TWC5!7i tretTCi.'iii JSS w 1 14. S iTJ m:tf&wm v (v w '. 'lp. '" tiH 31 w JU K K7H Hn KSf m k t r ?$zm M t7 j, B3.VVI wr ; iaSK FsKH S. "rtt , K.f?ttf'I vml WSm D HU Plunei listed below Tiave been taken n part payment for t lift famous Matchless Cunningham IMnnns or I'layer-Planes they liaxe been IhernUirhlv irr.ti.itrrl t our own factories nmi ate llla new, Although these Instruments are priced lit these low figures, they are fully guaranteed by u. EASK T?Af5 UPRIGHTS $400 Hazleton Piane $7C mn!l lri, f tj (Eben) ) $400 W. W. Kimball $OC 'rifn Octute JSJI (Rosewood) l ijm BaaBaW 1 wemfBaaBBBBBjajMB temlfEEatt from North .. cePBlBEBSCI MtretHKtSstSa MrTlcMMK59 te h streetHnSg'I and jaHML may BBmSI tract BMiten cendl ' IS" ' I HhtNHEa ff D y x 3 V D EVENING FflpftlO EAR F R CAMS E OF MINE EXPLOSION ILL PROM INHALING FUMES Hloemshtirc, Va., Nev. 0. J. Ij. Rnrrah, f Light street, It In n criti cal condition, as n result of inhaling funics ,from the exhaust of hi auto mobile while working about the ma' chine. lie una unconscious mere thun ten hours. . State Officials Start Deep quiry en Reason for Spangler Blast In- $450 Chickering & Sens $QC (Ebony) mmxm misssk $450 Albrecht Piane $11 A Full Octave A V (Rosewood) $450"Scho $450"Sche macker $1 1 C Piane u Futl Oclnti (Mahegnny) $450 Scho- macker $1?C Piane kD (Medium "lie (Mahogany) RED CROSS AIDS STRICKEN Snawrlcr, l'a., Nev. I). Settn Slate mine inspectm. hraded by Sewtml t'utteu, (lliciMiir of the Piin1vRiiln Hureau of Mine, teda.x started the of tidal inxeiniunllen of the llelll.x mine explosion which cltilined nrxentv-sls Ulxe 1af Memliy. Ai the Inqttirr j opened M r.. ".niten ilciI.iril thnt 11, would he themiiirii mid would t mil lmt until tlie ImrktUiinii IiriI ptnliltsliu 'the iiue. IIh uddivl that ! "uu net falNMrd tli.u tin t.xiiloh'ien ihettlit have occurred ' Ownu's and niSi ink of tin- mine were te be iiuiftieneil t"lii 'I lifit the mltien rliu were lecui'd fnuii tlie pii ille.l pit will hi' nsltttl tn idl i lu-ir .ti)tk", t'rin imiuet nccetilin in ('euiiii'i1 At. W. Swabb, nf Cjinlutn CeutiH. will rnt he held until the Stnte tenrludc its in in wstitf.itleh. "NVilireiitv wan the nuv of tln ix- ' phiilen. and the im litigation rtb te who nia iii'xitjteiil will be under way te , day," wim the statchicnt made last nijtht hv .Air. llutten. 1 Hutten ".'iiil he had been Informed that PiittKI. i' lir be-.. thi met inutilnfed of the ictluu. Inid piiipemdy Mt oft hiiuill peubi'tx of iiri'd.uup. te M'ip the mine diar of un. and te Keep i the e.'" itierd of the mine I'lem Imlieat- i-T that i; v.ns a riih mine Whether i KlanniitHii had taken St upon him' If i te perform that lmarrleit work or , whether n ilub had been held exer liii iieuu eeinpeltinn hiai te de it te l.eep ! hi? job in n tuttttrr that the investiga tion will reveal, Butten explained. 1 Ne (ins Reported j The ftas record of the mine. Butten sold, ahewed that net a trace of the firedamp had been reported the lust two The Careful Shepper appreciates this new series of walking shoes in Walk-Overs at $7 $475 Hardman Peck $19C ) XeJaJ R (MaheKany) $475 Mathushek Piane $1iC Meillam HUa (Rosewood) $500 Piane Inll Slre (Mnhegany) Everett $160 $500 Emersen Piane $1 7C rntt Klre (Mahogany) $525 Sohmer Fnll K ItV (Mahogany) there ien't n winple itcerd there of km," h said. "Iu fact, the llelllv Ne. 1 was clas-sed ns a iion-enseeitH mine."' , Miners here said there had been four ! Ks explosions gincu the Reillv