prtyi a MimJi' r i ru iim i if hi ' v "f- w-$imw:4 whmiih i ' v ' 4 n v .tf "iiiiwiiuhii i BSaeSBBBHVT "K "' ,'. YMfWITiiri' Iff i .! I I II I !! lS I I JVi ( 'iMVaf ' . rFVWT9eBX .) . fri tjV'I'. ) "f iA Jt,rH && v.? .n v... &ftv SfcSJ' I'JllflfJ ' . , 1 i HV1 mm t."., . -St "M ; maKf.rm'r U ' V r - ' - L . Ji.l I 'I ' ' -..,? .i''4 rs V .' Miueii ., "fjtyr II VL ,11 J tifc ftuV. iu. PRICE TWO CENtt vel. lxrN:p.-4g ,.;; '"r!! ?i;tfcis!if,ttA,iw,,i4u' ; HILADELPfflA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1W2 rssllsiitl Dallr Hent ena'ar. flabtertptteti Pries N a N Tear kf Matt. i ' WINS STATE BY 301 ,000 AMD CITY BY . v ' i aw , i r? Ij ."'a-.'iM' uWi Mr mB '4Hr4rirVN Msnsnras saflk MMlBvvBtaMir' ;" 'k m 1,'ahj ! J ' .. !- i i a 7IBi I ' V . V v I 1NCH0T 180,368 democrats 4fi i.:,. v . Solid Republican, Delegation; l Sent te Washington. -Vare Wins Twice GREATER HOME RULE WINS HERE AS IT DID IN STATE Only 30,191 Out of 200,000 Vete Against Amendment ' te Constitution. VOTE GENERALLY LIGHT . Lack of Lecal Contests Kssps Interest Down Through out the Wards . Gifferd Pinchot, Governer-elect of Pnnsylvania, led Ws-ticket in this dty yesterday, the Republicans car- rying all but ene of the forty-eight . wards. The Sixth Ward returned te the Democratic column. Mr. Pinchot received 245,547 votes in Philadelphia and Jehn A. Mc 'flparran, Democratic nominee, polled 66,179. a majority for the Ferester of 180.368. . BIrs. Llllllh Martin Wilsen, the only woman candidate for Governer, polled W33 votes en the Socialist ticket In Umi cltv. cemnletclr outdistancing the DnhlblMen. industrially and single Ux ctneiqatei. United States Senators Pepper and Reed rolled un big majorities here and the eeren congressional districts were kept safely In the Republican column with fat ilurnlltles. . Congressman Vare was "elected te succeed (lilmseU in the "First Congres sional District, snowing under Stephen i Flanagan, bis Democratic opponent. Twe Elections for Vare Vare also made an unusual record by his election n State Senater from the First District te serve the 'unex pired term of htu brother, the late Edwin II. Vare. It is probable that Congressman Vare will take part in the special Hesslen of Congress te be called seen by Presi dent Harding. The State Legislature tsstmbUs early in January. Philadelphia voters gave emphatic approval te the "borne rule" amend ment te tbe State Constitution, u change that will enable cities te fit their local Governments te their peculiar needs without running hat in band te the Legislature. Heme Rule Approved The vote here en tbe amendment was : Yes, 100,088; no, 80.101; the totals showing that many voters negectcd te express their will en tbe amendment. Three women were elected te the Legislature from this city. Mrs. Martha Spelter, wife of Assistant District Attorney Kpelier; Mm. Resa S. De letmg nnd Mrs. LUlie M. Pitts. The npathy shown In registration was net entirely dissipated by the elec tion. Of 375,000 men and women quail fled te vote, 00,015 failed te go te the polls. Murky weather might have canned some of the defections. Fer all wndldates for Governer h total of .J?'e8.5 Tte were cast, compared with 841,841 In the primaries, Review of Ward Vete The trend of the election, ward by ward, follews: FieSn " ' s'Micnpi was given n KM0 majority here although. Council man Pemmcr, Vare lender, contributed mere yetcs te Congressman Vare te succeed himself in the national Heuse and te succeed his brother, the Inte Kd win II. We, In tbe State Semite. Second Ward Congressman ltansley, leader of the ward, polled 40SJI votes fimBS,0fJn h't bailiwick. Pinchot fiuv?,' . 