EiIi2iiSiSiz21 iflr - BLSHliiliiB We Specialize in Public Utility STOCKS American fiat & Elee. CwnVlth Pr. Ry. & Lt. LMigh rower See. Per Hand Ry. Lt. & Pr. Tennessee Elec. Pr. Southern Utilities Republic Ry. & Lt. Kentucky Securities Securities Cerp. General Ner. Ontario Lt. & Pr. 1'nbllf Utility HoekUt ft'citt en litquitt Gilbert Eliott & Ce. Members New Yerk Stock Echng 2S Exchange Place, New Yerk Be IPX, KjCJ" BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD MORTGAGE 6 BONDS JANUARY 1, 1933 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION VALUES PROPERTY T J273.000.COO fl '3 Above bends sveured by First Mortgage en entire properly (ltj.'tl miles) mibject te only SS..lUflCO bend,' ei- ):! mile-. PRICE, 93j AND INTEREST REILLY, CROCK & CO. 306 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA i Standard Safe Investments On their record and their safeguards, Straus First Mortgage Bends are justly entitled te be rated as standard safe investments. They are sound and worry.preof. Call or write for litera ture describing these well-securcd bends. Ask for BOOKLET 731M. 5. W STRAUS &, CO. IMUltlOltATLU . kSrAUII-HKIl I1M 1617 Walnut St., Philadelphia Telephone Spruce 6387 40 years without less te any investor I1 -LI l'"ljtl5iwg"r iJ"U"- '''''," I ZfliP'!irn'1 .MV'!rl" 1"3" i.LrtnMBra'J I Augusta Union Station 1st 4s, 1953 McNab & Harlin 1st 7s, 1942 N. Y Chic. & St. Leuis 2d 6s, 1931 P. P. Ristine & Ce. Widcntr Building, Philadelphia Kw Yerk rtl h. th. N. J. Vt'nlcrs .NVie Yerk mid Philadelphia Steele Lxrliunyta Proven Public Utility Bends Baker, Yeung & Company JOBSPK W. BWAIN. Jr., MtnRftr Land Title Building Bosten BONDS i Cadbury, Ellis & Haines Franklin Bank Bldg. PMiteJtlpkui Stixk Eickttif i'A is -JltTA.! Orders Executed i'ljM F'MIt m IKS.' far. cash or en a conservative mar Gwl bsls. In all securities listed M the New Yerk 8teck Exchange. Lart or kmall lets. ' i McGLINN & CO. Vete Yerk Stock Exchange aUf', PhilaeklthU' SPECIALTIES MAKE NEW HIGH GROUND Renewed Peel Activities Served te Keep Short Interest en the Run New Yerk, Nev !. Today's stock tnnrltpt was; altogether an Imlclliilte IH'opesitioti. I'rufesoleiiiillxm m eon een (itilpititil.v trmli'-tiiiirkisl tile ili'iilltiK ,w te be illlliciilt te overlook. SiipiTllriiilli the iietiil (etitliuieil tipunnl, Imt this was larpely the oiitceine of the "in'i'ml Mils: of 'the epei-nl Iihik. Thiil is te say. whilii the nri'i'titi'il Maiiihml leaders wavered, peel Wines and ether eleeted storks weii' carried Inte new high gteilt.d. The elm racier of market Indicate 1 vrrj clearly auiiiu that little or no nt nt fcntlen wiii In' Inc paid te outride events. The trend of the general news, hew. ever, during the da was en the whole mere fiMernhle. This includeil the unt il ok for a splendid holiday trade, mere favorable fniclgn ii"W- and revUed re j ports of another generous hutch of stock I dividends. In fuel, iii'ceidiug te the I deductions nf Hi" Street M'-trriliiy' election icsults will ere te ImMi'ii a general adoption of the pelicj of di r,J tiibiltlng ai'cutiiiilateil wi-ilu l till the coriieral urns in position te le e. hiterc the next Cetigriss e:in b" brought lliln .irLI iiiiiiu. I'tideiibledly the greatei luepellmg force behind the liiinket v.ns e be lill ' , found in the sn-mllcd t'clinbul cendi- ' tlens. The fact of the least rcstMnnie still being eiiceiiiiterid en the up-tiicl; ' Wfls alone Mitlii'it'tit te inllui'liri' ail i' i' pailsien of the recent ceeilng mini' ' ini'tit mid at the sjiine time afford fie-h 1 "liceltrilgenieut te the peels lilnl otle'i' specuhiilM' slhpies te marl; up their fu- . i verili's. There were a few weals spots, but .these were ciiMl.i overcome by the peel 'activities. The nbllltj of these specula- i tive Interests in push up iiiotiitieiis at , I will was siriKingl.v demonstrated In the j number of new high t-ei-niiK for the je.n I registered in Usiinllj inactive storks, (Among these were Mnj cpattmctit I Stores, Vnn Haalle Sills, National lji- ' , cuil. Uoiniii'jlen Tjimwriter lirst pre- j erred, l'nderwoed Typewriter prcferreil , and American Smelters Securities "A." ' Among the huge gains scored were American SnulT. up 1 points; National liiscelt, ii(i !l ; .Mav l)i'iartinetit t'His, up .", and Sears-IJei'bucIs,' iiji -l'). In the meantime tin- movement efj , rlu u ami active leaders ins confusing te nil oMi'eme degree. 