6."Tk mmma s .Ki $'mtm, WK TT1T fi f'lt, itwm XM?KT ..M2U A1 II 'JJfU PMt w.",rtM YEEr rsv n E. Of f l ' " .rf t.J k wtk MZfl.rll mm JLJLAXXX. Scholastic Athletes Start Preparation for Coming Basketball Season . )..' I " r ' : : : : : : T : : .' .."" TO HOLD NATUNAL HOCKEY TOURNEY Women of America Will Compete, Here for Highest Honors During Thanksgiving Week JO PICK ALL-PHILA. TEAM Fer the first time Mnce women's field fceckey wen Introduced te the United fltt. some two dcondes-or mere ngp, Mttenal teurnnment will be held te drtwmlne the hent tenir. In the country. The Idea of this nation -wide com cem trtltlSn an evolved by the Kseru tlvc KwnlWw of the newly formed United ffiis National Field tlerhey Aworln Awerln Z, of which Mr. Kdwnrd B. Krumb bar. of HiMtnut Hill, te president. Mr Kntmbhnar nnd her nw Intej aspect te mnke field, heeltey the national JJnw for girte of. this country, both In SHprlwr ml fnll.lwln.- te the rteiiiR mention of femininity whnt barabnll Kd football are te the youthful mnle. Heckey. as new played, under rule drawn in by the British phyeirnl direc tors, bi n rem.lt of their mnnv year' experience with the geme. N lcl;al ! for both (tlrli nnd wen.en, according te MIm Tenstenre Appleby, physical director nt Hen Mawr ("ellege nnd the first hoekey booster te Innd en our f-heren. TIiIh wnH wine twenty-odd yearn age, ind it wne net very smooth nailing nt first; but Ml-x Appleby persisted, nnd row hnn the satisfaction of t-eelng (he fame pinyni m wriwuiv ruij "" Scheel ami college in the Kast. Fer mnnv joure effort lime been made te bring Hryn Mnwr. Wellesley mid Vassnr together In friendly compe tition, JiiKt n Ynle. Princeton nnd Ilnr Tin! mict in nil branches of sport. Hut faculty oppetltlou has prevented until tUi year, plan Open Tourney But during ThnnkigUIng week there Mil be held nt the Philadelphia Cricket Club n competition open te any tenm In the country that thinks it linn n chance fur victory. Assurances hnve been recehed tlmt entries will be en band from Wellclev nnil Vnssur. while Brrn Mnwr, ncoerding te Miss Appleby, Mil be vcy much en the Jeb. However, the rellrce tenm will net be entered I itich, hut merely ns iudlvidunl tenir.x. It h alae expected tlmt Kosten, New Tork nnd possibly even Chlcnge will end elevens picked from (he best play er in tliee respective cities, while nn All-1'hllndelphlu team is ulrendy in process of fermntlf n. The task of selecting; nn All -Philadelphia eleven hns been wished en n committee composed of Miss ArmiicUl nnd Miss hast, Kngllsh hockey experts who came ever thin fall te conch Mime of the local club tennis nnd try te rnise the tamlnrd of piny in this country; Miss Hazel Coffin, of the Germnntewu Cricket Club: Miss McLean, of Itlvcr Itlvcr ten; Miss Mnrls, of the Philadelphia Schools' Heckey Lengue, nnd Miss Bead, of the Philadelphia Cricket Club. A scries of trinl mntches will be held t the St. Martins Club nt frequent intervals. The first of these tests was taged c8terdny, nnd there wns n fair lized turnout, some twenty-II vt girls and young women being en hand. Twe teams were picked at random and sent ngnlnst ench ether, while fre quent substltutieni. were ninde se rhnt all present were enabled te show their wares. There nre seme excellent pliers in the Schools' Lengue nnd it would net be urprlslng if two or three of them aade th All-Philndelphln tenm, though they