Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 09, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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Ormn plays t 9, 11 and 5:lV
Sejind, Geed Sense Won't Hear te Anything but Sound, Geed Merchandise
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Goodness Answers 'te the
Bell of Chanty
r Action naturally fellow? when the bell rings,
though there may be exceptions when the basket is
empty, v
' ' Prudence ought te teach us, however, te always
hve something in the basket, though it may be that
our givings may fellow certain rules and precedents
already recorded.
Doing geed for the sake of geed and where the
most need exists is a necessity.
November 9, 1922.
First Handsome Belivia Coats' With '
A X.lnM Annnanm Pnl1nM
Australian vpuDeuiu vuiieib
Other new belrvia coats at
i.-- nt vnmmi have
been, asking for Winter coats
with this fur which Is se
youthful looking and becem-
"Ir'he coats are made of a
lovely Boft belivla coating in
brown, black or navy blue. The
opossum cellar is large and
jmiare and of a beautiful
quality and prettily blended.
Tke nrl.-e is S76.
(Flrtt Fler)
$95 have big round cellars of
gray squirrel and another
style at this price has a col cel
lar of silky black caracul Beth
show the new straight .lines
and the greater fullness to
ward the hem.
They are unusually pretty
at $95.
New Canten Crepes
(Beth Plain and Satin,
J Faced
All the fine high grade which
is no much in request for the
fashionable afternoon gown. Can Can
eon crenc is one of the many silks
whose quality counts tremendous
ly in its appearance.
In the prettiest Miades of dark
brown, cocoa brown, navy and
Hack, 40 inches wide, $4 a yard
for the plnin and $4.50 a yard
for the satin faced.
(lint Fleer)
Charming Silk
New styles in delicate lovely
shades of pink, peach and orchid.
A tailored style with tucked
yeke and shoulder sleeves, and a
sleeveless style with lace trim
ming, each $.
A style with a bateau neck and
inserts of leal filet butterflies,
One with pointed shoulder itrnpi,
One with eke of footing, ffl.SS.
One with equare neck and real
Irish, .
(Third, Fleer)
Little Fur Neckpieces,
Frem Mink te Sable
urpHK small animal with
its tail in its mouth"
as some ent calls the
little rable scarf was
never mere popular or
It may be a single-animal
scnif of Hudsen Hay sable,
(lark and rich and soft, at
845. Or a two-animal scarf
nf flie rnrp nnrl oxenisito
llussiun sable, at $750. Or
any one of a number of I
( Second
sables priced between the
Natural dark mink makes
a surprisingly geed effect
in one-animal scarfs from
$10.50 up, and in two-animal
scarfs from $30 up.
Baum and stone marten
furs, softer and thicker and
lighter-colored than mink,
are priced $40 te $70 in one
animal scarf, and $100 te
$165 in two-animal scarfs.
The collections . are in
creased almost daily.
i Smart Tailored Frecks for Yeung
P Women, $25 te $85
Twill, tricetins, cahmere cloth
and duvetyn, cleverly cut and
cleverly fashioned.
Straight-line, circular, draped,
Jacketed and coat-dress effects.
B r a 1 d'e d, embroidered, fur
trimmed; combined with ether
fabrics such as matelasse crepe
or velvet; or, as In the case of
some of the smartest, ornamented
only with clever hand-work in the
gown's own material.
Cellars that button close under
the chin; or square, pointed or
(Second Fleer)
round necks. Sleeves that sur
prise with their novelty many of
them clinging tight around the
wrist, yet swinging wide and
loose above.
A iturty iii black and white I a
frock of hlarh dnretjrn and white utile
rrrfte, the neck outlined In white fur,
t 4S.
Henna matda.ne crepe ferme the
bodice of a nary bine twill, ut Sit).
Squirrel fur complete neck end
eleere of m town whene bodice la
embroidered Trivet, topping- a velour
hire, (Sfl,
Extremely attractive models even
from (S3 up.
All In 14 te 80 year iliei.
One Can't Help
Noticing the New
Hand Bags
They nre se Btrikingly
Pretty in richer materials end
ornamentation of rhinestenes
:Ziw .uhat the' cnl1 at
tention te themselves.
Some that women like best
nr i ' 1 vc,vet or he "nest
and s0ftesf mocha duvetyn.
