msa R' IK R . . im is. If m II S J ssOgc.LL. "- :j:'Min KNANCK RNGIMRKB OR ABTF.I. MRCIIANIC1 itnceil In the construction 'rvftL" ,,'"n'' ""' maintenance of If MMMttHnl equipment. Industrial wisa warelinuae buildings nnd ftj-eatli n anil repairs of power ,StMta nnd power equipment, open Wr.iwr Dotltlen. A 628, i Ledger Office. WATER METERS 4 (II NOW for meter rata of aa.OS IStS. Your nlumlier nr ;',;Hlljinri mill uitwa rrv . BWV fer- Weal KatntV Trmt n.illillng ERC AS LOW AS $15 CHEAPEST IN TOWN ALL STANDARD .. MAKES, INCLUDING PORTABLES MAY' FREE TRIAL 1 YR. GUARANTEE S'05CIIESTflUTSI HinMWffliM OCTOBER INSTALLATIONS tmtan 3ch. el fwr Heys, Wcitbere, Man.: rfc ttttprf Snd TVitnt1n Ce.. Beaten Mms. I Wilmet Caatls Ce.. Rerheiter. N Y. : Baldwin tocemitlTc Wcrln, rhilad-lphla, Reckfcllrr Xaitltnte, New Yrrl City! Dinniihener'a New Xetuta, Philadelphia. Aek Plumber for "Savill" sVnd for lioekht s'teiefiii; ficnfi-Ive stllcs of Sitvlll's Faucets Themas Savill's Sens, Mfrs. Wallace St., East of Bread St.. Phils. $' mx With Plug Bttuchfd $11 -'0 Don't Buy Ohms High resistance doesn't neces sarily mean high efficiency. What counts in head sets is the number of turns of wire, magnetic strength and scientific construction. In the AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HEAD SET, resistance has been subordinated te these factors. It is made in one resistance only that which gives best results under all conditions. Ask your Radie Dealer first. Automatic Electric Company ' HOIIEOrrtCE AND rACTO?Y:ClllCACO I'SA 1'htlatU tyMe Distributors H. C. ROBERTS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 1101 RACE ET. up congestion Exposure then painful chest with atiht, r n !n enjd. iJen't , let that iieeli i. li'aK dp the censestii:i and yn, aie rcl cvtd of yei.r f l. ' ; i .' an's. Don't ru). It rne,ia'ts strikes riyht int tviL ! 'put, warms it up, starts tin hi md cumin,; and point;. This simple, effective action banishes tha congestion. Triih. "7 He W'r'J's Liniment " . Slnan't"'', a " '" neurnia.f re, achlntf mils Irs r'miriTi" tMBi;s nil tbe pains of :.j"i n. Sloans Liniment-s ?? r a i.: ViESW .j rfil SJ i trXXNCB BSrOBUG ntOfOtTT) Natural Alkaline Water Unexcelled for Table Use Known and pre scribed by the Medical Profession m h exW sjiBs j aw '...poeteseing great tfaledidnal Prepertica b'w Bottled at jj the Spring i WSXJMM Distributer: I' BJeB Kll y .Bara. AaSBB " fk r if HP I ft VgT ILL JJTOrpjc IBPm Civ Mfltm 'BBBBBBBBKr9Vfe!hpMaaaag4naEi5 ' lHEfSlE)a j 9 fi 1 VvrH aBKBKSZHtnniwaaaMaHHMaaaeiani ' tmjmi&' s7gy2'USJa7jBBBB?H'ajaa'SBBBBaTBl sIbbb. v flHHEaDslSrS Dxeak B 11 H ai B!M mi sBSsa - DU PONT DEFEATED FOR BOTH TERMS , . Bayard Has Majorities or no and 882 in Delaware Sen ate Contests BOYCE A WINNER OF 6427 Wllmlmrten, Del., Nev. 0. Unof ficial revision of complete returns of Tuesday's vote for United States sen ator show these tetals: Short term Themas F. Bayard, Dem., 30,000; Celeman ilu I'ent, Hep., 80,700. Bayard's majority. 110. Full term Bayard, 37.238 : dtt Pent, 30,650. Baynrd'n mnjerity, 882. Congress Boyee, Dem., 38,805; Lnjten, Hep., 32.43S. Boyre's major majer tty. 0427. The canvassing beard", composed of judges of the State courts, began the official canvass of votes at neon today. In addition te electing Themas T. Bayard United States Senater and Judge William II. Boyee Representa tive In Congress, the Democrats also elected a majority of the members of the Legislature. The Democrats will have ten members of the Senate te seven for the Republi can. In the Heuse there will be twenty-three Democrats and twelve Repub licans. Knch party has three hold over Senators. Frank Stephens, Fer ward Party candidate for United States Senater, polled between 000 and 700 votes. Frank Ileuck, for Representa tive In Congress, received about 800 tote, enough te Insure the party a place en the elliclal ballet ut the next election. In New Castle County tbe Republi cans elected the entire ticket with the exception of Sheriff. This office was captured by Jehn W. Walls, the Demo cratic candidate, with a majority of 41S0 ever Samuel A. McDanicl. There were 0008 voters registered in this city who failed te vote. The total registration was 85,750 and the com bined vote of the Democratic and Re nubllcan Parties in Wilmington jos jes terday was 20,742. The total vote polled by the Forward Party Is In cluded In the 0008 voters who did net ete for the two major parties. The Democrats elected their tickets in Kent and Susses Counties. lhe New Castle County Levy Court will be Republican, the Republicans having elected Hamilton Stewart, In Wilming ton, and D. S. Wright In the Fourth District. The Democrats elected Themas W. Trultt In the Sixth Dis trict, and JemcH A. Hart In the Sev enth District. Republicans Retain Control of Congress Continued frcm Vara One refused te concede defeat and his man agers said nn efliclal recount would be sought. , . senator Pelntlexter In Washington also was asking a rccar.vass, while the Heuse race in the remulnlng Kansas district, the Third, was se het that It was said an official count might be nec essary te tip the scales decisively. Seattle. Wash.. Nev. H.fBy A. P.) Revised figures en the I nited Stntev senatorial race between Miles Pelnde.x- . i.,nuhi;'in inetimhciit. nlld C C. 14, .' . , ...-..---- --- "- - - - , Dill, Democrat, tuntilnteil today n .tin scattered preciucis iiiiaa.iiK. -- nil! e lenit nf 4aOS Mitt-. The ng- ures includeil the recbeeked count for Seattle. ..... , , Knrlier prediction of Peindeter fol lowers tlint the recheek In Kins Count euM add seeral thousand votes te the Pnlmlexter total proved errouu erreuu errouu eiis. The retheck in Pierce County is nnf enmtilete. but It is stated unef ficially that only u few hundred votes will nccrue te tne reinueaier wuu through the new count. 1 The missing precincts in aimesi nu ci.-s were in remote districts of the !tnte and it was net believed that re nuns from them would materially niter the relative standing of the candidate. Washington. Nev. 0.--(By A. TJ.) dvicc received today by the Repub-li-in national headuuarters here fiem Washington snid Senater P.i.iu leter had taken 11 lend of 700 ever his Dim n. ratic opponent. C. C Dill, and tlmt , the dhtricts jet te be heard trem were 1 eipceted te increase this total. Columbus. O.. ev if. ieiest ex tne hee.- and wine 1"'n0,""m,X,'" ", 'J.10 "!, I eareu cerin... .y- .. ...... -- enty ngauwi '"""'',': ."',' '. I nets added tneir v. i-- "'," the uruan yeie. ,.m.. .... i ., ,et te be nearn ire.ii. u.e i.mj. m alllt the amendment was i,.i. ,......... - iTim rntt. was: ler tne umemiiiienr, '..i.t'JS; against tne amendment, ' ."