't.mh nriCCTD ARnFTT. DMPrmr d l, f . f LrLaJa-M vw -CX Ii i a il a 0 . Hancy Wynne Speaks of Mr. and Mrs. Claytens1 Dance This Evening She Tells of Miss Morgan's Tea and of the Autumn Ball en November 21 .tir first b2 dance of tlic wnren will tSTni . (treat mnny i nn - '" ,!,i Mr ."Jul tlnylen for their .S..SteW. made " ' ...I.I..I. Willi" nri "Bull mrcnt """' . .. im tfhIPII HIT I Yet nt "i'a '. their nlnce nt fiW en w'hwr nttrncUre nm "&" Rh" will nlM bn ll Jwwt f K "'. "Sn ec which hjr brother Mr Bt f .t.i r Mr. nm Mrs. Ilnlph I?'1?. UI B c ei Noven.ber , M nt ''uiXimnrsh Vnllev Hunt Club. ,h0W C nnrtle" before the .Innw Am0nir vhlel. Mr. nnil Mrs. Craw- (i W. Wllllnm Wnl- ilelmtntilc diiURhter, ... -. ......... tflll.lll .iu..- nmi mm r. iwi,. ,,.- iiiniit'i .'" . S'L t.Jlra .. Mr. ".' ir.ee Atterbnry Jlr. ". '"' "l .lima iter. Sue BUS "" ' Union wll '" '" -Te)in oilbert Pill .ntcrtnl for Mnrgucrlte Be.vle. SiV, K dinner will te one which ptill ane.hjr eSwdta Dorten'B piirents, Mr. nn. m? flceree Wills Morten, will give In Sin. Owrge rKTewnsendwIl. The popular .ii !,. a dinner civet, for .her Dy vVind Sir. Henry Hewnrtl iMiisen in . 'lr country plow. Cremona, nt IJr.yii gOtllg 10 iiinu" , - were rriHE Morsans' ten jcstcrUny aticr aticr aticr Tnoen irJ Int.tl..B. mj li Hw- ,1 Het est nouse ' "-- --' was fdven. was ..a linn If . il.. .lt. nm ''":' ."i ,.,, rriu- Mri) nnd Ieta f 1'rett.v ilcbutnn es. nteXtli, the giiest of honor, looked JwISXt In ndiw. of silver brocade yhltc tulle, nmd.. en plain lines. Z wrriiil n Iwtietiet of miimII pink t wad the rs, Itecd, jibe carrlwl a Iwiiqiiet wcbmls and white violets. It lift of her two small brothers i. .! f'lnirlis. Mm Slergnn were a liaiuNemc gown et metallic cloth of Heel gray and geld mh train which fell from the IheuMcrs. A dinner anil dance fol lowed for the receiving party. Miry Schenck will innke her debut thUaf.ernoen at n tea which her father, Sir. Jeseph Schenck, will give nt Green Hill Farms. The receiving party will be Elizabeth Hewlnnd, Nerma rcy, tiira Uaily. Venicr l'eteraen. Kllat Utb l'anewist Iliiey. IVggy McAdoo, Annette Sprnnkle, Mary Irglnla Mall, niliabfth r.uieenbt, lletty Jlethcrliis Jlethcrliis ten, Elizabeth Cnsanave and Mary Carrell Helln. H AVE yen henrd of the new dance which is te be held en November i'l) 1. is te be called the Autumn Bill, anil will take place at the Bel krue.. The uffnlr is under the auspice of the Tayler K. Waltheur Pest Ne. 282 of the American Legien, and Scn Scn ater Geerge Whnrten Pepper is the honorary chairman. A number of prominent men and women arc in terested in the party and there is a knf list of patronesses. NANCY WYNNE. Member of Younger Set place, en Tuesday evening, November 1 1, followed by a sunper and dance. Mra Ttebert Lynne MUhler, of 2t Lin den avenue, Lansdejvne, will entertain her bridge club nt her. home this Aft' cmoeii. The miesta will Include Mrs. t.. I'nrlccr lleyd. Mr. Kdwln Uraiilev Mrs. Frank Hi Magulre, M Km in & Paul. Mrs. ltebert W. lllck, Mra Hari Ian P. HtetMll, Mrs. C. Mercer ilnltcv. Mrs. Allen It. Heffer, Mra. Krank ile NelverAIn. Frederick C. LmpelJ," M ss M. Limine Vamandt. Ma MnUi di.m .!!ESl Ji,"jJK!"J,un Uruce and Mr- win West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. tleerge Wencrd. of 2138 Seuth Sixty-seventh street, announces Jho marriage of thelr daughter, MIrh 1- ranccn Wcnerd, te Mr. James a. New man, en February 2S, 1922. at Media, ?