fir. .?:".: ' V BSe"-" wnt WAWTtft-MAM uera ' i! ; J, ; te enter our mm- al is office, messenireras u p &niy promotion w blither posltlei Apply Bmpljymjnt Dtpnrlment Saturday neon a-AnB. BOKHUCK AND CO. 4M0 BObsBVBLT BOULEVARD )TT ners. step in . i n take, n, took lit fh ether anjl wises. prospects nd ether Interest-S-'ittrr we're ready thin week te take ln,l?m"'e brlKlit heys. 14 te 17 vars. nnd en full; ..WriY "tjeuit of their huslness ility TWive PROPOSITION in money. Iiusl &m wwm and thane, of promotion. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKEtVB DOTS SIJa'uy ronWABvANCBD,Vesrric.N8. M SNELLKNnURO ft CO. MARKET. IITK TO 13TII 8T8. CLEHK. &n about' l yiSr. of ae; muat coma wall r,COmn,eApply mhnd Chestnut St. APK inr wr. a. .., FFVnK wanted te un stock record boeka C and Kenera cl.rlcal werk: ive wrtenw. r?"rence and lalaiy dsulred. P M. ldr Office. rTTiTfilASTERH, ahapers and oeeketmaksTs. Apply ' '"chararli. Ifllh and Hamilton. . EI.ECTBICIANS and helpera Flrat-elaaa men en mill work.. Apply llesa-Brltht llftf. Ce.. Frent st. ana una ave, rTrfMATOH wnnted. experienced, en build- in.- construction work; chances or neceminir nJiTiiier of firm: ulve practical experience and mnir w "'J'," " .',.mnh..ll I'nnstruel nn ivi.. I'oelnr nnd Nolile st. n rmrp. ii. ... ... - ----- Haaleten. l'a. KXTRA MONTCV FOB EVENINO WORK TVe can clve employment 8 or mera eve lilnss ench week tu scverM nmhltleua men nirr "S iciirs of nue, who wish te make ienTe extra money thin fall and winter! .this is refined work and excellent pay for thete elected... Call Tuesday evening only. 1001 Celtnlal Trust Hid, at o'clock sharp. Ak for Mr. Dyars. r.n!,nKNnF.RO'?. WASHINaTON. n. c., uii.Ij nr.wi'i' -'. -a-''"'. szi ?rt' LAKOBEBK wanted; appt at once. H; HrUht itanufucturlnit Ce.. Frent at. and Erle n vp MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT 8TANDARD WAQE3 PLENTY OF OVBRTIMH FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 1BTH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M. TO 3 P. M. MAN AND WIFE, coterad or whir; manl for butler nnl houseman, wife for second) rral.l end assist with children: refcrtness require: aoen pay te satistirctery couple. Phene Clrmantewn 40B4. San Wanted, man for ad writer and aa Blatant salesman, for credit furniture stele In rettsvlllia. Pa.: state av, atve ref erence!, aieu n'iuirv expeciea: sieaiiy pesl Tien gnnrantnen. jl ej-i. ieqyer UfTlce. MARKER Experienced marker and cutte en ueys meuses nni ueys anirta wnnte, ny larie cencsrn located near linrrlsbur ra.; very noeu opperiumiy rer riant mu sieaar went nu year: sinie nasi exsenenat. silary and last tlnrr worked for. Serwiy Blouse Company, TS Leenard St.. New Ybrk City. " . MEN WANTED TO DELIVER TELEPHONE! DUlWaTORIEa MTerr bd rmrvratecH. XPPLT7 A. St TO 8 .m. THB DELL TKLCPKONB CO. QV PENNA.' WAREHCTDHE: DELAWARE AVE ANIpiNK ST. "MEN ! hum i-AREPr.Ir AND SLOWLY Yeu have- been offered aecalled opportunity Perhaps many times, hut Jf mu ire "Xln--.T7ib . n '"". of ieur tlm?revHh" VKM ...i.t .. '..."' MI..1 w in ma nhinrini . - ...- . . : i.incement h. S '.'itructlen anil help: fta- MEN ARE " YOU BINCERE? W. Kn "l '.? --. .enrwirr .".."leil 1h.r." ther'e" irViSS.iSW pperiunlty for ; ertiu n WlllN'ralnNiV, HA'F'"'' OHCLVN1.ATION for ii.mi, ynt-iippenrlnt-. enerBetle men n Jtirt n fercu 12.1 n week iruarnntned mentt ' Ptone Mr"UC8 M3 'r appoint' '''illleVi5!..! !"' "..""t-class helper wanted", s c mica ' f"ne"nnU",,t' ,or 001 l"b with Write J ,',,rT,b"iwnl; qulek action Bhe'nandea ('V?tt"""h' a V Ceal at. I TORTKRH S'-'euT'dayn,.!;? Aply Hurenti nf Kmplevinent WANAMAKl'JR'H MJ'l-pill,V, siiirlsllv VJJJH MAN'rl . CClMHf IHrllON t will. lir:i!K iruicict ilisig SMSJTalKIJ TO I11CU TMIB st a a... a a ...--... -. .-T". CINQ X- US. n:niKNt:i:D hiiykii and manager fob n-iiiVm FUUNiTunr. store, beeinni.vci 1' nUAHY I, lOMi SPLENDID POSI TION ALL APPLICATIONS IM ABSO LUTE CONFIDENCE. 1 n Stir ?'!S? W n7; --lmaHS lean hi ,T '1X$m " "hew us you ;; U ''!nnUni!irioei Market st, 7utnn"n,VriU7 lilrcn nt"nnl'tal "Winl. mnn i"'.J ffl'l( reejulred. Bw Mr fhae. '" !'p M W1'' '"" "hla., 10 te 12 A. M.. 2 TBil.LS-tlirilV UIMl Mil cxper rtaeil. ettv nn.l i ! J,'.rUei vtj Wlvj, JViSg. cita.aiTi i.'." '".''.'.'nilK-s wanted in "oil" I Irn erl "1 . 'i1 '""'"'n Pentisvl. anla, 'fei'liriai!;' xVL't'erilldi!01" HU lli"4iii ii.iii!?.,"SXMANUKACTmii:il UK H".a!l.'""''D PODD PRODUCT flNT " . y'tp IiWIv W,im:rii'nci'dt nni. W IS'lTsT'i''-..', ,".l '(AHHI.PHIA AND ' ; l-i'r i'"V.i.: .'I'.'i'S1 OPP()ltTI'NIT ; SvvTili ''''., "'I -Mi-Si RI1PLY CONl'lJ r AI.I'hMAN THIS AD "llT'Hi7" in- "nt i hwnm.D iiNt y AliiY miu:al ' iitiVNn ,A : !lV,.'l'ni fi.ii.NTi-i ''hi: i i -7s A.MI.MIOI TO MAKK mn iinViUv.'.'