceiiii,' int.! niidii
The l.eitru xeteii te piircliin-e Inline
ilillleb propel t ndjidiilllis the Inihpi
tul lit 11 price of S.OIH) nn w,fi
te erect the new ntldltien. Werk will
be commenced as mjeii as possible.
Mie went mere 111 tue cause m temper .,011 f ,i)0 opening of the Frankford
.uuv. .she is also a prominent .suftragisti.... ,aH ,,,,,' , , , ru,j,r0(, ,,,,
and as.j.eiatcd with Uuly Cew drey i" Margaret streets while Ollss Florence
Ti.Y" 1 1 . t, .i, w n n tt 1. Snyder nnd Glenn Green, standing en
Other ddega te, te he C I . C. ' ent (lf furnlturu company,
..ni niii of' li w' -en y W1P" th' '""wmeny wns performed
epeni.ig of touiei lows session. 1 . . .. ,,Ms , rweiwd
Arture Batt osier's conception of
the Spanish dramntlst who wen
the Xebel prize for outstanding
achievement In literature this year
Benavente, Spanish Auther, Wins
This Year's Award In Literature
. Stockholm. Xev. 10. The Nebel prize
for outstanding achievement in litera
ture for the present year has been
nwnrdid te the Spanish dramatist
Jacinto Benavente.
The prize amounts te COO. 000 francs
(worth $100,000 at the old rate of
The phvslcs prize for 1021 is awarded
te Prof. Dr. Albert Einstein, of Ger
many, identified with the theerv of
relativity, and thnt for 1922 te Prof.
Neils Behr, Copenhagen.
The chemNtry prize for 1021 was
awarded te 1'redcrick Seddy, professor
of Inorganic and physical chemistry,
T'nlxerMty of Oxford and in 1000-02
demonstrator 111 chemistry nt McGill
t'nhersiity. Montreal, and thnt for 1022
te Francis William Asten, research
fellow of Trinity College, Cnmbridge.
Jacinto Benavente is Spain's lend
ing dramatist. He Is best known In
America ns the author of "The Passion
Flower, ' which had a long run in Xew
Ver). lie also hns wen renown in
Spain as a politician, actor and director
of the National Theatre. Other well
known plays bv Benavente are "The
"""'' "f .Interct. nnd "Ills Widow's
Magistrate Performs Ceremony en
Gayly Decorated Fleat
Franhferd's industrial pnrede. staged
liiri muni u-- 1111,1 11 mi? i.iri-n a i.rii;'
the air wns filled with npnlause and
cenirrniuintinns irem me crowns lining
the sidewnlkh. A Ledroem set was pre
sented te the newly man led couple by
the furniture store. Then the parade
moved en.
jiany attractive floats showing Frank-
lern as u leiner m inuienj nen- in me
Prne winners were Edwin W, (!neh-
img. Inc.. Edward Taddei, U. S. Mil-
rlnes. Blilladelphl.i Grange, Frank ford
Lnuudry . Jehn llllngswnrth Steel (Nim-
panv. Metiopelllnn Life Insurance Cem -
p-iny. Minerva Yarn Company. Seaman
Jewelri Company and the Milne Hat
llneiaable mention was nvardeil( the
V . (I. I,. Supiilee-Wills-.lenes C mi-
pnny Bell Telephone Company, Amer-
Icen I e and (Jeal Company nnd Wil-
-nn-Maitin Company.
' ....
Lancaster Man Uses Revolver.
Daughter Sees Tragedy
l-anr istcr, Pu.. Nev. 10. (By A.
Aftei n quarrel today lisen .
. . !. - C t. , ehnt 1111(1
I .,!! mmi.ii. nf tins titv. shot ami
kill-1 lis v. ifc, Sarah, then ended his
ii'n lite. . . . .