- . ., , "ST.e'! s4 St. Paul, Minn., v. . (y A., Vlr,7e2?.aX wans &t lath at iVi'X :Vt'" W,.W entatlve ("tear .1. i.uruii, iti'iuiiiii."iii, is lead ns.wi nam i.. carss. iiwiie- rnt. with siigntiy mere tnan nan tne 1 strict heard from. I I striti niiiru iruiu. Defeat ,.f twt nr T niec..t!i' I", in. -rissmen was reported jesterriu and I asf nlithr S. J. elHtead in the I seventh and Ilalver Steenersen in the N'iiitli. Tli former was beaten by the I lev C. J. Kiale, Independent, nml the 1 ttrbv Kuud Wefuld, rnrmer-I.nb.i-. 1 J'i , 'I'nlted States Senater, Dr. ' ilennk Mupstcad, the first 1 nrmer cum date te be elected te the . ,1 ., f..w upper house, was mere mini uj.iwi n ... i 1 i et eies ahead 01 CllUler r thiik 1.. i.-i- e Republiiun incumbent. With ..r... .1..,,, , ,v.,.tl,lr,U nf the Smin i,..r,i IPHU LI.I f t I I lllll lll'ivii. - .. - . . M . lists 10m. Shil'stcad had 2:il,47.'l etes; p. Kellogg, n'.O'.', and Mrs. Anna Ulesen, Democrat, 8(1.030. mmwmmmmmm D. Oklahoma City, Nev. U. (By A. P.) OUlahema will send seven Democrats and one Republican te Congress, it was Indicated today when the count from Tuesday's election neurcd completion. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nev. II. ( Hy p.) Re-election of Senater King, 'Democrat, and Representation in Con gress Den B. Colten and K. U. Ltather Ltather Ltather woed, Rcpuhllcuns, be.ame assured early today with further compilation of votes from Tuesday's election. Returns from all but two precincts save Senater King a majority estimated at from 300 te 400. Mr. I.eatherwoed's majority was estimated at iuu. ii is from the Second District, nnd Mr. Cel ten represents utairs etuer unmet, tne First. Alrmqurrnue, N. M Nev. 0. New Mcx'oe, believed te be normally Re publican by 00DO te 8000, elected Democratic candidates yesterday, ae 101 ding te liitist returns lust night. Senater A. A. Jenes, Democrat, was ie-clcctcil hy 11 majority which may run above 0000, Stnte Chairman Huniicr predicted that James F. Hinkle, date for Governer, would have a major ity of about 8100, while Jehn Merrow, candidate for Representative, would bav nueutj iae sunia iimemi. rxwHHBBBIwJwTIrTvNyW&S r - vrf -!lSSSil bvt8ktv pmitfrfl VOTE FOR GOVERNOR ! 9 a III Counties. a r ' Adams ...... 40 Allegheny ...1385 ) 72 40 8 0 0 17 12 0 0 62 0 0 0 SI 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 13 11 0 3 0 0 0 8 40 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 00 77248 2407 0435 3003 13480 877B n.i82 0027 0324 0824 007 R021 S130 10148 2835 7238 2002 3807 nnr.i 700(1 18273 1811.1!) 8205 10871) 10338 614 6662 033 3600 3122 4078 2000 1320 2O.-I07 33680 60S2 4002 11707 276MI 0060 4473 (WtlO 1014 2117 22105 140." 10235 tM!K! 2r. H55B 42537 1580 4402 4405 22368 7780 2003 7636 4848 8404 604 7400 6000 7045 Armstrong ... t iienver 1)2 Bedford 41 102 m 72 00 80 162 10 CO 04 128 48 101) 38 C7 05 03 125 IT.l! 23 107 107 17 OS 12 40 OS 70 70 10 22tt 12.-. 77 IH 88 8.T 49 KJ 27 31 102 14 XfcrKSe Bar Bradford Bucks Butler MMIIt Cambria Cameren Carben Center Chester Clnrinn 434S Clearfield .... Clinten Columbia Crawford Cumberland... Dauphin Delaware . . . . idlK ......... I3rie Fayette Ferest Franklin 0740 308 0520 0100 11554 17082 "105 1224 5101 001 1 352 8377 2008 6010 3 ..S 3534 2160 2000 13030 2.MU 4201 4413 12008 24842 4010 2133 0044 221)5 4010 12001 2040 120S0 1HV) Fulton Orcene ....... Huntingdon Indiana . . . JcfferiMjn . , , Juniata ... Lackawanna Lancaster. ., Lawrence . , Lebanon . Lehigh Luzerne . . . Lj coming . . .McKeitn Mercer . . . ... .) .1 ...... Mifflin Menree MitiitRemcry. .Menteur . . . Nnrtliiimpten 110 N'thutnberlund 101 l'erry a: rhlluilcliililn . Pike retter Sehuj Iklll ... 8n(lcr Semrrsct . . . . Sullivan Susquehanna.. Tlngn Union Venango Wnrren Washington... Wayne Westmoreland. y)nmitlR Yerk 1434 13 34 181 Of (14 i 18 S8 40 22 74 r.3 103 0 245547 0 0 1200 1400 1021 10202 1822 C072 1412 3887 4005 1030 4118 4033 10417 3020 7380 1870 13580 2SU 10800 2055 8240 1403 8258 1637 2343 2310 2053 8148 2507 480.1 1864 18S80 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 12 0 40 0 203 135 27 0 132 0 Totals .8021 620 701842 630210 adams, g.e. p. chief, 'gratified; he says Washington. Nev. 0. (By A. P.) Retention of Republican majorities in both Senate nnd Heuse was declared te be "very gratifying" te Republican linders in a statement Issued today by Jehn T. Adams, chairman of the Re publican National Committee, reciting some of the causes which he constricted lespenslbJe for the outcome of Tues day's election. 'The political off-year," satri ths statement, "always witnesses a decided renctlen from the majorities of a ptesldenltal election. With very few exceptions the Congress elected In off years has been of opposite political faith te the administration. In view of this the retention of control of Congress by the Republicans this year Is very era t If vins. Tins is especially true in view et the spirit of unrest which prevails throughout this country as an after- ' m:ltIk e( the BriRt wur Such ft Kprir niwny. Msits its dissatisfaction upon whatever parts- may be in power. At such limes the only thought that ap peals te n great class of people Is te "vote for a change" regardless of the Issues involved or the records of the centenriinl partits. "ln nriiiltien t this situation then were issues of real impoitnnee In seinv htates which took precedent ever nit tle.utl issues, nmi in ither places en- position te the present administration raised "lake" issues In order tu be fog the public. "The results de, net change eny of the fundamentally sound principles of economy and go eminent. Neither de they shake the determination of the Republican Party and this Administra tion te stand bv thee principles. To day the Republican Party H mere thnn ever the one party of construction and Americanism ns against the forces of destruction and internationalism. These who supported the Republican candi dates in this election were fully appre ciative of thnt fact. "Reductleu of public expenditures and taxes continue te be the dominant i-ues in every community ns well a In tlu nation. This Rcpubllcun Admin istration will continue Its pregnam of rigid public economy which has elrcady . rntlnue te be the dominant i-sues in every community ns well tn ,n , atlen. This Kcpubllcun Admin- , istrntleii will continue Its pregrnm of ,1-t.i lmbllc economy which has -.., , n .iI1.i1nir of nubile exiM.n. resulted in a slashing ei puenc expen- J,,,"" - ", " ,, ,;,inn in nnhlln , ,.,.! uiAes. ,,',-!. ... a., 11 em. n .,..;,..! ... ., 'iJ "".".- ' " J" '... i i ,ese umit'ii.wu iui,.