?IW tjyMHHMHiHWMMHRMiiMMHMHHIBaaalMi' f " nun IB the last ,NV years.. . , ., -.- . -sal a' a ----- aaaaaaaaaeaBBBaaBBB' I i r a., ,'i1V, ',. SaV.V ' -ay v , av Tin A Bat., eh. Minn, it's Da BiMfM . We MMW aeBSfJ. aMetJS W UMMT .a ' fi mi. mmm-m-m-- -w. m "wb , -' ansii -s annai 4 tt t r aram -. sarar sar sat - ." v r- wer- .w . mr - a avir- - ;at ' , .. aha . sm - " . k jb r. ., i snowing pictures or. a uwimtm ni .,"?, I'.Vfl I im.f Itflfliria IVIIirriPrinCll whkhat that tint war maelaarf eeir i it ib ami am an. aaar aw mm tw ana i an aw nai vane bbb eaaiaw , .am .nanta ..aaa aaa ana- aaa aw aai one; an una, aw nan a.ani ana aaa asaani a-t aaa. aaa aaa aaar--- aaa THAT PpPUtiAR RODOLPH AGAIN SEEKS THE EXOTIC EAST ' vi1 r.v.. .aaMaM!. . I '-! ll:'::IIIHIIIIIIIlallllllllllllll 1 IIIIV(aiViliilllllllHilHIIIHIilllllllllHSInKHBMIIIIIIIIV . BBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBBBBBBBHHaHBHBBBaHIBBBBBBBBBBQBBBl V BaLlBBBBBBHlBBHBBBBBBBlBBBBBBH ' HHHaaaalHaHHBBBBBl ,iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiawaaaKaaawaaBaaaa"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaii ... .n n jWte LHnVifliBBBH ta frwtett director in tha world THE MOVIE FANS LLHiaaMaLHPil n iuSitMh i eh. whta tt. wii LETTERBOX f HlflHHi By HENBY M. NBBLT PkIHbIbkI vi;.,5r;IPnl;s'mSi -' .-'. .-iaaaan.iaaaaaaaaaw-i.-.S'';iaaar . . UA-rjflaaaaHiMA 'nniBiiraa Mu A'M'wmmmMMm dim HtlfXf JHIIHHIIIK 1 1 Miaabla but which today in Ttry aodtecrt tad dltfuvtlaf "It mm that HaMU.IJaH'lMtt ba tha werat mfferar. Altar bsttdHht flue reputation for bteMlf w ; tU7t tut W'NUM morie UMiatrr M doing Ita Ty beat te rum It. "I'm aura that If Hareld klMelf had te tIcw hla picture! of yttterjMr ba would be yery much diafuatad. . "What baa become of Martea iHaUt, dm, of -the three Bvarift Tvmxe Lkeecs beautlea in whom Vera Gorden became Intereited? ; la Fair In Lere' aa the went Plfture f all time. I de hope that they.deat gi that picture one werae." i I hate leet track, of Marlen Hetet. the didn't ttay in plcturea long, aV I aaaume ahe haa returned te ntateJue. t Tour, knock at all theaePeld '"re lamea" isn't half hard enough, "'lotto of them leek petltlrely pathetle today.) vmttmw i i ! CARBON PAPER pcevWa 100 M. ;!( CAlSerW m te iMn $J0aWr Wk 100 Par efcanper tot f 4 , a Taffer atti Roakkettoaa SI v cu c-w jujLmame m - JTAnOHOS- .MrWTBB-IUWIOOK VMrT. iaHa,10-iC imiJLADBLPHLIA T19Wu9L A -V Clethes Make the Man and tha man wire aanda k(a cletkea regularly te ba cleaned . and preeeed aekieree rapntarlaa far geed toate ami emart anpaaranaa n matter haw moderate hie wardrobe. Onr cleaning ie matter cleaning. LADII3' SUITI CQ ft OR COATS.... 90M19 LADIES' QUEUES. $3J0 MEN? SUITS 0R0X0ATS.. $1.50 Phene Poplar 7660 for Aute te Call tmaitfliU Qaefity Cleantra mi ffyere SiSfSXf 1616-2S N. 21tt St., PhOadtlpUa neiea: ills cneatnui ui. anu dud; uermaniewn ate. iHarg Deren wrltea: '1 hare Juet glanced through a list of soma of the recent productions and we aeem te be getting asrprislnfly geed rations. "One plctutre that I must mention because I believe it te be net merely one of the best of the year but one of the grwtest of all times is 'The Leves of Pharaoh.' This principal thought al ways comes te me concerning