mMimmWmM op. Mi .)??' l-TH Wi 2&&i n..v aaa a a iwwwm mm Mi' cxri'fi ,!.v?ga vr'nsii jut .;.. wmmmmm w: irJ-"'''. f-i 'L".' .j.V'fffiiri'jiff.- ",(I WT JIYWV, ; mwir J Jr.. y 3Hpjpsfljv-----BafttJsB Mm 0eas astir at . (TImis 1 31st Anniversary til JUI ThM Goods en Sate Tomorrows 9tun ann -am, want 4ins SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY OFFER! YELLOW Te E"ry Purchaw of. FADING v """f irertft or Mera fAMPfl &:MNn. 1 Q1 &1 Q9 FREE Gw' ln A"y " rrm,'n' 5iam Ne matter hew many ether "Extra" Stamps you may already have. Sale Charge Accounts Net Due Until January! - - " ii II ii mil 'Bin ssssssssaaaaa ss-ssssss- Am Jfc . m HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE! LitBrethers Mark Eighth Yellow Tradinf Stamp WitkEwy 10c Purchase ADDay CSzda Ftf6rf Seventh '4 Corsets, 2 On Mafi Artmda Lit Brei. Special. Pink broche in low, medium and rirdle top medsls. $2.B0 Cersals, $1.80 Lit Bres. Special. Pink ceutil medium bust; long Wrt. Lit Brethers Second Fleer Women's and Misses' $45 Beautiful j$ W inter leats Fews-efa-Kind Gorgeously Fur Trimmed I MiaWvr JfSxOfJm Pi n F AOUWe I 1 V. y I I 1 ' II 1 H7 F ' MBSa IWv1 It l feSrBra An Anniversary "triumph" the lovely samples of a high-grade New Yerk wholesaler closed out for less than materials alone are worth I Handsome belivias, suedines, chameistynes and lustrous seal plushes, their richness further 25)Z? enhanced by huge cellars of opossum or caracul. Only once in a season does an opportunity like this hap pen along and we count our selves mere than fortunate te have been able te procure this superb let just at the hour of greatest demand. Splendidly tailored; all with peau de cygne linings. Lines stunningly straight, youthful bloused or velumin eusly wrappy. Each model isjdm distinctively "different." Each attracts with some individual feature in style or trimming in embroidery or braiding making this collection the most interesting we've ever shown in any sale. second moor t HATS TRIMMED f FREE OF CHARGE X 5 te '6 Ready-te- $ 0 .98 te-Wear Hatsi stt- 760 strikingly smart hats in a great 9.30 A. M. salt One of the most exceptional value lets that ever our Anniversary has been able te provide high grade paen velvets in dressy mushroom, flare front and turban effects. Very effective trimmings of vulture ture feathers, fancy ornaments, rib bons, soft lace drapings and pretty embroidery. Black only; marvelous variety. MIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIM 4WY7S JKEr BaXiHl mSiT R s9.eWwSWmf J0Se l n Tyy ml wl 1 U I ymttiSwi r 0- n I PSS) ill I.v'.v...v. . '. . "t.Wr7'f &u Li JN iMaiiiKm, K a?a I, j " TaP .98 Tomerrtfw Women's $6 50 One-Strap Pumps Thtyv just erxfrsd ths Annivrsary Sal and offer d iightful selection from four choice groups at a third lessl Black satin plain or beaded vamps turned soles- Baby Leuis or Full Leuis heels. Patent Celt turned soles and box heels. Black Kid welted soles; Cuban heels. Alse two strap,;' models. Alse Oxfords genuine tan Russia calf, patent colt, gray suede with patent leather trimmings and tan suede with tan trimmings. Cuban heels. IIIIMIIIIM Illllll ATV I'f: i i,n Big and Little Beys' .