l,' . I Tlnltkjt Kfxswaawsff. WW :tU I'i'ji w .?', :' . fjr JUSTGOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the Secial Happenings for Today. She Sees Several Stunning Frecks Wern by Buds of This Season Ti.nVY will l' fl v"rr b''"y 8 , 0V' . wltb n ea. a dance and K Vhl-atrc paftlsi, net te 'gXS in "I- Pk 111 Schujl; W.1:.' 111 t. HPvrl lntertliiR nf- iiirre ',. ,..- them ter PEJt. eh Mw. Blchenl Parry Tatum ditifhter. nnI ?..' V.,,,,,. ii iv.lv ret I'.mii.v inn"". " ...- . ITAfLlirlil .Air unriM ilebn. mivi"" - - .I.-,. !??M' V .' , "'" l,i is Jr.r..- Maule, J, Tre .ntertuh. for l.ea.. Hturr, X enw nut lust wlt'- TnmKe 1. dbul. .!Ilrent. Mr. ..-I Mrs. Illfd A. .MOWUi. """.," It. H. 1(1(1 ;ur. " :. ", .... iffvard llewliV horn- In Chwtnut Hill. S ' Vrs' We WJImw, Mrs. Muiuil . SlirtheMjicnr.' Mi. nrtgnr Jcuni. hii'l Mr. VhWlu , , Mr. atone J, Fisher, Mr. K. Iserae J. Hard Hepkins, Mr. It. .Jessnh Wharten Mr. Jehn B.. North. Mr. Piatt, Mr. Bnewden CMmuel, Drayten. Woodsen Hancock, in. Mr. William O Stursls tngcrfeell. Mr. jippinceu, flVII.JT ., . Jltbl, .Til. OIIVTIUVJI eaiUUVIl Mr. Edward B. Smith, jr.. Mr. Richard Tllchman. Mr. S. Hiwmsn WhUr Weed, Jr. Rebert Toland, Jr., and Mr. Mr. Joaeph ATTRACTIVE SUB-DEB Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Vatsntlnt, of 3ei-inanie n, will entertain .at dinner en Tuesdny evening, November 18, In honor et their debutante daughter, MUj Dorethy K. VaUntlne,- before the dance which Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Met). Knlck will Rive te Introduce their dauxti ter, Miss Mury Falck, Inatead of en thn foliewln evening an they had brig Snail planned. Mr. and Mm. jettah Blackwell Bar- tqw, et Clitfctnut H.ll, have recalled the cneni Invitations for tlie Ire party, they were te have givwi.fer their daughters, Mian EUltMteth DuilDA Bartow and Miss Mury I' Bartow, before Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph It. CatBcntr-r, Jr'a., and' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Morten's dance, since th'i Invitations te the dance have also been recalled.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Maul have lt'utl Invitations for a buffet sun- per at their home, 2317 Illttenheuse. struct, wwr me Army ana jsnvy gamt en Saturday, November 26. The card of Mr. uml Mrs. Mnule's son-in-law and OauKhter. Mr. und Mrs. Oeorge Wlllces fticiver, nre incie'ttj in trie invitation W. lliilril. Mr. Henry . ''."" ''u! ! Mrs. Muule will lvc n smnll luncheon Mm Miiltlifw Unird. .Ir.. will W' followed by uanlu today at the Sedgeicy ! in" "ll MlM I'"" ,l0b,J ,l,n',vCi?,," ' Clllhl mn dHblltnntPH. I ill" ' !."?!! Invitations have beau rcfialvsd fretti t. A, , irttty muni-, A miinll. dinner dancu .Hrl.lv. " ;: n, r.er.pltflnir rtarty, W1:M,N, .! Mr .IO.n HtOt xemgni .... ,"';., .,it aive I'lre iiarty for their thret; debutntitij Clilr fjltllnga. wlitnj mother and Mm. JuKS liri' BlB, .-...j ..-- Sen. who, metlu-r n n sMn ui . r. Jtnks, anil Itnkn. .ii' a theal nieces, i..t.hltie Ji'iik't, wnese tetterb brother of Mr. .'jnU". 'llwre Sin be forty Ku.