"JvSkKw MMMm MWWi m mmmwGw Twmi wm j t, i; M'"! it -r MCK FEARS '..A l; LOT OF RED TAPE Chicago Weman Says Washing ten Will Try te uay ' Her Ald ITENOr, "tefight HARD Jiflsen Huek. of Chienge, who hn been dfcfCiI te fill the unexpired term or hfr lale fnthrr. WlUlnra K. Miwon, Re publican, an Itcprescntatlvc-nt.LarM, U (he firt woman cast of the siimw ippl (e be te Congre and the flrat oilier ccr le sit In that body. Mr" LeMIe Holmen O'Neill, Repub llfan, Downers flievc. will by the firt Illinois eninn te sit in the State Sen- " Tlnrk did net nppcar te be. elated .vK'wcterV "Ibecn through .What SSTffiSf and defeat ,nany "ln?M." he nlil at her home cb erdny. "1 hail the .llcndvantace of net Mnjc . fiubweman," Mie continued. "That ' net n mental dlSadvantaBe. hew- fver. for I have pawed much time at ftaVhlngten and I knew the situation." Interested In World Peace Mr. Huelc I Intere-ted primarily In constitutional ei teVnrd the ciitob ciiteb Ihhtnent of world peare.' ..... World peace cannot be legislated. th laid. "I think It the duty of this feneratien te leave tlie next generation J foundation for pence. It Is n woman in rieterr and l.e what ? woman can de without Hie Hiinpnn. i""y ), niumanrn nml the gcncrnl Tjelltl- ckI marhlnw." continued Mrs. HucK. ."I want n nig milium; . - - .U." lie Knldr "They will try te Velvet heads the List . -of Autumn Fabrics lay 80 ."I wrap me up In a let of red tape. 1 m aside, and I want a big majority tnry ran r mm iv Weman Elected e Assembly Mrs. O'Neill, of Downers Greve, the grit woman te be elected te the State Assembly, resarda her election as a nweeping victory for women. Mis Helen Ucnnett, Mrs. Emily Washburn Dean and Mrs. Myrtle Tanner lllaeklldse, Republican candi dstes for the County Heard, nil of nuetn were mewed under in the Demo cratic victory, were net complaining jesterdiy. Oshliesh. Wis.. Nev. 0. "I am net disappointed, but I am sorry sorry that Wisconsin will send Rebert M. J,n Toilette Imck te the United States Brnnte with ft record ouch ns his dur ing and sinre the war." That i the statement of Mrs. Jessle Jack Heeper, of Oshkesli. Democratic Party candi date for the United States Senate, who ss defeated in the La Fellctte Pre-gresive-Hepiihllenn victory of Tuesday. THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE By JToreM Donaldsen Eberlein 1 A." asHBBa bssssssbbIsbI sVn SSSTff Is. hVheT It 6 of Wet. na Ev '4$ BTOr WffOi " SnUAL THIS WEEK Uditi' Bilra Fits Sltk ass CI 1 C Wesl Hsilerr feW "Mif Fall FaiUnsJ Silk fl 7C Heilery PleJ Atl fth.M .J tmM-mm ROYAL HOSIERY SHOP ! 8. STK ST. Aereai from Olmbftt . cWf, BVfciga aMsa' II nuuinerif KISUUCED Foremost foreign con caption at prices that prove a pleasant aur- ODillincrV Shepc 252 SOUTH 15TH ST. y NEURITIS, LUMBAGO, TIFF MUSCLES, ETC. . wiftittf treattd with eUetria tiatitat 1 lrteIpjil' Velrjlftle. F.N.ADAMS I r7.K l.t).. 1808 AUCH W. 3aundrs ssnna x KSIM. . Wa art BajBEak W1T Xml FUR!" 4 Eik .. ... EitablUhed 09 Ytara , . 1 1 13 9. 8th St. 2710 Ota. Am. Philadelphia's tmest 1 BUTTER Oa Sale st Lsadibg Starts and at READING TERMINAL MARKET M. R. KERST, Stall 422 iiiiiumiiniinnunmiun fakement Curtains One, two or three sets of curtains may he use.i in n casement window, but the essential net is the se-called class curtains. Tlien mnr lu mnrln ni m. net, viini, gaure, muslin, etc., or of colored goods ns well ns white. These curtains may lianfr strniBht or may be looped hack ; they may be mude witli rumt'H mi- with limi. ... ... i.. tied baek with ion! or with ribbon. as a cencrni rule curtains which nam In sti.'iMit i',.liu cm.,...i.. -u. iu." " .i :",., """ ;""' "a. m .luvn ill inn Wllllinn Pfl, n. nvn. k.... A cettnee window rnll f i,i ..i. ' lenrd ruffled ciirtaina looped back. Hut Vlian If- lu .In, lm..l A. 1 . .. .. n iiL-vH-d te Keep me outdoors ..t. iiuiiiuM ii h mown in tue lllus- tTStlOIH me tlu mnsf. LntUfnxtnx. 