.if.. mwmmmfm, HM WAKTBPMAT,E SA',E1'"AN' nm clnm ter In.Kely a ivi-r-h,ilf!!i Srl .""""ally, hlah-jifade com cem pierclal priipniiltleni cninml'-flnn Taitln cijrn Itiijn from JiS.BO ts Ml) per diy. Apply with referenn-a lirtwceti 111 Jill and 11:311 A, M s!,u J""1 ontumera' Mutual Abme., a.Ult Market at. BALKHMAN wanted; a real, live unappy naieamnn; a man Ihnreuxhly nciiualnieil ttitli the arecere. Imkira, remiturnnt and buteliera north nf Market afreet preferred: hnw u by letter that etl are the mnn we w at. Jehn 1.. nyen, Bex ftla. Hcrnntnn, l'a. KALEHJIEN ' Htu.ellilfv. titah.nntvi.rc1 in, setter. Who v.ittiew hla limn al nnl tn than M01KI nnd who knewa he rnn produce ii.iiuu ie nn.iiue wnern emer men are earn In them ntneunta: the men we deelre mux meet exceptionally hlRh atamlardu nnd peuapan real npxclntty aulea record hacked up will, references: muet by able tn pruxmt our product, nn Improved huilneii" eervlce, te chief executives nf all line nf Industry and wmvnl hual.iri heunea; thin Ih nn Im proved product, practically without comp iitien, in ue anu nixniy inunrsn vy iimu ands of lendln exeeutlvea of the V. H, A.; larita Chleaaje corporation, wnll entnbllehed haa exclusive territory open In Philadelphia eun rorrjeratlnn. wnll eainh Inherl. haa exclusive territory open In PhlladlPhU and Blata of Pennaylvanln. each nf which contain' from 40(in ornament! tiuxi neaa iareated last yenr 27 per cent nnd newajaRreaier increanc rer ni.'z: inauau- Tatltw campalan cf national ndvertlnln In nadlns publlcallena and direct mall te 12n.ne0 exeeutlvea, Inrje perrentnue of un solicited renewnla; f-itl lemmlvulun raid tn atcimnn en all bualneea from hla territory, which Inbludea rencwala and mall order.", aa welt aa perrens! bualneai; Ita aalcamen ara enrnlnc from ItlOOi) te lla.nOe jenrlv en atralaht commlaslen baala; Re per cent of aaleamcn accepted have produced bualneta their flrat day, earned ever their quota the flrat week; are atlll with" nra-anttatlnn nnd ahewlna; steady Increaie; A thernuah, eon een centrated tralnlna alven Inside and peraimnl assistance glven en the. field .until pre duclnv; large benua fur flrat orders; hlKheat type mall nnd personal co-eperntlnn: rnlea hnlpi, mica contests and bonuses) constantly given; tn salesman of proven ability this la a real opportunity, with large future: llttle traveling's Immediate nctlnn necessury: de net answer unlesa you are confident you enn earn ever I000U with proper connection nnd are willing te give cntnplete outline of experience In your flrat letter; give nddrcsa nnd phene number. A '10.1, Lrdger Office. SALESMAN Teu can Incrnasa your Income by dovetlr. your spare tlm te the blacnng pmjini of high- arade investment Issue; veu wilt rneelii, completo sales training In this work nrd will be paid en a liberal cummlaslen basis; this Investment Issue will stand complete Investigation. Ask for Mr. Bradley, 0 te 5 dally, evening 7:30 tn 0. FRENCH. CO., 701 Handera Ttld.. ICtli and Walnut its., t'hllsdnlphla. Pa. SALESMEN Yeu are offered the opportunity of entering th sales force of a nsw organization, wlvre you will be naked te seU securities of only a hlgh-grnde Investment nature; you will be paid for jtiur aervlciu en a liberal com cem com mlsslea basis. The men we nrs seiking must have a rlean record, character and the dsslrn te Brpvr with us: selling , experience Is dcslr dcslr able, but net nccessard; immediate training will U arrang-d. Aak for -Mr. Pradle. ., FRENCH ft CO. Roem 701 Flanders Bid. 13th and Walnut sts. Phllade'tjhla. Pa. fA,T.K8MEN We hale nn opening for sev eral enerset'c snlelmen te de some spe-lI fdvntiee publicity rtjrk In connection with Uie official source) rfcerds; the work Is en a commission basis an1 extremely remunera t ve te a man who can talk Intelligently u Liu h.lK'e"t1 fade bf leHds, which are fur- 'lie nigpest trade -of leHds, nlshcd; position will he perms L R. itcKee. ItEHS BY." Flanders liidg., llth and W tween 10 and 12 tfr I anrl 8. 1 """S1. :';""."'" Si no permanent. Hee Jir vrxniCATis, 1U Wnlnut st a., be. SALESMEN, tixcirlencurl, te stall elsctrlc waahlng rnnchtves en a salary or commis sion basis; don't npply unless you have had some experience In sales werk: we want men who urn willing te work; write, giving full particulars, regarding your past ex perience, p as J, Tedwr Office. SALESMEN, dver Sit. te connect with n growing cemwany; worth-while opening te iiuan .tiie rial quniliy. MOO Mr. AiyrlCV Roem 342. nail Chestnut st. BALES I'RO'iIJCERS We want several solid, deters lined mm whn m,i allr wl.t, inn irum nnj rc.liew instructions our rerniniiMif sales force; excer r-ertunlty. ,Vrlte M. C. Hernste Electrle Ce., Ill N, Bth st.. Read the truth nn fcllev Instructions te add te xceptlenal op ep nsteen. Crans i in m. mil si., usaqing, t-a. HHOIJMAKIBRS Experienced cutters en ladles' fle shoes. Apply Laird. Hcheber m a-u., it.-n.ana .MarKet sts., second noer. 8TKNOOR.I PHER loed opportunity for young nvn trnlneal as a capable stenogra pher and tr.