IP . I H I I i I'M" ' "WPWP"'1""1 ' WP111IIII1III1PIW PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY. NOVEMBER & 1022 v. . " ... ! ' - . - . ,.. "ira(. .1 . " . v ., I K" .- . ' EVENING 3W AT". WI !"!. WW r ?. x KSL ? ( Mi VV if'" Hmyfv - I MONEY TO LOAM HELPFUL LOANS $300 OR LESS IN STRICT CONFIDENCE LEGAL RATES , .VITK8 TOU TO CAI.t. WHEN SHORT OF READY CASH, TOU MAT OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH ITS AND IIUHY NEITHER DIONITY NOR PRIDE. WELL KNOWN PHILADELPHIANS CON tUCT THIS INDUSTRIAL HANK INrt BUSINESS. WHICH HA4 JJEEN aneWINa IN FAVOR THIRTY YEARS. the spirit or mutual BEN EFIT AND HELPFUL SERVICE IS ALWAYS OUn FIRST CONSID ERATION. GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. 1435 LAND TITLE BUILDING BROAD AND 1JHOAD ST. SANSOM ST3. ENTRANCE HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 FROM TIM3 bended RANKINO DE PARTMENT SUPERVISED CO. FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy terme. Paments arranged te suit veur convenience. Ne fees of any hind charged, only Interest at the rate provided by law. An Inquiry ruts ou te no expense and. does net ebllante jeu in any way. Call TODAY, of If In a special liurry, urn Bsll phone. Locust 7.1.17. PAY ALL YOUR SMALL OfTSTANDINfl BILLS AND OWE RCT ONE CONCERN. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 Seuth 15th Street Second Flenr. Roem sol. Cress Building. Member Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce HORSES TWO saddle hersea with all raits. M-dli mi W. Pheno REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY !IIKI!IM!;!iffllI A BUSINESS CORNER FOR $25,000 2229 SPRUCE (cer. 23d St.) Three-story store and apartments: let 20x100 te rear atreet. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. Qniaiiii prm'jrHmiiii!imimu!rdJw:irimHnii'ti!!Hniiiii4U2iiHntreiiijnrimLTWs 28,000 SQUARE FEET 1 SIX STORY AND BASEMENT S ELEC. ELE'ATOR AND HOIIT $45,000 li J. BECHER ANDERSON vt524 CHESTNUT SPRUCE 4584, jiiairaraiiniim Modern Apartment Heuse 18th & Diamond Yearlv rental es'tr J6000 Nver uneccui'lpd Larire leta t le vard. A. F. DAIX & CO. 804 Land 'Tltl Hldg. T.ei-iit 700-7701 2024-26 SANSOM ST. 1928 SANSOM ST. Pti1 ff. Stull. Marrla nidc. Sprura H31. Alse see advertisements In small tjpe In following reltimna. Fiirterle-). Wareheusea. Mannfactnrlng noera ' BRICK FACTORY 78,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE Power plint. l' acres of ground, R R SiniNO ON THE RIVER BARGAIN lOlt WVICK SALE H. B. McCOLLUM 1211 WALNUT ST FACTORIES U a renounce floors, factory sites J. L Stevenson & Sen Lanri Title TT.dg FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES E. S. T0MLINS0N. JR, LINCOLN BUILDINO Factories, Warehouses & Sites J. LEE PATTO.V. Lincoln Bid. WEST PHIL DE1. PHI 0VERBR00K SECTION Marlyn read Two-etorj alcin residence. with central heat ssnlif, 20-feet fient: Inclesed perch und taru. immediate tiossesslen :nn'ioed read Thrn-.sterv sjrnl-de-taehed heme: 0 i numbers un.l 2 baths, splendid condition. scry modern con cen vsnleiice. Francis J. Lambert ,H".,N3?T1? " iiiniiiiiiiiJiiiiaiiiiira'nimiiiiiiiiiiiKAii'isin'iaiirps 518-20 S.60TH ST. 2 slen: store front 32su. meilern, also elciater, euiubla fur any busi ness, possession, MAX ROSENBERG & SON 206 Lincoln Bldg. a :iiaiMM $2500 $300 CASH All 1021 PIIVHi-WUiU) El. (T4th nri'l .Maxter ta B roemn and b.th, ul' rnnenitnti lm- milsite puffletDilfir. iCl JO pr inumli ryn carrlnr (.Jiarces Fitzpatrick. 1541 N. 60th St. A1m if u(htrtlfHH'Pr. In mm 'ill tvue In following teliifnii., PIINM M t III KIIN Recreation or Club Center l?f hctp "'luein sten infinamn iiar ln Mltn Ma'li.n bautifui lriwii r fertile Wrul, with 1 mil r k freiitJrie easily HnanccJ qui 1; puif?erjien BEN. T. LEVIS M Seuih Ae Media. I'u Pimr.e M-1U I3H r 41AIN LINE i- MERION BUILDING SITE 1 1-3 ACRES Will dHlde mte II lets of ten f t f.nnt rh: bealltllUl old sl.t ie eirienent locstlen and splendii turruundinirs, Francis J. Lambert 401 N. 031 st Beim. ml .1777 Nte 11KR10N V. MERION An sttraetlve. well dCEiKlied and built English house 4 bedroom, 'i bnth. ,-n second fleer, 2 .,rlr-eiu. bulb u third fl'er an exieent home mid In vei,tinent st 2I,000 TREAT-STREAT k WAYNE. PENNSYLVANIA MOORE MOORE. PA. 20 M1NP.TES TO PHILADELPHIA "7CfVl fcw home, a rooms and bsth, $JyJ) open flrepUcj, till conven cenven lenees; corner let st74lVi New mineral stucco house, 0 $tUU rooms und bath, open (Ire place; all conveniences 4t7tfVi Delightful buni-dlen- of 7 $i JJJ loams, bath nnd pantry, 4 bedrooms- en a let 100x1301 new, but well built, with eprcBS ilnUli, laiae clysets, ei-en tlreplaee AfVsn '" Hnnisld, i.w stone nnd tpOVJlA mlner'il slucxe lieuse, 7 rooms and bath, het-water In at hardwood floors, vh-ii tlupluc'j, Incliiecd purch, cer ner let. iiesiev, It H.' Allen. 8 1 9 Prospect Ave. A. Peene Ridley Pars) 411 W mri 11 xss anw mUi'MAA&kvik KBAL ESTATE 0 SAX.S city pmmim ANNOUNCEMENT! The Sale at Griffith's Maner last Saturday was a success. There are a number of unsold lets which 1 may be had. Act quick. See our Mr. Andersen today at Griffith's Maner, Caster avenue and Rhawn g 1 street. Take Reute 59 at Oxford pike and Frankford avenue. OLNEY REALTY CO. 5519 N. 5th St. Wyoming 5SS0 faJIIMaiTOCTMW REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Pnrterles.xWni-chneses, Manufacturing Floers Fer Rent Manufacturing Floers l 2O00 TO 10 000 BO. FT. EACH, WITH L1UUT ON FOUR SIDES. ALL nrtl.DISOS ARE FULLY SPRINKLED AND THE f INSURANCE RATES ARE VERY LOW ELBCTRIC-rOWER ELEVATORS IN EACH DUILDINO NOVELTY KNITTING MILI 8D TO 4TU STS. ON CCMUEHLAND ST. REAL ESTATE WANTED GARAGE Gentleman wants space ln a prtvat garage In center of city: will share expensea or pay a fixed rent per month. A 020. Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY RENT 310-312 SO. 15THST. i REASONABLE RENT YEARLY LEASE SAMUEL COLDER S.N- Alse see ndtrrtlsements In small type In following relumns. Business Properties and Stores N. W. Cor. Bread & Race Sts. Splendid inften fne automobile ehew- room or accessorles or restaurant. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1JTK AND CHESTNUT STS. Parkway, Cor. 1 7th St. 2 STORY NEW BLDG. Exceit'nal cer. for auto & offices display JOHN A. BARRY ,107 LAND TITLE HLDG, ANe see udtrrtlSFUients In small tle In following relumns. FeetnHea, Wareliwises. Manufacturing floors Floers! Stores! Warehouses! Factory Buildings! WE HAVE ALL CLASSES OF BUSI NESS PROPERTY WE CAN LEASE TOU SPACE FROM 1000 PcJCARfi FEET TO lne.OOO bUUARE FEET, WE WANT YOfR BCSINESS AND GIVE YOU 100 PER CENT SERVICE IN RE TCRN. IT WILL SAVE YOC TIME AND MONEY II' YOC WILL LET 1'3 KNOW JCST WHAT YOC ItEQCIRE. TF.I.ErHi'NE OR WRITE Barber, Hartman & Ce. 1201 UI1TNLT RITIEMIOI -1. -'7.11 ST RACE fSi H'H 'i fh li 1IN.11 i"H ''id I'llllllIIIIIM'HIIi'.llll I lllllllll'iaai. i.ulli.11 -i IREiTEl RENT 3 S.000 Sri. Ft. 9 FLOOR SPACE 3907 Powelton Ave. One block from Klein led JIedrn biiildliig eiiuiiiped 'v'tli prlnlkri I.OW HI.NT Siiluible for nn kind vt m.inu fncturliik' HERBERT RICE !!!!!::!,'". J HJbpruce 2ll.1-Ilire 4.l53lllllllllllliaii3 THE POO DADS Geed Intentions : : : : : : By Arch Dale trLuepHANT STueK.y Oh! Thank voe.mr v-w i JArAftfvv. II Trs&ci CET MIM OUTIlr s I'm TRVIN' -n A ro.rea; 'yZi ' FLANNELrEET--i rZZVVZ!'Z XS vWHV YOU IPIOT- f"T VIST MIM IN ! c8s& OUR COMBINED TlrtQUI? TO PRY T t?e,J ' ?lTwSWn Oi tee - e. in . T - rtnsj'-r V " 1l r2ifLS "-C L006l;'Kf v-jUaai BCXIEVE-Wt-CAW-,r, ' "- i V sS r WZ j. n'cheup) r: 7 sa?"i :. r- cr,,,.,;,, ... - - i m m J ,.-. i r.g..g..g..gk'i i .W WkWkwkwm . Li . a- h'lM nMiff rv'-' -"rilil. ... Kmti'U.VtiM. . - . .U&tfteuyj ..t.mm rK.igLst ., ..Ais, ':,. s a REAL ESTATE FOR SAM CITY a REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Factories. Warehouse. Manufacturing Floers Il;fuI!l!I:ffi:ialGJ:i!uIm!JlH!I.imaiI';;'J:nI;rilm!:aJI Fer Rent Fleer Space . I N. E. Cor. 12th & Arch Sts. I Sititahlc for Officca or Light Manufacturing. Rea sonable Rent. Ceilings are high. Abundance cf natural light. I'lreprrif construction. Lew Insurance. PEOPLES TRUST CO. I , g 12TH AND ARCH STREETS 'uumMmiEniiEiiiij!;i,.Tl!iiini1i,mn!mas:7:in'i,iaiiiim;!i;infi1 FLOORS 211 TO 221 NORTH 13TH STREET 2 FLOORS AVAILABLE 10 ene 0 FT. EACH LIGHT (IN 3 SIDES Fireproof building; low rent 1514-20 CALLOWHILL STREET 3D FLOOR. 77H0 .-Q. FT. LIGHT ON 1 HIDHS VERY LOW RENT 114 NORTH 13TH STREET SiMALL FLOORS LI HIT ON 3 SIDES 1 EHY LOW RLNT FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1314 WALNUT ST ernrtK, business koeiis. etc. CENTRAL OFFICES 1502 LOCUST STREET NEW BUILDING Fine Light and Ventilation VERY REASONABLE RENT ALLEN & REED 1304 LOCUST .ST. SYDENHAM BLDG. 1512 Walnut St. Medem office space; Immediate possession Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 6105-07-09 Woodland Ave. These desirable aterss can In lud Imma il.ately; aultahle fur any business Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1STH AND chk.iTNIT STS. MORTQAQE3 Funds for First Mortgages Various amounts In sums te suit Lnas. v. iviiuer ceinmnnnii'ih n,j $50 TO Real tnts security. Immediate settlement. Interest en estates lUrm v.anu r.b met $2000 EDW. M. MOLL j M I "MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS I W. H: BALL & SON LAND TITLE BI.DO. ,,,. ' w "' .,,... ,,,.,11 ...el,,,. nrmn ,ii lllnn t-nll,.,! ,1... ....,nl... ..l.l .. . .. . T r - ' l-lv 1 . 1 ruwil illL,L,l I SHUBFRT BUllDINr l F Z JiF' " 'l&r" f !" j -mTh,,,!, !'Zd ZltmWp-T PASDaflicniLivATORs enUDLrvl BUILUllNu i.f money when the woeil-fnopper cuts 1 den t went te malic i-hilili-pn haimv ' J""' iempiete.1; imm.n,.te r"Hfssir.n, ki.nii we Alu"3 -jen Q R,,J e-.. tl.i-i- ti s and I earry them tn the r don't like i-hlldrcn. They peke f uti 1 M'e1.' cif4CN iieVh ""sheVU"",". - M ! ivoe Z50 3. Bread Street rUv ln , ship. We can buy feed in at me. 1 want te be left alone. ('"'. """" " N 'lh '-', -si.'ill"J j Jaoe ii-st a real geed ni'i'icE ncn.DiNG nli-ntv for lllue Jay." off my nnd !" L fc.Il.VLw . inftoe 'VeSiT,iTO."vi,r.ffinv"'"''fa"'"""'' ....rliiTe'rt;:1': hu'Y .."TilA'H Z?r "'M : ""rr-.. ww. Bi 015gsT?'i,ESTVf;ygy - - 'Mis i-aiser in b'i " " ' .7 ""h 1 iiin-w iiii-m at .IIR'K mill .lani-t unci ii.u.,i.,p beat, elcctr cltv. u-.n. in, in,,.!,, ' , .1..L-...I.- Trvn i-v.,, west piiilmiei.piiia imcli his ii and whang He ureiiRiit tin- miicis. 'Iheyhad te Und.-je mid run te 2().oeo. ,,....,. two booms, oho Vfj? Vt 1-" . ' " ".. " 7 - i.in.ie ilewn en the trunk of the nenreit kien from IipIiih lilt. j M MIQM.MI.i.d. Me t-,, 1 immediate Possession M0RTOAOES INVESTORS, ATTENTION! Weltyccured first mertages en new med. Sr.nwel,Ll,B,! 