Bt - a alMllABIM I t - umtmm 4. ,- . ri " "i"ii"i MT AIRYPtlMIMNS in - - . FOR NEW SCHOOL Cttlin te Meet Tomorrow Night te Aesemble Facte for Education Beard BUILDING CALLED UNSAFE Mount Airy dtlteiw. appointed en n wmmlttec te gathtr fnets n te lnwtt.1 lnwtt.1 tew and unwft conditions In the on en on tteuated public school bulldlmc nt Allen line and Cnwhelm nlwl, will meet te merww night te nweinblc the facts they have gathered for jubmtalea te the Beard of Kducntlen. fiS taw bAn 'widely circulated fihmrt the district and aimed hy l7.ri ever adult rHdent. will also be vWAVStf for presenuHiuii The committee, which was appointed at YnuuM-mcetlnc of cMetm In Or Or teber. I compose.! of Dr. Tliemaa H. Kch.el. president : Dr. Frank Themas, E. A. , Zeller, .Hareld 8. Bhert. 0. Breckltw, Lewla . tnwn, Everett S. Elwood, P. H. Rrant. William Walnmnn, Edward Bchachterle William Blackwood and Geerge O. Zlegler. Jr. . At tomorrow night's meeting which will be held In the Odd Fellows' Hnll, (iermaiitewn and Mount Airy avenues, Representative Geerge t Dnrrew and Franklin Spencer Edmonds, of the titate Assembly, arc expected te speak. Complaints In regard te the present school building are numsreus. There ir 583 pupils en the rolls of the Mount Airy Scheel, and 102 of that number sre en part time. Several large build ing operations are being planned for the district and the immediate future gives premise of a large increase In the popu lation. This gives the residents deep concern for the future schooling of their children unless prompt action Is taken by the school beard. "The Mount Airy school building has Steed with no substantial Improvements lince the date or Its erection in isti," the committee reports. Must Wade Through Puddles "In order te enter the school build ing It Is necessary for the pupils V wade through puddles of water en rainy days. Se corridors arc provided and the passing of pupils and ethers through the classrooms In going about the building results In the diverting of the attention of the pupils. The stairs tre of weed and only a slight fire would be necessary te render them useless in emptying the building of Its precious contents. Tlie building is overcrowded, there being mere tlmn forty pupils te the room nnd the di mensions of the rooms nre such that thn Health Department gives the general grade of 'bad.' "An outside tire escape Is provided, but It is uncovered and when covered with snow nnd ice in winter weathtr would be perilous for children te de scend. "Ne cloakrooms are provided, the rooms having a closet 8 feet by in Inches into which the wraps lire piled one en top of the ether se that net only Is disease spread nnd the wrap. Injured, but it Is Impossible for the children te obtain their wraps before the dismissal of the entire class. Ventilation Peer "The only means of ventilntlen Is the opening of the windows with the consequent draughts nnd colds. The neat or ine mumtng is provided bv four het-nlr heaters. The only light- ing facilities arc furnished by old- lauiiened gas jets, and te eliminate the danjer of the chandeliers falling upon we cniiiiren's heads many of these mt been removed te the cellar. On dark dnjs, therefore, It is impossible tp provide proper artificial illumina tion." BREWERYTOWN TO PICK BEAUTY FOR 1923 CONTEST Girl Will Be First In Llntf for Honors at Atlantic Cltv One of the features of the "Business with Pleasure" carnival new drawing i? c.0fce in . e Brewcrytewn district under the auspices of the Twenty-nlnth tlard Business Men's and Taxpayers' Association is the beauty contest, which irtll take place at the Fairmount Thea tre, Twenty-sixth