KKKKfWKKBSMllBHBSmSKKBBOBIiXfi k m.1. eiaWattiPfBwMfaPrKMPKt r"'--' iaBJBlwaW:iiWusssssaBSM R i"' 'jf ""?" ' TT 1 1 V Tl 1 1 1 li ' IrtFI II I II fWMJ mr mm mwwL- XLfs.1 jtca PW WMr:ATiim at bach heph - gj ., ' Jkf fc ,W ,figW J " 'WH r -f1 i - - - -- V6D.IX.-N0. 50 WORTH tip AT I i i .. B M -l finnA drl Hired ax r. .... .. by 10 With Fortune In Jewels OVERLOOKED LARGE SUM OF CASlUEFnN BUREAU geclaty Weman's Heuse' at 21 , Seuth Twenty-first Street Is Looted in Recerd Time Jewelry Stelen Frem Society Weman's Heme Fire ts of diamond m' Six diamond bnr pin". Five diamond pendants. 'One geld watch. Ten unset MipplurP". K rings set will, diamonds, MHPhlm nml oil""- radens stones. l!p strings of pearls. . .Mmnn. who nosed ns nn pericncrd domestic ! heiiim of eclil fcolire believe the 'WMlc." - ml I flie whh Mary -?. wealthy Main '" tnmr as " Jw is a number of :i clique of pre wen reference. !KL ih.wnb vhe toelt the name and (lie nftmen of n .'expectable young m"n who rmllv Iin; we.kcl for well tae"n Philadelphia families, and He STSlnS le tfn" the reaLMnry Me- 0V te learn If ref.Tfi.ccs given her ... Y,.,nT emnletcrs lind been stolen fwun lint fwtm llDt siven by the "malil" was tin- family et Merris 1.. Ctether. In llrjii Mnwr. A member of Mr. Cletliler'.s lioueelioltl said today SituMarv Met'nbc bad been cmplojeil One et uic rBri-in--j there for five ,ruw prccemnB iw. The yeuiiB weiiiiiu "i " knew te the Clothiers, however, was nn rfjclent and honest hcrvniit. and it m her refeience, the police believe, the Th lebbeiy of the Manic home was . iccempliliel in spied fnsbien. 1 lie ww wnant told se plausible n story fld made e guul nn appearance that Ur new employer wns willin;: te leave 'the house in ln'r ch.irge u few hours after hirins her. 15y 10 e oled; fclm lilt) cleaned the place out. V ' Failed te Find Meney valheuib "Mary, McjOiue" M ; H' ViM . A Ik Imvnlrv. J1K. MlHIIO Id te lay. she overlooked a large nuim of money in n bureau drawer. Meet of tbe jewelry, consisting of diamond itedi and bar pins, diamond pendants and rings, a geld wntcli and a number if unset gems belonged te Miss Mar Itret 0. Maulc, Mrs. Mimic's daugh ter. "The young woman had sicli excel lent references that we never thought ,nf suspecting her." Mis Maule bald. "She had relcreiin's J rum several prominent families, and her appearance was attractive and her manner engag ing. "When hhe arrived I took her evci the house and told her what the was erpeeted of her. We went out for the ewniug n little later." Twe ether servants were, in the heuMwlien Mrs. Maule nml her daugh ter went out. They departed later, leaving the new inn id nlenc. Apparently she ind arranged for nn jecempllee in wait around (he corner for her. Police questioned the neigh bors and lltte Itchier, n cunfeeMenrr 'at .10 Seul b Twciii.-lirl stnet, leld i Milan car in inui v,.,.n unit out et Ranstead stieet containing two per sons and go south en Tweuty-lir-t. Made Kscape in Audi The police believe the servant was In the ear with her accomplice. Melief that hevcrnl puitcsiuiiial crlniiiials leek part In the mlihery iccciveil support from the nddliieual fact that n taxicab hid becu iMikeil in fient of (he lieuse annus part of the evening. In the tnxlcab. tin. jMiliie think, were the lookouts" uf the llilevet. Retiirnln.. tiKi.n, IiV ....i....i. ru.. Waule mikI her daughter I'eiuid their lO.llc InMjed. After eirn unsuccess ful attempt-, i.. ,.( -, uhpeiiM' fieiu tip ilia Id who viis mi,ie-i-( In I),. In. iue, Mrs, Manic- nnn i,, ,. ,,,..,ru . tt'M estate ilciili-i- nml iiliifitim.i n',,4 Jf rgency key . mete was ii ti.iif ;.. 1 1... i..f...... Ionian's room. The women went in the Su? 1!"' ."'"1 " 'aiif in-Led and all et I i "" ' HI 1 jeiengitij. te Mrs. .Maule was ale lnUeii ein niietlirr leiun. ' ..Detectives (irltlith and PaulLne.-. ! nml raulkucr i.ln, .1... V - "' '"vestiBiiic. in- ; i"i were .im.I'ih.,1 ,.. i... ... .!..... ... " ' i.. ... ii . . i Mr',,1,' i- .... ","'!" l4,!"W1' ns '' i", w !V!"'V'',':":, .".. eniicy uf i,, ,.' . "'"i lllllll It's II till i-pii. IE1 r'vf "'.'" Ti... dcte'Xs .. mi 1 in wimmii ( 1... 1 M " I"M1IUB, inim ihn m 1 . dark suir:"10 """'P nr 1111 ..... - I tSVSewi Ran. , in..- . "-.MH L.n A9. t . . -vaucr aam te Have it v . E8.eaPd Capture Erskl "'l. .Ml. Ill 'It.v A. IM- "Publlean me!" k. J"' ' nn n,, .:. .