-st nnd afterward S will .e te the illti for supper and Arle'ther theatre rnrt tonight will be slwS by Mr. and Mrs. Danfcl Merrnti KrrlngcrW their winger daufhter. ftlMbrth; who Is nlw rt debutante. ?Kh Is attractive nnd pretty nnd ETiSrldid blonde, which seems un iiual .i her sister Sarah, who cam "t two ,enw UK", te quite dark, though lunlly attractive B. CAUL AUSTIN'S dinner- dince last evening at the Aern .-- - V'-"- ""' .... yie wemens committee or the Phila delphia Orehtstra rer a series of opera nipper-dances In the Feyer of the Aotvd Aetvd umy et Miwle en the following dates. .November 28. Deeember 5. December lit rjecember 26, .lanuury u, January S3, February fi and April 3. MlM Frances A. Winter !s clialrmun of the commit cemmit cemmit tee thin ssneen, the ethor members Includliuf Mrs. Joueph Leldy, Mr. ',',0,,n I- 'fev.npend, Mra Alexandt-r van llenjweluer. Mrs. I.. Heward Wenth 'i1".'' MC?- tr'1,ar,e! Handelph Weed. Mrs. Alfred HeBlna.d Allen. Mrs. Themas O. Ashton. Mr Henry H. Battles, Mrs. Jehn F. Braun, Mra. Blward W. Clarit 3d, Mrs. Matthew H. cryer, Mrs. Oeerge W. Cnilds Drexcl, Mrs. Norten Downs, Jr., Mrs. Frank T. Orlsweld and Mra Charles Wolcott Henry. T- ft""1 .f h. BeSle.' et card parties, e be given at the, Bellevue-Stratford by the Weman's Club of Philadelphia, for .l bS!l!,nt Jv crippled children, will taxc place en Monday afternoon. Novem ber 13. The club, whieh has been re- w !& .Qfnn"!,,i hM elected the fol lowing etticers: Mrs. Dsnlal H. Hdmnmi president; ilrn. William E. Rees. vice fvBLHigSsHssssBBssW. mmmmmstmfmrjmfm Ml i i J, y in ji lMili M Itheir horn m Saturday. In honor of Mr. and Mre. Harry A. Syketv of Watt Main street, who Will future te live In Lancaster. rerty gueata leave in me nr Tnsre were Frankford by 48IS ..A maaquerade party wa given. Miss Mary Ixrmas at her home. Penn street recently, The gueste were: misa Margaret Morgan, Mis Amy Houghten, Miss Agnes Dunn, Miss Theresa Krauss, Mlsa Phllemana Krauss, Mlsa Lillian iilmmere. Mlae Careline summers, Mlsa Anna Schrel ner. Mr. James Whltely. .Mr. Jeshua olever. Mr. Dan Harklne, Mr. Albert Bucklns, Mr. Charles Blmal, 'Mr. William Blmal, Mr.' William Denten, Mra, e, eette, Mr. and Mrs. Lemaa, Mr. juini xarnaiiana Mr. ana Mrs. Tnrna.ii. Weddings of tht Day An Interesting wedding took otaee yee- clock in our Lady of Vle- y-ieunn ana fllner Vlvlsn teame tnt Lambert, rier- rnne Flfty-ieurth and mddih. wiisiii iva lasaa m.iinni- w iwisii eyie. of 6848 nace street, beeame the ler- fsfAMHMPV, I eumm anxnrexAir vrtseaM I The Newest Mbslesl Cesieey. THEIINCHMDJVDY Made by Stnmr jttn Wlti nrtllUnt Gsst and iBsemble OTJ22JAiJ2EmL the terday at s nv tery Catholic Chureh 4'nJ?."trS,.j. when Mlsa ""'" vi ps nace at pnae or Mr. Adelard Jean Eermerly of areenfleld. Mass. MlM "Jl Jerean was bridesmaid i Mr. Charles A. Beyle, brother of "'' iinni!e mr. uameerr. A cousin of the brld. the Rev. Charles A. Carmen, of the Church of the queen of Peace, Pottsvllle, performed the cere mony. After a reception at the Hetel Rlt Rlt enheuee Mr. and Mrs. Lambert left for .WE to.Bes0" end Atlnntie City. They will be at home at 876 Wynnewood read, Overbroek, after December l. OBARHARTKRAMER .Miss Alice L. Kramer, daughter of Mrs