& "J"? ,.Mli Newman are living at 2130 Seuth Hlxty-seventh street. North Philadelphia Mrs. Walter Wlntterk, of 2322 North rark n.venue. lias Issued cards for a luncheen-brldge at the Illtz-Carlten en November 14. -.A,rf,it T- n,,0r. of North Sixteenth street. Is spending a fortnight In Wnh. ingten, where she Is the guest of Mrs. Helen Klchter. .i.Mi"" nn, Mrs- Mee Lleberman and their family have moved from 1825 Stirlng Garden street, te 160S NertR ?. S?.1.'.1. BlJ'!?t Mr"- L'cberman ha Just returned from 'a visit te California. The Dew Drep In Club held a fancv dresM manque party at the new Arcadia Cafe en Saturday last. Seuth Philadelphia An openlnr reception of the Geed FellOWSh tl r.llll. tvna lml.1 Rntltrrfni, nlng. November 4. at their clubrpems.C j.'i i.iiiirr siren, nnu waa nitnnuea ny Us, menibers and their friends. The enicrtninmeiit remmlttee. of which r.harles Flnkelstcln Is the chairman, nirnliihed a program. The next reccp- nuu win de umieuncen very snertiy. Germantown . Mr. and Mrs. fharlcs V. Isxard have tnicen apartmunts at tlie Deltnar for the u Inter. Their son-in-law and daughter, Lieutenant "VV. f'arleten Me Kadden and Mrs. McFailden, are at i.er.i -vonrec. va., wncre Lieutenant McFadden Is stationed. Mr. and Jlrs. William C. Marshall and their daughter. Mini Dorethy Ell aheth Mnrsnall, formerly of 6214 Mor Mer Mor eon street, have moved into their new home, 110 West Washington lane. Mrs. R. H. Burbank, of 6208 Wayne nvuuue, ii. in rpiunicu irem a rew aays stay in New Yerk. District Ne. U of the Pasteral Aid KeclPty of the First Presbyterian Church Will clve a Chocolate Nll Mntnrdnn tomorrow from 2 until 5 o'clock for the i ncnem et xne new onuren ncus6. The .SHSSSHHuaiA "V. I;JKcr Photo Service. MISS LOUISE BLACKBURNE An attractive member of the younger set, aa ehe appeared at a recent outdoor event charge, and will be assisted by '?' Newlln Fell DnVIs, Miss K?1t.hJart,,l?1 Clarke, Mrs. David Graham, Mttjlw Creft, Mrs. W. Weldershelm Orlfflth and Mrs. II W. P. Allen. t Mrs. Charles Dat. of 1614 Duncarmcm street, entertained at bridge at her home en Wednesday afternoon. These pres ent were Mrs. lllchard Davis, Mrs. .N. Llnlcy Norten, Miss Kthelwyn Brand' wcr, MIbs Dorethy Pnby, Mrs. LcjUu Grantham. Miss Pearln Auman, Mrs. Earl Cookman nnd Mr. W. H. Grant. Mrs. F. U. Jehnsen, of 314 Mast Highland avenue, entertained at a luncheon-bridge en Wednesday after after neon. Her guests were Mrs. Charles Prcttyman, Miss Dorethy Harper, Miss Margaret Blckley, Mrs. Ed Odgera. Mrs. lllchard Uivlft Miss Natalie Bllwird, Mrs. Herace Barba, Mrs. A. Jacksen Sailer, Mrs. Van VlU-t, Mtis l'eari Auman and Mrs Leslie Urantham. Mrs. D. McCrudden will entertain the members of her five hundred club at her home. 6310 Meylnn street, en Wednesday afternoon of next