- "'"i" in uic , . Free 8tai VnJTI"' ?5?..,,,.'l,"'rl hy ' e,lnv"u P VZ. W" t Wleklew Vir A brotliep r "v"" "" . W I T II .!' II II ...... . . ---. . Prominent Tliinprnrv iV,,K ,,Ueb,M". url lnTwide r"C,Th,l,'U,: wn wrc tnkeu te til v. , 7,lu nr sejieri, In Dublin "" I,,rl,,l'Hle Uarracl.s it is a'wsAjMa Iffr1 i I UAin STFAI S GEMS ; .. asi III I II H0NII 'It'll M MAIII " I mi imui ii " II. Ilia III! ,wiw 5' 1. . "vrcie'lri !i:r..M,l,"',p '"l'""rles Is ' have perished in a flie en the river beat u lit 11 kiu ,iic... ." i urn 'LKitnmimc inn"it si(eiijji'iiriii -" 1 '".the ! V.fc 0 , Pnrtc-Vhe vessel far as '"eited. Inn .,,"'" "'Pinres were Minvwi, miu n iuh". - nei naviiig 111s rcRisirainui i-nru or 1 r v The Iin, tn ..r1"1".' nm,f- 1 lerials In her cargo. t,p. ik.,.,IK,. rK xwls driving n new wn "w 1.1, 'iP VMl'" '""1 Hidilii. The N"h. lielenKcd e t he fiul Nan. ,,m10 whi,, ceniHined ten pasteboard Hfbert lb', " ",'.I,N ""' resiiei,-,.'r gallon Ciimpany. M iih MlltHimiollrePi Kartei, , i .','". ,!l,,diileiiBh i,sn l.uiden. HIO feel long and meter driven. Asked what business he was In, jfcl- ,rl Inriri'V''' A'lKh ' rish 'VliV number In the crew wm. or gln replied: "lry weds nnd neil,,?..-. Valara. J,ll",'', f"r,eN with it, learned. Trooper Marshall took a imlieii ( 1 Investigate and found each of tin. i.n x Enter as iKend-ciMi MatUr at Mis Postefflw atniladalpMe, UMtr th Act et March 8. lfs Lumber-Pile Operation Fails te Save Injured Bey Norristown Physicians Improvise Table and Werk Over Lad Who Crashed Inte Their Car, but He Dies in Hospital Frem Sheck m Twe physicians, whose nutomebllo'fdeath certificate Riving tlie cause of ......I mm a MuiiiiLji.iu uiiii injiire.i tin rider near Notrlstewn vcstcnlnv. treated the Injured lad while waiting for nn ambulance, using n lumber pll along the roadside for. n table. Vincent Hnlnch, nineteen yearn old, of Pert Kennedy, the victim of the accident, died early today, however, in the Montgomery Hospital, Norrlstewn, from shock. The physicians who performed the operation nre Dr. Jehn C. Simpsen nnd Dr. Jehn T. MacDennld, both of Nor Ner Nor rlstewn. They were returning from Wilmington. Del., in Dr. Hlmpuen's ear when the accident occurred nt ,"i o'clock at (Julph and State reads. Italneli, en iiis motorcycle, was com ing down ii hill en (tiilpli read at high speed and hi machine struck the front, bumper of, the automobile, lie was thrown ngainst the lumber pile with terrific force. Opcrute en Lumber Pile After telephoning the hospital at errist6vvn, lour miles away, the phy sinns held n hasty conference nml de cided te perform nn operation Imme diately. Plndng their patient en the lumber pile Dr. Simpsen administered a hypo dermic te (ndeii the pain, and, with Dr. MacDennld, hegnn the Werk of stepping the less of bleed nnd rediicinc n lompeund fracture of the leg Itainch had received. The pnticnt, conscious, asked for a cigarette, and puffed nvvny i. n it while the physlcinns worked. When the ambulance reached the scene the work lind been completed and the leg bound with improvised splints. Made I'adc Patient Comfortable Dr. Simpsen, who drove the nutomo nutemo nutome bile,wiis exonerated from responsibil ity tnis morning after an investigation had been conducted by Heglstrnr Charles White. .He ruled that the necident was paused by Hnlnch. who was driving his motorcycle nt high speed, and issued a PUT TEAM LOSES Nick Shuler, Regular Pilet, Left in Hospital Suffering Frem Pleurisy PRACTICE HERE TODAY Pittsburgh is here. The Panthers nrrived early this morning and breakfasted nt the Xor Xer iiiandli', where they will be quartered while in this city. They battle Penn sylvania en Franklin Field tomorrow and they will take their final workout j at the Red and lilac stadium early this afternoon. Captain Hellernn vvns chirpy and spirited nnd enthusiastic this morning, and tills una in spite of sud newi. had le Pittsburgh men. for the Panther leader carried the message that Nick i Shuler, the clever quarterback, was left behind in Smoke Town, suffering from pleurisy. "The less of Shuler will hurt us Fcmuwhat," said the captain, "but we will be in there lighting nevertheless. Nick was taken sick a few days age and WedncMlay night had te go te the hospital. Yeu kuevv, he succeeded me at qiiaiterback when I broke my arm mi! Iik'h lieen nhnillL' a baiiix-up Kiimc. ANOTHER QUARTER Pep is going .te start Wintcrlniin nt8ees 8eme Progress Toward World quarterback." .Revolution Wiiitcruum te Stait M?r?w'.' Nev- -' A. P.)