jfe:gii BiWSB$ra$l " V 7l'BS3Hv HHIlHIVHMIP&flMHKMCHiHHMF7r1HHHHHHR?rn?7'S&V'i$iV vivsV Tw&T3e9TSR'V!V iffiSfflsF!,r - , ' -'" . .t&i BAViVi UfrtV lW. Wi?! ' . MTJMi.lii.lVI -. .w .--- - wBsr1 All Thse Cfoeds en Sale Tomorrow tot Opnt Sail? at A. M. OIemi 6 9. M. " -m-mr-mm was ww. vawi WTT BiMM BBS JTMB1 wim mm i "" ""-' "a Charge Accounts Wet Due Until January! Wall ami MtM Mm MMt-am, Wata N-trrttMi Mala 4101 SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY OFFER! HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGEI Men's '5 Sample Hate 33f w-ai iTELIJOVv Te Euary Purchaser of Tjifcovetixiets TRADING One Defor' WerfAi or Afore New. fine and at the lowest WIM?! k.v;- price of all time, during the $J85 K7C STAMPS cA . KM 101 P. loe SM -1 I! ft Anniversary sale. A Thanksgiving hat that you can 1 Tl mw V I m E Gead in Anv Ymlleui Tradintr Stantn f 5K 1 Yellow Trading Stamp With Every lOcPurctase ADDiy FUbnt Seventh Excellent variety In sizes 6, f and 7H. Alse a xull line of famous en A second enipni I .vu. 1 HIllUIIlBIlb ' ..... no matter hew many ether "Extra" Stamps you may already have. Rittenhouae hats at this crlce. in all sizes and colors. iff flrefftcrt First Fleer, 7th St. 1 31st An jH .iBBBBW nil bbbv .bt H -f If- f s- i iiinrniir Mm fB CW Ml f 111 fp , 1 IKA' Starting Tomorrow- A Spectacular Anniversary Sale of Men's Overcoats & Winter Suits Heady for the Men of Philadelphia-and 'Round About-At Guaranteed Savings of a Third or Mere! A purchase of startling proportions- astonishing values! Every coat and suit direct te us from a great New Yerk maker te Lit Brethers because we were alert and made the "find", offered an immediate outlet for this huge surplus stock and had enough ready cash te take it entire! Real $3Q Plaid-Back Overcoats ml-50 Real $37-5Q Plaid-Back Overcoats . ! y - Btai OVERCOATS nlLwnnl nrJtvfiil Jn,'r UnJ, (nk,A .,., ,! Rirt knrUr crreat rnfltc lllfifprs. UlfitfirfittPS flflfl rensprvfltivpc . ---. - M i v-viviiuj piaiu-uaciv taunts, cvciy unci -"g -fj e-fc wf . - -, --- -... ..w. . ... ,u raglan shoulders mostly. All handsomely tailored and the majority lined with satin. Their greater worth is evident in every detail. Actual $28 Suits With Extra Trousers SUITS-with two pairs of trousers. All-wool cassimeres, veleurs and tweeds . i I i . ...... . i i young men s sports ana business styles, all splendidly made. Complete cneice Actual $35 Suits With Extra Trousers 9 ? -50 )TMbmb - in every geed pattern and color. Men's staple models, in every size and every choice saves you a third! Extraordinary Values in Subway Stere Substantially lower-priced and the same guarantee of geed quality' Men's $22.50 te)$i 0.98 1 Men,s$20te$22.50)$1 0 49 $25 Overcoats ) lO Twe-Trouser Suits ) U Popular plaid-back fabrics. Ulsters, ulstorettes and raglans. Quarter-lined. 'All sizes. All-wool cassimeres, cheviets and fancy mixtures in neat pin stripes and plaids. Single or double-breasted ; all sizes. Fer Your Greater Cenvenience: Plenty of extra salesmen courte ous, efficient, but never insistent. Necessary alterations without extra charge. Stairs and elevators direct te Men's Clothing Sections. Lit Urothes Second Fleer, 7th .St. Famous Kirschbaum Suits & Overcoats I surpassingly rmc q r b&h 0 f mm Quality At Popular I P M IW r f L p Prices. ! tfe J il Superb all-wool rubrics in widest variety; notable Kirschbaum styles and tailoring for men and young men. 