will have te hit nnd held n speedy pace te bent out the stnr.s who com posed the elewn that went te Knglnnd two ears age nnd fought under the Vimiter my colors against tlie eleveu British invaders Inst fall. Mlis Tewnscnd en Team Miss Anne Townsend, who formerly Played for the Merlen Cricket Club, but i new one of the mainstays of the Kirerteii Country Club's eleven in the Intemub League, is practically nssuren of a place. She lias been the enptnin nnd center forward of the All-Phlludelphin team for the last two years, and is about the best wieldcr of the crooked mallet ever developed in this district. Mrs. C. C. Mndcrin, who before her marriage uns Miss Snrnh N'ellsen lind a corking geed tennis player as well as clas'.j hockey stnr, is one of the best goal tenders in this district, while .Miss ULi,,',w,,"M fombinntien play With Jliss lewnsenil lms nuwln Tllunr. ten Inte a t hamplnushlp contender this! Tear. aIe rnnnnt lu verlnnl,i -"i Then there Is MIf,s Ilearns, n former Bryn Majw tar; Miss Mary Mor gan, ai.et her lumlnnry developed bv MIm J Applebv at linn Mnwr. Miss Charlette nnd Miss nilanheth Chesten, ntCri' ?f uv- n,ul Mrs- "ndcllffe enllv'."f c '" , "HI. who- nre aMntf t"" K,0011 ,0 ,,(' Icft " the We Hues, and n Imsi t ..t,..u u pems f t. RIim(i whom Jt j f Jelt te tee emitted from the llnnl lli.e- J'"! nil the teams in the K?J? JST" h?p , beneilt "f this fii "t'"K ,ly 1:,,R lsl1 -lructew Thl. !.. ""'," "." K,,,R ruI". .Progress. --.- .v,.nuc , Luiniieseii Censhy Coach ' l':lr"-'- , V, "'iii'iin mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmitm THREE GRID TEAMS 11921 CAGE CHAMPS ARE OUT TO REPEAT ARE AFTER CROWN Lewer .Merlen, Norristown and Berwyn te Battle for Suburban Honors WINNER MAY PLAY ST. JOE WALTER FRENCH Fermer Wwt Point football star, who is coach nnd quarterback of the Conshehocltcn eleven HOLMESBURG SIGNS SEVERAL NEW MEN Fermer Penn Star Will Oppose Con Cen Con hehocken en Saturday Mnnaeer 'WnHer Hlilsnlpr. nf tlm Helmesburc football eleven, will have several new players In the Hnr-uii of the big auburbnn team when they meet Conshehockcn in the iinnunl gridiron clnsh nn Saturday at Conshohocken. .Shlssler is net ecrtnln who the new comers will be, but one will likely be it former Itcd and liluc star of note. He will u!m) be in the (.'Mine the following week against Frunkferd. Helmesb'trg fans nre net In the least dismayed nt the 0-te-2 setbnek en Sun day by Melrose. Manager Shissler snjs his team should liae wen b three touchdowns, nnd the fumbling of two players was responsible for the defeat. A big 'delegation of funs will oc ec oc cempnny the team te Conshohocken en Saturday. Moterbusses will leave Ulinwn street for Conshohocken In plenty of time. This plan was made necessary nt the last minute owing te ii slipup in making arrangements for the usual speclnl train. Jlelmesbury Is out te win ns they want te enter then their Frnnkferd game undefeated. Majer Under, of At lnntlu City, may be nn official nn Muttn-- day ns he is expected te necept the in vitatien of the Conshohocken A. A. The ironworkers mnv nlnv Krnnkfnnl nfi November 2.", according te reports. KARNAC-LOGAN'S GOOD WORK Germantown Eleven Adda Racine te Lilt of Victims ' Knrnnc-Legan, wiilrdi has been set-, ting n fast pace among the traveling foetbnll teams, scored its latest achieve ment ngninst Itaelne. The latter was completely eutplnjed und benten at its own game. Racine, noted for its lilie-plunging backs, was stepped in nearly every period. Counting flrt downs Karinac had 22 in 0 for Itaelne. The hall was In Ilncine's territeiy virtually all the time the play was called with the ball en Rnfine's ."