week. Frankford ment te Mr. Wlllard Sanseni, of Les Angeles, Cnllf., was recently an nounced. Mlsa Morrison left en Sat urday for Les Angeles. The guests present at the shower were Miss Lthel Martin, Miss Ann McKnlght, Mrs. Ld Smith, Jr., Mre. Jehn Brondfleld and Mrs. Allen Chnwdrlck. Mrs. C. W. Housten, of Arrett street, entertained at a luncheon and card party en Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Lewis Tayler, of Memphis. Tenn., who In spctuiliii; several weeks as Mrs Hounton's guest. There were sixteen guests present Lieutenant Clayten Burgy, U, P. N.. and Mrs. Burgy, of New Londen, Conn., will spend Thanksgiving with Mra. Burgy'M mother, Jlrs. Mary Hlssey, of 8208 D street. k Dr. and Mrs. William Annesly. or 3436 Frankford avenue, entrtnlned nt a kitchen shower Inst week . ,n honor or rft.,(n ;,,.!?;,; ,"'" "... w-it. Miss Frieda .Ilthlln. Among tnose i:.' , "r, 'iuf.i A a i,. . ucorge hiiiii- .., -,.' ,.""?".:..";.,. Moercstown Mr. E. A. Mechllng hna gene en a two weekH hunting trip te Canada. , Mr. and Mrs. William D. Buiby, Jr., have returned from thulr wedding trip and are new living In Haddenflcld. Delaware County The guesta who attended the luncheon nmi meatr" party, which Miss Rv.i nresent were Mr. and Mrs. Gcerge ? ru "58 "K-. "K-Vi'S iRSjehn.'"""."" Ilroeka and MIh EU-aner .... ........ ..?....., .... ....u ...... -,,;"- iriZHmO!lM. MIHM Trigg wpre MIkm Marie Louise Adam. Breadflcld nnd t)r. nnd Mrs. E. J. Mit chell. Mrs. Wlllard Maar. of 1637 Dyrc street, Is spending .several weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks, of Atlantic City. Sir. and Mrs. E. K. Fisher, of 626 East Indiana avenue, recently enter tained Mr. and Mrs. I.ce Kavanaugh, of Washington, D. C, for a short stay. Miss Jessie Helme, of 1416 Orthodox treet. entertained at a miscellaneous shower last Tuesday afternoon In honor of Miss Beth Morrison, whose engage- Fllzslmeiw. MIkm Trigg's marriage te Mr. i.'lmrlei James Hwuln, Jr., will take place en November 29, Miss Marlen Scattorgeod, of Ini" dewne. imtertalned at a bridge party mi Wednesday afternoon In honor of MIfs Mare-lllne Meyers, whose marriage te Mr. Irf-ul Leve Kceler. of Merlen, will tnki) place Thursday. November lfi. rale will he held In the unfinished Pas, tern" Aid Beem of the church house. There will be tablea of cakes, candles and nuts, and a chocolate-nut platter will also be for sale. Mra. Walter Mur phy Is chairman of the committee In OIL PAINTINGS Ol.n AND MimKRN MAMTKR RARR DKCORATIVK IMCTtIRK RICHARDS' GALLERY , 20 S. 18th St. We Have Player-Pianos (e Suit Evtrj Priet Rqiremtnt But we strongly advise you te buy once for a lifetime, by investing in a MATHUSHEK Player-Piane These famous instruments are equipped with the Aute de-luxe action beyond question, the finest player action maae. UVERC0. S- - 'JBRVZCE Just Belew 11th St. t SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The guests who will attend the dln rr which Mr. and Mra. Walter Waring Hoeklnsen will give at their home. 2122 Pa Lancey plnce. this evening. In honor f MIm Sarah Franklin Dunne, debu ttnte daughter of Mr. and Mrn. Russell