' ' EVENING PtTBttO ILBDOER-PHIlADELPHtA'. THUBSDAT. NOVEMBER 19. 1922 - :M& im? WV ANnY GUMP WINS BY 3? PLURALITY GETS $105,000 ESTATE Rev. D. Lewle 8. Mudga U Bene flclary by Widow' Will Mm. -Careline I Mmlgp, of 1520 Spruce ulrccl. whom will nn prebntc.l tedrty, left an estate vdiie.1 lit mere than $105,000. The entlie estate rocs . ..iu a. tu.u Ufa l0 hrr ,iubnn,l. ' ev. Dr. Lewis Give Peepul What Tney warn, . g jiudgn, who w Mated clerk of the . ...mA Pnllnv of 100 Presbyterian General Assembly. .Announced Policy en uu wm Par Cent Candidate '.of .Tames .1. Cenmr, nn.i Perter Mret, S-KMIO: (Jeorge M. Miiuii- . - .freile, 182." Stiles wtrcet. S,"i7i"0: (;nn. ID m RE CANNED lnvu u' Zelnick, who illeil nr Belmont AIR. TU DC UWlMiw Pfllrmeunt llirls. SflMMl. nml Anna M. elgt, who dlnl at Atlantic City, $O0."O. Inventories' wcre filed In the per HOT m,. mark of henrty hnmlclnsin re JSri & nt the'headquarters of Annri,i'lny with rlctery. IW the .II '" .Z.i, the tOO per cent In- 5Sn candidate was circled by i JtnreMtv of thrtr-aeven vote. plurality.0' '"''' ,t.nrfc,i wui, en .mi.i p"ncM. and double-crossed the tallet bv crewing out the name of num. It w ev,d'nt ihV their en8W tire out under tne strain. 1 Tetarems, letters, yes, nnrl ewect- Ift?rfft?"ffilfi! ilherents Knew ui uiv .... ..... wniplracy he was up against, rer one gupperter wired: A clvKr me wan conked An evrrvwhere Vtr. looked ff?y beheld the renrtq name of Andy dump TThW" Tchnnee. they tr ed te ipell put in tn atilck rjcjjl M.rf .,, n enemy received the blfiert bump." A smile Illuminated the forceful face of the Congressman-elect as be read th words. "While the metre Is a little wobbly," he said, "It .tells the iterr end the writer knew who's who ind what' what." lulled as Senater that. In their anxiety te con- Deme were e Jubilant ever Andy's teterr that. In their anxiety te con- mtufate him, they became confused and thought he was running for gen Iter. Among ethers was a message tdlnssed "Ben. Senater Andy Oump, (km of Evening Publics Lsdqj It was eent by Marie De Busehl, 121' Christian street. In the envelope w 1 card witn tne sincere ueugat, "Hearty congratulations." The candidate aim received phone (ram jee ueugnerry, or auu his eyes en of his of- sub-than nnei Frank Dennelly, of Atlantic Otyt Lester jetranes, 01 warDcrtn, and Btny ethers. It would be hard te describe the scene t Gamp's headquarters today. Breems. men, Fedoras, black mustaches and 'badges were mixed in an ever-moving mass ei riotous rooters. "Glva us a slant en what ver coin' te de," growled one politician who wrestled with a big cigar. He'a en (he Level! 'I won't rive yena slant." aald Andy, "but I'll give you a straight line because I'm work en the level." "Brave, shouted the real Gump iasa. "I'm going te help te give the pee ple, waat tney want," added tne Cen- iresunan, na he focused h a dirk bottle In the corner lire. Cheers broke loose as Andy's coeiclou glance spoke louder wera. "I'll see that alleged empleyes in wa'hlturten de something mere than exhibit the soles of their feet te these who pass the Capitel. I'm net geln te give people positions, but I will lire them jobs. A position is a thing which some people stand in, but I won't stand ter no such standing If I can help It." Cries of "That's right" bade Andy turn 'en mere oraterial stenm. "There's been tee- many battered bromides nnd incapacitated adjectives need in politics. We want n new linnire. The people are getting grew from ranting rhetoric. Let's end the semicolon policy and get te a' period. 