-jnrd line following nn argument. Knrniic in enen for tills Sntiinlnv nnd would like te henr fiem Phoenix- vllle, Luncnstcr or nny lirst-class team. Karnnc ts traveling exclusively this year. Fer game adi res A. F. Ilnleer. 41)04 Yerk read, or phone Wjeming, 3731 during the day. Wlssahlcken Wants Game Saturday The Wl.nuhlclten fentball tenm. wclxht 185 puundH. huU a Kiitnc with (!ernmnteMi (or Snlurdny, but the cmi wim HUit.Vnly cancel-!! thlH mernlntr. Any team ulshlmr this attrnrtlen hhuulil c ill O K. Yuuiu. Victer 21)10. Fer the first time in many yenrs nn undisputed chnmplen nmeng suburbnn high school elevens looms. In previous years sevrrnl tennis elnimed thejnvth innl honors nnd enlv Inst fallwlryn Athyn Academy nnd AblngtenwHIh were both in tike front rank, while Hwnrlhmere Prep nlse put In u clnlm for the honors. New with the npprench of Thnnlts giving nnd the end of tli6 gridiron sea son the denesters nre nsnin httsv cnlmr ever the records of the vnrleus auburbnn elevens. Three ten ins stnnd out ns con-tender-i for thc coveted title which Is nnnnnllv awarded. Added Interest ts ntrtiehed te the selection of the premier tenm this yenr due te the fnct thnt Ihe Rrewn University Alumni linn de cided te nlvc n eup te the chnmplen. According te the plans of the Brown Alumni, in ense two schools stnnd out nhnve the rest, h post-sensen gnme will be played te decide the winner. Lewer Merinn High. Ilerwyn Utah nnd Norristown High nre the only tennis thnt ran claim the title nnd en the ontreme of this trle'R futuregnmeH will rest the decision as te the title bolder. Lener Merlen hns been un defeated te date, nlthnugh tied by Iler wyn. wliilp Norristown hns net even been held te n tie nnd recently defented Ilemllnir High, one of the best tenms in the State,. Berwyn Defented Once Uerwyn is ranked among these pres ent, but u close survey of their record shows thnt in addition te the tie with Lewer Mellen, the Ilerwyn boys hnvu one defent nn their record. This set '"'k i-nme nt the hands of West Cath olic High. Lewer Merlen has proved its class bv downing LniiMlewtie High, i-onquerers of Penn Charter, nnd lias also scored "'"'Nldeil victories ever Ahingten nnd t heiu-nhnm. two ether suburban rlvnls. Twe games remain en the Ardmore fM," schedule, one with Hndden HcIkIiN ami tlie big nime with Undnnr High for the Main Line title. Fer the tirst time in t-evernl .enrs Lewer Merlen is the fnverlte te win this gnme.- since Itndner hns nlrendy bowed te Lans Lans dewne and Ilerwyn. At Norristown the team under Coach iimmerman nns neen bowling ever nil opposition, and incidcntnlly rolling up 'n record total of points n't the snme time. Am team thnt can take en Phee- iiiAvmi- jukii nun Heading liigii en successive Sntuidays nnd turn in vic tories ever both deserves some con sideration. Four morn gnmes still re main en the Norristown fcchedule, but none of these battles is with tennis in this section, nnd in cempnriug local elevens these coming battles can be dis counted, legnrdless of the result. The games still en the Blue und W bite schedule are Lnnsferd High, Bethelehem High. Allentown High nnd the