prawns wsmv&m rrajT, rsmi f w 'im mvw : WMWrm pSifl -!-i f. ' ' BVBBINO NOVEMBER 10. 1922 X MltlllW,?& iaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaiavnji,-ani j i:rnaaawiiaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw,narzsr2Wf? jcmirmtmmr ait v jtt. .wriqaaTaaTaaaaaaTaaTaaTaaTaaTaan& raWsWBryVWWA,MK BBBBBBBBBaay- aaaaaawnF'.v i. f jtjiiiftlnll Bill ft. IUI AUTO CRASHES two Men Injured .in Accidents. ' Arreet Driver With Ne License AN AGED MAN IS ' VICTIM Thrte sutomeblle accidents in the A dWPPn of the ewncm of car. Pt S.Pell n the jump enrly th llnf Twe men were Injured In Z 5i 'n8h0, "nd enc WDS "Sjirrt crash occurred at Fifth and mZien itreeti et 1:30 o'clock. A ini weit en Dickinsen Btreet aSneteS at Fifth afreet, pjUBMttBtrat enr continued westerly ,lLItw.nt "Connelly, of the Third ..dWciinien street! police station, hH tlie crah and found a youth S3 hd ppv III bum as Lawrence Foulk, nineteen mri old. 230 Quince street. He had J?Wr'a license, and could net live . ittWKtery reason for belnf in pos pes L20n of the car. He war arrested nd will bsve a bearing this morning Irfere Maiiatrete O'Connor. . A wert ; time after the Dickinsen itrHf crash an automebillst going at n ricld rt of speed struck Alfred Ecker. s,f,nt.five years old. of Fifteenth ami Wallace Btrects. nt Sixteenth street mid I'liufunk avenue. ... Tile police believe Hint Hie. driver h figureJ in the Dickinsen strei-t urtldtnt uas the snme enc vhe struck lldier. Ecker wus badly cut and bruised and was attended by a neigh neigh neigh btrboed physician. About 4 o'clock this morning three mtomeblles crashed together nt Fifth una Lembard streets. The Impact threw lit cars across the sidewalk of the Htm of Philip Ostrew, a clgnr dealer. Ortrew and Mi family thought an ex iiloiien ercuiTed. A car dlven by Luther IIert, 3305 Hamilton stifet, whs going neith en Fifth flrcrt. At the snme time a Negro km drlvine nu nutoir.ebilc east en Umhard street. He was towing a will into truck which wan being fiMcd by .mother Negie. When the automobile approached, Herst iwirvfd around and tried te pass I (hind it. He did net see the truck in tow snd struck the rope connecting it with the csr. All three vehicle were brought together in the crash and piled ;e Ue ldcwait(. Herst was badly cut snd brnle.l. He was taken te ti rrnnsyhatifn Hospital. The ether men mm arrested. jcempnnlsts were Ferdlnnnde Tltomsnlle nnd Abe Well. 1ln veenl selections vtc exclusively operatic and nil the peVbrraen re sponded with encores, semfeln the no ne no ture of ether operatic numbers, but principally with songs, which made a geed Impression, several of the singers being obliged te sing mere than once In response te the applause. The iluet '.',yul ml '5,?,nntor,nessente,,, from "Ernani." finely sung W Mme. Cava llerl and Mr. Hcnrduxle, was one of the features of the concert. At the close of the concert n dance ;n wnicu proved nn successful Iti as did the concert. The effl was given which proved ns successful In vay as riici tun concert. The efn I of the Cenacole Leonarde da Vlnel are: President, Prof. Pasquale Farina: Its cert first vice president, Dr, (iulseppe rneiani. Hecenti tiui nrpniiipiir. utii. seppe Dbnatet corresponding secretnry. Chevalier Constantine Censtantlnl; nnnncim srrreinrj, uuineppe nrorate, nnd treasurer, Ferdlnnnde Tltomenllo, rnc stage was (iecerntu wmi the itnl inn colors and the flags of the United States nnd of Italy, and the affair was ?lven under the patronage of the Iteyal tallan Censul, Car. Uf?. Lulgi Slllttl. QEODES TO SPEAK AT FORUM rltlah Ambaaiatler te Take Part In Armlatlea Day Hare Sir Auckland Oeddcs. Hrltish Am baasader te. the United Statei. will apeak. before the Philadelphia Forum In the Academy of Music , tomorrow night, yir 'Auckland's talk, featuring the Forum observance of Armistice Day, will be en "The Engllsh-Hpealc-Ing Peeples Are the Ifepe of the world." iw print PER THOUSAND BUSINESS CMOS fnaaltlMl na rauk Uflal aouedt low lit price tbttlt Is liardlr btUevabU (list a car; I which truly t(J en tha bait quality, hand-cut 117 no .'euan of i it re card you f.I" n"' raicii or pnet, be rough i .t uld in tall! seen be cenTincwi luat we iti teu tne htit roprteanta reu and reur builneia could in ptuducta at turn a tow pnoe. iutt an yen Mva TO oe (ci our Hnpin ana jeu mmA Mill at S1.VS nar 1000. rait Poplar 14an nr Parh.asei fnr aamnlea THE MAJESTIC PRESS PRINTERS n4 STATIONERS 1214 Girard Aven Phila., Pa. 1st at quota you en all your printing and atatlfnerr. Wa can tara yta meaay. CENACOLO GIVES FIRST IMPORTANT CONCERT-BALL Organliatlen of Itale-Amerlcana Holds Succetaful Affair The Cenacole Leonanle (In Vinci, nn crtulzatlen composed of the most In- tfllMtUal plpnmnt n( thn nl,Un. Philadelphia of Itnllnn bleed, gave llif am annual rencrn ami unnce last five stag at Lu Lu Temple before n large ndlfnce. The effnir wus given for (be benefit of the. fnrmni. uirul,.i mnn I Italian birth, many of whom w ere pmfni in me unuerra or the Italian Army. Tha concert n-n Viemin ullli !,.. nt the former hervlre men, under the Mderahlp of Antonlne Scarduzie, and tniy sang with much cnthuslnsm nn,i tOXIi xPl$ le'st? fcP'esentwl the MM of the Italian singers of the citv wme very excellent singing was was and some splendid voices revealed. SLL AerS Mm1- ?Ivi.rH Cavalleri, m2 A' "onceni, who has n remark- ... wie tojce nna excellent control of kV. J,iniet.Ift ?(,, tPn.eri Antonlne warautie, bnritene. who scored a JESuS". wl,h hls 800', veip "nd tK"'11.' .ftaE' .presence and person- .iff.; ."""V l,u.iwV nn. accomplished Jllljt who phyed the Pepper Hi,,,. 'Lwd a geed tone, nml Henjn- MsUfltai,,a,..A,nni"t wll Plnved the 'HBnilt Msr.t "CampnneIln. The ,!"- MAINTENANCE KNOINKKK Oil jiabtkh MKC1IANIU Esparianecd In the conatruetten t2?tV'"lt "nd mnlnttnnnce of 'saitrlRl aqalpment. Induitrlal M warrhome bulldlnsa nd !Kf ""J.,lld "Pairs of pewtr ' riSr?0" """""' . A SIB. Ledr Offlce. SOLID PLATINUM WEDDING RINGS m 130 185 Wf BiUetti Keu RtHrui fl ChrUtmat OWitmaa Oatalepia Mew Xeadr Charles Muth k Sens ' Diamond Utrchant, ceiemtu Ara. at tTth St. .H- "' 8. girtlh St. he Lamp Factory SL"S Street w TiJSt pricw fa Smtl h'JV 'i S, urd., $11.50 NlUtd a"" nsHfej 'Ik iiid. ' alttr. wHaiJap M ti.. Nil i, MltS. I I " I"nie f.Val IM! At sat Rtrcel teu out. If whet eilier atom cr. n n raute teu J if dirai-t from th tu. mmA "aaeiai". SOW wla..' J,me xir'i I 7 f. f W.5 sat ragraasaaaam aUcirl. aaaaaaawaaaaBaaijaaBBaMaaaw Da bBNsj aaaaaaawa. aw ssaaaaaaan Bit fm$fa&m& Sm m fZPQi.,- aatajtifa,aaa.aiaUtM. aaaaaalisaw mS ' A IMF THAT YOI CAN CARE FOR Yeu can't repair a slag or tin reef, you need a reefer. This free booklet tells about a smooth-surfaced asphalt reef that you can keep in condition for many years, yeuruiT. Tiega 8700 Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 Luxurious Bex Springs', Hair Mattresses Fer ever half a century Dougherty's have been recog nized as the leading specialists in quality bedding by the most distinguished clientle. in this and ether great cities, who have found our Bex Springs and Hair. Mattresses te possess a lasting luxury and comfort obtainable with no ethers. Why should you net enjoy this essential satisfac tion, tee? Luxurious Het Sprlnc. ntllatilt tlalr Msttreasea, Mntiegnny lied- .,! Y!n1lKl. tljiivi, ti..rilnr. CHESTNUT STREET tamps aa Narser, Farnltute. (cMisnJfefe & cie " a OO CHESTNUT STREET FOR SATURDAY A Greup of Specially Provided Values ; - 7 Each Department Presenting Opportunities for Saving en Regular Blum Stere Quality Merchandise New Fur-Trimmed Coats SPECIALLY PRICED TOMORROW 75-00 and 99 50 Regular 99.50 te 139.50 Values Regular 25.00 te 49.50 Utility Coats 19J5 Smartly swagger Coats, tailored after English patterns, in all-wool Sports fabrics, some silk lined; ethers plaid back with half lining; checks, plaids and Polaire cloths. Reductions en All 2&3 Piece Suits Plain and Fur-Trimmed 2500 3950 5g.5e Fermer Prices 49.50 te 99.50 The Daintiest, Most Desirable Frecks in All Philadelphia Specially Priced Tomorrow 35- 39 50 45 Charming models for every occasion in all the lovely new materials and colorings. A Special" Sale en the