'I'e" Instiini'e , I'llitt'd States Steel's big spln:K.. in the late trailing yes'erday appeaieil in, lliive bteiiglit III ,'l veritable Ibieil of leallzmg s.ilcs bringing a reaction "f ever a point but when this pressure' relaxed the stock immediately started J te higher ground. . i Tiadtng was interrupted te a con-l 1 si.ierabli' eteiil during the lirst Imur bv the anneiiiicement of furtfier sieju te disel(dim lllelllliers iliellliling the e-( pulsien f two members and the stis- i pension of another member, whose pun- i 1 lslunent was followed by the etlielnl j statement fiem the rostrum "there is! i no indications of any wieng doing erj .iii.v ini(reper dealings en 'he part of , the tit-m. wiiese standards are high and' whose r('itatlen is above reproach." Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET I ('liica;e, Nev. !. The wheat mar- ' I ket opened weal; at ', te K- deeli'.e ' j under ae'ive selling en weak Liver- j I peel i ables slinwlng les.ses at le te 1 :t j ' I i in that market and i.iler ca)i niarkels I in the Northeast. There was little , i vnk'tiee of expert demand, and while ! I (."')'! lii.inv lemliiig c'lliuiilssieii lieiises rtete advising purelinsi's en lireal.s, the , deiu.ind vva- slew . ; j Cern ilidit.fi ''., i" lc, ar the start i ,1111 Wednesilaj's tlevernment r''pert I figures, winch were about lii(),tiiii),0(ll) bushels larger than e.pct ted. and m , wink cables uiit rallied siightlv en i ! covering. I Hilts lieelineil ',' te 'i'' fop the near ' nnintlis. but duly was ' higher and en ' the whole the undertone was steady. I'lovi-leiis were itilfi and steady witiij nui 1 iirlt'"' changes. n. - I'rrv i'lui ripn 1 I' M I list, i? lis', IJ!l4 f till i u Ti t :'. l.U'j 1 1 l'k 1 y.l's 'n 1 n:.4 4JI. ' 4. . slj H'iJ iu.-:!'i 1 ll. 1 11 1 1..-. I.', I COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Nev. '.. The. cotton mar ket was a trifle easier at the stait today nni! te 17 points lower en lirst prices. It was due te commission house fi selling en the less faver.ible Near litis 'news and early offerings from the Seuth and Liverpool. Th" chief buvers were New Orleans, WV11 street and spot houses. Tills I 16600 siiimert I'veniuiilli rallied the market back te last night's i losing levels. y. i .e.i up, a t p m i Dei,Tr.lT Ji.lifljg ill IM 'Jll III i Jiinu.iis- . g.i su?i -, i,-, mi it. J7 M.irch -.". 73'fiTs i". ill ill in I .May -" 4s'.i:,li i", It j;, ,; I Ju.v 'J5 11 u Hi VS.ui NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Ytirlt. Nev, Si. The coffee fu tures market this morning opened with trailing ipiiet and prices showing ii'ivauces of J te .". points. Three steamers have tin hed here with S,",'.i(iO bugs trum Santes and 500 bags from Hie The members of the exchange will vote just before the opening en Friday en a piopesitiun te close the exchange en Saturdas. Orn fi 7D'l7S II .-.stl.'.U n.i;!i in n ii- .i Hi s. 7'Jll in r)rnnlr Ma i cli .May . . July spteml.er . '' 74117.-. !l .il ' :iinti.17 li ft7.n 10 S 77 ft S'i DIVIDENDS DECLARED Seuthwe?li?rn i'tiu- m I I. tfht ('.i.rur.v quurtHiiy if 1 pr fin en iir.'ferri.i puv. nine December I tj Htui.I uf r lord .'u..i.. lr IS ib'nrul I'lenr Cwnii.ini, .lunrtnr':- uf Zl 7S nn Lrt-i'tTril ri.iv.ibl.. Ij,rimi,.r i t.. Philadelphia tnrk of ru.er't NevfinbHr i4 I'lttatiurKh lleMtiir itid l..ik Kn P.r.ll P.r.ll re.nl I'cmii.in siml-annuiil a i"r p."u un prfrreil imj.iWh Dweinber 1 lu moil; of reter'l Nevi-iiilHr ITi. Hutu Munufiicturlec Company .in rtra illv.Juinl "iJtlll a hnri. immiI.Iu Dc;;rr.br I te muck'ut r"eird Nevmlir H Ilemi-sniHi Mlntne 'innpaii, menthlv r.Ou. puubli Novvuiber "u tu slut ti of rvceiit Nevijinbr UO. CuiiselldiUfil C'lrtitr Corberii'ion euartnrly IS per tent mi prefnrrwl p.iy.u.l. Dettin. ber 1 tj stork nf rucerd NevimbT 'dt). I.a-unun ivikihh i-tniipanv I'xtrn r.e en cnminim. pajable Deimiber .10, mil ipj.ir- , mrly II 2.'i en loinmen. ami of l, pr ."lit en pri-fcrrxl, phv utile Jiinunry L', ail te siec-K , of rneril Nev ember !!l ' Otln Wie-nltilir It Ureii , Inc . iuarprly 1. per rrt "fi pnferreil, pa.iblu January 1 ie hleek et reerd lJr'mlif'r 'JO I .Inhn T. Cuntmr Ciinipaiiy Husten iunr- i trlv fil nnt en remiriun. pujal.lu .liuiuary J te Hieel; of reeeril JHxunbcr in ThU il.iu. ' bles ttw annual rate. Th einl-nnnual pre ferred of 3'4 Pr rent vvai ,Ue iitu.nrej, jiuy. able mi the Hinne ilule. Colerfiiln and Heuilicrn. a pt-r cnt en rum rum meri Hint si-ml unnunl of a per lent en tire pr.ifern-il mill ivnnu.il of 1 per rnt en s'oeinl prfcerrrd, pnyublu Diccnibcr 3 tu ttetk of lifted Deteinlier HI 2 II Knalillnz A. Urn., ntmrii.rti' nf 1 i per rent en III if t nreferrrj nni 'J per cent in MC'jnil prefurred, Uith inybl December 1 te stock of ru-erd Neember IS, buuthern Pacific, iiuurierly