Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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    fl1:' . With a Purse
5ee Daw in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Mt UiUfuuii;0 " . ..
-vaauvBirw-. im vnnr
'"-i.ti.w "" r .:.
rers i.t "rswsK:
1? . .K J. JSfeliwwd,
RaDlant " ATh.r would be eve
MpldKU ...... V.
SLthir in I1 ?4 newder. and the
-BB - ...
d;L PrnfltS
W.tfSS rdS from their
.fWick ?cK?-.!ji of velour. Thus
"fejJlmS 5d Mef had lnt-
bUekn, nd binck afternoon
PttfEVfnEt t Oriental cloth In
'.imnW bct by Insets this yir.
SfwSS 'd "th "tnartcst trimming
JTtert Sewing
. .!.t lttep my Ironing beard and
1 '.''Vh. .Vwlni room when drct-
flood HeuseUceplnn.
Interesting Women
BK rltect with n flourish fleurish
bjbuitaeii in Sewlerk City.
Miu Martha Peteraderf has been
,iSrf In charge of the newly ergnnlwd
& of maternal and Infant hygiene
J tii wye'n stat0 Beard et "calth
Ennble Ta te
Bey Anything Anywhere and
Pay Us en Easy Terms
Keem 21 and SSa
mmm Mltmmtm
Nfcb r Indoor
M. klw. u
np mi wvrfcwiMWMiv.
JLDta. Chain, f 5,5a
Hit Arai Obatri, 7,50
KOMrtt ceain. g,ge
JMflnri m Rub Chsr. (t Kitra
ape ww iiB
w""ji wieer ratf. v. hi
De Yeu Knew
We price our portraits te
diiceurage the cheapest com
petition, but we make them
te beheld as examples of the
finest in our art.
Fer Christmas Gifts, by
appointment, until Dec. 1, we
will make 3 of our 7" x 11"
portraits for 3. An unusual
offer for a Champlnin por
Pher. Walnut 1219
W 1
your portrait bu
$12. a dozen
1626 Chestnut St.
0' unuiucil
niitincti e n
fni chsrm.
In BUck
V r. P e .
,v'h blue
fft Din.
mB? nd
jriking old
...v.r gtr.
m ax
V 11 V
, A-
M2 Chestnut St.
i.ua.wamm..mu.a "-"m" m-iinvnfMmiii.imimT. ill i rii i nun iniiimiiiii
SS r. mn m a ra
T ! ln.IIB ane.iiii
Fashionable Shoes for
Women at $5 te $6.50
All Made Especially for Wanamaker's
Shoes That Fit, That Wear Well, That Loek Right
$5 for geed oxferda of tan calf, black calf and black kid. Made with
all-leather welted soles and low or Cuban heels.
$5 for one-strap pumps thut many women will wear all Winter in place
of oxfords. Made of patent leather, tan or black calfskin and black kid.
$6.50 for one and two strap pumps of tan calf, black calf and patent
$6 for one-strap and cress-strap pumps of black calf, black satin and
patent leather with the dainty turned soles and covered heels that women
like for dress. i
$6.50 for even mere desirable dress pumps of black satin, white kid,
black brocade, patent leather, black calf and combinations of patent leather
with brocade. They have one strap, turned soles and baby Leuis heels.
Exclusively in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere, Chestnut
And Exceptionally Geed at These Lew Prices
$3.50 S3
These Beys' Shoes Have
Rubber Heels
$1 for tan leather lace shoes with welted soles and wide tees,
uizes 1 te 6.
S4 for dark tan elkskin school shoes for hard wear; welted
soles, sizes 1 te G.
$3.25 for tan leather lace shoes with welted soles, sizes 10
te 136. , , ,
$3.75 for tan elkskin or tan calfskin lace shoes with welted
soles, sizes 10 te'13H.
