LP pjv 't et-r-SK SA&SJir WiCI .aa ? Oiicage Tribune ftnrishes England with news of Europe and .Asia TO-DAY'S- COXTRREftCK THE TORES WHAT EMaL HOPES TO SECPffi. liwiilw ! MiVAK,v?y!.-A -USD OBftBAU immM mmclL tMinm'rsiawimijfX. uauta fob late maniMi :AtfP:'x:' 2HEM?ajaikajaMiaii MHf yMHMfM awTjfr rau ausza a biutub w mtmiBiwiinwi ftEC If AWCKZRTHI tfPA PtAif. TfrMJftAT. flAjpEft & Wtt -- JMaaaakkMaiaBlaBBBB' 3WMAJ(Wt liilliigltflMirtevJ :T'4!W' 'ifflt!f ?ai&aj"MAtt: :-v.vHtttW.' .'': T .-.-:ajk Msaweii.' ...... --r-r"v ' 'vAViVni "j . .'".f.'i"." v. .V " " V - . . .... . . . :?:: t: ' a .... .' ',,.,' w .. miyu'iuyHwr iw mmri v. i i BIMW 1. anew minimi. mm 'UTOWmOl H rWKI-aFMHBHMJHIM BBBBBB1 WtTE&,4:-,.::tl. Mtfl inicnC?.' W&W?tvyveX anumMK B aEra:vw --- a2. t,,i,i":;:; ?2ES$&1 oTOuer. Mb jwftiJllMi!E3if!r,'(iw,i . 5Ls.rW-:ft.ffT??R?.v tutr e wr Bam bbbbbj f CiSTiKi tr!r(".'';"''l) .;L.ik.alM; B OtU Swift. "CMean H ES2K3HNffilSnRr,'SrU(fi Trtbunj" SrilCjrm- J .a. MBa,Mti ' ' ', .: ;H"wiitviNi . tika.tka m j-. .....-.. n mum. SSEEBESm - iri ?ri, jh!12? T-.lrsTi SsrajiJfi5ss5i5 S"5SftffitttSiS 'MtiHskS ""S bH ileu . . M ! '"f'.' W"U5VVZI2!32?3T ht fry f . " mn h- ZZs.'r iraWwg a.wg5i am p ". H a. m u tan ''n. ??""? ffiiiiTSh Kuril '."-"'i1-J- -- pmvvv.,-.f-" '.v j 'i !, ; iiitii jtS'wfijir,lSLSP ,IM " 1 Hhft:2SHr2 MffliviS HSS SS&t'trJs'sss SteKS iSSSSfflSS c-ss122 bp?? ?saSSsrii w5v:--a jtesawa ww? mcgwfT'stgag Ss&SSs H U?. J5:i sesan5SiSss Sa'L,,ffliga)trrzr.ra csasssnM) asx'cissa H .'-"',' ---?-!"-"- eJsissMBtaa! scr .-jhiw- pjasasiarjasiwWi l&tfSSMunB SftsnTUtncfb WBMi W If MaV M ? IMMilMIHWM WVaf tf iH1M MMfcV4i'Mrfa kwUL. imta U Mm iMiaa a hi KA hM '(! ',...'. I AlTulaS Jh TmEmm BWMr. Mite B aMHB. teM aaks am BBWaWal WM ". lUifciM mgiM iimii f ! )Ji. m nTlb 1 .- - 1 ' .iraXWl ili(!,: .-.. STSrXwMSrSiMiMi .;....:; .t in . 1. tJg tHg ifcti.i.iiiMi ?.".'r'?''.T.', t"','" ti!iiifi 11.11 n 1 it '1 - r-r- L,..;'VUujf4-,M.i. ' '"WW-. :.. "ilTiSSjrJ nSTSiMK SiriJTJSlsc-w rsssrr-trsns SfKCTwSSS: -. r-- "...; .-?- gfrgafewgrjKg SrHHH5 SyS-SSS H k kilfi i I 'irr II laiilM I artu Ha hikiill fain v kHukui 1 t.mrn "..".". TS. .'... .....,.,...,.VJ "w? "J" JJ2JSLJtkZrgJ2 Mkk. wkSZk tSAS'Wff.ff ? .tti i n i.i mm if "ift rsg:yj,.jL'j -.-- kBB at-attK'iarkUJi'SJl'S gSS?iSr 3 r., -.-l.--a-a---.-. KStTO.mmm:m.'mmm TS.TZimmmwSXmTmS ii ik- ii ii k a. . a - fc T!T-.?rTr mA ". : " aaa n.(,, t-. m Mwg .. tJTS H a atrj-7vr srsr K-r--ra,s,,sst.,s '; ::w..iwaw,:-""' k-v:CT!Lri v-rst "wmm .t ;,:. 'jxy?rra-a S EJsSiS As kia. -! kankiMia.wii . :':"-''atlln. - . ai mvm. km u.1 :, "KaU'-.." a" ifufwaja SST4 V? kaJSTC-TS mJr a Imi 1 iMkii- y. " ai. !Si.i.'