T4-"'' rr- .' tr a 'Ts.f'ffi'rvf - rEKPsi;. j" v t V ' . ' fc. - i KmZtSM v v I t 12 EVENING PTIBIiTfl IDaER-PmiiAriELPHTA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER W 1922 ' i . l - f iivr t?,i ."-ja r t ." v r ijv' r ' s w ' . t i ". i'if i Tisfi i wi's rr. m&mwm 8&&U 'M L k '( fa. m I I 4 m vm W si.: vvtr1 : sri 4- The Working Girl Can't Understand the Girl Who Doesn't Have te Werk JVb Mere Can the Other Realize the Requirements and Diffi ,' cutties, the Weariness and Sameness in the Life of a Girl Who Has te Werk B& . IEV VOU knew It really Is rather inter- Iw? Mat ' thnt J011 n,e nh" Stately dependent en jour own cnerts fct your living," said the Rtrl who had lad te work only one short while during kr life. "It wasn't biyl nt all." Something hnppened which threw her r.tlrely upon her own resources, nnd SBt rose nobly te the occasion . With the email amount of experience that she had gained from tnklng a litiil new ceuree, she managed te get u po.l pe.l po.l tlen and held her own with ether glrle who had been werMne for eme jmpi, ma why the working girt spends se much en one drcs' when nhe has se lit tle and it's possible te get such nice thlngti, really, for he little, If jeu just leek around n bit. Hut kIic doesn't knew that the work ing girl's great ambition Is e leek as if she ueren t, that her joy Is te spend as If she hud net n care in the world. She doesn't knew hew wearisome nnd wearing It Kt, te be always thinking of the cheapness of things Instead of their bfcetulnsness. suitability and charm. in the ether hand, the working girl It was an entirely new ndvciitu'rc for n ill mt p"t her-tlf In the place of hr; all her life she ITn.l lia'd n liberal Income of her own, wntcn smcu iht any worry or fret ever finances. Naturally the sensation of being femndent upon her own efferta for her chief support, the usual state of most ' the urls with whom she worked, Ws novel and strnnge te her. Ne wonder she wns se Interested ! Sometimes it seems as if a girl who has a grent many iidrantas" is putting en nlrs when she appears a-th in terested In some "working girl eeunt of her dally work. The commenpluce duties of mi office er shop nre such everjdny eivurrcnces te tbe ether girl that she cannot under stand why they would be anything but fcering te any one ele. And she gtts the wrens Idea that the Jady of leisure is humoring her by let- gnf h;r tell about her "Jeb." patroll ing her by encouraging her "shop-talk." the girl who Ims plenty far enough te mm limv li.it tl .!. iwr iries 10 1111 ncr life with worth-while things, and hew eager chc Is, honestly and nincerely, te be of home use in the world. She doesn't knew hew difficult It is te go nenitiKt custom und contention and family wishes te arcuinpllsh this. AND I doubt Tcry much whether she realizes hew very much this ether i-lrt' Imlii In ilin 1'iinrllliw mid n-MH'in- " " ' tiens rind clubs In which ''in dues take nn active part doe-, count. If It were net for women lie lier nnd their Intere-t In such things, or ganizations und institutions that are of grent public did nnd bcnetlt would net be half se flourishing as they are. Meie human sympathy and n greater effort te see threimh another's eyes are needed bmlh te bring nbeut n belter tin ricrttandili uril rle-"i' rrbillenshlli be- I tneen the werklnc cirl and the L-lrl who SHE Isn't at all; the routine of ajdecn't hm oje. day's work Is really fascinating te " her because it's te new. S'Anii Mnthnrs When she savs. "I think eil're Ver-oneu,a M"wrs ttctW wonderful te b" able te de It" Vilt Cxin,ili'' she really means much mere thin the conventional words nn.l tone mike you Te " Editor of Weman's Page: think. DnrMadnm I cannot let our article It Is wonderful tn her. breauv he "f November C, about l!ett"rt mother Jewn't think she would ever be able te t'nf .bre' b Msltlmj tclioel. go t.j ji- u i,.tf without a reiuetistratice. sf-i i i . . i. . -j If 'I'9 tpend a mernlnc In a Why. you knew hew it . Anything nl0deni solieolroom without cat.