-plst. who Is willing te devote most of the tUue te Interesting detnlla In modern manufacturing offlte: give age, educutlen nnd expeplenca. A. U08. Led ger Office. tfiTeric hai.i-s Mivinnn Wanted, flrst-clam experienced stock sales manaatR te handle cart Issue i wail-estab-llshtd rrporatlen. Apply S.. 109 W. Xlna i. Pa. TRAK'flC MAN. nssls'nnt. under SO. able te . df-velpn frelcht rates tn points within terrlrcJ-y 300-400 miles from Philadelphia: state fpw). schooling, experience, salary de sired J and what office appliances you can eparaJe. Addresa Clilaf dlsrk. C10 Wldener UPHOLSTERER. first class, steady position and,, oed salary. Apply "The Drapery Shea." 181 E. Hanevar St.. Trenten. N. J. WANTED Rniipenslble position of trust for men ever 2."i years of nBe: must corns well recom recem mended: no experience required. Bee Mr. ljfyers. betwoen 1" A. M. nnd 4 P. M., 1001 Colonial Trust Hid. i'OtlNO MAN. ttrena. experienced In shln- plmr department ef nhulesale house. Ap- imj :. freni sx. Oenerat PRAPFIC MANAGERS Salary ranges tSOOO te 110, 000 yearly. We want te hear from capable applicants wne wisn ie quality ter important railroad and Industrial traffle work, lendln- te traffic mannuerlal positions, hand I Ins; for eign and domestle shipping. Our ericanlsatlnn, with a large staff nf Interstate commerce, railroad and ocean trafllp experts, with representatives through, out the united States, has been culled upon te help meet the demand for trained men. Experience Is net necessary If veu are ambitious nnd willing te lenrn. as this train Ins; can be done while heldlnir vnur preeent positien: accepted upplli'nin will be pluced under the direct supervision of en of our staff, an experienced Interstate commerce nd railroad traffic, expert et national repu tation. Write ter booklet R-1B and full particulars, gad a personal interview win be granted. IA BALUB EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Philadelphia Office 1814 Walnut st. Telephnne: Spruce 1481 Open Evenings IIN0O A YKAR AND UPWARD Don't be a mediocre man; nrepnre yourself for urenter eiirnlnit peer; In n few months ou can liecume n Junier ncceuntiint, te earn from tltJOO ft yenr nnd upward. A SHORT CUT TO A lioel) SALARY Our corps of certified public ncceuntants, amenn the best In the country, han worked out n short-cut system fur men who must held thelr Jobs nnd at the sumo time progress te greater earnlmr capacity: this university Is constantly asked te And men who nrs tiulned acceuntnntsi If you will buckle down te sincere work and enrneit effort for a few months you he ene of these trulned Htiir't new: It will net Interfere with your dally work. Call, phene or writs for Heek- ''la'saLI.R KXTKNSION t'NIVERSITY l'hllndelphln Ofllcn 1D24 Wnlnut st Telephene Sprues 1481 Open evenllik-w SOMEWIIURK IN PlIILADRIaPIUA There's n man we nrn leuUInu fer: he of ceed iippeirar.cij, honest, tiustweithy, evtr nO nnd wllllnit te ke Inte trilnlnu for a siiei-inl iiosltlen that piiys hl for hnrd werli nnd levully: le ths rlKht man w offer u life's work will, leoeiii.wnuti muh IiltKcr than yuu expect: If ou atu the man come In prepared te pre It. Apply personally. 710 WIDRNF.R RI.DO. J Pi RUFUS McGOOFUS Father la a Cake Eater s s s iiii i r 1 1 i-1- - h -- m -s 4 . .. - .. i . s 1 1 ishii nuiii si ii im un ! - -..i ---------- MB FMVIW-HW 91UL IN AehDINCt &J X "ZJ Jz!rlZ ' Wm -s ( FOS A CAKE. I'LL PAV 1 T RUT ,Z pTe ..,- . TOia, 1 1 jjs jrgm g- JL IPTOw ; Ls liiivf V-B1 Uf 1 l eai ? -: jS - X -U mWfVAF-U iM --. v p ' ,fc riftrtHJ V . &. HJflfc-- Jgg mm tl J ' h r' iJ---------iZEZ2e--. - mMSamt. 'A- .. ly.iiii "ii rr'-Mr'ff. "ST' 'r s JT - . l"----------isjFI V .. ,.MAjjuua,i... wfrsVwi.,.A..., , .-u.i-.. j,,,l,,. .,,.,.. .. . . ...,.. ! .,.,,1.',., EVENING POTHO kEiTOEk--ffiiilBLraiA, TUESDAY? , HELP WMfTKD-XALfl (lifirnil ClREENEWALlrit HOLtCITB npplientlutis from thoroughly ex perienced office and fnctery executives, men nnd we.nen; engineers, college men, high school graduates; deatrnlile cunnictluns se tuied for HCcnuntanls, office managers, sec retiirles. tiurcnhslng. sales, traffic, office de partment heads nnd nailstnnis; some geed salaried sales prepositions for high-criide men; applications local residents enly: nf-1 Mce Interviews It) tn I only; no enrollment I charges; established same locality slnct, i WIT. THANHPOBTATION WORK Traffic Assn 'latlun vwinta rellnble men te qualify for positions directing domestic nnd ferelg.l shlpplnn; t23n te I.Mld inn.: exp. unneciM.j t'lim. s:hoel education essential; only men of soed tharncter need apply: If willing and lt Hlriun of making cnnneiltun worm nhlli, write, without obligation, stating present position, age. PhlladelbhU P. O. Iln 414. . Ill MINiiXH UKKVICK CO.. 1114 l..nd Title. C'LKRKsi, teucher, billing, typlatl. .., CIICMISTS, paint exp.: SlhOO; nnalyt.l.MlOn ENtlltH.. mining; sir. rwy.: cen. sta,j laoeo. MOIIH., prod.: fnetlU UP! statlMleal dept. HAIiKH. auto trtirks: sal. and cum.