PlgSPPBrywWwBBI wmmswmm Ti'itl , DVral1 iZLi ;,rii T--' WXTtWi lV. T'i ' 'yimr f-JCM tr 4-'; ifi4 AW f JTOTJIfl OVTSiDE THE GUMPS-After the Battle r" w By HAROLD MacGRATH - .k m it. 600.909 mni m itmwtlful itrFa fM fry lepvrwn.. - --.-.- .... 8iSiMe"'''0,,,r itce.iil, I yeunp aw id ter Ie a rtjtWi,2l.K mono. ,r.""i1i KiEMM'ifWrc 'TV. . "S ,,iimM eUd Ifct pre eninii -.....---- l iuemmnI min - MHW rk. ' 1.1 r.iiiwjRr. a "" ?i.-. . '"J'iU wars, wno.eip.mif !' .7. iiilir MiKlfi W." var" H.?" iw j ptfiBrt!. WWJMj.. rBt,ri ta Brflin wre. i S?l tonne WVcilcd W eR iA..X'.E tJientten of Mf5''i" ATrdY. thMPlr' nfl SttSMW'TK kin. tinr iJsn'.'JVii'-M at IS "AAvrntuu Ww'iffusmBi I Ml ji. W.k""J 10 .CIKVV.V' W,n. 1 tCIW..." "I.: .. rfleinn ;.4 4ian.f "".".tj tr i,i m liffClive ie ' "- IvMsal. erf Jin; rer'ii. eiijl n I i ia,,x BSWn .HfclThiTAreKininflUm" HOUND tne nrsi remw .-- ,IhtJ DIP " ne lur'" "' " .' " . ... i'nr nrc ucuuvni; .- --- ZTftifc when you need them. But STdUwufflUln feet l this; they are SLtfatl beyond belief after midnight. reuiand false alarms te contend L'. will-betters, husband beaters, yTbUboed rows, children'! squabble! ir bubbles. The cry or muruer no kutt thrills generally It l some Jehn's trick te nveld n tenting. Se Jn Nsncy rushed toward him. dl MrM he did net greet her with en her nppearence had nil the -nurki of the old stuff. "rr. . ... t. i-.l "Tli.r an kill. ifQUICKl sue Kneu. - - - if "el T.-.t.ii ..l.I th neilceman. anna U-WBVI -- - Here was a prcuy )"i . out of which he had come and the sail enta of hla character. His utter fear leeineM In the fight, In which he had .corned te call for help, forced her te peculate upon hiin from a new angle. It nmaxed her (as well as tare her e cret adtlsfnctleq) ,te learn that under the kindly mnnner, behind these gentle gray cyee, that general nlr of boyish new, there wna it Hen, vigorous and headstrong. Ne healthy $eun woman ran Ignore audi a characteristic, espe cially In a man alie knows, when, aa a matter of fact, the lien-like In mnn la aa much n quest te her na the Grail wee te Sir Galahad. Prem time te tlmr .Tcrry.'a cheat moved jerkily, aa If a eeb were strug gling for utterance; then the agitation would mibslde, and It did net seem he breathed at all. Once she took hla hand in hers and held It for a little i it was cold and limp. She want ed te rub it. The beaatal Forever and ever alie would eec him billowing up through the flaying nrma ant less, and. then that gtiinnwi of his , bloedv and terrifying, why hadn't face, Hhe genn for help inatnntly Instcnd of offer! ri(r him a pair of weulc haudu? 9he balled angrily, hut silently. She recalled all the instruments of terture she had ever read of for the beast who hed struck her! Several minutes paFwd In silence; all the neiWH of the night had dropped away, except the occasional far-off clatter of the elevated. Something touched her knees, and threw her Inte n flutter of fenr. Rhe uttered n sound which was neither sob nor laugh aa she (Uncovered Ling Fen. "My puppy!" elm whNperpil, "My peer forgotten puppy !" Rhe caught