$ $3.50 te 94 Shoes L Lace and blucher styles in tan t and black Russia. Bread or English I tees; welted oak tanned leather soles j rubber heels. Sizes 0 te big boys' 6H. Misses and Children's $3 and $3.50 Shoes, $2.45 Patent celtskin and nut brown I calf. Lace style: Peny cut. Breud tees; perforated vamps and tips. Sites 8 te 2. Lit Brethers First Fleer. North A TREMENDOUS SALE OF MEN'S $30 te $37.50 Overcoats $30 te $35 Suits $19-50 & $24 $18 & $27.50 Fifteen hundred garments the entire reserve stock of a celebrated maker. Fer Full Details See Our Ad en Opposite Page! If you're interested in cutting Hosiery nnd Underwear costs, you can't fail te be highly interested in these top-notch Anniversary specials i Women's $lUnderwear, Fleece lined, cotton ribbed vests and drawers. t,, mm,,,, ,,,,,,, Beys' $2 Union!; Suits, $1.49 Winter weight, ; part wool, heavy ; ribbed suits. raTI L .14 iiM'UMimi nun m Women's $3.50 Union Suits, $2.49 Cotten and I wool ribbed suits. X Women's $2 1 $f .15! Silk Stockings A Full-fnshiened thread silk in black, cordovan and ether colors. Famous Weldrest stocking's included. Mill-runs. Lit Brether Flnt Fleer. Seuth &T ij '" ABsWzsj0!smF&2s' " m"JJeWSmem fi$-Wvf mft tt&kwkew Children's Hats. $1.49 Plush- velvet in jaunty soft I effects. Ut Brethtn First Fleer. North Anniversary features the very best sellers among high grade bed muslins and low ers prices ruthlessly! $1.85 Seamless 1.39 Tomorrow! Sheets5 Our own geed "Har vard Mills" make; bleached; named OIXHU Size. 90x90 Inches $1.49 90x99 Inches $1.69 Pillow Caiei te Match, 45x36 inches, maeh 39c i i MjfExquisite$9.98 Silk Crepes iT.n Anniversary bargains of the very finest eertl Marvelous mill purchase wondrous colorings! Plain, satin-finish and handsome brocaded effects; rich, heavy weight; 40-inch. Newest shades for evtning, afternoon and street wear. '' '"' I' I Mil $3 Beautiful Taffeta Silks, $1.98 I Clmngcables in rich colorings; also newest! Plain shades: 3&.imh. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii $2.50 "La Jerz" Silks, $1.49 Rich sntln-strlpe silks; also checked and i ?C(l onePede chine5 qualities that launder nicely. 32-liich. ut Brether First Fleer, Seuth The Anniversary brings big savings en Aute Supplies hundreds of them! Victer Springfield kA(9g Cord Tires ) Size 30x314. Guaranteed 0000 miles. "--"- -- ----- - - I $2.25 Delien Red Inner Tubes, $1.55 i Fully guaranteed; full floating stock. I fSize 30x3'5. I iJMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimnii 91 e tyro trier tire I Extinguishers, 93.33 Deuhls action; ap proved by u n d r writer. $2 Preste Vulcaniiars, 79c Can vulcanise tires aw well as tubes. Lit $10 Ail-Weel Aute Robes, $6.29 Beautiful patterns; size 60x80, $4 Xceli Hand Herns, $1.85 Breth Second Fleer 35c Pillow Cases. each 22c Made of mmnnnti nf bleached muslin; size 42 xS6 and 45x36. SHcrhtlv t mussed. Ne mail or phone vruera. J 59c Ticking, yard 39c Featherproef 31 -inch; blue, and-white Btripe. 22c Domestics, yd. 15c Useful lengths Muslin and longcletb. 30-inch. 20c Sheeting, yard 15c 86-inch; unbleached. 10 10 te 20 .yard pieces. First Fleer. North 29c Outing ) Flannel pink or blue First Fleer. North Mothers who like their small daughters te be outfitted smartly, will rejoice in the wonderful opportunities our Anniversary Sale provides! -.v -wv t m.m i til f, SLf -L-Jte W m urr ii r - "If f ' ' V sJr-J v W ' Girls' $5 Bestyette 6 Sizes 4 te 14. Tots' $15 te $18 Coats, $9.95 te $12.95 Broadcloth, chinchilla und wool velour with fur or cloth cellnn; and prettilv 'smocked 6 or button trimmed. Sizes $2.50 te $3.50 Tub Frecks, $1.25 te $1.98 Excellent elnehnmt nnH dinmkrava . with white or contrasting cellars and ' cuffs, cashes and embroidery. 27-ineh: stripes. 