10 ' ,u- l a of 14000 ach. Berman & Trattner & APARTMENCT iMMIMHIilllllHII 321 SOUTH I3TH. Apartments of 2 room and bath .tnteefrcuVR." cenwnlint SMULLEN & BARRY LtRERTY llUILDtNG 'MIIIIWWIIJMIIlHHUiWIIIIIIlii nnmimtminiiiiniiumiJjHininnnimwiiiiiimiiKfmiimmnHTnmiirananmunnnrmis M4 N. BROAD ST. 5 Reems and Bath Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1424 8. PENN SO. Pifl!llll!!IWfflW1l!flll',l'l!l I MlflflUrR! IfSMttMiUaVaMmamtaMiaMBBA. J tHu.niiiuiiiiHwiMiiinMiKHiiniiiiiiwiinHaiiiiiinKHiMTInTlllllwrIBaHBaWlllir JTKSiPnjtADMJPIII S. E. Cor. 52d and Sprure Very deslrabla s-room-and-bath apt. med. Albert M. Greenfield c Ce. 19T1I AND CHESTNUT BT8. WAYNE THE LOUELLA APARTMERfS W. H. BALL & SON Wf" il,e,i?85rn?.Tf,s,r,,u ln u ,,M REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CRAWFORD DUPLEX HOMES. 18th at. and Olney avc; hlth elevation; excellent nelith. borhned: each home accommodates i dm. I Uli". sarnite for a carai every modern lm i rretnent and cenvenience: you can rent l nne faction, the Income of which will pay all 1 cfien?i In connection with the entire build ' In.'; tr.umr.nrtutlen facilities unexcelled. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR., Uullder COitNKlt luth and Cyprexe Four atery. 14 renia. including furnlablruta: te be ald cry icasenable. JQSEH FBLDMAN. 208 Lincoln Bldf. l...r .-'. . c.e luuina. once tvvi ini i.nurei t.. roema and atere. 1.1800. 029' N. Am-rlcan at.. 20S-210 Laurel at. corner frepertl" ene comer, price I.1200; B02 w, Verrls. 7 rooms and hsth. a.tnflA. fn.lcnenil. e rm tn-.-mv v e.. ai fepiar si, LAMIiiTAt KT., 8 221tt Vacant: A-l con cen con diteon: 7 rooms. Jiet-wnter heat, electric. tile hnth, laundry. Inclesed perch; $.1800. I IUT.TON C. SIMON, 20th and Paseyunk ave i CU21 OhAOE AVE. Stene front, perch, 0 looms and bath, brick laundry, electr'c. Dutch hall: Immediate possessien: will frnnca; ?H400; keya nt B(I02 Spruce et. 1331 N. 10TH ST. and 1328 Delhi, ln rear: 1342 N. 10th st. end rear: 133U Alder at, J. II. RHOADE3. 13.1 8. BTH ST. 2.17 V. 13TH 4-story store and dwelling, bargain for quick sole. L. M. Sanders, 11"i) lnd Title Hldg. Spruce 6H08. 317 N. HOWARD ST. Vac; 7 rms.. perch. Putrlt hall. el., gaa kltrh.: fin In whtte 4 rnhng . t4nn SHOEMAKER. 7th and Erie. nr.vri.Nll PARK SEC. Vacant: 4321 N Iirlen : 0 rms., hath, het-water ele.-trlc. 4M)0 SIHIPMAIER. 7th .t heat, Erie nriQc netl E. Westmoreland; perch, '-''"3, het -water heat, electric; KINNEY. Hand Tetter sts. 0 rms.; $7000. $300 CASK L'Mfl N Hutchinson st.: 30-feet street: $2730. rMw M (Iriham. Spruce 7B42 2H10 OEHMANTOWN AVE. Bargain, SRENCO, 21,1 8. 13th St. SIX CHAMBERS' a baths: 2-car garage; Inrge tot P 200, Ledger Office. IviV S FRONT ST. Tne-stv. med. home; e..(; tnnke cfer. Kane. 82.17 N. 20th st. ANe see ndtertlsrmrnts In large trne In nr'eiUnc relumns. Business Prenertles nml Stores CHESTNUT below nth. .13x230. te Sansom st., arcade st. te st.: wll convert ground fleer Inte 2 stores (Chestnut st. front), 20 x DO, 14 arcide-frent Meres, 2lx20, and 2 Meres. 20x30, en Sansom st : no equal uppor upper auntt In central real estate teJa; financed, WESTNEY 203 Liberty Bldg. DREAMLAND Where Chriitmas Treet Crew By DADDY Jack and Jnnci act nut tcith Happy Hands, thf Iwli'in, Lone Khikcn, the icoed'chnppcr. and liluc Cap, the utilnr, tu find Chrititmai fires, ttlua .! puidcs than te trees he has planted, fll.MTKR IV The (inmrhy Old Hermit J UK nml .lanet loeKPil w i iiphkih ..'- ? ,"i M. :..f.... tree, tlint DIM iii-uii 1--.J ,....v - ih" valley hoferp thorn. 'll.irrnh:- rrlcd Jeck. "Here nrr eBh .hr.M.im, trees for all the chll- dr.-n in the city." "Say". Sey! Say! Aren't you filnd I planted tlirsc Chrlstmns tree?" .. . l,tTA... n,n..v srrrnim-d lilue Jey. Hew ninny ,.en,U.. will von clve me fn? themV ' .,.,..,--. ' i- - s- . ... U. AVP Will give JOU n ifunt t r 111 uif ('hrli-tn.tiH tree, ciittinis It 'eir snort. WhaiiB! A second chop brought down annlher tree, 1 Jink nml .lanet iieipeii iiiun i.np, smooth tin- nrnm'tie-, mm inw u; ir.-i-e teu'ftliei. Willing! Whang! V4lwii Tri'i-. tell rlsht and IhH. I .tiiimr fi.lt lint,nv. NllW urn, Id nu IniiiiiT need te worry ever the ur. i-hlldren nut havln? tre tot 1 ( 'hrisiin.is, 1 Suddenl a shout of uiirpt r.iused I I.'.iik Will .Kits te step his i-heimins. , A irewsj old man hed run out from anion.; tin- tieei waving lits linns. The fieu old mm w.-te In a great race. i Hev! Hi-v! ()ult chopping ilewti m trre .M-lleil tin- 0111 man 'This was 'news, Indeed, .lack and .Iniu.t tliniiL'lit the trees belonged te liliu- ,ln. as lie had eleimed. "Hhie .lay planted tbese trees, de- 1 clarud Jaek. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE crtti raetefln. Wamheaeea, nf aetnrlnf Weart nil FACTOR IK8 and altea, with railroad or without. What An mii te.ntt WBBTNWT. gflU Liberty IVdH,. Tye.STORY brlelc factory with S-room t.Alllnaa QD4A aiaaaa. yjHliip. MTV A, jam BV AlaUl MM atft'AtlaiaMaina la taaaltPa IwBaT In nrrffdlng celumnn. Klmfwl yriHl WHARF PROPERTY "OT J. I.EB PATTON. Lincoln Pld. Btarea and veriF.nN rtew inn nwir.t.r.tN'fl SAMUEL OOLDF.R. Finance nide;. Iic, 4MT DESIUAULE atere and dwelllnjri het-water heat, 4 Deoreomi and satn. zode s. idei ana ave. Kenelnaten HT. . Bulldlwr It Fnetery Bltea. Eta. ITS RUILDIX Ieta en Meer. Mifflin and McKean, near Slat atreet. wiiM.ii.ii, e tiiearty cniieina- 8Anl-dbVnUm,lhanVV. MW? 713 Walnut at. . WEST PHILADEt.PHIA 1016 SOUTH 46TH STREET 2.1x110 ft.; apacleua 3-itery dwelllnt, with aplendld aeuthwnatern expeiure: nn end home with all of the advantaaea of a cer .. . aa ..