Duinc, of Ureen Illll Farms, Over look, will Include Jtlfs Mary Rldgley i.'arter, Miss Mary lladclyffe Furness, Mies Prances Fisher Gerhard, Mlsa Mary Carrell Sjicncer. Jlr. U. Bartow Muller, Mr Henry N. Paul. .Jr., Mr. Theotlure Hpcncer. Mr. Oeorge Hunt, Mr. Merrli H. Merrltt, Mr. William Henry Pirkcr, and Mr. Oliver Itopklnsen JUliU Tim guests will latter attend th dance te be given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayten, of Hnverfcrd, nt the llltz llltz ''arlten. tn hetirr of their debutaule Jaugliter. MIch Barbara Lydla Clayten. Mrs. llepkinsnii, w!ie has been the gueM l MrH. livorge Kales Baker, at her feuntry place nt Jto.xement ter a few sys, returned ui her home yesterday. Mln Charlette .SharpleBs and Miss JUrarntu Sharplcss. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilsen Sharpies'), of Chest nut Hill, will entertain ut dinner en liiday evening. December 29, In honor M Miss Anna H. Townsend, Miss Anna ' wlllt Zltnineim.inn nnd MIks Bertha F. Bmjthe, all debutantes of this sea. n Tn KUCBts will later attend the anc which Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Urnalt will glve in honor ''of their MH dauKhter, Mlsa Agnes Var- Mr nnd Mrs. Gustavus Hemak. Jr., ,LLhWut Hl11' wUl K've a theatre !fLll'l.?Venln,f 'u l,oner f their &h,t!r. MIhh cnrollne V. Hemak. bc bc rere the dance which Mr. and Jlrs. Paul J-ajien. et Cirnywyn, Haverford, .will t.. 'J!,110"'"" "f their debutante daugh t'r, Miss arb.ira L. Clayten. .?r;.a"d. Mrs- Arthur II. Lea will en- Tu,ii -J 'i' Ml"" c "" ,ll( opening night, 15 ..V Ne''"her 2S. Jlr. and Jlrs. ' nla ,, ,MrfJ.t"-'c'"i'jln; lhelr country. tha it?l ''T. -,HM W'alnut btreet, latter part of next week. dw.M.r?'J .''enn-daHkell Hancock, cixk V. ,.; v.""1 enrv James nan i, .it. ' i"ui-e sti-ect alng l u Of Bnl51',?' Wll'im Squlre Helding, ft ctalijl i'A Uryn Mll"r' wl "nteituln ilrrl Xmu'u ''vclllK In honor of h? Ulh(S: ''" "f New.. Yerk. entertained theatre lat-t evc- nil Mi; i ,1,7" 1.. '.'..' 'i ,cw ."il'H' '. a en KuiVin ,. r ""'r '" eniMit.un at '" f '?ller' daughter of Arthur iii'iff A: 1'lddle. son of .Mrs. l Valley, w n JVi,l rr,!,s'ny,1 Owynedd be Si'" ?Ue.Plnre this winter, will whirl, ":?'. L'i Hener at a dinner ' Oree iweS v.S3, S,0VO,1H Heckscher. I "n Frtdav ,.F..nJ' rafferd. will g,ve Inter iittVn i 7, "p,xt- T"n guesta W Mii t ihM t'1" 'V18 which Jlr. l five that lUf'l'"? Montgomery m or. AifH, itSw.l.nB,n 1,0.'.,or of th"lr .7 ' "Hs ,Ieen Hepe Montvemerv. Mr. P1lr. . . . .. Print ci"?'1! Fa.v lecture at 'wtevenlnir Vfi- :.'."Mllner "treet, i Wtlei of iftehinS ffu!,4f ct n8 th "Dim- I in i.. "v "'cning." Jlra. llrme i .u i .w:wni is-! clerv ' ii."i?"n. ""in :ae , EaVUIjfiWSl ujth rfcl untir 6 will Iphla .fihSfJUJ ;,few;r"'t" y Phlla Thik n ' JaZMy of America ! 