Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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Steriri of Hfreltm Mlngtt With
Means and Prayer Aftr
We le M uSfen, the bedi" of eight,
inr renterday were stretched en pine
SE5J. Up nnd down the aisle, of
that mpreVlicd morgue there filed
i never-ending precession of -grief -.trlcken
relatives and friends amid
S , 0f infinite pathos. The bodies
wr" these of tfff miners tewt
killed In the explosion at the Kellly
Colliery Ne. 1.
Latest figures en the tragedy, tlie
most appalling In Pennsylvania mlnln
Ry since the disaster at the Dnrr
eiBiuij ,r," " ... in 1007. when
Sere than 200 men met death, ahev
that the dead may reach mere than
etehty" In addition, thirty-two men.
including four """;,? 'lJrtur!
and several men are still believed te
be missing.
Beginning nt 2. o'clock yesterday
morning rescuers turned from their
ministrations te the living te the duty
of caring for the dead. At dawn the
lust of seventy-two bodies had been
taken te the morgue and a little later
word came from tbe miners' hospital
that three of the Injured had succumbed
te their hurts. Late last, night five
mere bodies were brought te the sur
face. Identify Their Dead
When the bodies of the living were
taken te the mine mouth they were car
ried through the crowds "face down"
with the faces concealed from the on
lookers. Each bystander felt that It
was ber husband or son who was being
carried out In this way.
But today the story was different, for
In the bodies of the dead men the rela
tives recegnised their own. Praying,
screaming, meaning and laughing in a
hysteria that was mere terrible than
the crying of the anguished, men and
.women and children passed by the tem
porary biers.
Eagerly they scanned the faces of the
'dead that were in many instances
scarred by the marks of the searing fire,
, but in seme ether, instances unmarked
nnd smiling even, as if the poisonous
cases had ceme as a blessing te ease the
death agonies. At the feet of each
corpse was a bundle of belonging, the
man's clothing, bis pipe, n locket, per
hnpH, with the pictures of his wife nnd
children. As the women slowly moved
through the building they examined each
face carefully. But when they reached
the body of the man they knew they did
net need te leek a second time. They
knew, and in many cases they fell te
their knees, walling or praying and
calling out the name of the dead.
Carload of Coffins
Ml yesterday undertakers' wagons
plowed through the mud of the main
street. At neon railroad men unleaded
a carload of coffins and these symbols of
a town's wee were piled high en the
rencrete fleer of a garage opposite the
Miners' Hall.
Te assunge the grief of the living
and te relieve their immediate neces
sities as they arose, physicians and
public health nurses, a corps of Ameri
can Bed Cress workers from Johns
town, soldiers nnd lassies of the Salva
tion Army and emergency workers
Tecrulted from the few nmeng the
townspeople who had net felt the blew
directly turned In and worked.
The greater part of the main head
ing nnd the Intcrnl headings or pas
sagewnys en the left side have been
explored, but thcre is n small section
en the right that 6tl!l remains for
examination. It is impossible te reach
the extreme ends of these passagcway.i,
the mine experts assert, and it is highly
Improbable that any living men ere
there. But there may be a few mera
bodies of the dead, tbe mining Aucn
Hew many bodies will be found in
the, remote headings no one will Miy
What caused the explwsten has net
yet owl determined, although mlnlna
nnd safety engineers from the Federal
Bureau of Mine nnd the State Bureau
hare turned their attention te that
phase of the tragedy. One man's guess
is ax geed as nnother's; but these ex
perts say nt this time, and se far the
guesses have surmised, that the explo
sion was caused by an open lamp or a
lighted cigarette.
Stories of heroism by the trapped
miners arc the consolation for many of
the afflicted. Every man deserved the
name of here, -In thb opinion of the ,
rescue workers, but several names stand ,
Jay Fex, a stripling of twenty, set
an example for his fellows, while
ethers were rushing around through the
gas-illlcd passageways shouting and
Faying, young Fex looked death in tha
in co and sullied. Iln Inkcil nnil ii.riii1-
heered up the ethers and found a way
te safety along n current of fresh air.
Then, with the open air in sight,
rex (ell exhausted, but with the same
ralle. His llfe was banging by a
slender strand when he was taken te
the hospital. There he met his sweet
heart. Miss Emrun Smith, of Barnes Barnes
wre, who had volunteered as n nurse.