street und Girurd venue, Thursdny evening. ni. Sui(nn. H- De Witt Welsh, A1" Bhinj nnd Mente II. Whit" will U the judges nnd the winner will be Jiviit0 I!?,1, JP,'Jr's Atlnntic City "ur nival as "Miss Brcwerytewn." Nsw Heme for Produce Men tJi .VIl"ni.?,,.ia Ptfu.. Exchange iTiW ... . " " nl al,ml nd Wnl ""'"e's jesterday. Mere than 150 binftai0' tl,0'ly. business i men. ht Is considered tebetheC ' aking en f n new lease of life by tL nnnu.," --. ..v u luuriipmi ivtiinti i..i...i th. hi! if Jas Crawly occupied bv 4I55,ESie?S3!SSh'-ai Reported Missing I 8 i , he. V.r,r-S "!' !. Five i 8 inches v u . ' s,.r,cctl Ivn feet It B ;"p."?'ls' b),le ejes, black St, biowHl'?,en' tl,ln b," d tickl Jt"1' brenn C"P' black shoes laiCl ?F"'. Ween years old. " awav fro hv" ""Pfi?"'". have '"Che. 125 ,?n Vi0" ?:,. . tot four ""Ien, black : I., V '. " "l "nl.r nn" com" rs go 11 ri, j'sei fes a,ul Htecklnss; .. Jehn i Siuri ... iW,th Kren H,0HM Kt IlerkHrMree,hveJ11e"r10W. ' nav fro, Minn,-BuW0"ed. ,0 huvc fienti it. .00,r "f'een years old. "nut hch. it :".",5Mt-. W feet three linli- ;...i .. I,un03. ,lnrk cemnlevln,. hoes an, Ifc i.,...?Lnk .". black lacu nees and hit tit Z. ", muck ft side eft8' no ,mt or at, near 'eet four ,t! " " ,' J'111 Pt. l-'ive PexlQ,,. b ,e 'os i""'?' ,lg,,t ""' M Mir . llghWu !s,it l llit brown can hLul,i. k"1'9 treufccr-, lags. in1'' wck shoes nnd stock' 'uneTO.?rleti.,m& Jc W old, 878 f'wien, Htht'V .u "."' ?t com- :5a Sr D" . v - eiue cap, ur fef Vi""r,, Uavls Davis street, Pleii. haii Y ',,,n,'',. dark c m "he ii' te '?;. brewiawe" com- ter, up. SCTen street KeJpVW eW' SWi In Hammer Case gftHLLLLLIHHEfflLV'l HEigigigigHglVy gB',BBH! 1 m- mlm '! gagagagaW? . I . . . V bTbTbTbTbTbTBTbTbW. Vl aTBTBTBTBTBVL gaTBTBTK'lf JalKwV V - ,vHM aBiRp" -'::-H! aaaaaaw..:.& ygaaaaaa fLLLHniMsgaaVPI aavaafSfaaPI Caaaaaml ' gaaBvfigmv v Jaaaaaaal gLLV'aaaaatal ' aaaaafav ''- mK aaaaaafal aaafafal ;'; - flaaaaaaaal aaaVaal' M;;'atsffsffsffsffsffsffsl gTgTgTgaaal''" -V aaaaaaafsffsl BaaVBac yAaBBBaBaBal BYsffsiHI'V: .:;:'''affaBBBBBYsffsl BBbMI-'' :: '"'''BBBBBBBYBWf -' ";" 'bbbbbbbbbV i bbbbbkI' '' "''IbbbbbbbbbbI i "aBglggBgMH X ' MOLLY SWAINK Witness for the prosecution In tha hammer murder case, In which Mrs. Clara Phillips Is being tried at Les Angeles for the death of Mrs. Al berta Meadows, a young widow. The defense rested , Its case late yesterday HAMMER MURDER TRIAL REACHESREBUTTAL STAGE State Will Offer Testimony te Prove Weman Defendant Sane Les Angeles, Nev. 0. (By A. 1.) Rebuttal testimony by the first of prob ably twenty witnesses for the State was offered today nt the trlttl of Mrs. darn runups ler tnc killing or .Mrs.-Albertn Tremaine Meadows, twenty -"yenr - old widow, who was beaten te death with u hammer. The defense rested yesterday nfter n group of alienists had testified they believed the dcfndnnt insane, afflicted with "psychic epilepsy." The prosecution announced it had already under subpeenn fourteen rebut tal witnesses, und that the total might rench twenty. A number of the State witnesses were experts In mental nnd nervous diseases, who. It was stated, would attempt te prove the defendant sunc. PHILADELPHIANS SAIL Many Are Passengers en Vessels Leaving for Europe Today Among the passengers sailing from New Yerk today for European points ure the following Phlladelphlans: Stenmer Pittsburgh, for Bremen Mrs. S. W. Ingersoll. Mrs. F. J. Fnn ning. Lloyd A. Fanning, Mrs. B. L. Methben. Mnx Chrlstinn, Miss Elizn Elizn beth Kelly, Miss Teresa Blnnk, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn II. Doebler, N. P. Sted man, Mrs. E. Lehman, Mrs. Alfred