pf?;' V," MaiTCMS $m '6 '? v r .28 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA Tire... .DELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBERS T, 1922 ,- v"t -, VWyaft l . - - j '1 ,- i i2. u E. Ri m r 8: r ii I1 SI 3k i (tf- k2 J yt bn M Uncommon ScnSC y JOHN ly window rntshrs Imve done much tn 1.1.1. ,. ii . , . j i i,-- Xbata the old cuitein of nimunl heura- arlnnlng. It used te be a terror te tkt menfelk In the henip nnd nn ex-, Mtutlne i utr te the women. h.zM Qnce or twice n jenr carpet-, were pulled up. furniture ilrnirscil from lis ecuitomed pinci'H, nnd soup inul wnter TlfOreunly plied In nil parts of tile kewe. f Incidentally while the dirt vn beinc Cot rid of, crent necumulntiens of old newapnpei'ri nnd iiuiuiizIih'h and dls eardttl furniture nnd utenslN of every kind were tnken out te be removed bj n rubbish iuiiii. jTT WAS n dreadful trial while it f lasted, lmr n hotter nml lirii'titer house resulted iiK n mere healthful fH1?"' fcV"1KC V"ns "'."l1 s",llmal;pifi,m which two human !;.-? protruded. their abiding places and hatcheries In1 ,. , ..., .,,.,., , ... , the dirt that lies nc-Ieetrd i the un-i f he "ellum ,V,M wav tha l,'nc, "h(l went: rnrtier.. nf nvi'rv limis... ' Shield'", hat was found. In her ilennvl. In these old days U iiiwer occurred xe lamer, who whs te irritated liy the disordered condition of lii home, that Berbntis he needed te de u little lienst i Stcleaning tee. 5 In fact It does net occur te him new. "even when Ids heu-c is cleaned from top te bottom eery day. , He seldom leeks at the iinide of hl Lerain, even with lil mental ee. uml ;therefore knows little of the accumti- Tlatlnns of old. worn-out idea-, nml ills. jcarded theerle. and 'tupid. timeworn Ii-notlens that clutter un the hidden cor oners of it. S. A MENTAL " ' then is as heue clnnlng new nt'd neeessjirv t menta! :hfnltll and comfort n. n nhv-ical clean- JSins is geed for a house. r Te i'xamlni one's stock of pelitiVal ;and seciil ln-ljefs, cntin? thee whbh It-have outlived their usefulness en the JJunk pile, makes room for beliefs of n lEtnere useful nnd Intellieent character. it- Te eet rid of nil sorts of accumulated imipcrstltlens nnd suspicions makes the tjnrnln brighter nnd better, a sumii and jTirater makes lirlchter the tloers and i:walls of the home. B UT once a year for the mind is net enough. A going-ever once a month or once stkammiii' Ninirr.s v- NAWSCO LINES Will Lead Twe Express Freight Steamers for Pacific Coast Ports, Week of November 6 te 11. S. S. Xepenset new leading. We are in a position te handle your shipments without delay. Fer Ratet and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners and Affenti f " Sfnnplnj H ir --..,,.,, 136 S. Fourth St., Phlla. Phene Lembard 3791-2-3; Main "781-2 CUnar? V MED AND Voyages MEDITERRANEAN Vw !' nurnr s. s. SCYTMIA Nev. 25.. New Oil Burner" 3. TUSCANIA Dee i. CAR0NIA Feb. 10. - Information local agents or CUNARD and ANCHOR LINES, 1300 Walnut St., Philadelphia in CSiw MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC (24,34! font) Jan. 6, Feb. 24th, 1923 LAPLAND OS.SfJJ Ien,) Jan. 18, Mar. 10, 1923 World-famous for tteadlnetn de luxe quaneri, cuiiine and service, for travellers of dis crimination. Ample time for ct..1iuliittil .llra Binnre. j -, w..