(Down HtalM Hterit for Men, en the Gntlrrr, Juit Inutile Hie Subway deer)
Children's Shoes, $2 te $5.75
$2 te 84 for Infants' ?hers in black kid, black calf, tan calf,
brown kid, white leather and white buckskin, patent leather with
white tops. Priced according te size nnd leather.
$3.75 te $5.75 for children's tan, black calf nnd patent leather,
some of the last combined with white tops; sizes small 0 te big C,
priced according te size and leather.
Girls9 Shoes, $2.75
Tan or black leather lace shoes for school. Sizes C te 1.
(Down Slnlrn Mere, Mirntnut)
Geed Shoes That Men Are
Mightily Glad te Get at $5
Yeu ought te hear what men have te say about them. They're se
different, se much better value than any shoes they have known of
since before the war.
Geed solid leather. Rubber heels attached. Exceptionally comfortable,
geed-looking lasts.
$5 for men's black kidskin lace shoes in blucher style with welted soles
and rubber heels attached.
$5 for men's black grain leather lace shoes in brogue style with
straight tips, welted soles, rubber heels attached.
$5 for men's tan leather lace shoes, brogue style with outside wing
tips, welted soles and rubber heels attached.
$5 for men's tan grain leather brogue oxfords with wide tee, straight
tips, welted soles, rubber heels attached.
(Down Stair Mere for Men, en Hi flullery, Markrt)
Men 's and Women 's Spats, 75c
Less than half last year's price. Correct colors and styles.
Kight and ten button ones for women, six-button ones for men.
(Down Stiilr Sler, Clir-.lniit, ami Men'i Onllrry. Mnrkrt)
A Thousand Fine New Coats for Women and as Many
New Dresses, Quarter, Third and Half Less
Broken "lets" of fine garments which the makers cannot new dupli- rs f e
cate, have just been turned ever te us te sell at the lowest prices of the 44r-dv ifeL -SO
season, rar ieu iimay uu ucscnuc eaua unui jviim seu lur yuurseil :
Tomorrow, Saturday, is the last day of this Great Half-Yearly Fashion
Sale. It's high time te be thinking of that Thanksgiving Day coat and
dress !
Women's Fur-Trimmed Coats
$25 te $65
Belivia coats witsh large beaver cellars nnd embroidered cuffs or witli .-hawl cel- rt
!ats and cuffs of nutria ate in blouse-back, draped and ether new styles; both popular 'Sf'fe'S
colors and black, all very specially priced pJJ
Belivia wrappy ceatn with nutria cellars nnd cutis and with loose satin-lined panels edged
with wide bands of the fur, like the picture; also new coats with fur-cloth Tr. a.
tops combined with belivia skirts; all with interesting style features in K
sleeves and se en; very specially priced J' tJJ
Kelhin coats with, short shawl cellar and cufr.s cf gray squirrel are particu
larly slender s-.nd'smart at
If $l IF V $16,3f iff
Belivia coats with caracul, black Manchurian wolf-deg, nutria ai.d ljctip-.tjVe(i cone
trimmings, are lined with crepe dc chine, penu de eygnt- and satin, and come in blouse "bad- enn'"
sleeve, slender silhouette and conservative belted styles, plain, stitched or elnbe- (Ucin 'r s
lately embroidered; both regular and extra iizc3 amen;; them; a large and in- & -V& KB a
j TX tercsting collection, very specially priced Yt"-'awU
'A l Velour coats with big cellars of bc-avev-dyed ceney, al.--e double-breasted coats of tftP
$23 jdMl W $ imported tweeds with silk, lining, also belivia capes with crepj de chinu lining and black TX
dyed skunk opossum cellars, very specially priceJ 4J
Women 's Dresses in Many
New Fashions, $5 te $38.50
Fascinating dresses at $5; wool velour skirts with bro
caded velveteen bodices; wool, velour dresses with Chinese
picture-stitched bodices ; wool jersey dresses with tiny lace
cellars, navy blue serge with embroidery; sizes 14 te 42
among them, all very specially priced, Si.