was, opened in 1018. On of these xvas fatal te u miner, l'he ethers were net kerl- , eus. The thcerj that tbe tnlaers them- i ehes might have mt off the pocket of imse te enable them te continue woik weik In In the best section of the Mill wae scouted by peenw here yesterdaj . As the lux-estigaters gathered fr their meetinp, the funerals et a num ber of the xictims were held. At the Hely Cres Iteman Catholic Chimb a joint servW xxas eendueted for seven ! nf the miners. At St. l'ntrick'v Reman ' .Catholic Church nearby mass was eild for live of the xietims, while in the I Italian Reman Catholic Chinch at, ( llurnesbore. services were held for live! ethi-rs. I. .iter in the day tlfteen ether-) wele te be buried. ! I i lied Crew Assistance i t The Spansler thiiptcr of the led i ' Crets appropriated 5J000 ler the tetief of ftiiillies whose bends met death in1 the mine. The Red Cres. the Snha- i tien Arniv -uid the United Mine Work Werk er (eiiiblnid forces in the wrerl: of , merex A fund of !.'000 for lelif work -xas contributed by District 0 of the Miners' I'nleu. I Owners of the nlii" declared that in- i , surame p-iMnenu would b.' made it1 eU(.e. tlie company wuiviiiB the ten-dav peiled t-raiittd hv law. (ienuine Russian Calf or Hoarded Black Calf in medium or low heels. With the smartest tee shapes and such perfect poise and service as only Walk-Over wearers knew. wBl - a jIb' tiA, r fl V iVetc Spert Sieckingt. SW: and Weel or All Weel. Special fl.25. V V 1228 MARKET Harpers Watkve Sheps r?r 1022 CHESTNUT a2L 'saaaa A New Special Offer of Oak Hail's Famous Tailoring Shep $45 Fer . collection suitings. selection from a special of new and finest Winter $550 Scho- m&cker Piane (Mahogany) "eBafiiSinHrifti $550 Blasius &. Sens $' Kelt Site KMahegany) f225 h4 $575 Ivers & Pend $59C Full Sir sa23 (MaltOKnny) , $G00 Baldwin Piane $JAfi Fun hu 6tv (Mnhesuny) ITALIAN CABINET MOVES I FOR FINANCIAL REFORMS I Premier Mussolini te Make Radical Changes In Policies Heme. .Nev J) i Lty A P. I Cem-, piWiujsUn meas-iie-j for financial tied ntliM referiTH Imxe been decided upon hx the nv Italian Cabinet of rrctuur M isselini. It was seuii-efllciallx uu-' ne'iuctd, j TIi' Cubuxt Cxincil has- decided that' the 1'arliameae (-hall ! uiV.ed r. nve the (leverunient full yewcis for . "burraucratii' and financial reform.' land has announced It detennliritieu I that tlie national lievirnmeni nhull emi I tiact in lean abroad, nlrbeuth no Uuv einment oueitlon xxill be niiseil t.. tne iutlus of le'.viKu tapivul. l'lftnici .Vie. , t -Imi lui I)' in uuthutiztd t utj-uitr , plan fii rferm iu the erKanizatiuu of the j ubhi forces, the idea beinu te iffe i all pi. -siMe ravlnr ceaiyutible ulfti thej Miix'uivt eiimuiicj THE RIGHT WAV'S IB BUILT TO MEASUREMENT These fabrics, being thoroughly typical of Wanamaker & Brown quality, are all worsteds, either soft or mill finish or hard finished, as you may prefer. Fer these who like heavy Winter tweeds and fine cheviets, there is a plentiful selection. Register you order early. Wanamaker & Brown Market Street at Sixth for 61 Years 'im p Wiiw m imimms imunnmnimsirwiin WHO, WHAT AND WHERE! By the Connoisseur mO REALLY Iwifr 'in txq'uMf t turreundinat. tmeu the meat delMem feed perftetly tfrved and at moderate eett is te lunen en the Balcony, in the Hetel Adelphfa, t$th and Gheetnut, where the tnueie i$ of ineiiieue, enthralling charm. t .M.M.M . t. . -M JI 1- ye filer eatnet ej jmw it a l preetnt of grateful beauty