1 Th,"'l' about the full dinner pail Is all right, but often If full of cold wup and het air. Let's put some thing In it. That's what Vm going i.SieVU bnd8 ":0Jnv,ty, te Andy's hXlSR?' hre.m wblch neiB"' emanated. thus&.,hnt eV'ry ne as fuH of )WB12S rst Funerals Economy Prices tbrenth th lre fcrt, pewr or our four iterij. senal estates of Leuis Mark, shoe man MfnctuptT, .l)V.l 10.37 i Emma B. Thatcher, $37,077.00: Maurice W. Iluwmnn, (f.'IO.ai'l.ll. and Isaac Gold Geld imin. 14,(illl.itt. Letters of mlmlti iitruthm were grnnteJ for the estates of Knlc I-'. Hhermcr, 600 Knit Illl ".."T01,1' 9"221 : Jehn M. Maclirltle, "VIM Park nvenue. '.r0: fhnrlw '. llevcr. 1821! Frankfort avenue. $0000, nntl Hugh A. Sweeney. 3.17 North Iwcnty-seceml utrect, $0Tt0O. Headline Aet Changed rnnnle Iirlce, ceinedlenni. dnd lnger, hns been engaged te headline the bill nt H. F. Keith's next week In the place of KIkIc .Tnnly, who is unable te rench Plilladelphlii In time te open here Mon day. MIhs .Tnnlx' engnKement has been set bnck one week nml nhe will open at Keith's here November 20. STORE VETERANS DINE Strawbrldge el Clothier Quarter Century Club Holds Intertalnment Members of the Strawbrldee & Clothier Quarter Century Club held its annual meeting, dinner and en tertainment last naht In the Co lonial room of the restaurant at the Straw-bridge & Clothier utore. The Hub consists of men and women who hTnve been In the employ of the Ann from twenty-nvp te lifty years. . II. Kccty, president of the organiza tion, line b"cn with the store since its establishment. . .Twenty-four new members were ad mitted. brin?inic the total te 273. Isaac II. Clothier, Jr., who Is a member, spoke en the purpose, spirit and sentiment of the club. STAMMERERS Tour ,Rpch defect corrected. Th Klniratey method l bieci upon the logical end funtlamentnl principles of reed ereerh production. . The Klniriley Club, the rertirn of Msmrnerere, will hetd Its nejt Clyh NlgM next Mendsy, Nev. Mi. BH6 Betid for BoektetPhmn Welniil i092 ...71,v KIN01T.KV fAN "MOHK THAN A SCHOOL- ;! WXT.NTT " e200 FTT1 -C jam e u B 0 bbI npasl i I60 Wft Ne Down Payment Until After Xmas but you get your genuine VICTROLA Wm- M ONCE "B , Cheese Any Style Victrela in Any Finith THEN MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS Read carefully ear Guarantee. masss fcDJBt9 ('"'"'- d INsy Tar m m m mm m 33. 33. ZtVb, Hat. OtTATlAWTT Xhlt U te Certtty TtiktW 'atecS&ieOemas ' U 11. OitanaMei Vt i nmuruu warnnnpiue i we suwaatee ta eU. nm tke meter t uld YletreU Uarlaa- tfe itfe- J , time of eame withent cut U tk eritStl I puchuer. 1 ' a. ""WliS mwwm ---.I... IIM UJIUieUl .JOIN OUR RECORD CLUB a a Have a large reper "U te!re of Recerd c- lect these yoe want Uentur an( enjoy them while paying. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL VICTOR DEALERS IN PHILADELPHIA 8. B.TODD 1306 Arch Si. 1623 Chesfmt H JpjEfJSNj Pianos, Player-Pianos, Victrela ena victor Kecercu $250 EBOTP BB9 Open Monday Krlday and eatardar venlnzi Oiwn Mnnrtaj i FtI1it nml I Sjlntiay EreeJnjje $350 mm f&ss FlORJSf 1327 Weit Girard Are. 212 Etit Girtrd Ave. 13 S. 60th St. 136 S. 52d St. Leather Goods Make Dependable Christinas GiYfs Brief Cees ...?:i.2e te $25.00 i 1 B?FS 2-up Leather Hand Burs a.00 te 50 Pocketbooks 75 up v lnks ; i.oetoin.00 Fitted Droning Cases, r.. T. COO te 50.00 wim V LOO te 10.00 wii1."." 