- WliitA-biii-n is reallr the thiul-stung Panther quarterback. The jnx seems le he i-ii the Pittsburgh pilots. Hellernn briikn Ids left arm in the I.afajotte (jiiuie early in the season and new Shuler is out with pleurNy. "Seme one stepped en the arm, baiu Hellernn, an'il he laughed. lie's u game liev, this llelleran chap, for this Is his bit: year and he is utiablc te participate actively. "That Mep broke mine than my iinn." llelleran cenliiiued. "It lulled mc all up. but I'm rooting for the bejs te i nine through for me." I'!.,. Pmiiiinr i-aiitaln was asked new I. fu nui.ut the Penn game, ii.,., i.nu ii Pi-eat team, lie re- tilled, "nnd we knew it. They always light their hardest ngaiii't us and we 200 DIE IN SHIP FIRE . .u.j W.,r Shanaha K,ver Bea c"",,""i" ' . " After Beina Burned hlinnchai. Nev. H. H'.y A. IM- Tun In. mil. il n.-l Mills nt" repencu te -'"V'tSj'Xwa.tal pen, near Shanghai. FBEiBHrai AFIRi "SEA 01 ui Nnia Reoerted te Be SteamshlD Nela fllD. I .1 H , . .- Burning In Gulf of Mexico v ii.iP.tus. Nev. 10. tHy A. P.) n'i. fi-i-luht steamer Nela, which piles 1 !..-. ..t. New Orleans uni lloiibteir, '.--- j .1 ! 11I nn I a at ci Ii la rrv was icneririi . i. c ..... iniir ln te be iiurptug n the Uulf of V ""." "" i n.Vr firty miles from the morning t ,111'AII.U - . .- 'r.Wr ... Vi. Misslsslnnl River 1 iter reports said the i-hlp was do de do tdreved and the crew- in lifeboats was iiii-iji-il nn bv 11 French stenmer. 1 The 1 incssiigcs te.it by Cnptu n -l.nr- raurl of the MP ""I "1 ""'" '"MV I'"' r,l ".. ,.rtp.l. Tlie vessel as. far as 1-uv I'llAMlKKHl HAllT. w.U.h reikt beet li"l or . ield. l-'or ihelcmt fruit aa wr Brand. lilv. JCatmer Pa. ucatn as accidental. 'What we did nt the scene of ihe ne cident wan really net an operation," Dr. MacDonald, who la n surgeon at Montgomery Hospital, said this morn ing. "We merely rendered first old treatment. The leg was broken in sev eral places. AV cttepped the bleed flew and bound it in splints before the am bulance arrived. "I really don't knew hew lengi.lt was until the ambulance reached the ecene. We were naturally exercised ever Rnineh's condition, and paid no attention te time. However, we lind him as comfortable nn lie would have been In trie hospital when It arrived. "We did net tall: te tiie pntient be cause of the severe shock of the ncci .dent te him. One of the Important fea tures of treatment in such cases is te keep the patient perfectly quiet. "Whnc he reached the hospital, cart ment against the shock was continued. We called ether physicians in consulta tion and did everything possible te save him. The treatment apparently was cgective for Ilnlnscli rallied late in the evening nnd we were very hopeful, but a relapse came nnd he died nt 1 -A" o'clock this morning. "We believe there must have been some internal injuries, but even if there were none It is easy te understand hew the shock from thu compound fracture could cause denth. His leg was broken lu several places, "Itainch came down the hill at terrific speed and tin: necident resulted from his tr.vlng te get In front of our machine. We turned nnd tried te let him by, but unfortunately he turned In the same direction and struck our front bumper eti the left side. "His motorcycle continued for fully fifteen yards nnd he tried hard te re gain Ills balance, but could net, nnd. was thrown against the lumber pile." We found him with his leg crumpled up beneath his body." DIES WHILE AT SEA Husband of Modiste Gets News When Ship Decks at New Yerk HAD HOME AT CYNWYD Mis, Mnrgnrcttn May. proprietor of a women's clothing establishment ul KiOO Chestnut stieet, died nt sen yes terday en the steamship President Roosevelt. Her husband. Albert May, unaware of his wife's death, went te New Yerk lntc last night and mnde arrangements te beard the beat, which decked this niernlng. Officers of the fhip broke the news te him and for a time the shock brought him te the verge of lellnpsc. Mrs Jiny died while the ship was "'' iminreu nines irem pert. She medical attention expired in a few hours. ...... ni.u.i.M.. riiu-mwi in nun i csiute Mrs. May was widely known in bus- iness circles ncre. m n0 i..ft i,.n. tnr. Kurepc Aueust 12 nml viii,i ti. , i eus fashion marls in Paris nnd Lon Len Lon eon and ether cities. Her home vvns in Cynvvyd. ZINOVIEV REVEALS PROPAGANDA IN U. S. i,,p All,1i Internatienale was told last niuht by Zlneviev, chairman of the Executive Committee, that the way te world revolution is through Germany. lie was net very optimistic of Com munist progress in ether parts of the glebe, during the lust year, but lie said tiie movement hnd made tremendous strides In Germany and ptedlcted that tlip next few months would luing "sur prising happenings" in that country. Regarding the United Slates, the Soviet leader declared 4 hat some prog ress had been made toward the world revolution, despite persecutions a,i- the very tuerny paths which Communist leaders and their followers have had te trnvel. lie admitted that the niewincnt hnd lest ground in England, saving the situation there was consider"il almost hopeless. It is upon Germany, however, that the hopes of the revolutionists nre cen- tereU. Klnev PV S .. - - - .. said events were sure te happen there which would centralize the eim of the imrt.v te brine nil countries fnce le face with communism. NEW MAYFLOWER SKIPPER Andrews Appointed Commander of Presidential Yacht Washington, Nev. 10.