Cnivcigity of Pennsylvania fresh men second team. Norristown Confident Incidentally. Norristown High is confident of finishing the year unde feated and plans te challenge the win ner ni i ue city title with n view te becoming Kastern champions. Fnns nn the Srhujlkill feel that the citv title will go te the winner of the St'. .Testph Prep-Cntlmlie High K,MP 0 lhijnksgiiiiig Day. This iew Is tnken with tin- epectatien that St. Jeseph will defeat Penn Charter tomorrow in tin- big mterleague game of the tear. Providing Noriistewn cm win the Hubiubnn title, n game between Zim merman's pets nnd flie Catholic League winners would be n greuX grid treat. Southern and Catholic High Schools Each Have Four Veterans ARRANGE STIFF SCHEDULES u By PAt'L PREP Twe bnsketbnll fives thnt reigned su preeo nmeng the city school teams during the 11121 cnge sensen, namely, Southern Hlijh njid Catholic High, nre well fortified for the coming campaign. Each quintet has four players bnck from the Inst yenr tenm, which wen the pennants in their respective leagues, nnd have, ninny candidates out for the one position le be filled. Southern High, although net having four regulars has four player who have worked in the innuhlne. Twe of the players nre classed ns regulars because they participated in mnny of tlie games last year. "Mcnehy" Cieldblntt and Feley nre the veterans, while Lin nek nnd Llcbcr man nre almost sure of being en the first 11 ve. Conch Mueller's big problem is fill ing the gap made by the. graduation of "Beds" Slterr, center man. Hhcrr whs considered the best plvetjn the lengue last j ear. If he is unable te develop n geed tap-off from the mnny thnt re pot t, Meuller intends te shift one of his regulars te the position. Frem present indications it will be one of the two new plnjers, Llcbcrman or Lit nck. A stiff schedule hn.s been nrranged. Starting the latter part of I his month the team will play twenty-four games, closing Februnry 27. A difficult situation which will face Mueller cemen in Februnry with gradu ation. He will lese all but one man, Liebermnn. Then his troubles will start its he has te face home strong teams from thntf time en. Legan, McNnlly, Maxwell and Clif Clif eord nre the four members of last year's Catholic tenm, and Schnnf, a brilliant forward of the second teum, will fill fn the position left vncnnt by the gradu nrien or mptutn ceney. Twe of the four nre tdnying feet bnll, nnd will he In geed shape for tlie opening gnme, which does net come, until the I rst week in December. They nre MrNnllv nnd Maxwell. The for mer will play his Inst year of basket- uun. it is nlse iiis font tn. In his freshman year McNnlly tried for the tenm nnd succeeded in ob taining n reaular berth in the latter part of the season. He has held it ever since. He was the best center of tlie Catholic League the last two seu seu sens. The Catholic-Southern bnttle, which generally results In u grcnt tussle. Is ngnln down en the card for the sc.-i-ren. This time, however, the game will be played In the Catholic Auditorium nt Beard and Vine streets. Within the Law Thia tabtl meant what it tay COLLEGE FOOTBALL Pittsburgh vs. Pennsylvania Saturday, Nev. 11, 2.00 P. M. Reserved Seati, $2 and SI. SO Tlcktti new en tali t Olmbeli', Spaldlnir'a and Athletle Council Office, 3305 Walnut St. aTistWaTlljWllf t iatWstaSl Sml i BITS FOR PIPE OF J ALL MAKES STERNER ClOAIt STOftB 20-N-l2$T. $0.50 $200 $g.00 Pure Lambs' - Weel Sweaters Mill Orders given prompt attention Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Fitrni$hinga Incorporated 724 Chestnut Street AthUtie Geed CHESTNUT ST. AHENA S. E. Cor. 15th It Chestnut Sti. THURSDAY. NOV. 9. 