Serge drv&tca with Mr.art Paisley silk bedices: another iiyv ship
ment of this popular style; sizes 14 te 'Mi, nt S7.85.
Velveteen dresnes with Paisley &ilk bodices, 810.
Velveteen drcstt-s with geld or silver brocade bodice, I'eiiet
twill, and wool vclevr frocks with embroidery at Sl.'J.JO.
l-'ine cloth drehses, meie than a tliird under the stuudurd price,
mostly Peiret twill, very carefully tailored and usually tiimmcd with
braid, j-izes up te 40, all $10.50".
Velveteen dresses with the new voluminous sleeve flounces or
with deep bands of Egyptian embroidery in geld colored thread and
with medieval aprons having the Fame embroidery, and in rnan
ether styles, sizes up te 40 among them, all $25.
Lnce and ether dinner and evening frocks of chiffon and pastel
colored taffeta are delightful at M5, $10.50, SI 8.25 up te $:i8.30.
Chiffen velvet and linv sample dresses, M8.50.
C'repp de chine, satin-back crepe, brocaded silk-and-wool crepe,
Peiret twill frocks -u whole section devoted te them, at the cty low
prices of $9.73, $15, $10.50, $18.25.
(Iimii Mi'lr Mere. MnrUrl)
'Round the Cleck With
New $5 Hats
Seft duveiync sports hats in slightly drooped fhape.,
te wear a-sheppmg or lev liusmesi.
Sports Coats, $10 te $42.50
Cheeked tweed coats with shawl cellars of rac- sum cellars at J'.'IO, and a great vaiir-v i ," ceed '
i oeii, $42.30; evernlaid tweed with Australian epes- warm twevd coat- without furs at SID "te .s-j7.,-,e. '
Luxurious Wraps :
with platinum wolf, black fox, gray squirrel and beauutiful beaver. Biaek, naw, giav Sorreu'o
and brown. Prices $03 upward.
S2" TirC" $:13-r, '' A 5""A V $57.5eBR
vn u jn
SK"j- y u
(Iluwn Sl.ilr Meri-, Mnrl.et)
Women's Marmet Coats Have a Loek of
Luxury Far in Excess of Their
Moderate Price, $90
Kine full-furred mat met coats, richly brown, with pleat-ant hish ligfit.-,. where 'Aw .(,...., Gf t;
ir catches the reflection of light and .shade. Diep cellar-1. :'0 inches long. " ' "
$110 lO-inch marmot coats with rnccoen cellar- and iiilK 1 iu
$120 1 3. inch marmot coats with raccoon cellars and (-tiffs' i n
40-inch natural nurdtrat coals $125 ' '
10-lnch marmot coats.
I.'cinch marmot coats.
(I)un l.ilr M.re, Murliel)
Close-lltting metal brocaded tetjucs te smntten up one's ticet
Larger, softly shirn-d vtlvet,
velvets with the ne'.v tainiflied
metal ribbon bows, eUvt with
plume-like trimminus of feathery
ostrich trailing te the shoulder.
Velvet hats Inrger Ktill quite
large and adorably drooped.
Crowned with cloth of silver and
draped with metal lace which
falls in soft scallops ever the
brim. Levely for formal after
noon and restaurant wear.
These and st i-i-ere or mere
styles for every lintir of the day
and every occasion of the dawn
ing holiday season. All most
amazingly just $5.
(lien ii Kliilr Stere, .Miirl.il
Extra-Heavy Cowhide Suit Cases
and Traveling Bags, Specially
Geed at $10.75
Suit cases of tan cowhide ate
24 inchea long and 8 inches deep;
very capacious. Twe stout leather
straps fasten with brassed
buckles and reinforee the two end
catches: thu center handle is
leather and wears well; straps
nnd comers are nil hand bewii.
Lineue lined, anirt pocket in ltd.