119 (e, m-r0 :L J nil -' lit T: iiWflil'WLJ Boys,U2AU-Weol$7 Extra-Knicker Suits Soneatienal Annivoreary aehiovement ! Direct from New Yerk! On aale for the first time tomorrow! Remarkably flne all-wool tweeds, cassimeres and cheviets. Norfolk style tailored with all the care of men's cloths. Sizes 7 te 17. in , Beys' $10.50 Chinchilla Coats, $7.50 Alse in the same great purchase Pole models swaircer stvles for little lads of ;;2H te 9 years. Blue, brown and gray chinchilla , of very superior quality with red flannel lining. iiiiiii ri Levely $10 Duvetyne Turbans gaai-98 IS '(V, r I T-fc lit M! Mera Anni- ) versary value- surprises i n I our unequal- . J ed displays of "' Trimmed Mll Mll Mll oett. beautifully beeemintr turban3. ,tUn$Jy' T'?: H,nn; Sand, Slue und Capper in netelUi eUth, " ' "... aLnMdishJVts for mntrens-and children ae in mntehleaa showing. v IIIIHCI V nillll.l 'MM 1 MUM 1' ILf II I J linerj'l "N Silk Quilts - ..j. Beys' 57.50 Raincoat and Hat. S4.9R A fine, practical gift. Deuble breasted, full belted style in tan bombazine. Every seam taped and fully cemented. Absolutely waterproof. Sizes f te 18. Lt Brether, Second Kleer. 7th St, SampUe Werth Far Merm The beautiful kinds wanted for guts at almost making cost! $lb,5U yiiilts. Figured silk tens with plain satin borders and piain siiK eacKs. $22 Quilts . nuis uuavi $11.85 $15-98 Women's $6 Sweaters $ Anni ver s n r y pur- plllHA 4 M n. ene of our best makers. 3.89 Tomorrow All-wool or worsted yarns; tuxedo and button front ef fects; plain nnd novelty stitches. Finished with cress belts and pockets. AImi sports pullovers with shawl cellars and purled bottoms. Wanted colors, Lit Brether, Second Flear Figured Jan silk or satin tops; plain satin border and silk or sateen backs. $25 Quilts ....$1Q,98 Figured satin tops; plain satin borders and plain Jap silk backs. Pink, blue and old rose. Purs lanieswpqi lining 72x78 Inches. $9.50 Weel Blanket pair $6.25 .Slight cotton mixture: blue! I ... u. f.030 Doreers; colored I silk binding. Size 72 x 80. snow handling. 9ie Bed Sets, $7.49 Sntin finish; white, pink or blue; neat Marseilles patterns; cut corners and scalloped edges Size 80 x U0. Bolster threw te mutch. 19 Weel Cem,ort.,l$6.b'S: en wen or siiK-unish cam bric in floral or Persian pat tern1;. Plain 0.1 neh ant,nn I b e r d e r s. Screll - stitched. Wanted colera. Size 72 x 80, 1 Lit flreiAtnFlrst Fleer, North Wm: MM eaafisKVy I1 ISA eBsaasavai iUvu l JrVJ WSnWmWmWwi&i...V m fe. Hr.BPi?rt9 coin& herringbone aT,,i ' 'n,ie"t"ng shades. ssnjt &: &bnaeCckkeflt" a'".:: throughout. Fur or cloth cellars. -------- - 1 ;... ' ' ' . jPisneuse uresses. $1.19 i uincnnm and percale: itrniih. nn. Una lenK-walst model, with whlte iei f Lara and ctlg. glseH 3 1 t W4yWu ce1' 1 ,1 Men's $1.50 Shirts, 74c Sliced Percale: double cults. 75c Half Hese. 40- Weel, in heather mlxturea. Beys' $10 Overcoats, $5.50 L-..V.'. " KJ'".aT ""' ". Heavy rnBiiimeri'S. Hiies Halt Trlmmti Fret of Chargt pe ex neady-fer-Wear Hats, $1.98 ..PA'r.V.!',L'!r:- Purchase! The .13..' ..." ' .7.V,,0'Iu"ir.. nape. and anjartly-trlmmedrrae'undJe ?J?. Hats, $1.29 veaMu"coelU?XJLMy . ... . - - ---:" """i-.riiiiineu. , "' WOMDIf'S AMD OBOWXIS Ch Mn. dn. U:.4. ee. OXXX.!' SXOXS Tan. Bun-metal "'.7." "7" ..V ec niul kulHKin: military or low heels. All sizes. I J. 60 te 14 values, WOBOJH'B ft OXB&r Patent celtskin, klil.skln nnd tan strap :niiti)3 nnd Oxferds: military Cuban, low nnd rubber heels. All Hlrei. M te $5 valurs. sassxs a eKiLsasare Tan nnd sun-metiil calf; slsta 81.. te 3. 