1 o'clock en mS'I tt luncheon ni .vrB,eid. Th fV . r. " e e. MrWS in;uy IISPDIng, mSBSgH ISsssjS! ! u 1 I r MISSES DRESSES AND TWO-PIECE SUITS At Very Moderate Price A wonderful assemblage of youthful models for street, afternoon and dinner wear, embodying the most advanced features of the recent imports especially created for the Jeune Fille Twill Dresses 28.00 89.50 Chic two-piece Peiret twill Freck with contrasting binding of Canten crepe, 28.00. A braid-trimmed circular model features quaint ruffled sleeves, 49.50. A Chemise Freck with wool and metal lic embroidery, 65.00. Meire - piped tabs nnd all-ever cable stitching distin guish this smart version at 89.50. Velvet Frecks 49.50 135,00 A circular chiffon velvet introduces the Bertha cellar and fur rosette, 49.50. Anether employs Oriental beading and geld cloth applique, 69.50. One cheeses geld-lace sleeves and flounce, 75.00. Oriental embroidery enhances another at 115.00. Fex-fur cuffs and contrasting bodice are the choice of a lovely wedding-ring velvet, 1 35.00. Frecks of Crepe Silks 29.50 125.00 An all-ever tucked Blouse, shirring and velvet flower are featured by a model at 29.50 A matelasse Ceat Dress is trimmed with monkey fur, 49.50. A circular satin-faced Canten shows metallic embroidery, 65.00. Open-work applique of self-fabric and bolster girdle render distinctive a model at 95.00. Heavy Canten with unusual applique in contrasting color and hand embroidery 125.00. Fur-Trimmed Suits Specially Priced for Saturday's Selling 58.00 d 78.00 Twe special groups of fur-trimmed Suils especially selected from higher-priced stock for tomerrow: Including marleen, vcleur de latnc and Leretta cloth in several youth fully smart interpretations. Deep cellars of wolf, mole or beaver, French tucking, embroidery and braiding add bcauly and distinction. Tomorrow only at these prices, MISSES' DEPT. Visit Our New Corset Department in the St. James Shep Walnut at 13th Street FOURTH FLOOR mum St. Mark s Church Locust Street Between 16th and 17th St. ARMISTICE DAY Saturday, Nev. 11th, 1922 Intercessions ls30 te 12:45 P.M. omstetvn Announcement him been made of the engagement of 'MIhh Anns K. Mnrch, daughter of Jlr, and Mrs. It. P. Jlnrch. of r19 Hhvh avenue, nnd Jlr. Charted Jenkins, of Wayne, Pa, Ne date haw been Het for the wuldtnir. MIkr OIke Hunslcker, rf West Marnh-ill Htreet, entertained the membeta of hoi' card club this week. VviiaiiBifiar evenings at siis UUaniinivii jmshke,. cnJLHfc&B ujilineham FreMnti ffl Tlie Neweat Musical Cnmwljr THE BUNCH AND JUDY MuIe tiy Jrremr Krrn LTticn I,? Annr t'nMirrll Ifciek br Anny Cnlflnrll nnd flush FeM Wltli Ili-ttliatit Cent nnd Knuerable tileil hv Frnl f, nil, nm cnpnrcT at siie rVllllKr,9l MAT. TOHOBBOW LAST 2 WEEKS JftrlWn Mlllrr Wilt r-n'tlvnlr Arpeur At All Remilnlnir Performance! ZIEQFCLD THIUMPM A.WI1 MARILYN MILLERlTl LEON ERROL III r.VENINO.- T '0 HAT. TOMORROW LADI 8 WttliS BROAD FRANCINE LARRIMORG la tlie NVw Hmnrt Comedy NICE PEOPLE m it.ciii:i, rneTiiena' JK lgf liltBATL'ST Hffl'CSH lgf EITH'S THEATRE "J? ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE I CHARL& (CHIC) SALE Oermtlne MITTY & TILLIO Euen Gorden & rer,li L-iiis,lln ft WeVti Othri AND ..IANK & KATHKHIXE I.EE A.niiuai. vnnzBAiTKEwnM SHOW Next Week FANNIE BR1CE Kmhi. Ay. ft CumbrlBd ftlatl. 