- (Hy A. P.) Commander Adelphus Andrews, for mer assistant te the chief of staff of the Atlantic Fleet, lias been presented te President Harding by Secretary Den by ns the iuvv commander of the presi dential J adit Mn.vtlnwer. Commander Andrews, who succee'ds Captain Ralston S. Helmes, recently assigned in the American natal nils' nils' slen te Uriill, was graduated from the Naval Academy In 11)01 nnd is a native of Dallas, Texr.H. SEIZE" LIQUOR IN AUTO Lack of Driving License Leada Egg Harber Police te Probe Statu Trooper William Marshall, at i.gg iiarnnr, .. ,1., enrjy nmny arrested lsudore Zelgin, fifd Locust street, for cartons te contain live-gallon jnKH ,,( moenshlnn uhlikv. Zchtlii was tur.,1 ever te the Federal autMritici, MARGARETTA MAY PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1?22 T Observers See Weglein and Hall Trying te Center Power in City Greup NOW REACHING OUT FOR COUNTY DEPARTMENTS Count en Pinchot's Ce-operation Because He Favers Heme Rule in Salary Fixing Observers of City Council who have been studying the effect of the denth of Scnnter Vnre en the fortunes of the local Republican organization, are be ginning te see in the political activi ties, deft moves and diplomatic speeches of Richard Wcgleln, president, and Councilman Chnrles R. Hall, majority lender, the development of a movement te make the city's legislative body the real political power in Philadelphia. These who discussed the situation to day, as It was mere or less plainly revealed at yesterday's meeting of Council, argued that it wan clear an effort was te be made te center con trol of the organization in n group in Council which would include Mr. Hall and Mr. Weglein and their frlends'and the friends of President Judge Brown, of the Municipal Court. Under the new city charter. Council has already developed considerable pe litical importance, despite the fact that Mayer Moeie Is an aggressive and as sertive individual. New that leaders in Council have learned hew they can be effective In departments under the Mayer, they nre turning their attcn" 11011 10 getting iiirect control ever tne county departments which, of course, in Senater Vure's time, were the back bone of the Vnre organization. Expect Pinchot's Ce-operation Strange te say. such leaders as Mr. Hall are convinced they will have the co-operation of Governer-elect Pinchot, for the reason that the new Governer apparently favors home rule in the matter of fixing cnlarics. which must Be nrevlued for bv Council. Ever uince Mr. Pinchot's conference Just before election with the "big chiefs" of the Republican organization, it has been known that he has expressed sympathy with Mr. Hall's idea that salaries te be paid by tlie city or County of Philadel phia. should be fixed by the City Coun ell and net by the State Legislature. Apparently .vir. nan ueucves that Mr. Pinchot would net sign a bill missed bv the Legislature which would inci-Pd&e salaries that bad te be met by the City Treasury. ? Only today was It fully realized by politicians, who are aware that Mr. Hall is net anxious te perpetuate one ene mnn leadership of the organization, that the ceuncilmnnic lender had consciously or unconsciously put one ever en Con gressman Vnre, who aspires' te tills same one-man leadership. Mr. Vnre was present when Mr. Hull (neilu ills point about salaries in tlie conference with Mr. Pinchot. It wan pointed out today that all would net have been as serene ns it vvns et thnt conference if Mr. Vnre had appre ciated the full effect of Mr. Hall's move. The effect of Mr. Hall's pro posal, carried te its logical conclusion, would be te give Council full power in the long ruu ever all salaries in county offices. , Council Would Held Power Power of salary fixing carries with it power ever the jobs themselves, and jobs nre the very life nnd breath of an organization. This power, under the Hall plan, would be vested in City Council, where Mr. Hall may held his seat with or without the indersement of Congressman ai e. v In n sense Mr. Hnll and Mr. Vare arc working in harmony, nnd there is no question thnt Organization lenders generally