.'J"WbS"WiiPI II 'ikap u qM a. nMMll .1"Mllf yawr ikkf MhjHW- -. nim.kiil w. l f W9LdKa 7mtm7mtmmtmmmm::i . ' ' ""Wl "IW" V1'""8"8 ','ll"Ul) ' "" &Xrt&l&immlB8V&m "!X.-n.rr.r,..S V. afllWa. flK t'--aa?l,-aaaakrSS-?n-a-a."ara 'l--?; ISKvlSl H i r.rt r "'-' ' "- ;?ilJf,'ltt "-v " T?: Attegga!ja Bj f-x x CKSi'fi's r"""! ris&kVrkatr .Vj.vSjC''--.- '-ivr';': -rMijJM H vfliikv 1 mmWt m mm M. FW M H) MM M rf a Mjaaaa AaaHW SW " Ii a MHMJ te M 4a aaak M M 'Tmi ATV . fl V.' QJm. V SA .. . . TlaiaaaV flKa.,!?T . .. ' Mha-.v.a. J "- -" - - - " H b nBaVaWaVjBLV tl aaaw.aj WMactMtfcaaaJftaaaMaateaaaa- Mj M TM V ' BfcaaadaU 1T !aV - , 1 'r wi iifTiAWB . . .. .uami.nkHkui.ij... x J AaB "tH 1 VaV P" aa BHIBa BBaa, M a. -- EaWk. aaam aa aakaa )( BM (! paj BaBk ajajaj-. 'tmmmtmtr AVmTWWBmfli f jj.lrTTT ,iai.-'. VMtF ..aaaaa. .'. .. Aaaaaa ana MaV kaaatlii i-m ..'. BfaVaVaVafal VI- a. aBaafaBaBr afawaVx jTSmmmtrmmTlmmmtmrSi H 'MftiaaalwWjir P lCJSJ2,at,'aaa-?Er',,,-:" aS - (Jf mTmmmmmmimmpmlmtmt aaaatHllrIMyMMfWaW-alfc iMlMalM-lha) , .W7lt!,.,1 . i FVJt ' - JtJWPfe-! T,IZ-A aTftaa 7 JTy WW 1"' " ' ' '. . At. JUMV H Jfl. . & T a--.k-jka-aTT ZZSTalaJrjraja .aafcak.ni.fcia.-a,'. MMiMafflriy::"" -L-.).. ..:u:j;v.h"i q?taggrgniw a Jyw-mx Uroemif ! fc w T VkafV .w'!aia-ai,-.a'a.Staiai"ZSa- WaaMBjx:;A . i ( : . wr ,nju ..., jjZ-y!fc'3kgav:''?:':::': i"T.w V rn r JfStj!!"j?J",aiai I fc)kkkaj Mil mmmm j-kii j ,!- ' vviX-Ws! "Jg;' V jT ''' II1 ' 1"-"-"" ttY1' lllllh Ul ' " " ' " '......'...""'.) BBBi vi 3 k " F tl F ai f aaaa aa-ia iikkk.i nkiaaaikki JTmK'.m.!T!tii.r7m-.!mmm ... v ': atWav.v ... i?. -kfftaki7T . ;arj.xatnr.k .,,. A.'frrT7. ,- " a t Tr V. i WMJM-Mi MaMMafV !! aa- y.---, - aaaaaaja ajaka MaTaW tka -MM aajaaaaa -f ,- , , ,,,' ," , ' A" ..- TV . V i , f Tllnr liT Tl-ll nlnTYnlnl' A"T"T?"lBW"WlfWWMUi A M anaN K I t M ia.li aa.a,ai nnii.i5iaai Baa. j' IwitkiaMWalakkMki m . uaat ".' &nW&aK uSS'J'iKS'ij' "' ' ' 'H S,. 1 Ki V- i f H l." i iiaaTaai-iaii aTTai - ::'aaaaaaai--tia.: (ac'w55 JaV T A 4kaa-a-tL fflfl"-SS kaaaaaaa.a lfcSSk'' fSTaaZ-'.at ffa-aTfc?aaX-g ff-ttjaea!lyy. .y.'rr.r; ?XMmimteJfc Stfiaiaaa ! mmMmmCirfl VVVl?a!a? ""' " "aakaai w-aai 'jaaaaaaanajaajkikT.a.a,aaaak1rLvJ..jwri .n TiT.r..!g."''..'ayiBakMgjat..ka BB BBB BBBBBk ayyyjX SiSTf "V '" fiffc Page of Foreign News from the Manchester Guardian with stories pur chased from The Chicago Tribune indicated by lack of shading. TEN YEARS AGO world news passed te America largely through English hands. American newspaper? obtained informa tion of foreign events by purchasing the reports of Londen dailies. Then came the. World War and The Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service, which has de