-i,:B ui un tu- I during Governments." ,J ,(Afl, .,, pi.i., nnA m- tP. REED'S PLURALITY ! REDUCED TO 33.000 ---- t , .. ...... v- e m- a i " """-'" "', "'' " ;' rri... a.m.riii nf Mlnseurl venred , e '-t,.'...- --.--."-.- '. . sweeping victory luesuavDy e ecting. in addition te nen.iier iwewi, wne wa3,flf tj.,e Miggestiens heard was that Mrs. e,,r.-',.,l Inte office as 11 result of hi T.J.iiOl) plurality In St. P.euis, eleten e the sixteen Congressmen, n gain of nine; the Stnte Superintendent of Sihnels, nil three judges of the State Sunremn Court, twelve et the seven teen Mine nriuieiu ..i !.. m.ijei - 1 t .1... 1 r.fl MlntA Ipfflulritneu hj m iec ..- -. Ci. Taiu U'hlnli irava If sail .u nr. """?..,""". ""'" ',,'.'.' '"" ' much-needed big lead, went solidly Re. i,,llnnn otherwise, excetit for the elee- IMK,lk,l- - w - Hen of Harry B. Hawes. Democrat, In en of the three St. Leuis districts Tnerl' early lead, which exceeded " , fJO.OOO at one t line yesteiduy, was ma terlilliy rediuee me icieriis i-i,ill lhe rural districts piled up last night, and today Reed's plurality hud been cut te 113,000. ASSERTS NO. DAKOTA HAS ELECTED FRAZIER Farge. N. II.. Nev. 0. (By A. P.) With the I'nrge Courier News clalmliig the election or Lynn .1. rrazier, recalled Nen-Pnrtlsnn ""77 - League Governer Vnrth Dakota te the Lnlted States Sennte. J. P. T. O'Connor, his Deme cratlc opponent, had a lead of about 7000 votes last night. On the basis of this, and with re ports coming in from league strong streng strong helris ln the western sections of North Daketu, the Courier Jews asserted Frailer hed been chosen for the Sen ate. The newspaper estimated his ma jority would be about 1.1,000, Uiliceme 111 iiir i-uiiKri'sniuiiiii race 1. ,I.A Sl,.,irin.l n.l TM,l rktu,l.i, utll ". I., .lnnl.t lr.,lv In III.. Tlil.l Uepresentetlve James If. Sinclair, with less than one-fifth of the district rn- nerted, had about a 000 lead. In the ttnnj taw iireeinetii hmi Man!.,-,, Utlve Owne M. Yeung Ieadiug by votes. t naPR-PHTTJATnrr,TmTA 'iHtiinmAV LEAD FOR PINCHOT 7267 Districts Give Reed Ma jority of 359,039 Over Shull " PEPPER AHEAD BY 331,221 Bu Aeclat4 Prtsi IIrrisbtirg. Nev. 0. Returns last uiKiii iiuiii niiw rircuen districts in I'entlHVlvntitfl nut nf 8001 n..a nMr..A ' I'lnrhet Urn., n Ipii,1 nf 2nr. 4fle a.. Jehn A. McSparran, his Democratic opponent for the governorship. 1 Beth Pincbet and MeSparmn ran ' ahead of the candidates for th tTnUi.,1 States Senate. Pinchot's vote with 401 districts missing Is 705,060 and Mc Sparran's 630,677. Figures from 7207 districts In the State for the long-term scnatershlp gave Senater Reed 742,270 and Jude Shull 383,237, a majority for Reed of 350.030. Senater Pepper, who ran for the un expired term of the late Beles Penrose, had a majority of 331,221 ever Fred II! Kerr In 7304 districts. The figures are : Pepper, 753,577; Kerr, 422,350. Returns from thirtq-enc counties en the Hnme Rule constitutional amendment shows a majority of 77,838 for the preposition. Philadelphia gave the amendment a majority of 78,000, which shows that many of the Interior counties did net favor the new amendment. Friends of the preposition point te the fact that Allegheny County and the larger cities nf the State are net repre sented In the vote, and It Is expected the amendment will show a safe majority. CWST0M2 wPinchet's First Act starts Budget Werk Centlnufd from Peb One be that of A. Ncvln Detrich ns Secre tary of the Commonwealth. Mr. Dot Det rich, like Mr. Stahlnecker, la a part of the personal staff of Mr. Plnehet. Durlnj the whole campaign Mr. Det rich served as a campaign director and adviser. Mr. and Mrs. Plnehet called at State headquarters, COO Seuth Bread street, this morning and conferred briefly with Mrs. Barclay II. Warburton, vice chalrmun of the Republican State Com mittee. They are taking "Fish," their son. back te Mllferd with them. "Fish" had a great time, he said, and leeks forward te high old rambles in the State Capitel. It developed today that the forester had net received a letter of congratu lation as vet from Jehn A .McSparran, who was his Democratic opponent. The (loverner-elect spent most of the morning in his offices In the Real Estate Trust Building cleaning up n mass of details with Messrs. Stahl necker and Detrich. Among his vis itors was Councilman I'atten. Vare Leaden Elated Congressman Vare hud a number of ward leaders In Ills office in the Lin coln Building and they congratulated each ether en the showing made by the Organization in turning the Alter vote of the primary Inte a Plnehet vote In Tttesdey's general election. Vare lead ers gave Independents credit for rolling up big votes in the indeendent wards. Sir. Vre may go te Washington thN afternoon, he said, te take up his work ,,. ,,- , . .-i.ii .nimit fe Incidentally; Congressman Vare tlllflkl, hl, .., .. ht ... ..,..,. , ln. derse the plun te elect Jeseph C. Train er as his successor by till use of stickers. Frem his point of lcw. there might have been a fluke and n Democrat elected und, with the tlese nice between Republicans and Demo crats for control of the Heuse at Washington, the Seuth Ililludelphln Congressman might have come ln handy In breaking it tie. This is rgnrdcri as using a great deul of imagination, but Vnre's allies are talking that wuy. Mr. Vare received a telegram today p ., ., . i .. ... ireiu Alexander z. .Moere, ine nits burli publisher, which tickled the Congressman with a new political ex pressien, rim wire reud : "Congratulations te jeu and your orgaiiinitlen en jour wonderful work. Philadelphia seems te be the only buf falo en the plains." "I lime heard of the only pebble en the lieiich," remarked the Congress man, "but the only buffalo Is surely a new one." (ioverner Hpreul Is taking a brief vacation en his farm near Mllferd, and it is regni'ried as nesslbte that he will n.1l a.. . 1. .. I ..,.... ..m InM. mh.1 aOT lll.rt ussistnnc,. in werklne out his lealslative and admliilstrntlve program. ,... ., . ,,.i. ... -'-'- The official count of the Hilinaeipnia vote began at nom today and is In charge of Judges Flnlcttcr and Men- rnili,.nl retnrn erwllt tha Fer- ...... , ,.. i....i or kak " xtrs In this dtf. while McSnarntn IPUT 1 L 1 l,lllliK ri'Vfl.l'U W"l"" --:- . ;, i ,. , n,. u,.,', . r ,,J, total " Mf. ' SpaVran fri -their tickets. .iK .H nVOSbvtLrobGfteb '-' "' -- -- -. - "',"" .i. . hi. enn,i.n Mr ,". "" "- . , .':". r""r"r"...i r ... I'neliet announced linn ue cxprcieu ui n ,.,. . .,.!! .e . " ruosietrr wuiuv,, i.n ,,:, nn inc.. ". e,blnct appointments. Thercfore, one Marj l'llnn Lawrence, of Pittsburgh, .launhter of William 1- linn, the old time Roosevelt leader, would be a member of the Cabinet, She was boomed for elther Secretary nt thr Commonwealth, te succeed Ber nard J. M)crs, of Lancaster, or for State Commissioner of I'ublle Welfare, te succeed Dr. Jehn M. Baldy. Jehn S Fisher, former Stnte Bank ing Ceminliisl.mer. who withdrew in the primaries as 11 (unriidate for Governer in the interest or tne I'erester, is ue- lng urged hy Grundy leaders as 1IIK Ulvl lJ si',e ii.uin.1.