2-00 te 26.00 Weir Mitchell Calen Jars. .50 904-906 Chestnut St. (HydQHarlerH for Waterman Ideal" Fountain Pim) STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER LOWER-PRICE BASE TORE i we caw PROVE Str Lp SIS trr Wjv; vlJa 4 Jj 1 "' i lJ le & ss:. u. fcfcp-- rj7s 'n'uaKSBevi -n - -- f K 1 IT? II 1 ... .'W2AI "eVl 1 II -.1- . nd.' Vll lV. TT" fM liemimail N nemail'S If ll U'nm-m'nlUX ) TYOmnilSt . Ul l-,,1Teman i , H Ceat, RJ Ceat. H Vv rnt. ki A Uh Ceat. rzJ, O tar Ceat. L i " $25.00 V $13.00 V Si S25.00 A W$ $23.00cr k ty $19.73 IM Aliases Ceet, $10.00 Misse.V Ceet, ?25.00 Hundreds of Women's and Misses' Coats About One-Third Under Usual Prices jjwt by no ether mwi tan the aver '' " enjoy n 'Ml het water sup Ply at se low n cost 'or fuel as with BJUD HOT WATER ie Vi Shew Yeu Bartlett & Ce., Inc. 1938 Market St. ' I W hiXcianintiens et pleasure heard en every side in tlie first two clays of the event, attest the striking' values avail able in this unrivaled' Sale of fine new Coats. Styles galore for sports or dress wear, in every sort of wanted fabric and sought-after fur trimnn-'ff. Sizes for miVes irem 14 te IS years; for women from IIG te 44 bubt in most price-groups, while they run up te eOU in the $20 50 .-.. vuuiu v.u i.v iu-raorrew and share in remarkable savin $10.oei $15.00j $19-75! $25-oel $29-50 $39.50 Mann Styles of Tep CwU md Sports Coats Of all-wool tweed, herrinjrbeiii' u n (1 hcay cealings, sonie of cheviot in extra bizes. Misi.-cs' 8i?.es 1 1 te IS ycui. Wemen'H siri'. .'til te 41. Your I oppeitunitj for a jjoeil Ceat at an un usually 1 e w pi ice. S c v p r a 1 (losirnule xlinilcs te chnobe from, Sports Medels Misses' sizej It te 18 yrnis. Wmnen'n hlxcT .'JO te 14. Of line plai(l-l7n'k anil doub!' deub!' faceil licnin;;hene inipertejl anil plaid 1 weeds. Mannishly tailored. Nummeua line utility niedcU. Fur-Trimmed and Sports Coats Of t hirichilln cloth, plnid - b.u'k polaire t w e e il s, nstrakhan elntii, Unlivia', velour anil nuvi !ty check wool talirics. MIeie3' sices 11 te 18 yuftis, Wemen'' sines .'111 te 44. A Kroup of line Coats for sports and hiL-iInesn wear. Fine Dress and Sports Ceals Of belivin. eleur sue dint', ehi.iihilla doth, herringbone, imported t . ccd, pelnlre cloth, asira khan and fur fabric cloths. Heme with col cel lars if raccoon and ether k e 0 d Ans. Misses' sIkib 1 1 te 18 years. Women's nirea "C te 4 I. HP! c!?.w? Dn'6 Ceait thirty With superb Fabrics for important Rnvinrrs in women's, misses' and children's apparel always shop in thiq wonderful Lewer-Price Base ment Storey ' Fur f w ft, dcpp-pde Belivia and Nerma. die, wool eli'U rueditip and fur-fabric cloth. Cellar, of Maiicluirian wolf caracal, bcaveiette (!' 'I ni?y). Misses' hlws 14 te 18 yeura Women's sixes 3U te 14. MriU IjpIiUb & ( , rr "f fcdeia, luire t'lera Normandie, fp INia, Belivia and ether irh wool fab rics, with cellars of Manch inn . e 1 f. mole, iriwal, uutrin and 1 1! Amf rican opeasut :Tisse.s' ni.-.es 11 te l year.. Wunen', sizes 3(1 te ' I'r n Ha.vit ,tei STRAWBRIQGE & CLOTHIER Market, Eighth and Filbert Streets. V STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTKIERa BUY Christmas gifts and ether things new and if you have a charge account pay the Mil , January first. If veu are net a charge customer, here is sufficient incentive for opening an account or nnr f Thousands of Pairs of Shoes for Women in This Great Sale v This is a Sale of such magnitude, with such large groups, that, in spite of the ?reat volume of business yesterday, there are plenty of styles from which te cheese, in all sizes. Seven of the most desirable groups, including Pumps, Oxfords and High Lace Shoes, will meet the needs of practically every woman. Utility Shoes and Dress fehees at savings that average one-third te one-half. Twe-Strap Pumps and (J A e Beautiful Pumps Smart nvfnvrla DTmOiJ Awau Under Price