- it JNasniryt Madeira, Gtbralta-. Allien, Monace fins) Riviera), Naples, AlcAndna ter f-gvpt ed the Nile), Hella fur Jerusalem, and AtHene k (rhaleren Bey). 'WEST INDIES 5 WEGANT1C 120,000 Ien, fup'iimmi sfM.15.Feb.l7,Mar.22,l9 Magnlncent cruising ship of S ' admirable conitnKtlen for S .tropic voyages. Premier I , etaamer te tha West Indies. J JuJhn $2i0 Upward, Maersry arranged by Crulsa Department of mere than 25 . Tears experience In the W'ett Ci. ladJei. Frem New Yerk tu Havana, Haiti, Santiage, Kingsten, (Pert Antonie;, " Panama Canal (Panama ,e City), La Gvulra (Caracas), Trinidad (La Orea), llarba. f? JeTrhemsi. baa Juao, Nu- e m.. VUraiiliU. Ml I I I. 3fe. . . kvdtv. If ttlr for Peetl'tt aW DttaittJ Information IWHITIITARUNEI? i YQRBD STAR UNEJ fBLAKE LINES RtguUr Sgrvie PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER UJiSJ. SS "Wilt Mii-ni". .Ner. 10 I OCYCLIN CO., Inc. 'i 10 S. 4tk St, PhiU. V' 1 rimlr- 1144 Main 7791 vU-lw AsTMta tee W W. A. 00.J U.S. Cee. rVY -- ii i i r4K sWW sflfl -3 "tll'sWrer mfr .' Mental Heuse Cleaning lltWUK te Keep tlje mind clenn nnd in geed wiiHiiiiun mini in uvrrunm ii. once me ,h,llM thlU miK,lt et (e b ,hre hnve begun te terminate nnd tnke root. conrteht, tot) AMERICAN RELIEF WORKER BELIEVED SLAIN IN RUSSIA Police at Simbirsk Confident Philip J. Shield Was Murdered Moscow, Nev. 7. (I'.y A. l) Tlie peller- nt SimblHt who are InveetlsntlnR the dlsapiienrniice three weeks nge of Philip .1. Shield. American relief uniker, are holding a woman who told them Hut late en the evening of O- ! teber S ilie -nvv two men ltisclne n snek tlj'ii sin- wmte that into in tin veiling ei victoei-r i- Mir rnme upon two men Mnndiiu "ear a -.irk that lay en the ground. She eerhenrd one of the men snj : "Mull we tnl.e it there or te the river?1' and the ether man answered: "lie careful, -eme one might hear jeil.'' One man atti'ii itivl te shmtlder the siwk, she siiid, but it broke and "he saw the two legs pretiud'iig. Mie said "he tecegnizeil the liecs as tan oxfords of Americnn make. I he authorities ar icsied tlie woman in the belief that i-he an aiveiiv. I rev declare the tint Shield ihnncvs are seen in ten was murdered. NAMES BRAZILIAN CABINET President-Elect Acts In Advance of Taking Office Kle Janeiro. Nev. 7. Tt was peml peml eflii i.illv .ititii'iiiictd that Irelilent lb i t ISeicerdes, who will be lnnu surated N"mber te, has selected Ins Cabinet fellows ; Minister of .IumIie, j. T.itfz Alves , ferelsn affairs. Vll I'achece j war Odietnl Sttemhrlnu Carvalho ; nnvj. Admiral Aleandrinri nsrl -culture, l'ui'iie I'.iuid'ie; transporta tion, Krands. e .i , nuance, Samtiaie Vidnl. TrMHII NOTICKX ROYAL m&L " Vhe Comfert 'Reute" te BERMUDA OUT el New Yetk ills e!fr r, md