4054' &tv,BT,n1 Woodward slightly mere. The Democratic candi ilates bad their names en the ballet, and that was about all. Third Ward Under the leadership Continue en Pice Twe, Column Om Elections Shew. Gain in "Wet" Sentiment i A'wln awny from prohibition indicated In returns from yester day's elections. ew .f'rsey elected Edwards tef senate en wet-dry Isaue'. California prohibition enforce enferce mn measure henten 2 te 1. Illinois fuvered beer and light i!S? by I,mJfiy e -I te J. Wisconsin new lina il.nn M...,.ll vnni feu' "drv" Congressmen, new ierk Democrats iwcni R. with wlne-beeftfdckct. However, liia m.i. ... j . favoring wine and beer is running behind. Velstead apparently beaten for fe'n, Minnesota, but by . dry "-'! Una- "ii-jh" Inat !.. breke even in congressional con- tests, mm M 1 0. P. SWEEPS PHIUL, LOSING : i ONLY 6TM WARD 1 : . Gain in Natien; Carry Governer-Elect GIFFORD PICUOT City Election Reiulti Here for Quick Reading This U the Complete City Vete GOVERNOR Gifferd PlBchet, Rep...... S4S647 Jehn ' A. McSparran. De .. B17 Plnchet's majority i 1S08W UNITED STATES SENATORS (Fer old Penrose seat) Geerge Wharten Pepper, Rep JM1S4S Fred B. Kerr, Dem 57634 -Pepper's majority 18440 (Fer old Knox-Crew seat) David A. Reed, Rep S400M Samuel E. Shull, Dem 59800 William J. Burke, Preg 18018 Reed's plurality 171488 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR David J. Davis, Rep 943004 Rebert .E. Pattlsen, Jr., Dem. ,89880 Davis' majority 180194 SECRETARY OF INTERNAL , AFFAIRS James F. Woodward, Rep. . . 249599 A. Marshall Thompson, Dem. 85848 Woodward's -ajerlty .... 188078 JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT Rebert 8. Gawthrop, Rep.'. . 94981S Henry C. NUes, Dem 68907- fB sssbmsss t Gawthrop's majority 184408 CONGRESS First District William S. Vare, Rep 48094 Stephen Flanagan, Dem.... 8147 Vare's majority .28777 Second District Gee. S. Graham, Rep. -Preg. 31141 Ellen Duane Davis, Dem... 4728 Graham's majority 24418 Third District Harry C. Ransley. Rep 32004 Edward P. Carrell, Dem... 5307 Ransley's majority 27507 Fourth District Gee. W. Edmonds, Rep., Preg. 28388 Jeseph K. Willing, Dem... 8035 Edmonds' majority 10031 Fifth District James J. Connelly, Rep 20058 James J. Sweeney. Dem.... 0010 Connelly's majority 20037 Sixth District Geerge A.' Welsh.' Rep 43708 Rebert J. Sterrett, Dem. . . . 13014 , Welsh's majority 28878 Seventh District Geerge P. Darrow, Rep 31909 Jehn W. Graham, Jr., Dem. 0570 narrow's majority 21830 STATE SENATE First District William 8. Vare, Hep 32882 William L. Rooney, Dem... 7330 Vare's i majority 25559 Second District Samuel W. Salus; Rep 25577 Edward P. Balier, Dem. 1030 Salus' majority Fourth District Edward W. Patten, Kep. . . . James S, McKeen. Dem,... Pntten's majority Sixth District Gee. Woodward, Rep., Pre.. Henry V. Kline, Dem., V. L. Woodward's majority . .... Eighth District Thaddeus S. Krause, Rep.. William Naylei, Dem 23647 41335 18549 30703 33300 0148 94449 SS051 883S s Krause's majority 24418 BATTLE IN DUBLIN hepubllcans Make Attack en Wel lington Military Barracks Dublin, Nev. 8. (Dy A. P.) An attack with machine guns and rifles from nearby housetops was made by I. Ipli Hennlillrim forces lie re against the Wellington Military Barracks tbla forcneou, , ... Three national army seldlern were killed nnd twenty ethers wounded In l lie Hshtlng, which lusted two hours. The casuultlcs suffered by the Ho He publicum were net learned. 1)0 VIIH WANT A, I7HKD AVTOHOBILKt Puuit) -411a"tw7t A XL " ."w"v,, UMIO icaiivr ii.t fu!i"' VK . w.i poreiiini licr list ome or im dmi esraslna te W leunu in vu wi ym at, AV BJ&&sv .J 9t i fe3nlfSflBMBMBMBMBMSj BBaSTTs & H(taHBHBHPJSJPHBHBHBHPHPHgnl HPJPJR?TppHHHHHHjaH xr -v? tJHbbbbb Mf'i ft !diLBBBBBBwK " a&KlBMBASflBaauf S&bmI DEMOCRATS GET: 7 IN CONGRESS INPENNSrUill Alse Sen J 15 te State Heuse and Senatejn Listless Election FORESTER'S LEAD 251,650, WITH 2124 PRECINCTS OUT McSparran Carried Pike Coun ty, Heme of O. O. P. Leader. Baker Lest Dauphin Pinchot Is Eager "te Make GoedT When the election of Gifferd Pinchot was announced the Gov-' erner-elect issued this statement : "I am profoundly gratified by the results of the election. ' "The next thing is te make geed as Governer of all the people of Pennsylvania, Republicans and Democrats alike. "I regard mv election as the op pertunity te pet virtnin things