TCLT in,the newer and
slightly smaller shapes and
ayfis.be?utifui,y dcc"
bnlVee mni,rity of cases the
make0 vc,U8,T ,t0 Wnn
Z ; evrthc ess prices
are moderate, $6.50 te $10.
Muln Fleer)
I'ittle Children's
smocked Frecks
"neelHiiB1 In de kit T' uh I"""1
Tlici ,. i . !"" ''"lern.
Wrty,!.,' ,smufki;n U,nr,nlf "HI
" i u " na" 4-1'l',l'-eii of L-
'iw. $10
lilrd Huuri
Mere All-Weel Tweed
Special, $2 a Yard
A fine quality and decidedly
uncommon at $2 a yard. It is
exactly the weight for Winter
sports suits and skirts and for
medium-weight coats.
In three weaves, herringbone,
homespun and diagonal twill,
fhere are as many as twenty
shades, both light and dark. C4
inches wide.
(Firm Fleer)
Corset Novelties for
Net really corsets in any in
stance, but thlngd of n related
kind for negligee, athletics or
general wear.
There are some which have
supporters only in front and
bandeau tops; ethers have sup
porters front and hack; a third
kind is an clastic and broche hip
conflner and bandeau. Prices run
from $1 te $5.
Anether novelty has the clasp
front, corded glrdle and bandeau
top te give firm straight lines,
This may be had for $5.
(Third Fleer)
Substantial Oxfords for the Yeung Girl
$6 and $6.75
urnu'iiii. ,.!..!
-S3 ffrrSs
(tint rietr)
tee and low heel; the ether a
round-teed blucher with heel a
trille higher and smaller.
Hither bluck or tan calf at
$tf,7n medium tee, long wing
tip, brend heel.
Stout weltcd soles en all. and
lasts net far from straight.
Levely Velvet Gowns
for Evening $80 te $150
ANY rich fabric must be made up 'Bimply that is
one of the first principles in. dress design.
Consequently, these chiffon velvet gowns are
of a most .charming, simplicity but the lines are
distinguished and the colors utterly delightful.
Dahlia, cornflower blue, sapphire, periwinkle,
.scarlet, flame, besides a dull neutral tone like beige,
and black the last relieved by steel beading.
All are exquisitely draped and some have little
sleeves, se that they can be worn for afternoon.
But the majority are sleeveless and will fill almost
any evening requirement. As a rule there is only
one of a kind.
Prices, $80 te $150.
(Flrit Fleer)
A Silver Tea Service Is a Gift
And what better occasion could
there be for such a gift than
Christmas! There are many col
lections of family silver dating
from this day.
One has the choice of a remark
ably large number of the most
attractive patterns all in the
finest of sterling silver. The tea
fiervicn ennnlnf a nf ivn nlnena nnrt
the price mny be ns Tew as $245
Leng: Remembered
or as nign as siuuu, witn many
variations in between.
The tea kcttle and tray are
scp'arute or any piece of the tea
service may be bought apart from
the ethers if desired. Among the
patterns are
Kin Albert
(Main Fleer)
Marr Chilton
I'l) mouth
l.iyly Mary
Admirers of Arneld Bennett
will be interested te knew that his new book "Lilian" is
ready and new en sale in the Wanamnker Boek Stere.
Price ?2.
(Main Fleer)
100 New Weel Quilts
Just Unboxed, $10 Each
Covered with fine sateen, with floral-figured tops and
backs and borders of plain sateen.
Excellently made with a 100per cent wool fillinjr.
Geed looking and full of warmth.
(Sixth Fleer)
Yeilng Women's Fur-Cellared Topcoats
Special at $75
Lew-Priced Bath Towels of Merit
25c and 50c
At both prices a choice in either plain white or white
with stripes in blue or pink.
Bath towels worthy the name at 25c have been unob
tainable for a long time.
The 50c towels are, of course, larger and better in pro
portion. Hard te improve en either kind at the prices.
(llrat Fleer)
A Favorite Queen Mary Perfume
preferred by many discriminating
women, is Charme d'Amour, a
delicate bouquet odor, daintily
boxed and bottled in these preparation?:
(Main Fleer)
Four models, all in a rich,
deep-piled belivla weave, with
huge fur cellars of beaver, gray
or black wolf, or kit fox.