'M0fcl M'W MNHaMN Sale of Men's Shirts inter Underwear Anether Big An n i ve rsary Bargain for Men! Other Furnishings, Toe! $50,000 Werth Here for $35,000 (ffljy iff '1 Mb : i MFMiii i I MJE3 ww mmmimitn Vast purchases make possible this tremendous thrift event for men vast purchases that bring us, and you, corresponding economies. A round dozen of phenom enal values here; every masculine need for the winter season in its smartest, most comfortable, most serviceable form. Many will make splendid Christmas gifts, and new is the time te cheese, if practical economy interests you. Everything is new, fresh, perfect and fully guaranteed! Convenient Sale-Sections right at Market & Seventh Streets Entrances. Careful arrangements for easy choos chees ing and prompt service. i ur iy nit i evc eanner mercerized I neur nose, ec f Fine mercerized cotton yarns with unbleached split feet. Seamless ; double heels and tees. f 6&$7Rich!$Q.95 Silk Shirts) O Beatiful rich lustrous new silks best quality stripe crepe de chine and habutai silks. Handsome colored stripes in neat and novel designs. Best workmanship, perfect te the least detail. Fine ocean pearl buttons and silk worked buttonholes. All sizes. $3SilkStriped)$1.55 Madras Shirts & Handsome grade madras with lustrous silk stripes smartly arranged with neat colored stripes. Custom made and finished; double soft cuffs. Fine$6Fjke)$Q.95 Silk Shirts) tail Heavy quality fibre silk leeks like silk and wears better. Lustrous colored stripes. One of the beat makes; perfect in every detail; double soft cuffs. Meny6-50 I Shoes and Oxfords $4-98 Hi Made te Our -v Special Order! & $ $2 Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.38 Heavy quality outing flannel; neat colored stripes. Jackets have pockets and silk frogs. S Trousers cut full. I 5 "Beacon" Blanket! $0. 95 Bath Rebesl O Genuine Beacon blankets; plain color grounds with fancy colored figures. Large round cellars; J deep pockets; rope girdles. 51 "flm.,," PMA eaf V X V1IJA IU1C Ull Heavy quality thread silk: all first quality : black and colors; seamless with double heels and tees. Silk Half Hese $1 cm. F.. ) -n s-w iwimiui-ivUC in-Hands tJ Rich, heavy quality in handsome all-silk bro cades. Neat and fancy figures in smart new color ings. Carefully made with slide-easy bands. (Beys' 85c"Fairmeunt"Cr t DMAL D1m.am )JU m Jfc vlvCllv UlvUwCe ,' High-grade percales; neat colored stripes. Oellur.; MMCRMt soft cutis; double yokes, bxtru well made; MH4 let. Ne phone or. mail orders filled. cfe ' LM uretnenrnn rjoer, pevenui.st. mmmmmmammm $ 3 Brister Weel I $ Union Suits i .49 A famous make. Natural color half wee yarnsheavy weight, ribbed. Closed crotch; fully reinforced throughout. AH sizes. $ 51)unham"Woel)$ Union Suits .39 Absolutely first quality; heavy winter weight; natural color; all-wool yarns. Closed crotch ; reinforced throughout. Ytelt Oar aata et BTtrytkUg Ji Mwast Meta gaTrath noe at fft ,) 5 Worsted$.T .69 Union Suits) m Medium weight; select quality worsted yarns, Natural color; elastic ribbed; perfect fitting; seams and gussets reinforced. r. Ttk aat Market gta. Brogues, semi - brogue and conservative English lasts. Solid leather throughout finest white oak welted soles and rub ber heels. Black, gun-metal and genuine tan Rus sia calf. Neat, mannish perfor ations. Beth high and low shoes in all sizes and Vi idths. 1,'t llreihrri) T'lrM Fleer. Ncfth On Sale in Subway Stere Men's Shoes $4 and $5 Values. $1 $() and $8 Values, $0 95 Gun metal, tan, and patent celtskin.. English and brew fnn akntiAa All nlnnu lr IflL. WWC OMCJVUO, All oifteo Mfl Hi BBmnaa: K.V'.J. . SM.:- iSnTii I'?, ,JCj -ft..,. i. .v'tm L!l'"i. Kvisi-f a"- . feS ' i kAniS-