Dress Balcony Reproductions of high - cost models featuring the latest in novations in materials and colors. Originally Priced 25.00 and 2930 I8.00 Special Introductory Values in Our New Hosiery Section Real Chiffen All-Silk Hese In the newer shades that Paris is wear ing gun-metal, nude, caramel, bronze, silver, brown, chestnut and ethers, includ ing black. Full fashioned, sizes 8j te 10. Special jj5 Pure Thread Silk Hese In black, gun-metal and all wanted shoe shades; full fashioned, double sole, high spliced heel and double garter tops. Special J5 Silk & Weel Ribbed Spert Hese Silk and wool woven in the latest shades; a wonderful special in this very popular type of hose. Sizes 8i5. te 10. Regular 2.00 Quality' Special 165 Ribbed Silk Spert Hese The smartest sport stocking; in grev, caramel, black, cordovan, tan and Russia calf. Regular 2.50 Quality Special 195 On the Fifth Fleer t-'KIDAY. XOVHMIIKK 10. I0J3. (Mere Opana at 0 A. M. C-'leacs nt 0.30 P. M. NELLENBURG ENTIRE BLOCK- MARKET HJSret2 STREETS On the Fifth Fleer Phenomenal Anniversary News of Anether Remarkable Opportunity Tomorrow Fine Phonographs At Prices Far Belew Cost of Production A real merchandising phenomenon which wouldn't happen once in a lifetime brings te you an opportunity te get one of the best make phonographs in America at unheard-of low prices. Here's the explanatien: ' The makers of these fine phonographs suddenly found themselves in need of ready money. The banks holding their notes de manded payment. Immediate liquidation of stocks became necessary, and the entire fac tory output was thrown en the market at enormous price reductions. This New Let New Conies te Yeu at Corresponding Savings and Yeu Can Buy en Our Easy-Payment Club Plan, $5 Down, if Yeu Wish TV t ! V. 8 Vftrfnrn Vfi wr - -w vt ilti Medel A'e. 8, Factory iL ., Price. SISS $39.75 & As the last shipment sold out very rapidly, we advise immediate selection. Phono graphs ordered new will be held for you until Christ mas, if desired. Come' in and leek ever these handsome instru ments. Examine the meters identical with the meters found in the highest priced phonographs. Observe the rich beauty of the highly polished weeds Mahogany, Walnut and Oak the styles, including period effects of the cab inets. Play a Recerd or se n6te the beautiful, clear tone then decide. nTMajllHLiiilulH'rij i L? L' 'IITlf aM I V l ,RafiJLS.5aSkSaS 'il I I IrTiMTTi" a faasw-A . .Jl I I ita w n L, U Mmlcl i. f, tarfen Lint Price. !1C: 1 ft $59.7'. lT D They Play All Makes of Records 9 0 Medel Ne. 8 Factory List eQ Tfir Medel Ne. 503 Factory tfOO 7C Price $125--Our Price P3. D List Price S235. Our Price .pO". O Medel Ne. 4 Factory List eCQ 7 C Medel Ne. 1 4 Factory List fl Q O 7 C Price $165-Our Price OZ7,J D ylcc $265Our Price . . 4VO. 5 5?9de,5lt-UA actSry L,st KM 7K,ModdNe.l6Ftic(orvList HQ 7: Pncc $225Our Price . . 10 . 3 'Price $275-()ur Price . . Ip"e. I 3 Va'SA ,riat.aaat iiiiiViVrVrvvxMji. , lr Medel Xe. I!, Factory List Price, $225 $69.75 I Recerd-Breaking Purchase of 50,000 75c Emersen 10-inch Deuble-Faced Records at . . . On Sale Tomorrow Let i'rir .. n.odein dttnci! hn noe!ty nnd fn gn -"lectiens hy in. CJelumbia Records $1.00 10-Inch Red, White and Blue Columbia OO, Records at, Each. . hose vec- aie the e et' thu i ' i I e k ut, i' ' .iir of e I ' rati e, i a 'u, oral i i n mstru- uui.'iil num- ln.r-. miinv bv the exclusive Columbia artist-. , Hlii I'.llll l it t i imiMii al, dj i met -i ii iirti.-t, :a l' in- 19c EfeaaaaaaHaaaaaai ataaaVWraSslVPn HHMml ttvviaM Ijaujiju ftsUaWtsaW. "" aaataaaaaaaaaaaaT HNHsflstesidssaaaaaaaaaaV 43c 12-Inch Deuble and Single Faced $1.25 te $3.00 ( elumbia Records at, Each CeiiMbtint: of famous Symphony operatic ami instrumental numbers. These records arc the cream of the 12-inrh catalogue, and by the exclu sive artists of the Columbia. SnellUnbureS Fih Fleer .- aW)SMij!$ WEMMSMmSSSSF ' ii ii'i'i ''II', 1 1 v,vV' Sfe! ' jwLdiJ a. J. uj w j mSSPA yilcl ,. ;,0I, iirleru Lml j I'rur. S'!.'i M 9 $89.75 r .i t ifi LENBURG ft CO; SSN. SNELLENBURG & CO, ,..'., J -! .'li - II