wi'iet (enteni en thtitnimle'ie lnf AR ACL AYA. The Itrjeit ihipiiili-ste Beneudi - 1 7,500 teti diirl'rciieel. hull i:lna Dec. 21 aad Keenly Saiurdiilhi:sftct. Ye Pjsjferti Require i The Royal Mall Steam Packs! Ce. "Mspmsni St Scv, Inc., Agents IS Brcadwav New Yerk cr any steamship a sent AMCHAD te the Sunny FLORIDA BY SEA PHTLADEIPHIA TO JACKSONVILLE (711 BA7ANIIAH) One Way Benr.d Trip $34.38 S61.88 Including meals snd state-eem aecorsniedatloa Kllia cnarnfs l"r lni.'-Nm ninin Round-Trip Tlcueu June 15. Jra . Bteirr.cM W'dreiesT Geed te Rstura Vntll ani Saturdays, e P. at Make Rtvervatlen i eic Merchants & Miners Transportation Ce Pier 18. B DM. Ats Txl leniirl 1900 fMALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, In Operating U, S, Gov. Shipn GENOA, LEGHORN, NAPLES, MARSEILLES USSB S S "City of St. Joicpn".,NeT. 9 GENOA, NAPLES. BARCELONA USSB S'S "City of Eureka". . .Nev. 23 CEYELIN&CO., Inc. rMia a0i,. 108 S. Fourth St., Phila. Lembard 5144 fllatn 7791 BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVON MOUTH USSB SS "Monmouth". Nev. 20 GEYELin tu,, inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phila. Lembard SI44 Main 7791 Philadelphia Agents for BALTIMORE 8TEAMSHIP CO. Operating U. S. Coe, Shipe IAIIUUCA UNI WmW NEW YOUK TO ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth, Boulegne.Bur.Mer RTNDAM Nev. 11 Dee. SS Jan.! VOIEHDAM (are) ...Ner. il- - 8ttd t I nY2SentM0mmY lltt'wa J.rilT vS. n . y!g 21alKi WILLIAM HOHENZOLLERN TAKES HONEYMOON WALK But Hie Sen Gees Driving With His New Mether Deem, Helland, Nev. 7. (Hy A. 1'.) William Hohenzellern's wulks. solitary no longer, were con tinued around the castle grounds yes terday. With his new wife he vls-ted the lese pavilion, where he net long tipu made his proposal of marriage. Soen the bridal couple retired indoors, an It rained heavily, nnd Inter William nu his si-ter-in-lnw, I'rlncess Ida of Htol Htel berg, te the Amersfoort Station, while Krederick William, the erstwhile Crown Prince, took his new mother, whom he docs net call mother, for u drive. This little Dutch community, espe cially the feminine wctien of it, Is still wagging tongues ever the diktat bnnce of the Nihhatli calm occasioned by the lermer Kinperer's wedding, but at the fiuni' iiiim iiit-iu is rivilllt'uua lllilll.ii.i- tleu among the women that no chance was afforded them of seeing the hi hie. "Her Serene Highness." llermlne, as she is designated efiJciailv and by her , husband, ban net jet tnken up the rein' ei tne nouscueid, nut these, acquainted with her sny she intends te assume full control immediately as a thrifty haute frnu. CORTELYOU GIVES ORDERS ON "MACING" OF POLICE Politicians Reported After Centrl buttons In 28th Ward P.'rector Cortelyou last nlcht ln strticted the police and firemen of the j weiity-eigutu am te pay no political llyseeMilcntS. The elict came after the Director had been informed politicians In the ward hud sent letters te policemen and lire men "niacins" them for contributions. ,i,. i. .,..,....:..; i.t lii""m.v "..