- ,a .. A.a HBIHII.I nor enu nunv di ma aiaaurnniaarn. uiiynu. Reed interior arrancemanti muat be teen te de apprecimrn. q. A ANSLBT. 1811 Chtatnat at. Important te the theuthtful buyer and eiler This office adhere atrletly te a brelterate bualneai and under no clrcum Mancea will be Intereated In pergenal cpecu. latleni thla Uvea confidence, te both buyer and eeller. Se remember "Cren" atanda for all that's soed real eatate. 00th and Larch weed ave. Modern Apartment Heuse Stores en let fleer. 4100 rtlrard ave. EDW. H CJJOVD. 1014 Land Title Bid-;, 10OO BLOCK 8. f3D 8T. New hemes: med ern e roemi ana eatn: lime caen re quired: tome and lnvcutleate: agent en prem la-a, E. J. MARTIN; 145 N. fi4th N. fi4th at. Phene Heiment 3884. tiullt ST. SECTION Since home. B bedroom-.. 2. baths; larae let: 1 quare te elevated: I13,n00, but open te offer. WALTER A. McCLATCHT, 70th and Mar ket. Hfflment S408. Open Sunday, K.'O CASH Handsome homes. 0 roema and bath, nil lateat Improvements; only 3 left for Immediate poaaeaslen; nrran-te te see sample home. Phene EZEKIEL. S037 Cheet nut t. Ilelment 743. . 16500 Mil PENTRIDQE BT. Sl large rooms and bath, het-water heat, electric light, hardwood floors throughout. IIAKKK BUN, TSO H. .1.' SI :e UI)CK 8. Melville at. (43th ft Spruce) Modern. 3 atery, 10 Beems. 2 hatha, elec tricity, het-water heal, hardwood floera, MOHP.1S DOS PASSOS. 121 S. 17th at. .. SSIKt 1U.OCK 1-OWKLTON AVE. Twelve rm., 2 baths: medern: bargain, L. M. Snndsrs, line Ianrt Title Rld Spruce IIHns, THREE-KTORY brick bulldlnc. In geed loca tion, excellent bustneaa with geed Income, Apply 244 B, ainh at, , COZY 2-story perch house, steam heat: con cen enlent te elevated: Immediate ponesalen. lSADORB MARTIN. W. N. 42d et. ,a iniAVnu iTiTET "". ". -!.. ..: -Stene house, med- Jl!,S5H'-,Sii,VV"t """' P"rS",S'.,. i """"" iiimn n. ...,.,...,i ..y. IVTI'ML'WMIB elu. ...,. fa ,1 ..... and bath: perch front; rented $35: price $3.10.). H. S. DUNLnp. B.1.14 Market t. NEAR (19th and Market tts. 7 Snrlnsfleld rd,, new, med,, semi-detached homes. II. H. UU.VLAP. B5.14 MtirH't St. SIX automobiles nt your service: ever 330 neuses; an prices 432 8. 64th at. "my. 6010 HAZEL AVE. 8 story, perch. A. F. BROWN1. 310 Lincoln Hldg. Spmce 7.H1, Stores and Dwelllnra COS N. S4TII ST. End heuse: electric lights. het-water heaf. 0 roema and bath: altered for small store or offles purposes; Imme dlate possessien: owner. Business Properties and Stores JUST cemnleted Modern stores and. apart ments, 3.1th bet. Baltimore ave.; wonderful Shirwood bus, sectien: must be seen: will rent few te reliable tenants; agent en Tiemle Write Kokilece. B7IB Warrlnjtuii. U24K-f,0 OSA3I: AVE. Immed. pos.; med" Cebln Creek Boulevard homes, financed: write or c.ill. Sokelove. 8710 Warrington av. Alse w;e ndvertUements In large t.vpe In preceding columns I OEHMANTOWN flrt.000 TO $.13.000 Selected modern houses In best leratlnns; unusual valuea; send for list. . MAURAN, DOLMAN ft CO.. N, JJ, cer. Bread and Chestnut. tlTN. Oretic and Tulpehecken T. Ten nils., m ii.iuia, Mlll j 1 frtirelvAEv -ins. rms.. 2 laths, with gnr,: asm, hen,; couple iihii Lincoln niilg. OAK LANE S. E. COR. BROAD AND OOTII AVE. 8 re.,ms. bath inclesed perch: two-car ga- rake. Apply 0001 Bread. FERN ROCK VALUABLE Bread st. cer let, best In this ward: ether bus. sites for stores, apts.. etc. HOPE, Sr., 1321 Nedre. HOLM EMI t'RO HKMIlUTA 1IKD. arniit S.V)00: 8r.: n'rh; Uep let. i:aw. M. Grr.ham. Spruce "5U. ADVENTURES "Snj ! Sny' Te be scrciiiiieil IlliiR Jav. sure I did," "Yc. the niMMl ptnnteil tlitin en mr Inrpl ultlinut nhklntf n.p if In- might tin it, ' ji'llctl the frowsy old mnii. "Wi'll, If he did it without n-Itlm: J en nml you de net wunt thi'iii, p will nire iheiu off jour lund," nrgiu-d ''I llin tt'tlnt tl.ni,, -ft is a i , ': ' ""'A' """' u", '" mnu. nut I ' " " ! . V? "" imK. '''" "l .)- siuuru)- uiu limn. net en en cuicMv ) nu rnn." He walked luwuru thein MnB his flst. J,;,, UU 'tin- ImUnn mnker of toys. llll". "'" ",,(1 tlin neepl.- of the city iir.- ""'' W ' .p '"" I'.r'''e for them ',?, '""!" t'" fllll''r,'n ''"I'l'.v." mi lil 1 ' -"- wie I'llllllll'll I , iSu (,, ,tyyp wj g)v( - ,, 1 I of the ineni-v wp n.nh Lv .ll .1. ",', ' s.t i i." '"ii(i, lilt ill, 1 (inn t want nMV ll.en liniinr i KPt awy frcm,. him tln-v illmhed 1 rt reek) i-liff and crouched beiilnd hiith I beiildeiv. sn t lie n mean old man," fcltld 1 .miiet. I'gh ! A very mean, old it. Jeck and grunted Happy Hands, the Indian Ho1 He1 f hnntu tdiiu.'iirnniint use these tlhrlhtmus tiee.s and1 man vi nn 1,1,1 ni uttii Yii.tut .rt ,,,.. ....... ....', ":"",".:.;'".;,:,::. " '.:". Hm 1. run; joy 10 nine eniMimi. ne na,s a iii-uii 01 sieiic. jieuuie win ren.e te him." And tumble did come te the grouchy old hermir. It came in the form of a hear a his block bear that rushed fleiiclj out fren. among the ('hrl.stniai Ircei arJ chamed stralullt at the lier- mlt at, he steed thiewing blnm-ti at the heuhl 1 s where the ether weic hiding. (Hew Hie hermit fliuls himself In a dangereu-. lis, and hew he Is resiuete uiu be told in llie nr.M fitapicr.) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CflEflTNUT HILL 110 B. MORELAND AVE, BemMUehJI. 9 rooms, a baths, h.-w, heat; pesa.i JVReO. W. II. Rail ft Ben, Land Title Bldf, Spruce nsan TfaM .sin 0300. Race 7A10, . tOOAK LOOAN 489 N. Carllslei naw home, Just ccmpieieu; pric prevementsi sele IVelstran. 400(1 N. nrleerl rishtt all modern select your own wallpa ureaa st, Wyoming w 403.1 N. HUTCHINSON End house, semi .detached, medern: well flranced:. reason able. H, If. LEIDEH, 1427 Falrmeunt. I'epiar iw 4843 N, 13TH Mederni 0 rooms, bath: Ideal location; price right, Weinman, 4900 N,. VlpMe,f f.t..M,KM aSAA ...wnM vtt . .vuimiTi. n,),'v 40S2 N. 18TH Twe story. 0 rooms, 1 bath: inclesed perch: modern throughput. N. D. CIIAMHERH. 41)31 N, Bread at. ;ai9 WAOMER AVE. Twe atery, 8 rooms, 1 bath: reim fcr garage, . . N, D, CHAMPERS. 4933 N, Bread at Bastnese Properties and Btarea CORNER Bread and Wlndrlm. 6013 Stere and 2 eps, oppes, Legan Station! value In creasing dally, financed: must sell, Benja min F. Cehn, S. E, corner, 11th and Race. Filbert 4H4B. Race 4H80, , FRANKFORD FnANKFORD English dwffs., Pilling at.. bet. Orthodox and Arrett i3 blocks west of Frankford ave.); let 3(1x12,1; garages; low prices: small amount cash req,; prices will advance due te opening of Frankford "L." t'reby ft Evens, 10Q7 Lincoln Bldg. Bpr.7380 FOUR ROOMS and shsd , $2000 Six rooms and shed 3500 Seven rooms and bath , . . , 8800 Bis rms.. blh... h.-w. hL, elee.: sarags 0300 EARLESS, 4089 Frankford ave. CORNER One block eaat of Frankford "iv : n nenroems, en T.OWERY, 4003 Paul at. L"L n bedrooms, electric. KUH Frankford OLNEY BAUER-BILT ALL-LITE HOMB8 Only a left, with side yards and garages, at 17400. tn B800 block Falrhlll st..-ln n select and restricted community. WALTER s. BAUER, Uullder, 3803 X. Bth st, Wye. 1789. tin RIDES esnune 8 AND 0 KERIIAUOH ST. One frame house, 7 roems: 1 stone house. 4 rooms; total frontage, 49 by 107 ft.; also ler en Edsemnnt st.. 20 bv 107 ft. Apply owner, a W. Hertter st., Oermnntewn. PENNSYLVANIA smfRTUN PLEASANT COMMUTERH- HOME Let 07 "4x173 feet; substantial frame dwell ing: 7 rooms, bnth, het-water heat, gas and electric, laundry, large attic, nice perch, efa shade: garage for 2 cars; near station; prlce $0ne. ,v. feUHKT maekb, Southampton. Ta. ULENOI.DCN immediate possessien: new; e rooms ana -cam, n.-w. neat, electric, open fireplace. inclesed perch: $0300: Cook and Anelv tn nnv k,nb., am tnhn f Wells nve. Cain, 127 Wells ave. Pheno Sharen Hill IKi M. DREXEL HILL. Bloemfleld ave.; super bungalow, stone and shlngla: s bedrms.. a baths; refrigerator system; overlooks Arenl- mink golf course; garage with work ehoe. and Market sts. Bel. 3408. Open Sunday. BIiS!0-lSL'I!i;sr-A c"r op. 4 bedroemsflot 30x120: 3Vi steries: ecrupled by owner. !?J"1 -.yAtt-" A S"s ..WALTER A. Me-PinATCA,Y- I?th and Market sts. Belmont 840D. Open Sunday. BYWOOD Single, stene: 4 bedrooms, break fast roem: owner has Mi town; Immediate possession and quick sale desired. Call Walter McClatchy, 70th and Market sts. Belmont 8408. Open Sunday. HIGHLAND PARK Center hall. 4 bed rooms single house, us'.t'.ng $11,000: make cITcr. Walter A. McClatchy, 70th and Mar ket. Relmint 3408: open Sunday. Rini.KY 1 'ARK. PA. Let T0x!2r.: near R. B. Si. P. O. nex 343, Rldlev Park. I Factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers ujiick factory building, well-lighted. 3 floors. 22.300 an. ft., sprinkler system, suburban fwn: will finance. Ter price and J!TWi'." cemmbnlcate WM. C. REX. Knight Building, Ambler. Pn. Bell. 343. BY1VOOD ItALP STONE. 4 bedrooms. Inclesed perch, excellent condition. If ou want a real home at a reasonable price; see It today; our autos at your service. ..... " nuvm coeke co., COth and Market. Theatre Building. Pheno I.nnsdnwne gQSI. BRKXEf. 1111,1, Jlulldlng Lets r'i.'i!iri.f;..n,n.r.ry nv'! "heap. I.UKENS & MONTGOMERY. 113.1 Shackamaxen at. OUNSIDK Bnll.llng Ixits near HIIY ACRE for price of building let Olcnslde; Springfield wnter, gas. electric; train and trolley, p n;,v Ledger Ofdce. HIGHLAND PARK HIGHLAND PARK Detached Hiu.itllriL.. . .,.u..'ua...j ntwwv,,.. rniuti niliwuni OI C'.IFi.l ' ' rt nil rA,t! lint-wnfee hen, l,n.,,, nnA ,........., li i, -.i iiKiib lur MuirK snie, H. M. r7s. IIUI1 St. Shrrw.fi'.iT 210!. MODERN hnlf-siene dwelling 4 bedroems: - let 100x130: Will be Held nt n irrl(t,.n GEORGE L. BARNES, 1201 Chestnut. Wol Wel nut 4QS.1 and Highland Park. Llanerch 7,10. MODERN dwelling, 3 bedrooms, living room", dining room and kitchen: $87.10 OEORGK L. BARNES. 1201 Chestnut St. Walnut 4033 and Highland Park, Llanerch 7.10 JONG ACRE PARK I.ONOACRE PARK (ndlnlnlng Cobb. Creek i rark nnq Maner Hills) Restricted com munity; 13 minutes tu Jftead st, : homes n ! distinctien: all modern conveniences. In-1 i cludlnB )'-nt und het water from central i.iwei' i.rir.-n rnntn liem t ..111 te XL,2.."n'), MJGII, liulld'-r and owner 3070. Woedlimd llse li, . ,. ,,. .,,,i'-ii,i i 'nenes, wpruee NAHBERTII UK A.N u ,ni;v neuses, enntiilnlng 0 rm and bath; h.-w. heat, elee. and trna: only $(1300. J. A. CALDWELL Open evenlncs. Sundncs nnd appointment. Office. Pheno Nnrhsrlh 1733 Heme 1087. SPECIAL OPi-ci! Secen rooms nnd b.itli, ev, rv rnnv. Inga, screens nnd thnrie inelul-d, 1- awn .101). J. A. CALDWELL Open eienlpw-i nmu.iv vv appointment Vlirberili 17.TI h-rnie. 1H17 i irnre pimne. NORTinvnnn N0RTHW00D 1139 Herbert at., 7 rooms, bath, h.