were warmed toward the Con gressman because of his display'ef "ai. Belie" qualities around election time, in thnt he loosened up the old purse strings. Hut little things seem te show the way the wind is blowing. Fer Instance, nt yesterday's meeting of Council there was a brief period when it looked very much as if Mr. Hnll and Geerge F. Helmes, president of the Heard of CnnffrpflRnmn Vare. In fact, the Congressman Innka upon Mr. Helmes as a liaison officer be tvveen himself nnd the independents and between himself and Mr. Pinchot, net reckoning en the fact that Mr. Pinchot may net knew anything about the views of the Congressman along that line. Hence it was illuminating te watch Mr. Hall approach the verge of a light willi Mr. Helmes. Anether thing which did net escape the attention of the surveyors of the situntlen was the recognition which Mr. Hall and Mr. Weglein accorded te Continued en I'nsp Ttvnitr-ene, Column Hvn stepw"n"wo"nt"Tuppert MRS. OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN Says She Refused $1,000,000 Manhattan Opera Heuaa New Yerk, Nev. 10. Arthur Ham- ,. a Min of Oscnr HnmmerVtpin ' v deplored -the publlcltv ciVen Irs of Mrs. Eum LZ mersiein yesterdn the nffairs of Mrs. Emniu Hammer- sicitt, ins MCiiiiiiiuei , He said Unit .Mrs. llammersleln, who wns said te be homeless and te n:"u !J had received the entire estate nfT?: I laiuer, vvnicu lueiuueu ine -Manhattan Opera Heuse, aipl that he did net f. obligated te support her. In 8tnt ' llicuv, ...r. ..iiiiiiih-iei-,ii nniii ; "Before, the present Mrs. Ilamti... ' stein would consent te marry my fathpp she caused him te transfer hs r,ltir estnte te her. Therefore, at the dentl of my father, although two sisters nn myself Hiirvlved. (he only werl l goods left In Ills will were perse, !. effects, nnd they nlse vveut te m.' Hammcrstein. ,s- "Twe yearn age .Mrs. Hainnierstein recplvPil nn efrcr of 1.000,INU ?$, Manhattan Opera Heuse, envinv ... equity of ever 5(l0.U0n. This off", !L made bv Sel Bleem, of the Coram ere i,V. Trust Building, New Yerk, and ii refused by Mrs. UaeamuU!!?4 WflH COUNCIL LEADERS IN MOVE TO GRASP POLITICAL CONTROL wuum, v,,.iiiiii.uiir., nnu KuinR te y,,w Yerk Slate, was breuicht here tii " w'"' '" ihrncr Count t'eurt ge in a biter wrangle- ever the com- ke ,unr;;e of tl e PennsvlviiaMsir asking that the sC.hel etlielaN show niissieners method of insuring prep- b" jjlpmr Spieiil wen ii" e" he ai-' "' H'"' t-hiMihl net be removed erty. Sue h tin open light would surely "ume, office Cl " "" front office. sgnlficancerVe te "speak!'' is That' Mr" , T,w '"li""l.,1,,"al s-,, ". hr State "frregularitles mid f.nhire te live up ll?,ln. , L 'Z- nl . ,,.' nl... J.rl has greatly increased in efficiency since, te the t-choel cede" are th.. reasons -T i . " J.I ... - I 11 lllll I 11-tKlKf -.! ill IJIII1 111 lllll ...------- .-.....- ..'... ... ,v... . .vui- fcv. V.....K irnnin i. ai w ... ... . ..... ... - Faces Drug: Charge '- '-d mmmmum CECILIA LOFTUS One-lime celebrafM actress, who was arralgiiMl in court for possess ing narcotic drugs arraigFcecjuTleftus 111 Actreti Charged With Peiieiilny Morphine and Atropine Londen, Nev. 10. (Hy 'A. P.) Cecilia ("Cissle") Ix)ftus, for mere than twenty years a well-known actress en the stages of both Great Hritain and the United States, was arraigned today in police court and charged with being an unauthorized person in possession of morphine and atropine. She appeared te be ill. Through her counsel f-he pleaded net guilty. The magistrate admitted the actiess te bail nnd adjourned the case for a week. Her lawyer said she would, spend the time In a nursing home. Cecilia Leftus was born in England and first came te stage prominence as an imitator of elebrlties. Later, however, she played in the legitimate drama with grent success. She por trayed leading women roles with E. II. Sethcrn nnd made pronounced hits in "If I Were King," nnd ob Ophelia in "Hamlet." In 1000 Miss I.eftus was divorced from Justin lluntlv McVartby. author of "If I Were King." She later married Dr. II. A. S. Watterman, of Chicago. They were divorced later. HEIRESS TO $40,000,000 WANTSIMPLE WEDDING Miss Dellera Angell, Who Refuted Titles, Will Marry Artist Chicago, Nev. R10. fBy A. P.) A simple wedding nnd n domestic lif like ether "plain folk';" Is the plan of Miss Dellera Angell. S40.000.000 heir ess, who refused titled Europeans for her childhood sweetheart, Lesfer Nor Ner rls, twenty-one. nrtlst and son of Cal Norris. the village undertaker, at St. Charles, III. Miss Angell who Is nineteen nnd heiress te the estnte of her uncle, the late Jehn W. Gates, announced her engagement te young Norris lasUniuht. Their romance began at a vlllage school. I "I always liked I.es. even when he' beat me in a swimming contest," i,j1(. said. "I don't want n fancy wedding. It's going te be a quiet family affair I early next May." The young IHrcs-, said she wants no retinue of servants in her home I lit ., . .