rit. LXV mm m m$i WtXF M.. V Sua . Kft K- r ii ( ifiri w I "!? ( WI'W f PSKJ6 VffV .'i IA u t fr.v & . w ME3i2mfflm& mwmmsmn -; ( ' HMMHManaiMNmMMnHaanaMMU mw' -v" WSTJttiX-' VWi' t WD PEPPER FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN Red Pepper Rub takes the ''ouch" from aere, stiff, aching jeinu, it ennnet nurt Ten, ami it etrtatnly steps that old rheuraa Mam pain at once. When you are suffering no you can hardlv est around, lust try Rcil I'epper Hub anil you will have quick relief. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating; heat a TCcl peppers. Just as seen aa reu apply lleil Pepper Hub you will (eel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the core spot through and through. Pain anil soreness nre cone. Ask any poed druggist for a Jar of Hewies Hed Pepper Rub. He aure te get the genuine, with the name Hewies ou each package. Adv. NEW NFHK i rmiiiHinrc v Tmvmmaamm wwwtf J'l y, kmmumnmiLa LImh .!.- MMwri'WMMrtMiM k' rMMliMHnlV ' 1 MYfilYJUNW VVBLdV imiHJttiaVMUjAMJMUarUJJ wnapuAf! buU-l fc'.teiiii; IN HALL MURDER Prominent New Brunswick Resi dents Said te Corroborate Mrs. Gibsen's Story IDENTIFY "WOMAN IN GRAY" BEAR WRECKS HOTEL 8mashee and REAL COWHIDE Ladies' Overnight Bag sWl 'I. )'',' U. 'I. ".V.! i i , iiWk W 1'" ' )' i'1 itfw'Wi i lii.,:..'.l.!V..O.lv'.'.j:;.i'fi!.V.M.iSr.... $5.00 Silk lined, with peclcets, M iuchrg long Xcxt te Keith's Theatre Kll Or.terj riled Countless Numbers have said. "The finest butter we ever tasted." Tast it and yev'll ?ce why they t.iUed this a nre-:: wj iasli M HB 7 In all our Stores .fftJLaJERSCaJkJI-- I fg MONEY I I afc means less. P Put it 10 v.'erk at g 1 interest here. m u H CAPITAL AND SURPIIJ5 1 I $1,600,000.00 I L. A mus&sa&V Itti a Staff Cerrependrvt New ttrannrlrli, N. J,, Ner. 8. Twe persons, both residents here, to te day corroborated the atntement of Mrs. Jane Gibsen, "the pig woman," re garding the presence of "a woman In gray" and a man nt the Phillip farm en the nlcht of September 14, when the Rev. Kdwnnl Wheler Ilnll and Mrs. ' Klearer Mllh were murdered. ! These two witnesses will be brought face te fare with the man and worn nn snld t have been en the ecene of the crime. This crucial test will take place either here or In Semerrllle. It is possible that Mrs. Gibsen will be present te try and make Identification complete. Investigators working under the di rection of Prosecutor Mett axe ee san guine of the results that they hare post pest post pened the date for presenting the case te the Grand Jury until next Monday. On account of the Influence of the per sons whose arrest is contemplated, only enough evidence te obtain an Indictment will be pla-ed befere the jury. The authorities 'ay they de net care te show their complete hand at this time. The new witnesses brought te light during the lnt twenty-four hours can corroborate the testimony of Mr. Gib Gib eon a-, far tn th presence of "the i man in grav" and her companion nre encernrd, but admit, it i said, that . tl.ry did net ce the -hooting. According te information obtained, from the new wltnese, vhee