him up and nestled him In the e'A way he loved, iigeluxt her tlirnnt. "Hungry, tee, and alone nil day! Your mis tree la n wretch!" Rhe set him down, cut up a bit of chicken and prepared hla milk, her innce awinging continually toward the im the puppy, she re- see .iif-'hiit her hat win hanging ever en ' lounge. Having fed Hie puppy, she rill tnat ner nai win. .. turtied te t ip hnip. tn i iimn in r n'.' a ,'".' i... a rnt with . Jerry 'a Huh meve: but tin ami ml mm "!dv": wanted him locked up forth. The, peer bruised face! Hut l,h Sn5 tomorrow she'd be tearing . a little ha lips stirred again, f. V... n t him out. ?" '. h' Imp there was a sound Rm COMHtTl. fVCCIHCTt. KVf rMbtfc )Mf. NWffMtttHT cNDOfVre CONGHEtS 37 vent we tweun 90 C.0t WAT IT 4e L0N6 IN beucw XW OftOlltVOH HlM HrNVl CONCtit THl VACXOUX AW OH TMtt. VilkS Td THt Gump msimvua Tft rvi TMi tltncrt Te Tv4tn. ftM - wnwv MS GOOX? AMO TeNCH Rl.WO - OU MMl Uc TO be M fOO MEN OOO HP rttut WHO et tOVJW VtM 0 9efcTN 1M XHl IMTEteBT OF GOO 60MtHMtNT I VUKMf TO TtU. N6U tV4eT NOV) VkVt M T" P Wg?VST tvIN AH Uft fVHT V MOPt "WKt OU VHVU rXtMlkM "WIMK Mt VW0fct4S O TWE dVT '5L!5.; TJmI mwSSt. ! neon, rtt3 E t bin te get him out. P'JK. V:-l. n Mtlll bellln-: w th new -" ";". -,.. ...i. - Ti.iu.n.n'. Inek of tirufeeHlnnnl In- ZSrm eVught him by the sleeve. "Via blockhead! I'm telling you Hit bandits, are kllllng my escort. muni en" "Where?" ... "The alley i J'Snew me!" still skeptical. eh. nmil nnd rnccd te the corner, ft. officer hard upon her heels, his nu nu temttlc Ie hand. Ninth street wen iitKii hn en lil nlnn'lnv tin. 'whtrt's this war e yours? 1 don't ttesnjthlng.." . Rut .bi. flew en nhend. W hen sun rMcifd the alley she dropped te her kntN. The policeman, reconsidering It flippant dingnesls, scattered up just M Nsncy raised Jercmah'M bloody bead h her irni. i "Oh. Jerrv. Jerry !" she cried, break- bf Inte hysterical sobs ; which It was kttr chronologically Krener that she akemld. 'Tie policeman opened the Dineuy Alrt-frent and felt of the victim itart. "Four of 'em, huh ! Just my dumn rick te be a few minutes lute." "Is hi dead?" "Net yet. Ills heart's going. I'm " UnBterrr. rnlw. I didn't done it rlcht: but erta then I'd a' been tee late. Why didn't you yell?" "I-dliln't think of It. I tried te help him, but I wasn't of any use." ''Yeu waded In?" "And one of the beasts struck me en the mouth. The peer boy ! te dtfnd me!" What's the odds, se nif si the never learned the truth? nit ine mi-took AJnx for Menelaus? Tit Delleeinnn MPIirnliml Hi a vlntlm. kt hll nrnrlWd Imml fnntnl nntlilnv (it t kwrlne. The ernnkR hiul elnnmul .hi boy thoroughly. Iilackjacked, tee. Widd In, eh? Women If they were worm anything generally waded In for wj" they loved. They might pommel weir lords nnd mnsterN. Imt tliev uwniM tot Permit anybody else. "pUhi carry nny valuables?" I don't knew," she unswered, rock- "Will, itay with him until I send la a call for the ambulance." Vv both live In that hennc mere, with tie miirbln Hen I'll ii.i,. you. A lurgeen lives next deer, uml Hell be home