Anna Kramer, of Swede and Mar shall street Norrlslewn and Mr. Archie arahsm Oearhart, son of Mr. Wllllnm M. Oearhart. of 019 West Marshall tree.1, were married yesterday In Bt. Jehn's Kplscepnl church The Rev. H St. Clair Hathawny offlelated nt the marriage ceremony. Mra. Jeseph Reth- weii numner. of noxbero attended the The nes. Oearhart. Jr., Beek tutl Kvea. at Sile fU If If at,9 I MAT. BATtTBDAY LAST 2 WEEKS Krltra WUit. Will ! ' - . Wv en? Till KemslalB- frfTm'nee ZIKOFCLD ILYN MILLCRiTi IN KHROL III EVEKWOa i AT JM 1IHMA' rSEKB A- BROAD FRANCINE LARRIMOKE ta tae Nsw flmirt Cetnesy NICE PEOPLE JBJR RACRKL CROTHBIW' jaf Uf QtlEATrjT Bt;CCBB gj Metropolitan Opera Heiue ATUnPAX EVENINO, NOVEMBEB II OTELLO Wltb tae taterastleDil Fameu Driastle Teaer ANTONIO PAOLI fUaStS ILtO. It.W. 12 30. 2.7B. nnw ob m1 st tl" Thutre unit eimhl Hmthni. M1 ri. . ' i... ..n Illu ilpbutnnte uraident ! Mm TXmii ,-. V.1T.J. Ii. H.htTerrell who was the guest of ' end vice pVesldent : Mri aeergVSf. Verr Unlr loekeTwell InTdress of geld 'ecretary: Mrs. ii E. Hippie? Jr., perl huflrecade. The dress wn?WPlM -eretnry. and" Mra. Allen I ana i .ic i-' ..-".-. ..j -,i eisde with n train a me "" !,,""" had panels In front and back. There were shout one hundred puests at the part , debutantes only. SAW Ocilla Zimmcrmann walking tin Chestnut street jefterday looking ....u ut... u'lir. n trrnv tuecu coal. with a liKlit-ftrny fox cellnr nnd In smnll dnrU blue felt hftt, trimmcl en the right with :i stunning rwl-nnd-blue feather wlii"li renchfd te her shoulder. t.lln, ts miiit pi'ejile .-nil tier. Im the daughter of Mr. nnd Mr, .lehti Kdward Zim meriuniiii. et Chestnut Hill, and will tDBki" li"r ilfbut at a dnnce which her wueiiN will (jive nt the Hellevue en Deicnilier JM, Dr. fhnrles J. Hatfield, as you knew, hits (liingnd the date of his daughter Msraiuet's danre from December J20 ta Januury 8, and It will nlw be at the Bellcvuc. I caw Margaret at n dance sew rights age, wearing n pretty black rbiffen velvet dress, the only trimming of which wai rhlncstencs arranged In thr-f narrow hands around 'the waist. Tunny Welghtnmn wears a black vel vel Tet dress tritmued the snma way, except that the bauds of rhinestones are twisted with black velvet. TIIK l'lilladclphia Orchestra will give iU annual concert for the benefit of tlie Rtt't'eii lluxpitul next Tuesday eve nlns, nt the Stetson Auditorium, nt Mentgnmery enue between Fourth and Fifth streets. The nffelr Is under the Riisiii'vs nf the Associate Heard of Women of the Stetson Hospital, of which Countess Santa Eulalia and Sirs. Chnrles Warder are prominent mem bers. Ttesides the Orchestra. Miss Helena Marsh, a contralto, will uing ud the program sounds dcllchtful. NANCX "WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. It. If. Hayard BoavIe will givu A dinner und dance at the Rkbbit en Jnnuiiry 11, In honor of Miss OferRlun V, Harris and Miss Mary Carrell spencer, both debutantes of the Mr, nnd Mi's, Ttydynrd Heckbdier, of oellnghroke rtadner, will give a dinner. 0nce 0!l I.YIcluv ..inlnlf. lViwmhtr !!! J. .tl16., Eelleviie-Htratferd, In honor of ".' .ini.iii iimiKim iju.int, uuDuianie dauirhtr rf Xfr ,....1 &1U l..u.An r... --.