Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 09, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. IX. NO. 49
f reker Say Clients Were Re-
paid as Soen as Order
Could, Be Carried Out
State Balked In Move te Shew,
Prosecution Threat Breugnt
Fred T. Chandler, Jr., and Earl
Ifendenhall. member of the bankrupt
J" ,. rhnnrflnr Brethers & Ce., which
. i.nUer 84.000.000. contend they were
: in.. frnmliilcnt conversion and
JLbenlement. but merely were "de-
tjtA" In carrying out the orders of
clr clients.
, This drfense was Indicated by for
per Sheriff Jeseph Gllnllan, their at at
terney, during a pnsage with Assistant
jjlitrict Attorney Fex. who Is trying
the ease before Judge Sera.
-jlr. Fex attempted te Introduce the
'term "restitution" ' as descriptive of
repayments made te the prosecuting
Iritness and sought te set up a pre-
Ciptlen that this "restitution" had
a made only after the District At
torney's office took a hnnd in the case
by issuing a subpoena for the brokers'
Mr.Gilfillnn declared that there could
be no "restitution," as there had been
- pe fraud. His clients, he said, merely
Mrs delayed some months In complying
kith their customers' orders because of
th unavoidable confusion incident te
the firm's collapse. He Bhewcd also,
that the subpoena had been Issued the
6ay after the check palng back the vic
tim's losses had been sent.
Mr. Fex was net permitted te delve
farther into the conectien between check
Md subpoena, Judge Stern ruling out
the whole line of testimony.
This Is the second day of the de
fendants' trial en one of numerous In
dictments. It developed jesterday that
the prosecuting witnesses tire unwilling
te prosecute because they liave received
Ibiur money back. Judge Stern at yes
ttrday's session refuted te nel-pros
tkt ease because of repayment.
'. pate of Repayment Changed
The two defendants were en baud
Early today nnd spent nn Interested Ii.ut
r" J! " s -".J .tn? "": tame D.v
miner offenders, two pickpockets nnd
t lfc beater, he erc pnielcd by
Indie Stern before he took up the
Chandler case.
Lewis W. Bejer, of Tjrene, Pa.,
the prosecuting, witness, wns the flrat
ur. uunuaii, iituviiuig 10 me incus m
caueu. jir. i-ex mux 10 nun:
"Ym said en the witness Mand ves-
lereay mat wi.cn jeu get your isuu
.back you were net sure whether
Itwesin February of this jcar. Hnvc
Ten refreshed our memory sinceV"
"Yes, sir. I was paid en May IT
of this year," i-aid the witnecj.
"Will ou tell tin Cemt nnd jury
whether jeu were under subpoena from
the District Attorney' office nt the
tine jeu were paid your money?"
Mr. (lllfillan objected. Judge Stern,
iddresslng Mr. Fex. caid: "Wp hove
patsed that point, haven't vc'i"
"I believe the jury is entitled te knew
when this money was paid," Mr. Fex
uld. '
"Well, I don't see any harm in hav.
lag it brought out; It will at least
take the record complete, and certain!
reuld net affect the U-rdlct one May
r(the ether," raid the Judge.
'It is hard for me te uusner that
luestlen," said the witness He fum
Ned in his rocket-and produced the sub sub
peena. It was dated, he said, May 18.
Objects te Testimony
Mr. Glllillen then made a motion
wat the tpstimeny be rtrlcken out. Mr.
Fex inisted t!:at he be allowed te pro pre
feed with hi, e.atulnatlen uleng these
rn'Ti,le Di'trlrt Atteruej," said Mf.
bllnllan, "began bj nttemiitins te im im
Uaff,en, -he jury that tin ni.inev was
paH te the witness lieeaiiw lie was Mib-
office"" lh" D,,,rIa A-turney's
uUIr'fnr,i?"'1" vns "l,led te sustain
Mr. Oilfillnn.
"It llnrs tint L.nn. In .- .I. a,...
as an thing te de win, the en", ami
"in unjrr il hirii k'pn nil.
I. 1-. .. - ...... .
Fex continued te li.-ht te Uecv
tilt1 lei'fin "I in. nl. 1 in ... t '
n opportunity t0 fellow up my !",,(
fsutluuMcn Piee KUhtetn. cilu
nn M .
Mrs. O'Neill Intends te Werk for
Rlflhts of Women
Chlrape, yev. fi..
-iHy A. p.iVrs.
Lettir lliiliii.ni ri'vni ' '.i '
Greve. th a. .."..."i '.::. '.. el "ewneii i
--..... (lu iii.li uiiii mill iii'i,i. . i - .i
In ,1.. in. V ." "". woman elCCleil i "',',' i. .i".. .'. l. ey A.
Ie lm Hi neli, Legislature, et i. i,i4T.)MiSb Helena Cenk, a W.uindotte
L , i i ,,. ,i,,,t hlU! would net be
"eunn iij Jnesdii's action of Illinois
eters nmneUiis bj n huge maj"ltv
MmendiuHit permitting ieerrfBewii.
rri..Vcru7nt ,1,lr",,"l i'r.v leadera li
"M their fellow m net .i.V,B.?.'i
i , .. . i. .
i'l in I mini
rr,,lll,llri whlle Hi ue ,.
n bam lie the mc,b1 n(tnlK He"'i
te JraiLte !,.",c1' "f '"' attention '
1I1C1II .... .. 1
-iiii niiinilii
kninei...iV i "" Preieet en r .!,
proieetlen if i,, '
,ni ... .'. " ' I'll'
-. .uiiuqr me rlshte of women "
'" Win, , EvBry Eect
r... -Wld8. M"rsln
Ien by
.J'.','1 "elx and Ku.sn. .u.