names nre closely guarded, there was a small j runabout automobile en the j-cene en the night of the murder In addition te the old type car previously mentioned. The small car steed nr a lonely spot en l'nsten avenue about thirty feet from De Husky's lane. The new infeimnnts also .w the s'Tend lnrse automobile which cr.me np U Husscy'-s lane and returned ( New Urun-wick after If n headlight.s had I tl.islied nn the fnees ej tue man cud woman at ihe henne of the muidvr. ' 0nier of (!ar Found After a hunt of manv day it tU nVi. lenr'icd that the authorities had' d!wcred the ewnr of the old-type' car beanie which "the woman In grav-' j ai.il her "vrnpanlnn steed. They ran" nl-e Uarned thU the automobile". e'wvr w.! preM'iit en the night of the I minder. I As th" net clie! In nreund thef sns- I P"itpd. the invetuatnr- new realire, j it t ':i vl that t!i" crime wnt tiie-l ; enfiullj planned. They believe that the ! p '-i-n m dree the smaller ear lay by c! !y -e tt,at in ni'p of em2igcii',y be, would I c atde te ea-ry the murderers ntil-'kly fr"m the f.-eiie in the event of j , their enr Iwlng disabled by accid"nt or ! e'lifr mn.ins. ' i Hr.. Hall Denianils Probe M-s. Princes Strviii Hull, in an ef fort -e ilcar htrself of MMpiemn In I e!iiin"ei .in with th" murder of her bus. , bin. I. hai demnmled that the nutheriliei !"ir !.' th nnntrv. T'ms Moneiineeranit. coupled with the derlnrjiinii of Mrs. Ilenrv Stevens J1"- I tern i; i tip! her hufb.iii'l. a hrntliT-ln-' I.'im ..f ' e i!." I rector, intends tarl ins en n 'rip around 'lie world and tt'ii- 'i . :i uen nr. the part of tbe imrb inties in i.ue he l, HUcpected. In- di''f v tin' I1" Uall f.nnllv Intends bri'i'ii'is t' nr etigatimi te a head lit e'H e t i V. i'.i ,'i " lle-.rma'i. w!i"e n jfe is n i i-ii. "' Mi- Hall, made the an- I nct.n cni'ti il'!i! the faieilv is deter- i ii. d t i i " 'he investigation enrried tlii''ic'. " - 'erssful ee'jflusiiin "1 .'e net uti'leri'tand why suspicion' i lie..'.i be ,1m e.l toward Mr-. Ilnll." ' intlii'.ed. -e.'iuiiiglv tcnering the i e.-r-i iiiv ;f Mrs. Oll'se'i. "but tlie ' . m i' i- i.ie-t a'lvinns te have t lit j . i.' elrared 'lji and we will net permit ' t' die out. eien though the autherl- ! '- ei"e p ib.'ir efforts ' l V ."-out irdlrnting ih he mar.t, .Mr ISeiir' .,, -'ti.l he Klievpi the of- , fie' ils in ili.vp' of the implication sh uld pnv mere ettenth n t the ne- j n i if- ii nie of the-e who have Icea . . i-f pr 'Mt'icnt in areu-ins stjkpieien ' tr.lnst Mrs. Ha'!. lr 1'carman .-ni'l , .-r' i'ik a p'-ssiliility that tlie i'harce-1 .ij'iTb' Ir-'. Hall mlxht be n -me'st; wi in tn prn'ert n guilt j per-en. Mr. Hen-man would net elaborate en this ' statement. I I'.eth Prosecutor .M'itt and Masen i ave said rn'Piilly that no r.ne has been pllmlnii'ed from the ca', despite several alibis which stand up Deerti Deveurt Feed Rulne Tableware Washington, Ner. 8. Hew a hungry bear caused 3000 damage te the Many Glacier Hetel, of the Glacier National Park, recently, was reported yester day by the National Parks Bureau. The hotel being bearded up for the winter, the