the pic ture that Lubitsch must have had tre mendous courage and confidence te at tempt te bring such a' remote period of history te the screen. I confess that Z was almost afraid that he could net make these characters real, that be ' could net bring te us the Egypt and Its peoples as we ie mej ran um axUted se many centuries age. ''But Lubitsch has succeeded where any great authors have failed. He Its shown me the potential greatness efthe screen. . , 'The Bend Bey' gave us some mo ments of wonderful acting. Bew Bar thelmess can et under the ekin with Us interpretations 1 Considering his re surkable ability and his intelligent ap plication In the characterizations he has given us, I can word no praise that t adequate. ' . . "Seeing actors whose work we like en the screen, time and time again, a sort of affection grows in the heart of $e fan. He fathoms the individual, e man in the actor and pays te mm his tribute. Be de I, n humble fan hi a multitude, sing my praise for Dick. 1 "And also another claims my new horn allegiance. Theuuh net yet seen here en the screen he has bis right te screen greatness and haa already unteri Glenn was geed enough te take us te his dressing-room and present us WHO euiegrapueu pnoiearnpiw. xt wan after the first night's performance. Oesh hew unaffected be was and hew great see "Out of the dementia te 'The Pris oner of Zenda.' One feature here really ttekleit me. De I strike a resDenslve chord? The love scenes with Alice Terry and Lewis Stone together with the rendition of 'My Here.' Exquisite purity 1 "And se again te admiration. "Odd hew a sober man can lese hts head in ecstasies ever strange people! "Gesh I" (Tour postscript firstyes; you bet I You'll understand, of course, why X mint the answer but net the auesuen. I don't think your enthusiasms are at all odd. Yeu cheese them well; you pick out the phases of the films that appeal te intelligence ana mate us realize that the merles have great pos sibilities. As long as we get such su preme things as this there is no reason te be altogether hopeless nbeutjilctures. They are young, you knew. They will grew in artistic stature Just ee long as they are nurtured by this sincerely en thusiastic appreciation of their better quaimes. And a couple of 'Amens. Bine Rldre Gap writes: "It Is par neularly noticeable, sir, that you rather disapprove of foreign-made films. Se remarkable Is your much-repeated sen tence In regard te Lubitsch and a few mere, as te mnke you seem prejudiced. "I must confess I am glad te see eeme competition coming te America, for It may give us a fresh Impetus toward better films and non-censorship. By taawiiy, don't you' think censorship is art Indignity offered te the people by themselves. Fer what great mass, of people would care te acknowledge that Bey did net understand the difference between geed and badf Certainly no American populace! Should any of the editors of the Photo -Dramatist chance te rend your columns or the opinion expressed here, I hope that tney knew hew strongly a large ma JJrtty agree with them in regard te ,!, rtnn agninst censorship. "But te return te pictures, why is It se many stories lately lack the rsalt flU?uman "P-tuwT , I mean, why is It 23? . net c?n'n that