" inrce te em. .. ',"p
trptiositlens, ,".? it ' , f,l.,er ut ,'(,,,,1!,
."lifernia .'",'.. ' was two te one in
one In
H lows, v"rr " two ie
y..lu Vi,iiPr aj -- inn peace.
lal rn I"1 '"R e'iui t'? .soldiers' be,,.,. ' . Bleekeil by the park
' ttibiic it . t(i. . . - vw Mi, l ii ii .
ta,i V.T'-'si. sue sul( , "f0.. i, ,"" nor iiiieBeu eneris ie w ire nun
' E?d,h,,IB !U"' ! "" aliVaxH bS Jhe Bateh of the cemetery. M
aV '...". .. became profane, according
M ik. t! M.?..,l,nl n."-'" "d women i Pnrk.Commitsleuer Ivaclin
,, leile for the Slnt,. l!!'..!!.ble., ,0 ,'P ""sflnen ill. hnrinl two weeks n
TUBBBBB l.bl ..I, - "'
Bntsred Second
!& V
Hapsburg Arrested
Fermer Archduchess of Austria,
who Is being detained by Vienna
pollce for attempting te smuggle
out of the country treasures (ram
a Hnpsburg palace
Member of Prescribed Hapsburg
Family Detained In Vienna
Vienna, Nev. O. (By A. P.)
Fermer Archduchess Merle Immaculate,
one of the prescribed Ilnpsburgs, Is be
ing detained by the police en a charge
of attempting te smuggle out of the
country treasures from the family
palace. ,
It is alleged she entered Austria with
a forged passport, took up lodgings in
an obscure quarter of the city and suc
ceeded in transporting te the railroad
station, where they were found, feur-teen-rases
containing valuables.
The Arbciter Zcltung charges that n
fortnight age former Arehduke Fried
rich smuggled from the Vienna palace
te Hungary eighty cases of valuublcs,
Politicians Disappointed When Cun
ningham's Claim Doesn't Come Up
Politicians who expected te hear
facts about a claim Themas W. Cun
ningham Is said te Lave against Sen Sen
aeor Penrose's estate were disappointed
today when the audit of the exeouters'
accounts was postponed by Judge Cum
mey in Orphans' Court.
The absence of former Sheriff Oil
Allan, ceuns"! for Cunningham, led te
the postponement. Oilfillnn is defend
; bx3 .;arl Mendcnhalb nnd "Fred T.
, -,,. j, T i i , .
Chandler, Jr., brokers, accused of cm
W. Hnrry Baker, Itcpubllrnn State
chairman, and Lcighten Tayler, who
was Penrose's secretin-, were In court
in rpspenw te suoiieenas. .ir. Cun
llinchnm wa.i net: tlierp. T una .
'nred later that u tettlement would
i .;",'.".',
thins about the clnim hint that theJ
Senater c.therized Ciinninsham te ber-1
iiimitmiis mj iiruit'ss ie Knew .nnmn
row .-jiu.uuu ie nnnnce a light te con
trol the City Committee, after the Inst
..iHjeruii.v election. .,nter Cunning
ham developed a friendly interest in the
Vure organization and his visits te
Penrose liocuiue infrequent.
threTbadly hurt
in yerk read crash
Twe Men and Girl Victims When
Aute and Motorcycle Collide
Three persons were bndly inju.cd Inst
night in n collis'en between nn auto
mobile nnd motorcycle en Old Yerk
read near County line. Thi machines
enme together head-en. Beth were
going at a high rate of speed.
Rcldentb in the neighborhood rusheil
te the scene with lanterns and quickly
extricated the Injured and administered
llrct-nld treatment.
The automobile was occupied bv J
A. Buhler. 1223 RUlng Sun ae'nue.
nnd Mifs M. A. Clarke, of Inland. Tim
motorcycle was drien L William
Streu&e, thirtj years old, of Bridge
Beth vehicles were t'irned ever.
Ituhler nnd MiH Clarke weru pinned
undr the nuinmebili. Itecuern were
compelled te remove the windshield and
ether portieua of the car te release
them. Bulb, were badl cut nnd bruised,
'the were attended by n plijslcinu en
the scene.
Streuse wai thrown twenty feet ana
wnaleund iincoiucieus nt t tip roadside.
He received wxere cuts and lrulev tin
the head, legs nnd arms. He was,iaken
ie the Ablncten Hospital.
i . . .
ijetu rancntntR wove wrecked
Helena Conley Charged With Dis
turbing Peace at Kansas City
i.-. . rtu. ir x- n v .
Hi'Itaii, wlie. with Her two sisters, re-
cemJ' sought with shotguns ami inipre-
t'1,,1""N preu-nt I he burial of a white
mnl1 ' el11 ,"11"" 'emetery in the
llclrt ,)f business district here, wns
in Jail today, churg.d with disturbln-
department In
i narricude
Iss Conley
te nellee.
ordered her
co. rtenr
rtieuiid wliuh the sisters
rlBlmed laid their iini-e!