dens for the State, and I ask the co operation of every Pennsylvanlan te that end." Gilferd Pinchot, Republican, was elected Governer of Pennsylvania yesterday ever Jehn A. McSparran, Democrat, Philadelphia and Alle gheny Counties giving the Ferester a wide margin ever the Granger. Returns from-5897 of the 8021 lectien districts in -the State gave Pinchot 639,067 and McSparran 898, 089, a majority for the Governor Governer elect of 240,978. Geerge Wharten Pepper, of this city, and David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, were elected United States Senators ever Colonel Fred B. Kerr, Clearfield, and Judge Samuel E. Shull, Menree. David J. Davis, of Scranton, was elected Lieutenant Governer ever Rob Reb ert E. Pattlsen, Jr., Democrat, son of former Governer Rebert E. Pattlsen. James F. Woodward t Secretary of In ternal Affairs, was re-elected ever A. Marshall Thompson, Democrat. Judgn Rebert 8. Gawthrop, appointed te the State Superior Court by Governer Sproul, was elected te a ten-year-term ever Henry C. Nilcs, Democrat. 1 DemecraNGaln In Assembly Stiff battling by the Democrats apparently has given them eight of tbe thirty-six congressional seats from Pennsylvania, an Increase of seven, while they wen thirteen seats in the State Heuse of Representatives and two In the State Senate. The proposed amendment te the State Constitution giving cities the right te frame their own charters without re source te tbe Legislature has been rati fied by a large majority, uccerding te late returns. W. Harry Baker, Republican State chairman, conceded that McSparrnn carried twenty counties. Austin E. McColleugh, Democratic State chair man, had predicted that bis party would carry fifty-seven of tbe sixty-seven counties. One of tbe miner surprises of tbe day was McSpnrran's victory in Pike, the home county of Mr. Pinchot. The Democrat in the latest returns hud 1403 votes te 1240 for Mr. Pinchot. Baker Falls Down Dauphin County, the home of State Chairman Baker and Lieutenant Gov Gov ereor Ueldlcman, tell down lamentably en its vote for the head of the ticket. In the primary Attorney Genet ul Alter had a euuu majority ever I'luciiet und Baker predicted the eame majority would be given the Ferester yesterday. Incomplete returns showed that only 200 mere Republicans voted for Pin chot In Dauphin ever the number who had supported him for the nomination ugalnxt Alter, the Combine candidate. The Pinchot majority in that county yesterday was 1200. The Democratic surge outslde Penn sylvania hnd its rctlex in legislative districts In this State. The minority Continued en Pe Twrntr. Column Flve miss"robertsenout; woman wins in ill ' -- Heuse of Representatives Will Have Ona of Fair 8ex New Yerk, Nev. 8. Tlie Heuse of Representatives, despite the defeat of Miss Alice Robertsen, of Oklahoma, still will have a woman member. She Is Mrs. Winifred M. Huck, a Republican, daughter of thelate Wil liam B, Masen, who served hi both Senate nnd Heuse from Illinois, St. Leiils, Nev. 8, (lly A. P.) Mrs. St. Cinlr Moses, Democratic can dldate for Congress from the Eighth District, has a two te one lead ever her Republican opponent, S. C, Reach, ac cording te returns from seventeen of the 222 precincts In tbe district. Oklahoma City, Nev. 8. (By A. P.) Miss Alice Robertsen, Republi can, the only woman In Congress, wus running badlv behind In the early re turns from the Second District. With forty-seven precincts out of 200 heaid from, W. w. Hastings, Democrat, whom Miss Robertsen defeated in 1020, bad 5188' votes. Miss Robertsen's to tal was only 2)03, JV, Y.MtidN. J.; Heuse in Doubt; Features of Election Throughout Natien Congress Senate Republican by 10 majority; tieusc in uouer. Pennsylvania Republican ticket car ries State. Pinchot elected Governer by 801,000. New Yerk Democrats carry . State. 