- acrecmi. seeds. Mils, rmrla., paints, stieclnltlrg. hAI.Kit MaMammu. nan.. tilni exusrlenea. STP.NO. ft HKfYM.. several posjtlens; ttO-HO tC-Xt .. ...... ..... HM.tllM.BI alllfV. . 11400 te $1800: cxper. unnecessary) write free test Instruction nsrtlc, P 1421. Led. Off SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COLLKUE WOMAN OF 80 WITH TEACH' INO EXPKltn:NCE. niWIRr '"" TION AH TUTOR OR COMPANION IN FAMILY TRAVELING ABROAD; HKIHEHT REFKREXCK8. A fl04. LliOOER OFFICE. COI 31.. girl wants place dish wnsirg or genernl hwk.; nn c'k'g. 024 N. th. F. F. William INl'ANTH Nl'RSK. exp., trustwerthy: tlrsn- eiass rers. wisnes pos. rill e. tptyi . i, RKFiyED eung colerd weman-exn. ntirse, prae. training.' wishes entire charge or in fnnt only; rf. from pies. place: f 15 a week. Merlen 1114. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCUUNTANT-IIUV'KKEEI'KK. nge 21. 4 years' practical experience, nnxleus te .se cure position with accounting concern; will Ina te start for small salary, A MB, l.ed. Off UKAt'FFEUR, experlenteil, wishes position. Hpare lime, afternoons or evenings: fer- rnecs. Address P 120, Ledger Office. CHAI'FFt.UR wanted, mlddle age preferred. Address. Blatlnit salary, A 603. , Led. Off, COUPLE, exper. ; cel.. de. position; personal reference. Phenn Preien B445j , MAN. geed butler and chauffeur, or wife will work tegt titer: geed cook; geed references. Phene Darby 893 W. or call OOd Cedar avc., Darby, Pa. MAN. an. rellablc offlee. aales experience, honest, ref.-renee. inn. A .Mfi ledger Oft SALESMAN, ill), fleer coverings, house fur- nlshlngs. paints; wholesale, retail: 135, A Mil. Ledger Office, SALESMAN: energetic; reliable manufac turer; territory no objection. O. W. R.. II Wldenee Arehde Phlln AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN wanted for salesmen: we pay you a salary; solid tlm. Marks Chamber, agent, 13 Valval at.. Aahe vllle. N. ('. 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MIIS. ':. O. HAItVP.Y. 1U1U lllttenhOUke Rcllnhle help supplied and wanted; all tin tleimlltles. MRH. ROUEIIH. aw rt. IMlth, with Icltihen maids: Pret,: wants cooks, parlor melds. BOOMS FOR BENT CHEHTEIl AVE, 4107 Nicely furn rtni. nnd suite with bnth, elec. het-w. h and tahle beard, CHEhTNUT 8T.. 4227 Laws. warm, com- fertatily furnlheil doiible room In ths big 11 J. elleiv house. I'hene l'reiteii .,7a CHESTNUT. 200U Larae slnale and deublt rentiis; runnlnat water. . FLORENCE AVE.. 401a Purnlshed room. private fnmllv electric: hustneas woman or -entlemsn. Weed snfiO W. U)OAN, S047 N. Comic st. Comfertalila im. ft rd. for aentleman. yn. wye. iwsii i T.cmtrsT NT. 'jn"ll. (nenr Rlttenheuan Ha.) 2 and ,1 moms nnd bath; a whole second floer: reason eM. MT. VERNON ST.. 118 Newly fur. deubl Lm s - sing, rm. ; . rues irein- ie pus, prsr, PINE HT.. 1.101 Twe larae communicating rms.. uniurn.: sin nr. : running wwn s.i iJie: 18TH ST., N 20 47 Nicely furn. rooms for business peuple: ref ren. Diamond 02IH J. 16TIL N.. 1S9 (HOTEL RURIO Central. shopping district: near stations; beautifully turn, rms. : elee. ; spetless: daily, witty, ratea. 47TII ST.. S., 1128 Frent room, furnished" electricity, rhnne Woodland 4431 R. IlEAETIKUI. nn. In med. stone house, prlv adult fam.. suit refined young bus. man! permanent. Phene Ovcrhrnek '.'nXt W. IIEAUTIKUI.I.Y furnished room In latire modern private home; electricity, shower bnth: 10 minutes te t'ity Hall. 1'resten n f.'2. LIONS HEAD AIT. 1213 Locust st.. 2 besutlful furn., single rooms, serMee, linens, etc. WF.HT riiii.AiKt.rn I.V MnATl.T fur rooms, bnth adjoining with private famllv of 2: 1 ln I. u'.it I'hltn. hlllll Meck rrem I. term- neae nr professional mnn nref. : ref exebnnaed. r .'n:i. i. e. jJiXNSYLVAXIA Ht'lirBllAW MAIN LINE Short ride from llrend Street Station; outside room with nrlvnte bnth: Inclesed perrh: splendid serxice-. excellent home table; wiraKe: chnimlnu all-year resi dence; gentleman preferred. A n4 I.ed Off. BOARDING PINE AND 43TH. Vlt'INlTY Lnrge second- sterv front room In private home; nell heated: home coeklnir: exmllent ervlce; eljc tilclty; 2 car lines te center of city. Phene tt.....ll.,-.l line WALNUT. 8U2I- - Allreflltvelv furn fnint dnuiile or sinsjn rmi : med. I'resten HS07 I FINELY furnished second-fleer freni room; all modem convenience!., eeuthern ex ex pesure; In best section of West l'hllndelphln; flrst-cUis table, l'hene Preston '.'3:'T W. TJSED AUTOMOBILES maaiiiftiiifflMimraw MACK TRUCKS ALL TTPKB OK ROD1KS IMiinDIATK DELIVP.RY General Moter Truck Cerp. JTH AND JtORRia STS. laiiMiaiBiisTO Pit YinV 1B23. 0-cylltider. 27-horse power, bUlA-h 3 iwsseuuer lluidster. almost new, drtren lllM miles. Iminedlnte delivery. Price llBO Car has several hundred d"llnr worth ifrxtrn equipment. OIRA1II) .U'TOMOIIILE COMPANY. 