element of trelversal appeel? Yeu admit there ere ft Tfry "w motion-picture classics. And new for a few mere questions. ii-i "? ce'if'M y Ignorance ntrein. j "De you think Vnlentine could show "eT.tK',Uty? H" " 80 p,,n,ul,jr JH-!2t2?n'u nn5r "rter. writer or art Smw? ' wltheu ein t0 Tciim iiJL "V?D .wpwnewiw ann Sy..1!!?" x2lttJte eyes of the actors kX yr metD0 te leiwn the eye strain! it '. L,0n!i1SrLferother ,n "Dren. Valentine's next feature win ba "The Yeung Rajah," a film adaptation ' of the novel, "Ames Judd." The above scene "shows some of the splendor of an 'Bast Indian wedding ceremony. Belew you sea Bodelpn with a- frisky pat Eayed street te n..t.uJi unn"" What happened fetiffini., my , Prejudice" against P.""?. PActW i weakening YeS mav ySSm : Vn?i T.ufJ'S' Pated that SueSS iXVW-". eed. lately.. cate7.Wp, ?n t,B,n'' "t the Jfmeri- SSSWhn9 " ' 'the Photo- SnSy a'ttS1? weul(ln ' A bm SSLwtvA,,0J tq my oplnena,"They g "" w wucniy te notice littfa m7&lLV taAj yen, -.---t-- '"'"'v ' plays and paintings and musical com positions lack the same thing." I've answered the Valentine question a dozen times. Yes, lets of directors and authors are thoroughly familiar with tha real West. But, if they pictured it as it is, nobody would believe 'em. Very frequently movie actors and actresses have eye troubles from the lights. Seme -wear tinted 'glasses when net actually en the set, but most of them simply get out of tha glare. Lest 1 heard of Charlie Mack, the younger brother of "Dream Street," he had gene te Bermuda te make a pic ture. Ralph Graves has been playing leuds for Universal in California and is out there new. Griffith's new pic ture is "One Exciting Night." And, tn conclusion, Cecil de Mllle . Nmaaae writes i "I doubt pessimist, that I am if your Obeer-up-Wauy day was a success. It was' a splendid Idea, but such things are easy-te neglect.' However, peruana i am merely unjustly. aging outers ey my sen. "As for Wall. th nftun-nenttimad goodness knows I wish he wenld cheer up and keep en until he gets back where he used te be. He is losing 'his pep through nobody's fault but bis own. Themas Melghan is taking v his ie in Met. I likn him better new ban I ever liked Wnllv. Hera's te bis future (Meighan's) I Alse WaUy's, and may be wake un seen ! "Didn't some one ask about The Bended Weman' I Here gees for my opinion ei it. "It started out very well, but when it was nearlng its end, in fact, when Betty (bless ner heart 1) beaina te try te win the sinful sailor, it began te ba Inclined toward exaggeration- ana a very steen incline it was. "I believe the picture, near its end,' was as wildly improbable- as any 1 ever saw. newever, wnat ue we go te see nlctnres for? We se because we have nothing mere important te de and because we wish te be Interested And even though I could see hew wild the plot was I certainly was interested all the way through. That's possible, is it net? It rust be, because it isn't the first time I have had this experience. "But the title, eh! the title of that picture! Why? Hew can tbey de It? The only time a 'bended woman' was in any way suggested I was se deep in meditation and .argument, try ing te figure out the application of the term that I missed what came