- - cnndltl.t- for Attorney Uenernl. Cabinet Appointment Speculation Dr. William Draper Lewis was also spoken of 11s 11 possibility for Attorney Geneuil, though riimeis hove been cir culated ln Ifarrlsburg that Attorney General Alter might be retained In of fice by the new Governer. Jqscph If. Taulane. former Assistant District At torney in Philadelphia, is another men- tallied for Attorney General, while the nntna of Ceuncllmnn Reiier. wh e was chairman of the Plnehet City Commit 1 tee. also figured In the speculation . ' iuu, man iiani-i in ne: uiM-i;,t,i,,, ., of u understood that the Governer-elect i,n mnde no nrenilses as te Cabinet no- sltlnns and that his mind Is open Philadelphia Organization leaders nre net werr lng much about U.iblnet places, though an effort will be made te have Harry A, Muckey, one of the close ad Users of Congressman Vuie, leiitlnue.l in office as chairman of the Workmen's Compensation Beard. It is thought mers than probable, however, that Mr. Plnehet has some ene else in mind for that effi.e, possibly, It was said, Coun- Clllllllll Reper, OrganUallen leaders here, having made 11 geed showing in the.electhin, " thinking mere of the possibilities next year In the mayoralty campaign 000, jjd are hopeful that the new Governer . f fiU aet interfere with their plana te elect an Organisatien. Mayer te raccMd Mayer Moere, In this connection the Organisatien Is praying for bnrraeny between the incoming Slate Admin istration and the city organisatien. As one means of attaining this re tilt organisatien leaden expect te back up the Governer-elect's constructive legislative program, in which they feel he will be mere Interested than any thing cite. Independent, discussing the mayoralty campaign which Is" next en the program of local politics, argued that much may happen between new and next fall which may bare an im portant -bearing en the new Governer's attitude toward the mayoralty tight, Wilsen Expected te Claim Leadership Centlnerd from Pan One and Senater Berah nnd their radical followers, who ewe only n nominal al legiance te the Republican party, will held tbe balance of power in both linii. There will be no mslerltv in either house which will obey a club. Every effort of this wing of the tinrtv wilt be directed te taklna the con trel of the Republican party out of the firesent hands and ,maktng air, Hard ne'a renomlnatten Impossible. Te sum tne wneie ining up, tee advantage will be with the party that offers the prospect of a new deal In lf)241 The Democrats have this advantage ever the Republican! the possession or n great vote-getter who is new in the national field, Governor Governer elect Smith, of New Yerk. It is, however, nn advantage which they may net dare te use. Ex-Justice Clarke a Possibility The Democrats, in case the nomina tion of Smith seems politically unwise, may fall back upon ex -Justice Clarke, of the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Clarke might appeal te voters en the record of his extremely liberal epin ions en tne nencu. If Mr. Harding does net care for another term or falls of renomlnatten, the naming nf the Republican candidate will probably pass te the farm bloc, which will control both houses of the next Congress. It represents the middle ground in the Republican party between the regu lars and the radical bloc, composed of LnFellette, Berah, Jehnsen, Norris, Brookhart, Frar.ler, Ladd and the fol lowers In the Heuse. But the fnrm bloc in rather colorless. Its chief figure is Senater Capper, a cautious undine greunuer, a censerva tive who manages te hnrn n tlhnrnl . ., , ,:.., ..... reputation. He inakee llttle appeal te the imagination, but perhaps for that very rensen eners n oasis or union. CALLS IDAHO RESULT SLAP AT BORAH Beise, Idaho, Nev. 0. (By A. P.) The election of C. C. Moere, Repub lican, as Governer by a majority of only between 7000 nnd 10.000 votes Is called a direct pretest against '"Boss '"Bess ism." by I. H. Nash, Republican State chairman, in a statement made public today. Discussing the vote Mr. Nnsh said: "A situation of unrest, nlrendv per plexing, was fanned te flame by the advent of Senater Berah with his de mand that the Republican nominees re ject their party platform. Enemies of the party took aid and comfort from his campaign and piled up a large vote against us. "Notwithstanding these conditions, the party has wen. In the vote we see that the party cannot and will net be stampeded te the opposition by ene man.1' WILL WORK TO UNSEAT NEWBERRY, SAYS FERRIS Senater-Elect Prem Michigan Be lieves It His Duty Grand Rapids. Mich., Nev. 0. (By A. P.) -Senater-elect Woedbrlrigo N. Ferris, Democrat, announced today his intention te work in the United States Senate for the unseating of Sennter Truman II. Newberry, of Michigan. "It would be premature te state mv plans at this time, nnd details are net jet completed, but my first official net lltinll f.lklm ,lthift Ulll lir, t Imfln urntiu i for : ; " ' ,u '- "" i' send, the Renuhllcan ciin.llilnte. U cause he supported Senater Newberry in the Senate, Ferris was elected by l,",(M)i) majority. The Democrats also elect. .1 n niemlier of the Heuse of Rep re.sentathes and five members of the i.egiblature. TEETH OF VOLSTEAD ACT THREATENED WITH PULLING Treasury Officials 8ee Beer and Wine Legislation Modified Washington, Nev. 0. (By A. P.) llpi.,l,.k,l1u fn. lrt lull,, IjlM .lliulir. t.t.. .l.A .. 1 . , . . . . Velsten.l net with respect te the sale of beer and light wines were regarded today at the Treasury us extremely likely as n result of the outcome, of u..miij s .i...n, In the meanwhile however. Secretary Mellen was reperte.l as held tig that the licawiry s policy or u strict enforce- ment of thn nrohibltlen laws would .p. :';",,,!''"01 -vr- '"'."" " time "n.;. rn,.nmv,.,iiti, ji, ,,;:' hiVniVy HOLvtrK: in hh Wh' ;. ri: case, .ur, l ernes said. "1 tiel It :"" , : .,',; thr il finiu t.i ,., "'n.l Sat.. 2 P. M.. Iit residence. Pnrry. my duty te t he people of Michigan te ,, " ,.' J""1"1 ,,,D. M'"n' te escape N j ,nt Cn'etewn Cem. Btrnlifhten out this matter " w 1 liability by payment of Beyer's money, hyatt. Nyv. 8. 