-hlng Its mat someDeuy vise riee. wnirn you nave I ptrit and enthustaJni ttu-re ts some never done. Is wonderful te veu. Yeu can't Imagine jeumdf d"in that s all dcrfu If you could, It wouldn't teem wen- rfnl. thlnn rndlcnlly wretiff either with the mother or th teni lir In this case t judgfi It 19 Belty'"" mother who needs educating Tf yhe still fte1 bored after such a. meriilnr she Is uretiHbh wiser te stav Hwn ; hut as t see the problem The cirl who has her own Income Is , ,h tmubin is th.it toe'tnauv metliers Just as surprled t hear th working J stav awny lrl expres admiration nt the wnv sle1 The mother wlie ltlts the school Can go into a shop and get all the I frequently. wli wnrkH lmnd In hand ill,- .v,- .... ' ! with the teacher In matters of dlclplipe dietnes she wains, , ,n.,r, en..ernliiB the IKIiiit con- -. -. ....!- "- - .' r . . .t. Wants, net needs "It must be wend"rful te be able te de that!" she slghf, with a touch of envy in her tones. "Te go Inte a atere and just buy cerythlng you want!" 8he can't believe, or understand, if the ether girl shrugs her, shoulders lightly and replies: "It's really awfully tiresome. I hate te try en thin;, and I neer knew eactl.i what I wnnt te get. I think It's much mere wonderful te Ihe within a certain amount and knew just what you need aud what ou van set." She's sincere, tee. She really does get tired of frbeppm" nd net knowing just what she wants. because there ure te many things thc can have. minus of the fcIioeI. Is n real strength and help te the teacher, who welcomes her constructs surest Ions. On th ether hand, the teacher can often help the parents bv etnphnslztne at school points which liae been re pested ever and ever at home with little rMi!t Children will accept Ideas from outsiders when home suggestions fall en deaf ear Se pleas ,tres nnt ene rilt a .enr from Tlm's 1ier-d mother, but man' mee Ml'"s iii'tlt -'he can tlmreughlv ur.desls.ni! and helpfully criticize the I school I Pi-eb-hh 'he best thing that could I h ivn hippe-ied te the teacher. Hetty and R;' mother was when she hurried te the fchoel te "&ee Just who this Mis Jenes Is'" V mothers cannot shift the entire reperslbllitv tn the whoel, any mers than the school can de Its best work without t'i" whole-hearted ro-eperatlon , MOTIIUn OK Kflim. mllV tnr!iln frirl nnd thn -Irl whn ! of th home I , .. , . ,, t - tlen de etlier methers: feel about this? J. doesn't have te will neer under- ' Vls the opinion of teachers en ths Stand each ether until each one Is will- , subject- Is It a help or a hindrance te ing te trv te see with the ether's eyes. m. the. children's mothers come te The girl who doesn't have te c.uinet ' spend the day In school? In Parts $ xiv5Hft W MywlHBm feathers V'tjjjKjpiii the face 'pjiWB? KBP9SjiJ -w'kSwttttM in becoming fpjfjmgKSM KtSU fashion. Hf'f ;fJt&aBtim WKf&iZSSKvBBB Three hats K: JwlJHBi show hew Ji5BEfH&'' BrMpBBAi'Kll!SslBBB'H this may mW Mr &UBC aBLaHLf iam W;" " be done Hp A& ffif'pj&JWI x t P" ' for various P jMHaflaHrVsiHsM'i ' W' Ntatcin u&w.mmR usmBam -KxMMws'Vm-mti: and chic. HrV amKUtSBBk' -" "'JBk 'HH aBi'sflA'9fr'" asBMsWam V ' , ": JSW' l