-w. elec,, hdwd. fluers, let 102 ft. deep; con. Kuhn ft Lowerv, 400.1 Paul, l'kd. OVKKIIROOK heat, geed 3447 MODERN corner rcs.j lurgi rluht: wl'l flnan-e, BhI let, i'a-. price , ie,n n. IHW.VN PARK ROSLYN PARK. iiIhiv GlilHl, T,l neuses duiii in 1 IhereN a nafc nr-ii. iui, witn wiuiT. jr-is. -lei trie, ,mi - ?:"':!.."nV!'" ''' '.' . "''y..'.':"' .".end for TKIOKiri, I'UIHII CW JOHNSON. 3014 "IN Ureml Nt. Tlni svin iVilddJiy.IliyjVK. ' HK.1H-DKTA CHEU. hrleli. s rooms, batli hrleli. I all cenvtmences; nest miiiiinn, Iriuiillali. I p .sscsHlen: '.iu bi. j. iua I--ISHER. willow cireviVPhiineJ.2. NLNE-HOOM brick Imuje. all emu , ,.is f - " - " iraei ou ,,,'v. ,,,,v., ,e..--i,iiH, i. Inw ilreve, nt hIhII.mi Phnii,, m. IVIHSINOMINn hits 0,-,i luiin.",,,,,,. rt,,.. rm, 11 rooms. stenln he.il. ),,. ,., -5x Uni, 1 KJhri ft Lewefy. 40(1,1 P.hjI st. n(,l 447. TluSeinidierlUenient. T "T.,,-.V.7. InTirereillng reliimii.. M.W .li:K"KV MIIIKlN AllilllON" 1 AM building 3 5-roeiT. modern iiu-ietlevs- fleer plans can be ihnriKi.l te sun your Ideas; always heuse or ujiikiiIhw $c.te up, JENKS, As Usual Bee reef "Inn nn.J.,i,,''', '' station. SEASIDE HEHiHTS bEASlDE iTEUHITS ilargaln lets, wiTx IU0. en Hamilton un iwnr briden, JS'-s C. E. AVERY, 1114 N. 10th ft. REAL ESTATE FOR SALS PENNSYLVANIA TAIUtfi. PUBLIC SALE of 67-scre farm, Ji""",?' ..Nev, ii, 192J, 9 p m for Stuart 11. i"i. ei.ux,, en premises, siiu."" JiTJi. ly sUtten nt Center Sauare. Pn.l.M "" lH fatMheai ImI..JI. A ... U flit WAtCf PU pasture fields. 3 acres apple orchards ete. I Colonial-type stone house, containing 11 recms, 2 modern bathrooms and 2 nJ8.l,.r" kllchsns. het-water heat; geed condition! new used by 2 families;, large barn and out eut hulldlngs. which need some repairs! this farm will appeal te the buyer looking for a reasonably priced farm In . tn, ?""- neighborhood, close te Philadelphia and te geed train and trolley service: tend for circular of this sale. ft. J. DAQER, Agent, .mnier, I'a 40-ACRE BUCKS COUNTY FARM 8 COWS, HORSES, CROPS Frem 8 n. wheat and rye. 4 a, corn, acre potateos, e a. eats, hsy. poultry, hog, elder press, incubator, stoves, tools, full Imple ments Included if taken Immediately; build ings Insured for $3000; schools, stores, creamery, churches, ete.s clly markets; 83 acres tillage, pasture, 40 apple trees, pears, cherries, plums; Warm, 2-story, 7-room, slate-reefed house, barn, silo, poultry house. Piggery; te settle affairs new. everything ees for about value af buildings, $4B00 takes all, rart cash, W. M. Stevens, 68 W. StMe st.. Dovlestewn. Pa. "MIDLOTHIAN" One of the most delight ful country homes In the Main Line sec tion; otene heuse: Colonial architecture with high celumns: 12 rms. 3 baths. Jiet-water heat, sleetrlcily, brick paved perjh. won derful views, stone farmer's house with mod ern cenveniences: large stone barn; garage; sprlngheuse; outbuildings; timber: erchard: nroeg; 117 seres seumern sloping; iana; sev- Ann . emnxf nieiKt .T. Vnw.,e tie 000. J. M. FRONBFIELD, Wayne, Ta. 11-ACRE fruit and poultry farm, overlooking manufacturing town RiiOO populatien: mile te Montgomery Ceuntv railroad town; pleas ant surreundings: rexv 6-room cottage bunxn lew: ncnt barn ft head, romplete set farm buildings; level chocolate seil: fruits: will eacrin.ee for $2800: seneeua terms. .Address owner, at lene DeKalb at,, cars Mr. Wil Wil eons, Norrlstetvn, Pn, . THIRTY-ACRE poultry and dairy farm: B-room stone heuse, uutbulldlnga; 3 horses, 8 cows, It pies 130 chickens, tools snd creps: prlce $0300; $2000 mertgage: ex change for city house, HAPP. 8008 N. Bth at. TWENrTY-BIOHT ACRES, en main-traveled read- 1 mlle te trollev and tewn: 7-room hettsn; geed barn: woedland: pasture; prlce $3nii0: $1800 cash, or consider exchange for city property. HAl'l'. buub w. Din at. NEW J KRSF.Y FARMS When the Bridge Is Completed Five acres of farm land for $1 weekly, with Immediate possession will be ancient histery: better selcct your location new: B acres only $1 weekly; line rich seli, geed rends, cllmate, water, etc.: land borders Tennn. Fleelr'e. near Mays Larding; get our map and book let Riving full particulars. OILBERT ft O'CALLAGHAN, 703 Walnut St., Phils, V1ROINIA FAKMB HOMESEEKBRS. send for Virginia farm list; best climate. Dept. R. Emperia, VaJ REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL houses In Germantown for ether prep, or clear greund: equity 740, 000. Dreby ft Evans, 1007 Lincoln Dldr. PROPERTIES, all locations, ter exchange. Berry. J027 Real Est. Tr. DV.hr. Wl. 17b6. REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 HAVE CONTINUOUS INQUIRIES FOR PROPERTY IN NORTHWEST PH1I.A. DEI.PHIA. TIOOA. 1lfIAN AND HERMAN TOWN AND SOLICIT THE LISTINO OF YOUR ntOl'EKTY WITH MY OFFICE. WALTER V. ASHBY. REALTOR. 204(1 N. WTH ST. WILL REMr for winter or longer, small houe west side of Germantown or Chest nut Hill: 4 bedrooms minimum required; un furnished preferred. Address 1. O. Bex n.m. mauen n. rniiencipnia, DO YOU want t-i sell vur property quickly? If se. list with CHARLES C. WILSON. 