1022, ni.iZAnBTH. Vpi J. .,.,', - , several months after the fill lire wlf of Samuel Hyntt.aed de Funernl Hat.. The fcenater. elect used the Newberry V.ii,. ,, hmveier nr. er,l thnt ' p M- W?.".' T- residence. 041 liuttoneod case as one of his iintmii?ii Issn.s ""'E' Htern. lieweer, er.lere.l that M. nn Odd Fellows' Cem Hema na nny be nr.n ,,. L, J ,..,. ' fr ,'pu,s' test nieny relative te the time of pay-, Mee.t Frl.. St.. 10 p.,M.. .. assailing ssenater ( liarles h. Teun-i. ..'..,.., .... ' imtiitam Xnv. 7. xvilliam ivntAr ... - . . .... nil.' MUHrinrn ,,,-, .- ,....n-i, , -iiir, continue unchanged, , despite the expres- 1 i.j cannot remember, said the wit wit slen of public opinion in different no,K, "W,. received iuaii. tlieiisands f felates. until ( engress acts. dollars' worth of securities every day." I nless the question actually comes ..Tltg Wes no ttlie 'sufi-lteeplng up in Congress, high Treasury officials hlix. we dlseusseil yesterday, was It V in.ll. uteri, little constderatleii will be ' Uhkf(j juige stern, given of the possible source of revenue .i-. I nm net refenltig te the 'safe which might be developed from taxes ' keeping box.' 1 knew nothing about the en beer and wine. ,.n, . P,nr. They were nil kent in mv Theme of "Tiger,f in U. S. Is Peace I Centlmird from 1'nge One j I am te give my first lectuie In the ; .Metropelian iipera Heuse.' n At this the interviewer allowed him- ' self a bread biulla. whcreunen Clem encenu said : I "1 teu what you mean, but don't be uneasv I am net going te Mug." "The Tiger" said he would rielher his ari.lress in Fngllsh, "I shall speak te the American public as a man sure of being heard." he de clare.!, "and I feel confident I shall he understood, Just remember that It Is out half a century since I put feel in the I'nlted States. It wns there I served my apprenticeship te demec racy, Te a query ns te what he was going te say te the American reporters when tikeri for his opinion of New Yerk's skyscrapers, he said: "Net bad, but tee low still tee fur from the iiinen," Clemencau repented thnt he was go ing without nn official mission. 1. Attacks Militarism "A minion," he said, "would only weaken my task, I urn going te eradi cate the Idea that France is militaristic and Imperialistic. "They say we hnve a military budget of ubeut five billion francs. I de net knew If that figure is correct or exag gerated, but I de knew thnt I have seen two German invasion and that I de net want te trv a third. And I eagerly wish our friends ever there te tinrlaratanfl tfit Alln.' I ,..-..--- .. VM.ST, nvrrt Three Indictments in Hall-Mills Murder Continued from rage One the murderer te De Rumey'a Ian and waited for them in an automobile until after the crime. Outline of State's Cass An outline of the prosecution's case nhtnlned from a nersen close te the authorities. It was learned that the authorities art convinced that the affair between Hall and Mrs, Mills had been bttnwn te various members of the con gregatien for at least two months prier te the murder. ' The theory Is that members of the choir or ether active workers in the church, who were envious ex tne atten tien Mrs. Mills receivca irwm we rwvwr, spied upon the couple and discovered their private poteOre in the church, where they left their notes for each .There is some reason te believe that persons ether than Mr. Hall and Mrs. Mills had been reading these .epistles for some time before the murder; The authorities are convinced that Am informer in the congregation. male or female, carried a tale of the affairs te Mrs. Hall, the rector's wife, as long age as two months before the murder. This conviction is easea upon an affidavit made by Mrs. Elsie Bam hardt, of Tatersen, a sister of Mrs. Mills, who Is expected te be en Im portant witness at the trial. Mrs. Bernhardt has told the authori ties that in a conversation with Mrs. Miila tvta months before the murder. Mrs. Mills quoted Mrs. Hall as having said te her: "Mrs. Mills, you are making my life very unhappy." This Is in direct contradiction te state ments made by Mrs. Hall, who has re peatedly said that she never knew of the relations between her husband and the choir singer. Witnesses In Reserve It was learned that the authorities Intend te produce ether witnesses te support their contention that Mrs. Hall knew about the rector's clandestine love affair. They also Intend te produce evidence, It was said, te contradict Mrs. Hall's statements that she had never been at the Phillips farm. Three wit nesses are said te have told the authori ties of seeing Mrs. Hall driving her smnll closed car along Kasten nvenue near De Russys lane In the early eve ning en two occasions within a few weeks of the murder. Lieutenant Schwnrtx, the fingerprint expert from the 4wark rolice Depart- ........ ...i. i. ...i..i.. th ..t.11.1... .... mi-Hi, ,,, 19 vui,.i,,,,a i vaiiiuhh ,ui fingerprints, despite the time thnt has elansed nlnee the murder, has Informed the prosecution that he may succeed ln mngnlf) lug certain bleed spots en Rec Rec eor Hall's clothing and find fingerprints ln thea. The bloodstains In question were found en the cuff of Dr. Hall's sleeves, and 'nrc believed te have been made by the slayer or his woman com panion. The authorities allowed It te become known that Henry nnd "Willie" Stevens, brothers of Mrs. Hall, had been eliminated from suspicion ns belnR lnelvrd In the murder. However, they are believed te have some Information that may aid the Grand Jury, und will be called as witnesses. Chandler Paid Up After Jail Threat Continued from Pasa One questioning," .he said, "by showing that snme one knew that this witness was In the process of being subpee naed Tt, M,, !. In,pn.t,1 .1.1 T...i, 5tem, "only In ascertaining whether the money paid te Beyer was the pro ceeds of the sale of the stock. The testimony adduced showed thnt a certain stock hiia been left by the cemplalnnnt for sale, und thnt this stock apparently hnd been hypothe cated by Chandler Bres. & Ce., and put up with the Bank nf North America te cover a lean nnd later takrn up and turned ever te Clark, Chllds & Ce., for reasons net ns yet shown. Crux of Entire Case If the Commonwealth could show that the defendants had something te v .. . --, uuuiii- de with tins iriiusaciieii, iiirn n Melinite ' ".' , pr 0l weum lVe ""en Mt,lU" IIMO u. ment be stricken out Quibble Over Werd Mr. Fex then spoke of "reetltiitlen." which brought Mr. (liltillun te hi.s feet again. "If the Court please." said Mr. till- llllnt. ,... .1, ,lltf kill' ,),, .liiii I.. r...t It'iil Inn " resiitillien. ... Judge istcrn remnrke:! that the word' At Ce. ns assistant cashier, stated in