B-M.'. niit.nl. daushter. came uew -
-ta.r. ju-i as the fir-i shot wu-. ,"r.''j
Mc m.w her mother fa and tl is.li d
.. ii te a iii'ishler ter help. When s ie
i.ii.MiM.1 in-r intm-r was j nc "
tl with u icyeU.-r cllltclicil in liW
..md Beth deaths n-Miltcd from millet
"i nils iIii'iiikIi the head.
Mpinbi-r of th" family, while ad-
mii..iu p it. ilaaicHinetii". sain uyy
....n.i ni-iKi no cause i or un- mw
M OIKlIs I'lTll'l lue ruiljliu ium luini. j
I,, fine Ii cnl.fsM. I
William Henien, Camden, Had Im
blbsd Toe Much Moonshine
HM.i.itn M1M1I..11 ItP.v nnrseld. Be.V-
Icn street. (Vmden, who' Imbibed misin-
.1 I .1 rw.,.l L. II 'llUll ,11.1.1.
.1,111.! 11 IX 1 tin it flOwiill lie II -MHII 11II1I1
was M-iit te jail for twentv dn.Nh tills
iiieiniiiK b Acting Hetnriler Swltzer.
The trenblt with him i" 'h." "e
t'niik-. he's a haul cin-teiuer and that
he tun whip exeobedx in town, mih
I'.itrulnian hpnil.s. who was einiiine iietl
te Millions home I ix the latter h wife.
I h.iM'n't a. big 11 h"iid as
' flnniietl llcnlen. '
.1 mi
-- -
1 evil l inftti nence ADPIICn
Decision Reserved en Motion te
Vacate Judgment
I'liidilieep.le. N. V.. Nev. 10. (By
A. V Siipieme Court .Iiisticn Mor Mer
H'lMUsei' li'STXeil tlecUlnSi today oil II
motion made by teiinsel for .liimcK A.
Stillman te xauite the judgment in the
Ktilllii'in ensp.
ll.11 1 Mum. Nev, 10. Beprcsentti-
tlvcs nt vniieus hi IieiiIh of liiedicilii'S nnd
allied l.rtiti'hts .M-.tenluy dUcusscd wltl
IDi. l-'in'tnin and ether State nifiilals a
piepi-sn! hill te Include nil branches In
n beard of 1 Miminat ion efcilucittlf.il and
licensure, I lie he. ml would be known
ns one dealing with nil healing nrt.
Tiir. ,im eii ark uiokine vnit HAV
i" '"''"'' ." ina lltip
Wanttti columns ea
. KjsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS
' ' BllllllllllllllllllllllllllllV
PslllllV'' BllllllllllllllllllllH
i " v Tii hni'ii uiMr'Tv? i t i r
Hisvr n iMMUWkilA
Six Others of Wayt and Mtant
Committee Prevented Prem
Attending Yesterday
Three of the ntas Bnbtn of the
Ways and Means Cemmlttss of the
Sesqul-CentennUl Assedttlea attended
the meeting yesterday afteraoea In the
Bellevue- Stratford.
The sis ether members, u well M
Colonel D'Ollcr, who president of
the associated Is an tofOfBde tnseber
of the committee, sent te Edward
Robins, the secretary, the reasons which
prevented them from attending.
Colonel D'Ollcr wns in New Yerk In
the interests of his firm. Judge Bonnl Bennl
well was also ln New Yerk, conferring
with Matthew Brush in reference te the
Sesipii-centcnnini. Jean l'. Connelly
nnd J. S. W. Holten were out of the
city en business.
Mrs. Rudelph Dlanksnburg attributed
the small attendant te the change of
thc meeting day from Wednesday te
"I was all prepared te attend the
meeting Wednesday afternoon when I
learned it hnd been changed, " she said.
"I hnd arranged te address the Cen
shoheeken Weman's Club at their
twenty-fifth anniversary celebration,
and, of course, couldn't change my
nlnns. It is the first BemuI-Centennial
meeting I ever missed."
Geerge r . Helmes, president of the
Bennl of County Commissioners, was
attending a meeting of Council where
his budget was being presented. Ellis
A. Glmbcl wns unable te ba nresent
because of the death of Jacob Gimbel.
