aSPsURRP' iii TV i iSS EVENING PUBLIC. LEDGBlRrailjADBtJMlk. 'TBXfflb&Y? KOVMm ii m.; REAL ANARCHIST OF WORLD OF FASHION a vFtf WOMAN, NOT MODE, SHOULD DICTATE STYLE m- e Hen. Mrs. Fortescue Cemes te the United States With Her Radical- w? i$Sr miNTRA vt . IV H Views en Costuming Which Have Startled Staid Londen SHE MAKES GOWNS WHILE HUSBAND WRITES VOLUMES UPON HISTORY OF WORLD had a moment te sec New Yerk, but T foci Its activity. Yeu are -e nllve, in i America. Last night I couldn't go te I sleep. I had te write about It nil. I ' composed letters until 2 o'clock tills' morning." She "Met Her Man" j and Knew it at Once , "r- (nll. .. ., ,. 1.1... ... . ., i.t.u.i,. ,ua iii;t u tvi.wiuv itiie. r.r of the Itcv Hewaril T'.ecch. rector of (Jrent Heal ings, Suffolk, nml her name U Winifred. ii eemeu ;e me mat I eugiit te go Wife of Librarian te King Geerge De clares Answer te Short Skirt Problem Rests With Limbs of the Wearers 'INTRA hurls the padded brick at the glass of fashion and lauphs te eco the broken pieces. She is the fashion anarchist, en her own statement; she is the rangelist of individuality in clothes, regardless of the dictates of Faris. She also is the wife of the Hen. Jehn Fortescue, librarian nt Windser te the Kinp of England, and historian extraordinary. Beth have just arrived in America. ( - And Cintra will show America hew ' Ing graceful half-secures while she n Englishwoman can be a geed i weu. -i ve uccn weriang ami worn vrlfn te n e-rent Fndishmnn nrvl nt ln ever these sewn, nnd I hnven't tlw same time a busy artist in fem inine apparel. She took up a "trade," te the perturbation of her friends and relatives, because she found it necessary te help pay for the family bread. She took un a "trade" because her husband has Kiven his life te ' ; im writing; ei a monumental nistery of the British land forces, which brings him, by and large, about a "ha'penny a line" scarcely enough te keep the growling wolf from any deer. Husband Gains Fame Cintra Gets Dollars This history is a classic. It runs ' new into eleven published volumes ' with four mere te go. Its authority ia unquestioned, and it is doubtful 'which Cintra enjoys mere her hus band's success or her own. ' A few moments' conversation with ' Cintra which is the trade name she has adopted reveals a number of significant facts. First. That she is supremely happy, happy in her husband's work . and in her own. Second. That her attitude toward her work is that of the artist and Set that of the merchant. Third. That she must be active, en the move, every minute of the day. She and her husband are stay-1 ilg, while in New Yerk, at the residence of Mrs. Francis Rogers, i en Sixty-second street, off Park avenue. An appointment was made te interview her at 2 o'clock one afternoon this week, but it was im possible for her te keep it. "The busiest woman I Knew." ex pltincd Mr. lingers. "At flu- moment she is detained at the l'laa The gowns she brought eer with her te (Bew h demand hpr immediate, atten tion. She is very sorry. Come tomor row nt quarter after ft. Shu Mill be happy te see you then." "Tomorrow" dawned dark, cold and foggy the seit of morning which couldn't pesblblv make any one happy te .r-; 7U V'Vfc''R;' ' Vir' P-ki , ' "c,ntra" . r-."J-lMhtim.'ffJiA ?7.SiJW.-! ..,. ' !,.Z ''Jfc''A"'' VVfeHt- "' -?.Ai' ., ,&hmWMGm nftcr veu wear it for a while. r ....- slt i. 'UJ'-''' -jmilZfg-.- kt "-,.'! kk - f- - . s . -.'- .. . i; ' i, V.. .ST illlB. ".. - V ., EHH111K. r TBDMT SHt. . " . . i . m. . . XlitmU .TOtwBM1 p any one. 1 he drizzle in the nir left tmt uncomfertnblc. Irritable. "Ne, Mrs. TerteHMie in't up yet," aafd the mni'l ar tin- iner. "But there was an apjielntrnent " "Ves." interruiiiid tlie maid, "but Mm. rertfTUL' retind .e late. ITew- i rer, ju5t t.tit a iiieimnt. ' tv-s. Alter a whim she leiiirned nnd smiled , U the te? et the ciitrv "Mr. Fortes ue wnl sre you in the tedy." "Levely Interview" Held Out as Premise But Mr Ilejeis was in the sr iJy, and net Mr. Fert'cie "She will be hi'ie Mieitly," snld Mrs. Jtegcrh. "intrn