The coats themselves are ill
(Second Fleer)
brown, black or navy, and are
fashioned in bloused-back or
straight-line models, all lined
with heuvy crepe de chine te
In stees 14 te 20 years.
The Georgette Crepe Sleeve Is a
favorite With Blouses
Standing Photograph Frames
Specially Priced
Attractive frames of hand-carved weed in antique gilt
or silver effect. Fer pictures 6x8 te dxll inches.
Special at .$2 te $3.
(rifth Fleer)
Many of the new overbleuses
have it ami it docs give a dainty
appearance that could be
achieved in no ether way.
Fer example, a new chiffon vel
vet blouse has the sleeves and
east, nf rSaAWAttn anil en nwin.
mental clasp te fasten the sash.
I It is priced 910.85 and comes in
' black, brown and navy.
, And another new crepe meteor
. blouse with Georgette crepe
sleeves, slashed from shoulder te
I wrist, has a trimming of the
I brightest colored silk and tinsel
in DiacK, brown and navy, $15.
(Third Fleer)
Almest Everybody Wants
The Small Grand
Chickering-Ampice or
rpHESE exquisite little grand pianos in conjunction
with the Ampice have been en the market only a
short time.
A large number of prospective Ampice-pur-chasers
prefer them, because of the superb musical
qualities, the beautiful appearance and the con
venient diminutive grand proportions, fitting them
for apartments and small homes.
u, ,Th1.8 widespread desire for the small grand
Lmckenng and Knabe Ampice se early in their
production is already creating a demand which the
piano makers can hardly keep up with. By Christ
mas the demand is bound te exceed the supply.
We would suggest that these who wish
te be sure of possessing a Chickerlng or
Knabe Ampice' in the small grand piano
form, bu or before the holidays, give their
order as early as possible, se as te be sup
plied in turn with no danger of disappoint
ment. A private hearing of these re-enacting pianos
de luxe will be iriven in fh. M.,ai ai '? '
tim. ""- eaiw any
(f rtlaa !, rteer)
An excellent little group in
sharp black-and-white, all
foreign in subject, but the
work of both English and
American etchers, including
'Albany Howarth, Katherlne
Jeffcries, McDonald and
"Salisbury Gateway" and
"Doorway of St. Etienne du
Ment" are particularly charm
ing. Priced from $G te $30.
(Fifth Fleer)
Frem the Orient
Personal Ornaments
At the present moment in the
Oriental Stere there are some
interesting fxampks of amethvst
und tourmaline.
Amethyst necklaces begin with
a string of rather pale cut ame
thysts at S140 and end with one
of the dark Siberian stones, round
and polished, at 225.
Eiirrlns te inulili, $100.
Amethyiit penrtiinU en c-erdi. ;e
and Mft.
Cord bracelet nlih uutethvit
drepe, SS.ne.
A tetirmiillne net Mm e of the i tear
reue color, S175.
Tourmaline pendm.n, $ te f?30.
(Muln Mnnr)
The Heaviest and Finest Chinese Rugs
in an Age
It i duubtful whether rugs of
a heavier and finer grade ever
came from China than the let
recently unbaled.
In Weight and substance they
are wonderful, and the colors are
as excellent from the decorative
and furnishing standpoint as the
rugs are .surpassing from, the
standpoint of service.
They were bought practically
off the loom by our own repre
sentative in the Orient and the
(Seventh Fleer)
prices aie lower than these asked
for rugs of a much less excellent
and substantial grade.
Carpet sizes as well as the
scarce, much-sought-for small
pieces are included.
The carpct-bize pieces rantre
evem1S?2-ft" at -f-75' te 15H
I ' nt. VSef wit most attrac
tive choice in sizes in between.
The smaller rugs go all the
wy fem 2.0x4.8 ft. nt $20 te
?Jn with ether sizes at vaiieus
prices up te C.9 ft., at $195
Many People are Going te Send a Trunkful of
Christmas Happiness and
THere Is Nene Better
Thaii the Wanamaker
Special Wardrobe Trunk
At $46.50
What a gitt a wardrobe trunk is!
The traveling man needs one every dav.
Lets of ether people need ene al
most that much, while most every one
has use for a trunk several times a
When net traveling a wunhebe trunk
Is at weik light at home keeping things
neat and flee from dust unci moths.
