tJ3 ms. sw, tt"h: i ' v WW " ikt WUiAV m$n ."'" " i m. ttSr.i K&' . fcM crv tw W-9 h h m 'M. s m n 1 E--:i. I !'! B i 1 I 8 pi HT5t vj,r " L.!M. . VjT fjj I S' v V I TS3WV? "SkV.." ", ' : . "SvEKtk' k'xriaHMaMfi TIIDIOUiAiiTnrinr PARLEY NEXT WQK Angera Would Consider Delay as Act of Hostility I by Allies W DARDANELLES CABLE CUT Uncommon Sense : Part-Time People lly JOHN ni.AKK Yerk Till' I'lilldren grew up devoting tf.n nt hn.Mlltr mrntniir Hip " M"' tllr """ l" rnnrBlinii Mini PIU'UIU i'l ' ....... ... ft ....u ...v.. i..rc.,- Bl 4 fleriated Prfl Pari, Ne. P. Ismt Phn. Foreign Hlnltr In the Turkish Notienalist Government, hag Informed the nllled Governments that any delay In holding the Lauannn peace conference would be a disaster, in It would be Interpreted br I the Angera Assembly and the Kemnltet C" '' Turks and an indication that the Allies did net intend te lire up te the condi tions of the Mud.inla armistice. The French Oevernment, therefore, Is exerting every Influence te hae the Lausanne conference formally opened n scheduled time, November l'l, in or der te demonstrate te the Turks the geed intentions of the Allies. The British asked for a postpone ment because of their approaching elec tions, but the French new have pro posed te the British that in view of the message from Ismet Pahha nil pnrtle T)ECAU8E the ueep'.e of New D de net take sufficient interest In their schools, there In n short n go of buildings nnil consequently ltiMiffldrnt room te give alt the pupils scnlH for the full school iln. Kvcii in this nge of ndvnnccir civiliza tion there are still cIMe tliep luhiibl luhiibl tetiM de net rciilizc that eilucatlen la mere important than nm thing else in the world including tielltl. s and mil nldpnl government utiil presidencies and premlerships. Many thousands of pupils In New Yerk and doubtless In ether cities In Kurepe and America are "part-time pupils" nud get "part time ' educa tions. This may be the result of incompe tent school authorities te winn extent, but If the people took the Interest in )( line's they eittfht te take, no Incompe tent persons would eer be school authorities. fluent progress Is restricted in rense uuence. Hut the children are net te be blamed for this nert of thing. Thej are "part tliiic" pupils for tut fault of their own. Their ciders, however, are crj likely te be "part limp" people, and this Is their own fault. Most of them are people who upend just about half their time In Intelligent intellectual Pursuits, in and out of busl iies (hat they ought te spend. They mny keep regular business heuis, but any one who lias been in any gnat leinmeriial establishment known hew much or rather hew little actual Intensive work Is done by thee em em ple.tcd there. It l net the elght-heur-day that is insiihVlent for the work of the world It N the "part time" work that U put In Inside these eight hours. 11.1. TIMU people are rareand in m h nmeitnt te semethinc. The most medlecic man can. If he uses all his time, accomplish a great deal. The brightest man, If he is a "part F time" man, gets little done for himself' or anybody else, because be leaves vnls work te leaf twenty times n day and has te begin much of It nil ever again. "Part time people" are at much of a source of trouble in the world as part time pupils, and they have no excuse for the time they spend in idleness. CefuHght. tut EXHIBIT FARM PRODUCTS Maryland Citizens Offer Agricul tural Display Kasten, Md., Nev. I). The annual (.011110 -wide agricultural and home economics exhibition of the farmers of Talbot County opened here this morn ing in it garage en Seuth Washington street. The room was decorated with tlagi bunting and autumn leaves. There was nn exhibition of wheat, cera. eat", rye, potatoes, cabbage, bean", peas, turrrtps, ami, in fact, evert thing grown en the farm. The exhibit of poultry was exceptionally large. The judges will- be Mls 11. Knight, Miss A. 8. .Tenes, Mrs. ,T. A. Burroughs W. II. ltlce, and P. W. Oldenburg. -. - j n' ? - - - iv - , f "in TrWTJjVMS . ' ? rmm I ' ' La ausanne. The llritlsu reply te tms nroDesal has net vet been received. As the Trench view It. the confer ence should be opened en time ne'.t Monday as a demonstration of geed sa. ill and then the mere Important meet ings requiring the