2.114-iniK Chestnut Street. Dl ITPl w-i teurln like new, IS33; terms uUlvrV nrrniiKed. ARONaJgAN. J.ROAD.ST, lll'ICK. lO'-'S sport re.ulater. ejn.iient cendl- tleti. H Mr. Hunwr. Stuf. Aireney. filID N. llrend st CADILLAC A pass. 1'mietnn, lery fine nii-cliiiiiliMl iHiiiiiitlnii nml Cur hni nn ubitndanca of ..!f.. Mu .1.., .iil.l In it iiljliearilllie ilhd tlie nil ...wr..n. miinnr.nnpp venlencti uf the driver. It. .nlv fi.r Itiuiiedliite dellverv. Price I'.'IHW. flllt.MIH AIT(IMt). HII.I5 COMPANY. 81H HI It Chi stunt Street. CADILLAC coupe, lite medel: recently eerhauled. excellent winter cur; h.inisln. SCOTT MOTOR CO., 1410 Melen st. PAfMI I Af Tniirle- HUD. type nT-v.. VrtlI lalan' tti..'i: mul sell. 1 lAHO.N'H, 1241 N. Hread st. COI.I3 sport iredel 1H20, wonderful i-endltliin. See Mr, llunkr Stutr. Aitrncy. ran N Rriitd st. CD V suburban sedan, 1021, v'uu- rnnilltliin: af :t'U down. first-class HARO.N'S, IJ44 N. Hread st. nnnfJF Coup. 1020 barwalni ft tlm; LRJUUL, drjtjia.g condition. UAilO.N'd. 1244 N. Hread st. 1H20 DODtli: sedan equipped! I77S. 20S M. , noed conditien: Tvleplienu Oak fullv Lune mmmmMwv&rR USED ATJTOXOBXMeS THE PRICE Is Net the Only Attraction te the Following List et IMPORTANT USED CARS These cars will furnish first-class equipments and save a very important firat and ultimate cost te these who agree with uh that a hiph-fjrade used car in greater value at the price than a new car at the name price. CLOSED PEERLESS CARS Coupe, 4-pass.' $1000 te ?2250 'J Sedan, 7-pass 1500 te 2250 Sedan Limousine, 7-pass. 1600 te 2250 PEERLESS TOURING CARS CAN BE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED for comfortable winter use $1900 te $2250. CARS OF OTHER MAKES BUICK ROADSTER $1150 JORDAN 4-pass. Brougham 1650 CADILLAC 4-pass. Phaeton 2000 ESSEX SEDAN, 5-pass 950 " We highly recommend any of the cars listed as greater value at our price than a new car at the same price. SEE FOR YOURSELF GI AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Distributors Pecrlcxa Moter Cars yr 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. ' Spruce 1446 Dependable Used Cars and Honest Values We have a fine collection of closed CADIL LACS in all models at attractive prices. It will pay you te visit our Used-Car Showroom and select the car that meets your fancy. Our stock includes also the following Used Cars of ether makes te be sold at a sacrifice: 1921 ROAM ER Touring 1920 STANDARD 8 Sedan 1920 DODGE Sedan 1922 BUICK Touring 1920 STUTZ Touring 1918 MARMON Limousine NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene Spruce 0210 Branches : Reading, l'a Camden, ' prcrv B-tiass. Sedan. In flrst-clsss con ! hbebA dltten and iill'e"ince. excellent iira This car nett ever -'W". unr price ii MOW. tllKAlil) A-TtiMOUU.B COMPANY. 5:114-16-18 Chestnut Street. KOHD ceupe: In truc.l ranO"!?", ndf"''i Urea: late medel: pr'ce I'.'aO. Phend Oregon 70HT, irvnrvAM -l-nass. meiesea nrengninn JORDAN Sedan delivered te former owner In the early part of the present year, used very little; condition almost new. This 18300 equipment with all extra equipment new en car can be beusht from us for 1130. SiIiXbR AIITOMOHILE COMPANY 2314-HV-18 Chestnut Street 1921 KISSEL S3" ."B-Jia'K: sired. 124f N. Hread St. MARMON, 11C3 serle, 4-pasentr phaeton. used 3 months. Ilk ikvv, nee, money; will M H .'ML Ledger Office. NO CASH DOWN un new nnd used cars and trucks: you ;:ct poseeasirn immediately. Mj iiTferd l. Diamond 5tnn 0V1:R!-AND I.lttln or no sash down re- i eulrert en new c-n; oe iur,u iiiuiii tremi ' . n ,i,Vtnri9a.1 ilp.itera.! never cloned. r,3 1 Oxford. DUmend. OVKRUVND sedn. sroed conditien: all new tires; will sell cheup. Phene Helrr.utit H77I1 J, nerfect annuirnnci'. r'ie lutiner trim Is with- out soil, stnln or K.ldenci; uf wear, tin sj are ss ,,kI as new en nil 4 wheels. This beautiful "iliilpnii-nt can be far $22.10. l.nin.Mlate dellrerv. flllt.MU) I 'IliMDIIll.R COMPANY. 2.111-1(1-18 Cheslnut Kireet. PCPRI FCC 11'--'- ,"'l,," " Touring I'm rllILr-0 Willi iHrmnnent imi in.' with iK-rnmnent ten. like new In ererv respect, lncludine tires, ir arnui.i he almost Impassible tn discern this isr fruni il lirunil-new nni. i ar vail ue cel r.iniiil.llv I,. closed far ("nmfnrtiihle winter use. Price J '".-ai lilltAlll) AI'TIIMOIIILi: COMPANY ' 2.114-HI-tt Chestnut Street 1Q?0 PArK ARD twln0 eurin. $1378: j STEARNS SEDAN rrrenii"iaw- just I7.4W r AIrtIU wll, tinunce. iJaren's . Jlwllxl,J '-'fT'eut of paint shep: 1244 N Hread sj iUtedHcottMetprJ1.,o ,I IH Molenst. DrCDI CCC T-I'sss. Sedeii-l.lni.i.ilne, liss STl'T. teurln: and I mister, all inedei n. PEERLESS tuVii II..-I erv utti... hs a ..",',u1, ",,",r1,,l 'lr.0,n.'