lKmmt Wamim i The Reckless Age KfmmS3S-Mlm: I aaajBBjr bbbkTz !jMis; Please Tell. Me What te De By CYNTHIA t.ttter te CvntMa'a column must ti written en en ndr 0 the wiper elu and mutt be.rtenrd ) l writer's Berne altf qddreti, T npm will "of tiublhtiti if the irrdfr rfeti net uillh U. Vnjtantd Ittttrt and letters icrtf ten os both mdc of the taetr will net t antxetnd. .Writers we wish ecrespJ anierf that ran be nlven In th column iilll plrnte leak there. n lier. soheI frilrrs ero enlu wrltlen when absolute' m retsary. What Mere De Yeu Want? Dear Cynthia This Is the first time, I have written for ndlce, se I hope you can help me. I am a young girl, tall, slim, have block hair (bobbed), dark eyeg nnd dark complexion. New, dear Cynthia, here la my preblem: Arc thore no decent boys left? If se, where are they? I am quite popular with the oppeslto ncx ami find nmnyj frlendii umencr them for the time eeitig. , 81111. as yet, I linve net found a nlce young innn I really could care for. Many of, the young men I have met are flirts and want a Klrl only for her leeks. An I am considered attractive nnd a geed pert1 I have n-alucd many friends and admirers umeng U10 maacullne sex; but they nre friends and no mere. Can you tell me where 1 could meet soma nlce young men? 1 would also like te have tbe advice of your readers. NITA NALDf. 2d. Ten surelv de net went any one but ilin mm. u'liAn hrt reines alenir. te be mete than u friend. Yeu seem te Jjh a Nery lucky llttle fflrl und should be satisfied w Ith a number of geed frlcndB. Information About Merchant Marine near Cynthia Plcaiie print this te JefT: ... . . Te eel the name of the ship your old friend In en apply te the Hea Prvlce Hureau. United States Shipping Heard, 138 Seuth Second Ktrl, t'hlliuMtihtu. If .etir friend Joined the ship In Phila delphia, the chances are be has his rec ord right In the office, as most of the men placed en vessels here get their positions at this bureau. It he was net placed en ship through this of fice, It can tell you where te apply. It will be an easy matter If you knew from where he salled. After you have Ills address It tn.iy take quite a while te get Inte communication, as they de net usually get their mall until they get bad: from iv cruise. I've been In the merchant inarine myself, nnd after nrrlUng from Kurope 1 received mall three months old. . Mr. Jehn Draffcn Is the agent of the Sea Service Bureau. Any ether information you acsire w ue giOll. r rt fj Jir-. d f Tut m, uarge rieces or meat may dc uuuzea l Mere Than One Time, Says Mrs. Wilsen Leftovers May Be Made Inte Other Dishes Just, as Appetizing and Tempting as the tint Roast By MRS. M. A. WILSON COMTleht, fill, by Vrs. t. A. WMten, 111 A SUBSTANTIAL meat dish Is neressurv In the menu from new en and until late In the springs nnd while It ts true that n roast steak or chops nre the most popular, they nre by no menr.w necessary In the menu. The foreign housewife seldom. If ever, purchases these expensive cuts, yet she places en her tnble many real savory and appetising meat dishes through the winter season. Ment cooked In large plecei wastes less per pound than when purchased In HcvtM'aj smillcr portions. Meat dishes, when nleely seasoned nnd cooked, are much better when remade Inte ether dishes tbatv when first cooked. As nn example nf this take n piece of corned beef, weighing say about six pounds, for n family of Ave, and prepared In the following manner; First time. A boiled New England dinner. . Second time, Tnnkee meat pie. Third time, liosten meat leaf. N The fresh country