Cmlev is alleged te luiv
"i,,'J.l,r...g!,.U: .!,.."revc
uneesters, Helena
v reherted te
Wiring Ilie Bine in iucvl-iii nee et tilt
ceineier.v uy the citj.
llcleiin tklK, viipniis Mli- ffini..,.
ceineier.v uy in
i,,,,!.,,!!,.,, ,, Miner, hliiirlli-' .. .'
.burial, ashing Hint the white man's
: that the uliiin ti,n...
I body be reuieeil nnd threatening them
Willi wnai me uTimu n Vaii(ette
A false alann turned in from the
Market etieet subway station at Fifth
street preldid excitement for a large
crowd of .Market street shoppers at JO
o'clock thi morning. A miiii1 of p0
Hi emeu kept tnillli iue,lng despite the
bpectaters who thronged the street.
ttrdlnsl lleuslirriT urxti i all ratbeltti Ie '
tb jjnual ut fraj crs. Murphy Ce., BaliaT
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBdaaaaaaaiMf,' LHh
misiiiiiiiiiiiHi'.'':'''" ; aaaaiMaaaaB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW:?!' VMHMB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW , tv i TKyBBM
BaaaaaaaaaaE .aBaaaaaaaail
,.. y 'JBaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaW -: - :;ilaaaaaaaaaaal
BBaaaaaaaaKft'' t . A' ZBaaaaaaaaaaai
BaaaaaaaaK.'V .' ''jikikikikiH
aaaaaBMiMt ,-, y, i w v sawlaaaalaBaaaMaaaaawaBail
WSWfttf nf---
lift ASM
"Weman In Gray" and Male
Accomplice Declared te Be
Murder Principals
Grand Jury Net te Be Called
This Week, Mett Says After
Conference With Foreman
Bu a Slag Corrupendmt
New Brunswick, N. J Nev. 0.--Th
slayer of the Bev. Edward Wheeler
"nil nnd Mrs. Eleaner Rj Mills Is new
known te the authorities. After eight
weeks they have pushed aside the mys
tery that curtained the double crime.'
Indictments charging murder In the
first degree will be requested from the
Somerset County Grand Jury against
the man who Urcd the murder shots
and against the woman who accompa
nied him.
An indictment will be asked also
against a second man en the ground be
wns an accessory after the fact. It is
charged he drove the slayer and his
companion te the old Phillips farm
and that he took them away after the
An outline of the evidence, direct and
circumstantial, was discussed today by
TJty Att0"?y General Mett. Colonel
Schwarzkepf, head of the State police,
SeleCiBGib.bs' foreman e the
bemereet County Urand Jury.
Ne Action This Week
These meii mct in the offlce of
Prosecutor Beekman at Semervlllc nt
11 e i clock, their conference continuing
SLZT Mr- Beckraan jelHed the
Oibbs was the first te leave. He
hurried away after posing for photoit phetoit photeit
raphcrs. ns did Colonel Sjchwarxkepf.
Mr. Mett would make no comment
except te state "the Grand Jury will
net be called this week," giving em
phasis te the last two words.
Persons close te the authorities at
tributed their confidence in the early
solution of the mystery te two new de
velopments, pnu was the identification
of the man who actually committed the
murder. Anether development svevealed
was that the authorities have four wit
nesses who corroborate Mrs. Gibsen's
story in important points, especially re
garding the time the murder was com
mitted. Acerding te the authorities, tbey hare
the utmost confidence in the strength
of their identification of the alleged
irurderer. It was reported en geed 'au
thority that the idenjltleutlen h ad ; been
made by another nersen. or hv ntin...
pr4ens, and net by Mrs. Gibsen.
Te Indict en First Degree
Tihe man accused of the actual clay
ing will be indicted en the charge of
murder in the first degree, if the present
plans of the prosecution go through.
The "woman In gray" also will be in
dicted en the churge of first-degree mur
der, en the ground that her presence
ui me scene ami ner participation in the
strugplc preceding the killing made her
nn accomplice In tbe crime.
The third person' te be indicted is, ns
are the ether two, n member of the
eongregntien of Hall's church, the
Protestant Episcopal Church of St.
Jehn the Evangelist. According te the
prosecution's plan, this Winn is te be
indicted ns nn acces&ery after the fact,
en the ground that he concealed ei
dencc from the prosecution, but he will
have te stand trial with the ether man
and woman en the first-degree murder
This man is believed te have been the
lage In the tragedy of jealousy und
murder, nnd is believed te hn.e gene te
the Phillips farm en the night of the
murder in order te see the icsnlt of his
It is net believed flint lie rnw thr
murder committed, but the authorities
tniiiK He took the woman in amy and
Continued en Pace Eighteen. Column hU
Mpt; jean K. Feulkv Browne
Seeks Separation Frem Her
Political Campaign Manager
Weman Was Defeated for
State Legislature Frem Sec
ond Chester County District
Special Plssateh Ie V.i -n'lin PhIi'ih I.tdae
West Chester, Pa., Nev. O.Mrs.
Jean Kane Foulke Browne, defeated
candidate for the Legislature from the
Second Chester County District, filed
nn application for dlvene in the Ches
ter County Court tedn) and Sheriff
Jehn It. Pechin Immediately issued a
summons against Cnptaiu Herbert Jar
vis Ilrewuc. It Is expected te be
served this afternoon. Ne grounds nre
filed xvith the application
. The application was tiled in the office
of the Sheriff by District Attorney
W. Uutlcr Wlndle. who is counsel for
Mrs. Browne, but he refused te dhulga
the grounds for the application. Mrs.