new." .u,JH),,c.enwn theuSht It ever. Irob Ireb Wy the chap would get proper core Eli? 2.ULr.k,y if ,lu, ,Klrl ""d her way. I U..,l.Ve ,m' ,a 'K,0Ht w,,en I say R'.rei" ,lls hnt Ye" ,nk t." Wrtt into a scientific Ming. "HI ew Hi the way, miss. Hw ;.. fli.r." ,.. Un fllffht .in " " " "Fine!"" " ' t 01, 1 s a it Cl rltn itm JlVe'i" ??' hlm '" ny room until the fc "! If lie iinZtt '".'J1 b..al1 rlht 'or the wed jjj mlsi," 6ald the policeman, cheer- e getting of Jeremiah te NancyV "J" task that required all the ' lngth. On tl' level he !Mthe.kV,baek.K'P" U'08 Uk' don't bethei iheHf 1.1. ni "s. wc. Put The bio .tint b00t ,iH trem I 5whbickJ5.d0MV,t de much fed. Z. ".v.?' It s real "It ain't hJfi i? 8 t0 ,,h0 be"Pltail : jrtwe!niV' e H nl In an heu. Vtt&FjZ" k'eu ,he "tajri. heavily. WPnt Ut nnU (,ew" K '''-""ngciun;! H.. . --.",v.. m iernt iciini n i.r. ry juurw f." n ...". : " "ai As N'ntiA. k ' W neeeiii'i.Ti? ..nlHt. Rating first ?JSH M iV,,,ateh00i..,il,,W "!' ' hem bur,.1 Xf,"'!""1". '""1 most ft "uman Kinia hi1,0,h' ,,?,M '"Ml ilut Ufa. " dl8eer tlmller facts 1 Th n.i.t.i. . hncunien T.-rr' s ense as u sht "'n began teTtir"'trnt', ,whe Tilt. WtenflJv weuj dVffi? 'Is "ermal ft Hd fSr a"wUhlePy fe A. "mi te his iirnn. " " ,ew "ours tnecej.a'S g Ne, it ai'd tun &?. vat" i ffi'".Ui;,ta'AK "I'll call ...i. .. .. "mernjn,... 225 . chair e'.h-'S.., ve '!'".. Mi. t down in Tu",;..!, V110 i011" 'y Ucmi eV ""'Jh, her fliier Cve; IHW net heK, . anil i.j" . in!' were nm ... aasawaaa terrifying In her cars. "ie. no. no!" Her hand flew te her mouth te imp press the nstenlsheil ffnn n,l ,!la. covered that her lips were throbbing with pain. Hut that whispered cry, the most uncanny thing lm had ever heart! It was identically the same jjie nati nenrci in tne upper hall at t ralg a. Ne, no, no ! when she de- iiueraieiy iiung ncreif into the nbvss. lilt of course It htul been her con- science that hud Klinknn. I'liore oei.M net possibly hnve been mental telepathy between her nnd Jerry, net with the Phonograph going nt IiIh elbow. Such jiuiiBB were imaginative absurdities nui jer an nir, mie sneeu was great. Daggers and Melodrama Jerry chuckled. "The Great Advcn- ...... v,Uimmnt - - -- xnen a Jumble of mcanlngfees words and Phrases. "Daggers! Melo Mele drama! Renre me? Net that way. My father nnd i n going ie prove it! Jera E ?h A. -J. "-l je hnte It, Nancy, Sn u"u i new. - - Jenny kissed me when we met; . umping rrem the chair she snt In. All for a dea! Vnnev nn. !"n.' .' . ,', Jcnn-V! l Mn't " 10 I'm nrrvt" Tlie effect of these broken phrases meaningless except for what significance enm.v winncii te impose ujwn them Was OePlllllir. nnvirnra nn.l m1n. !... Her imagination seized upon these ami miu rp-unsinicieii jereminhi ColIIngs CelIIngs ColIIngs weod Inte semethlne mysterieuslv urn- found. A woman will take the most transparent of men nnd invest him with mystery nnd heroism; sometimes t i- ine eniy posmeie way te fall In Hive With hlm. Kin. l.1i..l.. f..i I., .u- L ', - " ".' "c.....n. uut-Krii win DPginiung and resents the sub sequent disillusions. nt