of I v per rent, pnyublu January li tu stock of record ftlnvumher ttll. union 4-ac.nv naureau. aiurtsrly of Sti IMr.eMt oBxemmon. pari January 3 is HW9 W "vwuiiri I " ' i sjssssjsa i mmmm areeejsTaTaTaTsi s "" I II NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS I FIRMFR MARKFT IN III NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 1 1 - ' " - mbbb mm i Only AfUrnoen Rtpert In niv. Ill . STOCK High 3 Advance Rumely if 49 .. AJax ntlhber 14J.J . . AlnBka Juneau O M 1 4 Allied Chem & Dye.. 79U ' Allietl Ch & Dye pf114 .. Am ARrle Chem.. 32 ! . . Am Agrle Chem pf. 64 i Am Bank Nete.... 77 5 Am DatilS Nete pf, D4 Am JJ Sh Fdy new. 75 li .. Am Can 7GU 7 Am Can pf Ill Vt 12 Am Car & Fdy 188 Am Chicle 7 .. Am Cotten Oil... 23 Am Fruit Syn D S Am KxtirfRs 1 49 ? line J'. M. Net Clui'. Slips 100 700 J 303 900 100 400 300 100 tee 100 13300 300 700 tee 803 200 tee Lew 49 13Ts 1ti 77 H 114 32 62yi 77 54 75vi 74 IIHs 186?4 7 22'i b 149 ; 70 1101 31 V, 11 H Men 48 117 7H 22 Is EB ?i 101 M 4414 70 CO 1?4 157!s 1EG1, 29 U 51 '3 18M 53! 1 61 66?, 118 1C4 92'i 117'i ?4 19', 49 14!i-r Vt 1 H -1- H 77H- 1 114 -f- Vi 32yii- 1 U4 -f 1 77 54 - 1 75 't ... 7614 1H 1 1 1 ?s Vt 188 J 7 23 6 - 149 fi 70 - 1 1 1 V ! 32 Vi r 11H 1294 r 48 ?4 - 117 -! 7 23st 58?- 101 H ! 4414- 76 60 - 124i t- 157Ts- 156H-! 2914 r 5HJ- 98 H r 53Ts- Vt ' ' V 1 Vi ?4 "?4 H "iu Vt 1 Vt '2 li H i !s i 300 300 . Aiu Illde & Leath pf 70 ! 033 ", Am Ice 112 I 1300 .. Am intermit Cerp. 32 li 1 Am La France Uii8 1 1 0 Am I.ocemoUvis....129?i 3 Am Metal 48 U Am nadlater 117 U Am Safety llazur. 7H .. Am Ship & Cem.. 23' i .. Am Smelt E9 f Am Smelt Sec A.. 101 H 3 Am Steel Foundries 44 'i Am SURnr Hef 76 . Am Sumutra 'fob pf GO ! Am Tel & Tel 124'i 1 - Am Tobacco 1 57 ' 12 Am Tobacco II....15G?j .. Am Waterworks... 30 .; Am Wnlrwks 6 pf 51 i " Am Woolen 9 1,4 Am Zinc I.d & tf pf 53 Ts . Anaconda Copper.. 52!' 4 AB30 Dry floods... 67 H 0 Aura Oil 119 6 Atch Tep & San FV1C4M Atch Tep & S F pf 92 'i . . Atlan tllr ft Atlanta 2',ii 7 Atlnnt'i; Coast LIne1173i .. Atlantic Fruit 2's .. Atl Uulf & V I S S ?5'4 . . At C! & W ( s S pf 20 2' Atl Iteflnlng: ... .1400 12 Atlas powder .. ..1CG' i Atlas Powder (if. . 93 ! .. Austin Nichols ... 32' i 7 Baldwin I.oeemo:ivo124'4 . . Baltimore & Ohie . 51 U tee 2500 GOO 100 430 3600 300 200 10J0 100 100 500 200 400 300 100 700 200 4300 1200 203 1433 tee 200 400 tee 1203 GOO 20 100 300 ' 500 7030 1300 100 100 1600 100 51 1 66 J, 119 : ie4!,-: 92!- 2''s I17H ! 2i. 20 ?4 ! 1400 1400 150?,. 156?, ! 931; ajf, 32 I34U ! si ',4 : 62 93 33 - 57 Ts ! 41 H b 71 '-4 97 !i -f 112! , 71 !i -30 1 - 122(s-17U- 124 ! C2'iv 98JJ -f 132 i 43 8 'i 32 i -1 9 li - 9 -84 1.. : 4!i-; 8Vi 146 - 34 -38!4-77 - 230 ! 39?iv 62?, i- 75 U t IO414 2H - 414 - 4Ta 12a- 28 U ' UK ' 92 ; 122'i- 82liv 40'4 - 18 3.4 -264 -64 - 80 -l-29Ji-46 - 112 3!i . 69 ', 15 -9U-: 1 39 i -! 12 -'r 97 34 - 1 30 li - 49 -79U -94 Vi 22 -97 Ji ; -'r 33 -I- 21 Ji-r 131 135Vi-!- 42 ?t -164 - 66?, 56 i 19 -96 58 -r 151 ',i 12ai-r 22 'i -r 76 yi -49 -.0 81 -V. 110 ; 104 -181 2 I 11 141,-84'--, 97 14 i 41 97 (J -12 'r 34?. ; 83Vi-i-91 , j 35! 4 45 Jj -90?', - 20 -75 -s- 82 -2' J4 -i-21?, i 4!i- 1 1 1 14 4 20 19J4 37 !i 1 li -i-33 25 V5- 107 ; 1254 r 53Ja 15 -C7.J4 76 15 S 43 Vt 20 - se?,.;. 21 i, 55Ji- 2H 45Ji- a2 132M 51 '4 62 93 32 57. 41 71 97U 112'i 71 'i 20 U 122a 16U 1 .-4 62 98 li 132 43 8'.. 32 J4 19'i 9 E4J, 3 -J 146 24 38 '4 77 230 39'4 62 75 1C4 2. 4', 4 'a 12h 28', 44 J i 90 122'j 82 40i', 1834 26 4 64 79 1 j 29 4 46 lC9'i 3 ''.. 69 I lr 18 138H UN 97 130'i 48 J, 70 Ji 94 Vi 22 97 'i 12'b 37 32 Vi 21 ',4 131 135'i 42 2 162 6(4 56 69 12se 19 Se :e 151 76 48S 10 at 110 104 180 11 14 C4'i 97 '4 41 97 12 6, 34 03. 'i 91 35 45 !4 89i4 20 75 0, 21 Vi 21 e4 4'i 11ia4 19?4 19S 36 'i 1 ' 33 2'5'i 1 06 ' i 12 5314 14J, 57 J4 76 15i 43 20!i 50 Ts 21V, 55 Vi 2H 45 Ji uaitl & Ohie pf. . 7 ItatiK & Arees pf . . . . . Barnsdall Cla-s A Ha.vult Bres 93 33 U 57 'i 41 a; 71 U 100 4se Beechnut PncklnK. 600 :, Bethlehem Stetl .. 703 . . Beth Steel nf new. 97 5 j 100 S Beth Sfnl e. nf..nsi; 1 0030 5 Heth Steel B 72s 500 Brit Km Steel I'd pf 30 ' 70J 8 Brooklyn Kdlsen ..122'i 330 .. Bkln Rapid Transit 174 300 S Bklyn Union Clas... 124 -0J .. Brown Shee 62 ri 203 T Hrewti Shee pf 9834 800 je Burns Bres A... .13234 3700 2 Burns Bres B... . 48 H 3200 .. Butte Cep & Zinc. 8' 800 . Butte & Sup Cep . 33 100 .. Butterlck Ce .. . . 19' i 700 .. Cadde Ten O & It . 95j 3J0 i-a ifernU PaeUIng HA'i 1500 .. California Petrel .. t5a 1G3J . Cal Zinc and Lead. i)H HO le Canadian I'aclflc ..146U 100 .. Cate .1 I Threshing 34 700 .. central Leather ... 