'Smith elected Governer Jy ie,uw. Copeland wins senatershlp ever Calder. . i New Jersey State gees Democratic. Edwards, wet Democrat, elected Senater by 00,000 ever Frellnghny sen, dry Republican. Sllser chosen Governer. Missouri Reed, Democrat, re-elected -by comfortable plurality. Massachusetts Ledge returned te Senate by 1045 majority ever Gas Gas eon. Pelletler defeated for District Attorney In Suffolk County, Mass..) an emce from which court remeveu 'him. ume mate inuerseu nnrains. j Republican, apparently defeated Pomerene for Senate. O. O. P. Heuse delegation returned. State offices split. Democrat eleeted Governer. California Hiram Jehnsen re-elected te Senate by substantial majority. Indians Beveridge, Republican, de feated by Ralston, Democrat, for Senate. Nebraska Senater Hitchcock, Deme crat, defeated for re-election by Hewell. Maryland Senater France. Republi can, whole tendencies are radlcai,de feated by Bruce, Democrat. Iowa Brookhart, nominated by radical wlng'ef Republican Party, wins Sen ate seat. Delaware Bayard, Dem., defeats du Pent for .Senate. Michigan Townsend, Rep., running behind in Senate fight. Minnesota. . Shlestead. Farm-Laber candidate, leads Kellogg, Rep:, for Senate. North Dakota O'Connor, Dem., leads frazier, Hen-r. itep. Texas May field, supported by Ku juux man, elected te senate. West Virginia Neely, Dem.; leads Sutherland, Republican Incumbent, for Senate. Wisconsin La Follette returned ' te fenate. Bcrger. 80c, re-elected te louse from Fifth Wisconsin District. Wyoming Mendell, Rep., and Ken drick. Dem., in dps race for sen sen aeorshlp. , Beer amendment beaten in Ohie. Illi nois votes for modification of dry en forcement las. "r ' Mrs. Wtnnifrcd Huck elected te Con gress in Illinois. Miss Robertsen de feated for-re-election In Oklahoma. Believe Police-Are Handicapped by Scarcity of Men and Funds v REVENGE THEORY HELD The Deven Citizens' Association is net satisfied with the investigation of the "poison enke mystery" which caused the death of W. W. Sterrett and the Illness of his wife. J. Cliften Buck, chairman of the Citizens' Association, stated today he favors the theory that Mr. Sterrett, nn expert accountant, discovered a short age in some one's account, and that re venge or fear prompted the mailing of the cake. Mr. Buck, who is associated with n drug firm in this city, said Mr. Sterrett had done auditing work for that con cern. He believes Sterrett uncovered defalcations clsewhere, and that seme one, faced with exposure, decided te seal bis lips. "The Deven Citizens' Association is net entirely satisfied with the investi gation," said Mr. Buck. "Deven is a quiet, 'mind-your-ewn-buslncss' town, nnd in normal circumstances resents delving into anybody's pnst. The mem bers feel that nil members of the Ster rett family are absolutely innocent of the poisoning." Mr. Buck said Police Chief Kelthley. of Deven, is unnble te make a thorough investigation because he must patrol the community, and there arc p funds available for engaging Invcatj. . , j. UNDERWOOD TO STEP DOWN Birmingham, Ala., Nev. 8. Senater Underwood, of Alabama, formally announced he would net be a candldate for leadership- of the Democratic minority in the Bonate ntter yestenle "rTliA nnni1Ul..n nt Mv linnWIi ' ..' the Senater, "makes it advisable both a .. .. .', ...j ..v..i.i, nth in justice te the party and te myself met i siieuki net iik te de re-elected. I de net want my friends te feel nny utinecesaary alarm abort my health, but It is net robust ciieukIi for me te eontlnue after March the duties of leadership, which require imch con stant attendance," Daylight Saving Defeated Reading, Pa., Nev. 8. (Hy A. P.) Citizens of Rending and Berks Coun ties were given nn opportunity at yes terday's election te record Vhelr pref erence for dnvUght t-nvlng. The propo prepo sition wnn defeated by fully 7000. The vote wns taken In order te fchew the official public sentiment en the question. uThe Heuse of Mehun", A striking novel of American life exposing the fast-living younger set, the money mad and the social climbers with a geed honest love story thrown in, Begins Today Page 29 DEVON OTIZENS RAP remn STATE ASKS PRISON FOR CHANDLER