that pieaeet tne eye, ae UfXte the heart and eoethee the pal ate. Nothing it quite ee aceiptable nor quite ee appropriate at a gift upon any oeeatien at "a gift batket of fruit" arranged by Halleuttll'e, Bread and Chtttnut Street. tEXT te hairing eyeglattet V ground exactly at pretcribed, T Inturing perfect vitien, the mett important thing it that they theuld be ee completely comfortable at te render the wearer u'neonicfetM of the feet he weare glattee. The "W. O. Comfert Spectuelea" ao ae ao cempliah thii by a rigid arch main taining .alignment, a bread tide rett ing en noeepiece and flexible temple endt exerting no pretture: Wall A Oehe, eptieiane, 1718 Chtttnut Street. f-rjHERE it no mere pleasant I mode of entertaining than me- taring. A meter for out-of-town talle, parties or ehepping that is exactly as a private car without a considerable part of the expense can be obtained any hour of the day or night by calling" Baring 8500, The Cunningham Cab Company. (Cadillac limeutinet.) Ne additional charge for txtra passengere in Cun ningham tatit. QttOB BUCKLES have come t'nCe O thtM. ew,n aaain, only mere . qutstte than ever, due te the fati that they are backed by, lace, metfi he gautee, velvete and mtint a, fened into tatrfcat. elaborate dt eigne by tepeeially trained artists u thie work. ClaflMe, 1107 Cheeln Street, exhibit eeme superb enttL mene with imported buckles i bronze beads, jet, rhineetent, rttarli. at very low eeet. " j r THEN eemething needs clsan. ylf ing, preeting or dyeing, the first eontideratien is te rnakt sure it will be well dena, and thsn thaf. it will he quickly returned, Barg't, 1113 Cfmtnnt Street, deit well and return it promptly. .. dentally, they call for eny a& that is te be pressed, cleaned Z dyed. A RUG tha.t has siiddenly ft,, coma exceedingly rare and imnossible te duuHcnt .-. u." Asia Miner rug that liae been made in Turkey especially for FrlR & La Rue, 1010 Chestnut Street The artisans who made these rues are all killed, as far as in known, and the entire eupply was destroy in Smyrna when that city wet devastated by fire and pillage. ONE1 of the largest, if net tht very largest, collections of important sterling silver in the world is constantly carried fjy Bailey, Banks Biddle. It includ't replicas of priceless antique end famous ptate, exquisite patterns dt. signed and sold only by this firm. ft includes delightful little pieces at moderate eeet up te entire services of imperial magnificence. CTfflMM m Can I Get Glasses Without Dreps? Yes. If you are ever 45, your oculist (eye physi cian) may net find them necessary. Otherwise, for the sake of avoiding a few hours of trifling discomfort, you may risk years of impaired vision. "Dreps," or horr.r.trepin, is a medicine that tempor arily relaxes certain eye muscles. In some cases it is only when they are at rest that the eyes can, be properly ex amined. These muscles of accommodation lese much of their activity by the time one reaches 45, hence, there is no need te restrain them. When used by an oculist (eye physician), drops nre net only harmless, but beneficial. "Your family physician' t advice U lafttl" PHILADELPHIA GUILD OPTICIANS Haic a rational reputation for accuracy for vhich reason they are entrusted te fill prescriptions by the Medical Profession. Information Bureau 703-706 Bailey BldR., 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Tn'B Talk I from a eepjrlRht series All lights reserxed. (iiSll in ii I-mi '.riTri r, - r-r 1 1 bi 55:lP'lr3Ltm, raw m ; ka m&rfdi isinuiMiii ytx UHl U il . HI' 'Vita iMSIiMn I 'n'i,'l,t j USED 88-NOTE PLAYER-PIANOS $750 Weaver Piane $2Qft JUL. ., &V (Mahogany) LYMAN ABBOTT'S ESTATE IS WILLED TO HIS FAMILY l?4 if BCJ2r2st v estate M i.OtlSD nt te $75,000. 