8:30 P. M BENNY BASS VI. JACK PEHEY 4 Other Battling Qoed Btttlsi e uln Mm. Friend ..? Ml.... T the Mnrv 1......... j.i ii.. Hns Ins Sehoe. nt Mcrle FrlemU- .' " . " .' ll". .Tmniiten th .a ;, ""'inner teum nn fcr'if.ith,1 Tls L V 7 "iiTnjun fni. fc tj n intercltib Lenirue nnn u .. .. .. ,..,., 4rt ilwl ii Q inCP Will imr-t.,,,.. th. tltf; .I.". . " i" "" Ulverten for Una . rf ,.r.""" P "" t. Mar- tHtti h. I"".'"' "J"'"' teams ?r yet. but in.iX'VT. rnsen J f the race wi"" "'.'" "W Wa V., te t hem COM- In adtonce te lik'htliu' en.1 .1...... . . . . -- wruicil tlin P ,,..!.... "OUt te ee il ,.i i "' " l" "Hl'llnrf "pyanuIdBrab JIMMIES OPPOSE SPHAS Phll.y Flve H J(nx fop Downtewners n Seuth Salter ft. bin n?il ' ''"'"''''Idiln HMoiwiteu,, .?" ,,mr 1 the side '"UL'taWy in? X .!1. "." M and .Wtteff.:. mmmmmimmmmmm M 9pv!IHH mm ! ,- i-assiin ""I Illlle. tlin Manager .Wt I'l Ihn 1, nl..,P.t,c,s ,"' Mihtlne th tealtht n elv !'.'n. ,'"" they p y Hani : .'"aieti lnii " j'" in hip QrSO'!ffi-3 la liV.","1.'" 'nn.munl und BE !V flWlBfr.a'BWWS 3 DEALERS THE BARLEY SIX Reamcr-built FOR years the makers of the Reame, America's Smartest Car, have built te a standard of highest quality. Fer years the Reamer has out-rivaled any ether American meter car for sheer beauty. New this same Organization is producing, as a fitting companion te the Reamer, the Barley Six Touring at $1395. The Barley Six leeks better, per forms better, rides better than any car yet produced under $1500. We make this statement as a deliberate challenge te your investigation. We ask you te see . and drive the Barley Six. AUe THE BARLEY SIX 8EDAN - - $1850 THE BARLEY SIX 8PORT SEDAN, $2230 BARLEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Kalamtioe, Michigan PHILADELPHIA ROAMER CO. Poplar 2346 842 N. Bread St. ' A FINE CAR AT A FAIR PRICE '095 r.O.B.KeJjmuM LYMPIA BOXING N.'.l 1-read 4 alakriJi.ray 5 EIGHT-ROUND BOUTS S MURRAY vs. SIDDONS WII.ME MIKE HARMON vs. SHULTZ WH1TEY DANNY FITZGERALD vs. ROGERS J1MMY JOE HANLON Vs. RENO SAILOR K. O. FRIEDMAN vs. LAUQNLIN riinr Tpnillpp'M 1-nnt l-npl.ip V4n if.c.A u lmnn'. t. E. Ter. Rh S. MrKi-.in Ni MrTnllniwh. HIS Seuth"" '" riuiKn. inw. si. ii.se, SI and $i Hrutm nil anlp. Slain AM.. "-,Tt . Rlerp. 8S H. nth s. wilnnl H PAR tmcjiritfecmt of Arrew COLLARS A Style for Fall mm -"wm f 'HslaaV its i iaaaW ' 'A r 'if i -Pm tfc fmrk ' ry ) ..... LV-WP-. . . PJ j i s Hr la real opportunity, Writ., wire or pi en for th- full ttery of th. BtrUr 8x d.aUr ireiin'H-" ONE COAT mmimammmmillZHZZZl-. T." "Ll "." " " m 'Alt- Va FWtfi THE STETSON I AV alaWIU I lV, WihlM m. -X T'HE Stetson stiff hat featured as fJ Mfi the style leader for Fall. We are r . fwE A fn7inrit0 iimVA Kit pleased te present this smart shape 7 ?5e&& flUU UV Wllfl M Mnnlll? the season for dcrbies is Xm substantial men m - sfmBBL jfm Admiral, 15 cents M O-u . V SLmm Perfecto, 2 for 25 cents H ' OLGtSOIlr 0WBSS Populates, 10 cents ,224CheStnUtStree0fcw& 'Jjm OTTOEl,ENLOHR&BR0,,Ine. 1 MmmJBtl PhUad.lpbla EUublUb.d i860 H HAT STORES EVERYWHERE JBjIMSJlH -&M aalQKi re'TY.sHHaB 'it' . WtF' aBaWsaaaaaaaaMalaaaaaaaW2 tx. W y 8J ay Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj- Kit . t1t,txt: , , t.'ilSvifc,y. ' . !i " TKAlNllll SIITIr L'v ZZ iiis it "v. trv aijf jf i si im mrm u i i t-- - aasL. bbbbbbi aim bkvbb s iwcns-a JN. atrrssL ' ..xt or mi a-. i J-rT &" ,m.rm,m t marmur iaav r s.t i ia ' vii i : its 'm rwrr, je.