'" i- LJ"M 1 lfc--"- r-i n i HHnHRSRaOTHl mmmMmmkm re up smdee AT FLOWER STOW tny Wem-n Among tht Sue- , ifflil Exhibitors of "Mum." 1 Yesterday ORCHIDS AND ROSES TODAY m. Mi.tf of btitMt at the annual ,-.. flnwf show at the Academy SfMnsle h!fted today from chrrsan ttwnnmi te orchids, resw, carnatleni, fruits, form product! and WfetaNei. 5te show will eentinut today aad Lbcbew. The Welfare Federation has fcHnn.rn.da. the beneflcu, Many women uru - -inwrs nt the show' yesterday. Fer the first time In the ninety-four 1... tha show has been held, prise winners were selected by popular ballet this y. B,anVB en wWeh t0 TeU Mrs handed each rlslter. at tht en. trance te the hall, and many balleta ..... -... Awards en chrysanthemums, W" . . ..-- .-LIVll. which featured yesieraaj uuiv, krivn bcn announced as follews: which feature the show, have been an nounced as fellows : PLANTS linen plant. twtrdi Old?Fashioned Steve Is Only Heater for Shivering Carrell Scheel Pupils BBSSSSSBSSSSpSsSSSSSSSSSSSSSlHiBSSSsHI sssssK:-kssssssss-sssssssssssl :'Vl1ssssssl SMBBaBBHBBaBBHB 't4?"4:IIBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlti ''SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSbh 'Arm')' i 'bsssssssWvsbbsssssssssssssssssbI sSBBBBBBBBBBBBBV? '&-sSBBBBBBBV' K 'ssssssssTe9Bsssssssssssssssssssy KVuijV' jHHfN?PH''r';; ,Y fsSSaaHrSBBBBBBBBBBBsE BXCa''1'bsssssssssbssSv: MWR';i5SliliiBBBBBBW,"'x 'TfssssssssnVssVBssssssssH ssssssssssssssssssssssKsssssisBM4ssssssBsssssstl.' gSRassssssssssTssI h: '-KiBftKiH BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIBSsVWlllTBSSSa'' '''VsVRpkspSkpIBVPflwSSBBSSSSSSBar BSSSSSSBiSSSBBSSSSSSSR BSSSSSSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSlPaflB'' PPssssssssssssssssssELsssWLS fTm'BWtl s&l&wBmBmmisMaRnmyMmmS. J$,:?'a?J r JSMaB9?wsHBBS !S'V&Yb"jiSBBBBBBBbXBb1 'i'VBSSSSSSSSSSaBW aJlSSSBfr 'jrriiM -;:! ; ; P -'JilirJJsssssli MHIffiQHKI V. 2iH4liBBSSSSSsmV NSSSSSalB! S!PiisssssK1RiissssssssssssssssssnBIi T:P''::TEffL3nMm iBssssWiBssssssssssssssHBlXWBsblwt ik "' vVa!7lsaU T's?assSBBBFRaa iMiissssssssWi.Sg'aasssssssssssssssi'glPS !-: vh teVtJBHsSafci'V",. bTAisi-a SBsssssssssssJj:''''l:;BKaisssssssssss19SneM'v -'. ,n " ' ?:' ,buhi SBSBBBBBBBBSa-BBSBBBBBBBBBBMW'W rVV'' ?::'''-v'H.r-" '.edsSBBBBBBsHE'J ,p BaSBa-SSBaF?BS-0am-Saie'-SBam A.?-', . HW. - sel IL . HHM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBr as-sV"-Sss-ey?&-I:7mBB BB-Dsaat -v !-- VX . J. t t (Jkl'iw j . aB .V.M WaWXv.-' .. " V-.. - rt f'fA:' iw "WW . .(.: . f SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB S-rBBBl vnai'C.IY ,V"f minHOi '' . ".. V..-BSa V " .1 TUh. -dstat- ;" . : . eneBB ?w . . vl;- . i,( . . j. FiBssssssssssssssssssssssssssK.asssslvUd9Kl.'. '?'' .AXfMtilssssMTvt -.f'r k,' -iau4..iOr ) -aWj3gS swxj'srwa'f- ' ' 'A :.. . arrLPHHNLmiBSBSBUKIij&'.biK&& . S Si e j , j i-.. t "fei V.fMMaafriftifiryi fi 1re'Jfr i -" iTV Tft .HaV.. . 4m; "i 4wvAM..AvdMMwKMklUWMl An Interior view of the Carrell Scheel, showing the old-fashioned stove which Is the only means of heating the overcrowded and poorly ventilated classroom S5 T. ft?J J. LjfPUV Il - ra fell, ffirrtentr. rptcinicii til ant. fttiv sinK tmwf - .SZAiA en f. AVKlier Ms Jliwni tt sardtntr: nimi teend. fiMdi. Jeiph .HutW, ."' 