!.h.!;11' UIID AUTOMOBItM 1920 MARMON Phaeton 1920 HUDSON Coupe 1922 FORD Coupe 1921 CHANDLER Sedan 1920 DANIELS Limousine 1922 JORDAN Touring N. J. Pottsville, Pa. PEERLESS m"1'"' '".""""unllv fine n.u. , . xr rtl,len nn'' '"'farnnce. has special he idlluhts and slut ceer Wu will rheerfull demonstrate thl. car te nriive it. unusually fa... condition Price. Il.Oi) i.llt.lllli Al luMOHILi; iiimpanV lan-lO-K Che.t, Street PFFRI FSS ,ose- T,paM' RJ"i. in oed ii- m , , "''r""1"" " condition. W ii will cheerful y demenstnitu te prove thl-t car Is unusual islue at the low price of ll.'n IlIUAItll AITOMOHILE COMPANY u0- 2.114 Id-lS Chestnut Street PEERLESS 4-pjiss. Coup... In soed eend. anl nppinranrs. Wlllhi7.i "as Is" for SHVM. (illlAUl) .MrTUMORH ' ClIMl'AXV 2.111-in-lS Clle.tnnt Street ILt yiv ri-tKLtaa sssi"."!?-. "ww. Limousine' : term Slreil taitjv-'t! ana. t b - ,,ya.l...a .-.. jrfT a. Hread at. PIKRCi: 4t tjurlns car; tlrst-class condition cendition conditien efjuil le i.e'v sji.vlnl low price: owner mii't sell en b seen Chiinceller t, rear ;iiil Wa nut st , Mnndnj. Tuesday and idn-sdni 1 te 4 P M 1021 STL'DKHAKIIR Hsht elx. Sals or easv ininthly vasments Haren's. 1244 V llrea.l it. a' TFARNS "' ,eurl": reconditioned, - - repatnivn. ntw tlrMK. i. ,,vlt. SCOTT MOTi'R CO . 1410 Melen st. m. ii,,,,.,.. steiz .wwi iinu v u..... I 'fT-n'' - T, 4 mm.. ;.,, .;: ,s "J ' ". '" ,, VwrYiV meehur,, V','"heu.M' ' ,, 'r 'Vrtn:-r xTnfI, ul ?hHP'' "' con,',11,'' '"", ,-J,Mr llun1'' hIul? Arfency. UUli "U!"."1" -vr-, I lb2l WIl I.VS KNIlllI I coupe. 4 new cord llr. ir ,; or termj. Ilaren 1JII N Hread st TO HIIIH. 5-7-pnss. tour cars; llmeuslnei tl.AO per hr up Poplar 1U17 Park 41.11 i: I'l VNi'll enra and Uuikit an Id by In- lividui." In ilwdual en terms sntlsfai sntlsfai ter n purchiiser 1211 Chestnut st., Roem 202 Ph"ii" Walnut 12ik). NOVEMBER 7, 1022 FOR SALS I.VI'KeUAL EXCELHI'IR UAMINKI tw RANGE TOR HALS: fi "'"iSJJR.'Jhx 'IVENSi IN FIRM-CLASS .NTJT.n "ALL HEKORK WWIJNEHHAY. .AT 1 'JO.VAB'PIIV TEHRXCK. W. PTHt.A, STERNER gns bi.klng even, used for hakim' paints and varnish en steel parts: even csn be, seen In npi-ratlnn' ether steel mn-i-hlnepf for sale. Anplv at Kramer Wood Weod Woed wnrkrhsr Ce.. 3d and (iutnberlnnd sts. . .V.jNl-Kle Mlgh.-t pnen mid ff ",1,'J' wen's ulnthliiK. mil nmuhein ft nnv lime Ifrs primptlr nten,'-d te '""'' 'J,,,, Varket. Treston 010:1, Open evenlngSj. . 1'l.OOR I.V.MI'.I Mm HfXrtuters' eurphlj stiK'k of beautiful nmbeganv noer . '"y In be sold imlrklv nt 11 ncrlnce. l- ,' Amrleni -L Lenihiird V'J.'. . finiNUA rieN nfnyi: for sate.anv auan- Illy: uumry at Nf.rth I'hlla. .Hi-c-Ambler. .3717. Old Vnrk read. T!qgai,jW. HaT-'I'M. illeiii-'iif il-Mlln nut, "' i.,'Viy uaeiliU jdresj. slyleLfhiikes,70 N.I'OUrtlj fifPE, tiressi s'nd" nttt-rs: hie bargain. I'hlla, Printers' Supply, 14 8. nth st. MONEY TO LOAK HELPFUL LOANS $300 OR LESS IN STRICT CONFIDENCE LEGAL RATES THE OLDEST CO.MI'AN-Y OK ITS KINIJ IV PHILADELPHIA IN VITES VOU TM f'AI.I. WHEN HIIOHTOF 'READY t'AHH. . .. YOI' .fAV ni'llN AN Af' Ol'NT WITH I'M AND HfRY NEITHER DlflNITV NDIt PRIDE. WELL KNOWN PHILADELPHIA.. fO.V Dt'CT THIS IVDfSTItlAL HANK INH HrS!NKS WHICH Mil MEEN tlRDWIN'rl IN FAVOR THIRTY VKAlts THE HI'IRIT UK VtfTl'AL IIEN EFIT AND lll.l.pri'l. SERVICE IH AI.WAYH eril FIRST CONSID ERATION GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. 1435 LAND TITLE BUILDING HROAD AND SAVSOM HTB. HROAD ST ENTRANCE i EASIEST TERMS ! QUICK LOANS UP TO $300 TO HOl'SEEEEPERS BUY COAL NOW i Ready cash hnnde.l te ou iulcltlv wltbeut I any fuss or red tap l'.ivmenti v 1.1 t,e r rsnaed te HUlt our Inenme en our very easy payment plan W 'II m jeu nlentv of time te ny the lu-in nnd lnri;.. sci enlv for the actual time you U"c ihe money nt the rate of liiteret pruMded h i 'I'liU l the com pany that rlvea the het reTi eh service. BELLTKLEPHOn: nt.HI.RT 3-0-n-l SECURITY LOAN CO. - 11 14 CHESTNUT ST. Id Tloer. Reiin 50. Next te Keith's Theatre. HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 1 PROM THIS IIOS'DKIl HANKINr VV.-1 par'imknt srr i:itvisi:n CO. i i FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW i Very ensy term lMj mints arranged te t suit your convenience. Ne freq of any kind chnrged, only im.r.n i me nue previnen by Invv. An lnuylrv puts ou te no expense, iin.l (ee n"t ehlUnte ynu In uny wny. fall . TODAY, of If in .1 steilal hurry, use Bell phone, Lecu-at 7.".:i7 PAY ALL Orit SMALL OfTSTANniNO HILLS AND OUT. III"! ONi: CO.Nt'KRN. , HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 24G Seuth 15th Street Pcore! Ploer Roem Uil. Cress llulldlns;. Memher l'hllnde.hli h.imher of I'ummerce STORAGE AND MOVING CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES ! 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT ! 1 STORAGE MOVING ! PACKING SHIPPING PHONE LOCUST 1060 ! "MOTOR VAN SERVICE" TO ANY DISTANT PfllNT j i Weekly service for sm-tl shlpiients between i Philadelphia nnd Wnshlnirten. i ! The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 3TTH AND MARKET STS Rsrlnn 120t ! VICTORY STORAGE ! r.inn FII.nKRT Pheno Ileiment ir.70 for I eetlmntex. Moter nn P.iclilng end cratln-. I MONARCH ST KAOn TO. ,3SJ0 LANCAS. TKR AVE. AL'TO SRRVICi;. STORAGE PAf-KiNQ. lene-distancf: m v ine. - WALLACE lhan n. ".iith 2.