ON ''REPAID LOSSES" Refuses te Accept Plea That ' Clients Have Been Given Meney Back JURY CHOSEN 10 MINUTES AFTER TRIAL IS STARTED Mendenhall Faees Court With Fermer Partner en Swindle Charge Jurers Selected for Chandler TrUd Theodere Lecker, salesman, 2282 Park avenue, foreman. Richard Miller, colored, mechanic, 8860 North Sydenham street. James McCrea. real estate, 123 Merge- land avenue. Rebert J. Fester, draughtsman, 6106 Baynton street. William Murray, carpenter, 2825 East Cambria street. William M. Sapper, electrician, 6241 Walten avenue. Jehn Gallagher, weaver, 2614 Orthodox street. Washington Baker, colored, carpenter, 2110 St. Alban's place. Herman White, deputy sheriff, 1121 North Twentieth street. Merris Nelsen, dealer, 825 Maatea street. Rebert Shaffer, contractor, 4100 North Darien street. Jeseph T. Rice, machinist; 5808 West minster avenue. Fred T. Chandler, Jr., and Earl Mendenhall, members of the. bsnkrvpt brokerage firm of Chandler Bres, k Ce., for several months before 'the im failed knew that they were Insolvent, yet sold depositors securities and con verted the proceeds te tbelr own nst, according te Assistant District Attor ney Fex today. This charge was made at the begin ning of the trial of the two bankers today before Judge Stern en indict ments growing out of the failure. Chandler and Mendenhall, youthful nnd dapper, were compelled te listen te a scathing denunciation by the assistant district attorney of methods which he said were irregular and illegal. Made Ne Excuse, Says Fex The Assistant District Attorney de clared that the bankers had deliber ately taken securities left with them by customers, and bad sold tbcm with out a vcstlue of an excuse. Mr. Fex also made tbe point, in his preliminary speech te tbe jury, that tre Commonwealth was net concerned with restitution, and that It was the duty of the jurors te return a conviction even though the bankers had made geed the depleted accounts of their customers. ' At the trial today it was brought out for the first time that young Chandler owned 51 per cent of the stock of the company, or a contreling Interest; that Karl Mcmlcnhall owned lOMi per cent, that E. H. Little owned 10 per cent, and Leuis 1. Waring owned 10 per cent. Fe Outlines Case AHRlstnnt District Attorney Fex, In his opening address explained In detail the ni'riiKitleiiH that the defendant bad converted te their own use securities pledge dfer mln by Lewis Beyer, of Tyrene,. Pa. He nhked conviction for embczzlemuit as banker, broker and agent, and for fiaudulent conversion. "The firm of Chandler Bres, it Ce., in which the defendants were partners, hnd in their possession a great number of stocks and IieihIh, carried as margin fort heir cimtemcrs' accounts," he said. "They hud In their efllcu a box in which the Fecurities were carried, and at the end of cadi day these members of the firms hnd prepared for them a list of what securities were in that box. This applies particularly te Menden hall. "They had what I would term a safety box in which securities were supposed te have been kept." .Sir. Vex then picked up a small book. "I hhew jeu this book, containing Continued en I'nse Twenty. Column rear Hew Women Made Out in Battle for Heuse FIRST DISTRICT (Elect Twe) Themas F. MrGewan, Rep.. 16071 Martha G. Spelser, Rep imie Leis C. Ilyrne, Dem 4054 Stephen Ianzltc, Dem 2138 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT (Elect Three) Rexn S. de Yeung, Kep 20196 Benjamin II. Fields, Rep.... 8O6I1 Jauire J. HelTernan, Rep.,., aieoe Theodere F. Ilorgersen, Dem. 8830 Jehn J. Hregan, Dem 7488 Jehn S. Dwyvr, Dem 5440 TWENTY-FIRST DI8TRICT (Elect Twe) Jacob Matliay, Rep 1X684 LUIle II. Pitts. Itep. ai08 Edward J. Davis, Dem...,., 0843 Ateaham E. Hurslunun, Dem.. 7080 with ieut beut Slvfi sest te tfi Whale met. Ouy Katsser Craa UrrlM.dv. , Landslide for Vindicated Faith in People Colonel McCain Analyzes Result of State Fight Says Governer-Elect Has Great - Future Ahead of Him By GEORGE Gifferd Pinchot has been elected