- vi -i.vV7.n i t:tj im vbisbw iivi vr V3p' l Jrl J f Jl ' wrf i iWmi I ' B I JaSrT -1 W it mv I 1 ; Will If V TTT mKb ' William H. Wanamaker Stere News 1217-19 Chestnut St. VmMiUIMIUIAViWAVMAUX NOT THREE Anthm Our Evening Dress Clethes Are Famous $45, $50, $55, $60 These suits have been designed in the very newest styles, Their fabrics match these used in dress clothes made te meas ure that cost as much as $150. New Seft Hats v $3 te $6 Grays, tans, browns, black and mouse colors. All new shades. Sold mere soft hats this Fall than ever in our history, because the prices are right, quality considered. The "Hurlingham Club Overcoat' Because of Its Special Three-in-One Belt, Gives a Man a Ceat of Three Separate Stvles TN ADDITION, every purchaser receives ap u, mayen, made of the same plimenti ' Ur Cm" Se unique is this belt feature that pat ents have been applied for at Washington, SjiVrh ? h a, rea!dy tercel and pro tected the Hurlinghain coat label in the Department of the Interior. $30 te $75 By removing the belt entirely, vu have a full, voluminous, comfortable overcoat by retaining one-third of the belt veu hwe a coat half belted in the back, and bush the belt all around, you have a snug-fitting styhsh-shaped garment. b " wir he 2Pylth ea?h coat ia nialng the WilheraH. Wanamaker Stere the eve?ceat Mecca of the town. , B. T. STEDniNO. Orn 7rt -- . Wtnightly W AIIIU A in 16 cluys . Frem Vancouver, B. C, rU Victeria By mrUQc.nt great Canadian Pacific Octan Flura Emprvss of Canada Ernprasa of Australia Cmatrasa of Russia Empresa of Asia Apply te telafnti or CANADIAN PACIFIC At.. I'asa Utl't M.iJ.ien A b ..t ji tjj CcBlnut at.. Il, tit t . .1 .. r.n . ..,,... ,,. . C CUAYTOrv. ClLV lim Ar?f I 'I i..-...... . ....... .... Wll NAWSCO LINES T v Will Lead .? Express Freight Steamers for Pacific Coast Ports, Week et November 6 te 11. S. S. Neponaet nevr leadinir! delay?6 arC '" position le hai,d,e 'our shipments without Fer Rates anil Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. I'heiit' Lembard r,7ll-2-:i; .Main 7781-2 lllG S. Civ ncrs im Imur I eurth St.. Phila. fMALLOY TRANSPORT LINES, In Operating U. S. Geu. S.'u'p, GENOA. LC.He"RN, NAPLES. MARSEILLES USSB S S "City of St. Joi.pL"..Nef. 9 GENOA, NAPLES. BARCELONA USSB-SS "City of Cnrtka" . Nev. 23 GEYELIN & CO.. Inc. Vh , ,,. 108 S. Fourth St., Pl.i 1. w uomeara oil Mam 779 J i ?79t I ."-J UOLLA ti D I'UUM.M AMWiSCAUNE NLW VOKK'IO KOITKICUAM i. ". fBLAKE LINESl Regular Service fHiLAUhLPHIA te MANCHESTER U.S.S.B. SS "WiM.sJaiM". Net. IB GLYELIN & CO., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phil.. LmbatiJJ.1.t. n 7781 mm - "; .ikiiu rnr A. KI.AKK X CO. jlla tmm,upiiaitnt u, x Uev. Okift, BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH USSIJ S S "Monmouth". Nev. 2f GLVLirTTTTrCU., Inc. Lembard 5144 Uain jwm V Mft4 SOJIKKBAH ...V.,. ..Kt i J"' ' r,- '" aaiuawa AalaU'iaUiaV . T"mm tk&W&tofatfe.& faiwaaar taut it., ruu. - AM m JB"r',!i.! -r-.-, w, m, mm m ..is.:.ii.. y.a. 'T .. s.;!.vvr. ' '-' 'I '&M . .-. ,rrtteffxmwi iff i.. . J 1'S. T J itl. --' "fi'aMVflaaTaWd