'HS of hN family. I Mb Bff LgfTM lKiftUK2V $725 Story & Clark $9ftft aJUV '.Ik New (Mahogany) IS r $850 Blasius & $345 w aens Lilt Sew (Mahogany) S!itt Wi D,nna,ln Dinhlhlu XAJaeIU CTC flr Pit . ,,., y . .wk'wM, "villi f!V,WVU J-f Is L-ft hv Editor 3SJ , J Nexv Yerll, Nex I). The w t! of I)r ?f jjir.uu vui'Uii. luimervv e. Jler-Ja-i-ClPC 'of the Ontloeli, xxiin di'-i ii re'.er i.".'. xvas ntuntttul te preliate jcb erdax 1 (tieiiKii tue '.r.e or tue yet Known, it a.'iy iiuenn AH et it go te mmijws ei Mi family, fla Alice D. Abbelr. a niece, and r.vrnn riil Hamlin, Dr Abbett't brether-lu-lnir, are the enlj ash briyjt: of $1000 Dr Al.liitf a cj.-,l 1. l... ,1... 'leek Puhlwhiti,' Ccmnanv. n iinri- .ififeti nbeut .J.l jhitrtF, eon te hi s! , ,ij. . dreu and a niece. The residunrv citate secs te Ml Ihatrlte Abbett, a'daugtf ter, who nKe recelie her fnther'al teuntrx home, thtr Knell, at Cernwiill- ' un-Hudxen I j.iiv. r. ncn r' Abbett, hi I, ecuier of the will. AMOY CITY IN PANIC mxEm $850 Lester Piane $9?A Ltbe N.w OQ17 (Mahogany) SI UHGBI $900 Henry F. Miller $OTrP XAke Nrtr J I U (Mahogany) ex- Invasion ty ChanQ'a Military Fac Fac tlen Paralyzes Business Amey, China. Nev. I). (UvA. P i nttack l"ui"Mlay nL'iit by A udi den leg mm $950 Scho Sche Scho reacker Afft s ?"" Angelu Llkt Htm (Mahogany) Miniature Baby Grand Piane Ranging Frem $475,00 Upwards IT PAYS TO THINK fSkMO de, KLSI AND tbn a?aMiMa CHESTNUT IMN ferkatde) inliuarv factleu bended by (.Imnc Tie- reus against ia Hae-Chl, xhe has ij iiiu support et tin) fcKinjf severutnenf, threw the city Inte atenic. I.l took refuge in flight after Chanj had seized his headtpuarterd All the nathe robeold nrn ckaed, llUSlnef. Is paialVZed. the tuniin rrIt.. nii'it is congested with Chinese retueea from the nitlve e.uarter and Aiueneau mid Ui-ltish pjnbeats. lyln clesa In ! Miore. me protecting foreign lntensHta. ACTOR OBTAINS DIVORCE ip i Minerva Rawllnsen Falls te Cen test Husband'a Suit ls AnuelbH, Se. I). (Hv A. I' ) Heihert Iluxvllnsen, metlun-pictura actor, has ebtaiucd a detree et diverca In the Superior Court hire from Mi nerva ItnwlinNen, hnexvn en tlit legttl inate stuKQ uh Reberta Arneld. The unit wits net contested. He churned Incompatibility. Itnwllnsen mently has hem dc feiiduut here In dumaife htiitw tiled by Mrs. nthel CJ.irk In behalf of hnrrelf nnd et her daughter, Uorethv L'lark Ellin, titutce daucei. aiai or a xqodsake raoresAxa .L1 .'.ViA'11?. rJ '?.";' JaMn. wheT ea ,. "i" "i. t.juiu jereen iu u timt inuy nut never bMn Droeowd te. outticntte 4t sttt ba baa ' lier rial: raer inin a theuia wltlwpt te r SSK n9Hwt Mews of Oak HalPs Insured Overcoats is Traveling Far One of the best recommendations of the plan that we have seen is the fact that insurance men themselves are coming te Oak Hall, selecting their Winter overcoats and insisting upon "the pol icy that covers the coat" against direct lese by theft, fire or robbery. Saturday, an insurance man -who says he uses his car constantly, purchased one and declared it te be the greatest idea he had ever seen in retail business. All the overceat.s in Oak Hall are covered by the policy which ui issued by the Franklin Fire Insurance Ce. ALL