'lUfcl.. Thttr Am fSE nl" LAUIK' NIGHT K DESMOND SHUWatv.tlE DAltY MATS.. SllS EVES. AT Sll 3LANCHE RING and CHAS. WINNINGER l'ormett MihiejI Corejl'SUti In 'AH VOTf WPRr" , AND A BIO OlBtT HEVWE BERT BAKT-R & CO nd 1reunlnlt Bill Net Week Jei, k. Oaita'i HarUaulatds of Vtrietlee , "OlMME A THRltl." Review Thriller. Reiplendent With Qlrli I Cireetlea SUaley Cemetar At IVAI41 N'i-Kt t ! ii,"t LYRIC MATINEE TOMORROW TUP. Musical hit nc ages II B1V0SS0M B!Kf 0M A ?TWk AT' "TM OPlfilNAt VEAQSSWJAT l 'IfVilS N V CAST "Ifen nsfnn atul merited euccesi.' -nt'r.i rrrN AOELHH! Eves. SOe te 12 (Exe. Sat.) Xat.Tem, Beit Settc S1.S0 "Shew Ceniamti 18 0 Minntti of Time, of Tint ISO, Any Nermal Audience ii Bound te Spend 175 la Ltufhter." Ers. Public Ltdftr. .Iul Hnrtl with Keitri.Shubert present I ii T ' 1 1 1 llL3e1tv VIVIAN MARTIN LYNNE OVERMAN SHUMRTmTttemI'V ARTHUR HAMMER5TEIN'; ffOir rtttft-Nw rAViut. FRANK AMUSIOIRU RSTEIN'S COMEDV m I DAFFY DILI GEORGIA O'RAMEY WO THEBONA fOFNVCAST f R1T2.CARLT0N BKOINWIIJO NOV. 11 IS Lecturet en CURRENT HISTORY Dr. Geerge Earle Raiguel EVEBY SATURDAY MORNING AT 11:30 Course. 119. Slnfle tleketi. tl. Happe'i, 1119 Cheitnut tt. "" fsTsTrl. NINETEENTH rV MARKET 11 A. M. TO 11 P. SI. A Pavnmnunt Picture "CLARENCE" BOOTH TARK1NOT0N STOUT WALLACE REID AONES AYRES nnd MAY MeAVOT riqw. vieur 41 Arfed OnfiAT HA NEXT WEEK THOMAS ON. Vlellnltt I HClOnitt la "rav U1H rvttft iiw irnttnmmntil MPSIOAI, FEATURE HANS KINDtCT lTbU'VE"EEN THE PLAY The Old Homestead By Daninen Themmen Whlrli lirM Dim Htiiiri. fur nrerly fi rty yeift and l htlll nt iieiennnlly liitrrrallna; at i-tir, jnn miii want ti nee tue irlnri) f.'.'itlirlllK Theodere Roberts, Geerge Faw cett, T. Rey Barnes, Harrison Ferd and Fritz! Ridgway UN n lli-tmirkiitili' I'nrfimnurt I'lctur AND IT'S AT THE STANTON THEATRE 16th and Market 11:30. Ii30. 3;30. S:30)739. 9:30 ALDINE i New Stere Hours nP 9:00 A. M. te 5:30 P. TiT! f BONWIT TELLER. &,.CQ B' CfheSpeckiltifSlvtyoTOnqinalienb wlw W CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET W 3 ARRANGED FOR SATURDAY ? tmiMiiyjiiiayjayrJ &u luvwiaq $ MESig Geerge Allen, inc. 1214Chestn"ut Street 1214 Established 1837 Black Velvet Hats at $8.00 and Hats of Black Satin at $8.50 An all-black hat is always suitable and convenient; no wardrobe is complete without one at least. C ensequently it is a joy te find such pretty ones as low as $8.00 and $8.50. The velvet hats are all made in our own workrooms and have soft and stiff brims. There are trimmings' of ribbon and charming little feather effects. The satin hats come in various shapes with burnt ostrich. Extraordinary Sale of Coty's French Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face and Sachet Powders This event is extremely timely as it gives you the opportunity te make your purchases of these famous perfumes, toilet waters and powders for Christmas giving at very reduced prices. Coty's Compact Face Powder in L'Origan, Paris, Styx and Chypre, usual 85c size at 58c. Coty's L'Origan Face Powder at 75c a box. Coty's small size Extract in the following oders: L'Origan, Jacqueminet and Chypre, usual $1.90 size, at $1.50 a bottle. Coty's L'Origan or Paris Extracts in pock peck pock ctbeok size, COc value, at 35c. Coty's L'Origan Extract, full 