with the entire Republican State ticket, as was te be expected In a State that has chosen a Democratic Governer only three times in sixty years. Tbe outcome was never In serious doubt from the opening of the cam paign and the first declaration of prin ciples upon which Gilferd Pinchot made bis appeal for support. Early indications were that con siderable apathy existed in the party organization. This was dup largely te tbe confusion and uncertainty that arose as a result of Senater Penrose's death, and the lack of individual and distinctive leadership. It was te be expected. Thr Republi can Organisatien had never before entered n campaign in sixty years that It . did net recognize its "master's voice." First. Simen Cameren, then Den Cameren, then Mnthew Stanley Ounv and Boies Penrose. In the fall election of 1022 it found itself like a bark without a helmsman. Hesitancy about accepting the Pin chot platform was another contributing LAST-MINUTE NEWS REFUSES TO NOLLE PROS CHANDLER CASE Judge Stern today refnaed te .nelle pros the case against Earl Kendenhnll and Tred T. Chandler, Jr., members of the firm of Chandler-Bres, ft Ce., who are being tried for embezzlement by broker and fraudulent conTeratem. HOME BLOWN TO PIECES BY GAS EXPLOSION The unoccupied home of 7. 1. Wagner, at Blake avenue above Huntingdon pike, was blown te bita by a gaa explosion at 10 o'clock thi3.mernlng. The residence of 7. C. Thompson, next deer, was also damaged. Albert Wagner waa cut by flying glass. Fire followed the explosion and firemen managed te save halt of tbe double house. DEMOCRATS ELECT SENATOR IN WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON, W. VA Nev. 8. Returns from 1522 of 2095 State precincts for Senater give Neely, Democrat, 151,218; Sutherland, Republican, 139,543. SOCCER 01 Northeast H. Fresh. . 1 DAZE BOTH PARTIES Backward Swing of Political Pendulum Amazes Repub licans and Democrats Alike RADICAL CANDIDATES WIN By CLINTON W. GILBERT ataaT.Corrtepondent Eicnlng Pnbllr T.fdttr CefuriaM, tilt, 01 Pulllc Ledger Company Washington, Nev. b. Beth Demo crats and Republicans here are dazed by tbe election returns which arc com ing In today. Indications of a suing te -the Democratic Party developed in the last few days of the campaign, but no one foresaw the extent of the Dem ocratic victories. Ne one perceived that the Heuse was in doubt, with the probability which exists at this writing, that complete figures will give it te the Itepubll cans. New Yerk was conceded te Smith, but no one guessed that he would carry It by a majority similar te that by which Harding swept it In 10UO, and that he would carry through the Demo cratic candidate for the Senate with blm. Ne one perceived that Senater Ledge would escape defeat In Massachusetts by the narrow margin of about 1500 votes. Ne ene saw the probable defeat of Beveridge in Indiana nnd of Kel logg In Minnesota. Campuign "Shadow Dance" The campaign itbclf was 1 shadow dance. The real Issu operated te swing the politic. Allium tlftflr ftvim n trntnAnrlmiu lican victory of 1020 te a grent Demo - Deme - cratlc victory In 1022 was neer bieught te the surface. Discounting the effect of all the local tssues, all the personal Issues like that presented in the amazing personality of Governer Smith In New Ye.l. there :,,, "i, . ' through such results as the amazingly ttmAI, HAf. 9t Ua.n,nM T A.Tni. . I. l.n.l ' showing of Beveridge In Indiunn, Kel logg in Minnesota, Townsend in Michi gan, Sutherland in West Virginia, Ileeckman in Rhede Island, and the Republican candidates In the Presi dent's own State of Ohie. The Democrats have had their suc cess without deserving it. Their party showed no intelligence, developed no Issue, entered the campaign in fear and trembling, and never established such contact with the voters' mind as te Continues sa rate Twentvt. Celusaa rive ELECTION RETURNS rC 8 .rVXn "i; E.V. ?rZk-m. Wile the cfl remove,. f.e, the He- tlenal Administration's coiuddtrniien Camden was "aeen hv the