-.1 CIU'IICH LA.VR. OTN WILL S'OVn tl-mem house for J12: mentf eternce free. CiM Sherwood 173S. - PEKSONALS SHALL I STAY' SHALL I (10? Refnre niHMnir b ehnnue fin. (,ut f JOU ar() en the rlKht trnck ii knew what your life work should he Is a nrt In the rlsht direc direc teon: the trained an. st will knew from a study of uur face " vncatmr. for jeu, this study Is hisd en i-rentl(lc laws; no psjcho psjche psjcho legical teats, no 'Ifldr texts AsJt ua u about It. Ilf.e'clet 11 en request. MKRTO.N INSTITLTi: 1702 Walnut si Phene Spruce 0.2a;; i DIAMONDS BOUGHT i AND IKy I'fe5! cTeltn08 Suite 222 .eene.l rlenr ever Chllds' Rsst I l.7i 1SRAP.L. dlii and ltd it- . h;ie",rj jllH bUHlnrH-i te I' n li' ' lbe-i;, , n,j ftvtures. all h1 . ' - rre.em d 1 Jac.i') liable. 712 Mi'l- r . rfnreNv. 11 IH2.. 112s S". 17'fll Pi i h me liainfltundr)-'; ltrtcll' pri" ' " "" nnd refer ence. l'neri- W' l ur l 4 I.H R NOT Ri:sPO.N,IHI.i: ler any debt unlesaj tr. jp fnr let of lewelry she had been of ef of eimtnicteil bv mvi-lf II ltVIlv n ...... 4,, fur eiee tnere eninr u it. mr . lr...i. a - -T . vl.m '..- -"i .'II m KNOX'S Scheel of Hi rdr'slnir nnd Heiuty Culture, all brmclies individual Instruc tion; positions guar, qual ,lvle Market. T.'l.' T I X" .Till . -.-. l, .1,1 I'. ..UT..I.I. FURNlTl'nr: r. nmn.'l iHrtlllihtil nr unam. ele.i J.I'.Dillen 11IJ2 Cnllewhill Spr..124t. DRUSSMAICINt. rea 11 ih1 cMlilr. n's cloth. Ink- 1 etwUlly Ph in. U eil "J 72 W. HLSINKSS c mm p- 111 1. 1 1 inr II Ra'nsieVil''air'1 nansiean nt case tree, nn e' i1 i.''. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I'.XKCCTIVi: W at I L--..-.a'.i- iv"-. -... ," .1. t rt u'j !!.. major l' .. Army, an" HI erape majwi- n Initiative, ihereuhne'.f r i'ej ab ne the in. '. llltelliK.-ll'(. .n-l i u- n us ami ,ir. tv i,T (J. tT1 . nr ' Banlz itlen nbll t Ii Judmnent, fire- and ,il i' - t I, indie ether M'l .HI-, pt .x. Id f"i flrt ear; I 1 ii tnj- fur easy people un veeallable nt--. ecutlve position p.lMia. Vallllld lllllki' excellent ' ' KOlni: tactful, experbn te air,..a n1 ltl j,t cannot Itivtel A .V.'H I 'fS. AN OLD-l' n v concern efiers iti. j..riir!''e r te leld 'f, illilen.l bei-. times ecr hbhest star.d'ni: i ' uf a basis in-il nianv I imI.s and wa Is- f,s cemme-cliil nirTei.s m . cot low ex Kai) ihls lasue is nddltliinal viiulpm r.: i i full detnlls A 124 la '.V-i pm hie fur i - wrile fur .I.Al'HIN'i: -Hi P fut' ih i 7, , n'faT for tin-lit tnirli'ni Jk .'" i S -.nth aj- MACH1NERV ANU TOOLS hlaVP.N s- 's liree trratts, 1 act '1 I ' ntr sp ir tn l ImI i' ii. dun i i . f u i'l . ".. 2i it. in i r.i,i, .... 1 J' , .Mu Ml air tumt ream l -. .n lea 1 r i as -a.T.i ii p- in- " ''" ,,e r Cidmulii.i 1171 ROOFING ROOKlNtl heiter and ratine we reason- able Adnins 1 Marple. 14J1 I!l,le ae 1$ V, vm ryw AEAL BSTATR VAX iALB CtTT fcnniciiiniiiiiiiinain Announcement! The Sale at Griffith's Maner last Saturday was a success. There are a number of unsold leta which may be had at the sale price. See our Mr. Andersen today at, Griffith's Maner, Caster avenue and Rhawn street. Take Reute 59 nt Oxford pike and Frankford avenue. mi OLNEY REALTY CO. 5519 N. 5th St. Wyoming 5250 mammmsA & xammmwn wra SIKHMAXTOWN p.iJiOili.'jlilJillli'M MOSS BUILT HOMES ONLY A FEW REMAIN; BUY NOW East Price Street, Germantown Twe story, tile bath wltli hover. open fireplace: BarnRe one wjuare from Churcln's. Schoelo, Stere and Tielleys, In a new nnd rapidly Brewing neigh borhood. $6500 PnF? ever Cheltcn Ave te 1100 block Kaat SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN, 1107 E. PKICE STREET J. HAiaiiER CKADWICR t: f.'-i m r :- 2123 Lanil Title Bltlg. CITY KENSINGTON'S BEST LOCATION Excellent for Large Retail Stere, Banking Heuse or Automobile Showroom. Frankford Elevated Station at deer. Let 33x125 from street te street. Will divide and improve. A. F. DAIX & CO. HOI Ijinl Title IllilK. Iecirtt 7T0O-7TO1 iiiiiiiiiTiHii.'iiiwuncnim 5024 NORTH 12TH ST. I DELIGHTFUL HOME S NEAR STATION S m Iteautlful seml-detnched well-liullt M n-terv up-te-dnf heuse In the most S dlrlile pirt of LeKnn. B Trn llnht. cheerful rooms of Kel H size. . hnthroems. 1 tll'd: store N room. nmile clests. het-water heat. S ttoers. electricity, sas. B This divelllns Is In first-class con Hi dltlun It i n comfortable, roomy K heus In Pleasant urreundlncs. yet g conveniently situated. 