2-oz. size, in charming tassek'd box, very special at $3.95. Coty's Jacqueminet, Chypre, Muguet and Jasmine Extracts in tasseled box, special et $4.50. Coty's Paris Extract in Blue and Silver tasseled box, $3.85. Coty's 3-oz. Toilet Water in the following oders: L'Orijran, Paris, Styx, Jacqueminet, L'Or and V Effleurt, usually $3.50 nnd $4.00. at $2.25. ' Cety'a Sachet Powders in the following oders: L'Origan, Paris, Styx, Chvpre, Jac Jac quemieot nnd Muguet, $1.90 size at $1.50. Coty's Talcum Powder in L'Origan, Jac Jac quemieot, Muguet, Jasmine. L'Effleurt, Chypre, -is. btyx and Ambre Antique, special at 90c! Tweed and Silver Crepe Yarns in All the Bright and Dark Celers We are offering two new knitting yarns Tweed and Silver Crepe. The Tweed yarn is 40c a ball. The Silver Crepe has a two-tone effect of silver with a color and is 85c a ball. Each of these comes in all the best colors. We have also a full line of Columbia Flosses and Knitting Yams at 38c a ball, as well as everything necessary for knit ting and crocheting. Allen's Hair Nets Have Been Reduced te 75c a Dezen, 3 for $2 Allen's hair nets have been famous for years for strength and dependability. New the following prices prevail: Single-meah hair nets, cap and straight share, ;ic a dozen, 3 dozen for $2.00. reiible-mesh hair nets, cap nnd straight shapi. M.00 a dozen, 3 dozen for $2.50 White and Gray nets, 15c each, $1.50 a dOZiT,. Saturday Ends Our Annual Fall Sale of Hosiery, Underwear and Gloves Famous Harvard Mills Knit Underwear at 20 Off DiirlnK this gale we will offer our entire stock nt Women's nnd Chlldren'e Harvard Mllla Knit Under, near at thlB remarkable reduction. rrlc t-ia-u win be ultired at time of purchase. ' ' Women' .Mlendiil I'nlun SnlCi. neeular ! s.'.ou, usually $3. Kxtra hIze, ?.80, iiaunjjy S3 -,e Tlie fabric la Allendale mien Suits la kri it of th wry finest yarns. A fabric ileMsmi! te be uaed fur His ixtieiiu'H of coldest niitMdti weather and nv. Uatcil bulldltiKH. Mud., In all styles. Women's and Children's Gloves Trefeukne Kid (lime, overscam . ... , n Black. White Tan, Urewn an Vavv t. Cla?P' 2.B0 qunll-y at Ki..-,e a pair ' aJ' IleBar Silk, Lisle and Weel Hosiery lle.ny I'ure Mlk llulrrjr. with llsle top and -.ole, nnd h .lined back. A drjeridabl.' hose for service, able i.-ni In all the smart coloring, ai.as u ,lBir mil riulilnne'd Silk He.lery. Kxtra heavy weave pure de silk In all shades. l n.l u par 3 p)i for P'l. '. Vim Hmillj Heavy AILKIIk llnnlrry In all shades ,".45 .1 pair. 3 pairs for S7.-J5. snaties, lllurk l.ljle lleslrry, full fashioned with French mid oii.lireldered mils clocks. MRO quality at n& a pall' mU.Kii.hjenj.ai.Ule lle.lery In White, Oray Cciduvaii and Hlack. $j.oe n pair vira, . r1'"! 00, ,,"l?r-. with hand - embroidered ltyCatH'J!a fa wK her celc,rl,,B8' '" vSl- iriM(iimr itui (iinies, KDeclal I w .... clasp, it, ma.i- White. Tn HreUn ,,n 1 "A enn HeKuUr -;5 qMii.iy at l!e3 a pair ra'' Our Diulrc IIiii. of Trefnune ki.i ..