Browne, formerly the wife of Geerge
R. Keulke, u well-known resident near
here, who was accidentally shot nnd
killed ky his son In n hunting accident
several eers age, Is a sister of Dr.
Bayard Kane, formerly Democratic
Count Chairman and a well-known
leader of that party.
Mrs. Foulke and Captain Browne
.were married November 111. 1021, und
had made their home en the extensive
farm of Mrs, Brewnii near Rcnnnel Rcnnnel
tewn, three miles from here, nnd Inter
bad apartments In this town. Brew no
was at one time n newspaper corre
spondent in Washington, aud for ge .
eral ears held a commission in the
United States Army. Ue is much
eunger than his wife. Apparently the
couple had lit etl happily together dur
ing their short married life of one year,
aud both moved in thixbest society.
Browne conducted tie recent political
"Tiger" Is Jovial
In rollicking humor en eve of his
lecture tour In United States. The
Seat Frenchman will discuss In
mcriea ways of promoting world
Clemenceau In Sparkling Hu Hu
eor en Eve of Hie Trip
te America
By. AntecMtd Prett
Paris, Nev. 0. Fermer Premier Cle
menceau, en the eve of his departure for
the United States, declared today that
the object of his trip would be "te cre
ate a Mate of mind in the United States
which will permit in the future, I hope.
In the near future, negotiations between
public bodies leading te understandings
capable of nreduclnc results."
lie added he believed the ncace of
Europe was bawd upon the friendly re
lations of America. Euclaiid and
Frnnrc, and that his task would be te
nttempt te make the Americans fully
aware of tlrnt fact.
Clemenceau'e statement wns given te
Marcel Hutln, of the Eche de Paris,
whose interviews with the former
Premier attracted wide attention durluj
the war. Before renchin? the sn'ient
points of his utterances, however,
Ciemcnceau allowed his humor consid
erable play ns is his custom. He ex.
plained he wns going te stay at the
home of Charles Dann. Gibsen, "en
American painter of great talent, but
wnem i no. net Knew at m.'j h, added:
'fir heart huait 1 ..-.. .is.' . -fc.
Continued en Pace Elf htfen, Oelumu Five
Eager te Aid In Search for Sender
of Poison Cake
Mrs. TV. W. Stcrrett is at her borne
in Deven today after fourteen data in
the Bryn Muwr Hospital, due te illness
;., tkajBjSjpjf . v -i. -:-.salllllllW
'''"' iaiiVSaiaaSBBiHBiBiiiiiV
" LLaVSflHPviBBllHBlllllllllllllllllV
,-tejlwTth rM"; WsSMF
the arraugemert(sf ferTfei-lslt te ''orcrner-oleet intinmtcd. he will take
Atinr'en. Threo rlnra in ft A J. T' i IIO blCll III COnm-i-linn .
.. .. bvv llli.TU 11&L1II1 AAI . liri IV1II I
" 'TT- ,'' ." "
caused by eating a portion of a poiKenedJ.Hf the situation ns yet, he imnresVie.
cake tent her through the mails, audi prevails that the next appointment n ax
which caused the death of her hti&hnnil
She was discharged from the hospital
last night. ,
Mrs. Stcrrett is ready, te give the
authorities all possible help in clearing
up the,m.sterieus circumstances sur
rounding the sending of the cake.
District Attorney Windle, of Ches
ter County, will intenlew new wit
nesses today. He believes they will
provide important additions te the evl
dence already in the hands of the au
thorities. .."Ni? n,r.e l"IIewinsr every clue," mild
Mr. n indie, "but nothing of a startling
nature lias been turned up in the last
few days."
cempaifc-ti of his wife and had head
fjuarters here. .
raaaaaaaaaaaiR' aHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
While in the ('nveriin,.., Tiraxe cemcin wa. expressed te,li .',.-e,
Captain Browne Meed clute te ti.V,i
ministration leaders and was cemmis-"
slened te undertake sew-mi . " :"
.. ,
.hree Jvtk' "UfV h m,U nut
ment ef'arms for ,hebfCffl!!
?""'.? -1,:.c.'.",p"t l.",,,i, He. . . . ..... . The mi eaiicht !iV.:7....... ..... :''"' nt. "Pening of the 7 ,rl "" ' ' Mrni-lgner lii.-rnniil Ilo.uane. ,h ta)7n
.u.,iii. wiiii i-rei(ieiit Cnrrana un, , w"n ,-""UB "'" te C ty sivtv.nlnt, nml MnVt :,, "V, 'r,II.v Because t w(,H believe.l ' yi.. de egete at WnMi tigtuii, with marA
xliPl".n"V " "";'"' We "line in Jeun Leneuel. f..rin..r aoelnllst ., wn, te e v Hall 1 ,rr 'i' 1" A"or,"'.v Duty it xv ml I ,', ' 'S,' ,' te his being raised in I,, r J" 2 i
Mexico in the near future. ber of the French Chamber of Dep leV ."rapled PI. mle i"l.ln Tie . nl Pl,il"i '"""'Ible te e.btal.vL'v .!,,. ei.M.ti.rv te be held Deec , her" 11
- - - - . arrived In the -lt at no,,,, te.in'v'Vind et iceesnlxe 1 1." m n ttr,tUi" ,lil1 Hrw mimW In jlr ceW-"?r I" 'l;il this neli,., will nivh &
A quart of eranii.rriM win xnh welcomed b the Longuet Recent Inn , -t'erewpter iaalleuge vveulfl .,...., M'HiMKiiur llenraun next vvei k. -,, n, v
f? trfS;,'S.lF',"" r"! Committee of Ph llndelphu " i" apartmbntc te ,tvVm rrB' uMr'1 ,h.p J"" I'""" Th h" ui" s,,,,r,li u""rd V 'S
MOR iiH.xviiJ;k' r KAT. speak tonight in the.Arcl, Street Tl.e. . nd . mt men- requirmSl '.'nTv? tXWM . Iu'r "'Iihts mentioned In thP IL... iiV X Heme. ' . i
Department Heads CM Blanks
te Estimate Needs for Next
Twe Years
Coverner-Elect Off te N. Y. for
TenDay Rest Before Going
te Milferd
Gilferd PlneUet's first act as the
Governer-elect wns te put in motion
the official machinery of the Common
wealth te bring about the ennctment of
n scientific budget by the incoming
Stnte Legislature.