after ward that is. immediately afterward. "If the guilty persons thought that title would draw crowds it's mv onmien .they were mistaken, se what what did they de it ter?" (What Is this, a guessing contest? I've given up trying te selvu the rebIea of movie titles. "Merten" as some corking geed entire en that very point and, of course, the audiences fall te get it.) Fred B. Londen writes: "I realize mat every enterprise, whether busi ness or cecial,' must have its knockers, as well as boosters, but I am compelled te be a knocker in tills instance. "The moving-picture industry as a whole Is boasting of the wonderful preg- rHOTOPLAYB PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Americawhich is a guarantee of early showing of the finest .productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA ..tffaWffi BEBE DANIELS tn "Mint OOPS" isMNlAON-MKUUNUUi tMl7 t THEATRES Ifif APOLLO m &882utl CHARLES RAY a "A TAiteTt-mpg my ARDMQRE "SMSNa. CATHERINE MacDONALD te "imSBIZ THw ncnw" AQTOP BKlHTH OlBABD AV A9 1 Jt MATINEE DAU.T HAROLD LLOYD XV XU 1ATZST S.BIZX PIOTtTM "GRANDMA'S BOY" AMP TATOET1IU6 JT BLUEBIRD centlnueu. 1 uaUl U WALLACE REID la "HOC DIOTATQ' rvSt -KII A I atn. ft Itoplewaed Aim wiAninh 2,te. T na f RICHARD BARTHELMESS . am tiAlll in "THE mvnv .. FAlRMOUNT 38 VaMad HOUSE PETEkB and MATT HOOK "THE STORM" Am. A!W 56TH ST. mT?.WRLi! HARRY CAREY "THE KIOK-BAOA" la in in i'w GREAT NORTHERN SSW "REMEMBKAWt." IMDCDIAI TH ft WALNUT STt, GUY BATES POST In "THE MASQPZBAPES, I IQCDTV BROAD ft COLUMBIA AT. MOVIE VETEBS sad MATT MOOBB la "THE aiuwiw" 5 '. aflMak as-aM mtmJl-A "".Vaba fta "What's Wreag With As W, 4 aaa it 3A1LT raei?" MAVfOI. I WVr.tDIVWIX IffillP. AV CATHERINE MacDONALD In "HEB SOOIAI. VALVE" "dai M rRANKrone avu. and rALM Neruus sn STBJBBT 1 ., wIS? teelssrA-AA S&easatleB ?'". "GRANDMA'S BOY" REGENT $& Wi i!. SHIRLEY MASON , In "VEET TBPXT TOnBS" D I A I TO OBBMANTOWM AVSJNUB Kl AL 1 yJ AT TULPBMOCXBN ST. 3ft MARKET -T - b as aa ' Wswu. Ltihi, ""AMBASSADOln'f t "TOPB BEST raiEND" BALTIMORE t&sa BELMONT 5aRB0.VE ar-w iil V. . !' si fl' " te 11 P M Wanda Hawley and Milten SOU m jumiiib BAitna AR Pfrun a vvnni ran '"Si... li?e :.? ft P. M. a. -W&l'ik. rnoeuoTlOH -AUOVE ALL LA 1 AUfll OOLISEUM ,Hk!t.u, 08tn WUXIAIH FARNUM nuuilHUlfl TALLEV jumbS FHUNT BT A nraiun avi' mXry'pYckfSr " ,1 "LITTLE IQBD rAUKTLEBOT" LEADFR 41ST LANCASTER AVBi ' WWI Ml) MAWO LOCUST "P. LOCUST BTRBBTS Wallace Raid and Lila Lm in "TWg OHOBT BREAKER" NIXON MD ANO MARKET STS. " HENRY B. WAL-THAlL in "I.OMO CHANCES" DI1M r ltd M, aiNiinu mrrm .Vd.!. ijft ' " p. it LIONEL BARRYMORE In "THE rAOE IM THE TOO" SHERWOOD ?,&??, .ajyOTAT. PRODUCTION "ABOVE ALL LAW" AQTH GT Tt.Mtr Opp. "L" Ttrmiati Wanda Hawley and MUten SOlg In "BPBKIHO BANDS" STRAND aTVVa Mr" EBKEST LUntTllOW F0nTfflTTOK "LOVES OF PHARAOH" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.'O.A. CIERMANTOWN Mr,N'S,&Ja.'' v!fflmimm L0 P.RANIT eon eiRABD avsE UiAJBAl!A'tOTaTy!ft" "WhaWlfrtaf WitV the Ifa,.,? 