Travel the land un niwl ,).., ...,.
there's nei a person who will deny that
a wardrobe trunk is the best kind te
And no person who knows wardrobe
trunks will deny that the Wanamaker
Sffivr 1S Inc DtMl at anything near
Built of laminated basswood. Has
thu'gibraltarizcd corners. And every
improvement, every little convenience
that nmrkH n trunk na fl, 1....1
te the cuuhien top and theylecked in shobeiT
illfTi m
Kxtract, S1.-,U SJ, S.r.h.
Toilet water, S8, 5.ne.
huchet, S1..-.0.
race powder, Sl..SO.
Seap, 03e rnl.e, three uie for el.
Talcum, Tic.
1 1 1 1 I
iaUnr V alDM
There Are Men's Suits
for $25 and There Are
Men's Suits for $55
And Beth Kinds Are at Wanamaker's
What is mere, a man can buy the highest
priced suit or the lowest priced one, or any of
a dozen in between and be certain he is getting
the best his money will buy this whole land ever.
" Every yard of cloth is selected from the
best loomed in the country. Every suit is de
signed by a master artist who has wen distinc
tion by his fashion. Every suit is tailored by
the highest paid workmen and hand tailored
where hand tailoring counts.
There's a geed appearance, an assurance
of satisfaction, a certainty of a full dollar's
worth for every 100 cents put into Wanamaker
clothes that can't be equaled. Sixtv odd vears
have proven it.
The biggest selection of geed suits is around
$40 and $45.
(Third Jloer)
Twe ThingsFaver These Beaver
Hats and One Is the Price $6
i . E5e man knows the ether W& point is the smart
leek of difference that Kees with such a hat.
e.ffrjiand fVzzy and almost fluff-v '"ekinff. and the
robe ma" SUre,y Wants one in is r"
Seldem.y de such hatsseundly geed in material
and workmanship come for se little.
Three colors, rich brown, striking tan and gray.
(.Muln Meer)
Heuse Coats Have Arrived
for the Early Gift Seekers
h,,-1? i men OULi! te.n ,lkp n housecoat for a leisurelv
tgeaal!erde-iThere S nthin mrC C"mf0rtable
as a Riftref0re hardl thing C0Uld be mere PIeasin
irln.iIiraC!!Ve ilth ?ats' most,y ,n dark Patterns
trimmed with silk cord, are priced from $3 up te $20.
..-. luxur'eu? sntoceats. gay in colors and pat
terns, are marked 27.50. v
giving!"1 U'S n"e t0 eUr,y tese,ect them for Christmas
(Main Fleer)
A Man Ought te Hide the
Price Tag When Picking
uut a fair of Shoes
wenars and cents don't
mean a thintr. It's the leath
er, the making, the wearable
ness of them that determine
whether or net shoes are c-pen-me.
But it is a michty line com
bination when a man can Ket
(Main Jlimr)
perlcctl Keed. selidU made,
lenK-ntMrinK shots for little
meiu'j- say $10.
KiRht new he can. They arc
made of erainrtl calfHkin with
wlitle oak. holes. Kither hlack
or tan. .Medi lied breguex in
htjle and .it stinh nhews
iiusiermi shoe mnkiiiK.
Gloves That a Man Need
IXet Bether te Butten
Muns men liki th,. l..u.
eabv-fittinj: slip . en kIimcs.
The closed tops are longer
than thote of ordinary gletes.
They are cut wide enough te
allow the glee te le slipped
en and off easily and quicklv.
(Muln Hmir)
In ceed quality tan cape
skin, $2.50 and S3..-.0. Jn aeft
doe . finish leather, chameia
yellow ut $2.50; mustard at $3.
In light ,r,mn or olive buck.
ifi ! trl -, w n in hlack, $i.5e!
".. ..ui me i)uciire washable.
Wanamaker Begs9 Suits and
Overcoats Are Built en
a Qualitg Basis
Ker service, net for cheapness.
IZctulL ""tenelUm.M for showiness.
.selections are ntiw extensive and of wonder wender
ful excellence in materials and making.
hc.eve,rMlN re in all si.es from :i te 10
years und priced at SI 0.30 te sas.
te 'Mh ieS frm 8 t( 1K ytNp at 1('3tt
llhlril lloer) "
If. ..
m: ' ' i ;