kneli department head in the State
Capitel received from Mr. Plnchnt this
morning n wt of estimate blank en
which te set down the departmental re
quirements for the next two years. In
J1, letter which accompanied the blanks,
the Governer-elpct definitely announced
that the new budget must be less than
the budget adopted two years age and
that we cannot assume that the Legis
lature will lav new taxes."
The estimates are te be filled out end
returned te Dr. Clyde L. King, chair
man of the Citizens' Committee en State
Finances, by November 25. Dr. Klne
will then examine the proposed budget
in the light of the resenrrnes which
have been made by financial experts into
the fihcnl condition of the State.
Text of Pluchet Letter
Before leaving for New Yerk, from
which Mint he will go te Milferd for
a ten -duy rest. Mr. ,Pinehet gare out
cop es of the letter in question, which
said :
.i "M,V, fif"J oblKHen is te prepare
the budget for submission te the Legis
lature. i !,I..,lc',t, net ne,nt et te you thai
it is the custom of mrst of the'e charged
with the repenslbiIity 0f making esti
mates te the Legislature te make their
estimates large enough te allow some
cutting. The present budget situation
docs net admit of this practice.
I am ndvisri! hv Aii,ll- r:-.-.t
Iewls that the income from existing
" "" uuv uc siuucient ie meet the
tetnl nmeunta appropriated by the last
Legislature as nppieved. te say noth
ing of unlap&ed appropriations, 'lms
iU!iS.s.i!hilt Vil total bui,-?ct must be
below that of this current biennlnm. We
cannot assume that tbe Legislature will
lay new taxes.
"Since, therefore, reductions must
be made. T want te ask you net te
assume, 'hat this reduction te b
made ent-ey by somebody e'se. It s
obvious time, te .ee, thi. .t.......
every division, Atirvntt aud department
iOAj ."""V 2.ski"S for financial
n,.i,n-r.i,i i. ....... vi'" rl"':r ine
.1,1. A,l ...
.J1.v....v.j....,,, u,p nmie tieusc of Ren
resentutives or the Cabinet. As for
f abinet appointments;. Mr. Pinchot ex-
i.ws ... iiiiiiuuiiee eaen selection ac it i
mad and therein ,llnni nil .".....;.
Wfe.er ,n;,SUTJ' an" ,w,,,,paI
May appoint Dctilcli
The Goej-ner-leet was his,, pieas-ed
ever the favorable icceptien which lib
appointment of l, . 'stahlnccker as
?&. .11.. ? ,,"'rc is nethin efflelnl
ppelntment 111.15
Continued en Tare BUhtem. rduran Four
Twe Small Brethers Held by Police
In Trenten
The m-stery of the disappearance of
Jehn II. Aneth. fourteen .'ears old. and
Tils brother, William, twelve xears old
was rnhed this morning when .Mrs!
Jehn eneth. their mother, received a
postal ciml from them, mailed from
Trenten , N. .1.
The eneth home Is nt .1',
Master street Ttiesda.r. Mrs. ynT,,i,
says, the gae the tens n licking for
staing out late, nnd they ran awav
The police have been searching for tbcin
The be went te the home of nn
aunt in Trenten, but decided running
nway wasn't nil the.v had expected it
te be The wrote -home salnc thev
would liie te return. '
The Trenten pidice also located the
bejs mid him them in charge. Their
lather wen' te Trenten tedav te brine
them home
Dwellers In Bronx Tenement Flee
as She Screams "Fire"
New V,rli. Nev. 0. (Uy ,, p
A woman"- dieim Is credited v.lth suv
ine the lh ps of -ixt.v ilui.. i.. ..
Bronx tenement early ledny. Mrs Jen',
sie Burotti ilriMtned of lliimes jeHiilns
through he i,)iie. nnd of nniffleil foot feet
steps creaking down the hallwuxs Sim
awoke enMming "the house lu'aflre'"
I'lnler pn'teet her husband get up
went down the hall ami found a fire
blazing near the di.er -f tbe apartment
where sVpi the wife and six ehildren
The alarm wns spread nnd the dxtv
tenants escaped without Injurv before
the llremen iirrhe.l.
Jl 11 jiiim ilia
uifcw -iiui u iriiiii i ii nin im miii fi nil .
