MX T'WPWfaV 4 f . .?& L fi KiilV PPM, .co Blocked In Attempt te rrt with the Late join force. - Oanerel Murgula MEETS DEATH IN BATTLE rVlOhe round- "f. rtbeie who have menaced the IX!! Obren hns new 23m "at the life of General Juan fL lender of the rebellious fee 275m 'the west coast and partlc K the State of Slnalen. ffli Wield yesterday, together Jh etrcn of his men, in a hw fiSeraHorcesatOuamuchlllte In 3L sSe of Durange. Net long ego It Sti.toed that CarraBCe wns nt M, e non "ith General Mur ffi the rebel luender who was cop cep executed last week. "Sk. announcement of the pnsslng of v2l "ame te the War Office Inyt 2K?S,m General Jnnn Terres, led SrtSSndw in the Durnnge region. Siflerernment soldiers surprised Car Car Mdnwnantsef his band of thir Kflrt men, quickly scatters after n Sinlnary encounter In which several "Md and flre were taken prls JSn Seng with a qunntlty of military Tweril troops are pursuing these i , et away. General Terres re &fthnt hTs casualties In the com fit amounted te only two Injured, officials hail reckoned (WhiA"rt"18!?t,cl?? Mte in eriniv - !. JT.Mlt of late there came reports of Kn holding up Southern Pacific ?i.. iHmii from rsazatlnn te the mini operating from Nazatlnn te the firftr Depredations wreugui Dy war mim have long been a constant em Wrtiiment te the Government. TJeneral Candlde Agullar, sen-ln-lnw tl former President Carrnnza and a. wll.knewn rebel, la new being seupht it the Federal forces. The newspapers 2., reported him operating In the ttttt of Vera Crus during the last few Ki with a small force of men. Wipatches lest night from .Telapn, Vera Oat, te the newspaper Excelsior Mitnly t Bsnderllla, ten kilometers inn J1P"', ,ll0.t,-f0,ig ',' .for ,ht' ftunUlns Kith the Federals in pur- Nit. EMPLOYES HOLD FROLIC 1100 te Attend Smith, Kline & French Ce.'s Masquerade Tonight Eoplercs of the Smith. Kllnn & finch Company, wholesale druggists iBd manufacturing pharmacists, with tltfr wires and sweethearts, will be isnti of the Him tonight at the com- Saj't annual masquerade frolic in mm Auditorium, 1312 North Bread itfHt About 1500 persons In fancy garb will attend and compete for the tbirty tn prixes offered for the most attract In costumes. la addition ie unncing, two one-act Uts will be presented. Empleyes of At company's laboratories will stage inuilcul act, "The Garden Cabaret," wllle the store workers will present a nmtdy entitled "Sis Hepkins' Iniew." TYpB I J 2 L mtrZuWWuuwKr Corena Typewriter (New) BMlna In All Nikti of n .25 nine! ei urffH TYPEWRITERS from $ C-00 up Guaranteed One Year LIBERTY TYPEWRITER M M,1LcCJ.VhCTr W. L. I'rlcUtt 1029 Cheitnut St., Phila. rhen, rtlbart ASM Corena I Atonal Writing Machine ji iJMu,mAV,r7lJ m Let the Whole f mily Enjoy the- "We.t Ii6re Credit Terms m America" Thanksgiving is near, 8e get rendu new Dresses Spert Coati Fall Suits, rn"'t twin,' t'bli, ' t .SO ttp $17 Men'i Suit. & 0'Cetii SfV-ViCSSS! $25 TO $50 Alterations Free htlllM !... iJ. VAJJI r. MITT GWELV & FlTZGEMLD ku. ... . ciethi.V. ". iun4t EmUnJpMB MODEL SEEKS DiMihfeft OF $100,000 FOR LOST LOVE Fermer Aetreei Aoeuiee Jeweler of reaeh of Premise New Yet, Nev. lO.MIss Edna Beulalne, a model, acting through her attorney, Richard N1. Campbell, filed n breach of premise suit for $100,000 In the Supreme Court against Jules Rueff, of Rueff Brethers, Fifth nrenue jew elers. Miss Boulnlne nllegcs that she met Rueff In May, 1010. and that they became engaged a ehert time after ward. She anys he premlaed te marry her, but repeatedly postponed the date. Miss Boulnlne has n number of letters that she declares were sent by. Rueff while he was traveling in thin country and Europe. Counsel for Mr. Rueff de nies the charges of Miss Beulnlne, One of thwe letters, which she re ceived en February 2, 1020, from Hu vnnn, read : "Am certainly lonesome for you nnd I rim thinking of you nil the time. "Hew I wwh I had you here te keep me company, as regardless of what you might have heard about this city it Is certainly as lonesome a place ns a human being can be in. Yeu