1 li !! IIII1T r r ! w-"i tarda: Meant David Alksn. -r- eli Sseeimta plant whl. rajlaw or pink--yiwt! Sirlv w'lttr M. Jtfterdat stcena. Mrs. S. ''!' O'i'fl. ... v.H.tr or color p?.rMr. Walter M. Jtflertil iKend, Car- '. rtlfnls of no whlte vrlttr:-inr"t. lr B Wia-. WUllam XMntaelaa. K'.ri..,.,,S!,dA. fiuK& r 3 te.n:Mr sftsftJS .E';ihrErwiJ.n.ri..cendVDr. R. V. MattL 'Sir riant, of en. wh. vrtetVstiJ': V. Mattlaeni .ecend. Jehn B. Busn. wyn-i-t. James Fex. rJiner. i mH.,,,- Blihieen plantain ena or inn Er. je Jttlien Its'. Jojeph K. TVldtnar; gaceni id. Dr. B. V. CUT TtOVfZnB Twenty flowera. fl ach of white, pink ml vellbw Flrat, jeaepn s. yvianr( - fcJK fl,i.'0tniFirrt. Dr. R. V. Mat .,""7 m,."1. fa. RMiTla. " ' "'J,ntar f t. Redlna. VUlineva. Al'i MacLeed, enrdan.r: teeend, "SSH'tSSHtS: Plnk-Jlrat. Jehn 8. Buah; "Snvl- fl-o;f;r?ew - Flrat Jehn 8. tin: jecend. Harclny Farma. Five Hew em of one varletr'-Flrtt. Bar alty Farmn: eecetid. Mra. Jehn Orlbbel. Wyn Wyn ieti. A. Mitchell White, sardener. Twelve newer. twelve varletleaFlrai. Pr. R. V. Mattlaen; aecend, Jeseph . Wldencr. .... . m . dlr.e: aecemi. Alba B. Johnaen, Roaement Wllium '.-umfert. ardenr. tAfc Lraet epeclraen flower -Flrat Jeaeph B. Vldener; necend. 8. T. Uedlne. . Flvs new era ei vintm, r. !"" " CilWe Dtexel Flrat. Jeseph B. Wldener; SKena, ur. k. v. a;. first. Dr. R. V. Mattlaeni second. B. T. Ba sil flewere of variety Mrs. J. Laalle BaMs rirt. Dr R. V. Mattlaen: second. Mrs. Maxwell Weth, Roseruont, Simen El El leott, uanlener. Pompon arletle Flrat, Joeeph E. Wldener. second, Mra. 8. D. Riddle. smirle virjetica irsi. jesepn i. iaenr, SdcehJ. Mrs. C A. Warden. Hiuerfenl. Anemena varieties First. Mrs. S. D. ItMdie. Ar.omene varlettss, disbudded First. Jecph C. Wldmeri second, Mrs. 8, a. Rl-ldl". Porrpen varieties, disbudded First Jeseph t WMener: second, H. T. Hedlne. Cellectlpn of twenty varieties of Pompons t-ririt, V.'. H. Kills: arennd, Mrs. 8. D. RMill: third. 8. T. lledlne. Slnii varieties, tlirce sprays Flrat w. H. Hitter. Mii uailimera avanna. Oranrlfntlia mn rmimvh th day when the honor boy of the rlass in school-was allowed te fill the woedboa and tend, the Are In the big store in thp classroom. . . . .There are children in serae'Fhiladei- fihla public schools today who, altbeugn t is a coal fire, knew what it is te have the room heated by an old fash ioned stove. . . ,. At the old Carrell Scheel building, en Salmen street above Somerset, the four classrooms are heated by old-fashioned ateves. The children who alt near tbe stove are fairly broiled, wblie tuese in the cornera of the room shiver as the chill winds come creeping through tne cracks and crannies of the antiquated building. This condition deea net exist here alenu. There are several old-time buildings scattered in outlying sections of the city which still rely en a stove for heat. Most of them are small ene or two room buildings known an the port able type. f h Plenaantvllla Scheel, at Thonren street and Washington lane, en Blue Bell Hill, in Germantown. is the largest that contains such archaic heating ap paratus. Scheel In Bad Condition The Carrell Scheel Is in fearful con dition. Fortunately, the children will net have te be housed in it much longer, for thcre is under construction, alongside the old bulldltifr. a new Car Car eoll Scheel, which will be ene of the most up te date and modern of small Minnl Imllrltnsn In the rftv. Werk has pregresRcd well above the'l foundations, and It Is expected that clarae? will enter it in the fall. The march of modern progress Is nel always the best thing for the public schools. The great celebration of the Frrtnkferd citizens ever the operation of the new L is net shared in the Her bert Scheel, at Frankford avenue and Foulkrod street, In a theoretical educa-i tlen sense. Teachers who are striving te Instruct ever crowded classrooms can hardly