Altnena, P Nev. 8. City Council
has adopted a resolution of sympnthy
for widows and children of the miners
who lest their lives in the Spongier
mine disaster and offered any assist
ance posslble te them.
enatere Coldly Silent as Plea for
Women It Presented
..Parts, Nev. 8. Women had their
Innings in the Senate1 yesterday when
the first two speakers In the suffrage
debate urged the granting of the vote
te women, which the Chamber ap
proved three years age, but the era
eervatlre Senate opposed.
The Senators wnrn mlillw !!. k.,t
the women crowding the galleries ap-!
msuaee. oeisterously. Senater Oeurju I
Hii.th.i.t ia?-PMWO women had been I
Si! iJ b rl1ht ,'. vote- blt F'n '
f.7nii i. L " rllea tM Colerado
i J. !? 0,,rt M ene of t! ""nits
of the voting power of women. The de
" was adjourned temporarily.
genIreus with marks
Germane Give Them Away te Ea-
cap Taxee
n."' ?.v' 8'-Wlth the. German
ami in, VT trMWJ Pmcticnlly empty
end Industry literally rolling In money
lis tu ii.t ,uw "ew,t eeneenl from ,
' en. V .l'lu1ert:8t enemies, the Ilepnin-
l?,.l.ftT,,Ly ene bK industrialist in I
Bri.. :" '. r7' '"."uu.uuu marks in
iT -- ""vcie races in nis town.
rL;"' "Jiwnw tee devaluation of
Mm r",3,cewn,ltea an extremely
- ,inuf
Envelops Chtmlttt
Of heavy quality crape
de chine. Plain tai
lored real lace inaerta
en Bernee
Special, 2.9S
SiHnd-PTcel Hettirf
Of exeeQeat quality
illk decked every
mart color.
SptcUlly Priced 2.45
Dresses-Entire Stock
aaaaawaMaegeeasas mmsmsismmmsmimsmmmimsmKsm mmmmsissmassms
Greatly Reduced Prices
Styles for Street, Afternoon and Evening
Every Celer Beautiful Fabrics
ig.oe 2950 39.50 te 175.00
Values 39.50 te 225.00
Savings as Much as $50 en a Gewn
Canten Crepes
Peiret Twills,
Metal Cleths
Brocade Chiffens
Coats & Wraps
49-50 te 375
As Indication of the Geed Values
Coats, plain and fur trimmed, of ermandale,
panvelaine, fashena and marvella. Seme
trimmed with wolf, beaver or squirrel.
Coats in blouse, straight line, draped and
paneled. Copies and adaptations of im
ported models. Richly trimmed with fash
ienable furs.
We Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Weman
pe.c ier
An Extraordinary Sale
Street, Afternoon & Evening
Fer Thursday and Friday
Effecting Savings etl2M te 40
About 200 exceedingly smart and effective frocks, especially
chosen from our own stock, including models appropriate
for street, afternoon and evening wear.
Originally Priced 45 te 75
Included are our newest, smaitest and mejt exclusive individualiz
ed modes, featuring such interesting materials as Peirets, Piquetines,
Canten Crepes, Satin Cantens, Crepe Renee, Crepe Rema, Crepe Satins,
Chiffens, Brocades, Geld and Silver Cleths, Geld and Silver Laces, Im
ported Laces in black and colors; also various exclusive Spert Fabrics, in
dividual Novelties and many ether fascinating materials, in the widest
range of fashionable colorings.
A wonderful collection, and an opportunity te combine smart
ness and economy such as occurs but seldom.
Alse a Sale
On the Dress Balcony
Selection frnm nfit- wrnn rfnt ti- nt 25.0ft attit
29.50 models, each an accurate reproduction of a high
coat model, and aa smartly styled as any at double
their original prices.
Rtpricid from 28.00 erne! 29.50. New
All Stdes Find Ne C. O. D:Ne Exehmnges
.AvWrfWcA-aVtate.klS,...fh. rt, - ..
A Remarkable Opportunity
for Men Who Wear Overcoats
in Sizes 36, 37 and 38
We have just secured from the "Alce" factory Sample
Overcoats in the three above sizes te sell at two special prices:
$38.00 and $44.00
Which. prices are fully one-third less than the same Over
coats would cost if marked at the fair retail price.
Beth groups include the season's smartest Ulsters, Ulsterettes, belted and
semi-belted styles that have come from the Alce shops this season. The fabrics
comprise handsome imported weaves in distinctive colorings and patterns. A lim
ited quantity mind you se cheese early, while the assortment is at its best.