1218 Chestnut et.. Phenes. Walnut 01 flu, Itiiee 1300 WE BUY business In residential preps nnv where If priced right. Allen nrnthi P00 Wnlnut at, Walnut 1001, Main 8040. i ESPECIALLY equipped te collect ft manage. W. II. HALL & SON. I.nnd Title 1110k. DEEDS, mtgs.. med. chg. K. v His written1 expe-t wnrt:, P. Sellera. 1201 Chestnut. REAL ESTATESALE OR RENT IX)R SALE OR RENT New li-room horn-, semi-detached: let 2HyI:ui! Sitr. r.n t?n per menth: Colonial bungalow design; car Ne, 30 te B70O Rising Sun no. iiiiA.iKia, mniticr il REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY iitir ,Jlir dellrnlile Uclfen for uI.Ia.iu,i,a ta-NB': . M...ks. &..... . .i .,...,,, . ---- . ii"ii, niceem. kiu.ti p.. nuuin iitriiisnins Hardware, eonfectlenerv. lnf.ehrnnm an k ..j I lit Hnsenreit, nth and Camhrle sts. 07411 WOODSTOCK ST. LU'lu roems: mod med em: rent S0, r.iti'.ENwr.f.r. dernin. i;a s 32d st. i.EVK. lnrn rooms and bath: medrrn: A-l I conditien: lent $.",0. Apnlv E, J, Elliett. ' 1112 Chestnut st. Filbert 3S.18. ' I , , '. w" V, r. " "tune .1. Locust 3734, L'lin BROWN Nine looms. 2 baths. $00. MI'ENCH. Ringgold mid I'"rrNhMN,. Alsn see nilterGxrincnts lit larite tjpe In iiri'reilliiB eeliilillis. ' Incterles. It nrelieuses. Mninifiirtiirlne Floers i ItuOii S(. FT., uptewn: fln texilieni1erT I 40x17.1 ft. runt vlth pewer: rlirht riee Call or write, A. 11, PHASER. "I S. 12lli st. Bune rrnperlirw and ter NEAR 12"TH&WA"LNUT" I TS...H..U1 U..MA. - t I ..... . ' J r'tjiii"iii H'cni i 'J 1 1 nir unriMT, lUltOP, t". the stere Is new nnd nltructlve; Immediate possession, with low rcnlnl. MR. TOWNE3. Lembard Men. 132 S. 4lh st. "'-. HID S. KRe.VT ST. Pimr-stery commercial bldg,. li.i-lnUIn ; : Ihiwmi-nti- reut t!23 per month; Immediate possession. HARRY M. GOSCH SOP Land Tliln Bldir Sn-ne 7-171 134 N. 7TH ST.- Stere nnd basiiiuent MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 Locust st. Spruce (I207-020S 2043 CHESTNUT STREET" 100 square feet flier epnee, newly renovated WM. UNDER, I32H Chestnut st. 1131 RACE Meslr, store and 3 floers: suit able for light tnfu. or eitlccH, suit any bus,: low rent. Apply 028 Cli-einut, 2d deer me sri iintrriisi-inrnis in lur u'n ttpe S.SS.tASSsll SSS flllllltllllu In uri-ceillne fiiliimn-,. OKKIt'ESilJlISINKSS ROnils, riTt" PRANKLIN BANK HI'II.DI.NO hit M.xnnuM hr. SHITE 3 liirne cftlrc-i In Lehigh llTdsTT tut, l, O .,1. h.n., ... . ", , 1 n .."-. "' "V"'- ' "i-ur,inc and fininciul illslrlct: under owner's tnanaKt. tnent. Mi. TOWNEH (Lembard 8I11O). 13- S. (Ih st. HIS WALNUT ST Very d.elruble efhee" nbeiit lOxIM. ft , well IUhle, and lieVtwi and every modern sen Ice; mnhesnnv furnl. lure, Including two show tnbles, for sale nil ,n;i iieneyuM cnuri iikic spruce SSS4 I '..". .:,.::, ".'.'.r'.-i .."'"' "'. '-.,"". '-e.u.t , .,K,;f' nn7, ,';& "lanller servke c,l, 3i" I iew.NES, M S. 41li st. Lumbal rt slee ' ' SMALL OKHCES or desk space. TipplFbT. .J.OHN ELIASON, S20 Lund Title Bldg. DESIHAHLi: nfflce space. flreproef'bul'dlnT- elevator sonlce: moderate rent. Apply E. J , ELLIOTT, llli Chestn.it st 1 1,':Hl'"v!(M,uwi;,c!;;'Si 'oe,, iihM7aTe7r. Hi,le. Wlllls-Wlnehester Cn . as H net, .. EbTEY HIJK1 .all outside; rent' reasenable1 ..Apply, Esiey BldB., Klhln" I W "u? V. I 22.1 h. SYDENHAM ST. .second frmiTriTs' W, H. BALL A SON. Ijind Title Bldg ciri rnis miriniH,M. Avniieain .wn ship. Montgomery County. Pa. I J, m"J flltsVVnaift.1 a lists BIbUhh tl n nil It. lis a HI OWVntViH Vallxw ttu i $ mil P. ilttd W. trOl ISIIIIXIX 11 K .-.XI 11. S- B RIAL ESTATE EOR mft WEST rHIMDBLFMt 928 . B6TH.8T. Shewse hail. tacnen. steam neat, electric: riea pare. ed; Immediate. possession; rent Ttv'J 917, Phene Sherwood 0279; ',H ni 0043 3 TRINITY Seven rooms, elacirff W .rMiNKFOED rpwtM unfTnia ff...ii.i ... r 0 rooms. Inolesed perch; best bmii2" per month! aduir family only. caS iihi in., s l!sb iivarmsiinsi a nm. i- "" " " "l bkmi-uist., or. cam, med.; kmi-det., or. bath, med.; $48713 ft Bnyder, 1201 Brie ave, Tiefi Xi .t m jj,j.mci, i,m sun OAK ' UKTAuiiiii uiiun w, Bread, i a baths: 8ine Per month. Key floei w" LONdACRF, PARK large grounds; modern conveniences!" rage and central plant heat; $03 fig' iirr iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiipisiisi isa masAa.i. --v owner, 8 L. BRUMBAUOH, Srui w.-n.iiiin,! .unn n " opruee ( NABBCTTH FURNISHED or unfurnished horns tT". 76-SO.$l0-$ISO rer mono. u I j. a. laluwell :n Own f'rnlncff: RundsvsB iw xmi. fVil Offlee Phene Nafberth' 17 "" FOR RENT ETJRNIBBUr, PBNNH1I,V,1WISI SIBlTSlllI niLFl.CK rnnn, rA,furn rm Park. Pa. MORTOAOES MORTQAOE8 FOR 8AFB INVERTv value of residence property, eceuplXtt! owner, bearing 0 jnfersst. combine ii tiaia ei im-wi msmwwiiir and ytsis?" have auch mertgagee and will wer.Ji' opportunity te consult with you JSJSJj mem: wm "w and all C; . Pal UHUalua iiiw a inuBT COlfSi. usth and Market ats. La. AWLICATIONS wanted) first an? MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 LOCUST BT. Phene Sprues e"0i FUNnsi a FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SBTTImWt BUILDINO ASSOCIATION MrSrss. DBMI'SKY ft CO.. 27 s" IBTIi'SS uuiiiui.iu r.ijvi.iiuii money quickly w able for geed mertgages: city or .2 rs. suouresn prepcriy sprivats funds fi8 mnrtjases. Rebert J. Xash ml. "'" 1 ' - -..-.., . m , i FUNDS Immediately available for rneri uncuy prepcriy: reas. charges Fsrar. LOANS 0i.NTERBST;E8?An. nnT Land Title Hldg. ffeQO.OOO ''""'". ty Mertaa -r--- -i snn uuuniry R. TAYLOR MIDDLETON na !"