13 te 14 values. BOYS' Tan and aun-metal bluchers: some have rubber hfpl.s. Sizes 9 te IS 14. S3 te 14 valuvR. Misses' sad Children's $3.50 te $4.50 Shoes $2.19 Tan; high-cut; euk poles. Ulxes Sia te 2. Ne Mail or Mane Ordtr, FilhJ en Subway FeattMar j Sturdy cotton rlbh1 30c Cretonnes, 19c Alse chlntzen; pretty denlgn. 32- nnd J8-tnch, $5.50 Comfertables, $3.98 Sllkellne centers; flernl bor ders. $2.25 Bed Spreads, $1.69 White crochet. $1.39 Table Cleths. 95c Mercerized flnUh; hemstitch, ed or acnlleped, $5.50 Blankets, pr. $3.95 rink, blue, gray nnd tan plaid woeluap. Girls' $2.50 $.25 Frecks 1 Olnghnms and chamliray.i siz- 7 te 14, nnd chevletH te l $1 Stockings, it iunutvn(ii ritt.wt. a.. . I brown sffecte. Imperfect. 39c EXTRA KNICKERS s.rnVe0rre,a.,k? t'.? iT " C K!!JX ftWi 13.98 '":"' in nue. frrav nn.l i. I,. i,ui "... - --- brown. i te In laid linings. 1 Sliea 2b Women's 85c Gloves, 39c wSiZ?"2&s.IMS.tata - Js?lail4. . M..aA.MA . -a..-.., ,, mnntu rt Uwm .... 3hwr eg Qu Fine Big Values in Government Goods O. D. Weel each Blankets, $2.88 aaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"'l Kxtra heavy; long warm wcigiu a te each, Sketched. and pounds $1.50 U. S. . Marine Cerps Underwear, 79c Extra fine white woolen shirts and drawers. All sizes. Sketch ed. 11 iSffv Friday Bargains I ax Dresses Heuse j$OJ9 esses) Of finest imoerted English srins. ham. Surplice cellar style with dainty organdie trimmings in white or har monious colors. Sizes 36 te 44. Paneled style that comes in reg ular and extra sizes with wide panels, roll cellar and crisp white ergandie vestce., Sizes 37 te 63. Pretty blue, green, brown, lav ender and pink and white checks the smooth, fine, lustrous quality that bespeaks the best ginghams you can buy. STe Mall or rhene Orders Mum. I Lit Brethers Hccend Fleer $1.50 Pearl Beads, 69c French pearls; wnx-flllcd; IM-Ineh opera length; solid geld spring ring catches. $18 White Geld Wrist Watches, $12.95 14-karat white cold engraved cases; 7-Jewel movements; tennenu, octnren and round styles. -First Fleer, Seuth THIIII Illl J $4 Extra-Size Silk Petticoats, $2.98 Messnllne with pin cording and small platted ruffle. Change ablcs, plain colera and black. Lit Brethers Second Fleer J $1.50 Corduroys, 69c 29- and 36-Inch; plain and new block effects, Beaver, Copun Cepun hueen. ilnrk brown, myrtle. Ilur- t gundy, rose, cardinal, myrtle green, navy, miunigm diue una bl ACfC Lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth $ 1 te s2 Weel Dress Goods, vim, 58c Leem ends and remnants. 3G- te 42-inch widths; wool home heme spuns, English tweeds, trlcetines, Peiret twill", serges, shadow checks, canton crepes, skirting checks and plaids, granite cloth and ether popular weaves. Ne mail or 'phene orders. Nene te dealers. Ut Brethers First Fleer, Seuth i I 1 i I I 1 1 f ) VI M A n mS y A Yaw m WMM i yUfjmS ' I ' 1 1 Women's $6.50 Umbrellas $4.-39 Colored sill:. Best para iron frames. iGrcat variety of handle:--. First Fleer. Seuth a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $8 te $12 Marabou Capes, $5.39 Black, brown nnd natural coler: some ostrich. trlmm.l. Z,lt Brethers Firm Fleer. North J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $1.25 Cerk Lineleums, sq. yd. 69c Four yards wide. 65c New Precess Fleer Cevering, sq. yd., 39c Twe yards wide. "Sllcht seconds." Rag Carpet, yard 79c Old-fashioned. $18 Fine Weel Rugs, $12.95 i'xl2 feet. Tapestry Brusnuln. I Sed Axminster Kugt, 3JZZ.98 4 6x3 feet. $12 Fibre Rugs, $7.75 Imported. fi.9.9 feet. $9 Imported Grass Rug,$6.98 9x12 fct. Ut Urethcrs Fourth Fleer t Patent Medicines iset mere man hix or an f article te n customer. Nene te dealers. Ne mall or phone nrr1ri. Allnr! ' $1.25 Brome Seltzer, 79c 1 SI lllll Hltlvi Kivtia ra TRn VMn. vftltla A. ' Sl.10 Oudi'a Vepte Mangau'. .8ae t 3Se Slenn's Xilnlmcnt ase SI Tanlae fi7 S0.S5 HetUeOCs XaltSd atllk. SH.73 I SOe PhllUps' KJlk aCagneaU, 33e t ax rauisr jenn's oetia Medicine sSe nheiitiia ei.iw f 1 at aa .... H.. e V v www van Si swamp meet 76e Lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth IMtHMIMH... 