lias luen se lu-i, but he will ee ynu eien befme the hil had urenklaM. ami u iminn t keej hit YOty Ions. She really n ed-i some one te wnti'li her. Tin dear ehild n e Ttcleus i-be neM-r thinLs about ber own 4iscomfert. Ami -die j;les perfectly teTly itlti'l vli'WH " The wait priced tu be net a Ions one, raeuch it wn-i net a hopeful one, The weather, the ecruMnn of interiiiptlnt:. perhaps, slumber jnu ne, the prospect I wasn't one te rave mw J When Cintra. hewewr. eiitned the room one thought of the poet ami l.U laiy inlr Mt.e rnrrieii in r ev.n tiranu of sunshine aieund itlt ber Animt tien spiced the prace of her lenit. slid lac strlde; entlititiasm nnd soed nature m revealed in ber nmlle. v Mrs. Ferteseue is a tall woman. yeun and of Hr.klni; fen tut ex. Loek- at licr, one pletureM thune tall, well- ' formed "I'ln-Me" women uf .lullu- Onwr's day. She was clothed In brown with a kfewn senrf or brnud ribbon about her Bd. ltibben or searf it made an L ttsaea wondered a jrreat ileal what this 'JClffr- il.. 1, ..ll,.,l i.innnt ti, nk. vx .Ja ai nniflnirni t.i Amtinil her neek 4,S nendnnt te her Unces limit; u string I that I wan interested In biwlneM. Hut ?STjieavy bends. . . , he loved home life, me. !!,,VWeu t you have porno ereauiait ijmkl" . nskeil Airn. iieRerj Foucueuniy Cintra. "The jjentleimm will giauiy i te wen; mis was, or i-eurv, before - " , "4 A"&' my marriage. My tavtes led me te the I , ' Wt i 1 - WteanfflBSM l ' LLLlBLHeLVHHaBRParaMa llnBifcMeWMWHnmfMWTrnHri1 iff InfllBBeTr 'VnJHriil. ' fliL vWKSSSmaSSmm feTnTmeraB(iBSeJKtfKra i a9anBBnsn,BeBHa,nBiannine&w'4L'iHBi4i TrTiripiPiTiiwPiiB niii in m urif i rTrirTw rifTTiTi in 'hini'TiTT iiir i nr'Teyri' ffun afBelH''llliw jfflafLWWsaa5 a L $fcWwmmmm$m$ m mXam'xa mi '-, .sjmmamnr!K'' ? wmmnam iMiiii "iiWawlwiiHr ii n 'ifflHfflBHi SM&Mm$M xu t iwwklaSPgra I The Hen. Mrs. Jehn Fortescue 'Uintra'n place' and lt was plcasurably successful. "Hut the strain was rather ffreat. Rcides. I did my husband't. oeeretarial work ai I ntlll try te de. And it seen developed that It would really be wiser te gire up the Hat and open up a plaev in our own home nt Ilnmpstenfl. That mused something of a tlurry, tee, nmenp my fiiends. ', trade In j our ury home':' They couldn't le lice It. "Our home nt Helly Hi!. Hnrnp stead, Is Interesting, It Is called the Kemantln Heme, or the Admlral'H Heune, after Admiral llnrten, who built It diirliift the reiyn of Oceree III. lilts of it me -ViO .eearti old, The old admiral built thin heue as much In the manner of n Drills!) raan-e'-wnr ns wiir iMisslble. lt has n inuin deck and n mintter deck; his own room was eon een stiucted like a ship's rabln. My bed room happens te be a shelter deck. Flair for Designing Put te Geed Account "Hut the most porjteeus thin? about the estate is the fcnrden. There nre a series of bread terraces, which descend te a kind of sunken rose garden. And the pinto is a riot of lavender, roses 'and foxgloves. It Is n sweet-muilllng Harden, nml perfectly beautltul. " Tbl- home of hers lieeame the head quarters for a progressive business In Interior decoration. And one day, ns a pantlme, he utilized some of the rnre sllki she bad brought from nbreud. and curried out a design for a Wntteau i uirn. Keme time Inter J.ndy Violet Aster, sluter-ln-lnw of Vlsteuiit Aster, rnme lu for n chat, and wv tba Wuttenu freelc, She ivni enraptured by lt. and insisted en buyliiR lt. She Insisted, tee, thnt ('Intra had n flair for Kiir ment dcslftr.lng and thereafter Cintra developed into one of the most success ful designers of women's apparel. Since, hJie has designed gowns for rejalty and for fashionable women all ever thfj world. And Doleres, noted since beauty, net lean aue, net satisfied with what she found in l'nrls, rushed te Cintra for the triinklends of creations which she Is wearing en the streets of Philadelphia while she Is phi ing here. "1 display my frocks In the beautiful rose garden. Is Real Anarchist in Fashion's World "Veu knew." continued Cintra "I am what I call a fashion imatchl-t. I bellow the indlWdiinllty of thu wearer should detetmlnc the kind of dresses te wear. I preach Individuality. I don't believe In the se-called st,lcs. If Is silly te have a season for short skirts and then another season for Ien skirts. The length of the skirt should depend entirely upon Ihe figuie of the weaier. Tall women bbeuld never wear short skirts. Short women may wear them, but if they wnnt te taller thej ought te wear long ones. iwrim, right through. If you knew what I mean. Seme mothers send their ilauchters debutantes te ine. and sa. 