t uc ni n c, P u L, li ffl ! Mi ia$Ll mm ?$m 3 wTOfSSKiaM i, V . ? M ; 'VfA VAKi!'WPdi V I,i l' . i,! 'am 4rjRSSSl ?J Kst;' F .a IteP?V ' j tii' 'J kSi- -j ic'a ? JvV i btvm WirSZXl L'ty X.; V',j lr-i f 4j KJSa ,j?i j rJ?f'F,';? in i-.iL-v ifcr;1 .f e- rKFem? f 1, ?-;(, s"-?ibv.. i mm :m ' i3SM.v.'iJ' s .. iima. agt i J. ' v.v,m MS m b- I ki Ft v y P l MARCHING IN COLORFUL ARRAY, pupi s of the Jehn Marshall Scheel added a touch , at Colonial days te the picturesque pageant staged in Ftankferd yesterday by school chil dren in celebration of the new "L." A happy group of marchers pictured above Oy Tlgi ajFp7BP- jJPnjB atf 'J'W 1f.ft v .v vyM MAYOR MOORE EXTENDING WELCOME te A. Hacerdern, visiting Masonic Grand Master from Hamburg Germany, upon his arrival in Philadelphia yesterday HIKING AROUND THE WORLD. cne ! K ta . Bohemian tied strian, and his friend, Oldrich Peska, shown leaving Uucaye ter iheir next objective, Alaska CAMDEN'S MAYOR - ELECT, Victer Kin" Dem., succeeds Republican THIS BAUY ELEPiiANT DID.'T USE THE GANGPLANK when he landed in this country, chaperoned by Frank H. Buck, noted trainer. He used a derrick BLAST WRECKS HOUSES. The above picture shows s"mn of the damage caused by esp osien of cTs-fiMe'' re I.t at 18 and 20 Blake avenue, Fex Chase, yesterday (t) U. of l. Newi Srslc FAN YUAN LIEN, U nf ' ' dn' f r mer Chinese Mini ster of Education V 1,'W v- w . i . ? -jamm v'iKi Ja. " wmtLLiiL ib- -Jit Sri HhililMk' immWk IS. R m - ifr It -- l? . w v p ' f t n . n 3 i c. . : H. (. S f.S . "YOUNG FRANKFORD," 8000 STRONG, STAGE BRILLIANT SPECTACLE as they parade In honor of ceii p.uiiun ui new rjuniU'erU "L," ahewing curious arie and stuuies. anuMii en left marching alenn Frankford avenue in shadow of new "L." Seme of the children of the Jehn Marshall Scheel en the rigm V F!S BjjKWvMw SUBIIB" HHtfi H HHH r' HH HOKS&llW'SfciLHBHB- H .mS?9IhC' EHB 'HIUIIB iKfififlK rS SALLY'S AL1 EY ROMPS HOME AT PIMLICO. The camera caught the winning horse just as It crossed the line in the second half of the Futurity at Pimllce, Md., In recent feature race. A large crowd of race track fans thronged the course at this event IK&TiSKsMiisSra&iiiswS I MISS MILDRED DAVIS, daughter of Chief Ress Davis, of the Philadelphia Fire Department, in costume she were at recent playlet SIGNORINA ANNA FOUGEZ, WM. M. CROLL, ROBT. E. HAAS, pcuutii'ii .nl pepalar Italian Democratic Cen- elrcted Al'entewn star of the Teatre Ui Varicta greRman from Assem b'.yman, Lehigh district former Lata, ette '"id mnnatrcr PAeth NORVA RO''5 KAYA, talented violinlste and dancer, neibcu for U.gnt in hei butterfly dance CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? pfSJkWEPPACnER, N. E., P',J?JIL iwlaner of Interscholastic r -,'feVv 1iwaa country raca ves- MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Jehn S. Bell 2'J04 East Elkhart street Kensington, are celebrating their golden wedding, having married in 1872 WAGONLOAD OF CASTS FROM "PINK ANTIQUE" class being mew (I i in Id Acai eniy of the Fine Arts, Chestnut street west of Tenth, in 1870. Send us your old-Philadelphia photographs year-old vlellnlste, who made de but with Philharmonic Orchestra, returns from abroad GAYLY DECORATED FLOATS were features of the Frankford school children's panli which was followed by an exhibition en Brown's Field, depicting events and incidents wtfi have made Frankford progressive and famous. Above is the float of St. Joachim ScmS)-' mmmmmmmmmmLLmwtt3 JlzlilllllH " HHff -',' - Wimmkf ;' : i'-Si saaaaaaamaaaaa2k Naai , RBl ":. " ';'Hr" i- ,4 isSkkw 9s:' ' W,. -.mmmmWmmMmmML. - M ;... JjHHax' ' vUSBkSSSSSSSSSSjL , HSSSSSSSSSSk ,', B' mmV3mmF''z5mmu BS SSa. XkiittMEiuSKiHV rf kW PMsm.5 vWMMB r siu rHS KSS?.i??.fc KSSrafi S.i'SSi ,'.;5 fef X YSJt fessyrw KMIl Vl?x , ".';L.i- ; v . i. "".' v V. 'iviA( w .. i. SEEN AT THE FLOWER SHOW. Miss Nellie Orr is nlctured en the left with a Donen of blooms. On the right is Miss Helen Roberts holding a feathered fan bouquet designed xer aeeuianies. rrize winners were seieciea ey popular oauec '- w tvy. SjpaWwnVHk Vf y-v k. IHiilBiiHBilaKlSMi 'mmWLmmmim ti''2t'f 'ykam I v s '-jmWjf' 'rmm MmW'W'S fmm $M fw Emmrm w Ml mmw- fmWrVltWl atm -Ar--mM va sWfrTKv 'l.lTl : : SPaTsTsfS 3 ' ,'Jammm 5" ''' wua9VHBBaS?VS1 MONKEYING WITH A CAMERA, Babe and Bernee, two members LEWIS W. BEYER,! et animal crew that arrived in les Angeles recently, intrigued with a prominent figure a l me mysterious mecnantsni, ucciae 10 investigate (Jnanaier arui WW jjMJ ?- T, J if '-ggwt''fc-ji J J "!!" 'flyman v t! 'JMrifiBT uBvJ f n t&'J fSf' s$ Lt ffirlt C1 vsft v$vfyjiiw&kaYvaaaaaaaaraaaaaa P'.,S. S T A H L- RIVER-EDGE DWELLERS, at Tar Pit, pn the Schuylkill, fereeJ NhCKER, newly ap- te move, will slide a tcew under house and float. te WoedbWj uovernor - elect Pinchot tPz VT HBEis3Hkfeu. rsTsTsVTTsTsTsTsrsVJHBH "sTsnSLTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsFJivt Mkamii. ' Jaaaaaa rvjRCJwrr l WO MSl v " I V . ,': ',- ,.w s s, v nv r;'!(j Wi --,V( "i , TT'i IK J . ''I . BROWN PREP IS PUTTING A HTTRirv thim . . AABiS '--SBl a-, V. iiS Jil i7 ft An T w ., v, .. f..H ....VrvJr.iL v . p ; r .. . - Vi 'T, i i ,.,-..-?;- &MMMM .UA'tA- .flf-AJvftWri., .,), , fealfte:-, ,;gii E"1''. J sil'lliAi jfafeaBssssaaaMyMJi