E. Duncnn. Stenmer Adriatic, for Liverpool Mr. nnd Mrs' Jonathan Hand, Mr. nnd Mrs, Geerge Wntklnsen. Mrs. Eveline WIN coxsen and Miss Catlyn Wllcoxsen. of Wlldwoed: Miss Delhi Corcoran. Miss Mary Ann Minns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Henry Jenes, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dunders. Stenmer Mongolia, for Hamburg Frederick Behrens, Mrs. C. A. Baxter. HIT BY TRAIN, ESCAPES Motorist, Called Intoxicated, Retains Life by Narrow Margin Although thrown from his nutemnhllc wne" Jt crashed into n pasnenser train Although thrown from his nutemnhllc en the Philadelphia nnd Heading Kail- way nt Cettinnn street, near Ryers Stutien. Fex Chase, last night, Henry Hans, forty. eight, of ii Ryers avenue, Cheltenham, Pa., escaped injury. Jo Je seph Biirget, of 122 Jeffersen nvenue, Cheltenham, a watchman at the cross ing, was knocked down by Haas. According te the police of the Tnceny station, wue arretted Unas, the latter was intoxicated and did net see the up up prenching train nor the effeits of the watchman te step him. His automobile was carried mere than 200 feet en the cewentcner ei tnc train FOR SALE A acffiiiful selns Ordinate. tqnlpM mMi modern new marhlnerr. lecattd la pronprreu heilerr dlatrirt. Owner rrtlrlnv from buvlmxs. A tM. I.KDCIER OFFICE Giving you what you want, hew ydu want it, when v e u want It. Hew's that for service? Our lUtyef customers is growing. Had te move our plant into larger quarters recently. Thi Chetnuttreet ENCDdLtNO fV Inc. E.COR.IiaCHETNWlr Entrance en 11th St cJprtments Unusually attractive apartment; reflect ing refinement and geed taste. Bright, cheerful, inviting ana moderately pneea. Stainut Strwti Special 7Wy Freih Cut Per Deien verything In Flowers OPIN EVENIHOS 1S27 Wt CiraH Are. IS S. IM St III last Cirerd Are. IMlfMli By! HILL AIRE &ELLOCS DAUGHTER CALLS U. S. HUMOR "FLIPPANT" . "Light, Net Ironical or Cynical, as in England, Says Miss Eliz abeth, Airing Views en America During Visit Here Americans are Inclined te pride themselves en a nntlennl sense of humor and laugh up their sleeves nt the Eng lish cousin who can never see the point of a joke, but there Is another slue te this auostlen. Miss Ellxabcth'Bellec, daughter of tbeu fMhlnllH llli.. VVttlulHJk 1AhI.A I uiiiuua I-JU0IIBH writer, lllliuuc uniut, is In Philadelphia and In the ten duys that she has eeen In America, this is her opinion of our. humor i as opposed te that of England : "We in England arc net serious enough. We rag everything. Take Dickens he shows the true,. deep Eng lish humor the humor that can meet troubles with laughter, that can smile nt tragedy and pain. It Is irenic, but it Is humor. New In America there is a tragic Intensity about everything everybody takes life seriously. One will meet n bobbed-haired birl. very young-looking, and learn she Is a play wrlght or an authoress of note. All are frightfully serious and very mum interested' in se many things. The humor .is mere flippant nnd light, but It Is net Irenic or cynical." While in New Yerk, Miss Bellec met a number of Itndcllffe College girls and has coma te the conclusion that Bosten girls are frightfully educated, but very geed comrades. Leves te Travel Alene Miss Bellec Is "twenty-one, going en twenty-two," rather small, with short black bobbed hair and eyes which sbc insists arc the color of "mud." Most people would consider them blue. "I am traveling quite alone," said Miss Bellec. "and 1 lave It. it was difficult, rather, te persuade father te let me come te America alone, but since I am twenty-one he gave his consent. Fer JenrH I have been travel ing alone nnd nothing