reply te questioning by Mr. Fex that nil the securities lecelved dally by the firm, amounting te many thousands nf dollars worth, were tluewn together m ,1 ilrnuM'. Ne effort was made te separate them. the witness said. All were lienpe.l to te uuther in the drawer. "I had 110 In structiens te separate them." he wild 1 i.My 0)y duty was te tr.msei Hie them ' !ut., ?luit we tailed the 'hr.N leek.' 1 . ,, it every day." jmlg(; Stern hUcl whether any .1 "...ui.,.. .,... ,,-i,,i r.. . ..1,. box." Didn't Keep List of Storks "De 3011 remember whether the defendnnts had anything te de with the hook entries of the securities?" asked Mr. Fex. "Ne, they had nothing te de with these entries." "Were the defendnnts in touch with the list of securities;" .Mr. Fex asked. "I don't knew, said the witness, "What did Mr. Mendcnlinll de with the box book?" "1 don't knew what he did with It. hut at various times I knew he looked ut it." Detective 8hoets Himself When his revolver exploded n, he was putting it into his pocket ln his home Inst nlffht Dlstilct Detective Tinnitus J. Killy. of the Sixty-fifth street und! Woodland nvenue station, received a bullet wound in his left leg, e Wus taken te tiie Philadelphia Hospital. RET.iail'BNQTICKS CHANtlR IN HOl'K OF MEETINO. fh", weekly clue en the Inivriiallensl Uniform fxaaena In Tea. litre Hall, American Suiidai Hchnnl Union liulldlng, lSK) Cheatnut Hireet, en Thuradttya will tie hld at 3 P, M, here after, inaienn in i , JDcatI.16 ALLEY. Jr. Nev. 7. OEOIIOE H . OEOl e II. A or uasrga n, ana unci ji, erse H. and once Ji. Alinv (n mi. r... .,.,-., . 4.1...... ....'.7 ...- trj. iivmuvBB nun iri attend funeral. Frl.. V SS7 N. 21at at. Int. lifiauve ann irienn "it 'flf ,nv,.,f' ,0 P. if, lat realdeiice. ; Merlah Cem! f riveup . sail Aliuaa. a m u I'. M, ANTHONY. Wev. B, iu'J2. CATHAitlMK widow of Htnjamln C. .Antheny. Relatlv !?. tll.d,A,' itti.x'Ji i Wni funeral" raa J:,2..'4f . ifpai.h'r late realdenee! lava a, sieieinn requiem mats at -'- W S.)--W WW.H. lie set t nstii iniiiriiiiiii run mi wr iinvT-ii-u- a a-eti . -v- r -a.. "restitution," US used tlllis far, mereh I nd frlenils nre invnen ie nitrnd funeral is n convenient "handle" for tin- idea. !"'''' s J1' i'ea "1 rVnl TaPr,."0' R. M. Holdsworth. of .lenklntew,,, I NKnu.EHER'-N.iv. Sr'nANinuhUanfl fermerlv emnleycd h.v Cliand er Itretliers nf Anna KtUcher Ine Fnhiv). ace.l n ixtlr: , ,?!l A aSSur Park. S. J. aralfij. ' Relatlvsa and ijiends areMvltaS 1 bqn. -ion afaM Aes! I tsfsniteft usitftta fil itl'll' KntrM rvic ind Inter-, min. Rjlatlves n3' friends. "mKTvSS laKSi a'at7, 2 , at residence olsen. P"MV- Ne, 04. e. B. e.i Vest Tnliii! Sv-.r?"f.Vv.n,C,IiVrk.rmBtV,"if0 ".tW.u'fett.mJtS tySStidmirW WnAte&. ?! MH.I Rb'-.W T. ALBBIITA. b.lsa imti canity. . IWHIym ma .wimqjv ww AM CARRl therfrv iROLUrVev-. jr. xvtu fns and late ThemM i ind. rrleads are inftted .. Sile A. M.. 11 4 WiLMAM. son ,ei c Carrell. I ta at !' llvaa and ltd te atteaa m- nerai; snrl. a vAtiaaniM. aeheeaw; fielei mSsnn ABBtK .1. mi terUt aiur-!han- armar.t pn evening. T rate. .Friends mar ei cWflffiWB. WeV. widow er.rredtrlek.Cii S'SO A. Mm .from her T. 1M3. JOHANNA. entente. Funeral pat.. ISO A. ., from her late realdenc. ian Green st Belemn wqulem rnaaa Church or the AssumpUen 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress 5fjrtirat Atl.MIn eitv. Nnv. fl. 8U8A: A., widow of FranK Cook.. Relatives jn. H...i.wv.,,.r. -..-..- ,-,, -- Ralelsh avi. K reJuTem pn.s''6uf ifd Bt; e? fhV.r3e Tf ll. Int. Hely Cress connetf. Nev. s. IP.Bum widow of Jehn H. Corsen. Relatives and friends are invited te attend Juneryl services. Saturday. S:M A. M.. at her late Msldenee. inn XV. tafiin St., Ocrmantewn. Hlsh ma; at Church of. fit. Francis efAsilfi 10 A. M. lnte'mnt Hely. Crew CjmMerS'. COVBt.t, On Sev. T. W. at pes Moines. laT. LtMANsen of William Brooks and Mera K. Cevell. 412 8. tth St. in his 32d "&. Nev. S. 108, FANNtn. dauah ter of late Peter and BUsa .Cramp. Jlela Uvea and fronds are InvltM te attend fu neral services. Sal.. 9 P. M.. at the real real Canre of her brethite Or. Joeph A. Cramp. 8isrpleas are.. Melrose Park. Int. prl- TDANAHER Nev. S. 1022. OANIRr hue band of Catharine, (nej. Gavin). Retative nnd frlencla. alie Helv Nane Peclety, Mm rick Ounrda B. A.. Court Wnyne. F. of A. are invited te atunu iiinerni aai.. iw a. sc at lite reeidance Aoineion in-w.. nu- moor. Pa. Utah requiem mas nt rhurcA of a ni i nrc" ei Interment Hely snven noier i A. M. Senutchrc Crmeterr EICKIIOFF.; CKIIOFF. Nev. 8. FRF.DERICK. .hua l of Mary ElchhnlT. Relattvne and friend band or are lnyliea ie niiena tunerai arrvicca, pbi., 1 P. M. preclaely, late retldrnce. i"P S. Frailer at. Int. Arllncten, Friend may call Frl., 8 te 10 P, M. . FARKrtW. At Riverton, N. J.. Nev. 7. 1022, FANNIK. wife of Rebert Farrew. Service at her lata realdenee. 408 4th St., Rlverten. Frl., Nev. 10, 8 P. M. OIFFORD. At Rerlln. N. J.. Nev. ft. 1022. RKUA. wife of Charles Clifferd, late of Cctnn City. N. J Relative and frlende are Invited te attend funeral aervlrea at hr latw h'ime. XVaahlngten ave.. Berlin. N. J.. Tburs.. It A. if. Int. Seaside Ceni.. fS. lj,atH 4? 3.. ahnut 4 P. M. ' OlLtA'ATT. Nev. 8. JENNIE C. widow of acersn H. Olllyatt. Relative and friends are Incited te attend funeral lervlce. Hni.. 2 P. M, preclaely, at her late realdenee. R42S Norfolk at. Int. private. ulAllfbli1 AI Aimmie Vlir. r. ,.. hut. ! 7. 1022. JACOn OlMURl,. Relative, and friend Invited te funeral servicea. Tnura., i0:S0 A. M.. Ht the Temple of Contrenatlen fledepli Shelnm. lirend ard Mt. Vernen sta. Int. private. Kindly emit (tower - dLEASOtf. Nev. 0. 1023. THOMAS F.. en of Bridget and late Themn 01enen (nee Delan) Relative and friend Invited te funeral, Frl.. fi.Sn A. M.. reld-nce nf hi brother, Jeseph XV. Oleasnn, 2002 Jtercer t. Solemn requ'em ma St. Ann' Church 10 A. M. Int. New Cathedral Tern. HALU On Nev. S SUSAN ANN. widow 3f Edward H, Hall. Funeral aervlc- en Fri ar, at 2 o'clock, at her late re.idenc, 101 XV. 2d t.. Medla. Pa. Int. rrlyat HARTLEY. Nev. 0, IH22, T.02.?. wife of William Hartley. Relative nnd rrlenda ere Ir.Mted te attend funeral, Frl., 8:10 A M.. late reildence. 44S K. Indiana nve. Solemn ' requiem, ma a; unurcn m ,ne Aacenaien je a. i. ini. m. weminic- i;em IIASSON On Nev. 8. MART OAMRER. wife of rtr Haen, In her 80th Veer. Funernl nn Hat., at '.', from her lnt?' real denee. 240O S. 73d it. Interment Arlington fc.WMW,V,i. ...... iii.mi' -t-'WiffciH nre nerarTM, s.-n n. 1012. EMMA F.. wife of, J Uber Htmt helm-r. HelAlUe and frlendn are Invltrd tu ntlend funeral ervlces at hr Inle r! 402T N 11th at.. Frl.. '.' v. M. pre clelv tnt, Oreenwoed "s. n' V ) Cem Hir-ICS. Nev. B, 1022. JENNIE VAN DYKE, wife of Thetna Hick, former real denee. 