fc ' BVEN1N& PUBLIC LBDGBE-PH1LADELPM1A, mVHtDAY. ' VfemktiXWfifiW r - " - '-IJ :: r. ' ' American K; :v i $ Mmh Ml. m m Lfji .! I 'Hi I Ml i 81 5& f if 'I M I at I 'T t a i :ff I m a 4 $ ffiS m. , frkV 193 WOi fpj em 14500 a $110,000 yew A CERTAIN ahampoe manufacturer Invested $6,500 for fete metfatt beginning In The American Weekly. Hie appropriation for 1923 in $110,000. Wit 1920 L MAaceCyanM The most EXCLUSIVE publication lHE most exclusive in the sense that Ne ether one medium reaches 3,500,000 families in America, Ne ether one medium reaches 22 of all the people in America that can be reached by the printed English word. Ne ether one medium concentrates its circulation in the twelve most populous sections of America Ne ether one medium offers advertisers the opportunity of using a full size newspaper page in COLOR (three colors and black) in a magazine eagerly read weekly in mere than one out of every Ave homes in the country. Ne ether one medium in the advertising world has shown such huge growth m se short a space of time a growth that is the direct result of such responses secured for advertisers as have been entirely without a precedent in the whole history of modern selling or advertising. W 1990 Frem $32,000 te $120,000 a year THE appropriation of a feed product has in creased since 1920 from $32,000 te $120,000 la The American Weekly. 1922 Frem $44,000 te $88,000 m year A WIDELY advertised face cream doubled fcs IflO appropriation te $88,000 in The American Weekly for 1922, "EXCLUSIVE" is the em word that adequately describes the tremendous sales-making energy of the American Weekly a medium that has the largest circulation of any periodical published a magazine that is intensively read by every member of the family in no less than three million Ave hundred thousand homes. By the test of actual experience, by solid evidence of results obtained, the full color pages of newspaper size which the American Weekly offers advertisers have proved te be the most successful unit of publicity yet discovered. That advertisers have been alive te the possibilities of this mighty sales force at their command, is evidenced by the tremendous increases in space used in the American Weekly amounting, in some instances, te a thousand per cent a 1921 HL mnM Furniture TR 1922 A two MMBKEBak gHlf TcvthPaste HI These graphs strikingly illustrate hew ten leading advertisers have increased their appropriations in The AmericanWeekly Fran 15,160 te $94,665 a year A FURNITURE concern tried out The American Weekly In 1920 with $5,160. This year's appropriation has been $94,669 IMS Frem $12,000 te $66,000 a year THE manufacturers of a teeth paste invested in The American Weekly in 1920. $12,000, in 1921, $23,000, in 1922, $30,600. Their 1923 appropriation is $66,000. 1920 k B5 Perfume 1035 022 k AMMTttletSecUj an L An Cigarette j Frem $16,000 te $60,000 year IN 1920 $16,000 was spent en cer tain cigarette. This year $60,000 is being invested in The American Weekly. Frem $4fi00 te 138,400 ytar THE appropriation for a well known face powder in The American Weekly in 1920 was $44,000, Fer 1923 It is $138,400. 1921 BBBBbVbIBBBhBBV 1929 BDL Bmmw A DruqPreductiL. Frem $80,710 te $120,000 m year THE manufacturers of a high grade per fume spent $80,710 in The AmericanWeekly in 1920. Since then their appropriation haa been increased 50 ? te $120,000. Frem $22,000 te $120,000 a year THE makers of a toilet soap Invested in The American Weekly in 1920, $22,000. In 1922, they Increased it te $60,000. Fer 1923 their appropriation has Jumped te $120,000. Frem $33,200 te $142,101 a year A SALES agency for certain standard pharma ceutical preparations has jumped from $33,000 in 1920, te $142,101 in 1922 in The American Weekly And these are only a jew instances of the record increases made after thorough tests of the giant salespreducing power of The American Weekly for products of every type IT IS obvious that such tremendous increases could only be based en RESULTS. It is proof unquestionable that tremendous mass circula tion, concentrated en the great centers of mass population, does bring unprecedented results. And it is the best evidence that shrewd adver tisers have proved that the use of FULL COLOR PAGES OF FULL NEWSPAPER SIZE is the most powerful means of moving mer chandise ever placed at the disposal of manufacturers who seek, or have obtained, a distribution nation wide. The American Weekly is issued with the Hearst Sunday newspapers in the following cities: NEW YORK- American BOSTON -Advertiser MILWAUKEE-Telegram SEATTLE-PesMntelligencer ROCHESTER-Americcm DETROIT-Times WASHINGTON -Times SAN FRANCISCO -Examiner evtj a rT tot a: r"unrAfir xiijj&t?-: att axttta m j me tth n oiiviveii-AfrwrtiiMi- viiivrxvv-nciuiu muiHuwi rA. Avru. xx jcwg"" we n0ULi)--bxaminer THE AMERICAN WEEKLY a. j. kebler, Manager New Yerk, 1834 Broadway; Chicago, Hearst Bldg. Read by 3,500,000 families"! you want te see the color of their money use 'color'" A. J. K tilTs EWWMi, W k& -, vi- 4W tfUv.i .A, I . ff. ..1 s, Mrt ' I-1, -"fi'r' mWy--T - , f ttLij&LM