'Here, de with her as en v. ill. Se T fix their hair and then, with that us i beginning, 1 weik out their frec.ts and their lints. "I specialize, however. In evening gowns. And under no circumstances' v ill 1 make stunt evening gowns un less, majbe, the gown is for n small deb with small less and small feet. 'I believe, tee. that evening gowns ought te be lowed under artificial light. They've ilxed up for me what they call 'Cinlra'n cave.' It used te be an old lumber loom, very long. There nre no liglitn in the loom, excepting a few i'eisinn casket Limps in the corners. I have bad the walls painted blaik and the ceiling grdd. The fleer is cevcied with black caipel. Sunlight Is shut nut. And I tinil thnt almost any color Is effective In this room. The gowns ure lnld ever chairs nnd divans, and it is noite striking." Mrs. 1'eitehcup l especially em phatic in her resentment against tee great a commercialization of her art. Unbecoming Gowns "Immoral" te Cintra "I think It Is n form of Immorality "I don't draw my designs. I can't I te let a woman buy something which draw. I uae very rare cloths, and mnt doesn't salt her. lt Is shocking te see of the tltne they and the personality beautiful dress en the wrong woman. ami tne ngure or tau women ten inn ' I iiuu tnut meHt women nre open what te de. I drnpe the material and change and change until I reach the meit satisfactory combination. He sldes'. I hnve thu most wonderful cut ter that ver was it it all very simple. "What I like best Is te take n minded. I find that they nre willing te be shown that a hnrd-aud-fnst ad herence te style is devastating te what- em beauty they may have. I say te I moods would facilitate :i woman who is intent en buying the Cintra, but for mere man man ivreng gown, I say te her: 'I can't let . Well, n cigar seemed jeii have that. It doesn't suit 1110. It i clothes for moods! 7M Yen mustn't taue that one.' And tun usunlly don't. "And, after nil, I find it pays bt te be frank, even in a business wiy. My work will he only two years oil In November, but it has been am Ingly succcbsful. Any my chief joy Is le see one of my gowns en n woman It suits, rather than te receive th money for it." Of nil women, Gintrn in persuaded te say, American women give ber the lcnBt trouble. "They knew exactly what they want. And they don't light me. , They don't try en everything in the place nnd tbt Americnn men are Just like that. Thsy Imve llfe and energy, and minds that knew somehow just about what they wnnt." "Whnt is the most becoming color? In my experience among the various shades et the azalea, ranging from yel lowish cream, through peach color, mnlr.0, coral nnd flame-pink, there is a tone te suit everybody. Celer is. how ever, net se Important as the suiting et a wearer's personality. "As a matter of fact, a wemnn's mood and appearance nre seldom nllk en two successive occasions, and conse quently whnt may brceme her dlvliisly today will net be effective tomorrow." Clntrn paused for a moment, and in that moment Mrs. Ilegers returned te the room. "Clntia. dear, you hnven't bad nnr breakfast!" And then te the visitor, "She must be starving." Talk of Fashion Routed Meal Thought I "liut l in net Hungry, f.iiu vinira. , "A person's clothing," she resumed hurriedly, "helps a grest deal te keep the mind young and healthy. If I were wealthy. 