'iVkst'gfriif WkVli. Wwmmr grltBvTTllBAWIIH'AHLP VBLM Ata. A DAUsUkTaW I ' bbbbTbI MhtaXV!. r'V Mak Ul"i-JOi .Aittta & 1 bbbbbI BaaBBaf BBftBBUWa BBBBBBUBaBBk fanBBaB. L. .JCt t HBK BBDHBaBBr IWmWMMUUUUm . BBBBBBBBBBBBBB lawessffij" SHSBsrsi eBarss i ' ifsiliiV hsvArjrirr- I bTbbbbI FlBt1MaAIW' .. v i. "'TftB.' SWCAIlar. ' n ,,!,. BJH "V ... .: il- il ii.Kt'. ru 'l ( a. ,. .1 x i. v . ., . .. .. i ..v.u.u. -.Sr.jti rStSSS f)n'V.:1f.2;!lOT.,)K...,:,ftnimi'- 11 I, ere is in vari ef$lSOOP YOURWashiub! r Your washing or cleaning this week may be worth $350.00 TO Yeu! if smarvvwtoaixeejejtioMabootsr . w new gnpaysaahkig prodect with the wnmBtchatl race ef egAilnewa about the homfcTheatMrwerBteaflof the qamtietm will be ebvhraa after yoe imrm read ,tha tan Ken facta ghranbtlew. 8kK oer ancmncement of thai prlae 'esbv, frandrada of wtxTaaobaveyMtetbedealeyBaaacerwdcotrtaatblA BotMefthadaalera ran abort of contest blank, bat we have reetodsdthaTO.IfyeoweTecoeoftiala procure a blank, your dealer new baa one for you. Ne pur- cheegkneceeeary. One hundred and thirteen panoea are gcteg te be happy when their taunea are announced aa winoarakitbJacenteetandwe wantyoutebeanxB3gthaan. Put KBN te ike Test everything a'Sjoed will aecempDeh ehoeJdgccompUsh. Ita reed the ten Ken facta your easily thought out must be submitted. Ttenns are free and you may compete for the prizes without buying Ken. Send as many replies as you like, every one will be carefully considered. The Questions 1 WcinennkeKEJf Why? 2 KEN taeuperk te aD ordinary bar ap9,rlai?cT washing powders. In what way ? 3 KBNisnKreaccqemlcalthan ordinary bar soaps, flakes or washing powders. Why is H ? 4 Ken saves time and labor. Hew does It? 5 Ken does net roughen or redden the hands. Why ? . 6 Ken washes everything. What are some of its washing and cleaning usee? The Prizes win be divided as follews: product apparent If you te the questions will be First Prize . Third Prize $350.00 $100.00 Second Prize Fourth Prize $200.00 $50.00 Details of Contest In addition there win be: Four Prizes of . $25 each Fifteen Prizes of $10 each Ten Prizes of . $15 each Eighty Prizes of $5 each St The prizes wffl be awarded for the beet original thoughts en' Ken expressed si replies te tbstqneettene listed below. Pack your answers with fact and mforrnstien. Fact will influence the judges mere than fine writing. Get from your dealers .copies of the questions and ferme en which your answers r$Ph ; i" X! W, All aasiwcra mast b written apem M dall rsuuvciR vomrenATiojf, ipUtsd tbelr xaaUsatleB of tha Remember these points i avlrta. STha 3 Th oentast closes November 11th. 4 CerrtettMsa In ptBiat;, avassnaar m Bat li m nil I bat ndlm haalS ha en assets! fcmat, pveearaMa at year avaeere. 9 Yimr aealsr wilt aveir ye wnk a easaale pasaaga of KBH , reaasst. 0 TteivjagsaMlsienUSaat 7 Mers than eat reply fenamayfeei la thoentoftU,thIU ariose Uea te eteb tytas eeateetaa. 9 Taaaasaeeeftbe The Judges of the contest wffl be : Herbert D Pease, M. IX, Pres. . . Pease Lab., New Yerk W. S. Stafferd, Pres., 5. 5. StaiTerct, Inc., Inks, New Yerk Ida Bailey Allen, Demestic Science Specimlitt, New Yerk KM- rial blaaka ebtataabla at nil aroeera and meet be received by the Contest Editor repUes, the auoaaeesaent el tbe prlse winners will be made thru this newepaper. 