ham, either boiled or baited, Is n prime favorite with many families, nnd if all Is utilized In mak ing tasty dishes te use up the leftovers the housewife will find this ment also a geed buy. The cooked perk may be used in' American style of chop Miey, fresh ham leaf, ye olde-tlme perke pyes. thus adding nn appetizing va riety of dishes from the original cut of mint. Hew te Bell' Corned Beef He munj heusewhes complain thnt the corned beef is both dry nnd taste less thnt I feel sure something must be uuiiss in the coeuing. A. U C. WHArS WHAT By Helen Deeie Can Yeu Tell? By R. J. it'll 1. ir. Ittflmer What Sinelie Is When no leek at smoke pouring from a chimue, we ur seuin;; the uncon uncen umed particles of coal, or whatever the material with which the tire is built, made volatile by the heal of the tire, and drhen off into the) air. The fact licit smoke cii-ts shows that the thin; which N beinj burned is burning im perfectly. tf we knew- hew te build our fires preperlj, nnd were able in estab'ish The Weman's Exchange Hue 1'iiittr. n wrmftrr nf Ihr very My iii'tuqiv art. dct'iiln te herumr' (ihia'icil in Charley ''.'lit', nnt bernuve flu Inui him, but biLtiuir they seem te mil xuitcil te (in.li ether. CIIAPTKB IV Phyllis Hears the News A I. INK and Charley went home to te getlur en the Ihe-fifty from ihe I'eiiiis.ihiinl'i Station. Charley lived two station" bevend Aline' ti step, nnd By HAZEL DKVO BATCIIEL'OB had the time she wouldn't have had the money. Aline turned te her Ira puKhely. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you arrived." "Hut you never nre. I don't expect I hat. even though we come home se brldem." Aline wai silent. She did wish Phyl lis wouldn't adept (but mart red atti tude, it was simply maddening. "ll, ,nu see I bad n fnlrly geed rensen this time," she went en after a moment. "I was very busy getting en- There Are Ne Te the Editor 0' ll'einan Patterns r"n . Mine was en the point of nskins hli gaged. New de you think you can for- , 11...... ..i.- .i. .,.i.in,.t r. ' g've me.' . . . . . . home in dinner when she suddenly re- 8 Dear Madam Will eii i.v.is. s. ml a iiii-mben'd that Phyllis and licerge nr.il KwtsPncd,r V.' "' '!",lll" ""Id '" ,hrrC ,0,,iK'', LED'Jbit, October 51, tf:'.'. In i-'ie s. and She fi It suddenly liritnted that this if ou haven't that wre plea- .- ml -fU- fl0 ,, b Jt (, , be01 ratl)rr smaller or larger. 51 US . II .,,,..,, There are no patterns ler the pctuis nice tn. Introduce Charley into Ihe fain- which appear en the woman Pag ' "t jjy jt, tj,R PW uniierstiindlng be- hWPs 'VmurhVVhM'l-mVnrdVr twee,, ,hem. Hut no, tonight. Things In the fashion books that ir. -old " euld be sure te go wrong. Al.d se v.d5Sf?oucteUs1,;eeurSelf'1loa:,t t'h '.fV when he would lune insisted u get- you are after. ting mil with her, she lnughlugl re- Singing Lessens Given f"0,l '" allow him te de It. Te th' Kitltnr of M'eman's I'n;- She enteied the bullae with n superb Dear Madam I am !Ut".n ear of ., if.ainrn.ppt she loved her home. as-e and te feet tall. nu in. an smm Welcome Back te the Column Dear Cynthia I would nct have writ ten after my rebufTa hnd net one who Is "Just Humun" asked after me. I have ngiln met the laughter of the fates, but nm becoming a veritable Pelbatiua. I nm wearing kid gloves en my soul. I'm trying te face tnj music like a little man. And yet. I recant a little of my cynicism, for Imve Ing been through the fire onee. mere, t learn that perhaps after all there Is Just a Utile of the milk of human kind ness In the world and, .like the quality of mercy, it Is net strained. Just Human, you nre one of these In domitable souls who conquer worlds. Krall In body, yet the spirit, unbroken. rise triumphant above the Ills of the ed, Tn thn filtllrn life veu will In nil probability be assured of u place - !.... a l.alwli.tii. ,,Aa ...11. 