1 should wear a dress for every mood. It would be lovely ! I should lore it! I " "Hut you must get a bite of break fast, my dear; you simply must!" In terrupted Mrs. ltegcri, and wblsked her out Inte the breakfast room, leaving n mere mele visitor standing there, thnnklng the henveus that no buck- de sire troubled him. "A dresi for every mced!" It seemed almost impossible for any ene te have enough dresses, and, be sides, think of the everlasting chsng- Of course se active se apparently gny all the tlme , nnrlifinn hep henntlfllt KlinellcltV Of rantuTH mi better thus Mr. and Mrs. Fortescue theatie. I ttmlicu under Sir Prank It has helped me present mycn.tumes; Hnnsi.ii. nml seiin wns iiLIk te beiiln I11.V I it lias Strengthen! d my fei'ling Mr uri! en the nmfesKienul siace. what drama "One day I went down te Dorset, nnd there 1 met my man'" Jehn I'erteM'iie was u man of mid dle agu at thnr time, distinguished loeklna as he Is today with little pleasant crew' feet at the ejes lle had entered lhj room only a mo ment before Mr. Fortcuue. lie seemed cerdlul, though with an air of abstrac tion "He loves people te work for their own bread, nnd lie w-as nappy te niiew tin re Is in the line and oler of clothes themselves Ten. 1 i learned a grnt de-il about stage light ing, which has lulpiil me in ni, inaiine ' iium puiadis " Fortunately, Mr. Fnrtesi ue held a i position width gnw him u comfort. ih! H.tlaiy If net an ewrlj gnicieim one. I He was and is llbiatl.iu te the King, l.i went gui'islng' Is ever h'Tv? II a fans 'complaining, being dissatisfied.' I li iiimj history bring i in only nbeut .1 'la'penny a line we've figured that nut! Hut we ,ire satisfied becnuse it Is Mich n ibihsn; wink Smh tin Important rentributluii "With nit th's weik, It seemed te me, alter we weie married trmt my husband ought te give up his history Breakfast?" laughed Cintra. as If t - .1 1 1 I- l..n .inn ' T ' l llrtf aau uuu it i"iib w ri" tre$ Put Verve tfUe Spirited Talk fe must cat:" said Mrs. itegers. reu Knew, i rannei gei niw gn Cintra, when sue mvi "eUilr.'-gh did met sink tea tte otte ec tt, : with his books and ellice-i nt Windser T" '"", "n" "-t. "e uwierBioeu we Castle. needed the money, thnt his giving up w:n.iUr.n lib.. .. m'i tf -,m i "''it i'"i"'-iiiiir iiisierv wumw iura Short Stage Experience Aided Later Career "Veu sefl, my husband la bus all day, and when he would be ready te leave the study I would be ready te leave for tlm theatre. We wouldn't see ench ether much. We felt that such an nrrnngemciit wasn't feasible. Wouldn't work ut nil. He I decided te give up the stage That was in lOlil. In 1014 e were married." Mrs. Fortescue is happy for her MtMrimce la the theatre." ' JwMil'feft-'See the drsJPfttic JnttM Londen, and Mr. Feitcscups rew.,uch for bis history keeps him ti.iveling i). tweeu the two plnces. He is n younger brother of thu present I'.'irl Ferticu. Mr. Ferteseue began his gient hbi tctv nt t! beginning of the nlnetirn bundierls, and has been weiklng en it steadily. During the war he was nslad te write a history of the Weihl War. This gae him but little time te devote te what he calls his llfe wnk. "This history of the war nfferdrd him seme recompense, but I saw that he nrefcricd te weik en the lamer IiIh- tery. Veu mustn't think thnt tlmre is any grousing becaube the anny history doesn't pay, out ' sne interrup ,aTWii u ass; "i wenuer 00 considerable imiialal dilferenca te tie "After gnin,; the mutter much tlieught, I conceived the Idea of open ing u little nit treabure shop In the West Hud. And my husband resigned his pest cs war historian." Mrs. I'oiteseue'u decision met with some net altogether fnvorable comment. Entering "Inte Trade" Brought Adverse Cemment "And it wasn't ery cany. I used te get into my little "West Knd shdV nt about R o'clock every morning, nnd sweep up, and straighten out the dis play, btny there most of the day, and go home late in the afternoon, This ft up for eme Urns. X.esllei'll V T tim!lXmffmmmmmmv3Bmt ' $ Y ' ' 'iSfi jf.$ gStWLyAfc ' fmWE59plUmfMffllsfrymm9 s j, - V IKi $BtinMm kiuWad aad M raaeta era, tkeir.hjsteu In New Yerk v . , me: l 'm; aSiJ: k-i 1 j vi r w s w$&L .ilft.W. . . t . Ki J.W jfiWtlZy., !'XtjiHj." ,