39 '.4 103 . Cen Leather pr 77 200 8 Central of X J 230 1700 .. Cere-de-Pasco. . . 39'i 1700 Chandler Meters .. 62'j 703 t Chesapeake & Ohie 75 li 700 C'i- Chesapeake & Oh p104ii 00 . rwenge & Alten.. H Chicago & Alten pf 4',i . . Chicago .& Or West 5 . . Chi fc C5r West pf . . 12?, . . Chi Mil & St P :9',i . . riil M ft St P pf. .. 45 ya C Chi & Northwestern 90 7 Chi .v; Northwest pf122!i 4 Chicago I'neu Teel. . 83 . . Chi lt I & Pac... . 0Ji . . Chll Copper T9I4 . Chlnn Copper ... J.64 .. Cluett-ivubedy . .. 64 4 Coc.i-Cela 80 li . Cel Fuel & Iren ... 30 ! j : Cel iSt Southern.. . 46 6 Ce'.ui i (ins A; Klec.1l.. .. Celum 'Jrapha phene 3i i Cemput Tali Bee .. C9',t I'enley Tin Feil Cerp. 15 .. i.-onsei Cigar ... 40 8 CnnFO Mated Cas ..140'j .. Consel Textiles ... 12('s . . Continental Can .. &74 4 Cern Products Ilef.13tU 4 Cesilen & Ce 50 1 , Crucible Steel ... 80 4 T Crucible Steel pf... 94'j . . Cuban Am Sugar. 22 'a T Cuban Am Sugar pf. 97 '-a .. Cuba fane Sugar. 12'i . . Cuba Cane Sugar p 37 .. Pavlsen Chemical 33 . . Debeers C Min Ltd 21 H 9 Ivlaware & IIui!sen131 6 IX'i Lack & West.. 137 2 Deme Mines 43?, 8 Em Pent (L I ) Ce164, D Kastman Kodak .. 88 U 3 Klec Storage Hat . 56 (j G Kndlcott-Jehnson . 00 i . Erie 12? . Krle 1st pf 19'i 8 Famous Players L. 96 H D Fed Min & Smelt pf 58 500 400 100 330 COO 233 100 13)0 7;e 119)3 23) 100 10)3 603 300 9') 203 701 200 12J0 730 i 48)0 1100 4203 16203 59)3 100 133) 100 1uJ 333 830 703 100 330 2033 1703 4203 20:0 2703 29)0 1203 1030 103 1030 0)3 830 23)0 36200 3500 200 100 200 4)3 533 10 Fisher Bedy 151 'j Flsl: Rubber 1 2 K .. Freepnrt Texas ... 22 a4 3 fJen Am Tank 77 34 . . General Asphalt ... 52 5 Oeneral Asphalt pf 04 6- Oeneral Cigar 81 7 General Cigar pf...110 7 Gin Cigar deb pf,..104 8 Gen Jilectric 181 'j . . Genl Klec special pf 1 1 . . General Meters ... 141J C General Meters pf . . 84',.; 1UU 200 300 300 103 200 403 200 1600 1100 100 1100 100 100 1100 2700 500 830 100 200 40 700 1100 7 Gen Meters deb 7 97 & Glmbel Bres 41 H 7 Glmbel Bres pf 17'8 , Glldden Ce 12 , Ge'.dwyn Pictures -64 . Goedrich H F 34?, 7 Goedrich H F pf . . 83.j 7 Great Northern pf . 91 fi 4 art North Ore ctfs 35. . Gulf Moblle & N pf 45 'j . Gulf States Steel.. 90 "8 . Hendee MfB -20 3 Ilemestake Mining. 75 . Housten Oil 82 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 21 1 Hupp Moter Car... 21 "8 . Hydraulic .-steel .. 4', 7 llllne's Central ... 111 '4 . Indluhema Kef .... 20 De Odd Lets 19H . Inspiration Cen Cep 37'i , Intjr Cen Cerp.... it, . Inter con Cerp pf . . I ',', luu ?00 2K Internat Cement .. 33 100 - Intercom LnK 2(i 500 0 Int Harvester new 107 100 .. Inter Mr Marine. . !2j 5300 C Inter Mer Marine pf E4J4 2100 .. Inter Nickel 151, 100 .. International Paper 574 100 0 Inter Paper pf ttpd 76 1100 .. Invincible Oil Cerp. 15!i 100 Iren Products .... 43 700 . . Island OH !J 100 .. Jewel Tea 20 100 4 Jenes Bres Tea... 50'a 100 .. Kan city Southern. 21 !' IE200 4 Kan City ?e pf.... 55 JJ 100 .. Kansas & Gulf 24 C00 .. Kuser & Ce new.. 46 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS 1.1...L-11 Nnv li IIOU.S lUicli.ts, .13 rurce; fully h.mi1.v: few head ft '' ' iiverus-lnB J4.1 puundM. hnil ilvncrully Hti-udv IWht mh .tlmut 1 ',,! lew.-r. t(.t 1 Til te -iJ'J I'eunu nver.iKf, IS 4(ifis l". '.'11 'u -"'" I'uvni'l liut'hurj, most IV Ks.r.S'vlS.llO; few lu-avl;n. s 1,3, top, SSII.1. bulk nucklnif uuve. IT.40'uS Oeslr nlile iiIbs. IS.f.O; uveritii vet uf t.mkir nnd hlPiwr dmviM nf i.eiiH hum we'trwalay, is IV. nelsht :".'! peunilK ritt.lninrli, Nev. U. IIOOH Un. Ipts, IO0U lieau. Sleaily Heavy. H 00j tieiivy jerker. Iliiht yurker nml pl". tt-tfU.lU. HHKEI AND I.AMIIH Receipts. 300 head, StuuJy. Hhe-p. is, lambs, IU .0. (Ul.vns Jttcelpts, 100 bead. Steady, Tep, II'.'. SO. . Kurt ll1HT1.li), N. V Nev. 0. UATTLn XltSCI' lllS. .17.. Iifll.1 SlIaHlH f'lll.OsI. ru. jl ll.l. Jl"ll""i ...,-.v ..-.. , .(,.; native, BnerIIy Hti a.ty tu stieinr en nil ius-i".: pgtn hlKlivr "ii dfilnil.la hert f(.l i enrii sad kllllns tiefHr. I.ulk .Imrt fed Ktri of iiuallty unJ (01.1lit.en lu je-11 ut 111 ilfU.-'i nrt limil airly IIH. tii iiiuturfil Ijlrdh. Weill, sru.wrs In mnduriiti nuiiplyi f"w mrlw sales, til U ill 7 fender liusr mvlnir I7.1.'li. I'Ulk iVBirulile lie. ivy linlnvna Lulls nrnunil II '-'.. -d Unlit klml ;i h.VK4: bulk veid cilven Mil .'). tn puda-rs, bulk cannern ureund t3 ..,., , HIIItKI' lleeeliiw, 17,000 hi.nl. Opening actlv"! fat IhiiiIih '-'v richer, enrlv top, m.s,l unld by city tiutchrs fur fd Western cell'tH. 4011 head, ati'iely. tSlffl'.'