tell me te tvlWwl be careful and net lese an eye. WeilJ mis rccommpnaatien is hardly neces sary, na T hni . . ... l...l.i. that leeks geed te me." TO ORGANIZE BIRD CLUB Meeting Tonight Plana te Conserve Feathered Sengatera The Fnlrmeunt Park Bird Club will be erganised at n meeting this evening t me wermnniewn l. M. c. 0840 Gcrraantewn avenue. junyare Henry will preside. The purpose of this organisatien will be te conserve the nntlve birds which are found In nnd about Philadelphia. Ernest Hareld. Bayncs, of Merlden. IN. II., will address the assemblage and will show lantern slides depleting vari ous phases of bird life; A. nt Mr. ELM MAN ACCUSED OF ATTEMPT TO KILL WIFE Police te Told She Wae Driven AIAa mA !! Bptelal Dtnatch te Kvtntnt IMtHe tdOr Atlantle Citjr, Nev. 10. Charged with attempting te hill his wire, wne is in . tAtia AAflfllftAfi ha MUllltt OX wounds en the head, Alfonse Zrlllie, iwrniy"i, wn arrcsieu ui uib iw Kim yesterday. . . . Police say tlint Mrs. Zrlllie told tnem Zriltle Wednesday ccenlng said be was going te Williamatewn and Insisted that were en the wrong rei questioned her husband. ueroencu evr uunuunu. Amwintln in tkm ntnr thm tela tnO State police, rlllle ignored her until di titimmi they were rSear Parkdale, StereWg the car, djiiuw, sne saia, u ragged ner u in road and declared. ''This is .Where your life ends." Pulling n blackjack from his pocket he rained blows en her face una eenu. ine woman said sne leagm back, until n noise In the weeds caused Zrlllie te step. Lifting her Inte the machine Zrillle 'If you' PfeT, ,.'' ,W M-Mill JTO ''"' ' she sold, started for home telling her: eu'tell anybody about this, I'll mm 7i kill you and If they get , I'll jet somebody else that will get you ana ii you tell the Statepellce, I'll kill them." He then thrust her through the deer of. their home and pulling tee deer be hind him left the house. Staggering out the back deer Mrs. Zrillle hurried te the home of Justice of the Peace Beardman, where she swore out a warrant for her husband's arrest. .F B'MA mtmrnfMm ,, (; , - y vj.yrtgyg?? i.C- ".'.'.v. .?? '. L'd IIIINIIIIIHIHIHIIIHIIIIIIIIimTp W.IUrJDfflPia gallrDeun Etareli Beeerdi. Vtmple.Sia S Mrii w rHEN truck driver beaats about thousands of milesfpewerrul, sliplesa traction and real cush ioning down te the last mile, he's talking about hit Goodyear Cord Truck Tires. Ji it one of llit eemplttt tint of Goodyear Truck Tim told end strrlctd by your Goedytmr Truck Tire D eater. Fer Sale by O'BRIEN & HOOVER, Inc. Dlatrlbuler 22d and Race Streets PHILADELPHIA Friday and Saturday Special $125 Premier Phonograph Like Illustration '68 Down Easy Tem$ for the Balance Liberal Cash Discount ?e!5?.iiWe,,t-,JneWn Instruments n.fiL'U htlt.ul wax mahogany ielLs.h.' .fu" rlch tene a"d every J .es.1 i,nnrevement. Yeu have . ... se an1 "ear them te h?,iS,V?t "'. value cZnet be equalp.1 uny where. U buy. PhLre ,you Bet exclusive wteBIa,,h ?t0T Service, which menna abselute satisfac tion after purchase. "",ac sv xa win 5sv "" S III Ji II a ill SHANNON Building Sold Forced te Move Our lease will seen expire and we must reduce our stock. All our Quality Hardware will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Your Opportunity Sale New On J. B. Shannen Hardware Ce. 816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia M Order Early. Supply Is Limited Retail Distributors of Senera Phonographs Sold en Wldener's Easy Terms 1109 Chestnut St 19 S. rs OS IT TSOAY Make it a point te phone ug for a de lightful ride through Falrmennt Park JEW ETT edcihrjfiySix 'Built byTai&t Have the driver take you up the Park way, watch the flexibility of the meter at the frequent traffic steps. Watch her "pick up" or throttle down. It is a 50 h. p., 6-cylinder Paigebullt meter that makes the Jewett "the wonder car of America," at $995, f. e. b. factory. Call Sprue 1410 for a Demonstration OPEN EVENINGS COY A.WIU"V MfTOR C8 Jaige and Jetoett Distributors BR9AO STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA diignen utaitri a. E3KS. OIBBOWa AUTO WORKS