animal tore the front deer off its heavy hinge and entered the main dining room. Finding no waiter te serve him, he proceeded te th kitch en, epaned the Icebox nnd partook of a huge repast of honey, jam, bacon flour. After dinner ne smasneu tee winaewe nnd shutters of the cafeteria and jumped fifteen feet te the ground. In his foray he broke five wagon leads of china, glassware and shelves. A watch man finally killed him. MARRIED FIFTY YEAR! Mr. and Mre. R. 8. brate Gelden Dunmore Cele Wedding "Werk and plenty of It" Is what brines eoed health nnd leneevltv. ac cording te Mr. Rebert 8. Dunmerc, who yesterday celebrated with her hus band the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. "Bobbed-haired girls? Well, I guest they just had te come. But we girls took great pride In our. long tresses and would net have considered hnvlng them cut." said Mrs. Dunmerc when ashed what she thought of "flappers.' Sir. and Mrs. Dunmore were mar ried November 7, 1871!. She was tbe only daughter of Justus Denat, who had a farm where the Pennsylvania Railroad station new stands. Mr. Dunmore waa born In Cheater County MMmmMH&mmwm 4 earn te CkriMsteiri Ifty tun am te ante tha ereearr neai. Their only eon died sixteen year age. 89 zn in i, nn the trtty. hair lis mre im leturs tih tat eterr ni pnpanmeM NMB! Thl irendetfnl pnparatwa ntir Jum new reu warn ic soejl :niifctura Diarsci. In n.T dm) It'i scnu evs IM mm iw I..Z '1VI1. . e usrvel iIbi Ilk with .ths tii Rt1 Star en thclatxl. Thr U pep Jen rer wiis an urns m tnpiip ment Bteret, Inc., hr Uiml mt rvurta at, AtMetH PttuburfK, Pa, Oe.. B 1 Ti Xmiiftkl Unrestricted Public Sale of Our Entire Factory Stock W LAMPS " At Wholesale Prices and Belew OHIS Sale will eerpaaa any event ever held before at our Stere. Great aa the Sale was when wc offered our entire stock of lighting fixtures of our 8d and Callowhill Sts. Factory, It can't compare te this great Sale of Lamps. We've get every lamp ever made and plenty of every kind. Come while the selection ija greatest. Every lamp offered at tliese prices is fully complete and is sold that way. Fleer II A 50 I Bridge IOJ3 Maaegaay Takls timet. lvsp Lsmni.. Via Of?!! i(fdQfJKlft M.dU J gfl . . . . H m. KH Rtadiag $7.50 Vse lOAlBeBdeir $9 epIStudretlQ tg I m i. TsbULssisi iLimpt.. iLiibju.. Ltayi, tT&TZ I II (j-fbi reLL x.ih or appliances twwragHiiifct I I Si-pEe 13th AnSS Azz i3h I I effe ArchSti.&Slrcf JlrCArchSts. Ml I I W 1 n rag J acy1 Wti I 8 ' 1M Frem Dreafl r 1 9Bta7 " s -iBmmm. ax- St0n .TTljBV" FBEE SELXVEBT gf S if a'-M.-asnaTWn I M ChmtntiU The First is Safety ONE DAY OUTINGS Interesting Trips Frem Philadelphia via "The Reading" Sea-Shere R3trsn TSIP EVERY SUNDAY $1.50 Atlantic City Cccnn City Stene Harber Wildwood Cape May ttlfii Cbeitcut n1 3nth 81. Ttrrltt for AXLASTIO CITY T.30 A II. Fer OTHER ElASHORr KESOBTS. ! Ch-itniit Bt. Vnr ''SS A. K.. 6Mt.i St. Ferrr ' 10 A. IS. nETvasxxe LfftT ATLANTiR CITV & IS r. M OIKEtt SEASHOItF. nr3eaTS . c.30 r..a.. E0 T2IP New Yerk Sunday .November 12 $ge00 "Tlin CITY Or WOSOBRS"l c th fanieut sSirserapiir iXr ttnai