Cuban President Suffers Serious -em, 5,,"" 'V len '""r "'' ''''
,bnl, wm, ,.. 0er l0U3 ,J't Chester pike The y.ild tl,,.v i,n,
Relapse With Influenra 'been xlsitin; a fnniilj named lt,wu
Havana, ev. u.ui a. p,
he condition f President Znas, he
ena for mum ,
than a weel;
IlilS ll,-ll III "iiii I'lUlll-IIa -or m.iiv,
(in 'lueHluv the President was re-,
rted as well en the wav te reemerx.
t rrimns fteni i the presidential palace
lint rrpi
lttKt dig
in -.nil, ie- ..I'l'iurm ii iiu.i ..... tiiifiiuu iirt. .fu in, n nt. u m.i .. it 1
- fere.l a teiapfe. cither patrolmen rushed te Urleile n n r ; M5, ",u C,V,J ""t summer. ''"""'"' ' " i".rnnm,. , piartcr.
. ,.:,! u... .1,. .... ,.,.. .l '"ciiw s lbey were Heleeled bv hn ..."'... Meanwhile, imtlie ban been Hen, tm
PabUifcea Dally Stent Sunday. Bobserlptlen Fries M Tear te HAIL
Cepyrliht, 1928. by Publle UHfr Company.
Democratic Leadership
Fermer President's Friends Say He Thinks
Himself Eligible for Consideration Beth
Parties See Problem in 1924 Campaign
Htair correspondent Evening rublle l.trtter
' Cepurlaht, tilt, hy
Washington. Nev. 0. Persons who
nre close te Woodrew Wilsen says lie
regards himself as once mere eligible
te consideration for Democratic leader
ship. The Improvement in Democratic
prospects, as a result of the electle,
probably will be followed by an as as
ccrtlen of his claim.
Seme indications of this purpose were
revealed during the campaign in Mr.
Wilsen's attempts te prevent the to te
nomination and re-election of his old
fee, Senater Jim Reed, in Missouri,
and In his letter, juf.t Jubllshed. ex
communicating Reed from the 'Deme
cratic party.
Mr. Wilsen's health it considerably
Improved, though he still suffers from
the paralysis which assailed him in
tbe last yenr of hit incumbency of
office. His persennl popularity has
been in some measure reMtereil. if nnn
may Judge by the. receptions which
greet him here in Washington nnd by
ide appmuse wun wnicn ills pictures
flashed en the screen were received by
the crowds here en election night. But
the clcleen in Missouri save no en
ceuragement te the idea that his pirty
imuiu ioiiew ma leanersuip politically.
Liberalists Will Elect Next President
Either party may win the presidency
in 1024, the result depending en which
one can best pull Itself together and
attract the great Independent mode
rately llbernl vote which the Tucdnv'8
contest revealed. That In what the
election means. Neither Republicans
or Democrats hae u foreclosed mort
gage en IUL'4.
On the face of It. the Democrats
are the mere united, but that is only
because they hnvc net hud the respen-
PIMLICO riist Tassel, S10.30, S6.70. S3 SO. wen: Eta?,
$38.00, 820.90, feceud; Encltet. $3.40, third. Time. l.l-J Fairh
"W.. f?ea Ta,, Scfirccrew, Winner Take All. Billy Gibsen. Eliza
beth Brnn. Adventuress. Evelyn Sawyer. C A. Rsinharr. Bell et'
Blue Ridge, Thicc Square and Ownsce also ran
PIMLICO Second Mawroceron, $14 .3Q. S5.30, S4 10. -en:
Deuble Cress. $3.10, 88.70. second; Scotland Yet. 5S.re third.
Time. 1.4V. Ka'.hevYn Rankin. Bny J . Vn-zles, Carmencita
and Montalvo also ran.
Phyllis Clean. i'i:ry-twe years old, 2065 East Bestor. cvt
:u.s, ce7iiMittsd h;ilci('e today by jumping cuf. ti: s.o'jna-hte:y
'rtludew el' hi: liein.. Before jiunnlug she beat her lmua:iu
with a flat-iron. He tx'as found unceustii-uv iu his heiai. r.uz
tnkeu te the Epiicepd ileepital.
William Thorpe and Trainman
Rescue Isabella Buckland
at Reading Station
Isabella Rucklaml. nineteen jc.irs
old, 10 Wiehle Mrect, was snatched
from under the whee's of a Rtadiiu
Railway train at ljll-ef-SchuIl;ill
Station today by Wlllism Thorpe, un
insurane In-eker, 41K Walnut street.
Miss Uuekland nttenijitp.l in benrd a
city-bound train leai'i.g rhv I'iiIK sta
tien nt J:-., e clue' I'm tram wus
just pulling out a Mi- Ruckland J
grasped the icar handrail of one coach (
end the front handrail ..f 1I1 following
coach. Her leg3 were dnwi under
the car platform.
Thorpe leaned down, polled .he girl'i,
.. r !,A: ,T.,r",-0".?''
"-' "T" . '. '"i il. iii" vu- mi'iis 1
.xuss ifuchiantl te ji.m Uume aniunrl
the neck He fell .,, , ... ,.,... j,t
a few Inches clear f il,. vi,r,'e .
trnnman iiel Ml i Ti.irU.i.nl ami
pulled her te sifetv. Me-niw 1 .!.. the
conductor stepped the train Thorpe
was siiguii nruiseil. .XI1, I'm.-klaul
Upper Darby Patrolman Dodges Be
hind Tree te Return Shota
Three young men. arrested as "iq.
pects last nisht in I'pper D.irln. In ike
nway from Patrolman IJrlcrl end be
gan firing nt him He dodged Inlurd h
tree and returned the bhets. lm. th.
men csrapea. A kiif, ct wa, arrrsted
Brierlv saw the men w. i1I.uk- n.i..-
,ne patrenunn mnmied them b.iek t..
the heus
iuu iiuusse, which was temporal r un
A neighbor (ii-ixitnl the
u,p" 8 assertion.
llli - ll O Il
iTlm .. n..l... n ...., f . -
'.?. w,,k nhf,,t eC h'D " " patrol box
u'y a ene n'0r " hundred fee,
wben they scattered Middeulv and
. in- film. in mi uiui'it'ii ,e inren men
PuhUe Ltdgtr Company
illiilllv nt niltnlnlntFAllnn during the
lust two years. Their difficulties have
net been revealed.