Hundreds of Other Overcoats
in All Sizes Under Price at
$2450, $28.50, $38 and $44
A cold-weather Sale, planned months age I One that convincingly demon
strates just why this Stere has become Philadelphia's greatest Clothing Stere for
men. Nete, if you please
The Ulsters and Ulsterettes of plaid-back The beautifully-tailored Overcoats at $38.00.
fabrics at $24.50. The wonderful group of Londen-made Over
The youthful and censenrathre styles of fine coats and Hart, Schaffner & Marx Overcoats
imnnriMt nnd AntM-lean OvsKeatinn at S28.50. and ether fine Overcoats, at S44.00.
And see for yourself that this Sale is beyond any question, the Clothing achievement of the season.
Nete Well These Suits at $28.50, $36.50
At $28.50 there are hundreds of Cassimere Suits in almost every wanted style and color. At $36.50 there
are Suits of fine worsteds in styles for men and young men, and in the season's most popular patterns. Plenty of
medium, year-around weights' as well as winter weights among them. All of Alce make. All at savings that range
from one-fourth te ene-fftirtf.
.31 y Striwbrtdf ft Clothier Second Fleer, Etit
The Best Gift
is That of Your
Own Handwerk
In the Art Needlework
Stere are numerous sugges
tions of dcliRhtful gifts that
you can make yourself. Fer
Dell Frames for
Electric Lamps $1S5
The quaintest of demure
ladies mounted en frames
wired for electric lights. This
is a special let of Frames with
china heads, or heads with real
hair $1.95.
A demonstrator te teach you,
and all materials for making,
in the Art Needlework Stere.
300 Stamped White
Linen Pieces -85c
Centerpieces, 86-inch, and
Scarfs, 18x45 and 18x54
inches, stamped te be embroid
ered in eyelet or solid work.
Strawbrldt & Clethttr
Third Fleer, Market Street
Te-morrow A Sale of
175 Women's
Sample Coats
All at Wholesale Prices,
A sample line from our own factory that's enough te say
te women who have seen previous lines. This is a smart let, but
every Ceat is a wonderful value, and the variety of smart models
is most satisfying. Excellent groups at each of these prices
$25 $30 $40 $50 $60 $75 $100
Materials include all the wanted fabrics of the season in
solid dark colorings, also mixed cloths in geed colorings; also in
this let, are the plushes, the rich, lustrous fabrics, closely resem
bling fur, plain and fur-trimmed. All elegantly lined and showing
that superior workmanship and finish for which our factory is noted.
Size 86 only, but this season's models are all en such loose,
easy lines, that many women requiring larger sizes can be satis
factorily fitted in these.
(B-- Stmrtrrttn Clothier Second nee, Outre
Fer This Smart
Seft, lust
reus, wavy
hair ar
ranged in
a coiffure piece
that covers
the front and
sides of the head, se nat
ural in effect that it seems a
part of one's own hah? that
is a Wavette. Fer women
whose tresses are scanty and
te these who are disguising
their bobbed locks.
In most shades, $12.50; In
white or gray $17.50.
Puffs, Curls and Switches
everything te aid in dressing
the hair becomingly.
Manicuring 40c
Strnwbrtdge Si Clothier
Flnt Fleer, Hilcenj-, Filbert Street
Grew Cord
Tires Move
Te a inoie convenient loca
tion en the First Fleer just
inside the deer at Market
Street, West. These low prices
continue te attract moterists:
SOX 3H U.80 3xH S80.SS
S2xS4 S17.S0 Six 4H 181,00
31x4 0.40 86 X 4 V4 181,50
82x4 ltl.ne 33 X S S88.B0
33x4 m. 85 xK $88.78
34 X 4 13.00 37 X S 141,30
32x4''j $30.fl0lS6x6 SS7.S0
Wash Seat Cevers for Ferd
cars; for sedans S5.C0; for
coupes $3.00.
Ferd Carpets, for coupes
$2.50; for touring cars
$5.00; for sedans, S5.00.
Ferd-size Spark Plugs 86c.
Luggage Carriers S1.75,
Btmwbrtdte A Clothier
AUle IS, Centre
Beys' Winter Clothing
That is Dependable
Mothers buying Clothing here for their sons axe always certain
of the geed quality of the all-wool fabrics, the expertness of the
tailoring and the Tightness of the prices. Your boy will leek well
in one of these:
Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers, $10.75
In both dark and medium shades of all-wool cheviot, well made,
with mohair-lined coat and both pairs of, knickerbockers full
lined. Sizes 7 te 18 years $10.75.
Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers, $16,75
Smart looking Suits of the wanted rougher woolens, herring
bones, tweeds and cassimere, in all the popular winter shades and
patterns. Sizes 8 te 18 years 116.75.
Little Beys' Overcoats, $10.75
Of all-wool mixed cheviets and chinchilla cloths, warmly lined.
Sizes 3 te 10 years $10.75.
Chinchilla Cleth Overcoats, $13,75
, AH of these Overcoats have the desirable convertible cellar
and all-around belt. In shades of tan, brown, gray, and in navy
blue. Sizes 3 te 10 years $13.75.
Fine Dress Overcoats, $18,00
Great, warm Overcoats in box-plaited or inverted-plait styles,
with convertible cellar and all-around belt. 13 te 18 years $18.00.
Popular Mackinaw Coats, $9,75
Of thick blanket cloth in several shades. With yoke and
plait-back, convertible cellar, muff and side pockets. Sizes 8 te 16
years $9.75.
SS-Strwbr!dte A Clothier-Second Fleer, Filbert Street. Ent
Fine Twill
Dresses in
Extra Sizes
$40.00 te $110.00
Nete the price range, and
you will have some idea of the
great assortment of Dresses
certainly an unusually exten
sive collection for extra sizes.
All man-tailored Dresses of
the highest order; straight
and slim, the effect of slender
ness in every line, and the re
finement and unobtrusiveness
the large figure requires
shown in every detail of trim
ming. Black, navy blue and brown.
Sizes 42 ',4 te 48 tt.
Btrawbridfe tt ClatMtr
Second Fleer, Uirket Street
Dimity Blouses
Speak Early
of Christmas
Se fresh and dainty and se
desirable, they make the gift
appeal en sight.
Plain shirt styles, hand
made models with tucks and
drawn-work and embroidery,
simple models with Irish plcet
or filet lace edging. Seme with
girlish Peter Pan cellars, some
with graceful roll cellars.
Prices $2.00 te $3.50.
Btranbnef A Clothier
Second Fleer, Centre
Geed News
of Geed Rugs
Prices en Standard Rugs
in our wonderfully complete
stocks are appreciably lower
than prevailing retail prices.
Among the most attractive of
Royal Wilten, 9x12 $75.00
Superfine Wilten Rugs, 8.8x
10.6 $102.50; 9x12 $110.00.
Alexander Smith & Sens' Fine
Seamlcss Fringed Wilten
Velvet Rurs, 8.3x10.6 feet
$62.50; 9x12 feet $65.00.
Strawbrl.l A. Cluthier
Fourth Fleer, Weet
This Decorative
Porcelain Made
in America
Potteries In this country
have been making great
strides in the last few years,
and new produce much ex
quisitely beautiful Porcelain.
Lustre-ware is te-day's fa
vorite nnd may be had in many
shapes baskets, bowls, vase's
and competes in Philadel
phia's favorite Stere $2,00
te $13,00. StrulrllgH & Clothier -Fourth
Floet, Ktit
A Boek Clearance
Sets of Standard Authers Marked at
Fractional Prices!
Less than 100 sets one-of-a-kind taken directly
from our shelves and marked at very great savings
indeed. Included in this collection you will find
Mark Twain, S3 volumes cloth, (10.76
De Maupassant, 10 volumes cloth, $8,t5
Shakespeare, 10 volumes cloth, $12.50
Hawthorne, 9 volumes half-leather, $U.t5
Stevenson, 0 volumes tliree-quarters leather, $ 17. se
Dickens, SO volumes cloth, $17.50
Balzac, IS volumes cloth, $16,75
Ainnverth, 17 volumes cloth, $29.50
inacKeray, 15 velum.es cloth-, $22,50
James Whitcomb Riley, 16 volumes cloth $23.75
As well as equally low prices for sets of the werki nt n it
Guizot. Tolstoy. Wilde. Maeaulav. Burten wi " r! t HenT Gcer Eliet. Cervantes, Dants,
" ' " .., wvoeo, lYoruswerth and ethers.
ine Foundation Library
11 Largs Profusely Illustrated Volume 1
Bv nurprinslnr, thn niiViliizhnr'a nnt( .:..: ...
these remarkably complete setsef 11 ve ume nte r & A cMefeXnTt "m "V"
C0,0 pag,, of accurate, in.e.estin, mfornmtien, ,ifu!iy fl.hlTuMl.usTratl WtSst Sft""
NOTE These sets arc net returnable or exchangeable.
xt- MrjubrlUca 4 t lethler Htieud Fleer, Filbert Street, West
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