-. A ..I .. ... I 1 uuii 1 wain 11 cnauiK-ur, .viii Angell said. "I want te drive my own cur. I guess we'll linvp te have 11 man for the yard and garden. I.es Isn't verv handy nt the-c things. Re-Ides, lie w be busy drawing pictures." WILD RUMOR HE'LL QUIT IS SPIKED BY FINEGAN "I Am Net Considering Anether Po sition," Says State Scheel Head Dr. Themas E. Finegan, Slate Sit perintrtulent of Public- Instruction, is net going te resign as head efihe pub lic school system of the Slate. Dr. Fluegnn. cliscusslti!; a wild rumor that he wi.uld resign, said in Ilavrisburg this merning: "I am entirely satisfied with the co operation we arc receiving in nil parts of the State and with the progress which the education piecrum is muking. 1 am gratified with the results of the re cent election and the bearing which it mnv be interpreted te have tinen m work of this department. I nm net 1 seeKiim ci 1-wiicuii.niiu uuuiucr posi tion." I)r. Flueaii. who was fei-ninpl- Dcputy romtiiNsieiier of Education of Dr. Finesiin eume Inte office, and tlie strict piiim cement 01 ninte educational Invvs by the State Department tins ere ntul opposition te Dr. Finegan in miiiic of the inral fcheul districts where I scuoei rjeanis iiesireii 10 De lefV alone te close or open school ns they saw tit without ligal or scientific regula tion. GORDON IMPRESSES SPROUL A.il.tiMt District Atterneu M . Assistant District Attorney May Be Judge Rogers successor i , - Governer Sitreul nt his country hem tn Milfenl today said .lames Gnv r.n p den .Ir.. Assistant District At'ternev, "appeals vert strongly te nu" ns n sut- illlKjiiL::BBBBBB MBBBBBBJBJBBJHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iIbbVSsbhPbbbbbbbbV 'HBY,aRBW? SBVHBBBBBBBBBBBv Ik .-.-,- .;- KBjBjBBBBBBBjP.t i ' jiBtt XJBBBBBBT e 'lAuaHBBBBBB. --' " HBk 'i -vsSlA;JBBBtv U . .- ,A 3Sjff',' ' ,.'. ', . ' ., jT .' ' i ' t'3 ' I .v. ... A ' ' ' s . . . . r .v f .rt wmtmMteyr , I cesser le the late Judge Rogers of Com Cem - Union Pleas Court Ne. 2. Teri "I have net made up my mind vet," I the Governer adiied. itt.i, I1....1111 hn nf liit nnllrntvA l.f -I... tin. Cevermir adiTed "J' ","1 Wnw 'rrnr.'1, V."ni! Mp- Ger-I ,len 'lealH very s rengly te mc. I , 1 "'l". I"!.!'1. !"'!".'' 'But hecnuMt "t jus courage. hs flbU linVprner MUMIII CXIlPCta tn !... Milfenl Sunda. lie said the Judicial Ml'0 " ""' ,l "" .. "7. """"'nwd fiem """"'"""' ""' "'" Armistive Day Legal Holiday in State Tomorrow. Arniistlee Day, Is n legal helldii.v In Pennsylvania. Until., public institutions, rlty government depaitmeuls, will be elided all day The Philadelphia Sterk Exennnge will ebfcvvc the holiday, (heugh the sleck exchange in New Yerk, where Armistice Day is net a legal holi heli dny, will be open. T Pabllthtd Dally Eseept Sunday. feepyrltht, IM2, by TURKS ARE WARNED THEY MUST STAND BY MUDROS TREATY Allies Demand Repeal of All Acts in Conflict With 1918 Agreement POLITICAL MURDER OF ALI KEMAL PROTESTED Kemalist Foreign Minister and Party Start Off for Lau sanne Conference Rv Aiseclntrd Pret Constantinople. Nev. 10. The al lied High Commlssieneis this after noon handed a note le the Angera Government representative here de manding the repeal of all measures re lating te the customs, the public debt and the sanitary nnd ether services which conflict with die capitulations and the stipulation-" of the Mudres armistice agreement of 101 S. Otherwise. si;js t he note, tlie Com missioners will be compelled te refer te their Governments for necessary action. The allied generals nKe arranged a meeting with il.iftt Pn-ha. the Nation alist Governer heie. ti, whom thry will submit minimum cleicrm's with a view te insuring I he Mifcly of tlie ttinqis and pfficienr c-ontiel of tiie pnlli-c and gen da merle. The Commlssleiieis nle will discuss the situation at t'huiiak leiiscquent Continued en I'ace Twenl.i-enp. Cglunm l'lte LAST-MINUTE NEWS SEEK ESCAPED LUNATIC AS SEHDER OF POISONED CAKE TO STERRETTS A lunatic who escaped fiem the West Che-"!