Frem new en the Democratic Party
faces 1024. All its disunion comes out
in the open. Yeu have the Wilsen at
tempt nt leadership nnd you have Cox s
control of the machinery. There la
the McAdoo candidacy for the presi
dency. There is the faun bloc te be
reckoned xvith in the Democratic Party,
no less than In the Republican Party.
If the Democracy could wipe Its slate
clean of Wilsen and McAdoo and Cox,
if it could get ride of the Leugue of
Vntlnnw issue. If it did net haXO the
Seuth en its back, one might say that
the Democrats had the best of It.
Problems of Deth Parties Alike
Beth parties have similar problem! en
their bands te get in winning fliupc
for 1024. The Republicans hse a
President en their hands, and the last
two yenr of the Hrnding Administra
tion will have te be mere impressive
then the first two, if the Republicans
nre te fare better in 1024 than they
did last Tuesday.
There is seen te be a conference of
lending Republicans from various parts
of the country, net the Senators and
offlce holders, but the "best minds." It
will tell Mr. Harding probably that the
time has come for him te give up his
geed nature and use a club.
But what geed xvill come of It? Mr.
Harding is whnt he it. a kindly gentle.
' . - .J 1
by friendly c,mpremise7 And there will
remain only u few months, only until
March 4, te use a club. When tlie new
Congress conies in Senater I.n Follette
niHii. wne nrniiiirpH wnnr nniii u wapi
Continued en Pnte Klchrtrn, Column Five
Williamson County Election Held
te Assure Fair Trial for
Indicted Men
niDAne ,iarM . . -
JUnunO nMHU IU UUIAIN 'lenr. uemecrnt of .New Mexico, and
i of another DemecraMe xicterv in Men-
I tana, where Uurten K Wheeler waa
r.'j .t?e,.in'-,! prr,- j elected ever Carl W. Rlddick, Repub-
Marien. III., Nev. 0. Tin eV.-uen ! '"'an. teLiicce.d Senater Mer, Pern
of Sheriff Mrlvin Tliaxtmi te h. I'euntv '"?. ,v...u... .
Jrensurrr and th victory ..f the entire
Republiean ticket. nippe-te. . ibr
mine workers' union, wa- .lrelared n.
be the ,,e of William-,,,, t.juntv in
favor of f e I ,- trial for vverv 'nun r
'"'""" " cmuieetien viiih tlie llrrn
inn let eri
m"10 killings," in a atfmei,t i-njr,l
,edflJ '"rank rarringten prelden
of ,llfv Illinois miners' union. 1
l"e returns everwhelmingM xindl- fr'"' nf the Heus". Hpresntatie Hal- -3
,catmy pohitien that tlie IPineis mtn u'r cene-en. of Minnesota, chair-
workers weuhl defend exer ,,'J ,r ,n of thr 1,"""' Committee, by a
d,r,fd. fnl( A. .,'",,! rL,Wlr ''l-"mcr.Lnlrl.e Knud Wefald. ThU
said Air. rarrliictei
wrspue tne taet t nn Attum.. .--..
"' .""," 'lme RepuW, ;.
rgecl tliecul7en-rtf WillmuKeu .-eunrv
'"P " Imte nt I lie pen. P,,. ( ,
l"nn Ml'e could be iiUMie.-ied of un en
'jnpnthies.i li U .n Iftcti nt th.W no
"'; "" mine'--. I'UI the lr,in,saVnn.l
I iinn.. i' i "1,,"tfl ,"'"'1 f" the
, : ; ...I.,,,.,..- .-menu -riiiixten
r.in atie.nl of nB tn ket I
1 lie flilrieiit, rtf ..I.,- 1
,, " ,i ii ' .-nuns ? jurv in i
irp Hie llemn eniie w ms fei ,im i,...
rt'tnln y. 'he immediiit. and iin.ini,,,,,,,,
response t .ludiiu Ilnnwiirs nenes,
heir" ,nml. ''?'' f"C'"n'' 'V ll"1'1 ""
.it! ll"fJ l',r "n of tin nst
di' se ,im,,r?11B,',,JlwJ ,i"r "ni.iiiiuuei.
trivial and we,e turned down u t1(.
;Iud7M although flli,0 ,llllllbpr-wi"r
ieleaed from i-ervlie.
I, ,ln.el..n...l .1 -. .
'""."', ' "'"' nl 10"',l 'WO of J,e
jiiierR i-aiiwi xv er, Het iinliiruii7,.,l citi-z-ns
et the Pmteil Stale , , i ,,'
tnte'& atternej Intmmte.l he ,
"and an .iu.Mi5Ht,(!, of the "J.i.