Six styles in Twe-strap Pumps, of black glazed Black domino calf with gray ooze trimming, kid and pntcnt leather, also tan calf and black Tan Pumps with fawn ooze tnmminsr. In two kid Oxfords. All sizes in the let. strap style, with welted soles and military heels. $7.75 $5.75 Black Lace Shoes Less Than Half Price A remarkable nurchase of Black Glazed Kid- skin Lace Shoes, with medium round tec, welted soles and leather military heels. Really an extraordinary value in high-grade Shoes 15.75. Seven Medels in Oxfords CJ ff Frem Regular Stock P O UU These are the Oxfords women like best with woolen stockings. Sturdy, geed-looking models, The Finest Pumps, also ( j Q( Laird-Schober Oxfords P ' Z'V An average saving of one-half en Tan Calf, Patent Leather, Gray or Brown Ooze, Black Kid and Black Domine Calf Pumps. Welted-selc Oxfords of chestnut brown or black domino calf and black glazed kid. Tailored-looking Oxfords qg 7E Frem Regular Stock pOiO Chestnut brevn grain Blucher Oxfords, black with welted soles and leather militarv heels. Black buckBkin trimmed with patent leather, fawn gun-metal calf, tan calf or tan grain wing-tip buckskin trimmed with tan, with welted soles and styles. military heels. Equally attractive values in Men's, Beys' and Children's Shoes I - StmwSrWse A C.uthi'r--r:ighh and TISLert St'eeW Canten Crepe $35j00 Women's New Silk Dresses Classified for Many Purses 35.00 te $47.50 Fine Canten Crepe Dresses. Silk Velvet Dresses, Crepe Rema and Satin-faced Crepe Dresses, In dark and light colors. Draped, tier and straight-line skirts: beaded and embroid ered models or trimmed with silk in contrast ing color. New sleeves in very bmart styles. flT! . BAAkJl jtln4 44 -.J iiiMtMHrl eC-l iAlnw(tn n Ilie Iliuuci bkcwuc'Ii iwiiuucu mill tu'uitu buttons and a twisted crepe rrirdle with caa acading loops, is a charming exponent of simplicity. $22.50 te $32.50 Dresses of Canten crepe, satin-faced crepe, chinchilla satin and broche crepp. in navy blue, brown and black, with embroidered r.ct or crepe Georgette sleeves in contrasting color, or with silk-embreidqred bodices. Plaited and draped models and straight-line effects. Dresses at $22.50 Regular and Extra Sizes Fine twill in various tylcs. in navy blue and black. 'DraDed or straight-line models. coat effects with rclf cellar, or one-sided draped models, flat tailored braid trimminp, or silk embroidery applied in very smart ef fects. Seme have vc3tees of contrasting color. Sr y S'rawbfliJce u ll-i k- -M-muU Fleer, (in'm A . e" .A ( 1 ii'U vi'' :dL juci .aw Mi ill'VV 1 inm ,11) Mile. Manka Rubinstein Will be here only two mere days. De net fail te consult hef about your complexion and its needs. Mile. Rubinstein will explain hew te vctain a beautiful com plexion, and te remedy anv de fects of a skin that shows figi-s of age or Is withered by exposure te summer's sun and wind. - Individual consu'tatien and adicc for all our patrons. An unusual opportunity te con sult a well-known beauty spe cialist and te learn of the merits of Mine. Helena Rubinstein's VALAZE BEAUTY PREPARATIONS Strawbrldg- & Clithler Alsl 0, Centre Black Silks at Special Prices Black Silks, special price3, and Christmas en the way. Here's the old favei ite Our Special Geld-edge Black Satin de Luxe Special at $le a yard This 'is a !oe!y quality eeft. lustrous., drapable, and withal te dunble that many women use it for -lips and for linings. Width. V.u inches. Black Satin Messalinc Specidt at $1.55 a yard In the u."-inch width. ! trnM r rlc A. ( Inthlcr Al.li C, Centre for e: I FnirfeUl I r. C.S.CO ?(..