10 Tbe KsadaH rVodeets Cway salsa ssststy ler fapHoe loett aelaysa ee i II jesBsi ataet oe atoSed la rredaets Cerporauea, re LaBnBBnBnBBBBf' " BnBBfBBnBaanBBnBfl T&iK I MHHanflBfl eSBB Let a FREE sample of KEN help you urin a cash print WhSeKBN Is sold nnder adoSBerBoavyboekBaarantto taavosypurebaetr.wewnnttoraakelt poeeiblefefyento try thle remarkable product In your own home at ear ei penscWehave rurnlehcd yenr dealer with sample pack ages eIKBN for dlitrlbutlen te hie cnetemert. There's one at hla atere for you. Aek for it ted ay, or Include It In your order. The paekace contains iuMfI.m kin n rf.m. eUate te yen convincingly tie aupcrler eseellence and eoenorny.Try It en eeme difficult waahlng or cleaning Jebitbaa write your repllee te the eenlut quettlenebaaed ea year esperlencee with KEN. Your tecui.hu may wU nenaniiai cash prtaa. rm e A i-raaW 1 KEN U mmlmlHj m te primipU. in lngTeAeniSAdiaactloa.ItiaaQadefroea claaa, goMae tereals of earei Tb com baaa,oaadra)ateadef aa ordinary "BQer," eoeenraatBBatuialetfaandstawaM nicsaeaiyWBasessists dsajpiiiigeyasa. dea. 2 XNimm mv.ttmmkh ae- cacsa he aiisa Is rsfid aad tboraegB. The dirt ie aeaaad heas and carried eaTla tha rteaiag without the nscssalry of rob bing or hard aaaneal aSbrt. 3 KBN it ttmtU ami 94 wifirt. It wilt remove the aeil freaa datety georgette, or the grim frost a heavier garment, isav- Read these Ten KEN Facts SsmH avavlsBi ebbbbv ssBaVfar mm) wWtNmmWmwCw sbwsb taaV" 4 ataWH tsin iat stwidmisui ii avaa the sbUeBss pmy fmULm that ,weare-rtjjoaewsaa,TBMKm anya4saestBeSreaiaBBrilaeBlSg' 5 XaW eyerie ttmmmf tsss s ftea amaoytetbAy,WB4Borfitowa1artoBtfd araofteestaraald. 6 M" '- j -r' rrfiTkjirrjj l.j. rapidly tkaa aay soap yea have aver teed. It U 100 par cant eseW. Xbm la the natnral evolution from tha wasteful aaka aeap aad tha ssera recent flake scope. 7 MBS'Stmvi.pmHfilm0tmtlUr asses sfarceijsrji. It ta concentrated, and gaaa farther than ordinary aeapa. Than tee a package of Xbn centaina approx imately ana half mare than tha average saap package. 8 IBS mum't CMaste m tiwglt imp dint that will injnn tiiiant fairk, or that will redden or ronghen your hands. Ita glycerine content benefits and pro pre tecta the akin. KBN centaina nefraa caus tic alkali, is as mild as a facial aeap and may aafely ba need for personal toilet porpeaoa. 9 XaW fc e ,pwm Ma4sV ,!-,"?"" ' KB" retalna iu full ecTectivoneea under ail drenmataneea and needa no help from ammonia, borax or aeda. S 'M-""-. ar.rj. tnlnf . It ia tha eae product for all wash ing purposes. It's a super waahing pro duct that can ba otiUsed for ovary cleans ins purpose. Made Frem Cern sK.r.e. Washes Everything rtvi FfWSB'fli;, &ti&mm elit' L''M.i.i flJ , j. t iiiiai?ri., . . KwTtE!w!rrl BBaaaaasssaiaa im., i - iii l ifi ir n i llaSJMMliiai ?-"-.jsn Free A Sample Package of Ken NOTHING TO SIGN NOTHING TO 1UY Thara'a a Ubaral earnpl. package of KBN for you at yew demlers. Tisaskaga ceBtaina auftdant Xbn te d.moaaWteya, eaa wclaaTy Ita great economy and euperierlty ever any.aiakUar product you have ever used. Ask for it today and mantles tMe sdvareaement, Oet a contest blank, tee. Watch Xbn work. Then aead In year answers te the Kail prise questions without delay, Yeu may ba eaa tosnarelntbefoaWoaotohpriioertothcieotwtar ! tO . . . JL?.&1. . :L2Vt JB.jjafcaBnBBBBBBaeB5!55a3 .;; l -'OS v' '! H kl r if 'I u 1 i 'il m i - "'iiM