.fifl. , HOO.s IfiuliitM, i'jei) head. .Sternly te 10c blsh'-r. Ilvavy 1111.I tnlxixl, lti1ili.Hi'! f.rltf.rN llvli, u.i.bAu ..n.l ..im ilt. rftin.hu. I v.vM... . uiivittlliuru. BANK Uank : cIvailnsH ana snmu mi in.".- ......, ,.i.iu ... p...w rcipunuma nay last 1II5J r: irS .Or SWl IUI.MB .,.,, I...NI C nVBl fhtia. ..fOO.UOO.Ott) 12,000,000 I3, ssrlr slsi bldifi-f around stes.yi 1 W" wit tten.. Bl, 01)0,009 54.0(K,00 M, PhlMitphlm Quoting Full LM S1 in I stock mii 1130 8 Keyser & Ce new pf103 10700 .. Kelly-SprlnftneM .. 44 U tfJtJ 'Kelly-SpB T 8 pftOI 1800 ,, Kennccett Copper 35 3400 .. Keystone T & R. . . 64 .122 7 Kresge S a 185 1 000 , . Lackawanna Stent . 82 200 7 Laclede Gas of St L 68 ?22 34 hllth Valley .... 68 122 2Ie llubber 20!4 1200 s Vi Lima Locomotive .. 60 J', '00 .. Lecwb inc 1914 200 l Left candy 13Ji 1.0VV 103 44 101 34 6V4 183 814 88 M 07 28 J 6014 n 55 118 D7 92 Ji 84 Vi 32 Ji 'i 81 54 50 58 4?!i 72 M 28 33 '4 10(4 52 Ji 15Ji 164H IBJi 220 19'4 18!i 12 32 Vi 16?., 44 1)H 70 Vi 110Ji 53 22f 15Vi ti 20 524 245 67 V, luOJi tl6Va 15 83'i 49 Ji 98 14 28 Ti 95 45SJ 84 2Vs 9Ji 39 Va U4 85 'i 14 47i 90 Vi 89 48 4i 93 Vi 33Ji 41 Vi 46 Ji 12 5H 43 (i 43 95 37 Vi 19i 113 102Vi 44 Ji 98 H 130 Vi 441i 28?i 33 14 82 35V4 96 V4 73 J 28 V 52 83 Vi 57 Ti 54 Ji 18J4 27 35 !i 57 Ji 21 4U 6Vi 85Ji 9Js 8 36 J4 95 32 Ti 9Ji 41 Vi 92 Ji 24 Ji 65 91 122H 2L8J 118 79!i 8 57 Vi 54 ueji 117 7 '4 4J4 -iVi 9Vi 20 130 48 Ji 64 Ti 23 33 14 55)i p2Vi 1074 14Vi 118 17Vs 146T4 77 110 155 14 Ji 29 Ji 81 69 H 67 Vt 88 Ji. 53 Ti 96 Vi 108 Ji 121 65 Ji 17Ji 40 Vi 66 27 14i 10 :9v 12 Vi 1 12 14Ti 16 59 Ji 112 60 Ti lOV-i 49 Va 5 14 10V4 6 40 Vi 40 Ji 202 68 H MJ4 183 82 8814 68 26 W 60Ti 19 13 -55 ! 110 -5714 92J4-B4V4-32- 81 ; 54 - 2?4 iw .. Loese Wtb.x S3 50 7 Lerlllnrd (Pierre) pfllB .. Mack Truck 58 J 1 Mack Truck 1st pf. 92 94 7 Mack Truck 2d pf. 84 Vi . . Mnlllnsen Ce 32 Ji .. Mnnntl Sugar 44 7 Manntl Sugar pf... 81 7 Manhat Elev Guar. 54 . . Manhat Kiev ctfs... 50 2 Manhat Shirt 58J4 .. Market St nwy.... 11 . . Market St Hvvy pf . . 41 8 Maa Ht Hwy pr pf. . 73 Vi . . Mar St Hwy ztl pf . . 29 Marland OH 33 7, . . Marlln Heck well .. 10V, .. Mnth Alkali 52?, .. Max Moters'Clftss II 5H 8 May Dept Stores. .. .168U 1 Mclntre Mlnlnic .. 18J 12 Mexican Pet 222 Vi 6 Mex Seaboard 20 Ji 2300 100 100 200 200 100 100 100 2300 6200 1200 2100 1700 2400 100 200 200 ' 3809 100 1000 3500 15Ji 167 V4 18Jir 220 - 19V4- 19 isji- 3214-16Ti-l-44 -19Vi I-7014- ItOJi-!- 55Vi-!-22H-I-15Vi-11 20 524 t 251 4 6714 ! 100J4 4-116V4-15 -r 8514 4 49J4 4 98J4 4 29 -5Ji-4514 4-84Ji4-2'i4-9Ji 39 Vi 4 1 J4 r 4 47Ji 9014 4 89 4 48 V4 4V4 4IV4-47V4-r 12J4 4 59 43 Vi 43 4 95 37 U- 19?i-:- U3 - 102V4 4- 44J- S8'i-i- !30e- 44T4 4- 29!i 33 Ji 14 4- 700 0 Mex Seaboard Oil Ct 19 2500 1.20 Middle States Cerp. 12Vi 7500 .. Mldvale Steel 32Ts 100 .. Me Kan & Tex (wl).. 16T4 100 . Mil K i T (wl) pf. 44 .. Missouri Pacific ... 19'.i 3 Mentana Power .. 70 U T Mentana Power pf..110J4 .. Me Pacific pf 55 H .. Montgomery Ward. 22J4 t Moen Moter Car... 15J4 i Mether Lode Mining 11 .. Mulllns Bedy 20 1C Xnsh Moter .. .. 5?4 7 Nat Biscuit 253 .. Nat En & Stamp... P7V4 " Nat En & Stamp pftOOJi 6 National Lead ... 118 .. Ncv Cen Copper.... 15 C X O Tex & Mex... 85 Ji .. NY Air Brake A.. 49 H C X V Central 98 Ji 100 100 300 400 7000 700 100 100 15 2400 8500 100 500 200 1400 tee 1700 700 490 500 800 900 600 toeo 430 600 430 10400 5300 11700 1300 900 200 2200 400 1800 400 200 tee ,"i 1?i! 1?s ' U4 New Yerk N II & II Z9J 5 North American ... 95 Ji 3 North Amer pf 4G 6 North Pacific 15 . . Okla Pred & Viet... Zi .. Otis Steel 9J4 2 Owens Bet Much... 39 Ti . . Paclfla Devel Cerp. 1 Ji . . Pac Gas & Elec... C6V4 . . Paclfie Mall 14Ti 3 Pacific Oil 48 Ji 8 Pan Amer Petrel. ... 91 Ji S Pan Amer II 90 Ji 3 Pennsylvania It U. . 48 Vi . . Pcnn Seaboard Steel 4Ji 5 Peeples Gas Chicago S3Ji . . Pere Mnrnuette ... 34 Ji S Phl'iidclphia Ce .. 41 Ji 2 Phillips Pet 48 ... Plerce-Arrew Moter. 12'i .. Pierce Oil 5H . . Plerce Oil pf 43Vi 4 Plggly Wlggly Stere 43 7 Pitts Steel pf 95 . . Pitts & W Va 371a ?. I' Si I IVi !i 1 h! Vi 1 1 Vi j il Hi H, H 1 i: Si 1 200 400 700 100 It; Pend Creel; Ceal... 19 200 r. Pestum Cereal 113V4 200 2100 103 1100 600 900 7 Pressed Steel Car pf102!i . . Producers & Ref... 44 Ji 6 Pub Ser Cor of N J 98 H 8 Pullman Ce 130?, 1 . Punta Allegre Sugar 45 2 Pure OH 29i Is I i ! Vt , "a' 200 3.41 Rand Mines 33T-i 1100 5100 600 100 100 300 , . Ray Cen Copper... 14 4 Reading 83 ii , . Remington Typew.. 36 . Rem Typew 1st pf. 96 ii . Rem Typew 2d pf . . 