(- Accessories for Motorists Niagara Radiator Caps ell cars, at half price. se.:d bra?"!, highlv nickeled, 8-inch prerg. ppcial S1.25. Aluminun Step Plates, high ly polished, vith nicke1 -plated screws 80c each. "Safet: - Fir.t" Wind-shield Cleaners, fit at" encn or clnsed car. Nictfel-p'ated te present rust $1.50. Automobile M 1 r r e - s, for open or closed cars 60c, Tee and $1.00. "Brsak-Net" Battery Test ers, the latest improve 1 Upn of battery svhp hvdnmefr for testing t'i" bette'ry of our car 70c. Strr-i! ;tm I thl" I''r H f). 11 I 'lilr- Manicure Sets in Gift Array And these dainty nnd prac tical Sets are in compact cases, equally convenient for the dressing table or te sip into a traveling ba,r. 'I he manicure pieces arp of line celluloid in inry finish. Theie is a Set of 0 pieces in a srray suede ca e at ?1.75, and ethers at practically every pn-e up te a luxurious Set of 1 1 ideces :,i a handsoie brown leather case lined with flower ed silk, at $14.50. t'lriMlirlilir' A I t!ilr -A I'll l. ( fiitm Mens Sweater Coats at $7.50 Light-wpight Coats in the desired V-nec style, in black, navy blue, brown, heather, het-l brown aid blue heather. Sizes KS '1 ('. -57.re. Heavier Sweaters of Shaker-Kn't Weel V-neck, null-exer st!c at $8.."0 and $10.00. Pi.ri-ee. roll-cellar stle at SI 2.00. Htr"-brMgi A n thi Evl St or- V cM s'r-et Men's Percale Shirts Unusually Geed at $1.35 About 1200 in th in fast coleis of every pep i,ar hu. value- ?1.:J3. .,. v , tr. group. 01 tine perca n in a wsalth of strine.t. Siz' IT.'j te 1. Wr geed V ' I ' r i..-i.t s r. lK 1 Hr.,t I'i, Fairfield Coats $25 te $45 Vherepr you see a "sniait "sniait "sniait loeking group of ..eung uirls. you'll set- th'vsc tit 0 Kan in id Coats obtainable here, en ;, Our own e.cluii meutd. developed in domestic and im ported tv.ieds, nivel's-l air and plaid-back cloaking. ,s ic. H and 13 .earx. Other Sports Coats, SM.00 te $75.00 Inyisible checks and opr epr Plaids, imported and domestic tweeds, plaid-back and double faced cloaking nnd Continental Irat'idewn. Abu Impel t I '"ii fr,!", l''ndnn. Manx i4, C und 18 years. Ife htralrlil it CUhIiLt - , wr, 'fef. "rk.i am-.t Beys' Shirts Unusual at $1,00 Pnrrntr wilt choee several of there well-mad" Madras Shiitv v V-. they see the qual ity at SI. '0. In a v ide i arietv of faot-eelo'- iir'nted strine patterns. Aj with npekbanda. Special at $1.70 Bevs" fancy-stripe prmted Mi'irav and Percale Shut', with soft cellar attn. hcd. "l)ti- t.jj A ( 1-,.r ""iu'U Klwr . (.ilrv Put Bath Rebe Flannel in New Designs N'imbli fi'ige's will s)en ti-rtiisfei-M then, pretlv Fan ned into varr.i n' n.)bi". I.eely ce'.'nngs, in fieral do de ign and -.aje b'anket nut nut tern J. Mi.ir. v. II i,e used for gifts. Hunncl -d0e a yard. All 1,1 l -ii If.. Women's Smart Mixed Tweed Tep Coats, $22.50 Mivcd tweeds in grays and biewns, plai.i and herringbone weiies, In thirc especially I'oe.l oerceat ftvles, very trimly ta-lered, with notched rellnr nnd rovers, bnly end sleeves lined These nr the Ceat- that ar. alwayx en erdpr the u si.c'i geed values we can hardy keep up with Hie demand. Overcoats at $2l)f0 Of mixed cloths with the si' ait plaid back, .yjij.fl0, otl.cie up te t.70.00; some wdth ft eat fui cullarh Hlrrwlirlilj, a. ( IniM.r -miiil n ,r ( uire Beys' Suits With Twe Pairs of Trousers $10.75 st m1 fchili?, Clelh Overcoats, $13.75 chhjchiiii jgKTi KryT.rj:is,.a ss;.": -ets iwhrlilirtt X lM.ei.i4 U.-j . ' ..... 9W years 11tS iL21 L ' ' vy u,uv' orewn any Kri ycara iiilt llBtl,lW, k a,)UxHe J I f t Ji A LSBSf,1"-! a ,i. jftX ! L..7 . . n . ' TmmmrmmmTmm? rr-i 1 .," mmmtmaummi1: ii"L.