AMERICA OVERCOAT8-$30 TO $75 "HARLEVIA" IMPORTED OVERCOATS, $35 TO 55 (One-third less than the price of any English overcoats imported into Philadelphia of equal qual ity.) SPECIAL $25 ULSTERS INSURED BIG, STORM ULSTERS INSURED LIGHT-WEIGHT FALL OVERCOATS INSURED (We have eeld mere light-weight overcoats this Hoaben than in many years. The qualities are be high and the prices are he low, starting at $25.) OUR CHESTERFIELD OVERCOATS INSURED Thousands of them ready for quick selection this brisk November weather. Wanamaker & Brown Market Street at Sixth for 61 years 3E333? gLMiiiiiiiii i Tailored Suits Reductd Twill cords, marlyne and veldynes. In black, brown and navy. Tlwy tvert up te $69. BO $39.50 Sports Suits Reduced Smart tweeds and hemespuns; many trimmed with fur. They wsr up te S49.BQ $25 i' e Tomerrow: Exceptional Values Chesen Frem Our Regular Stocks, Throughout The Stere Street Dresses Reduced i a aLBlill v , j II W n 5 On Our Third Fleer A most unusual collection of moderately priced frecka of Satin-back Crepe, Canten Crepe, Peiret Twill and Matelasse. Medels for all daytime occasions, in navy, black and new shades of brown. They were up te $490 $19.50, 25, $35 Afternoon Dresses Reduced Splendid new models smart, distinctive and Individual In a wide variety. There arc plain and Satin-faced Canten Crapes, Peiret Twills, Chiffen Velvets and Crapes Remalne, in all the Autumn ahndes. Theu were up te $79J50 $39.50 and $55 Sweaters L MB i H 1nii raff ? 1 pi f i Weel Slip-en Sweaters Fiber silk binding and CO belt; in suit shades ... Slip-en Sweaters of wool; in two- tone mixtures; round Q Q QZ item, run nimuvs Tuxedo Sweaters of quality wool, fall weight, in na'y. brown and black; sizes .16 te Ab Silk-and-Weel Sweaters, slip-en models in straight-line or blouse styles: suit shades. One $10 style illustrated PA K95 $3. excellent $3-M SaekW MHiia Reduction Sale of Suits - Our entire stock of this season's most attractive models. Every fashion able fabric, fur and color is included. Suits That Were $S90, $65, $95 te $155 Are New 25, m.50, $55 te $110 Three-Piece Medel Suit One-of-a-Kind Similarly Reduced Coats, Wraps and Capes At Savings of $10 te $50 a Garment The newest and most distinctive of Autumn modes, in the widest range of styles and colors. Including every fabric, every fur, every color, vogue this season. Regular $89.50, $95 te $235 Value $55, $75 te $185 Spert Coats of Scotch and English tweeds, in plaids, and mix tures. A notable feature la the prominence of fur cellars. Regular $29,50 te $95 Valuta $10.50 $20.50 t0 $6S 1220-22-24 Walnut Street i Overbleuses In a great variety of styles and colors. Pricea range $4.95 te $2250 Silk Underwear top, $245 Qleve Silk Vests; bodice tibben straps, flesh only. Excellent quality Boyshferm Brassieres of Skinner' atin, in flesh, white and Q -g ntr black: standard $2.S0 V "9 value, tomorrow Robes 'x4HL 1 jftWwdtVtlm 6WBaVy ' U I'Ht-lCiyl $QlLwii&tM fjOtTttWwlmBl 1 iIxvKb n lit JvMlHv -tTaclw Ttlaniili J yIII 1 Ml I ''I iMnMJl 1 fill Wtj mil fK' USB Corduroy Robes, full length, lined throughout; desirable jt A KQ shades Vgew Robes of Quilted 'Satin in light and dark shades; iC 1175 one shown in picture J Separate Skirts Spert models in striped and plaid deaigna, developed in Prunella, hemespuns and tweeds. Exceptionally smart and practical models. wsrm up le $32.60 ' falfaV') fafaHfla M'.- '.,'Jtttktktm wy.,fr.,Th.t , . teiAiiiiifiiiiiiiiifi)iiiiiiiii ).. sMfotetL fl