yemiK , proved in heroics, who unconsciously ....vw,v. iiiuiuM auiieiessncss is a con ventional iniisk te mysterious endeavors, nuui i uiiriiriii unv pninnuiinniin i. lined female mind as it new intrigued jSanevs. She stirred uncnally, fearing no might speak words she ought net te She reached for his hand again and round It growing warm; moreover, it automatically elosed nnmi iinm nn.i i.ui.i ii' lhe ,benn .,0 mumble mutterlngi .,.., u,v uy , mH mrent. xue peer hey, the peer boy! Presently he iiulctcd iiiwii, except innt lie began te move III Hi-mi a nine n-eni aiiie te side, with eei-rugnted brew, perhaps with the i-.m-scleusnesa of pain, which is always the urst step tewurd sensibility. Quarter -.1 .hi iiiiur lmsseii, anu He began te "The beautiful old hills! But why did he put his hand en my nhnul m -' .Nncy? I would hnve loved him. . V, Always se still and silent! And I wuh se lonely ! When you came in out of the storm. I loved you, but I did net knew It then." Startled, wide of eye, Nancy tried 'e releiiae her hand. Oh. she mustn't nenr this; who mustn't! she hud been tortured enough this day. It all came back te- her. the bitter cup of shiime rim mum uriiiK tomorrow. Here, In this verv room, she would tell Craig what n base thing she was. And new Terry had te turn about nnd ndd n new burden te her rising misery, without knowing whut he was doing ! With her irve nemi sne trieii te unlock the ringers pressing upon the imprisoned hand. She wanted te get out of hearing be fore he speke again. But her efforts te release her hand were futile. Soen the babbling btnrted again; nnd she had te remain beside him, terrified ns te whut might come next. .She would novo te hurt him, tee. She was never going te marry nny man-. Leve. Why couldn't they leave her alone? Untoward uccldent or mischance . . . y enough, If he wants te get rid of ine. Bnttle, murder and sudden death! But. dear Oed. the motive, the motive! If I could only get a glimmer. Sing te me. Nancy. The alley out of the nlley, when I wasn't watching I My head!" His ham relaxed, and Nancy was free. But, strangely enough, she did net rise, she did net want te run away. He was in danger: Munethlug was tnreatening hlm. Out of the alley, when he wasn't watching! What did that signify but that he had expected danger from that source? He had kept i no uey h ioek upon ins ince, wnen- all the while he had walked with the shades f death beside him ! Her own treublea faded thinly ngulnst the portentous magnitude of his death, Se ehe watted for mere of these frag ments that she might get together enough te threw seme revealing light upon this mystery. She was net aware "f It, hut n mysterious Jeremiah had a compelling Interest far and above that which he had previously afforded her. It wasn't Idle curleMty; she was hop. lug that she might help hlm, lesa fu tllely than she had tonight. But It fell out (ns fate generally decides It shall) that Jerry Imhblcd no mere. ' What hnd he dune te Jenny that he mln't meant te de and was sorry for? 