untewnrd has ever happened. It nil depends en "one's attitude if one gees along knowing what one is about, nobody will bother or Interfcre nt all." With a merry laugh Miss Bellec dls- fiesed of rumors that she Intended te ecturc or collect material for a book. "It would be a great impertinence, my lecturing, would It net? Ah for the books young peeple write, they are generally nothing but fatuous rubbish they should wait until years and ex perience slve some value te their work. I love te write, nnd would enjoy helne n journalist, but I nm net practical enough for a newspaper. I wrote for a paper, 'The Queen,' once, but It was only se much hash and was net accept ed. One litis te be 'all there' te be a journalist and it is impossible for me te get the right point of view and I nlwnys write en the wrong theme I have no news sense. "I wrote poems and cssjiys for maga zines at Oxford, and that Is all. I have never done anything serious enough te show my father. Se many people bother nun wim no is Kept vcrv busy. Jl I ever de anything extraordinary, then it will be time te show liim. In Eng land they caricature the writers fright fully nnd it hurts. Of course, the authors enjoy it immensely it is se funny and such very geed advertise ment." , Miss Bellec was two years nt Ox ford nnd loves it intensely. "At Ox THE booklet you've been thinking about will have real sales value if we print it for you. Thb Helmes Press. 'Primtn 1315-29 Chtrrr Strttt FhlbdslphU Hatless Man s ure that fellow has three or four cars but the only thing I see him in is his MOON." Prices: P. 0. B. Factory $1105, $1695, $1785, $2485 MACKIN MOTORS, INC ... - '' VatrtTUt. Fni, M V. Sretd Strttt Fhoet FepU MOOi Moter Cats The car of the ten proven unite Authorized Dealers Kirksatrick Heyltr .. , .1134 Mtrktt St. Uaited Service Moen Aftr. 410 Ctrptnter St. Arcadia Moteri 4110 Werth Breil Bt We,taSsM,Bi? ." A. Morriiea 440 Ktniinrten An. "tadir Gsrate areM tj Beultrarl The great r savinns Capital V $4,000,000 West End Trust Company TOAD .BTngrr.Ar. eutm. penn . quai MaMaBBaaBBBBBBBaanaeaaee i ena ford they nre getting new -red brick Buildings. I pnsslenntely hnie ugliness it se much worse than dirt. Dirt hurts the body and only temporarily, whereas ugliness hurts the soul." All the Bellec children were given n specially bound volume of their favorite among the works of their father. Miss Elisabeth chose "The Four Men." the theme of which Is laid in Sussex, their home. , Miss Bellec weighs her werts care fully and speaks as though every opinion was the result of careful ob servation. "I think America has been very unjustly railed crude it Is simple, frank nnd open, but net crude and Americans arc intensely kind." Acress the continent te California, Miss Bellec is tripping, all alone. Cali fornia Is the link that binds her te the United States, for her mother wbb a California!! a Miss Eledle Hegan, her self a writer, before she met and mar ried Uillalre Bellec. One Intimate touch of the home life dear te her famous father was given by Miss Bellec. "When we were little we never broke rules, because there were none te break. We lived In a place In Sussex, 105 aercs, and tramped all ever It with father. lie could well write The Four Men' nnd their Jaunt through Sussex, for he has frequently walked It himself. He put mere of himself Inte that book, I think, than Inte nny of his ether works." While in Philadelphia. Miss Bellec is the guest of Miss Kelsey, , daughter of Mrs. Albert Warren 'Kelsey, of Chestnut Hill. Aged Man Diet In 8treet Herman Teller, seventy years old, G02 Seuth Third street, fell unconscious while walking