1 Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. B K.TH AND CHKSTNCT STS. n.uuin'.mit.iiirn.n.Tntu.nnrnimninminimrtTKiiwTic.niinii'iriimT.i' Spring Garden Street AND OTHER PROPERTIES David T. Nevin 529 N. 20th St. , Annrtment Henses ! ii:iiiiciinaiiMP.2..!ii'r:iKi!Uii;wiraw ran.! 13 MODERN 4-ST0RY APARTMENT HOUSE l-i)!i PINK ST LOT 22x10" TO RKAH STUr.HT 1 APVRTMn.NTS WITH KITCHENS HARDWOOD 1'LOOHS. Hl'lLT-l.N' Tl US. KTI' fi EDGAR G. CROSS 1 , M 1111 WALNt'T ST i fW! IWfi'illW .' ABUuPJit IIL'IO'fflTH'M iJifflu3llffi WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN . -. . .. . and Jeelrv te usiwe cuarantee a full hon hen est cash .alue. Kt .thiieiiea v)., thes. n. i.r.r. co. 712 w-mm . ARCH ST. Furniture Ce fill Arrh st p,ir- nlture. crpets. runs, pianos, part or entire household irneds wantetl at once alie office e,,mitt.ra of every description, etc his-h... i.rirnj daM. Writs or phone l,mbard Sjiit IHGHB.sT vrU raid ter newepapfrs, ma.a. .. crpet,, ren end all kinds of .n'.h.rf: Wi "KV'S1,..1.' ".'.' D1,meni sw mciai- ir vMt- .... y" V, r. lruca cam L-U -- '.'-- r:CiNU-tlA.w cininieK oeuar.i and e d: blKhest prices paid MarKet J44V Stems 837 N tth st. Call anywhere. V'.-s'.ali CI.OTHINO wanted le-st prlee, , a Mller's. 402H Market lUrm 1722 WANTI.D Uetitb men's C itnes hUh t,-. ih p-i,. ! HiTHnwua. ii.ii v.muiniuu ae CARPET CLEANING I Telephone KHiiln(tiiti 2441-3M-aai ,- QUAKER CITY CARPET ' CLEANING CO. 1123 TO 1137 K. COLUMHIA AVE Lieamng and Uycjri" I. times nu'i seme wearini bonaehelil tn ds Orleilel r..1 nnnre. demeetle , runs vsrpits. intie.trlee, blankets cuiutns Damp Wash Laundry C.VM'lrs Rl'OS CLKsNI.D .sr'i nnd stored. Oilental rmrn mir at i T.-ma an.1 tn -iia-u vaaa,,.n ..,. . ' nnd stored. Oilental ruis nr .i.'.Y.'.? .... ......-.- . -. ........ Hum d(l carpets I Automatic Carpet Cleaning Ce . t- S04'-,VH Ll'DLOW ST i rhenes. Ke West '.'741 He !..,,.- ,. . nSTARHSHI'D 1-.7S.""1 2,9! WAI I AfT H-,l N -"Til t'l' WAL.IHV-. jjj cni'ItCH LANK. OTN By Jee Cunningham '" BJtAL MTATB cm niwi5a i mmwmnmmm r.HM NTOWN IMg Phene, Spruce 0397 CITY 2024-26 SANSOM ST. 1926 SANSOM ST. Pul II. Stull. Merris Did. Sprue ltl. Atwi see ndterllsements In smsll In following rn'nmns. I'lieterles. lV-relinues. Msnuf-u-tunns; Tlrt FAPTORIFS IMireneuses rttV-lUIMUJ floeis. factory sites I. L. Stevenson 6c Sen '-"g' FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES E. S. T0MLINS0N. JR. LINCOLN IIL'ILDINO Factories, Warehouses et Sites J Li:n PATTQN. Lincoln Hldr. !t i'iiiL.nKi.i'iii, 0VERBR00K SECTION Mnrljn reml 'le-tury atone resldene. lth central heat wn la-: 110-fuet front frent Incln.ei) perch unci -urusre: Immedlstt iMi.iiiiien Wynnev. oei1 read Thr"-terv seml-te tached heme: 'I chmbrs and 2 baithsc spiendla condition, every modern cekv venlMice Francis J. Lambert 4Z? ,t- 5429 WHITBY AVENUE Cerner i.f Cnnesteua street Medem dweliinr with tn.i -.iru-es. liili for luineninn into stores anl apsrtm-nts. Crent opportunity for speculator. Price sr.'.one. A. F. DAIX & CO. Lnnil Title Uulldlnc Uwust 7700-77Q1 $2500 $300 CASH .1417-10-21 SHARSWOOD ST. i.i-iin ana Jiasier st.j I rejms and bath, all ieiiuiilencca: lm meftlate possesiien 2!,u0 pr month pay currtiiar charge.. Fitzpatrick, 1541 N. 60th St. VACANT GROUND lin:ne feet, suitable fur building Of med homes at 7m. I and Ureenway avs. Advanc.s will be made te builders. G. C. 5c J. F. B0WKER 4371 MAIN ST.. MANAYUNIt Meres and Ilwelltnxa 60TH & LANSDOWNE AVE. Modern buslnees pfeitertles en most actlrt thoroughfare .11 ()erbiuu!. Ill (JO block; Im iiicdlute pori-ejiiden, tlii.nOu, H2U0 aleekl lease expire- Aut . 1W23, reilurefl prtc MS, 000, corners und Inslde houses rip lair allerHtlens. 1Mm.1i hihI upnaru ADOLPH B. CASPAR y.te'vfr'1'; Alse see uilvertUements In small tiN In fellow Ing celtiiniis. . nr.RMANTOWN aireniiiuwiinnH'w:u'!H.rmjjnKum R 0 1 CIX 1 U1N DU1LUUNU 11 1 C5 ADJOINING STENT0N COUNTRY CLUB ' 1 fl 6 in Carefully restricted. exclusle neleh. txirlmed. all ciu liiiTi..mnnr 9 C' II . GlPn i I $10,000 Each x3 .. i or immediate bulldlna only. MALRAN. DOLMAN 5c CO. mihrnrnvmsmmmmmwamm $26,000 G0RGAS ST. & STENTON AV. New Stene Dwelling e r (1 ir luit Oi. n for 'nxiteriinn MALRAN. DOLMAN 5c CO, v t- nni pnriMi ivn rm:iTN'ttT 1 .. 'Tlr.'.'...":". .."'" r.f.1. ,.'"'" ' I.OC.AN $6500 WITH GARAGE 7 rn.uii.H Unsure,! free of charge. hat Mater heat full tllx lath, hardwood floors, In und new Sample 5419 N. MERVINE 2 squares east of Yirk read auknt en pri:misi:m REED c TEMPLET0N Ua laee aiUertlkriiienU In small traa n tnllimlne iiilinnns. IKWKIMKD llulldlnu Leta SALE An Invester's Opportunity Dlrei tl ipp'i.lte Frankford "L" Terminal Cerner Plot 200 x 110 Feet ll tiuireiriiienls Kicrv Indlriitlen peliiln tn an activity Ir nnllj. and Im-reiiae In sullies at tbls prielsH t Imllnr te tin- ni(irl(nn prices at A2d snd Market streets mlilrli follewad ipiuuif if Hie Msiket SI. "L." HORACE H. FHITZ 713 WALNUT HT. . I J?v''V'aL A -eH'ni'WjiyiH Recreation or Club Center IUII rr"i! !'( room atftn-i mifiilfm. (Ilan MIIU HlHtlen; butlfu Imnii m I inu i-n'i, wuu i nii rk rrNliiii -t-tatli Nrmnis-rl -islst4f wiJ ,1- I r.,-..,f .......f.-.., -. inipv-swfri, BEN. T, LEVIS 31 Rauth As. jr U. . 4 Itm 4te ,A n & rtr w