veloped amazingly in numbers and in efficiency since the Armistice. New The Chicago Tribune net only furnishes te America a complete report of world events from its own staff correspondents but it also furnishes te the press of Europe authentic news of Europe. Asia, Seuth America. Seme of the world's leading newspapers pay The Tribune te supplement the dispatches of their own men and of press associations. Every important newspaper en the continent of Europe quotes The Chicago Tribune regularly in its foreign news columns. Lord Burnharn, proprietor of The Londen Daily Telegraph, which buys the foreign news report of The Chicago Tribune, wrote en September 27 te Jehn Steele of The Tribune's staff: zvish te thank you very warmly for the admirable service of news in the Xear Hast which we are receiving from your correspond ents and especially from Mr. Jehn Clayten, whose enterprise and ability are beyond all praise. It is a very important thing for us te have your service and we much appreciate the manner in which you are co-operating with us. I am writing te Colonel McCormick in the same strain by this mail, but I zvish te thank you especially for what you are doing. The first direct news the British Foreign Office had as te the intentions of Mustapha Kemal Pasha was contained in the exclusive interview secured by Jehn Clayten a Chicago Tribune reporter. British newspapers have been filled with reports from Clayten at Smyrna, Henry Wales at Cha- nak, Otis Swift at AtHens and Geerge Seldes at Moscow all of them staff representatives of The Chicago Tribune. These news gathering achievements are typical of the dynamic energy manifested in advertising and mechanical as well as in the editorial and news departments of The Chicago Tribune, A book of 300 pages with mere than 100 illustra illustra illustra tionsdescriptiveef all processes in the publication of The Tribune has just been issued. Operations in The Tribune's vast pulp weed forests, news print manufacture, our new process of Coleroto printing, merchandising service te advertisers, reportorial and make-up problems these are representative of the range of subjects covered. This book is entitled: The W G N. The price is $2.00. Get it at Jehn Wanamaker's or Straw bridge and Clothier's in Philadelphia or send $2.00 te The Business Survey, Roem 1707 Tribune Building, Chicago. s A m j J l. .1A ' iftAK. . T . .'V Bftaatt.?. .1. . . .' ... . .. ...-v,. . 'e .. ' iCV. ,. Ht, BBtaBY&&'tf l l'lAl .ll.lll ii w.;i .. ,.rs.' mail MBBBBMBBai .iz.rAHAi.ii. Tv''Vi . -,' ..tAVJ&A'flm'JiU ,& . iwi'if.jri.'ir!' w.,i:v' i.'. i'i 'mMwm I.:.. ' a5flL'-w. ;--.-,:. .!.'. kHimi'dii jLBfBBaa--t,J---- KKHHBHSHBBKi