'litis that imaginative atom which u- all a seed fell upon her heart aud lulved, continueJJtemorbow . . X. I i uM vll WAH UlllA AtUllAi ' f - fc m m KM.! I ' K - m m nurc i tm- m wv F.Tjr- w m -. . .. wmtw tpt i7 v---h .....-.. i a.iv . ...a... a, yar Atie&v s i tr i nt mam Si i mmmm SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG Yeu Can't Pleaae Them : : : : B....t.r.d u. b. i -, . By Hay ward 1 WELL MAME AT LEAST THBL I If JJSgSfS1" U rTTN StS V ' . tW ' 1 t! REFORMERS WILL LEW US AUM . 5201 5c EfflS f OJ N -?-- -VS, ' I a fleck or bires JM mJH c tSJt SB tBriw " TKiteiffli -U' '3 Witt J-fc. w Ww r Ii mjhi SyfCk 1 vu s . iiu,. wr r. ra h ti --sfr-- Th Van.. I aJ.. A..... u- in... irrrilUiirn nti utr.n inrnifiim n r.i. ...... " ' Pl'"" . ' ...- .. u7 v.,u.. in. Yjr tr.eiii w i no nJiiwe rami -t BH FUNTAINE FOX SCHOOLDAYS -:- .;- .;. Bu DWIG i I - j: I " Frerli6vwFw5pr32F VU ksgr-i ) l ' jfjM' - ' r i -3rM. "" v , - x-jr-s.. ." s- aas hw .j w s t" ..,,r rgsw -,. rss m. hy wwszzzmrj&rjiMtiWtt- & atv . .r&!rr "i itk & 'Er&iFtfriB. 3 tk . avj mA. . a T. T amr it riewrj r i 'BKsayaBiiia i i! Jr r I L,I tJV ' aKnpg vSrl - I tMrfl9KS?3Si3B&i!2&53B?!tBs& 4mI BltaMtm f m iyTBtHlff 111 ill illlMll I In " UT-hrrK- O - frtrBK ..jWatet itHligHglHilH Lira rrflr'W- KKIHia lu ' mmyrsn zr- e x" HKBgWfiiHgigH ib mh eai , ter PHSIPSLJiLHWfeilH :' - r T: i5ni5 " i wiiiiiai ! " r 'wsavv uwri r ft -- ' .. : ..: ?sr - mmm mmk r- msmxmz'm ' I i 'i ---- --r. 4.e"V7cpnA e "aitt- ii'iujiim iiunii n i RBSgggggg? i lrwwif r ; --4l K i I i ' " T'g --.r iSv 5ZT- fl II 1 1 HI H III III II I ii In 1 W ' mtmA. n-t " ii. i . I - -rm' i "- -a1!. tw -. i iiiimimih i Mini iiiiimmwi i i 11 v huti i T. A ! Zs. .--JU- CsT- WsvrOtiaT I MHK7T "SOiC fc aUIIIVMTPH i 11 -a v . ie5sCbw r;. iiiirt 1 1 null j i n ' u ii -i..vtrfizi. gan?isxr reiZifi ' The young lady across the way 71 Tgtrimjtgl iT " II H II F 1 H iMS "H saya she guesses her father loses rW'W ',CiSi BWP H "1 CAMt reR '- III M J'f' J sHh&j&W8A S?2P K&- I i every time and It', very gratifying W''' ' ,43?., DA T " BACK " fflS - gN. 2gffiL JN&J J ie iier te knew that he never plays .-..-. ttfJUetj TUe P XVSkW91MiXW9kJ6jSSfkW carda for money. L y $ OH Tl fbMKf T SWLWlJikWafK 1 ' , . " m Jg, !ff j- zriw MzarraPMi mm u m iiuee je iy m itinera ; -- . m ; ii rrr- ' : -., : 1 I ! By c. a. Voiehi 1 PUMclc PeTsV S Said it MtlM I A- 0 JV HvO,! A I O) I VAVM iN0UOUruTTeerA.- MABTSC, K V ' ? - . CSS - I V ! J I A J ITu-ne- WTr.ii I T TrT.w .:-,.. T..7r J 'l- 5T3E V., J T" A' . 0 I - stX'" vn. i I Am& gK" (: W-MimkA I ; TZ V ii 4 GASOLINE ALLEY-Almeat, but Net Qutte j j ' ,.--1 c-...;Ai-J 1 p'AH' TMEBB SHE ItSf NOW'S COOD MOBNINQ , MRS PLOSSOt I - : - T-" PTT King 1 I MY CMANC6 TO INVITE MERP UST CAe OVER TO ASK WAHTBD TO PlHO NOT SO W6U r1) V jrp CO TO QlNNSft WITM ME '7 VQU A QUESTION-TUVT - T HOW IS VOUKJ; (walT. iVsJ 'J' ' V" T VTWHTl want te g BigPMBgtji I fAft feuNNiNc a&ma&sSsL missine j&- ( AW 5wuCts 'P? n yy" -js " - VKNew ip c73fcaagfcre' V THt MeghihG? zzjtt:. (ain't i the fe-7. 4 ggggggtlgMliMig l ii'iit.iSfi-ici-f . ,-.1. .-... A , . . ,-iAm(WMMs, fl