73 Ji , . Rcplegle Steel 28 . Repub Iren & Steel. 53 . Rep Iren & Steel pf 03 Vi 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 58 82i4 35V4 4- 1 is Vi 1. s !s 2 930 200 300 0 St 55 ;-t8?4-27 'r 35H 4. 57 Ji J- 21 :- 4J4 4 6 J, 4. - 36 Ji-;- 95 14 - 33J4 4 9J4 41 !i- 93 4. 24J4- 65 91 4. 123 208 i -118 - !4 Hi 3 'jdOQ 4.13 J'.eynl HUtcn . v.. se4 100 1 St Jeseph Lead 18Ji 309 .. St Leuis San Fran. 27' 330 .. St Leuis Southwest. 35Vi 200 . st L Southwest pf . . 57 Ji 100 . Savage Arms '...., 21 7800 ,. Saxen Moter 4Ti 400 ,. Seaboard Air Line.. 6Ji 3933 .. Sears-Roebuck .... C9Ji 1 00 . . Seneca Copper ... 9 Js 100 .. Shattuck Ariz Cerp 8 4)0l3GU Shell Transport .. 26 Ji 530 6 Shell Union Oil pf . . 95 Vi 31520 330 103 1100 1100 50) 100 2600 5930 333 100 200 1200 200 12400 100 2000 400 1030 700 100 100 9300 1400 1330 3500 1300 993 300 7200 tee 600 1000 100 100 300 500 700 600 100 2400 2800 2800 300 67600 300 400 200 700 900 500 1000 1600 700 tee 300 400 100 100 500 1400 tee 300 800 400 700 100 300 203 100 209 2 Sinclair Consel ... 34 Ji .. Skelly Oil 9 . . Se Perte Rice Sugar 41 Ji C Southern Pacific .. C-3!, . . Southern Rail J4J, B Southern Rail pf... 65 yA 8 Splcer Mfs pf 91 4 Stand Oller Cnl, ...123T-S fi Standard Oil of N J21 1 Ji 7 Stand Oil of N J pfllB", 7 Steel Tube pf 79 Vi 3 Sterling Products . 58 14 4 Stewart Warner Spd 57 T 4 Stromberg Carb ... 54 10 S'tudenaker I29?i 7 Studebaker pf 117 .. Sub Beat Cerp. ... 8J4 ,. Superior Oil 4?s . . Sweets Ce of Amer. 2'i . . Tenti Cep & Chem. . 9Ji . . Third Ave 20 .. Tidewater Oil 130 3 Texas Ce 48 Ti 4 Texas Gulf Sulphur. 65 Ji 1 Tex & Pac C ft O.. 235i 3 Tiinken Rell Br 33 ! . , Tobacco Products . 56 Ji 7 Tobacco Pred A.... P3 7 Tobacco Pred pf...108Vi ,. Transcontinental Oil 14 Ji 7 Underwood Typw p118 .. Union Oil 17 V 10 Union Pacific ...,147Ji 4 Union Pacific pf . ... 77 7 Union Tank Car pf.110 8 United Fruit 155 ., United Rwy Inves., 14J4 .. Unit Rwy Invest pf 30U .. United Retail Stores 81 iUSCIrd Fdy pf 69J ,. U S Ind Alcohol.... C8yi "a, IVi an '2 -; 57 ? 54 H t 1.9J4 !- 117 B 4? 1 2'i '' 20 r 130 -48 ij -65 U 'r 23 14 ; 33J4-1 5614 1 02?, 10814 ! 141-4- '4 3? 4 Vi' 1 2 2!-i 1 "I 118 " Ir r 147 ; 77 - 110 - 155 - 1414 4 30 14 81 -69 H -67 14 90 54 H 4 96J4!- HOVi-i 121 66 .1. 17Ji -40 li- 1?i 1 ..US Realty & Jinp. . ae ..US Rubber 54 Ji 96 Vi Hi "i J?i 8 U S Rubber lit pf . , 5 U S Steel 7 U S Steel pf...( 8 Utah Copper ..,, .. Utah Securities , . , Vanadium Cerp .. Van Raalte Ce... . . Va-Car Chemical, .1104 .121 V'4 . 66 14 . 17 Ti 41 U . 67 Ji 27 .. Vlvaudeu Inc 14Ji .. Wabash lOU ,. Wabash pf A 29 Vi 1 Weber & Hellbretier 12VJ 7 Western l'.lcc pw,..112Ji .. Western Maryland. 14?', .. Western Paclfla ... 16 C Western Pacific pf. 59 Ji s 1'4 H Vi !a Western Union Tel 112i 4 Westing i: & M. 61 l 10i 49 Ji 5Ji 10Ji . , Wheeling StU U..., 4 White Moter . . . . .. White Oil Cerp ... . , Wlcklre Spenc Sti. . . Willys Overland . , 6 . , Willys Overland pf 40 1 .. Wilsen & Ce 41 li 8 Woolworth F W...J02 6 Werth Pump IJ.... 60 Ji 1 Wright Aero 3?, J4 Ei-4WIJenl. Bank of England Statement .. 'O'W.u.i. Nev. II. -The WPOklv stittement of tne iianic or i;nulnnd stiewn tlm fulluvvlnyr chaiisvs In twuiida sterlln-r: Tnlsl reservn in. WW i,'H-'.gU; oireulutlen deer,.,l!IBll '," . vw, uuiuwii iiicrifanvu .aevi euer derreaxftil ai)7,0Uu; ether ilepenlts l!.4U'.0Oui public deposits lncra"ei enimviit securities deereusi-d 1,1.73.000 'rii. Irup.irlli;n nf the bank's ruerv In liability ls!3Wpe'r' ileni'J " Ir """ '"' Wt-C" " " Liverpool Cotten M.MJiT ni, HiKit. nil. . IJierpenl. Nev. . There waj HIIKCP AND I.ASIDH Rccelpl-. 1H00 lt"l Ueniand for spot cotton I iirli'i-H steady nn the basis uf an 22 Mllllts for mlililllnir at 1.1 .211.1. I were lli.OOil baits. The receipts bales, of vvhluh isen ImlfM u.m CLEARINGS , ...... J. J ... . , , :- ... today eemparu llh cur- ,'uiuici. itviii iiirauy 111 mi cany iieailnas, Hpet prltes were: American, mlddllim (air. ism "" yruv,'"',;" iPie. Aiiicit.ii. iiiiuuiiiiK tMlrs I latftr InlPsi Will nun m . 10.00cfjiie.jci middling. ir..4Bdi fully mldl fr mevlM firm until . two years) 1D-J1 MB I I I "! " w TRACTION STOCKS 1:80 Net P. M. CHrs. 1034- V4 43V4 1 101 -f Vi 34 - 1 Weakness of Central Asphalt Shares Causing Considerable Cemment in Trading Circles 614- '.1 Vt - H i Ti li The flrmnfM of the street rnllwny stocks mill the weakness of Ocncrnl Asphalt were the outstanding event of the tlny's operations In the local mnrket. . 