-.-... ..... ,,,,,, 4,,ln, .tun-Til iunur, Mr. end Mrs Duane will move Inte their ;""" --s i'e i.ancey place en No vember 15, ....... u. I'ranK cinpp win eive n Vi Vff H"r!-V Thuisday. December ;'..""" "ie Kn which Rhe will iflve mai arternoeti m hr v.r.m. innt wni. nut street, in honor of Mlaa Lucy Sturgls Mery,-A?butRn.tf daughter of Dr. and ."iiium Hamilton Juirervs. or Mrs. party nil V "v -enut Hill. The pi Airlnr; "" '.lw,.?n1 t,,ster( Mr- and Mrs. Alf.rnen It. Clarp. et liryn Mawr. rr,t?: V.,'lllt1'. . !'nC!' of Mld-Stream vital . 7w';, - has Issued In In Jltailens for a dlnner-d:ince en Tues pi Januarv 'j. nt th mt.cu,unn i K.'ihrynriWKceUta,lt0 ',BUg'Ucr' Jrhe".,nml,te? 1,ft will be given this H t in .".i , ' SvelnB. December b-' the fniin0Jl.,eck' et. the m Carlten, M'te,MwNerr,s . Ky ,. uee, sa, Mr. Jehn W. W. Hansen, treasurer. nT.'jr'fw P"',11' L1 he given one n month throughout thu winter and spring. ,iMlM Ann9 V.1' of Annapolis, Md. will arrive In this city the latter pan "i munin, te aiienu tne tea te e given by Dr. and Mrs. Jeseph Prlex Tunis, of 2216 DeLtnrcy place; at their nema en Thursday niternoen, November li. te present their daughter. Mlts Ann Is Lee Tunis, A wedding of Interest te this city will take place at S o'clock Tuen.iav ur...MHK. -... .- An . 7- nifcumuuii, nurvmuir , Mnrzaret MoDennlii. rimm and Mrs. Frank McDonald. when Miss ter of Mr. Ja., will become the brlde of Mr. Philip I'eace, of this city. The ceremony will b? PJ,rfl2rne? vry flU'cHy at the home .!a nr'de'a parcnta The bride, who will be given In marriage by her father will be unattended. Mr. EfdwSrd Co?e Ce?e 2ftr ?! httih9.r et the bridegroom, will attend us best man. On their rel turJnJ.',2m a wedJliig trip, the bride and bridegroom will live in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn M. Hamilton and their daughter. Miss Bette Hamilton i?r.ra,erdy or oermantewn' avenue and Bethlehem pike, have taken a house en North Aberdeen avenue. Chelsea, for the winter. Miss Maicaret Hamilton is In town, studying at the Scheel of Oe Oe cupntlena: Therapy. Mrs. Hamilton will have with her ever the weekend hi" SfeS!l9M,1aiiKfS?enu,iay" Kenderdl"' and he win Photo by Pbote-Craftsrs MISS MAKGARETTA McNEAL Daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. .. 7erfer Meffeal. of Deven andttOl Spruce street, will be the gueet of honor at a dance which Mr parents will give en Saturday evening, December US, for her and for Atee Virginia UiUvnaerfer, aaugliter of Mr. and Mr$. Charlee H. Dtffenderfer, of Wynnewood Antheny J. Plnlce, Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Derwart, Mr Elizabeth Narr, Mis; Helen Smith. Mr. Harry J. Narr, Jr., and Mr. Edward Sherti. St. Agnes' Junier Aids will entertain tomorrow evening at np Informal dance in the Nurses Heme, Bread and Mc Kean streets. West Philadelphia A Thanksgiving dance will be given en Wednesday evening, November 2, at the Phltemuslan Club house by the junior section of the club. Miss Irene M. Berrlll, of Fifty-eighth and Sptuce streets, his a her gueBt, Miss Agnes Merchant, of Washington, D. C. Germantown On