attendance of the plenipotentiaries could be postponed for a week or se. during which the experts could occupy themselves in sundrj preparations. Ismet Pnha still Is in Constant! Censtant! Constant! aeple, the Foreign Office has been ad vised, but he intends te go te Lau sanne as seen as possible. Bulgaria has asked the Allies te Crant her representation at all of the discussions at the Near F.atcrn Peace Conference at Lausanne insttad of enl at these concerning the Straits. The Ttquest new Is under consideration. The troubled tstate of affairs in (.'on (.'en (.'on tlantlneple may net b gettinj jiiv xrerse, but there certainly seems te he Be impreveni'-nt in geed teelin; between the Kemallsts and the allied leinmls-, loners. Twe Itritish snldleis were assassi nated last insht ut KivdlnipMsliii. ac cording te the Constantinople corre spondent of Petit P.irlsicn. Colonel Ch.irp.v. cemmmder of the French troops in the Constantinople area, told the correspondent he consld censld cieil the bltuatlen one of the gravest nature. The attitude of the KemilNts be comes stiffer everj day and the extrem ists seem te be In power at Angera. An indication of this was the h Iteration yesterday of the demand that the Allies evacuate both their uulitaiy and ii.iv.t1 forces from Constantinople and sur rounding districts. Ilonie, Nev. 0. (By A. P.) Pre- mler Mussolini has tclesr.ipb.ed te the Italian high commissioner In c.'on'tiin c.'en'tiin c.'on'tiin tlneple stating that lie favored a united front by the Allies regardiiu Tml.e.v. The Premier announced the sending of this message at csterdav's cnbinet meeting. Turl. hda beaten (irecce, but could net claim te have dvfeated the Entente, the Premier said. The Italian worship Archmede was ordered by the Premier te lemaln at Constantinople anil he gave inti actions that in case? of neccs-It.v ether ve-e-els should b held iu readiness te protect Italian Nationals, The suggestion for a pos-penement of' the Lausanne conference, the Premier added, had come from (Jrent BrPiiin, and Italy had agrecil te it .n condition that the delay be Iu iff. Londen. Nev. f). H A. P.) Lon Len Lon eon morning newspapeis failed te re ceive their usual iuet is of news frmn Constantinople today because of the'" cutting of the Eastern Telegraph Com Cem pan.v's cable en the Kemalist side of the Chanak zone by the '1 urks, nnd tl.eir refusal te permit rne (.empany te ie rnlr it. Se far as was known here this morning, no overt or hostile act has jet been taken at Constantinople, either by the Allies or the Kfmull't", but the situation is known te be extienulj tense and the insistence of the Nationalists upon their demands for nllled evacua tion has made it increasingly critic.-.!. & ." i at Mediterranean "Winter, voyages de luxe In winter the sunny lands of history and romance that edge the Mediterranean make an imperative call upon the imagination. Egypt with its pyramids, its caravans, its crowded bazaars; the Hely Land, easy of access; Athens, classic in history; the southern coast of Europe, famous ports lying at the edge of a magic blue sea, flower and vine-clad hills, medieval fortresses; the oriental enchantment of Algiers; changing scenes and sounds at Mente Carle, color, action, sentiment, warm and pulsing life in the winter playgrounds of the world! Fer discriminating travelers the White Star Line and Red Star Line announce the following sailings: LAPLAND (18,565 ten.) Jan. 18 and Mar. 10. 1923 ADRIATIC C4.541 tens) Jan. 6 and Feb. 24, 1923 Itinerary: Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Monace (the Riviera), Naples, Alexandria '(for Egypt and the Nile), Haifa for Jerus alem and Athens (Phaleren Bay). Write for beautiful color booklet FREE. Plans, Rates and information en delightful shore excursions Address Mediterranean Department. SWIiSf e.Stae Iineit American Line -, .JS- .7 Red Star Line International Mercantile Marine 1319 Walnut Street, or Lecal Company Agents inn the Duke' of Yerk founded the Ameritan Colony of New Yerk in 1662, he followed the statutes of Charles II. yKC; These granted the rtght te leave ; property i by will, in the care of a capable manager. pp : r3iPj -nsrra mm "Capable management,,, today, meansa trast company MODERN law offers complete opportunity for protecting