'VltA SMllCUU uiwnu ut,aV. .7 ..' " . - their lives with a Jest." May I convey niv respects und admiration? 'I am tee much of a. moral coward te suffer yffur physical and tricntal anguish without complaint nete my railing at fate for my own petty griev ances, but I knew and bow before such xuptrler courage as your own. Carry en ! CVrsICUS. ..I. . t, . . ruts ment it is necessary te cool In tin., tasteless When cold, lift te platta and place in the refrigerator 1 It Is idm ready for making into any number at , Yankee Meat Pie " This dish Is the old-fashioned eernfi beef hash cooked nnd nicely season? nnd then turned in baking dish ai covered with crust of pastry and bakiS in the even. The correct proportion! nre : Place in saucepan 7'ire rupt of diced corned beef, (Packing tightly In cup te measure) four ciiis 0 .fired rate detal xr One ci; of diced onion t, Tifn imt trr-half cupi of irn'ir, - Cook until the potatoes are very teft then season adding ' One 'half fiyioen 0 Hilt, hue teanpecn of pepper, 'IhrcfVAUtUti leaipoen of DiDtUrt trimminn, and turn In baking dish. Cever th top 'with crust of pastry and bake la slew even. Bosten Meat Leaf Put sufficient cold roeked cerntj beef through the feed-chopper te meas ure one and three-quarters cups, aaq add ' 'ire rp of try thick crtn-n rnwt Threc-quarltti cup of chuprti onieni, One cup of eread crumbt, One teaspoon of poultry teatenini, One-half teaipoen of thyme, One teaipoen of talt. One teaipoen of pepper. One cup of the green tepi of celery, put threuah feed chopper, thir-half cup of melted butter. Mix well ahd turn In welt-grcaied iinu iieurcii nosing pun ana cake Is Wash the corned beef well In cMd mdcrnte even for forty minutes. 8em water nnd place In kettle sufficiently large In held meat comfortably. New cover with cold water and add Tire farfle onieni, 'tee whole clecti and tue ithti'.c all tpiee, A III of bay Itiif, .1 lu'it A eup herbs. Place en the stove and heat te beilln point nnd then bell rapidly for live minutes. New place en the simmering burner and reek by simmering, allowing forty minutes te the pound. Lift the meat te n het platter when serving and cut off sufficient ment for the meat in neat dices. Return the bnlancc of the meat te the stock in which It wns meked. removing the kettle from the store nnd allow the meat te cook In this water. Owing te the method used te cook with tomato sauce. This leaf is d d Hcieus when cut down in cold slleu for luncheon or for sandwiches. Shut-in Exchange Useful and Fancy Article Unique Xmae Card .205 S. 16th Street P0MPE1AN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywh e- " a. x Netmber ll--lenir celebrated In Europe as Martinmas H.ij this jejr marks the fourth anniversary of Us foundation as Armistice Day the Amer ican birthday of a welcome peace At an Armistice dance It Is permis sible and appropriate for x-'-rvlce tnen. whether fum.er tiav.il and mtlltnri Officers or doughbev.s and gob. te den once mere the uniforms In whuli tli" :.. . a. ......a .n nf .wn ,1i., f rlf-h" would be absolutely no smoke, and hut 1 j, there a conservaterv In I'hll.H'l a very small amount of nshe. When pi 0f smBlna, where jeu du net pj" we see smoke from coal Hie b'.nek nor-I money" There's one ' nil w u tlen of the smoke is principal!? little I street, but hey hae 1 et ..nv v . ..1 , unburne.1 particles of c.,al which te-1 teachers: It Is Jus fe lis uuewu ,.;l- nnuiir leu Hirin-n-s "i "" " " ' u.- -- ';:-.. (ii ,, wiui, eetlier with the pases, thrown off during,. vfan 'fdoe ";V. the prncesK of burning. I'asi up the chlmner. K.cept for the.e pnrticles et , coal which are drawn up the chim nev. we would be unable tn vee these "j'ses. ns thev are invls'ihte. The amount of smoke thrown off depends but had served their ceuntri In time of cntirelv upon the kind material benis war. feinetlnifls elrls at an Armistice turned. When a fire is buiit of w ir-il dance agree In am, nice te wear peasant the smekc Is verv I'sltt in color. This i hal tn ,rVtl It KTOW 'nK I'AI Yeu should weigh - 'f " ?' l plentv of eutlde cxtrclw and mi pil ing athletic games as much an v.u ,-., , an.1 eating geed he"; , , ", "' -'"J can help yourself te grew ti.Ui There Is net a OC-l tea 1-1; I. .. at the .Settlement Music e ' "-' '"t '' m exnectlng te have up. mm Vn r,,.X?..ii "Vhm en the t-li l.i 'tie se. 11 "Aline!" With a little shriek Ph.vl Us slid te the edge of the couch. "Are veu in ean.ehtV Who Is II? Heaven knows you're calm enough about It." "It'n Chnrlev Tine." Aline said ver.V quietly, but there wns n iittle note of triumph In her voice. "Aim wny shouldn't I lie calm about It?" ".Most clrls wouldn't be se calm about Retting engaged, nlxne all te Charley Tjne." Phyllis returned, het envy leaping up in her heart. "Allr.e had ever? thing." thought the elder girl tiiddenly, "and with s little effeit tee. She was aa disconcertingly self-pesses-ed ns though she became en gaged ewr day in the week; she wasn't een excited nbeut It." "Are jeu in love with him?" Phyl lis iiskni lurieuslv. and Aline turned 'serene cv ill en her sifter as she re spended. "I like him. we're geed pals, hut there'' no foolishness between us. We're net gniiu 1 iiifh Inte marriage either." 1 II.m- word- held nn Implied reproof . It Liiraiua Wc Have the Kind of GOWNS & COATS Yeu Want and Want , NOW It is our endeavor te attract women who wish te dress well ATA MODERA TE. PRICE I I j .gg I TELEPHONIC! BPBCCR 3058 : French. Alatlan or r.-igtan , nstume-. llllP , ,10 f..t that net 11 great amount I'lnie next week and nk i.b-. it it Ri"Se ;eV,rv iSKiks """r""' ;-- w mhz ,,ff i Jrre;.lrcihe-a!,r mvr :..- te ordinary autumn eveulnc dresj As chnrcenl h- had all of the unburn- ' day. keep It clean aim . It Is tee conspicuous te wear mas- nble things taken out of it during the ' "" usa a niirnflA costen.es at it il.'inne v here- nmcpH nf mnl.l.i? it into clinrce.nl. 11 . Brew. auerade. cetun.es at 11 dnnce vshere- nmcrss of ninl.l.ig it into charcoal. 11 carnival dress Is 11 t expe. ted, but It charcoal tire muki no .ine!'.e at all. Is equally bad form for a fill in appear In up-le-uate even iik urss win 11 ar rangements have been made that all hall wear out-ef-tlie-urdtnary costumes. The unburmd particles of fuel which When Introduced She loved (he long low lines of It. the wide entrance hnll. and the big spacious i"m epei.Ing nut from It. Ib.t tonight she was greeted by loud I11 ir Km from up-t.ilrs. and a little iriiwn gitl.ui'cd bi-twien her brews. "I'hv'lis slmpt.v has no influence evei t'i iliildien." she thought ns she ran li.'hil up the stnli-s. And iig'iln slie w 1- .-lad that she hadn't Invited 'hur I' '. 