1 R. T. cressetl S3, nn ever nlK'it rtnln of . There wns nlse tt frnrtlennl ntlvnitee in Union Trnetlen te 41. rhllndelphlft Traction hehllli',' firm nt 07. Tim improvement npprnrctl te litivc resulted from n belated njtpre njtpre rintlen of the Increased volume of trnOic the retnpnny Is deriving from the new Krnnkferd Klevnted. The ilifllctiltles experlenred in the opening of the new line nrc belnu rapidly over ever come and the new line is gradually working mere smoothly. In the matter of Income' return the current quotations of most all of the local street railway shares are conspic uously out of alignment with ether di vidend paying storks. This has been somewhat of n mystery te brokers spe cializing iu the street railway securi ties, and, according te their observn ebservn observn tlens. is result of nn apparent lack nf cenlidcnce engendered by the past nn wholesome history of these storks. These mutters are a thing of the past anil most of the iiii(lerllng mocks, ap parently lire iiuall.v in ns safe position as ninny ether stocks returning n much less income return en amount of dlvl dends paid. Although there .is evidently n com paratively Miinll leenl speculative In terest In the (Senernl Asphalt shares, the weakness of these Ksttes still at tmeted attention find came In for con siderable comment. The peel operations since the transfer of the market te New New Yerk have been uncommonly, bold, If net nudaeletis. lt is reasonably safe te say the wonderful performance of these stocks during the last three Tenrs liiul no relation whatsoever with the internal condition or workings of the company. It was simply n llnrlng exhibition of the familiar streng-nrm methods lip id i oil e often In recent years by cer- 50 - 2Ji 58 Vi- Vi 104 IVi 41 4- 1 73U4- 2V4 MTi-i- 3H 3314 10V4- 3H 52T4-I- Ji Vi 4Va Si 2 "'is H i t 8 Va 1?i Us !i IV-i Vi V 1. Ji tnln speculative combinations. Under the eireiiniMiinees, It would likewise bu coasetmbly Mife te assert, current dis turbing rumors circulated concerning the company's operations or Seuth American oil ventures furnish merely plausible excuses than reasons for the lowering of the market value. 1Ti Ji Vi 1 Philadelphia Stocks inn P. Af. " Net chgs. 4-iai Rich I-iv KMltAni Can. 7tJ 7i loll Am (Jits. . 7ti 74;s 75 . . 13,-.Ani 8trs..l:iVi 1:V ' HW,(, Vj lOOtAniicendn rilrN ."1 rilr;8 v's ! Klec Ster. M fill fitt .j RKJen Asnh. 4l!i 4!)i 41 111 2Tt Vi Ji 14 5! ! Ji Vi Ts Vi KMItHiidsen M 21 Hl HI ';, , l.itl Leh Nnv i,i i,i -f- v.. ntlLeh Vnl... 7Ts 7Ts 7Ts V s:t0 1'ennn It K 4S1J 47 47 t lli.'t I'enna Salt 8Ti t5 85 . . USlMillu Ce cum pf.. 4:5 43 43 Vi 244 l'liila Klec IVi 96114- 1!i 73 Ji- V4 52 ' . 83V4- Hi pref at-Ji Kl'a 2H Phil In W 43 43 215 I'hlln It T :i:Ps .'12',a ( l'htln True 07 07 .11 A'. "'Us-f- ti niltlteiuling.. 82Ti S2T's 82H-f Ts 255 Tone Helm IVa M.L- V.... W) rnleiiTrac 41 41 41 U 25 IJ (i I . . . . 51 14 51 4 51 4 li 5 depref.. 5514 GSVt CS'i . . Net rlianite miile by conii.irlen with luiit lie en New Yurk Hleck Kxchiinite. I'HILADKI.I'III.V BONUS I 14 1000 Liberty 2d 4i,s 2000 Amer (Jtis & Electric 5s 2IMM) Itethleliem Steel (is.... 1(1(10 Electric & l'eiTr4s... IIS. 52 8S lit I7l Vt 2Ji Vi, 1 I Ji H 2Vi Vi 14 t 'lV4 100 Electric & Toe Tr 4s. . . . 72 MI0 Electric & Pee Tr 4s.let.s 7t',i KIOII Lehigh Xavlgntien '54... !M'j 1(IIK People's Passenger t c 4s 74', 4 2IHI0 Phlla Electric 1st 5s..lets !s HlMXtPhila Electric 5Vis. .lets 100','; FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Nev. 0. Opening figures iu tlie foreign exchange mnrket today slieweil the following changes from yes terday's finals: Sterling up ; fumes. 79J4 4 tu up 11; ueigmns up n ; lire up ', : lJan Ji H4 Vi 114 isli tin 4; Norway up 10;ViJwedisli up 4 11 nil Dutch up 1. Swiss were down 1 anil pesetas down 2. Marks are up 'm. The rally was attributed te cev ering of speculators. Sterling cables were 4.40'vi, demand 4.40Vi ; frnne cables (1.41. checks (1.4(1 '4 ; Kelgian cables 5.S4, cheeks 5.h.'ii : lire cables 4.25, hecks 4.24V' ! Swiss cables 18.27, checks 1S.2I; pe seta cables 15.18, cheeks 15.1(1 Umilsh culilcs 20.10. cheeks 20.14; Xnrwav ca bles 18.50, checks 18.45; Swedish cables 20.8(1, checks 20.81; guilder caLles 30.12, cheeks 39.07; mark.s .01 7-lti. In the Central European exchanges, today features Included declines of 18 points iu Creek, 0 lu Czecho-Slovakian, mid 5 in Finnish, ltitiuiiiiian ami Serb ia 11 gained 2 points each, and Polish rallied u point from the extreme low record, (Quotations; Hulgurlun, .70; Itu miinian," .04; Serbian, l.ill; Creeks, 1.50; Czecho-Sleviiklnii, 3.10; .lime. Slnvlan, .41; Polish. .OOO".: l-'liiiilsh, 2.55; Austrian, .0014; Hungarian, .0004 h. 1 Tlie discount en New Yerk funds In Montreal today was higher at Js per cent. The premium en Canadian funds iu New Yerk was Vs per cent. Yi:.STEHOAV'B CLOSING QUOTATIONS Ji Mi i- 2!i Vi V-i Ti Mi !4 Vi Mi J4 Ti H 14 4 Ji H "li Vi Sterling- Francs I.lre Oullilera 4.4fl (l.ill 4.1IH- . 