- e . low. In .ill lei.nt'm nnd Hliade ," nnU ?u"u Thiwuera,. .. , WWi ,einilni. A ni M11 11 Mnelin (ili,ea ,h, t. . uiur KeKii.aiH J.f. V at ... mi ,,' 'l'"' ,,,'et tfiir I.ntlre line nf t i(, i,m ...,.,, ,,,, hihii nt' en reiiuceil Mixlia U'lilklnw iimrii t iiulm .l.,rH leduced te Sl.00 a i.nir lone' rilii.nie l.lnu, 1 u ,h ,, '. '" nJ! alr shade .'.i.mp KtMe IU-BUlarlv iini, nHi,'"!'' 12-biunn letiKth l,V.1. "UUr, nu l 75c; The I'rlrei, nn Our Woolen nllli p..,,,.. .., have all been reducd miirlr (,0Te. Hats' Niipkln anil Mnrlut Clet . J)e,, n.. ene-i-i.isp sty i i:.-Ku..irh fin ,. "r nuauty, Mm-h .Mitten, for he Ull, " '. y'' W' nnd dray. Sale price. 1 1 eti i u tnir ' I)row" $1.0?" pair!' W"0i i,0,, "na M,U,n Sale Price. Children's Duplex Fabric (1Iets in mi ,. i RauUrly 11.60 at ?Se a pair. " "n,1('- I nth and 'I tnut 11 ti 11 METRO PRESENTS REX INGRAM'S 11 :30 A. M. J1IED. 1 :30, 3 :30 ft IxO '"' 5:30, 7:30 &&?. 9:30 I. M. qfZENDA LIMITED ENOAOEMENT COMMENCINO NEXT WEEK ItOnURT Z, I.UOSARD PRESENTS MAE MURRAY BROADWAY ROSE Romanes nf the Ment Dang-eress Htreet In tlie World SI TJSrlten M fl IIKOAIJ A CHESTNUT 10 A. M 12. 2. 4, ,, b i 10 P. U. PRISCILLA DEAN AS "2FAWS,iei3MA?H,KTIB "UNDER TWO FLAGS" COMMENCING SATURDAY AMI CONTINUING XCXT WEEK SSIs "SKIN DEEP" With MILTON SILLS and FLORENCE V1DOR PALACE tf . MARKET GEORGE ARLISS In "THE MAN WHO PLAYED OOD" COMMENCING SATURDAY "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" With BETTY COMPSON nd BERT TgTBT.T. VICTORIA stp and wnTf iv a stin e At Mt xe jl!l8 EIcimlilbe'9 MANSLAUGH i LR WITH THOMAB MEIOHAW inTH VJL CHESTNUT . w, aw ii:ie r. it. "SLIM ""QULDEaa" ARCADIA IRENE CASTLE CAPITOL aceakW" "Mere te Be Pitied Than Scorned"! GLOBE MR-ET 11 TO 11 Maximum Quality Minimum Prtea A VAUDEVILLE UNIT Mistakes of 1922" 17 PEOPLE NIKE SCENES BROADWAY Wi S'OT VAUPEVXI.I.t AftU "BURNING SANDS' MILTOM n.T s rRANKFORD LV-OHENY nrtu u ALLEGHENY VAUDEVILLE 2 15 "THE SIRENS" MILTON D TDNIMP C A Kine,. SILLS uuiMimujnnua' CROSS KEYS50,,?.? "BARNUM WAS RIGHT" WALNUT Night at 8 li Sharp Mel. Tomorrow, 50c te $2 "Llvelteit Shew of the Svaiun." N. Am. m rwAmncAU s&raB A O.A D E M Y OF M U 3 I 0 URTON HOLMES FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES Beginning Nev. 1 7 & 1 3 PRESENT DAY PEKI.VO. NOV. 17. IV INTO CHINA. UP Till. YANGTSE 1CLAMU NOV 'H, 1. LA1CAO10 lirAHN'S UN lAMILIA JAPAN DEC 1 2 MODERN. IZINO CHOSFN AND MANCHUjilA. DEO nrc i.f'R"T S10HT3 EAST or bum! Ccur Kali at Henne'a New Clrtea Sal "ini-ln PiH Tn -ni v Vfl- H Acadcai' of Music Thuri. Ev., Net. 16 NEW YORK SYMPHONY DAMROSCH WAGNER conductor I PROGRAM Ticket, at Aeailemr fc Heppe'a. me Chfttaut IN LuLu Temple Tomorrow Nifht PINAFORE "M Tlcketi COc, 76e & tl. at Hnppe'i, 2 ACTS 119 Chat t. FASHION SHOW BY CINTltA. Or LONDON BROAD STREET THEATRE Tuesduy Afternen, Nev. 14, at 2 P.M. JIENEIIT C3IARLOTTE CUBHMAN OLU Meilrli ne"iI by premln.-nt artmaita aul women eclally preiitln-nt, TlcVtt New en Bl at Bea Office Ne Tia. UNIVERSITY 33D & rpruce MUSKUM HATURDAY, S 30 rrn Illuttratd Lantura PICTORIAL INDIA II y Dhan O Mukerll CASINO ""GIGGLir' Will, IIAIIIIV CVANHOt DUMONrS B.V. Vu"-"' ! EMMETT WELCH-'te&fi1 YEt 41 M i Ml J V M aUrWKKua ti rmimiS!. ifl'l! M TROCAMHO it V. V ..,rr Li.'jjr s-ji