C,' ifl
Artificial Silk Scarfs
Less Than Hall" Pttee
Just tin pleasantest kind of MirpriM- :t!i'! Nice,, for
gifts, nice te wear with one's own sport clothes.
Reman striped, plaid and fancy artificial sill; scarfs s.tul n few of
knitted wool with liber sill: stitching. IN-d. yellow, mauve, gray,
henna, Copenhagen almost uvery color. AM with fiinge.
Cellar and Cuff Sets Willi Real Ljte. llnl Price, 30c
Imagine a dainty cellar and cull' let nf i "-i idgi i witli lire iniitii iniitii
t!ea Vnleneieniu's mid in.iet with real hand-.nale diet la. e or Insii
crochet! Unexpected, ye.?
Ber!a Cellar. Hall' Price at 30c
Pretty friliv lace cellars te wear with u'ut anil sill, frecl;.
They are ery becoming!
(Het. n Mulr Stoic, fill 1 .1 1 i -1-
Women's Exceptional
Fabric Gloves, 75c te $1.50
Made of fabrics unusually linn and ile.-tly woven, tit
ting the hand with the same Irimues as k-atlu'V, and Veih
the added advantage of washableness.
Sti'ae-Wrist Chnmeis-Lis!e (Jluveti. 75c
Smartly btrapped wri-ts and deeply ge'.i1, flaring cutf. i on en
trastiug two-tetu- emliruidered backs. Cevert, gi.i, - 'loeelate and i afe.
Fine l)uile Chamois-Lisle (Jleves, $1
Twe-clasp style '.n gray, fawn, heaver, 1 "iue, com and white.
Spivially firm, heavy arade. English thumb-
l)apl'' Str;m-Wrist C,le.s, $1.50
Half pique kcwii, with the specially smart, uim-lttUng EnglMi
tluimbi. Miap wrla with 5-inch Ihinng cull' . lieaver, ecru, fawn,
beige, gray and white.
New Weel-Filled
Comfortable J0
Much w.u nu. .. , it;,,
weight iu tin.-, i -. t !.
"lied qu.lt . l ,..wr .i:iI
plain-color sati .1 i . , .. ,, u
t'";-'- .:;h a j.tit , .... .,,t.
fmilted nrn.-f ciil... ' . .
ender, , e( ,. ,.,! , ..
IIIehii slut.. M.,r, , ,., t il
f ! brown
The bags are 18 inches long, of tan or black surface cowhide, en
huiid-bewn frames. Leather lined. Suitable for either men or
women te carry. Pictured.
Leather Suitcases ler Women, $0.50
Nice-looking black cobra grain leather cases in
inch sizes. Leather haiulle and two clue locks. 1.
1,0,1 "' (Dew Ulr Hterr, Central)
Women's Strap-Wrist Capeskin (Cleves, $1.(55
Full pique sewn, with centrating embretduul back. Tan an.
"m Niulr' hturr, (VhIimIi
Tapestry Handbags Are the
Latest, $5
Assuredly charming! Various shapes and sues of heavily bro- ,
ie en no ,...,1 iji ,'.:. I i, i . "M'kj. vjjiiiiu e uai n ciai or covero:!
'"i .-"'.-- ",m - irames: various kinds of pimin i,.,.ii- n..... ...,.i n..i .. ' l"v',
dned with colored t;aVer ones of hevv " "L. rU.' "'":""?? ...
enough'tecavry m, .ny cJasien ."t tort?ve,folr ffifc W,co !
' ' Ulr Ntur. CMiiml) b
Girls !
Dresses and Coats
In the November Sale
Girls sere dresses in navy blue, embroidered in
bright-color zephyrs; sixes G te 14 years, $.8.".
(iirls jer.,e drew-es in henna, u:.vy and Pekin blue, cmhruideied
in centtastir.g wool. size.-. 12 te Id yiars $(i.