-'.i '. ...i ......,........ v.i i.iu iiinii,i-rniH mm tun. sttects stntien nnd for lire t liief l'a s. Tie lnstructeil thean nfllelnls tn ., .1. .1 .1. i . . lriv ci v I i in ii 1-. ji, ini urivHi. netitv the police and liremeu net te t i ii aiiiick. Nev. 6. n22. mar p.iv any liieiiey. ni 1 fe of llmth ritmatrlrk (ne "I'll., tuilixn nn.l r. -.,, n, ,a. i VMirwi Jienllves nnd frlnda are, invited O'ureil nor expected te mnke coi'triluitietis.'' Ulrectnr CerteeMn, ani. 'ami any clt.v emt) ere who does will In. siiinninrllr .lenlt with ltv . . ....... .....i. ... . li'flisme te pay out atlV metievs the men I ...,.. ,,.vil.l.,,. i r i ..ifi .i.... tue.v are pietected PLAN MERGER OF TWO CHURCH CONGREGATIONS St. Mary's and St. Philip's May ! Unite I A joint eemmitten of the vestries of ! St Mat.v's Kplseepal Church, Thirty ninth and Locust streets, and St. Phil ip's l'plseepnl Church, rorty-seeend I tt reel and Maltlmere avenue, is vverkiiiR ,en a plan for tlie inergtr of these two ' cenuti itatliins, i The proposed name for the united j cnnarcBdiiens is the Church of St. i I'billp and St. Mary, Hamilton Village. t The meri"d eoiiBreuatlenB will. If the : plan Is approved by tie vestries and ' eonsrecatlens of both churches, vvor vver i ship in St. Maty's Church. The lU-v. Krederick E. Seymour, ree ' ter of St. Philip's Church, will become I rector of the new church of St. Philip 1 nr.d St. Mary. The Hev. Jehn A. Rich I nrdsen, rector of St. Mary's Church. "v 111 be co -rector. I St. Mary's Church has 450 communl cemmunl ' cant and St. Philip's has npproxl npprexl 1 mutely the same number. Combined, ! they will constitute one of the strong est parishes In West Philadelphia. Dry Officer Starts Werk rlMcr.ittet Vrtv T 1 Iti- tl I S.iul drill, of New Yerk, aasuraed his iiiuiei ni Qivisiniiui cinet pronieiiinn llicer n' the State today. Grill, wIiem; hfldquartcrs wi'l he In 1'ittsburgh, wax . tr-rnicilj supetvi-in? agent. Becomes Printing Manager Captain Hlwoed S. Moerhend, fl0.rM Pnllewhlll street. Ik ted.iv tdaunlnir te tnhe ever nis new uutie as production r 1 t- .. 1 1... -. mnnnKer for the 1 nlted .states fmv- . ... ,.... .... erninent Tiiiiiiui iiiui'i-. hi- iiiriueriy was teretnan ef printing. I he new pe- .in 111 vvus i ri'.uiii Hi ini line in ..... i.... ..t line of rcursnnuntien ii.ins et the iippnrtnicnt. : is vh-.meriam LEIV In ail hut levtn tn"mnry of my ej !..- LOt - M. I.EIX. viti, sudden y Jeiartej ,lfe November 7, 10J1 PATHER. Beatiis ATKINSON At Clementen N .1 . Ner " AltAHh . LA H'TIBEHT ATKINSON, ac 1 4 U 4, II A M nvidnc eJ - n W mm W. Atkinson. JJer In ave e-nent .N J Int. Odd Pell w i Cem. 1 a HI.rT!'"'"K. Nev 5, RirnVUD son of wn.i-im .ni Ida Huehner Iiailbeirf. aged 1.1 Re..uives nnd friends Invlud te i.Hrvlcei v d P M. at parents' residence T523 lotanle av Wnt Phllw Viewing Tui e Int. private. RARKEfl. On Nev. B, 1P22. JOHN E. BARKER, late of Ce. E. 24th Nt Ye-k Cavalry, aired SO years. Relatlvea and friends, alae Courtland