these dependent en your fore sight and business judgment. YOU CAN MAKE A WILL and assure the disposition of your property according te your wishes. , Yeu can provide against forced sales and the hasty distribution of your holdings. Yeu can control the principal of your estate by placing your property in the custody of a Trustee of your own selection. Such a Trustee, familiar with your affairs and your own methods, can perpetuate your own policies of, management. Disregard of these privile'ges leads,' in many cases, te less of family prop erty and broken family ties. Call and confer, in confidence, with our officers about your estate. Or, if mere convenient, ask us te 6end you our booklet, "Protecting the Family". ' Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street Bread and Chestnut Streets ft1 r T.e' Science finds the way te protect teeth from two destructive forces 111 7Si M'r3rw! Vfi PEOPLE everywhere are paying tell day by day te two deadly enemies. They are paying with the health and beauty of their teeth. One of these enemies is dental mucin, sometimes called film. This forms en the smooth, white surfaces of the teeth, making them grad ually ugly and discolored. The ether is the fermen tation that gees en in the hard-te-reach places. Tiny feed particles decompose and form acids that eat far into the teeth before you knew decay has even begun. Scientists tell us that the only way te keep teeth geed looking and really healthy is te guard them against beih these enemies. Sanitel Teeth Paste and Liquid .Antiseptic together give your teeth the double protection you need. White teeth are beautiful teeth Sanitel Teeth Paste softens the ugly dental mucin with its glycer ine content, then removes it with its fine chalk. Because it clears away this filmy coating se effect ively it is unusually successful in restoring whiteness te teeth. It makes them beautiful. . Cleun'iceth don't decay Sanitel Liquid Antiseptic counter act? the acid decay. It floods into the smallest crevices, purifies them and removes the tiny feed partiebs that se quickly fernwnt and eat into the teeth surfaces. It also strengthens soft, tender gums (often forerunners of pyor rhea) and frees the breath from all odor. Start at once te learn what the Sanitel complete dental treatment will de for your teeth. Fill out the coupon. The Quiet Typewriter" Maker of the famous Sanitel Teeth Peuder and ether toilet preparations TOOtll PBSt 6 remits unsigMy film r 1 Try tht cempltt drntal treatment that dantlata avtrywhera areanderilnr. I Let u eenil you trial eiie of both Sanitel Teeth Pnrte andLlauld AntlMPtlc. I Twe generous samples FREE I liquid Antiseptic chicUimvU decay 4iiUe AODnCSS: 5ANITC CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY I OcBt. 3fl 404 Seuth Peurth HI f ...! Ma . I I I "The sum of typewriter merit," is a strong statement, but we make it advisedly. The new Ne. 12 Remington contains every feature and every quality that the typewriter user has always wanted. Remington strength and reliabilty in full measure. "Natural Touch" which gives a speed and ease of operation which is a revelation te every typist. Geed werkand always geed work insured by features which prevent mis-operatien. The Self-Starter, or automatic in denter, that exclusive Remington feature, which saves nearly a minute per letter in typing time. And added te all these, a degree of silence in operation which insures the auiet desired in every business office The new Remington Ne. 12 sells for $110 $7.50 mere than our standard correspondence machine a $7.50 premium for quiet Yeu will want this new Remington in your office for the surpassing quality of its work. u Your typist will want it for its natural touch" which makes the day's work swift and easy. New en demonstration. Remington Ne. 12 A geed typewriter deserves . a geed noben. Paragon ribbon made fiy us. 15 cents tach, Si ad Remington Typewriter Company 110 Seuth INIinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Talenhnniiii Dm.1I n7nl..4 amnn. it a mm . . ...v,,..u..vr uc, TTuuiut oieu; ncYBiene, main evw jj 1 iit ' J"F, i. "Kf'fJ . S . j k'JvLY . I --'i.. . 11 iV.JSTJf ! A! Utrf .1 x . M -1, ..- i'A'.. 1 r. .j . 1 . ,u i. j J i- - ...Kttfi'db :? i r X j-thj. . .. USLji&ftLi 1 i.-y ' . J..H.UI