1 1 dinner, M11 we-it into her ewi.' room nnd Cew. 1 the rioei. She w'ns sitting befeic hfr iln"-lU2 tnble fluffing up her hair wlm 1'ierc c niie n knock at the deer l -i and l'lil!l enlereil. W.ll. s0 veu're home nt Inst," I Plinrrrcil UD SKII1 flOfCS I'l v t.i- r tn.ii 1,4 il sitting down en a: . .ea . , i,i ,,,,1 , Lev couch beueaih Ihe illmlty I11111B JIKl SlUgglSll DlOOU Cirtlllil wmliiws Although she was net aware t; nncnPil doers te ! fit 1'h.v Ills iM( adopted an aggressive, "OH alc epLIIt-U utiuis lu , .i-titide She was nlwa,v4 reci ivii.g rOlUS. UCMCS ailU PaillS 1 1 0IT1 I was as Ilieugll sue mill van, inn ran be unite -ure that I will never d any thing foolish, even though .von went -Hi enough te itiln jour own life I" Tomorrow A Modern liugasemcnt lips "Well, Old Chap, you're looking happy!" "Why shouldn't 17 I've a charming wife, who's a geed cook, and she's just served me two cups of SUNLITK COFFEK for breakfast:" SUNLITE PRODUCTS Coffee, Catsup, Olives, Beans, Shrimps, Pre serves and Jellies. At All Geed Grccern T LOVE NOTS Uy KAY KKAN . F.. staist'a OHN SCOTTlCH lERrCANepiAMONDT. FHIIAPELPMIA . PA. WHCJIBAIC blTRI&UTOII .1 nA Sin hem what sour come ceme .nSfWi nntlence and untinni sour ne' " C hHKt I "O Tbe Widow's Might Shun love's first attack'. Alas! Foolish Is she who accepts the flrst proposal of marriage that is lisped te her. Though the only cure for the love tick 1 marriage, yet love docs net ask thnt it be cured. I.e, it seeks only a leputatlen for many iccurreut attacks. Be it known why widows ure popu lar. Ijve feo early planted gees te seed. And the woman who marries the firt roan who asks her is forever chenp In her own c.ves, her husband's, Cupid's and her women friends'. Count the love calories! Nobody loves "VH fat man, but no nmn, net even a fat one, loves a lean-heurtcd woman. CemyriyM, till, by Publle Ledger Company them sti'l mere until they become enr borne neii sn-. or wafr. mere is a girat deal of" carbonic acid ga- which :?.... ii.rvlnK ''lii'iui'1'-' like 1 mixes with tli" Mir. and evculuali be- 1 :.7 "please de net m'stake mv come, f.eil for the plants. 'question for impertinent familial t'v Tomorrow Can Old Newspapers He Again for I'rintnis: In In- voice. Alli.e sensed it. nnd be- TCSISt attaCK, 1,1'i-e siic lii relf was se well snusucn with life because she wns se .... ... .. ., . . --- elf? Please no iw '." "",,; ', ' betn r b'n d te leek out for lierseil tnnii much 1 than ie felt suuileniy son- nir Used Things You'll Leve te Make r"HSl In' lr.TUI?H( y w.h,' Women Abroad ....- miiia vviinirn iii TurLpr are afV WBldly finding a pluce in the business! Freck t W?' world. Many nre new empleje.1 In, Perhaps Khe should net offer her band It me flrst case ou lesctlbe but -In old 1 SSuraSTVraap hand of the ethr .. r r ien If H Is preffertd "fjSed evening, Mr. Se and s. 1. ufflclent when anlvlng at 1 0 ' , f .1 I lessen It would b'. overdo 1 thin, . little te walh up and shal.e hand . ,1 1 li.'i' -t'li r I'hvri-i Tin I U neer had time tc spend a day in town shopping, nnd even If she had1 Open all night. COLLINS INSTITUTi; OF PHYSICAL CULTURE 219-25 North Bread Street Fur Storage and Remodeling at Extremely Leu) Ratee L UIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street Will Clese Out Te-morrow Afternoon DRESSES Evening jp.50 jp.50 $g.5e originally created te sell up te $75.00. Values that are justified by the high-type models and the high character of the materials. Metal Brocade Evening Gowns 7Z.00 ' Formerly te 210.00 Trimmed with fur. Copy of Callet. LUXURIOUS FURRED Ockts .WrapsCapes 98-50 125-00 165-00 Of Mnrvella, Tarquina, Periesa, Gerena, sumptuously trimmed with kit fox, beaver, squirrel and wolf. yifeyeyS a little te walli 1 tline As for your lact question llMt -f ,,A I wn.nt te thank veu