The three members who attended,
the chairman, Ernest T. Trigg, Jules
Mestbnuni nnd Themas Robins, held an
informal discussion for two hour,
transacted routine business nnd then
adjourned. The nest meeting day of
thc committee is in doubt, as Mr. Trigg
plans te go te Atlantic City en business
next week.
On November 21 the Beard of Di
rectors will held its monthly meeting.
Owners in 18th, 19th and 31st
Wards AppartsQtly 8eem Satisfied
Few residents of the Etslitcenth.
N'ineteenth and Thirty-first Wards ap
peared in the Benl Instate Assessors' of
fice in t ity linn today te pretest
iiealnst assessments plneed en their
iireiterties for HUH. The number of
appeals received Indicated that resi
dents of the section, the Lewer Ken
sington district, arc generally satis
fied. The new Frnnkferd "I. touches n
number of the properties in these wards,
but notwithstanding this fact assess
ments were net materially Increased.
W. J. Barten nnd Jehn .1. McUuauc
me the assessors sitting today, the only
day en which appeals mny be taken for
the F.lghtcenth Werd, while Fred
Schwartz and l'ntrlclt IJonelioe nic
ii8-es.sers for the Nineteenth and Thir-tv-fir-t
Wards. Monday assessors of
tlie Twenty-fifth, Thirty-third and
Forty-fifth Wards will be nt the As
sessors' office te hear appeals.
marysmTth lockweod,
Last Survivor of Greup That
Formed Organization In 1890
Plymouth. Mass., Nev. 10. (By A.
V.) Mrs. Mary Smith Lockwood,'
founder of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, died yestcrduy nt the
Jet dnn Hospital, where she bad been
a patient since September. She was 01
yours eiu.
Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood. "Little
Mether te the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution," was the last survivor
if the little group of eighteen women
patriots who organized that neuy mere
than thirty years age; sne was also
nn netive ngure in tue women a
Republican organization and a noted
Mary Lockwood wei born at Chau
tauqua, N. Y.. In 1831, a daughter
ut the Inmeus tsmitn tnnuiy. leumiers
of Smith College. Her ancestors were
warriors. Her great -grandfather was
a Rcwilutlennrr wldler; her grand
father lest his life ln the battle of
Black Rork, in which her father also
fought, nnd her Husband. Henry Lock Leck Lock
eid, was a soldier in the Civil War.
It wns in her home in Washington
in 1WXI thnt a group of eighteen women
met and founded the Dnughteis of thc
American Revolution that new numbers
lT-'.OfKt women.
Mrs. Emily Louise De Ferest
ruiiernl serlces will be held nt I'.
e'i lock tomorrow nflernoen fnr Mrs.
Kially Louise De Ferest, widow of Dr.
llliam Abernethy De lercl. of New
I Ynrl- nt tln liimie of her dnusbter. Mrs
WllIt01. MfT. Ix,,.kw0eri. l!i West
' I.nm aster aenue, Wayne. Mrs. De
rnr(is, w, ,md bee), Mng ,, ,)(r
,,!,.,. fr ,)C ,1)gt hxirvn months.
i.ecnme 111 nbeut n month age nnd died
lllKt ThurHtliiv. Shu wns n native et
Virginia and n daughter of the lnte
("nptaln Uonseii Blddle. The body will
be taken te the Ue forest plot in Uen-
lu.r,jrnt Monday for burial. Mr. and
..jrki Lockwood are the only survivors
Mrs. Sarah E. Ketttewoed
Mil. Sarah B. Kettleweml. ninety
one jc.us old. died psterdu at lier
residence at 'J" North Sixty-second
(triel, after one week's) illness. nw H
wirvhed b one dntiKhter. Mis. Mary
Barthnldl. one ernndehlld and two sreat-
Briindchlldren. Kunernl services will be
held tomorrow nfternoen at the house.
Intei incut will be made In the burial
ground adjoining Old Swedes' Church.
,Sw:inMiii and Christian streets.
1 Henry O. Cerens
j,.nr.v ft. Cozens, who was the eldest
JlvlnK ,,. bcr nf Rebert A. Kainbvrten
i,.,!,,,,. v0. 4S7. v nmi ,x. m fiiMi
Tiiesthiy at Newark. N. .1. Mr. Cozens
hail never recovered from the effects
of an automobile accident Inst .lune. In
wlili h he Miffeied a broken lee. lie hud
been 11 member of Bel.ert K. I.nmbertiui
I.ndge lift.x-ene jenrs. Formerly he
was pifsldriit of the National Asn Asn
elatien of Stationary Engineers. Mr.
Cozens was seventy-nine years old. and
was nein in I'hiladclphla.
Captain L. Frank Barry
New Yeik, Nev. 10. Captain h.
Frank Harry, n-venty-seven yenrs elj.
trade jeurnnt publisher, editor and
Civil War xeternn. died yestenhiy. In
1V7H he feundeil the Nexv Yerk I)allv
Market Bepnrt and Inter the llrm of
I,. Ft .ink Barry & Sens, afterwards
the I'mer, Harry Company, of which
be wuti president. Ue was also mar
ket editor of the Journal of Commerce.
lie leaves hu wlfe and a son and daugh
ter. pn veiT xv.xnt a csiqi AUTeunniLET
The cltin1 culumni of th Tubllc Lidast
ilrt ,mi of th but brfin u b (eaai
9 IffdtJ Cart en pas M. sv.
Enthusiasm Prevails as Stu
dents Plan for Big Football
Qame Tomorrow
An atmosphere of enthusiasm spread
ercr the University of Pennsylvania
campus today, heralding Penn's foot feot foet
ballgame with University of Pittsburgh
en Franklin Field tomorrow, one of the
most important games en the Pcnn
schedule. ...
Dawn today revealed the sidewalks,
walls of buildings, fences, the whole
landscape about the University adorned
with signs painted in huge letters,
"Beat rut."
If inspiration from the students Is
what is needed te mike the team win,
as some seem te think, since the un
timely defeat of last week at the hands
of Alabama, the Pitt game has already
been added te Penn's victory column.
The sophomore class, assembled In
Welghtman Hall at 1:10 o'clock thla
afternoon, gave vent te its sentiments
about the approaching battle. This
assemblage was addressed by Acting
Provest Pcnniman and' Captain "Pes"
Miller, of thjr varsity.
The big rally will come tonight,
when the entire student body will gather
In the "Quad" at 0:45 o'clock, when
preparations for "skinning the Pan
ther" will be made.
Speakers will be "Vlnee" Stevenson,
Penn's greatest quarterback; "Jack"
Mtnds, all-Amerlcan captain of thc 1012
team, and ether former stars of the
A red light parade will fellow the
meeting In the Quad and thc precession
will cover the entire campus. Led by
Head Cheer Leader Clark, the students
will Visit the various student nnd fra
ternity houses and snap will be added
te the parade by the University Band.
"We teat the Navy, new beat Pitt!"
"Let's put Pittsburgh In a pit:"
"We'll pnn th Panthers!" These and
many ether signs adorn the sidewalks
and walls along the streets leading from
the West Philadelphia station te the
University enmpus. They nre painted
about the sidewalks around City Hall
and nt the p"mit:ent places en the
University of Pennsylvania rampus.
In front of the Housten Club, a huge
gallows is painted en the sidewalk in
Red and Blue. A limp Panther labelled
"Pitt" hangs suspended from the beam,
just as the Navy goat hung In effigy
two weeks age.
The "Bent Pitt" buttons will net be
worn this year, however. The student
government body decided that these
were a jinx, nnd therefore, they are
Slayer, About te Be Hanged, Dis
plays Nerve te Last
Fmlcrlrk, Md., Nev. 10. -(By A.