November 13, a musleale will be 5 riven nt the home of Mre. Oeerge Ie Sstnbroek, 20 West Cliveden avenue, for the benefit of the building fund for the new auditorium te be erected by the woman's club. The muMcale will be In charge of the musle committee of the club under Mrs. Stephen D. Weeder. These taking part will be Mrs. Harry W. Butterworth, et Rydal. noprane MrA B. K. Hellener. contralto-; Ms Blanche Hubbard, harpist, and Miss Irene Hubbard, cellist Mrs. Theodere Yerksa, 107 West cnelten avenue, will have ae her guest eVer the week-end. Dr. Charles Rrd man, of Princeton Theological Bemlnary. M'ss aenue, Along the Main Line Bllsabeth O'Meara. of Overbroet . will entertain at a bridge and shower en Thursday afternoon. Novem ber 16. In honor of Mis Helen Alies Trigg, wnee inarnnKe 10 " ,v-j--James Swain, Jr.. will take .place en November 28. Mrs. Oeerge C. Fleck, of Ovorbroek, has issued Invitations for a hrldjge luncli eon which she will give en November 26. at the Hetel Walten. Norristetvn Mien Barbara Stewart, of LlJJ!JS2 avenue, ontertainea at aucuen ""; and a supper en Monday, In honor or Mrs. Helen Williams, who will ba mar ried the latter part of November te Mr. Lewis Paul Schaeffer. There were twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Sullivan, of 412 West Marshall street, are receiving congratulations en the birth of n daugh ter. Elalne Martin Sullivan, en No vember S. Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Leap, et 1110 Aster street, entertained at a masquer ad party, en Monday, In honor of their guesia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, of Wilmington, Del. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rey McClentgan. Mr. atid Mrs. J, M. Rrblnsen. Mr. and Mra. J. Bobtnsen. Mr. nnd Mra J. T. Miller. Mr. and Mra. O. R. Butch and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Fulmer. Dr. and Mrs. Francis T. Kruaen. of Frcedley street, entertained at a musicals honor. M. naarnart. Ji brother of the bride- . ane Fine bride as matron nt man was Mr. William Of Tork. I'd., it hrnll groom. After a wedding trip. Mr. and irs uearnart will live at 1333 street, Norristeim. r JONKfr-SHAINLINB The marriage of Miss Dorethy. .nninime. daughter of Mr. and .Mra HI Rebert Khaln'lne, of son of Mr. and tain inns Went street. Norrlstewn. and Mr. H. Kenneth Mra asems Jenes, Jenes. place en Wednesdsy In Enlscoeal Church. Norrlstewn. bride was attended by her slater. of West. Marshall street, took AH saints- FASHION &HOW T CJNTRA, Or te'TPOK BROAD STREET THEATRE Taeiday Afternen, Nev. 14, at 2 P.M. BEHiriX CHARLOTTE CCSHMAN CtUB sTiU Md br Brem'ncnt .ctroiiei tad wtstta uelsllr Bremlnent. Tiekets Mew ea Bale st Bji offlee. Ne Tss. USwftVlUE ETil., A liU MXmt'tima CHAS. WINNINCEK AKD fcremHt Aim anit Thaiil Btl IEP.T PsumII Bret, Me!l (L-w. ftjr.. ,AAYc?IR'ffVETlI n fifth Vaudmil4 Ti mimmmt SV 11 nr.j m Urt Ia ! t naamint Ity. Mltliaaal is CfUBiet .siim- -. Elby Bt. 1, Du Tell Otvey, esrrie nlnn, Tn riUwerthi st "'Mrs. lyhic mw. THtMVSCAL HIT OF ASfSt BLOSSOM YEAKPUNAT 'I'lreVisKNYCAT JWMMS5AD08 JUUTj MW murm , Wen msfent and merited tucctti i.riuill kvEA"i'U3 AT Sir) HUELrniMit