- Asylv.ut is being bought by the r?lice as the murdeici of V. W. 53tiict.. of Deven, who died of eating' poisoned cake bent him through the mails. It became known TiTiTs afternoon that this man had worked with Mr. Sterrett eight yeais age, had been put in the asylum ter poisoning animals nnd attempting te poison children and had escaped just three days before the gift of poisoned cake was received at the Sterrett home. LATEST RACING RESULTS ' FIMLICO riiat Listen Dearie, $13 30 ?5.CP, $3.40, won wen El Derade, $3.00, $2.00, second; Hemping- Heme. $2.00, thiul.' Time, 1.07. Pay Dear, Oiau, Sy&qun, The Gaff, Sultnn an-l Rhineseld also inn. BASE SCHOOL KICK ON EXTRAVAGANCES Removal of Twe Members of t Rumer He Will Net Ce Before Tredyffrin Beard Sought Present Bedy With Hall Through Petition Mills Murder Evidence MRS. E. B. CASSATT LEADER Extravagance is one of the charges alleged against tu membeis of the Tred.vffriu Scheel liuaul whom socially prominent resident-, of that Chester County township want ousted Samuel W. Tmier. llerw.vn, nd ! David Whltwnrtli, Paoli. ire the school lxmrd members nniiied in a tietltlen advanced for the proposed iiciinn. The petition was spoiisetcil lit Charles M. Lea, of Deven, u retired book pub lisher, who was defeated twh-p b.v Tener for election te' the beard Mrs. Edward It. Cn-csntt. Hcrvvin. In explaining the action of herself and ether signers, said: "Ter sum,, time we felt thnt tlie k lioel beard tt.i" net functioning properly. There w.is en tirely tee much extravagance and there "Was dinsntisf.u tien ,n em rt hand. '',u'te nien have been en the beard for M,me tlme ul, ,1P1(1 W(8 ., WfM tn remove them except by the t-ignlng e( n petition." ine pouiien was signeii ny ten 01 the wealthiest land owners and largest taxpayers In the township. Tlie sign ers nre Mr. Lea, Mrs. (Vibsctt, H W. Riddle. Paoli; Mrs. Helen Dingee. Pnel; T. Truxton Hare. Strafferd: Stephen Heckcher. Strafferd: Rebert 'l'l'dle, Vnllej Fun Strafford, and Edvv n.f.... . .. i.e neutllller. North a.vne; .1 It. rge; Chnrles Halle. aril Hrlnten Refuse- te Divulge Charges Signers of the netltien rnfiwn in c-i definitely what the charges are ngalin.t 1 Mr. Tener and Mr. Whltwerth. Mr I.ea stated that "the two members if the beard under discussion noted out. 1 hide of t m r l,nU nA 1, t .. !.. 1 matter also." He referred uuestieners te ! Archibald Helding, attorney for the tii-uuunrrn. air. ttetciing s comment was: "I want you te understand 1 den t try my cases In the newspapers." Mr. Tener, who is a railroad police man, branded the charges as "foolish and nsinlne." Beth he and Whltweith have been members of the beard for mere (nun ion years .. , , . "'" "'"'"''I iiiat petition nciiictfi iuiih' "ii 1110 screen, has net), piesllgp would Iiiivp heeu ui H.litM,Vi cvet iiifi ueci a sciinei beard meeting." . tleiieil the wuperier Court for the right that he might have forced threiah he said, "and I doubt if any ,.f them ' m Iihiire her name from Jean Ack.r Ship Hiill!iy bill. Hut Ilardl,,. la I'enllnuril en rag TtvenTy-ennru; a.1. i ,flt","r1 ,rl" -'f Valentine. weakened and the opponents of the fall L-ir !"Mn'j ,eumn W She declares that she has bep known nri Htrengtheneil by tlm rpsulu. "' lM,ft,,-J'T AJOHt TIIKRR AEk iu T01.1 Pe'ur', h! the latter nurne. A" '.he llepubllcB OenasB-m " - wtttteean; toear eVVyl mtwii " U ler ProfeieoJ ' m tiian wahesrd States wfcK Bubscrtstlen Price 16 Tar vw mma, I'ublle tgcltr Company. HARDING TO AVERT SPECIAL SESSION IN SPRING "The Man Who Came Back9 ROBERT M. I FOLLETTE United Stiites Senater from Wis consin, who Is expected te dominate the Sixty-eighth Session of Con gress FLYING VISIT TO TRENTON Rv a Staff C'TTfji.n ij t Stw Hrtiiuwtth. N. .1.. Nev 10 4 . . .... . .... . rcjirrt ierststeii nrrc today Miat iep - uty Attorney General Mett wi.l demand the callln? of a new Grand .I'tiy in Somerset County before nUn;; for I11- dicttneiits in the Hall-Mills murder case. The present Grand .lurr. u is tc. ported, will net reconvene In nm cir cumstance until November I'd. ' when iiiniii't- i.irher. et tie Mate tsunreine Court is hchcduled te return from n .iiisiice rarker. of t n Stnte S vacation. Mr. Mett hurried te Trenten yes terday nfter n conference with Prosec utor Hcckm-wi. of Romere County, nnd Alfred Gtbbs, ferrmnn of the Grand Jury. It is understood Gibbs was net Impressed by the evidence the Deputv Atternpv Geneinl and bis aides have gathered. Three weeks- nge Prosecutor Rpek mnn. just before he, with Prosecutor Strlckler, of Middlesex Ceun.tr-as superseded in the Invest Igutietrifst' Mr. Mett, discussed the bulk of the evi dence nt that time with the grand juror". Heektnan ercn then hml th "nm. witness" stntetnent of Mrs. Jane Uib- son, who, says she saw the Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall nnd Mrs. inn.tr 11 'iiii'iil iji .lira .iTiiid idin. B 1 bbbT aW jbbWtPT bbbt H.v.aBBnfilN Var BITBF ' J" ' bbbbbbbbBi Wr MM " ailTBITBBBBBB" MOTT MAY DEMAND NEW GRAND 1IJRY Mills shot te death en the old Phllllns1. '..... ?' ginning, te start tbatr va- 111 nil. It vvns net until Mr. Jlett took ever the case, hewever: that Mrs. Gibon's Investignters have found wltuenses wlie corroborate portions of Mrs. Gibsen's siery epcnnip puDllc, Slnen then tint sriisntinnnl tieceunt. lurj- Foreman I'nlnipiesseil It is rcgnrded as certain thnt the Deputy Attorney General brought this corroborative uvidemv forward vestet- ... 