be expected te appreciate the renr of the L train as it gees clanking by. Situated within n hundred feet of the elevated, the classrooms suffer badly. Silent ns the new service is said te be, there is n whirr of wheels and a boom as each train gees rushing by. It the windows arc open the voice of teacher or pupil is drowned out completely. The school Is. with the present de velopment of the avenue, at a very bad location. It Is tbe point where the .streets that are feeders te the L coverage. Traffic Is heavy, and it la extremely dangerous for the little ones te cress the avenue. Has Traditions .And Old Schools Frankford is an old section of the city. That part lying near the river and commonly known ns Pert Richmond contains many traditions. Around the old Cnrrell Scheel there hanea a Breat dcul of romance and alameur that will pass away when the new building is completed. The building which origi nally had six rooms and three stories was built In l&JU and was called the Richmond Scheel. The top fleer has been abandoned as unfit. There hns been a story of a secret underground passage from the building te the river, through which the goods of old James Carrell, who was the original owner of the property, were carried from the river te Ihe old house that steed en the site. Many teacher nnd pupils have searched for the hidden piiHsagewny, and the weikmcn en the new building have looked, but in vain. Thp secret entrance still Js a myth. The rornersteno of tbe old building was lately removed and its contents placed In the corncrHtene of the new school. In the old stone were found text hooks and nublicatlens of 1K40. The box centRinlng them was of sine instead of lend, as used today, and it had corroded and allowed water te spoil the contents. Among the papers of Philadelphia published In that day were found copies of thn Pum.ie Lkdecr, North American, Daily Star, Daily Keystone, Pcnnsylvanlan, Times, Sat urday American, The Suti, Daily Chronicle and United states Gazette. The overcrowding nt the Herbert Scheel has morn than once worried the prlnclpul, Frank V. Kiewcl. In some classrooms there are nearly sixty chil dren, and chairs have been place in the aisles te accommodate tbem, thus completely blocking easy nit la tfce ea of emergency. Extra benches havt been placed in the front of the cusses, out they are se near the blackboards that the children's eyes are strained as they fellow the work of the teachers. Tha ether day," said Mf. Klawel, "a woman ebjecte te her child sitting In this overcrowded room. I replied that I also objected, and that It the room could be closed I'd be satisfied." Mr. Kiewcl shewed the room In Quea Quea tlen. Net only was It overcrowded, but the light was fe peer, that gas illumi nation was used constantly. The gas gave but little light, but did success fully burn up the oxygen that should belong te thn children. MAYOR TELLS GERMANS WAR RANCOR IS PAST Head of Masens Arrlva for Visit te Philadelphia Ledges Dr. Anten Hagedorn, past grand master of the Masonic Ledge and rep resentative of the city of Hamburg In the German Senate, together with n dozen ether prominent German Ma Ma eons, arrived this morning for a vist te Philadelphia Mnienlc ledges. The German Mnnenn have been in this country slnoe October 8, visiting Mnhenlc letlces with Herman-spcnni members. They were accompanied here bv thirty-flve German-speaking Ma Ma eons of New Yerk, where they apent n month, and were met at Bread Street Station by n committee from the local ledges, headed lj Henry Licrx. They inarched te City Hall and were Creeled by .Mner Moere. I,nter they lltetl Independence Hall and the Stat ties of Ge"lht! nnd Kchtller In hair mount Park. The pitrty had luncheon nt Belmont Mnniieii. ' I.nte this afternoon the party will visit the Masonic Temple, where a reception Iiuh been planned. Dr. Hage dorn will be welcomed officially at the tcninle by Judge Abraham Beltler. Mtiynr Moere. In welcoming Dr. Hegedern and his n.nrty, said that ill will that may have existed during the war had been forgotten and that he vein clad te have them as Philadel phia's guests. Dr. Huifcdern in turn thanked the poeiple of 'Ilillnilelphla -through the Mayer for the relief work of the Phila delphia Friends and ether organisa erganisa organisa teons In Germany after the war. Reported MUslng MMMMSJMitHMaMaaaal inchae, lM b hair, fair complexle Mra. Annie MeLaaghlin, fifty-two years old, 6712 North Reach street. Harry VaUtvaas, flfty-three yean, 1010 Day street, five feet seven lnchas, 182 pounds, light complexion, medium build, wsarlng gray suit, brown over coat, light blue shirt and a light brown bat. Jaeeb Snaaman, twenty-five yearn old, 2405 Seuth Fourth street, dark complexion and hair, wearing blue pin stripe suit, dark gray overcoat, soft brown hat and, tan shecs. PssqasJle Tursl, sixty-seven years old, 1800 Seuth Twenty-third street, hve feet seven inches, l&e pounds, medium build, dark eyes, bald head, mixed gray mustache, fair complexion, wearing white shirt, dark suit, brown, soft hat, biaca snees and socks. Jehn Hughes, twenty-six years old, 0001 Elmwood avenue, five feet eight inches, medium build, dark complexion, brown hair and wearing dark suit ana raincoat, black shoes and socks. Prank Zlsk, seven years, 740 Seuth Second street, light complexion and liulr. wearing brown pants, blue coat and hat. Raymond Smith, ten yearn, 8621 Mount Vernen street, three feet five inches, seventy-five pounds, blue eyes, light complexion, brown hair, wearing light cap, brown mixed suit, black stockings and low, brown shoes. Themas Crane, eleven yean, 1038 North Leithgow street, five feet, seventy pounds dark complexion, light hair, wearing tan pants, red sweater, blue cap ana black sheet Rml stockings. VUUrri Lelby, fifteen years. 1720 North Creskey Mi ret, fif feet Ms legit m M..lM I.MMMt r, imir cempiwiwu, wia sport overcoat, green panis ana dibv shoes and stockings. COMMUTERS ARE DELAYED P. ft. R. Bnglne llews Out Cylinder Haad at Glen ftlddle Commuters from West Chester and intermediate pelnta were delayed an hour this morning when the engine of Pennsylvania Railroad train Ne. 4514, due te arrive at Bread Street Station at 8:23 o'clock, blew out a cylinder head at Glen Riddle. . . , A loud report following the blowout led passengers te believe the engine had blown up. Ne one was injured. Pas sengers were transferred te train Ne. 4"18, and arrived at Bread Street Sta tion nt 0 :23 o'clock. . WfedU i v'ipfeZ F$i Be Your Own ROOFER 1sndM,, "SHANOKOTE" ft Wonderful Liquid Asbestos Came! Any one can aaallr .step leaks la tja. slag and rubber roefa and make tkasa as aped as new, BHANOKOTD. U the renntaa "se- Feal tar" asbsstes reef coating aad is res of add. lute aad ether cheap "sliANeKOTa la dsbbea Ilk a a?nt and It ceverstha nalt-belee. fapa de seatne with a solid sheet of asbestos fllm. trelillns the life or worneot tool IHH W..,ivw v v end making 10 reiri. . nir 1" ." feet. fc.V ana. I1.7H IB MaaTmj l-'-sIaUtf -Z-T.a. djff 0T OWTI VWP iraaiB TTjMer foeflnf. 3.1581 stats, sttnries aad THE SHANNON-ELLIS CO. 18 S. 7tk St., PhOa.nlftVuA esTsTsntTgrwwarsTa'yTrsTagisswssffgTr eSLiBJSJTBF V4SJSBIieBSS sfvr'H -J-- st&yu&ct Mrs. Jehn Wansmsker, 3rd Mits Frances Trenchard Leaf 133 SOUTH 18TH STREET Mid-Season Clearance Sale! PS 1 SUITS GOWNS BLOUSES WRAPS FROCKS MILLINERY Special Croup of Matren' Drenei and Hat at Cott Our rule's te carry differ ent sleeve-lengths in the popular sizes. Means real shirt comfort. Deserving special men tion are the English broad cloth finest quality, white, tan and gray. Excellent value. Plain, $5; Plaited, $6. Rogers Peet suits and overcoats exclusively, at prices identical with these n their own stores in New Yerk. FERRO & COMPANY RegtrM Ptet Clethts Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper Are you buying geed printing or are you getting geed prices en your printing? S. WILLENS ft CO. TypegrtpkiTi 21 Seuth 11th Street S t : Yeu can recognize geed advertising by its echo increasing business. Thb Helmes Press, Prmfw 1315-29 Cherry Street Philadelphia pm rry Fresh Cut $ Reses Dueii Everything in Flown OFEX EVENINGS rim TIfJf fza&sr 1327 Wet Girard Ave. 13 S. 60U St. 212 East Cirard Ave. 133 S. S24 St First Penny a Bank r -i n mwmv Interest aKaVBBSsaHBBsBl 21 st andffam6ri(fg Sis J343 Chestnut Street JOHN WANAMAKER .President Fine Stationers Beautiful Photograph Frames A Wonderful Collection Very Moderately Priced ALL SIZES 1121 CHESTNUT STREET Te the sales manager who knows advertising This opening will appeal te the man described here He is new sales manager for a national advertiser. He knows advertising and selling. He can de mere than tell ethers hew te sell ; he can shen them. He is a star salesman himself, ac customed te selling big men in a big way. He thinks quickly and te the point. He is alert, resourceful, confident. He is successful in his present work net think ing of making a change. But he will want te hear about this opportunity te increase his earning power and broaden his experi ence as a sales executive. He will have the support of the owners of the busi ness and the co-operation of an able organisatien, strong financially) long established, with an en viable reputation. The man we want is net a cheap man. (We can't afford that kind.) He will write us, and in detail, telling us the facts fit would like te knew if he himself were looking for a big man te strengthen his own organ ergan organ isateon. Interview will be arranged, in entire con fidence. Address A 607, Ledger Office. i . . I pj aS. PweewSjeSj SJf suaawt If sal s. --- , I I I I I 1 ' "The Most Useful Thing I Own" That is what women say who own a Willcox & Gibba New Portable Electric Automatic Sewing Machine. And It is useful. It takes the toil and drudgery out of sewing. It makes it easy, pleasant and economical te make one's entire wardrobe at home. It saves the happy owner time, trouble and money. Sewing- en a Willcox & Gibba Portable Electric is unlike any sawing you ever did. Ne mere vexatious bobbins te wind. Ne mere tedious tension adjustments. Ne mere back-breaking pedalling or han dle turning. Just placing your material en the machine pressing the controller with your feet and your sewing glides through easily, speedily and efliciently; sewed with Arm, even stitches, four times stronger than the old machine stitch and finished in less than half the time. Until you have seen a Willcox & Gibbs Portable Electric demonstrated you cannot knew hew perfectly a ma chine can de its work. Come in and see a demonstration. It will be a revelation te you and at the same time you will learn hew simply and conveniently you can own a Willcox & Gibbs Portable Elec trie through our easy-payment plan. WiUcex& Gibbs c. 1709 CHESTNUT STREET Courte$y Phent, Spruce si 98 Service . . .. JUiai smim aawslajtgtgtfg m rjpsaspirn SPECIAL JEWELS The Splendidly Equipped Workshop located en the premises (one additional fleer having recently been acceutred) enables this Company' te design and. execute special Jewels promptly MacDonald & Campbell Superb Winter Suits $30 te $65 that will be a revelation te the man who thinks that "all geed clothes are about alike." Worsteds and Unfinished Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, Homo Hemo Home spuns and Cassimeres in the most desirable pat terns and colorings special American and British selections. Designed and tailored with the master skill and precision that from the flrat has raised MacDonald & Campbell clothing te leadership, in style and refined Individuality. These are the suits you see successful men wearing. 'Sports' Net t Apparel attaint Its finett Kara 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street - s E3 '. ':. lZ .y v Jl, ''J fit t Overcoats All the Styles That Are Werth While CJ We have never shown such a wide range of fabrics, models and styles as this season, and all are highly desir able from the viewpoint of men who wear high-class clothing. J Priced $30, $35, $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 up te $95. JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1420 Chestnut Street Why Swim Against the Tide? Ge with the tide today and yeull land at Perry's. Sm why wide-awake men ara coming te this big, pre gTessive store. See for yourself that every single Suit and Overcoat is fine quality only. And that everything you purchase ia priced en our Super-Valua Policy, which means a defi nite concrete saving of many dollars ever the prica asked by any ether geed story anywhere. Loek and Compare! Our Super - Value Prices are $28, $33, $38, $43 and up. PERRY'S Ne matter what you cheese whether a beautifully made White Silk Evening Vest at $8.25, or a luxuri ous, fleecy Crembie Mon Men tagnac, made as only our Overcoat Specialists can make it, at $85 each is priced under our Super Value Policy. The Largest Handsomest Stock of Fine Quality Winter Suits and Overcoats you have ever seen. Loek and Compare! Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men RfAjr.1ia Central Realty Always has and always will continue te increase in value. We recommend thee a a celleni Investments-- One Meck west of Uresfl street. On of the meat attrsi-tlrs hnu la thl .ectlin; het-water fc.at, cHbe te etec trie flrturne. hnrijoeil floerv exjwn. utte jmn'llni. IS rooms and S bstlii. Ment reanenvm.T priced propertr effer.l .lnc the first cf the rear. I'rlt tli.OOO. lnferanatti can be h4 ttr jji par Seoul call at tlili efBce. We hare a few ether aoed prseerBee te offer lit this section, that are adapt ntlf fur I'octer'n omeM, and wtmld fce l ill te show tcu through them. Beeta! 2000 block Walnut St. IfSOO vr rear. Apartment ITmim MO.AOO cash re- qelrmli pays !'.5 en tha luTsstmanL A$h ua about fhrts nnd ether Real EMatu I nv as In mil Opportunities. SmulteitSBamt W MM M I . I I . , I lUlfnF Liecfm BiDa.,BROAD&CHt nur BSSC9SJB S 2SS3ZCSS SBC One Price One Blend The Best ffSCO Coffee 29c In all our Stores Hlliri'lNO (lOl.fl IIV AIltl'LANC Tin uiiu.uaI ev.nt of s'iiiih Anirlsse ii.ii.i'i. ii','iiin hu.m .rum finraillUllia SB) QlrHrilQt. In ColemLis. Uy elrul.ne. Is (M suDjict rvvaitt ewurwi rii,l M ' Ji m 4VJ jv . m m j ,k t , 1 4 . : V' 1 w 1 n . aws'pess) v&&&rm V V A. ' ) tA Ulifi S'iSWJ tfl ! .-V,