1710 N. 24th et. Relative and friend are Invited te attend funeral lervlres, nt her let realdenee WIS Atwood rd. Overbroek. Thur . 2 P. M. preclaely. Int. XVeat Lnurel Hill Cem. Friend may call XVed , 7 te 0 P. M HICKS. On Nev. S. 1022. THOMAS, hua band of the late Jennie Vanmke Hick. Rela tive anl friend Invited te funernl aervlce en Thundny afternoon, at 2 e clock nrecleely. at hi late rtnldence. J21S Atuoed innd, Oerhroelt. Interment XWst Laurel Hill V. IIIT-I "l V. JK1I.VIIK. inn of the Inte Wllllnm A. and Cntherln,, K Inghnm. Funeral eervlcea Frl. the le-h Inat.. nt 15 neon, nt th Church .,f St. Jarn- lhe 1-" Fall cf ShU'''l'l JOHNSON' Nev. 7. tfl22. EDWIN C . Tiuaband Emma Jel.haim, Relative nt d rrlmdii are Invited te nltend funernl sr lies Hat.. 2 P. M.. nt hN Inl,. resldeinc.. ltcr. Frlendn mav mil .Friday, evmlns. 1 .ifstick At He,i,.i,uie. n i.. s.nV (1 . Hill 1,1. tii.-tii 1 1' ,-,-iillni III! c cm- i'isj. john I' ji'stice. need ns iteintuei IllntiH nnd 'friend Invited te funeml Frl.. H'30 A. si., rrnm renldenr. .lain Tl.nir.iuen at. Snlemn le'iulem man nt St Mepe nf I.ttns Church 10 A. M, lnt t t'nthrdrrt Cm. "' Bl KBTTEnnn Suddenly. t Parnrrtnn Ph in . Nev. 7. lii22. tirnnnc u i!3' TEIIEB. In his 7Tth M-ar nlntl'e, 'nd friends Invited te fiincrnl, Frl . -j p imrlnrn of V. II Flutcher. (i.VUl IluiiMnn no , Huatleten, PhlU. Int, William Pen: ('. m Kivrrf.l-XVOOI). Nev. s Kinm e. widow of Jehn Lettlewnnd. nred 01 arii' Fr'eiida i,ll Frl ecnlnii. from s tc, in ,, tlis residence nf lier dnuBhler Xi Mnrv j. irinuiuti t ... imit pi, rnttiti-i nn.l Int Of I KIMUY. Nev. 7. !VII. huahnnd nf 'e .Mers iv.nirv. kimi nj, ueiatlvea ah4 rrl, tide. iiIpii ,urInm nf the 01h lint Pn. Vel. Invlti.l te funeral Frl. S'.ie a' M . from late re'dnce. r.r. 17 Pean JV fi-mn rennlem maa nt Cliurrh ef Our f,iiv of Vlrmrv in A. M. Int. it Fi.he.lrsi ., IFFnnTY -tev. S 1IIJJ, WII.MAM B huahnnd of Mnrv Lnffertv. RIiIvhh nnd friends. nln Phlla. Firemen' Itellef ,,an . Kenlene Fire Chief Am.,, urn Ink lied in sttenil fuiif-rnl Srrvlcea Sat.. 2 r. Jt At Ills lut lealdein XVnndland live, belnw .iv Fmrrnft. p(l. int. V7B?" rrlend- my call. Frl. ve. Private. LVFKEn'fY. Nev. 8, HOSE E LAF ri. lllli nniiaiuwr ni win i.iin i;nrIeH urwl Cem eter. l.sMI'KltT.' Nev. 7. 1022 ruin, n.c ALIlF.llT. mm of Charles nr.d the Inte xi mm fl Uimlwrt. aged 24 Funeral aarvlcea Frl . I- .-1 . ni r"nirm-n ni ma ureiner-lnl,iiv II. I,. IT . Ml.. V. 1R lxlnslnn nie . , III". S tf , ,11,1 (, (1 rrlendt tuny rnll Thura ,,P,A,wrr,v,"i?' Hsr'elah Cei . ill Thura. 7 tn n i i ' LAflKIN' On Nev. 7. JOR'JPIIIvr, .. widow et Francla Larkln, fermerlv nf pt '. tir.Pn,. lined 7Swer. ieunral K.riVV en Hat,. 8 30 A, M.. st.ner lata reJdn? Innl. Del, Ce . Pa. High ma. ", ?' Francla de Salea' Church at 10 o'clock inl' St Thema' Cem. ,K' "" I.At'UHI.IN. Nnv. 7. 11.22. n;ivi I.AUnilLIN. nd 01. Relative ami frlendi are Invited te alt-nd fuheral. Frl., s A ,!em.hl!; 1,!l,,,5,'l'k"Sl "u K' Af'nntl" ni ' llHddnnnld, N. J, Hniinn requiem inni. i Ht Ruse', Church 0:30 A. M. "tit st Mmva rem Oleureitrr, N. J "It. st, I.IPPINCOTT. Nev, 7. IDA E Wife of srinuT ii. i.iiiiinrnii mec nmuni. aituri r.i Celnly.. Sra,1''fe ..... i ...:.. L-:."z,","i". '".. at lenvenlence of fumtiv Tren. . " ,, ..." ."", n, J,, at her rail. ivv1"?0 s.rv,.nc..,,Vfv"ab;;,h .er3 I.OYI) -a i I lalnaeld. N. J at her XiARKLEY. ui.wunwneii ave In . wiii.niii I-u ini. Kiirnuinnil ?uner.Y",.,irvrcea?,JH'rr.n,1a T '"VS! Kr,d,B.c1.R.f W. H- WeaverBCN. Vth '."t! McCON'XHr.T. ..Vae v niuiis. M . . i,--.a .-"" - . i4Uij .. nuii and" f"r e1dU.Urtt.."U,I,,.5i.0.V?''v .hliWS eie, al aarwLlV fel tr! 'tV'tf attnd fSi neral rasldeaee, avp: ana aaania .. ueni requiem mass at . . Matthyw"! &teNLuffnY'Mii:vi dauetlter of late W, Harrison ana oareiinj U. Carryl. runrsl strvlees at Bt. '!" man (nee hlae). ' runersi M7leesen a rA i.ft "flBrvrvfiR in ill maay I fKir.V''n''r1JtV.n4WVJin?!l HThi,Jr',n'li' '"" I WEHVEl Relntlvea and frlenda ai Invite! ;Jn2r;-10S,Alf'S?. 'interne Btaiiiett ! ?1 "ulvcllt p'i .Vat.. Viewing "FrlU ets iAMe. win? or uiyH(. Omnt Mark ry. nVlk. iiivrt tirii ii M.'vjnu inline. . I inn- (7Piiii:iif m. I.iiOBald lilllaV. wire or jaseiwia Amur, in n. Tint . Relatlvea and frlanda. aUn mmaIup. TrT Hely Family, Rosary and Altar SoeletUi. are. Invited te attend funeral, Frl.. tYs A, M.. from her late realdenee, 2417 N. 4th st. Requlam msM atst. Bentfsce's Churett ' OXSSi-.'V'L.'Ai" .:"""L"'T.i'S"-. nunnM,Ui Widow efC Relative) and lunarai, . O'e Si! Cht ment copy. MTEn9.rNey. 7, 1021. C'HART.Rfl A.. Mietjand of Mary 0. Myers (nee Helland)! Relatives and friends invited ta funeral Bat., BilO A. M.. late residence. 8227 Pel ter st. Solemn requiem mass Church of the Ascension 10 A. M. Int. Hely Stpulchre K M... wife ). Relatlvte Atonement dSZ 2RS4 K. (lonlen interment tirlvata. till iae wemeiery. rltnda may enli Frl. eve, linr , JT.. 1S70 Chestnut st. Internum at Collin. vine. .cennL t ittVUS '-S" NevJ .?.??' CATHARINB rAXVLER. widow of XVIIIIam J. O'Brlm. Relatives and friend are Invited te the f from her, reeldence, MM Cheatnut it. Seu emn requiem ma at St. Jsmea' Church at :?? o'ejecj,. interment nt Ashland. Pa. PEARCB. Nt his. reitdenca. Uryn .xWwr. tq tne 73d yrai of hi as. Funernl aervleee at Helv Trinity Church, inth ana Walnut st5. en Thurtday. the nth fnst.. at 2 P. M. Ia ',l2,!fJ,lWlvate. Pleas emit flower. PEtllCn. Nev. 8. 1622. OKOROH M Jr. huaband of Marssret Pelrce (nee Davit). ReMtlve nnd fr'ends Invited te tunerai trv Ice. Sat., a P. M., late realdenee. 901 Jer sey me., aieuceater city, N, J. Int. Union Cem. PERKINS. N)V. S. 1022. XVINFIrtt.D SCOTT PERKINS, formerly of 010 N. AMr t. Retative and friend Invited te aervlcM, Sat.. 2 P. M. reiildence of eon. (leersj xf, Perkln. 1(18 N. Dearborn at., XVeit Phils. Int. Northwood Cem. Vlenflns; Frl. ave FROMMKR. At Clementen. N. J . Nev. 7. 1022. JOHN PFROMMER. aged 02. Ril. tlvea and frlenda Invited te attend funeral, from the realdenc of Mr. Ellen McOnrver, ifllrtN. nth et.. Phlla.. Frl.. 8 A. M. Ri Requiem ma St. Edward s Church 0 A. it, Int, Hely Cress Cem. PETERSON.ev S, nt the residue of his parent. 822 Fifth ave., Haddnn Heights. N. J.. ELMER R. Icislnnd of t'lennce Petersen and en nf MUlnrd V. and Mury O, Peteraen. aged 80. Due notice of funeral will be given. PETTiT At I'nlmvra, N. J.. Nev. 7. 1022. JOSEPHINE M.. widow of William If. I'ettit. Sr. Servlre nt home of hr ion, Chnrte M. Pettlt, Highland ave., Frl., I P. M. Int. Odd Fellows' Cem.. Phils. Friend may call Thur. eve. . PRESSER On Nev. 7. 