I'uryVeT mW"" :?et """ 'I-
Veur union .-eni mii.n --i
I til or in Ka H,.. :. , . . " JU
These defendants
" III, I IU-.L TO 111. , I .
niur.ler.The are n.,.s a, It ,
Irace Peter Il.ller. ,le.,, ! n'rnn,' .
and Iva Mann. AH but )
non",,", ' M,no' :
Has Majority of 10 iij
Senate, With 2 Cen-;
tests Undecided
Latest Returns Give Repub
licans 224 and Democrats
205 in Heuse
Gasten May Contest Election of
Ledge Prepares Petition!
for Recount "
By AftneUit'd Prtu
New Yerk, Nev. 0. Continued TU.
publican control of Congress, but with
,,T m.fe , , L 1 u , . "
'i0"0 mnlerity of ltjO slashed te a
scant handful, appeared today as tbe
net result of last Tuesday's cengrea-
- t? .j ... ...
slennl elections with the returns al
most complete.
Returns from all but three congres
sional districts, where results were still
undetermined today, show 224 Repub
licans, 205 Deraecrnts, one Socialist,
one Independent and one Farmer-La- I
ber elected te the new Heuse of Rep
resentatives. This assures the Republicans co
trel of the Heuse, for which 21$
votes are necessary, and gives tb
Republicans a majority of 17 at
Lp'-st figured today show the next
Senate "."11 hae .ri2 Republicans, 41
Demecrp' and ene Farmer-Laber
represent: 1 e, with results of two sen
atorial contests one in Washington
and the ether in North Dakota still v
undecided. '
According te these figures the ',
Republican", en the present returns,
have a majority of 10 in the Senate. 1
This may be increased te 12 or ra
duced te 8.
Republican Over Tep
The general picture of Tuesday!
storm of ballet" was virtually finishal
nrly this morning when belated Men
tana irturcs ,ent the Republicans evw
the fcpn the Heuse contest. Election
, el" If. Scott Leavitt, Republican.. Ja -'Mentana,
ga.e the Republicans tnI8
t votes necefsary te control the next "
Heuse, but een tliee Republican til
ings wcie coupled with news of defeat
of Heprewntatlve McCormick. Republl- '
can. Mentana, by his Democratic op
, pennt, Jehn M. l'rans
I In the returns te date s"venty-flVe
I places new held b Republicans had
1 l.,n raptuied without a single counter
balancing Democrat!'' les
Belated returns did net add te the
v per cent cut 111 tne senate liepuB
lican majerit sustained in the earlier.,
tnlliet. The.v brought word, however,
of the definite re-elretien of Senater
Kinc. Deinecrnt, of I tali, ever Ernst
iiiiuiucimt, i'mj ui i'',i 11 ; 01 senator
linmncrccr. uepublienn :
tle Dill. Deiuerrnt. lea lin? Sen Sen
aeor Pemdexter. Rcpublieii. nnd la
Norih Dakota, the Deineoreiie candl
.Iii.'. .1. F T ti'Conner. -. with a
v inins majority m mere ruml returns
eiiii.i in, letuhng former Governer Lynn
.1 1'rnzlei Republican en Pnrtisan
l.ag- l.-adrri wre c'nlmiug ultimate
Tiaztf-r eleelien.
I,nt returns also breusht iht r4
.i . .ieiiiKiuii. lerinrr iirnrnsenTB
tin defeat of another Republiean vet-'
KiM UK I aril'er I.abep nnri rnnvA.
..ent.-itinn (n v..,t, h,.-.,,i, ". r- J'
' for ut t.ine. Dr Henrik Tbip-
end. I .inner r aberite, havlnc d.
tcate.1 S..iitnr Ke lecg m Minuaeta.
. " '
astjn llenwiids lie mint
I'-'tllielis for .Stat" w ii.. recount n
th" xete f, N-luiter til MllsSilcliUS'ttB
'T' i - prepaie.i teiinv b- cam-
pnicu malinger for ( elmiel ,nam a
,?.... n.i. t. i"i, .
;"'"". ui'ineiTiitir opponent r
Senniiir Ilenrv I iibet I .elye 'I be Is -
ter's pluralitv hUiikK at i .'.-, eteS
' pres returns
i?',l'Ur flit Pent, of Delaware. Re-
publiean, delenteil en the f,.,, 0f .
turn bv Themas I' Hujnnl. Democrat,
eiiinu.il nn rc I'.lintren. Column Tw
Pepe Delays Appointment of CM CM
tage and New Yerk Men
Reme, Nev i - i Hv p Pem
Pius bus dei uled te m, tpene the np np
peiuiinriit of the new ,iierlea Car
dluals t n eonsiKter) te lie he'd neat
)c,u it wiib learned ledav ,
The repeit that both Archbishea
Muiideleiu, of ChieHgu, und Nrchblshep
I lav. , of New 'i erk vveiili at that
in iv. no- i-ei imi, nawever, wee
& m
' . CT
' .(
atre en "iiurepe .xrter the War." ' 2 V.i, Mtii1"""' '"B AM"nnt c6mmn, iicUnents will be held for iriale en f,Vr v r -r - v
en ni m,-h(v, ther Indlctmcjita. "' u iur- Ir IT,H A ,,,, AI,Tm,OIJ. jJ
Aw .' -J?-,'-' ' niie.m Onl it enY;"".,!?(fVJr 4
""..' ' vj. .. V- 3
MaJJaaMll'-JialiiriTl ' ' i i ' ' H n : r ' ,. . .M&MaI.. .MmiAjlM.,!