T.ssr-B.it Seals, 91 "Ii a Play fe Qaltkia Ike Pelie a n d t e Create Smiles W k e r e Sallti Were Sel dom Kitwa te mU gBSpi- -rk Ct istaet Vft TTwTAW martiae LYNNE OVERMAN 'nrVHUBERTfHRf.W WKSSPSSi IINCY Tm a miiIGIRL COM ED V DAFFY MLi GEORGIA O'RAMEV ANnTH6Q.vArtri nymtr 11 A. f. TO II P. II. A Paramount rtctur vJH :m rvw y Ksiurvnw Beeth Tarkinsten's areata! cemedvl William de Mitlt'fl finest production I Three itartlj WALLACE REID AONIB ATMS aad! "T"T. KAK WHO B AW TOMORROW" KtrBICAI. rEATPRE HAHS kINDLgm MOM. vTMnhi LB MTI0HA' If You've Ik ) Acaaeaf el Msiie Tksrs. Evf Nev. 1 HEW YORK SVMPH9NY DAMROSCH f WAGNER COMDOOTOR ' J PROGRAM riekets at Aeademy Hegpt'i ni Chtst J" Charles L. staurter. as matron of honor. Mr. Percy Mussetman waa the beat man. Mr. and Mrs. Jrnea will reside en Wet Main street, Norrlstewn. UNIVERSITY MUSEUM Free. Illuitnted leeture PICTfJRiAt IlfPIA By Ohsn O, ifuktrll 3S SVKVOX BATURDAT, Ii30 nFSMOND m mm lad tffctn Kn,w.A:, Osm?laa Klehtlw a a.14 Kil.AUi , Thuii.. at rill. 1SU. luii..TUiini.,Bat.5lU Uimbi wcbn iviinaireu etlre OKHIMO THE FRAMICrORO "t" CASINO tU ft W nlnnt. MM Teds GIGGLES With IIANHV TVANSON ACADEMY OF MUSIC MnirrSilDCD 99 AT iMiiie nyaiiviaB lll 8. HUBOK MISCHA tAGT APPEARAND; """-""i"" - POPUiAB 75c, $1.00, $1.B0, $2.00 , At ACADEMT 4 KEPPE'S. 1119 Che.tnut Bt. j ELMAJ TKJ5 KID-WITX SEREMAOERB wmrr.'B BOCIETT ORCHESTRA DAMOIMO H4B TO I This Is Dancers Night THE CASTLE 219 S. Bread St. EHJOY YOURBELF T0M10KT 8T DANCINO V0UR rAVOBITE WAY Mr. and Mra. n their family, are occur Percy Bright. invlnr tar Ah ter an apartment at I'elham Court. Cer- mantewn. Seuth Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Prank Shertz, Jr., of 370.1 Seuth fllxty-thlrd street, formerly of Houth Philadelphia, will enterta'n at cards tomorrow evenlnc. at their home. The guests wilt- Include Mr. and Mrs. . iniwA-rcr i rrccrtMC PJlN MODERN DANCING ADULTS' CiaBBEII J8YBRY WM niY EVBSISU AT R'30 P. M. AND TAP FOX TnOT nYT'IP filBBES Mlt-LER EXCLUBtVBLY. ift-iE yn.ffl '' I coMtnvATeny l . j .B NDANCINO OHXt.DBBN'9 A1J2 rflSIAN I1ALLBT, IB. ESTHETIC. IN- TEnPnBTATIVE AND MODKRN 1028 Chestnut St. PHONE : WALNUT OUT Ml r7y wBBhMvr1-rTVBV W7fVWlJr BsWmmmVMVTWVT rrJSwwSafamT TA i McCLEES GALLERIES .,, wlaut Bt. RARnnEJ5HNS?. . ME2Z0TWTS rjn. rn.misV'" ""ay"a terd I rm"L- i 44VCJa Mr, .john wanamaker, 3rd Ml" France Trenchard Leaf 133 SOUTH 18TH STREET Mid-Season Clearance! RtnWeS FROCKS BLOUSES MILLINERY .'fci ' """-' - ! namm mm p-a IMPOnTBfta. DKBIONKHM AND MA8ERB OF WOXBtf'H AND CBtLDKEN'9 APPARWt, of run nwHBar character for merh than Twasry-BUVKN ' years W ML Chestnut B B Cerner W Twelfth Important for Tomorrow 75 .00 Fur -Trimmed Coats Actual Value te 110.00 Coats of ermnndale, faehena and panvelaine. An array of unusual styles the creations of master desigmers. Trimming of beaver, squirrel, caracul, wolf and mole. Lined with canton crepe, and warmly interlined. The win ter's greatest fur opportunity. DRESSES Ir"' ' " a 1 i mi mi i .s iems a ma Truly Remarkable Reductions 19 00 29 50 39 50 45M 1 75 Values Are 39.50 te 225.00 Very new in style thought for every need from street