'ri.. tre inure ilinienlr In mni, -.,' . u. " m.,...v, UIJU IU UV , l r"' "euw very .ecu Wheil Cheiislnif ,!m mnta.l.l . .1-.. curtnltis. remember that n yellow or ft n. i ,J ' l0T 10r ,acU of n nine; materials liavinjt n reie tone will .. ""V','.1" """ et""'ic"8 te n room, Ji.i.a (lcl ,ata. ,!re,,n ' brenkfnst """ stilus ei ircsimess and nature. Tarnatien Steels In Mether's Memery Boek ne?u uays when Baby was Kinc, the rely-pely, cuddling Jinys, the nhvays-inte-cvery-thing days and the later days off te school. Theso day8 are well spent with the phe- OBrnphcrs te store up pic- Boek '" Mether's Mwry Vw Christmaa Gifts, by appointment, until Dec. 1, we will make a of our 7" x 11" pertiaits for S3. An unusual trait B ChampIain Pr" CHAMPLAIN STUDIOS i irAhXUT ST. Fnene WaUut K1S HOMES WIRED WCLUDWG FIXTURES Te 1 MflMTUO TO iu muiiine PAY wryHALEN-CROSBY m idnM iiil t. nrB wj - . m, i nn ar is.10 "iwn tld.,. .. . lBta . ',nB ht. Afttrnoea ".""ttap. r...: I'Ki0" 1" "t . v r .-iBani Mtwtirtiui Dy COKINNE LOWE velvet Bowns" far outnumber these who are coming in "rags and tags," or, in deed, any ether prevision of th de signer's nrf. Fer velvet is the fabric pre-eminent this season, nnd its away extends from morn te dewy eve. In afternoon gowns black velvet retains all of Its old authority, but, as Is -true with nil black costumes of the present season, they are usually brightened by n touch of vivid color or elie they are combined with white. The delightfully simple afternoon frock of black chiffon velvet illustrated today receives this meed of color from the wreaths and smaller motifs of chiffon rosebuds in green, red, lemon nnd blue. The underskirt Is of gray chiffon. Aftcr'Dinner Tricks An Exclusive FOR GOLF Oxford that, due te it's "Scale Seles," is almost a necessity en the links. OjfeiiqrQridall f J42Q Chestnut SL Ne. 314 A Match That Won't Light A match is banded te a person who asks for a lleht. Ah iiuin I.. it.l.. the catch it gees out. Every match that is given te him acts in rh Am way. The matches are previously treated in n very simple wuy. Obtain some water glass or sodium silicate. Smear some of thla preparation around the match just below the head. Every match treated in this manner will go out ns seen ns It is llchted. Covvrieht. JOlt, by Publle Ltigtr Company (HOGGS. Th "Marclla" 'Oraet and charm in thU new metfst of ntaek Satin, Brown suafs ami tXt nu Otter Bueat. $10 Strictly Hand itadt Cut SUtl Buckle in many shapes and dfitgn that brighten the new Fall ellpprn se imartly. $2.50 te $25 Every Phase of "Colonials" Has Been Perfected in Our Present Display of Tongues s Awl Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Storey Central Aisle SALES Celluloid Toilet Articles Imitation Ivery, 25c te 93 Imitation Tortoise Shell SOc te $1.50 Many will welcome this opportunity te match up toi let sets for ChriBtmas gifts or te complete the "gaps" in their own. Particularly notable values hi the imitation ivory are puff boxes and hair receiv ers, 50c and 75c; hair brushes and mirrors, $1.25 te $3. In the imitation tor toise shell are puff boxes, perfume bottles, jewel cases, combs and nail buffers at $1 ; hair, clothes and hat brushes, mirrors and trays at $1.50. Mtrictly Hand UaiU ft PeitpnH fceulf.Miti -.FvrVNG, VuiBfield Inc. Th "Itnore" In beautiful Patent Leather, WaeJk flafln, lllaelt Suede, Brown Kid, Brown Satin or Dull Kit. $10 gTYLES mere numerous and varied than be fore ; materials of ultra quality; modeling of a skill that assures perfect fitting and longest hold ing of shape. Beautiful Hosiery m ,r4 iClttl r.il Made St liar, Th "Ktlman" iTi teo!el'tto 0 Biek SS,in " Dro Dre f?.? Brown Vclvrt with Brocade, Brown Kuulnivith Biiupii Rut, " ",n v"i't with Patent Leather. $10 Strttt Mmi 'M Winkelman 38-40 Seuth'52d St. Style in Quality Footwear 1130 CHESTNUT ST. At Twelfth 2961-63 Frankford Ave. rri iihiiiiihiimhtttii i i nrm J Tn-iu., lasfi VUfh eiM can Geed Felt Bedroom Slippers $1 Loek closely at them! Wouldn't it feel geed te slip into them after a long, hard day at the office or a busy afternoon of shopping or a round of household duties? Every feature of them spells SOLID COMFORT the warmth of the material, the snugness of their fit up around the ankles and their soft padded chrome leather soles. Rese, light and dark blue, taupe and dark gray. Stamped Cotten Towels, 50c They are of soft, absorbent cot ton toweling and measure about 18x30 inches. Finished with a clever imitation of the "pyramid" edging. (Down Stair Starr, Central Alsta) Specially Priced Curtain Materials 20c, 35c Yard Materials that will make crisply "homey" curtains for almost any room in the house. 20c yard for plain marquisette of desirable even weave. Tape edged. White, cream and ecru. 36 inches wide. 33c yard for novelty figured net in a variety of pretty patterns. White, cream and ecru. 36 inches wide. (Uemn ilalrs ftter, f'limtnut) Extra-Size White Nightgowns, $1 te $2 Pretty ones! Plain slip-en styles with round neck and kimono sleeves finished with hem stitching:, $1. Embroidery trimmed hlip-en and high-neck and lentr-Flccve styles with tucked yokes nnd embroidery edgings, $1.50. Dainty lace-trimmed ones with low, square necks and short iet-in sleeves, $2. Flannelet Nightgowns, $1.50 Pink or blue striped extra size Sannelet irewns made with deep ouble yokes, long sleeves, and with braiding en the cellar, (lien ii Stulr Were, Central) Old-Fashioned Quilting Challis 19c Yard Quaint I'aisk'V nnd Ann....! patterns that sell out almost as quicklv ax e can cot them in. 36 inched wide. Cotten and Weel Bats for Quilts, 90c and $1.90 They tedui'c the tmni.i,, making n nuilt. tn mu:. Fluffy wlute 3heet of cotton or wool are all ready te be slipped into quilt covers. OOl? for cotton bt 70nn Inchey. S1.00 for wool lint. I7Q..OI inche.'. (llen Klnlr Merr, Out mi) Specially Priced Bib Cellars, $1.25 is u en arj at ern almost eveiv frock. but few aie se pretty as these new net and imitn imitn tien Veni'O lace ones. Tluiy are cut in the newest fashion, long in front, nnd narrow in back, te slip f .(j Glf ,y easily mder a coat. ;1.VI u n Otner attractive Vf 1,25 bib and bertha cellars of net and lace are .peeially priced $1 and $l,'.'."i. (Ueiwi Stain Nlera, Crntrnl) flllft T JMaM Hl U Sale of Men's Big All-Weel Winter Overcoats at $18.50 Best overcoats we've had this season at this price. We selected the materials, the patterns and 7 x the style, and a geed clothing manufacturer let us have all he could afford te make te sell at this extraordinarily moderate figure. The fabrics have all been chemically tested and proved all-wool. They are soft, smooth-finish chev iot overceatings that feel as if they have a whole let of warmth and wear in them. Seven patterns in dark, conservative mixtures ; browns, grays and greens, which men and young men hnfh lilrp Marin in rlnilVvln-VkHQOoferl iilaf annf e-,rl, -.l UU.J ..4-U 4.... a 1- ets and two muff pockets, and a big convertible cellar. Quarter lined with twicwiui WVHU Xl.ll lC(Uiai 01Z.C3 OU IU16. Men 8 Artificial Silk-and-Weel Half Hese, 75c Distinctly right for crisp Autumn dayn in their weight and blue, brown and gray color ings. First quality. Sizes 9 te ll'2. Men's Medium-W eight Part-Weel Union Suits, $2 High - necked, long - sleeved style that a man can wear the Winter through. Just a com fortable weight, tee. Gray. Sizes 34 te -16. (D6wn Stair Btera for Man, en tlie Gallery, Market) s.: Women's New Sample Fur Trimmed Coats at $58.50 Just Added te the November Sale of Fashions Levely one-or-two-of-a-kind wraps! Luxuriously furred and stitched and embroid ered or long and slender and plain. Seme have cellars and cuffs of black IManchurian wolf-deg. Seme have large cellars of beaver. Their linings are of peau de cygne or crepe de chine. They come in soft rich shades of brown and dark and medium blue, and there are quite a number in the wanted black. iviany et the wide sleeves have windshields. Captivating Krimmer Cleth Jacquettes, New at $16.75 New gray fur-cloth jacquettes as pretty and as becoming as anything one can think of. Daintily lined with peau de cygne. New Belivia Capes, .$48.50 Warm Winter-weight v capes lined with crepe de chine and finished with large caracul cellars. New Pole Coats, $25 Geed shades of tan and brown coats with plaid backs. They are lined through the shoulders with peau de cygne and have leather buttons. All These Coats Have Just Arrived and are specially priced for this encc-a-Winter sale. Other geed low-priced coats in tnis sale are $10 te $65. . ill l S16.75 im XSJ 308.50 LJ U M, S48..-0 (Dunn Ntalr. Stere, MiirKrt) Women's Full-Fashioned Silk-to-the-Tep Stockings $1.75 thrrads of lisle. Fir.t quality and full fashioned of lustrous puie thread silk. Their combined S leeks and .serviceability make them ideal S Black, white, corde;an. Sixes 8i te 10. lu" Mulr Mure, tYntml) Mink ScarfefeTasLittle as $16.50 In the Down Stairs Little Fur Shep Xew ones, soft and silky, with the luster and depth of color which make mink se very fash ionable and becoming. Unusually fine full pelts at these quite modest prices, as any one famil iar with fur worth will recognize. Sinule-kin Mink Scarfs $lf,..-,(l and i? 18.50. Twe-skin .Mink Scarfs. $30 and &17.50, (Deirn tulr, -.fnrr, Market) Specially Nice Table Damask Cream Bleached, $1.73 Yard Full Bleached, $2 Yard Pure linen, firm nnd cIemm- woven, pleuhuntlv iree from objectionable "dressing." The creari inLK'lV,S 0S ncht" wide: the full bleached 70 inche, u-ide. There aie two very attractive floral Patterns in cacn grade. (lleun Slulr Mere, ( rnlrnl) Junier Girls' Warm Winter Coats as Lew as $10.75 Belted, raglan - sleeve models of soft warm double - face herringbene coating in dark rich brown. The reverse side is gayly plaided in red, and the re sult is an unusual combina tion of geed leeks and serv iceability at this very mod erate price. Sis.es 15 te 17 years. Girls' Spert Coats, $1 1.50 ! wily li:nd model of hprr n; bone ceatini,' m ,'rny or bravn. Kaplan sleeiud and belted. Sran p te 1 l year1'.. Chinchilla Coats for Scheel Girls. SIH.kii Fine, h.'jrh-pue chinthilln m-m m full-belted regulatK.n htyle; lined mh tl.uri red flannel. eiuu or brown; sires 8 te It jenr. Juniors' Coats With Fur, $18.30 n" il !: m5Q010f soft a Morts reatmir Cellar Uveas' COn(,y Ha,f 1"R"i- SweH l6" Girls' Dresses, New at $3.75 I articularly popular ty,., i I . fort. ,rtr at th- attractive price, rembiri.-, eh.- Iced Neleur J"1 velvoteen blouse bimine M,K ii;e a . knHml wh,te' brown or Wu u'"l white, eizes 8 te 14 years. Silk Frecks for .Juniors, $18.50 Ui.stmjruished drnpid medel suitable for after noon weai, made of sefds lucres charnie-is,. n cl)nnn Mtitiri, Sinre. Alurl.el i SlO.T.i ) i 0 "The Best Shoes in Philadelphia at the Prices" an,-,v Jrhe7n 'Xmrkt ShMS "' 'he t,tke w h''" blc le linU Hae you tried them en? (Men'., She,. r.0.. s.V.i'i'" ",'" J !,,,"'"r',"Jr" Sr. rhr.t",,n "" "M "'" ",, Mrktl Mrcel. Ju., i-.i.,. ,,' t... . ,, . a. . ' A B 1 1,. t - t IS "rmi- v &&jj'&'l ffet?. M.'V . . v m -rf tedS&&&k$tJ8&gU JJitl L?A'fi mm'mi - "".ji ? " "iV ""- "' ""''"i mi . . ',, 7m HI . f JmH Ef " v uu i mi