Stittin et Liberty, lircm 2m; Orr.nt' Terab Fifth ArrnuiM 3read . Am;li time for ilthtietlns ud rlttt- lat ff'.tU'U. Sp-e!l train l?7-j READING TEKMI.VAI. 1.00 A. M.. ttery'.na at Cnlumliii At., tiultlr.f Jen St., Ware Junelicn. Xxmi an4 J-nliln-tewn. UFTUBXtNO, lrT WE3T S3D STItEET. R.47 P. M.. XIBtnTV BTREET, 8.00 V. M. P3 Ceal Region SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 $3-25 $3-50 TAUAQUA a&4 maha:;e7 citt OItBF.It?0!f MHA.VOY PLAVE HHLNAKnOAK 0IRARDVXLLE ACTTT.Avn oennow MT. CABUEL ar.d 8HAK0SIN Erecint tia'.n learn READIJIO lEHUINAX 1.C0 A. M.. Hoeplnt at Celtmll Ati., Huntingdon Straat, Kan7unk, Cinili9boekan and Karri tows iD Kalh Bt,). In forming banking connections there are many thing te be considered. Bat the firet consideration is safety. Hie long continued prosperity of a financial in stitution it one of the best indications of the public's estimate of its stability. The Girard Trust Company offers te individuals and corporations a banking service which has enjoyed the confidence of Philadelphians for almost a century. The Company has weathered the storms and stresses of three foreign wars and one period of civil strife. It has passed safely through the darkest days of our country's finan cial history. Without consolidation with, or purchase of, any ether institution the Company's resources have grown from $300,000 te mere than $60,000,000. Your account, whether large or small, will be cordially welcomed. Interest at the rate of 2 per cent is credited periodically en accounts carrying proper balances. a Girard Trust Company BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA l i Capital and Surplus $10,000,000 EFFlriOHAM B. MORRIS ArUnt Member Federal Reserve System ml P!mmm j $&s ijagssisai a I Tvr dftnllM Information r.fsrHliiB nbetv Kiruralena een.ult Acetit. Sc Flrff. TirLrt nu ln imrchuaed prier te Uutra f Enrlen. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Travel en "The Reading" Fleer Coverings Exclusively for Almest a Century icspl; Stib23tt3S?, HEATSWS All Aluminum Whila They With Hnndl Last! isS2n TTf 1 x---s Tv ' Kzzm i4MV JfiffllBlL pwu i a THIS WEEK- $12.50 $18.00 Regular ffr-Wkit. I I !' 1 I Price j 'pi-i tainul ane.vv gf-.jiti;rilD i Ft ! .Ml i sii Paujli Solid f ?Q7 Tep 1 ' f rrr Cnnnttes Psa sad Breitsr $97.00 Guaranfttt ALL WHITE OR GKAY CNAMEL GAS RANGES Including Solid Tep 56750 GasStcum or Het Water Radiators da anil Ceal Witter Hcat.r. iMtallcd for Ail 0a KUchtna Win. Alkers. Jr., e. 10th & Flleert sts. CauA or tHltrrti i'eumals tern MzvuATa tux r. HARRY THAW'S LIBERATOR j WOOD ALCOHOL VICTIM . at Mattcawan, Reported Dying Iluwanl IJnrtium, fertnnr iittfiidnnt nt h" Mattpawan Suit.- Ile'-pnal for ths' Criminal Ins.Tii. v,hn opent'd tlie iir.er" for Hum- K. Tim'v'.i luitnrieus ' U.h for frcnlem, h jivn'-nlily ilyinu of I ill "!ie loi-eiurii; at Iliwren, near, I'eu :hk" j)n'. N V. '1 haw, s'.ayr 01 Stanford li.tr. is. i-eiitiiinil i.i i!. IVna.ylvanla Hospital j fur the In in. i" tins riiy. Hiini'ji i. nt i he time of Thaw's light, bail ej"nil tlir hospital gate, hc lie lel I tlie 'tery himiclf. te let n milk I v.ui,'iu ras- through, wIipii Thaw, who l.U'l IiOi'ii urkt"tf npai'lr, d.