P.) While a vast threnir clamored out
side the walls nnd bent upon the doers?!
for admission te the jail yard. William,
A. Stiilta was hanged here this mnrn
Ini; for thc murder of Policeman .lelin
II. Adams. Sttiltz maintained iron
nerve te the last. As the shroud was
placed around him in his cell he said :
"Let's ke."
He carried a basin of water te the
gallows in which he washed his fact- and
hand-, declaring this would puire him
of his i-ln-i. He then launched into
abuse of leenl authorities and blnmcil
them for causing his crime.
JOHN lldt.tinoei: KASHV. In tl," TOth iraf
P1UI1V Kt A !,. I ill... . ..
Crap. I. W.h an, XMae st, . ; Si!
emit nmwr,. ' "" '"" '
K.SFWXeSr: ?., J?.? :!AM.;s. hus-
rJ:i.d" TL'nl U";l ,0. "" tunVraf' vftftl
rJurlmm St.. Mt Airy. .Sn.emn mom. nf w.
iiulrm at Helv, t're i rimrchVlO A. M. m
UllU'nTH. Nev. ti. 1HS2. JACOH r I....
Iisn.1 nf .Will- J. Or iriui (nte eVrfniVV
nelullM." unit frt.nl, tnsluil tf" ntteml V M'
It-Ill S ft.Mh .t. snh!A. U.,.!:'..1''"'"'".
t rinirch or ti me fin ..;;; . T '"
111:1 1'Kt - Oil N-IV. (I. 11IS2 MARV ,,'ir
Clisstr ave. Intsrm-f t IVfnv Seil' rvU ?
Bfinulns mav In- vlfwwi pundi.v ..fi..f??."r
" ' -'- --fS a -' aTT A
Predominant Quality
J The most interesting
assortment of REAL
overcoats is at Reed's.
Never have we or our
customers been se thor
oughly pleased with
their wonderful ap
pearance, style and
diversity of fabric.
Ifl There are types suited
for men of widely vary
ing ideas Slip-en
Coats, Ulster Types
with full or half belt;
Chesterfields and Dress
Overcoats in all the cor
rect and approved over ever over
eoating cloths.
Prices hecin ery mederntrk- 'i-ia --j ... 1 ,,..
i. ,., ... eui or ' - "" "- ""'v- I'Muueni
SttjL"5;!!!.?30 t!,"c urc .! I"
w ..
tht Lamp Mezzantn " v"fj
newly completed )
SltYOI 1
Tlie entire time and attention of this
organization is given te SPECIALIZ
ING In Furniture, and that helps ye'i
te realize the advantages in both
quality and low prices. We would ap
preciate your inspection positively no
obligation en your part te buy.
Charge Accounts Solicited
UseeI IlirlMf Ph) 1 IliJ gM IllHJfcH I
M tmdwpshmmzw MgjgffHL
ii m i 1 1 si w.'ijsmi jfii iiirai
627 Market Street
Walnut StrecO'
. r(feihMttifnnc
The Football Season
A Perfect Autumn Day Stalwart Men en the
Football Field and animated Yeung Women
in smart Outdoor Costumes from Gidding
complete the setting at the College Stadium.
TOP COATS and CAPES of imported Londen fab
vies in mixtures, plaids and checks.
THREE-PIECE COSTUMES with fur-trimmed
Russian Blouse Ceals worn ever draped frocks.
FUR COATS short or swalhingly long of beige
and white caracul, nutria, Hudsen Seal nnd Mele.
,.., cxciusixc creations which ate most
is open for inspection by these whe
appreciate .exquisite lighting.
It provides consistent environment
for a collection of lamps Which few
dealers in the world can exhibit
wonderful combinations of orig
inality, utility and artistic excel
lence, created by our own designers.
It is hoped that Philadelphia will
fully inform themselves of the wide
scope of this department and its
beautiful contents by leisurely ex
J. ECaldwell & Ce.
(hi .
ATcui Ver&
Uieud Street
wvwvar -
&&- O-
'S J'
ruins at I tat
th. hlSh price
liRure. In
d pouts.
l fW- (J,,,