VeVTCT. ,M Centinwi nn r" Tnty-enc. c,iran Twe before the campaign of 1024 begius. ,.rner Kdwarda ca'rrled the ' nfv aZl oTftn7e"nDfto vtTrVaT n. There is semeth n which inns iv,.iinirinlr.n h ..,. .i ',',1! .;ul STOCKS DROP. THEN R RP Fess Leading in Ohie Mr. Pinchot I NOX MeCATN factor te indecision and consequent In action. . . .. It proposed radical, but necessary. reforms in the party's policy. It was, in a sense, se revoluntienary that It was regarded by many as Idealistic and impractical. . It was neither. It was, however, new. -It proposed untried things, ine reactionaries opposed it. .When hmcwip. enuntv leaders dis covered that Gifferd Pinchot was in earnest, that he meant what be said and guaranteed en his pledged word the en forcement of his program, tbe tide changed. , . One by one the county leaders ac cepted his conditions. Candidates for the Heuse and Senate pledged support. The word was passed around te get be hind the man from Pike. , . , It cannot be denied that lndivianai Interest moved n majority of the Re publican politicians te this decision. The issue was clear cut. There was no middle ground, no room te side step. It wns cither Gifferd Pinchot or Jehn McSparran for the next four years. Continued en Tax Twentr-ene, Column Six SCORES' W. P. H. Trcsh.. 0 0 Victer King Has Commanding Lead Over the Incumbent, Frank Van Hart CHANGES IN CITY COUNCIL Camden today Is rubbing Its eyes in wonder after one of tbe greatest po litical unheavals that has marked elec tion day in recent years. The Republican organization, rated as of the strongest in the State, was handed a terrific shock by the Dem ocrats, who elected a Mayer, for the first time in eighteen years, nnd wen three seats in Cltv Council. In addi tien the Democrats cut down the large, majorities thnt had been predicted for nil the G. O. P. candidates, both in tbe city and cepnty. Councilman Victer King, Democrat, of the Twelfth Ward, was elected Mayer ever Acting Mayer Frank 8. Van Hart, Republican, after one of the bitterest tights ever waged In Camden. Republicans had predicted a majority of nnoe and upward for Van Ilnrt, but Klnj was victorious by about 700 votes. Twe weeks age, Van Hart wns n 10-te-l shot, but sentiment turned In favor of King within the last week nnd the tide carried him ever. Mayoralty Contest Clese The vote in the mayoralty contest ran clese throughout the night and it was net until 3 o'clock this morning thnt the result was known. King's own wnrd. the Twelfth, nut liim nv,. . by giving him n majority of 1000. The 1 Uevcntli, the Bister ward of the J.W-PIK11, pave mm n majority of 400 1 1 Secretary ami a in "ier of the firm of ! !'' Fex-Kapplcr I-eundry Company, Philadelphia. Edwards Carries the City by moo ! United States Senntnr vJtiLJi. ,l,in. i ?i. ?.!. ?.c"r JreHnrhtiysen .' 'i'" . i .'i"'"'.",rA '."crnur 11 "iu'ib, nut urn lirrtu , Camden IS One of tllR linn. .1.11 ! strongholds of the State and the (. e P. has fought strenuously te pile un '.I majority te off wit EdwSrA.. ..""P.." in North Jersey. ..w state acnuter itunyen ran ahead nf Fielli.ghuysen in the city and secured ii majority of about 000 ever Judae BlUer, whose election has been co". ceded along with that of Governer Ed wards. y u Congressman Patterson. Rep., was ConlUuef rase Twttr. Colu ratio HMMEH MAYOR N CAMDEN iici'h n 1 Camden Vi Mayer-elect Im Knrvin- .iu ----, - . . r - ..- - . ' ,im no- m-i. nun ni-.iii'ji 111 me e which "cenil term in City Council from Urn nnmnrrnt. wlm V,m V '"TlnnH ini,h k . n nme acknowledge wet active member I the bedv ti iu ..1 .-..., -. 