nenr his home last eve ning. A passerby picked him up and had him taken te the Pennsylvania Hes. pltal, and ph.sicinns there declared him. dead of heart disease. We aim te serve as well as sell! Net only Rogers Peet suits and overcoats, but the Rogers Peet Policy Meneyback if anything gees wrong. Same guarantee of satis faction gees for our hats and fixings, tee! FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper TIM fer .S.,,M Ce W"I ! Sal.. 930 Obtttaut SL rntkeMy A Kilre W. PWUdrtBhU Rey Scaaefer Cnmji fiiend s m lnximG efneed is Jmmry nSn FED DAY IN CITY Baptists FrerrvAII Over World Meet Today at First Bap tist Church THEY WEAR "NATIVE" GARB MlftfdennrlcA from this country and nil parts of the world nre attending- the Mlnslennry Field Day belli held here today under the direction of the At lantic Dintrict of the Wemcns' Ameri can IlaptiHt Foreign nnd Heme Mission Society. s The HenslenH opened nt 10:30 o'clock In the First Ilaptlst Church, Seven teenth and Hnnnem streets, of which DV. farter Helm .Tenen in pastor. Tim meetings will continue this Afternoon and evening. ' The Atlantic District comprises Fcnn- JtaMlglel -wr GOOD LETTERS DON'T RE COGNIZE POOR WEATHER . AS AN EXCUSE FOR NO BUSINESS. BUCKLEY 133 8. 12th Walnut 4493 STEAMSHIP ADVERTISING The important thins U te make the ether end of the voyage teem mere Interettlna then thlt end. A geed Ad vcriltlng Agent can de thlt. Jehn Clark Sims Company, Ltd. OCwmI AJrtTfUht At 218 Seuth 16th Street PHILADELPHIA Ours is net a business that grew overnight! It has been built slowly, safely, and sensibly through conservative management of our own affairs and these of our clients. Eighteen years' expe. rience means something. HEYMANN & BRO. Rtal Etlatt Heymana Building 213-215 S. Bread St. Phils.. P.. I iSsaBaBaEtH I flsiBR9EEm. mj taammmmmmammammsM TAILORED AT FASHIQH; DRK PAR KERRY Stormpreof Outergarments $45, $50 $55 f Here are many-sided overcoats, answering the demand for style as well as utilityceats geed te leek at, geed' te be in, sure te endure. They have been tailored te the Reed Standard by the overcoat shops at Fashion Park. JACOB iaasKsi Ml M WIM T aefflMi :-"'m vi.v, i7ZtyrW!T' ' ' sylranla, New Jersey,' Delaware and District of Columbia. Large delega tions from these States arc en hntid. 1'rainlnent Uaptlst missionaries from all ever the world, us well as the home field, are taking nn active part in the conference. Appearing In "Native" Oarb Among these Haled te tnke part nre: Mrs. .Intnes M. linker, India i Mrs. Jehn DiiHstiinii, luiliu; Dr. Krnnkllii T. Lynch, the t'onge, Africa; Miss Hlisnbeth Vlckland, Assam; Itev. A. unrrew, jiurmn ; .Mr. nnu .Mrs. Alaska nnd the American Indians; Miss Alice Itrlmsen, of Chlcuge, Chris tlan Amcrlcanlxatlen, and Mrs Helen Ilnrrett Montgomery, author nnd speaker, president of the National For eign Mission Heard and recently presi- .riCYR j. IJeuglas iiaring, .inpnii ; Ur. .lescnii Tayler, China; Miss Albcrtine lllsch lllsch eff, I'orte Itlce; Hev. A. K. HlKelew, IMilllppines; Cnc IJnync, the Frontier; Mm. II. IT. Itiinisler r"Annn Nelsen"!. iAMC VMK& 5"B"nma JS CHRISTMAS CARDS DISTINCTIVE STATIONERY Weddln3 Reception Dinner Dane Bridge and D6but Invitations FINANCIAL HISTORY 093 , Frem the earliest issue of industrial or railroad stock down te the very last big flotation, the paper has always been Crane's. The financial his' tery of the country could be told with Crane's paper. The amount efgcapital raised through se' curities engraved en Crane's paper staggers the imagination. There is but one reason for this. Crane's paper was and is peculiarly adapted te the exacting