1- Continues en Tarn Twnt.en. Column r.l.h. ... ....".- -."".... ; Abr-NAIV1t Ur- VALENTINO Screen Acter'e Ex-Wife Would Change Frem "Gugllelme" 1 v UW,,0""0 Iis Angeles, Nev. 10. (Hy A. P.) Jean Acker, motion picture actress l.'iw-iivii nn 1fniiklfi !ni)1lH . A.t . ' .wi.y... ..- ...,.,.,,,,, miiimmiimi IINI1J J)t PRICE TWO CENTO ANXIOUS 1! . ,'jir 1 Desires te Defer Facing of i Difficulties Next Cen-, gress Will Present n RADICALS, KEEN TO ACT,' MAY THWART PUNS Investigation of Daugherty In War Fraud Cases Sure te Be Urged SHIP SUBSIDY MEASURE LIKELY TO BE ABANDONEO Blocs, Under Leadership of L Follette, Will Dominate Sixty eighth Congress Less te G. O. P. Shown by Cengrem Changes Incoming Congress Heuse Republicans 225 Democrats . . .- 207 Socialist 1 Independent 1 Farmer-Laber 1 Republican majority 15 Senate Republicans 1 - Kg Democrats 43 Farmer-Laber 1 Republican majority 10 Present Congress Heuse Republicans . 302 Democrats 132 Socialist 1 Republican majority lfl Senate Republicans B Democrats ' 34 Republican majority 24 If Heyanl. Dem., of Delaware, has wen the short Senate term, the Senate line-up nt fTie coming special session will lie: Republic ans, 50; Democrats, .'10; Itopublie Itepublie an majority, 22. '. - " ' , tty CIJNTON V. GILBERT laa CorrcMDeodrnt Kvenlac Public Ledsar Cennuht. I9tt, bv Public ledger Cempm Washington, Nev. 10. The real ' fight bctxv-een the Administration forces and the radicals in the ceminar meeting of Congress, beginning: witk 1, I the special session which President ' Hun!ig has called for November 20, (will be ever whether a special ses sion will be forced after March 4 next. The President is above nil de sirous net te have the newly elected Congress in Washington before the regular time for its assembling in December, 192S. The new Congress will present all sorts of difficulties which he does net wish te face any sooner than neces sary. The Republican majority in both houses w ill be narrow. A radical bloc will held the bal ance of power. Indeed, Senater La Follette alone probably will have enough followers in both houses te dictate terms en organization of ' ... c0mtccs and en legislation. Moi-Pever. Mr. Hnrdinr is tlreil. M. Hnrding is ill. And the desire te get away from Washington for a vacation is .strong. Radicals Kukpt for Action On the ether hand, the radicals pre- win desire te n..0 u special scssIem. ,P, , , , . --... ri,J lwu" 1,r''" ,,c,'t0,1 en Pedges te bring aluiut changes in the Each -Cum mins tailread law and in the taxation system of the I'nlted Stetps. The voters in their States nre restless uml disaf fected. 'I'hey will desire te t-ee results. They will wish te act quickly nnd OSB OSB selidate their positions. Th whole time of the nxt Cengreaa will be tnkttit up with a light for con trol of the Republican Party, and tBe radical minority, occupying n strong .strntegie position in both Heusts, prob ably will wish te begin this light as seen as possible. They will l.p unvffH- .. .. ,R .wl"t,un,n u,"m5cr '"-'c w I "": ,,ntl"nul campaign of 10.M is en tae 11 111 rnvpra. maneuvers. Mr Harding's call for the N'nvemWr '-'( session is general. Iin In.. iiHMuieii me nnip Miiislcly, which .1... .!. .... .. . .. -.-'. W (,ri'!l1I"'"J' 'n" c'FlI'f object ha had In '"'"" '" cn'n "t'gress rally Frem was this it would appear that he 110 longer has great hope of getting subsidy Mil through, and In bringing feugrpxs back llU cliiff object Is te cniii I Iin aa.l avoid if possible the nerei'sity of In vlting the newly elected nieiuberh bar , after March 4. " I ' nlL" ,- S,,,P fJbsldy Kill UnpenuUr ! Th Kl,'P Hulwldy bill never bad ee4 jirosjiccie, iiupeHiiitJti te It was SO trel,K '" 1"' ll"'l session thnt tea Resident had te give ,,p pressi,lf Jt, the roiigresslenal leaders tp lug bin that It pnssagp would se the party '"any scats In the West. Hnd there .. ii.. . .... n .J . . '. lUlr j ..,1 ..,..i,y j,i,j, ,1lr, iiantina'a Ct TTi.T ?l .-"t7 n -M A v ' ,'.,. I M.' Y ..A.. . J. - . ,pAy.fA'U. .J. .IV Jf. W2liiSM. Jd.a