'I'., nlfil. lir..l 1 1. - -. .. n-ii iii:i ifirn i tr .! - uj lill't IT I1IIIII IIHIII ttnw n. a m m m a v G. 0. P. RETAINS r A IN S N TE MAJORlTr CUT Republican Party Leses Settj In Beth Branches of Congress LODGE SQUEEZES THROUGH DESPITE HOSTILE TIDV Harding's Vete, Piled Up Twf Years Age, Knocked Right and Left BEVERIDGE IS DEFEATED! Smith and Copeland Win Err pire State Edwards j Carries Jersey Bu Atteetated Preat New Yerk, Nev. 8. Swept before 4 rising tide of Democratic victories Id many States, the tremendous Republi can majorities piled up In the Harding landslide of two years age were knocked right and left in yesterday's elections. The Republican majorities in the United States Senate and in the Heuse of Representatives were sharply reduced, but Republican manager declared they would net be wiped out. When twenty-five States bad corn pleted their congressional returns' neither Republicans nor Democrats had progressed far toward control of the Heuse. The vote then steed : Republi cans, 185; Democrats, 187; Socialist 1. Iowa was the only State which has returned a solid Republican delegation Tbe vote earlier had steed with both parties tie at 178 in the race for the necessary 218 majority. It become plain that the deciding votes were yet ' te come from the West and Middle West. Ledge Squeezes Through 8enater Henry Cabet Ledge, Re publican Administration lender in the Senate, squeezed through in Massachu setts with n plurality of 1045 votes in nearly a million votes cast, nnd friend of Colonel William A. Gasten, hlj Democratic opponent, were talking of asking for n recount. In Indiana. Maryland, New Jersey New Yerk, aucnignn ana west vir inln Democratic Senators rcplaclnj Republicans hnd cither been concede or were Indicated en the face of thai returns. The Republicans hnd an as- sured senatorial victory te their credits however, in Nebraska, where R. B, Hewell dlsplnced Senater Gilbert M Hitchcock, a Democratic lender, and prospects of another in Ohie, although today's returns showed Senater Pom erene, Democrat, cutting down the lead of his Republican opponent, Repre sentative Fcss. Net n single Republican gain In thej Heuse of Representatives hnd appeared today te count ngnlnst the inroads tha Democrats made ih every State. VarN eus causes ranging from prohibition tel tariff were being brought forward as responsible for the results. When the tabulation giving each major party 178 seats in the IIeuss) was made, only twenty-one States hssl made complete returns. Du Pent Leses Seat The returns se far would reduce the Republican majority in the Senate from twenty-four te fourteen, with prospect of a further reduction. The Intest Democratic gain wns in Delaware,1 wiiuri' -LiiiiiuuN l-. Dii.ruru. jjemucriiw defeated T. Celeman du Pent, present Republican Senater, by mere than 1300 vetci. With the defeat of Governer Miller, of New Yerk, by Alfred H. Smith, the Republicans lest thirteen seats of the) Enmirp State in the Heuse of Repre Hentativcs, and n Senater, William M. Calder, who was beaten lv Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Democrat, Health Com missioner of New Yeik City. With Democratic victories in ether Stntes some national figures clone te the Republican Administration, am Presi dent Harding, personally, went down te defeat. Senater Ledge, of MiihmicIhi Betts, ran far behind the ticket In his State. F: clingliuysrn Ileatcn Senater FrelIii?liuHen of New .7er W, ene of the President's Intimiitni. , who ran en n dry platform In Xc, Jcr- I .. nc. 1... r. 1.1 1 "vrriiur i.uwarus, en an Onenlr platform. Judge SU SU SU ioverner. Senater Jehneen, Republican, of California, came back, as did Senater McLean, of ConncetHit. one of thn Administration' leaders In the tariff fight. In Indiana former Governer Tints ten, Dem., defeated Senater Albert J, Wall Street Gives Ne Indication af Election Attitude New Yerk, Nev. 8. (Ily A. P,)- Early stock and bend market price failed te give uny indication of Wall street's attitude en the election results. Opening pipes of standard issues were generally lower, which ordinarily might appear te construe the election iih a "bear" argument, but the list started moving upwurd later. It was apparent that much of the early weak ness was due te continuation of Men day's profit-taking- sad short selling, i M . K L vd Ml '! tm 4 i- H 'j i .) A f ' 5 JV 'A m )SmMh&'ivju&?&J;t'Za&i A A- .MiH.n ,)' !V3lLfc-S 'YJA, ,.? . !lUBi.7A