te formal evening, and for every type. With practically the .entire season of need ahead, this is a golden opportunity. I MiVtffitiiMnmfnmr'Jryjfnn r nt im mn im m iim n it u jjai i.m n.u ,im nut wmumJULLWllimwueuuumi Geerge Allen, 1214 Chestnut Street Inc. 1214 Established 1837 Yeu Can Get a Charming Hat With Metal Trimming for $10.00 Nowadays when hats with metal are se popular, it is indeed fortu nate te find such lovely metal-trimmed hats as low as $10.00. There are hats of different colors with bows and bands of silver cloth. There are some most attractive small Black satin hats with burnt ostrich at $8.50. The quantity is small, se an early selection is advised. Millinery Values te 12-50 yr.00 A wonderful occasion, showing hats for dress and sports, in velvet) satin, even including the new and smart silver cloth turbans, L r- ,rt 1 m -' ' j Bi """"esmBmmml i aaamamamsamm . " s . ' W SmcUtU in Amrtf That SUndtUm tht Lwrtr Weman, a : ji Extraordinary Sale of Coty's French Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face and Sachet Powders This event Is extremely timely as it gives you the opportunity te make your purchases of these famous perfumes, toilet waters and powders for Christmas giving at very reduced prices. Cety'a Compact Faca Powder In L'Orifran, Paris, Styx and Chypra, uraal 85c size at 68c. Cety'a L'Origan Face Powder at 75c a box. Coty's mall size Extract In the fo'lewing oders: L'Oripan, Paris, Jacqueminet, Muguet and Chypre. usual $1.90 aize, at $1.60 a bottle. Cety'a L'Origan or Paris Extracts in pock peck pock etbeok size, 50c value, at 85c. Coty's L'Origan Extract, full 2-oz. size, in charming tasseled box, very special at $3.95. Coty's Jacqueminet, Chypre, Muguet and led Jasmlne Extracts in tastele M-50. box, special at Coty's Paris Extract in Blue and Silver tasseled box, $3.85. Coty's 3-or. Toilet Water in the following oders: L'Orip-an, Paris, Styx, Jacqueminet, L'Or and L'Effleurt, usually $3.50 and $4.00, at $2.25. Coty's Sachet Powders in the following oders: L'Oritmn, Paris, Styx, Chvpre, Jac Jac quemieot and Muguet, $1.90 size at $1.50. Coty's Talcum Powder in L'Origan. Jac Jac quemieot, Muguet, Jasmine, L'Effleurt, Chypre, Paris, Styx and Ambre Antique, special at 90c. The Play The Old Homestead V fUsMIN MMMKSAM WWfh h.ld th tsrc t t nrarlr frrty resit sea is siui ss peiinwur iniTtnins ?cr. ren will want te ... ths liktnrn fi'iturtng Theodere) Roberts, Geerge Faw celt, T. Rey Barnes, Harritea Ferd and Fritzl Ridgway It's Hi mnrknlil' I'nrnmniint I'lctur AND IT'S AT THE STANTON THEATRE 16th and Market 11:30 1-20, 3:30. 6:30 7:30. t!S0 At. m n esse m IDlh sort rii.tntrt 11 ta 11 KETBO PHESENX8 BEX IXORAJT1 11:30 A.M. 1:30,3:30 5:30, 7:30 9:30 P. M. Z.rMXTES EKOAOEHEMT OOKXEWOW NEXT WEEK RODEUT Z. LEOKAHD PREBBNTa MAE MURRAY BROADWAY ROSE A Bsntst of ths Met Di 8trt In tlii World Enameled Leather Pocketbooks, Vanity Cases and Cigarette Cases at $2.00 te $3.50 The pocketbooks are very smart, some with straps en the backs and mirrors. They come in Rese, Blue, Dahlia and Tan at $2.50 and $3.50. The vanity cases in the same colors are $2.00 and $2.50. The cigarette cases are $2.00 and $3.50. Laces in Bertha Widths $1.00 te $6.00 a Yard Lace that is all ready te be made up into Bertha cellars comes pleated and plain, in Cream, Ecru, Black and in Metal. Tinsel Ribbon, Very Special at $1.55 a Yard The loveliest tinsel ribbons, idenl for vesU'cs. baa and hat trimmings. In tinsel shot with color and tinsel brocades, 51.05 a yard. Selve Your Christmas Gift Problems With Handkerchiefs It's se hard te think of anything te give a man for Christmas, until one realizes that handkerchiefs are just the right thing. He will love sturdy handkerchiefs of geed White Irish linen with hemstitched edges, with or without neat block-letter initial. They come at 35c each, $4.00 a dozen; 50c each, $5.50 a dozen; 75c each, $8.50 a dozen There are also sheer French handkerchiefs with hand -rolled hems, cording or hemstitching. $1.25 and $1.50 each. ttMt&n Jf W liUOAD CHESTNUT 10 A. M 12. it. 4. . 8 & 10 V. M. PRISCILLA DEAN AM "CTOAKF.nE" TOE DAVOHTSB OF TKE REOIMENT XH 'UfiDER TWO FLAfiS" COMMENCING SATURDAY ANtl CO.VriNUlNO NEXT WEEK Ei "SKIN DEEP With MILTON SILLS and FLORENCE VIDOR PALACE tfT.". sffi1? GEORGE ARLISS la "THE MAN WHO PIYEO non" COMMENCING SATURDAY im UAvr a Kin -rr um n With BETTY C0MP30N md BERT LYTEIX VICTORIA MANSLAUGHTER BTH AMD XABXET 10 A M TO 11-15 P. CECIL B. T1! Mfttl'S win li:wi1 HrTQTfAir ARCADIA JSAIPeffiiSfOT IRENE CASTLE :,.SSBL.-MHs mmmsmmm capitol j-aan?" "Mere te Be Pitied Than Sceriff GLOBE J&D1 if sm 11 TO if a,,BA,T.AOjU-?.nlmm W "Mistakes of 1922" 17 P-OIE NINE SPFVES BROADWAY 'M W.P VITYi' lr. nun MILTON STtTS "BURNING SANDS' a 1 1 rr.Lirwv ' ""TM, rt,ulJ.r.VJi7;J;i ... -'Iir2HW "THE SIRENS" mit-tes "BURNING SANDS PDflQC IfPVC'01" AND HAaKET LKUde 1 C l Vnurtevlll t li IM "BARNUM WAS RIGHT" Our Sale of Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves Ends Saturday -,-.1he!?ii!" tf1,1 a chnnce t0 Pet knit under. wear, silk, Hsle and wool stockings and te.f U "ft8 t reduced prices. Soen it will be tee late, se new ia the time te act. ACADEMY OF StUSIO BURTON HOLMES FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES JtK;nRingMev.r&l8 PEKIUO. NOV. IT. tSl UP THE YANOTSE tUANQ, ,'RESENT DAY .KTfl OUINA. U HO.- . Hi LAlCAUiO lli.AHirs y: lAWILlAR JAPAN. DEC 1 t MODli tZIMO CIIOFN AND MANC1IUAIA. DE 3. 9 OKEAT 6IOHT3 EAST OT SUE EC. 15 18 I Couns F.t" t H'rp'. New. Clni.i (. ri,. i c.. M,,, T yA, ) ""J EUROPE AEER WAR JEAN LONGUET (?AAHiPEMAMn tnANCE'3 MOST POWEIirtTL OPPONENT TOMORROW EVENING. Nev. 9, 8:30 P. M., at Arch Street Theatre 6TH AND ARCH TTCKI-.Tt e, 'Of 71", ! N OW SAT.E NOW AT THT TtrrAT! III A I UIIT N,u ' skat H ft LRU I Mtlists Sst Ste te U 'LiTcllPit Bhew of th. BiMn." N, Am. M lrtPCAv K EITH'S THEATRE' 80T11 AMNIVHRHABY lUliIX.au JANE & KATIIEKINB LSI , ERNEST IliJIA O.rmslns M ITT Y sTTfLl Otrdeu a Yard i LiurMl ALL HO IMM uvi.li t. mmr nttmm ilin , niARLES CIIIO MAIM , "'!. CHIlYII"T"r"...iiwa" 1 Next Week FANNIE BRICE ' nnZ-CAULlUl.Kl.QitillLtiU net, 11 1 L.clui. em - CUKKKNT HISTORY Dr. Geerge Earle Rat w srTVa v a M u ii Vll ii ivl si J n 1 I jtr H ' . 'A A 'y tssKmrnss! f iif.-5y.diL; ; .t&& i if.M n, . !", asSsi!"jrfii&aiSi 'ZUiYMi: