-.-i: TiT?7SW t" ?WWW?; 51 . t i m .18 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIUABELPHIA. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1922 r r ! 11 'Ur mu i jR? jfi iw:ym ' 1 3 Ml , rj Htere Open Dully nt 0 A. M. Ueim A.SO P, Mr AU Thtse Goods en Salt Tomorrow- e Mine Orr WlM-MCWataet ssSS-Xersfeae, BfetValtia 31st Anniversary Sale! Charge Accounts gg Until January w(MMNlM i4 Afea; Series Tomorrow YELLOW TRADING 3T3MVIPS j ,iF Jb&ssbbi : Men orders p'niea- HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE JhOHersreiei Jrrx Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c rUKUttABE ALL UAX vIMffl Bv$nth 3 " Y. ""T"-"" "Tb,7...hi i. nrnfltibl nurchailnff that OUr AntiUZZT;.'; 1 KewtnetJuM of crewing gjriiCarMi.xnowiperu""- "' ' - -..Wjr eirer Girls' $8.50 te 1U i-recKs, 4.95 Te Ever) Purchaser of a Dellar's Werth or Mere ; Series Nes. 129 & 130 Geed in any Yellow Trading Stamp Boek, no matter hew many ether "extra" stamps yen may already have. pTiyrMf-riyrMivvf-Trr)jvfl Consider These Anniversary Values as the Finest Christmas Shopping Opportunities wider choice new, no crowding, no hurry and savings that will certainly cut your gift costs at least a third. Alse see our ether page of important news ! All-wool crepe and serges. Dreny effects with hand embroidery; also tailored regulation models, the entire sample line of a prominent maker. Sizes 6 te 14. $18 te $35 Coats, $9.98 te $14.96 Velours, belivlas, poletonea and ether douDie-xacee ceaving. zur DOCK- aU. Lined throughout. Sizes 7 te 14. Large cellars of or cietn; pawn Tots' $8.50 te $18 Coats, $4.98 te $9.95 Attractive models in chinchilla, poletones, cheviot and-' ether warm coatings. Seme prettily smocked. Fur or cloth cellars. Sices 2 te 6. $10 Bestyette Raincoat Sals, $5.M Tan rubberized double-texture. 6 te 14 years. Big Burly Overcoats 50 Mens ai3r UNDERPRICED A FULL THIRD! Usual Value S40 26 Heavy, loose cut. great coats, ulsters, ulsterettes and dress over coats, majority with raglan shoulders. Every fabric absolutely all-wee!-, everyone with a colorful plaid back. Full or half belt; lined and trimmed with satin. - Mf f IH- M - t . lt . . H .4 1 HM.WIlMlf w ' Men's AllW6el Extra Trouser Suits $32.50 Values $30 Values $40 Values $ ;2-75 S9JS0 $28 4.- Same Suit Wtth Same Suits With Same Suit With One Pair of One Pair of One Pair of Trousers, $18 Trousers, $16 Trousers, $23 The finest all-wool fabrics the market affords. Skillful tailoring in models' for men and young men. Men's H Sturdy Corduroy Trousers, $3, K.M-iU'nt quality, work trousers ; lined throughout; belt loops; hip pet.:.it Every size. ., v - ' ............. --. k ? Beys"$l5&S18 Beys' $20 & $22.50 Overcoats, $8.95 Overcoats, $10,75 Superior a!-l-wool fabrics; majority with wool lining. Smart ulsters, belted all around. Sizes 8 te 18. Beys' $13.50 Suits, $7.85 N'ei folk mode's ; all vel. Sir.tT 7 te IN Eoys' $12.50 Corduroy Suits, $6.98 Vprv etiudy; new styles. Sizes 7 te 17. Beys' $13.50 Mackinaws, $6.98 Blanket plaids; u 11 -wool. Sizes 7 te 1. Beys' $7.50 Chinchilla Pole Coats Blue, brown and inaj. SiZ' I It It.-etlitrs- SHi'eXD I'l-OOl JbIIV'.HP m U RZ Vi Vl ..' "w" '.W i t'.s 2'. te 0. . d.' Utb. TTII ST. i$ r WMM& UNI Tomorrow! $1.75 SilkFaced) Arc Velveteen ) JJeJ Rich nnil lustrous. In beaver, soil red t.miie. inn, l'ckln, Copenlinijen, new lilue. ilmk brown, plum, navy bin midnight blue, reindeer and Mi s 24 and 29 Inches wide. N ni tielil te ilcnlcis. lit Ilrether.s First Fleer, Seuth 2-69 H.69 Hals Trimmed Free of Charge ReadyteaWear Hats $0.98 Mcn'h finest f 'riihings are ulv.avs far less heic- hul thev're 'c-s tl.an mt new that the Anniversary Sale is en' " Tomorrow $G Value.-, One of the finest lets that has yet joined our Anniversary Sale and that's saying a great deal ! Lyens and paen velvets, isrv "-h r aiu pretrv c uveiynus in Cy yr'JLi V )i-Z- "HI, IWfJ.N tUlULillK, Large dresy and chic medium bhapes with ft velvet bows, hackle and novelty pins or or naments. Black and prevailing shades. 4 t -) $3 Ready-te-wear Hats, 98c In felt, .-uede-lik'1 an i uieet felt in spert.s -tVi.. and coleis. Untrimmed Velvet Hats, $2.98 Large, medium and snu'l etfect" in Ljens eltt, paen velvet or zibe'ine lembined with plain velvet. KihT 1'I.OOR VePT u III tVK ill ' . 3fW 11" fe?3- Mi IX $6 " Wright's "i$ All-WoelUnionSuitsi 69 avv ifiri1 j lit iii 'ill )li fJLLll Tli netab'v tlne sprlnc needle machine iraUc i:i,itle ribbed and icnl bearj w nvr v Kht All-ui)el natural-color !. i d crotch, re-enforced gu- 't-!n, flnlBheii seani'' r s Ji .1 m.ker 1 ri.illv evr vrtieful nrn x iiIh L'ullrd 'pllBhlly lnP(.rffa ' c w i.ul. unimportant detects that (' i r letttii comfort or wear In tl l.nsi Hnnd'eme pilks ate in line showing at low Anniversary prices! $4.50 Black' $ Canten Crepe Beautiful all-silk quality most fathiennble and will drape effect ieh nceptienalIy fine weave 40 iiuh. i'X I iicrrrmc itVi ww-w Sports Satins In lie'n, colorful sports shades Jf inch. !,-.. ; " ... n $2.25 Black Taffeta, $1.49 Fine chiffon finish in a lnilliant jet bliuK. S3 indi. New Printed Satins, $1.93 Exquisite new patterns and color ings. Levely quality for blouses or iiPBlitfees. J.lt llretlieri FIRST FLOOR, SOl'TH Met fashionable kinds of wool goods nie in the Anniversary Sale at the lowest prices we've ever known for fine grades! SiWoe! Hemespuns OQc and Tweeds Special for the Day Only! Excellent quality in mixed yarn ef fects. Wonderful vaiiety of peed peod poed looking colors. Xe mail or phone eders; none te dealers. 36-inch. $3.50 te $4 Dee-1 $1 .98 skin Velours . . ' Or of the ine i fashionable win ter retlliu'H with i Mi, velet flnlnh ntid In th- S4 lull width that cuts te huch geed advantage. All colors. i -- " -s..m.rt-...M , $2.50 All-Weel $1.49 French Serge .... ' l rah In burgundy, dark brown, i a. mtilnlKht h'ue and black. Ill llrutlierii FIRST FJ.OOR, SOt'TlI Women's and Misses' $30 Handsome Winter Coats With Beautiful Big Fur Cellars Coats that will be a revelation even te Our Anniversary Shoppers! Women, misses, matrons and larger women are pro vided for in this sale and choice is splendid among exceptionally geed looking dressy and sports styles. nallW-f"rNllltr "rflP4. l-CJ J! -1 J l.-X . vm6hwuhj win.ci.ciit jtvuius ux sieevea anu pucKtJLS various maiviauai style notes that add tremendously te their attractiveness. $1 Derby Ribbed Underwear, 79c BeHt finality two-thread ecru cotton jam In heavy weight. Shirt! haa French necks drawers have sateen Mvl w.ilstbend, tailored fennis and le-inn icul Kusfets $2.50 Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.49 lien y nunllf. ; colored htilpcs I'leiii - Jlnlshed Jackitt with inllltniy col cel Ur and pecketH , trousers Mit fulL 50c Fiber-Plaited Half Hese, 29c Lustrous flbjr-plalted en 'lisle black and colors. Seamlesn; deubla heels and tees. 1 in perfect. IJt Brether FIRST FLOOR. TTH ST. " s I especially pretty gifts 3 Boudoir Lamps 1.98 r' A very gracefully designed lamp with metal base, beauti fully ivory finished. Dainty silk lined metallic shades. Plug, socket and cord, l.tt Brether- THIRD FLOOR B& $ fflii ZrTTti Jl XT' 1 Of Belivia, Coatings, Velours & Deuble-Faced Fabrics. Beautifully Tailored; Richly Lined Fine choice among the season's, rich browns and new blues as well as the ether dark -serviceable hues in great demand. Every coat in this whole big let Was made te sell for at least HALF again as much and many are going at less than bare pro duction cost! Mannish 1.11 Brethtrs BBCOND FLOOR Women's and Misses' $25 te $30 Dresses Twe ft Pictured 15 Anether Amazingly Fine Anniversary Purchase! Quaint basque effects, coat styles, youthful bouffant and draped models -also many slender, straight-line dresses wonderfully becoming and practical 1 Of Canten crepe, satin faced Canten, crepe de chine, Jersey, Peiret twill and tricetine. In all fashionable shades with pretty color contrasts in bright Bulgarian em broidery, gay sleeve facings and unique ornaments ex buckles. Beaded and braid- Women's Dainty New Colonials An important Anniversary Purchase That Saves Yeu a Third! $.98 ' fSSPBllltBm iaLiBSISBSB9iV BaBBBBiaaaaiaBaY LsLEssfBPVBBLi Sruri 11 ' t l VlCsv WSBBBBBSK Ml MShW II WrfrrQfaA A f I t IijiJ'w III tFrrclLrffieV fiiii m& mob jes jVpvvb)Ur w ra Twr I A .WSflM JIbv.' II ffd Kli Il ISBsrwltl ' HffiBHi ft v&A F nr KAY myvtfisy kH SIllP , I I- STrW gi Willi ISi ww wt nil Bronze kid, patent colt and exquisite black satin. Very evidently superior in design, leathers and shoe craftsmanship. Picturesque Colonial tongue and full Spanish Leuis heel. Smart tee shapes and hand-turned soles. MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS, $4.85 Thty are $8 A $9 ethtr pffCfi Sturdy winter models en brogue or dresR lasts. Welted soles, rubber heels. Straight and wing tips. Genuine tan Russia calf, black calf and black kid. Women's Lew Shoes $6 and $6 Values, $3.9$ $8 and $10 Values, $4.85 H The daintiest nw pumps and oxfords with many dis tinctive effecta 1n tee shapes and perforations. Welted and turned idles. Patent cefr, gunmetal calf, black satin, black suede, black kM, brown kid and genuine tan Russia calf. 1. mtm i. i II Mi n m III II lity, at nee a surprise ed dresses paJere; plaited or platn pan pIs most effectively arranged. Dress making and q and delight! MUsm' and Children's $3.50 Shoes, $2.29 New shade of nut brown. Sizes 0 te 2. Beys' $5.50 Shoes, $4.49 Smart newbrqgues with wing tffps. Stur dy tan lcnfther with welted seJ.es and rub ber heEfis. Sizes 1 tX Yewif Women' $5 Footwear, $3.95 Shoes and oxfords In various leathers, New tee shapes. Sisei 8 te 8. " 1 Lt' m mjn j t Beys' $4 Shoes, $3.49 Tan leather. Bread tees, welted oak soles; rubber heels. Sizes 8 te 12V. IJt Bietbsrs FirtST FLOOR, NORTH bbH bsbbbb bbbI bbbI llfl1 Tomorrow's special extraordinary in the Anniversary Sale! Stunning belted models with big shawl cellars and deep cuffs of golden beaver, nat ural skunk or squirrel. Every pelt most carefully selected; workmanship and quality the flnsitl Richly lined; fashion able 40-lnch length. WFexSlCCA Scarfs. . ) AV.eJV Limited let while they last at less than worth of pelts alone I American brown and taupi, I l IM M! Tomorrow Only! juii iwiit, m let. 45 inch.. Anniversary Brings Anether Beautiful Let of Distinctive $10 & $12 Trimmed Hats $yi.98 in. inramea wjtn natural I airrl. nichly lined. I 141 Bfttaw SICCONO FLOOR Clever originations from our own experts and skillful repreduc- j j tiens of many of the smartest models-! shown elsewhere at two and three times this price ! Big picture hats and brief-brim dressy models with lovely os trich trimmings in black and rich dark brown. Levely satin-and-silk and velvet-and-brecade tur bans that will be stunning with fur coats, Softest duvetyncs in delightful colors, most be comingly ' styled in many ways! Charming Hats for Matrons and Children Alse In Matchless Showing, Lit Ilretlirk 'i'HIHO FIJOOII Tomorrow iiHMaBesaaBBSaBBseBaarV'MI es MtBasiiBSa4ssS ef fSiiSjpilssssp8S- WlMt 'W V BUMtav. sa ai. Mats ft uirnnnM 4 k. 1 MT BBOTIIBMie .- 1- I,, . is -. j&&xaa&Z. - ... -,. j n m ' -rVlwl .& x&t-Sk MipTJ5i ivSTrU 9 i'Y .. i .. f r BBB"ipPflHV,lnteBjMfVBBasssBjBBBBBBBBBa BBSBaBIBIBIBMr7TBSBCSSBK s ,V7.flBBBBHSI L, r - -i , ih Wafl Jz " itiiHutAMiiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiaBiae B - . .tM. .. .. t&V'iAcNxK .'I BIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlVHBh9SMlr a . SI H'l ( Urn HIT! IKMIJt f -. ' - - ' -SBtJsim -3jBx . ssssssssssssmssmimm--' :r i i