1 X$1.50 te $2.25 Tapestry Kemnants, each 79c Follnite and venlura t.itim A frlrM trmnv ulll.fnnu.l nlAau $1 te $2 Rep and Peplin. I yd. 49c te 98c Remnants; many double width arnpery maicnniM included. $1.25 Window Shades, each 69c Hand-made oil epnque, flreen I ann einer colors. luilex or Runrautvcd reller-i Sllcht "mill runs " Ne mall, phone or (.. O. r order. 35c te $2 Lace Curtains, f each iyc te Hc Odd leth nnd ntrlt ham, hcrlm und m Many nn be matchci j.ll iireinrrs This 535 Breakfast Roem Suite,5 24 Gelden eals. Colenlnl d stcn. Includes extenlen table with 6 42-lnch top, lour chairs with high liack nnd brown leatherette slip Heats. $30 Enamel Bed Outfit, $18.55 Beef, Spring, Mattress Twe-Inch cotlmieua pout bed with ten tillers men rUe link fabric spring and roll edge cotton mattreHs.-Feurth Fleer 49c I which ' 75c Glass Guest Sets Bettle and tumbler may be upciI a. cover and foliage dcMlirn, $5 Cottage Sets, $3.55 31 pleccx Hluf and sold bor der decoration, ,Scr!ce for m1 people Lit Brether.. Third Fleer Children's $1.35 Underwear, each 89c lntnr Wpll?hf rnr n'nAl Cut rose " I vests and dniucrn. Slzrs 3 te 10. rse mail or phene order. Women's $1.50 Weel Sports Stockings, 59c Sllk-and-woel In imnrt new Bhndp.s. Sema Irregular Lit Brethers First Fleer, Keu'h $3Hand)$1 85r Bags Chiffen velvet and silk duvetyne Unusually geed looking stvles. Levely decorated frames; nicely lined. Wonderful gift choice! lei ri "loneor Lamp &Shade ' complete : $10.95 'J fWW 3 'wsMB (& i',u vtirmWsSW l.U llrethn. Fxn Flecir Sm Si i 1 $12.95 M a hocauv hecauv flnlMh liane; Bn or elec. trie; prcttj frlnnpd r I I k shade, with Beld braid und tanselH Lit Brether.- Third ii,,t X Roasters, 75c ja i may be 88c I$l Round A'upuiiutu l-:nch ued snpnrntelv $1.25 Bath Steels White ennmc' 30c Toilet Bowl Brush, 19c .Made en tt,Hti-d uhltf Tnin- PlCO WlrO fr.llr.0 wuilil Imnrlli, i I 50c Ceal Heds, 35c I Illll'k Jftliun 10c Mystic Mit Pet Cleaner, Six for 25c $1.25 Stilson Patent Pipe Wrench, 73c Lit Urethcrs Third Fleer iiiiiiiiiit,,t. $1 te $1.25 Fleer f i . - : . - - t i 30c te 40c White Goods, t ya;d, lbc Nainsoek, lonncleth, rrt-ne, dotted SwI.ih, Indlun hnd suit tnr, liniterle cloth, madrai., or er Kndle. te 0-ntd luniitliH. Ne mall or phone erdirH Flrt Fleer, North Silks. 69c .Natural roler ii'iukce, mnrt atrlptd HhlrtitiB Mlkn and Jnc quatd luiiUHsellneH In white, tun and Kr" Lit Brethers First Fleer, Houth t ii iiiiiiiii Women's $2 Kid Gloves luu.elaHp, j-ar'N point back; black, whim nuil ce'iiim 1st Meer .euth and Kuhway 89' Mahogany Mantel Clnrks ($ .50 $15 mijlS Kinda! Superb Gifts 1 ( 2T9t..J illir 1 iaaam i--u in me let; beautiful clucks in len tambour and scmi-Gethie styleaalse colonial clocke. 8-dny meveiuents; striku thu lieur nn.l half hour en cathedral gengH. Full. gumauteeu. Lit lrernei-aFIrut Flter, huuth I ( tV ; Nettlnr-I l TiarqulHelte. I II Third Fleer J II I ri j fast Mark ata, Tfl M, aVnaBSJfUUUM LV'J -? Ti .tfil mm& "'fm W sri , ..Mi?is&.&iJM . . a.aaBJSiBBBVi' X u " 1-''J'K