for ' ;' " . i, se l LZ rVhlnss." It must be le an- I ., u l ha I wit U- i'..,tfd In each pciceu te me. Adventures With n Pursr IK YOU wnnt te give a w t.ic-il gift te some one veij tpi-inl, veu'll be sure te find something in the m . I . r things for sale in n vcrj f.iscu niing shop. Everything ou c -uld pi.sm' l want for yourself or wimi in buv fir this special person, will be llieie I MW an envelope chemise in.nli nf shell Dink rrepe de chine, of ci '!! nt Aimlltv. Levely, lieavv nn.l vet iininiv ou have n frock, still in .... ,,n.l ,idicen. as translators, inter-1 soeJ condition, which does net leek ..... i.. hmiku nnd ill foveriiuiental fmnhlennble bmnuse It is tee short. Yeu . , j ,,.. i, i.i nD i,n .. .. eu 1UII llllinc IK l I II S It, IK.' '!l'Dl iruSA liv trlnunlnir it with some fur nml h men or uumanin are reuiiuenuyi adding n panel ami giruin te lengthen It. Cut the truck through nt the waist line and join the hklrt und bodice with a piece of lining. Make a wide girdle of plaited chiffon edged with narrow fur. FnHten it ever the lining. Cut a long panel which will hang several Inches below the skirt and trim the bottom idge with fur. Fasten It under the girdle nt one side Tn niake this "new1 aaaoeome, edge tbe Fur and a Leng Panel Will Make Your lace was about the top, and the Minp, Freck Up-tn-the-Mlnute ever the shoulder .were tw..-t.neil lib- ' . , .. , hn. Hews of Urn same nhbeu were IvUawartmeuts. sWitlWnni.n el l-siw'r, .. . ,,. ,,.,tu, ,,,., luiinv atvared for that country will provide pev ww. w.wW. l7Tbe British authorities in Hongkeng s laien vbh u "" " ,'" Vlllcli some ihj.uju uuiuese gins uuvc M new in slavery. atrttae is common in mum, nut i ticiib, innw " fMm ttik".,t l"'m HW, .. wmi , i" ' , , ' (I eck even mere of the skirt, In the front, iinu jeu n m- sure 10 ni'e It, I knew. This wns prici I nt " mi, and there are ethers, tome le"-s epen-sire. I wnnted a new bended img and did net wnnt te be verv e.itrnvaijnnt in the purchase, and se began Keeping m, Adventure e open. And in n wee shop, tucked away betwien two larger ones, was n selection of headed bags. Heme for fJ.r.0, oilier. S.-ii. lint they are cnrefull) mnde nnd e'-i' eiMtel) designed and nre sold be P' i.-miabb be- cause Uie biiep is juiit epeiuuj Raisin Bread DeLuxe Raisin bread dc luxe gen gen creusly filled with luscious seeded raisins is new avail able at ureccrs and neighbor hood bake shops. Real raisin bread with at least efcht tempting raisins te the slice the kind you like. Order new and serve to night for dinner. Made with Sun -Maid Seeded Raisins the best raisins for bread, and all home cooking uses. Hd Your Iren Tadgyf Se Convenient We Are Ready Fer Mere Having completed shipments and deliver ies en all orders re ceived in our last "Blfj Sale," we are new ready fcr mere. 50 Off List Price 2 WEEKS ONLY On our full line of Lighting Fixtures, Toasters, Irons, Fleer and Table Lamps in our showrooms. O &4ia Send for Catalog e Adelphia Salee Ce. 233 MARKET STREET K uAfYrnasLcnib EE ORIGINATED BY MR. WASHINGTON IN 1909 NO COFFEE POT BOILING GROUNDS WAITING WASTE Absolutely Pure. Coffee. Delicious, i Net a substitute. Most Economical. Measure the cost by the cup net by the size of die can. O. WASHINGTON COITKC M-FINING COMPANY 522 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk. Booklet fnt. Send 10c for special trial size. MADE INTHC CUP AT THE TABLE '-fB3 RtMia soma leaxs ae cm aaes sm uie aii wa " aaUMMWWWMMyaMBtttM a papa nil. ;-iiiiiui.Y-' , , , -VtSfi fail's , &&I ..'.yjtfA..fei,,iu Sy r.-.. k. ih&)WJ .JJ.'j! f . &W5mkm ;v