(JirN wool crepe and velveteen dre.t-. Tlv f.. mer in medifie 1
Peter P-in atj.Ii ,i l.ent.a, t. and navy, i.--? 12 t . If. years. Fine
twill-back Vvlftei:n in navy and bmv n, embreideied with silks and
sashed. Sir.es 7 te 1-1 ye.-w -, S7.75.
Hi:!-.' lrek- - -nbiiuMs . elvetriei' r.n 1 weel c-u.i)e in tan an 1
brown, or in bhu 1. ai .; td. -j. c. 8 te 1; t.m-, .58.75.
(JirlV gingham bloomer dre-se.-. in check.- and p'ls.m eoler-; -izes
- te 10 year-, $2.
.Junier' rleiildc-l.icr sport coats in .-oft blue or brown heat'iei
nuxt-vp.-: laiflan '..--ve.-: sizes l." and )7 veais, SlJ.eO.
Girls belivia and velour coals in tan, blue and brown, warmiv
lined throughout, -i - cerveitible cellars; sistes 8 te 12 .veais. $10.7.1
Junier.t' pole coat- w.in beaver ijyed ceney cellars, lined through
out, laglan ideeves, -let-.-jm uack, soft tans and blown. Sizes
1.) and 17 yeiw :?2.'i."M.
iIi.ihii mir ier. Iirl.rll
Geed Seamless Velvet Rugs
Net only are thev except Vmally durable, but'ilie pat
tenis and colors have the decorum e value of rujr ordi
narily much hiKher priced than hse.
dxD-ft. rugs S2j..-,i) s.:il(i.(i-li. ruifs .. s:!."i
!)12-ft. run . :i7.."ii)
IxT-i't. Reversible Weel Chentlie Ruffs, 811.50
A i.ni: -I umber of verv t -ab'. . u ,,, ,, ..,.,,. Ui.sl,s. p,..,.,.
e,v. ...i i ..,,, it, rece-',i,i hal'-. ., ,. ,.. i.t , -lur lle-ir cover
ing in ':.ig. i ms. Plain pntieii . i.l. , ,vr i.-ni gr.ui.
"Dmiil li.li -l.ir. , liceln.it .
S25 10 $37.50
V.I I V-
riSi -
In tin lluu-n Main Stere for Men, en t.'i, (lallvru
Winter Mecl.s are n-.w complete and. in tin- vk-
!oed bijf ulsti.ivtte ! cnevi.it (.eieeatini's in
frr conservative mixtures are $:,-,. x - -eaiinj, m
Warm stoHni-i'eof ii,ii ,,r ,,v n.. ...
,,... , .v.i;jHi,;,ttjV t'lOnl'.
-J s
ueven kniiled iabrics in heather ellVvl.s are 2e.
laid-back ulsters of diairenal coating are $.'J2.ei
u th ,1" ni'?r tS l" "V,;U'V Aia'Wl "'"I h..rrinjrhenU
,:1 '., I? " V" V'" ra?lan "Ji-ulck-rs, belled aH-reun
l "-'"'i. an wnn uuy piaifl hacks, are .-,
Hufje storm coats with i
. i
iiMinense cellars, d e u b 1 e
stitched seuni-, enormous
lJJets and plaid backs, are
;.'.". These are made of over
coat in se soft and huavv
u fairly radiates warmth.
Kxceptienal pin id -back
double-breasted ulsters and
ufcteruttes in dark conserva
tive mixtures and distinctive-
tweeds, hcrrinKbenes
ane novelty weaves, in UkIu
anil tiaric cciers, are I?:j7.e0.
Men't; FleeeV'IAned
Fabric (Heick, .,
Warm, seni-eable nnd
unusually nice looking.
Cray and black
Men's Fleece-Lined
Leather Gloves, $1.15
CJuitc heavy leather
cloves that are warmly
lleece lined. Tan and hrew.n
(llunu Niulri hlur tut Mn
Ihr flMllrrr) '
(lien Main Mere for Mtn, en (h. cuil.ry, Mnrkrt)
: r, :
ha- t