4 4ll'i ll.0 I M Demand Culiles vt 66J4 IJ4 272 JJK Vt 291'4-i '"li ,1214 4 ?i 14Js .. 10 - j; 59J4 .. 1125-i-i- 1 61 14 4. 74 10W I. u TODAY'S Ol'UNIKll QUOTATIONS rlterllna- I'rancs l.lre rjulldnr nd 4.4rtts 40i 4.1,'l'i lei n? ,.:::. . .w u.u tti sill . Demand Came MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW YORK Meney en cull, teth classes of ixillntrrn). uinlied today at S"j i.er cent for lendlnt.- and renew Ins. I'llIUVllKMMlIA Call, R ir cen; time, r. per cent: commercial p.ipcr, thrge te six months, 0 per cent, BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New Yerk. Nev. 0. 1IUTT..U p.ul, r. U-. ci'lnts, 17.SUT tub". I'HiMnu ster-li. 1 urrent miike. Ne. i!. a3.Vc. ether urades 5". thnnufd. 1K1U.S firm. Receipts. 10 fi.il pawn. KrcKh. Kntherid .extra flrslK, !.Hi.-,7-i de, tlrmii 4.1 B.'ii!ci I'nclllQ Const vvliltts. .xna, 73 4 SUe' de, llrsts te extra first". f.i & Tup. ' CIIUKSK steady. IUccIpih, hiioe Leih Quutatluns unilmOKt'd. w' Manhattan Ce, Doubles Capital Nrw Yerk, Nev. 0. A Heck dividend , irm n..r cnl will be piitinilili'il fm. ............ :. 49V4 5J4 4- 1014 . 6 4014- 40J4- 114 eeji-j- 2Ti 14- Vi te stockheldHrs of the lljijik of the Manhnttan Company, one. of the nldeat bnnKlnir Instltu- nuns 111 in" win..'. i,"'v.ri ". "pvi-mi meet. Ins- hire December 0, the lluctui.s 0f ttiu hank, whlili tr. is vnnmt form is,mi,in". ,i... i.tankQ rnunded by Aarun ltur. ...i V.... hecurttleM deerrfiaeil ii'iaT; "v. :';-.-;. 7": --.f .it, ". i7..- -,,M iw- anuer iininiiuni "'"J"" .I'wnn under u charter rant"d In liUU. havi, voted te In. cn-asn the capital from t.Vnuii.oeo te tin . Oun.OPO by the trannfer of a tiertlmi t,f th'e surplus nf the censira Ien tn the cuplli il Under the plan each eterkhulder of ucnrd at the close of business November m Wll reciive nn iiiuuun, v .iv biuvk tgmvalent te his hcldns nt the time. "u'taieiu enly a llm. today, with TIIK INVIHIBLK IIF.IJIKMAN Wireless control or Dstiieshlps Is advance nf Th. .ui. were Ifueu Am..i..nn .....v. .v..,,. na. Tnsn ins uia? aim. n ..t? l-.-i .hij. ...in fe..-i rr.7..T--. . s iwr iisisr ' jTiii null inmuiy missies at -"i" ."" Itsarl iiTSS: tractum in serious micmien of our nan fflclals. tU In the fall the baitlishlb Iowa, like a deemed ship, vlll steal ii; Isntly out te sen. deserted. irie, ji. Jlyfn( svsry behest of the navltttiter It ha. laft belli Gulf Oil Corporation of Pennsylvania 15-Year 5 Debenture Geld Bends During the past $12 years the con solidated net earnings of Gulf Oil Corporation and its subsidiaries, after all charges and dividends en its stock, have been retained in the business te the extent of $84,500,000. The present financing is te refund a 7 issue with a 5 issue. Price en application Guaranty Company of New Yerk 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Main Office! Guaranty Trust Company Building MO Broadway, New Yerk We de net guarantee the statements and flRures contained herein, but they are taken from neurccs which we believe te be reliable. its 7-- - 1 j tSBBlB' VT jT7 f TTBmssJfc -" f- ttfftapsSXkBI ( -i- . t--Tj12.-''si, jjjt vtSSBV 207 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA ANNOUNCEMENT On account ei the lijrge growth of our business, pertlcularlu (luring recent years, and te enable us at all times te give the best possible attention te the needs ei our constantly expanding clien tele, we have leased, for a long term, the Filth Fleer of the above budding, situated at the comer of Fifteenth and Walnut Street, where our Philadelphia Office is new located. Our Telephone Numbers remain the same Spruce 8100 8101, 8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8106, 8107, 7663 and 7664. Yeu ere cordially Invited te visit us in our new headquarter! and te inspect our Increased facilities for supplying your melt exacting rerrulremeuts. , Frederick Peirce & Ce. Safe investing is mainly a matter of knowing where te bitf your bends. ERNST iS ERNST AUDITS COST ACCOUNTING METHODS TAX SERVICE 2023 LAND TITLE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA Telephone Loeuet 2681 ELECTRIC UGHT & POWER BONDS Circular en Riquiat ARTHUR PERRY & CO. BOSTON Inveitmtnt Bendt v Lafayette Buildbf, Philadelphia New Yerk UllWIil O0 I PrevUM- P.S. ( I A... &flfiffllX&haiMSA .ftV" -n-t ;!?-" .u igVerj r -&!" s";