CLAHX'B OAKAGS J2&S - wa. aig.enuru a?e. i i iouriewp, ra. vCc5 i j gDBmiin 1 gBlPAY. NOVKMItKB ie, 1022. Htere Opens at 0 A. M. CIem at BiSO P. M. ff I Snellenburgn xM ENTIREBLOCK- MARKET Hre2Hf STREETS L p 4'73 W0 $1.95 $4.75 350 SBOAO ST. PAIQE SALES CO suiv oeum ureia Mt. rzweiL koteh cehfakt M8 North 03l Nt. 0TT8EAV BTKZ8 HOTO CO. 4i'23 K. Uretd Ht. BaOOXXAM'B OARAOE 0r. Hilnti St. ad Btestaa At. OXBSOK'S AuTO W0BS3 88S3 ll.rerterd AT.. ASTKVa J. XEABS mm b. eirn ni. ORR OAREOtL SOIL IS H. CbKlwIek Nt. SIMONS HAWKE SOIT N. nnt Of. , KOHKEASr OABAOE MADDEW'S OAXAOK Ttnctft.r At., nryn Mawr CLAHX'B OAR Ad E riourtewa, r. Tt V... Jannet Call rnen. HtttmheuiB 8T6S f n FaiUl Chestnut i Fridtj 4 Stterd7 Ertsisii. Open Evcninfi 19 S. 52d St "HeniMtcIc' ssVUflssI tasaakwra BSSi Care This is what 6568 orphans and destitute children are ask ing. 11,744 aged, blind and homeless also put the question te you. Unless the people of Philadelphia give every penny of $2,766,195.26 needed by the 124 organizations in th e Welfare Federation, the work must be curtailed. Will Yeu De Your Share? If you gave last year YOU helped these children and un fortunates. Yeu also assisted in caring for 346,324 sick in 29 hospitals; YOU sent nurses en 340,420 visits of mercy and aided tens of thousands in protective, preventive, community and recreational work. 723,160 individuals were helped. The second annual campaign is drawing te a close. Manv thousands of dollars must be raised. Will YOU de your share? r m 1 I Wonderful Christmas Stocks of sr em DOLLS J-Jrtfwia! riSTj -tv Tf1M $1.50 fiiesBE il s 1 illi $2.50 7 VOU hoot net tinned a muhmfvinHn-M mw( ;11 .mm m'... f mxi have sianed, pettibly you may cart te increase your eubterlflten. If you) November , 1922 In consideration of the subscriptions of there te the WELFARE FEDERA TION OP PHILADELPHIA. ' I pm, I yH. I subscribe the sum of payable quarterly en January 1, 1028. April 1, 1928, July 1, 1M aai October 1,. 1928, or as fellows Signature 1923 Business Address Hema Address fvw-"w.v.vv.,,,,vwt( PUass cut out and maU ; WELFARE FEDERATION OF PHILADELPHIA 246 Seuth Fifteenth Street iSi3fcfcfc3fc3 New Ready In Tey town! Thousands and Thousands of Them WW M eft essiM. M walking Dells Talking Dells Dressed and Undressed Dells Every Kind of Delly te Make the Kiddie Happy for Christmas And All At Special Lew Anniversary Prices Nete These Typical Values "Sweet Nell" Dell Special at .$1.95 She has the nrettiear. fAv ami ie en ;m., t,:u .,11.. jointed, with sleepmnr eyes and eyelashes and curly wip. Complete with slippers and stockings. "Delly Dorethy" Dell Special at $1.50 20 inches high, fully jointed, with sleeping eves and eyelashes and a pretty curly wig. Complete with slippers and stockings. ' Beautiful Stately "Queen Frances" Dells Fully jointed, with sleeping eyes and eyelashes, and a pretty curly wig. Complete with slippers and stockings. 24-Inch Dell, Special at $2.50 " With voice 23-Inch Dell, Special at $3.15 24-Inch Dell, Special at $3.75 Jointed Undressed Dell Special at $1.50 ..ItJi.S,1. W long curls of real .... ..m v. jv.wu lul auppers ana ateckings. The Famous Mama "Effanbee" and "Madame Hendren" Dells Unbreakable-and all dressed-up in the prettiest crepe or organdie dresses and rompers with slippers and stock ings. 17-Inch "Mama" Dell, $3.50 20-Inch "Mama" Dell, $4.75 Kid Bedy Dells Special at $2.50 ti f inChe8i higS' m0ving eye8 and eyeIaaw. with beau tiful long curls. Complete with slippers and aWktaiT Infant Dells "Baby Blanche" Character Infant Dells Special at $1.15 14-inch sitting dell with sleeping eyes. "Baby Ella" Infant Character Dell Sitting dell with sleeping eyes and wjf . 14-Inch Dell, Special at $1.25 1 7-Tnnri Tlll CM:nl -j. en s When Delly" is sick don't forget te visit our "Dell Hospital T Take the Moving Stairs llUcr lw, Ji i "F UU UOSpitM W Take the Moving Stairs Direct te tovtewTTI SNELLENBUfcG SnellendureS "Tertamm,' Fewrtk FImt 1 Vvl f , n y COjHHKHi ;N, SNitUJtNBUEG A 1 , S.1 BBBl jg u W ,f5 V ;l?M !.. T , i 'ti"'t .11 If' . tLH 14 TJf; 1