-ii-hil nut J anil j'n' away in nn automobile. i YtHieriliiy th former heMiital at-I tenilant "luiuuht n etiplr. nf ilrinkf" I m h" t' ' t! c phjsli'laiih latfr, aiul wis strvkrn .h('i In" ruaelu'd liemi' H is Ia in "Hell'n n thrc I i::i,.. normal. If li p'Tl' threiu'h it will In- bi'i-ani of jireiupt fnnTBTirv ircntnu'iit ,'iveu bj a iiliysiclnn his wife iiillfd in. CURZON CALLS NEAR EAST CRISIS MENACE TO WORLD British Secretary Declares Turk Pretentiens Won't Be Tolerated I Imilun. Nev S. (By A. P.) ' rerii';ii Seci'i'tary C'urzen. in nn aililrt's teilii' . (lcrlnri'il t lint the pi.!- i.nn in hu Ni'.ir Kiiht nt tliis meinunt 1 "ceiiiiitiitps the niut definite menace ti tin1 pi'tii'P of the world. " lln averted that the Turkish pre pre tenteons v.cri' without justification and c'liilu net b" reletnti'ii, Bethany Church Honors Hereaa Armistice Day will be reMirnted te- 1 niirht nt Bt'thany Prf-bbyterlnn Church, i Twonty-speoml nnd Iluinbrldk'e htreets, I Tin' roll of the draii vill b? called by Kebort M. Cejb', and nddrcHsen will be umib' by Mayer Moeie, former Oever I nor rttuurt ami Mrs. Barclay II, War-burten. California for Vivisection Ran Francisce, Nev. 8, Defeat of (1. l,!.V..KiMlrri Ttlll .,1,1 ftlO voters of California, wan Indicated by eloctieu returns from all part of tbe j State. 'Ihe New PEERLE S S The new Peerless 'is superbly easy te steer. It seems te held its course with out conscious eSert en the part of the driver. This excellence is charac teristic It is predetermined by the char acter of Peerless engineering and the fineness of Peerless manufacturing. Girard Automobile Company C. R. CUNLIFFE, President 2314 Chestnut Street Important Special Sale of Chinese Rugs At Prices Which Mark a New Lew Level for Beautiful Rugs of Such Unusual Quality If you are refurnishing your present home, planning te furnish a new one, or redecorating some particular room you should net miss this exceptional sale of Chinese Rugs. The wide range of sizes, prices and color combinations suggests their suit ability for any room in the home. The interesting hand embossed designs, representing ancient Chinese symbol isms are most artistically arranged en fields of warm porcelain blues, tans, mulberry, rose and canary colors. 'dl We quote some sizes and prices aa examples : 9x12 feet 12. 9x 9.11 13. 8x10. 2. Size 13. Ox 9.11 Size 13.10x 9.10 Size 13.11x12. 0 Size 14. 7x10. 4 Size 14.10x 8.11 $485.00 Size 16. 6x10. 0 $575.00 Size Size Size $290.00, $325.00, $375.00 $490.00 $475.00 $490.00 $485.00 $585.00 $550.00 As usual you will find in this store the widest selection of fleer coverings, both Oriental and domestic, for every purpose at interesting prices. Haxwick Si Mages Ce. I Jl -dB!VPQH I 1ZZ0 MAKM" SlKfc.LT . JeegftJtr .- vl JgflgggLm -i , I 'I'M . ;.li L2$tl m ,&r jpjpaHBvspaqa.' PJT7fty.n,jrj; ?&"-& 'I'.v.-v!' .rr.aEiaagfrnwvMi i i na 1 1 i ...., . . ... . ' , f,'V'JaalSgagagagagagagagagagagagagv-&gVAvL..'iru''''''Ttv!r...'t asiBaaaaaaaaaMapaaaaaaaaaaaap