? W. H. BALL & SON115 ve xamrn i " tP; A,ss9- mnrtaags. moderate chars R. A. Davles. 1420 Chestnut st. Sel ? li i? V. i1 no d mtgea.: qulckf .. ... ...rtuMuijcr. ncsi instate Trust 1 MTOEj. menev 9 at mi e, ,.i.i. ...." - Berry. 1027 Real JSE Tr! Bid." .'.ni MTfl. tWKSTMl.'VP ----. -- " " ?' a mi kJ. PtJ. 3'TO. FUNDI" WONKY for armiii flrtir mn$raa... .,.! IBU8 HIhU.s.. -. ns -..' . Wltltwl Wlnrhester Ce.. 23 S ISth st FUNDS for third rntccj. Maurice I.lchtraiT 'olenlil Trust Bids-.. Sth nnn v.""?1; iA,,ln "8" advertisements In large trie"! In urrrcdlng relumns. " APARTMENTS NEAR Tiega Station; furnished nr.ii.h3l rushed apartment, first and second floeSl nslsilng of 7 rooms, will, nil modern HI ren tientenreN Phene Tlngn 4424. rensnnauie: newly decerstsU 'u:t. -Ul. "-xiUu .Ar. s-T5-?!. vm water heat! vni mini, ii'iiunuiiii iniuri. eisirrFir $& new; rent 103. n. Perev iSI 2.124 fllr.ird no D':!i'?.An,Jc n lnrlte rooms end hath, beta tlfully decorated, hardwood floers: si ,. ,, Lerr.t conveniences. Apply E. J. EllsJtl 1112 f'hA.tnnf u, frith.., 4a.a Mll"l ,VA'H.T..I--.-?'lc;...nelg.hberl tlful 3 and 3 room apnrtm's.: hardtv'd fl win tiirn'h te suit If nee. Ph. Preston S$j 1 il.i '"YSJ5 ST. 2 rooms and Udl ii.V.. uu Hums, nei-waier nest, elect ' P. F- SIMON. 112 S. I0TH ST. I'LNK .ST.. 1H20 Living room with nreplnce, a bedrooms, bath and kltchwl ti riilsiBsssj . al.i. lne j-.-it "-spj - : : ll--- . ' '' H"' iwwe .Ifltlll, ..... - .... .- -.,.k, W.V1, l,INDKR, 1B2S Chestnut St. 33TH AND SPHINii ivhii.-v , ,.. ..sssK Set, janitor or Brown. Lincoln Bldir. Btir.Itti APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central Apartments a Specialty Sherwood Apt. Agency, 1334 Walnut St. SPRUCE ST., 17111 & 2 rooms vlth prls'l ."".i mn. iwh, i.incein mag bd. tsiu nruuc'ii rt i'llT corner Ps'cpg. apt., I rtrr. and bath: will suit family or physic'. ESPECIALLY equipped te ee'lTect A mantMl W, H. Ball fc Sen. Lund Title Bldg. . I ARK, N. 1710 4-tnem w heat, elee.: suite, bath set Ic'trhen. h. h.w. floors; nrJ WEST PHII.ADEM'HIA MONTEVISTA A PARTMENTS " 03D AND OXFORD STS. t 2 rooms, hath and kitchenette, unfurnished I til2.3i; nle 4-room efficiency anartmisjl 'MUippeq wiin .viurpny-in-a-Denr beds, I ' " "- 'II e". m .... -..ji i-niuil ' """" i ' rniahe,ii em. iinjitiA n,asiiBe.Hii lninn 'IRE 1IEI.V1DERE. 4J I rooms, 2 baths. Hiring 0070. 17 Walnut st I Information, phi GERMANTOWN $M Efl.'lCIENCY housekeeping apartnwst nnlshed In white enamel, with hardens! floors, bulli-ln tub, shower, etc.: well IimWI Plenty of het wster: geed janitor serrM ehelie, restricted neighborheod: with tm nn acre of ground; within t blrck of (SS links and country chid: r.sar ranreaa I tlen. Apply Janitor. S01 Vrnen resd. MAURAN. DOLMAN A CO.. N. E. cer. Brnsd and Chestnut sts. PENNSYLVANIA St'RITRBAN OAK LANE Several modern 4 and 3 reel mil bath apts.: conveniently lecated: W end Mil. Sen .TANKE. 0203 f. Bread It. I l'bnne Oak Lnne 17HI W OATv T.A VK Medarv ave.'. tned. aets. rms.: 1133 and $130 per me. Hitter) Hene, ,1904 N. nread at. - jnn FIRST fleer. (I rms.: s h.; elec,: IMS . 1 yarn, rinune. u armat at. AIua uee itdtertlsemeiits In larse tni In prerrilltig relumns. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT! Beautiful Modern Hskpg. Apt. f.hlng room, bsdroem. combination brilsi fsst room and kitchenette; bath, perrtia lockers; plenty of heat and het watei: net weed floer: electric: service stairs: ! house enlr.; 10.1. lS-.'S-sn N, ParK ave, WEST rlllLADKI.PHIA M.14 PINE ST. 8-room ants.: rental. I ilREENWEI.f. ft DORNAN. 422 S. ,1M FPRNTSHED APARTMEWTB rrr?Ti wn.MtlT (Heth Allvn) Twe-roes. II equlppst -' . . : -..! n frnnt wall en u SSI fully serviced: 3 room anu-eai". ."-. -- "y . -v- r.VaH WEST PHILADELPHIA .;r:7r.r.i.'iti-ri nnl. a ems. Jb hath! PerSs ' e.ev mud, renv.i suit. ler siue. nrimvwr - ecerv meu. "'' -...,.,. sr.e, iv. P 232.L0 i ! 1 1, el i..' ..-.. ..... ."---..- . , Ie; 110 hUpirSi!. LXI,'':ION-V.f. film spt. ; modern ni'ssj. I .leiualoleJV JhJi. hi- ! ?": ,,v.?"?A.-,".rE,r w d ' 'a : ear NKW'.YOn.K ITmiTKST- ('LASS select fiirn. apll. Vnnli-it'ati. Sea Celgne, 300 Sth ats. APABTMENT HOTELS THE STENT0N HOTEL STENTON AVE. ft (10RDON LANB will l r..MAlinn , t . Only 3.1 mln. from Clly Hill: furnlihw unfurnlsne.il, large or small apis; " lLem: Atnerlcnti or European plant. i gwr.j iiiilt ir HDiiri iniinnsi i-ii THE GLADSTONE 11TH An'd PINE SIS. AIlbOI.UTELY KHIEPROOP APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UNFUfUfW LONO ArD SHORT TERM LEASES "THE MORRIS APARTMENT? A RESIDENTIAL HOTEL; AMEU, JIsW APAUl'MKN'lS I-'UUNISIILU Ult THE DELMAR-MORRIS W (,'heltn nv. 1-llTl tl sVfTl-Msft.f ave., .VS. .-.a., 20 MINUTES TO HltOAD ST. STATlOlf letel or uniurii suiies, no heuiakwp.nl ! iivji;-ii,iiiJivn i , aii n. -i.ti i.w -t-v rooms, bncbelur und hauselieeplng sssw m ntu: newly furiilslied: all modern..!? pievemeniH; l.pruca 0717 long or dierl term ic. rssw " THE HARVARD & ANNEXl I.IvIiil- renm. lanlriuim nml ImIIii .errs l.mi ht table lie liest. Phene I4U nwsriniBS 'HIE SHERWOOD. .IKtli above Cheltl One and rooms with batbl excellent Isxl THE UTTLM HOTEL; 223 S. pros viuiet, scrupulously uutu unu wk duetsai e, foea vlaee te live will la