de mands of a bend or stock certificate. ' All the qualities which make it se perfectly fitted for this important purpose recommend it for business stationery. It has the leek and feel of value, a quality that any worth while business would like te put into its letters. xoe selected new rag stec 121 years' experience Ban notes of 22 countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends of iS nations ranes BUSINESS and m ris? 7 i REED 1424-26 CHESTNUT 1 7vMiiiii,,4.ft m t''nmjmn .f t r'rvw? dent of the Northern Baptist OenTes Hen. i . KnPh inlsslenirfjr appeared with lilt or her own "lintlye" background the country being scenlrnlly represent ed in picturesque manner Hnd exhibits of iiniisuiil Interest shown. All I lie speakers were in the cos tume of the country they represented nnd were attended by "native" cos tumed maidens. Processional In Kvcnlng The evening session will be preceded by n professional of real slgiiliicHiice the Ahierlcun nnd Christian Hags; the senior class of the Ilaptlst Institute; Mrs. Montgomery; the missionaries in costume, and World Wlde Guild girls, nlse ce'stitmed. Addresses will be made by Mr. Hnyne, author and lecturer; Dr. Tayler, of China, nnd Mrs. Ment gemery. The president of the Atlantic Dis trict, Mrs. Harry II. Skerrett, will PAPERS , skeh T.MLORCDAT TASHIO PAhK SONS ST. WRT'lSTiMIBTOW ,- t;j .unw 7- ." '"' MMMAUMii pretide. JKfc daWjT Include Mrs. fleerca w. Mrs. Charles Onuger, fei Mrs. Itnv I,. Hudsen, home Tie. uenis; airs, rrcu t. wawyer, m and Mrs, William K. Merris, tr :::.. m "UAH" TVIJfB .til telna against the American women, d tnry ennatud in h.ilRiit that neeriest rter, .Mini Cam O'Plaie. New ParW 4Ia k,,lA aai.alkU i.kfc America. It .tukea witit one Ilka '"I body's Ktrneit" tu awnmelUh thlnei. body' a (Jtrneff1' tu aucnmellurt thlnea. I he All-Htar Comic ScetMn. . (Junday I .acass. "Mai It Hh." 2). Super-Value is no Day Drear Yeu might as well! start chasing rain-' bows as try te find' clothes of equal qual ity at anything like our Super- Value prices. We knew clothing conditions. We knew our Super Value Policy saves you many dollars ever the prices ether geed stores must ask. Don't say "why?" Just leek. See for yourself the chasm of difference. Our Super -Value Prices are $28, $33, $38, $43 and up. PERRY'S Magnificent Collection of Winter Suits and Overcoats De you like sincere enthusiasm? It's a pleasure te have our courteous salesmen v show you through eununmatchable dis play. Their admira tion for our splendid clothes is contagious. Yeu, tee, will be come a firm believer in our Super-Value policy. Loek and Compare Perry & Ce, 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men Prevents infection with a continuous germicidal action IN place of momentary, ln frequent treatment with Earslti, the modern doctor recegnlres this handy little tablet that you can carry with you. Fermamlnt cmbedlcj a pe tent, uerm destroying agent in the form of a pleas-int-tastlng tablet which melt nnd mlxeg with the saliva of the mouth, thus treating the entire thregt with its cotitinueui germicidal action. Inflammation llip pejrs. Tlie threat Is protected. ermamint GtRMKIUIHG 7HK.OAT TABttTt It utttUVt,, .ur (T.,1 S.IMPt.hU UicmkalCu., ,,3 X'. it'll, Jl., W. yVUl, Mi. ' 4aS7 "' ' -r'i Jf1 1 i A 4BV f arfcSaai?r 1'' ' ' " K ggggPGa. y Ajif.V i''? -avlaalW' iam jk. BHHakl. aU " 'VgWtfllgBHHL riam BTVaBgal v rMgaaMgatilgM VB l-gBggi s (wjm aMawBBBat tvtemmM ia Liau 1 aTi "'.I N 1 S 2 N. r gBigaMii'w:? i'-.'-ir , ,1 ,K .,.,, , i - ... t 4, I B m. ? aaaaaaaaaWaBalaaBBBaBaBa M I i. I ', AvK,. -' ? I t His. ,(. 4 1 i.r "i&33 itMiitMUiiUjauiiJtmm