1S22., ELBtK H . wife of Theodora Presrer. Ftinernl- eervlces en Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hr daughter' retdnc. Mra ft. S, Colten 1 Isnfalr and xvuter reads Ardmore, Pa. Intr-ment private. ... rtiiur. isev. e jMn. wire av ammka W IIM fnaA I.W.I n.llllli. M friend of the famllv Invited, te funeral ervlce, Men., 2 P. M, preclaely. from her late realdenee, 421 N 03d St. Remains may be viewed Hun, evening, from 8 te 10, Int. private, at Arllnsten . QUim Nev.. T. HRIDOET. daughter et tne nit menarn nne jiary.A. vjuinn ina n:n 8t rtenla" Cem. Petvllle niiM plese cesy. RIIESE. ANNA FRANCE! hECBll. wit CBll. wife Pa., and Wl'aen. of or David j. Keeae. or unrrienura; daughter nf Themn and Clsr V Sharen mil. Fa Funeral servicea en Friday. November 10. 1082. at 1 P..SI.. at the par ter 'of Oliver II. Hnlr. 1M20 Cheatnut at.. Philadelphia Interment prlvata nt Arllnsten Cemetery, REYKQf.ns Nev. B. JOHN sen of the late David nnd 'Rachel A Reynelda. Rela tives ane irienes nie imneq 10 ttinpl. Thura . OP. V . realeene !.! Whartcn at. Int. Arlington Cem. Frlen. mav reu wen, eve. niCH.MONP At her realdenee. 125 . sfllh at., nn Nev. 8. 1022. EMILY It. RlCrl MOND. Funeral aervliea and Inlermtnt l",Ri)l?IN?ON. Nev. 7. 1022. MARTHA. wife of thn late Matthew Rohlnaen. Rela tives and f.'l-nda Invited te funeral aervlcea, rrl., 2 P. M Inte rea'denee. 2702 N. Fair hill at. Int North Cedar lllll Cem. Friends limy cull Train1, eve. 8AUTTER Nev. 8. KATHARINE (ne X'ellmar). widow of Jehn Sautter. Relative and frlenda. alae menttier of St. Michael's l.utsernn Church. Invited te service. Frl.. a P. H.. nt residence of her en-ln-law. Fred erick Q. Blcer. 2118 E. Semeraet at. Int. rLvj'VJ-P''lneil5!. CeP- . M lul,i..un isav. n. i"i. "Li'sws IKNE. wife nf XVurren II, Schulls. Rela tives and friend are Invited te the aervlea. en rrmay eimung. ai e 0 cieck, r"l.;ence. 130 Lexington. nve.. E. 8 o'clock, at her late 1 nve.. E. Lanaoewn. lh n, tSnnt.tll Ta HCOUI.t:il. Nev, S. SARAH A., wife et Jehn Hceuler. Relative and friend are Invited te attend funeral service. Bat . 2 P. M., at her late residence. 2714 S. Hoi Hei hrenk st. Int, Mt. Merlah Cam. Friend mav ci.ll Frl. eve. SEAMAN'S. At her realdenee. B Bunahlti reud. tinner Darbv. en Nev. S. 1J22. EMMA RAYMOND, widow nf Seldrn Scrnnten Sea man, bervlce en Friday evening, at J A o'clock, at the Oliver II. Rnlr Hldg.. 1SI0 Cliesmut at. Interment at Facteryvllle. Pa., ""bbId'iVnAHI. -Buddenfy. Nev. JI, PAUI, INE. widow of Frederlek Beldensahl. agJ 0 Hcrvlcea Frl.. 2 P. M., at. realdenc M2 AV. Huntingdon St. Int. at Nerthwa S Cem. Frlenda may call Thur. eve. PTEWART.-N.iv. 8. lOtS. AN.VIB.M.. wltn of late Jealnh Htennrt (ne Ollllrs). Relntlvea and friends Invited te funeral aerv Icea, Sat.. 2 P. M . Irtte resldencii. 1111 Xf. Silver t. Int. XVcstmlnatar Cem. Friend ""sHf'm'T-On Wed,. Nev. 8. .sau JULIA A,, widow of cnariea . ennrt. j-.iaiiee and frlena. Invited tn attend the funrra aervlcea en Trl. avj.My. 10. at 8 o'cleek. ve . '. iu. n lanit Oreen at nt late residence. I reHUlcnye, n" tu, ,111 t P. M.. Odd Fellow' Cemetery, Interment sat,, 1 r. cam. THOMAB. At the reajdenc of hi son-in-law. G.-erge A nnur, Audul en. N. J., en NOV. 7. le-K, .u,sii i' . iiununim UI ilia .ni., 1 inte' Katharine B rl.'ny evening, nt 8 o'cleek, at the. Oliver ''.,- ,til 1S.A ek..,nn, ., riklls f. te'rment vrivale, en Saturday, kindly 'emit TRAP!'. Nev. fl, 1022, MARY C wife of Fiank J. Trupn (nee BchlettcrbecK), aged nt. Relntlve and frlunda Invlti.l te funeral A.vl... Frl v, J.,t ac nor iuip reaiuiiiicv, 18S7 E Semaraet at. Int. Mt. Vernen Cem. WATt.lN'. At Orenleeh. N J.. Nev. T, WILLIAM, huahnnd of Ella Wataen. RU' tliea and rrlenua inyuiri realdenee. Orcnlech. N. J. te funernl. late Frlenda may call ThxvATTERMAN. Nev. 7. 1022. et th Old Ladles' Heme. Wlestnnmlng. MAROARRT H WATTEHMAN. sed 81. Relntlvea and friends aie Incited te attend funeral eerr Ilea Frl . 11 A M.. nt the Heme. WEIIEIt Suddenly. Nev. il. nt 2201 If. Illh at.. IIF11MAN WEIIKR. aged .12. Hefa Uvea and frlendi are luvlted te nttmil neral. Frl.. S 80 A. SI . from realdenee of 0. F Osuker. 2141 S lllth at, Solemn hlsh mass nr St. Menica's Church 10 A. M Vvl :l.l, WIl, 1. l'. UI.UIIUII T II WF.IflH Nev, 7. JOHN F. huthand of Minnie XVelas. ased 70. Ilelatliea and fi'enda. l'i Frnnkllnvllle (leaiin Verein. In vited te attend fumrnl, ITI.. 2 P XI from his dausntei reni"nce, jornnie ai. Int. ur.Vdte Oieniineuiit Cem Itemalnl niny h viewed Thura., after 7 P, M. XVJi:i.A.i Oj Nev. 7. 1022, Of ANNA WIi:i.ANJJ. Funeral ervlce dny morning, at 10:30 o'clock, nt thi i. ,,.'. III,". llinfl ChA.lnnI In aEonee. en rri h Oliver II Ilnlr Rids 1820 Chestnut it. Intermei nn "WII'LIAMH ti,n,i in funernl. S it,. S .11 A. M . from 2ft iluh mnaa of renulern. at rch 10 A. M. Int. Ni rn at. Solemn 1: S. (Inlirlel'H Church Cathedral Cem, W 1 1. Hi'V N. 7. 1022. of Or inheld fever. JOHN H. XVII HON. eged 01, Put nrlvate. Frl., 2 P. M . from Ida late ni'ce, Oermnniewn idke, HlcHerjluwn. I"unerl ri- itecce, Oermnniewn I'liic, lllcuerjluwn. r lnt Leverlngten YOSKllR.-Mnv. 2. 1022. 81'HAN YON KER. Relnllve nnd frlnida are Invllid.U nltend funeral aenlc. Friday. 2 P M, Piirlera of W. J. Phllllna 04" N. 10th li Friend may view remain Thuradav eve nlns. Interment (IC. of P.) Orecnwled Cem cterv via funeral cir. "ilvixtienMAN Nhv. i. f.bvfht. has- hand' of Snnhla SCImmermar (nee HchmMII, ai',1 1.1. Relative and frlenda. nlaq all Sf rletlea of whlqli he w n m-mlier. sr I vited te attend funernl aervfee. Hat,, 2 x. M . from Ilia late realdenee, 8303 ClianibaeS at lnt, at Oakland Cem. Remain may fee vlewed Frl , from 8 te 10 P, M. rXDKRTAKFJtS 7-wn nev. e, ihik, DICMA. A. Merrell. of" 1I0T Brown X L'rlende are Invited te the .en Tnuraaay mernins. at l-SA ioek. rrem the Oliver H. nair nid Uii stnut. st, Hlsh mass of requiem ai UKh of tha Aaaumnllnn at 1ft A vf Vi,.V Private. Trey. N. Y.. eanara i y .1lElf.,"-:J,er 7i IP". ANN, of Wllilam H, Newby (nee Hsuer and frlende, alan Lutheran Icea flat.. l:SO P. Ml. m Ti ! tllllmnrtln). Funeral Frl.. s:se a. m.. from the residence of her (later. Mr. Jehn Fee, 023 N Mth at. Solemn mm of requiem st the Church of Our tadv of the Reaary. II A. M. rtelatlva nnd friend Invited. Int MICHAEL J.. h(' hand or i,uen a iiiiiiiiu- nice .iinriiiu. .ex. atl.e nnd friend, nlac Ht, Oiilirlel'a Helv Nam" Society! Court American Enle. Ne. OR. P. of A I XVenelle Trlhe, Ne SM. 1.0. t ' s, . ItMOIstrt Wlmrtmi FlAn Knnfwlv. In. l.-!?,l&Ojll m K'a. .".Lr.' . 11. b&&teht h,ilA.i. . 1 ,:;mu. mmM ' iiiA MV.'-r''.v-.;;-Vi,'I:sSBBBsl