Saunters Pest, N . il. O A. R i P R. It. Y M C. A., ant etrer ornanlsatiene of which he waa a mm tir ar invited te the servlcee Thura., 2 an P. M, nt the culver ii Hair n;-is. is.'e wesvminaier v. em IHtl WAN Nev B. 1PI2. DENNIB, he- .l I u'linnd of i atnrne urunnan (no" r , m.j i Relatives and frind are Invited i fineral Wed., 8 ..10 A M.. from his late r-V.d.n e, KS3 N Hucknell st Hlffh am rf e u'm at it Pranels Xiivler I'hurch 10 , m i.L Ttnlv Prees Cam KltOWN. Nev. 5. 1022 SARAH I C. wife Thernae urunii .wun... rVc,,n'lt '.. ... itenre. CretOn read .Strafford. Pa Wed . 2 P M mt. rinvaie ("AP.N-EY Nev fl. 8U3AN wtdnw t..,..u r iiriuy. Relatives and frMnde H V M Pedallty, ara Invlt-vl t fun-ra , eurs h .1" A. M. late tfsldence (; ;; 4-.h st. Helemn requiem inai fhjreh of imr Mether nf Sorrows. Int, Hely rresi ' UfARLTON Net. (J RALTH. huvband . . t i-harlten (nee Thelsen). nei-i. ves and frtnds, also Prankford I-dH, s. 2D2. F ana a .vi , niiimiiBype inn., I O H M I I iremen a Jiener aiii am err- loves of the Prlmice. TPatry Ce . an In v ?edV funeral. Thu . 2 P. M , -r-sl 1ene.. 4-,(i0 Mulberry st . Prankford. Int North . . . re. fr" w ) r A m a fall It - .4 c dr Hill wm. rrlendi may call Wed , "'.'VA-.Vv Mn !t. 1022 MART -1f. nt t-il lam Cianey (ne'J MeGaJTy). Relatives ll.iam v."" invliri te attend fnner.l ,.ri '''". ., ,rem h,r nushind's real. denets 61- N. 32d at. fcelamn requ'em nut m-LanViaiei'paTNev-V n, MART E ' .'$ Mm,,M CTa,r M WM :"VenuBli'.-rr. JOBEPH TOEOKLB. wt'e f Wll.lam P. Beez. aced (17 Hrvlcen . J" lnJ . Mr. jjaj nET. husband of the late Merr (nee Reutllnaer). at r.,.ldei.ce LT. E. llth st. Lanadale, p K'Ij Tnfh vfif J e?" ClawcvV. "one. nitcj r,d years. Relative; and friends Invited1 Tours - P. M Int. t.reen Lawn Cem .' L. ,.hiiVVif Mrs Mancll May Reynolds J" funera aervicea. Wed., 'J p. M.. at Frlemls may call Wed T 30 te 9 P. M. S1r.,.aaf and friend"" Intttid tp FuneraL serv. ,-retner ln-taw's residence. Rebert" e ilia" H(.D -Nev I. ll'S.'. I'AIlfrlltLM: vvl'e h en'-f .,dav. at 11 A. M.. at Church ; 3 1 rtltner at. Int. Westminster Cem. VleW: n rrebr nevd. Helatlv. and frlen Im n ' If. ,h2 pt smptlbn? BOth and Market su, ,n?.J:.'f"i," I M. tel attend funeral. Wed 2 V M . re.l-I intein'ent Lden Cemetery. . ,. tU;V?F.R.r.$8''. 8' Charletteavllle. 1 rn S-J3J lioudl&et St. Int. Mt Merlah X ?3" .Nev 4. IKlli. BUSANNA K.. V, WILLI.VM P. . Jr.. son of William P. . ... nemilns may be vlewnd Tuea. after ...., f u,iln D. Kin. Relatives and . and Mary ... Veeteher (nee Ilnran). Rla- H 1 M HA ROLD TEEN : : : : Cyclone Makes a Plausible Deduction V J .'?v-?i L i kPftBe ) Vm! He , ( two. aisuj(uu 1 1 .A 'j ) "' T J WBI6WT SM .... .,.. . r A mZZS aevr4Wi5 v y eetHyx , w' J 6uU . Jb-T V. SS H'WVuwur4r V t' I j V Se-T J SWtk 1 JSIft ( xe.Hiv-He. - ' J r -i Wn f I ni niij)in ;l i , ;: ,,,xL : ' ff 1 1 . ,. i 't'"-''-i-''--iir------t -T -v i-fift" iMx-b&ir7..'mf.CY!i1 ' vwmmmmmmmL 5Pm?ri. m :. ?:, - . . - - f-Yjammmift DEATHS nt Bt. AKAthk's Church 1U A. M. Int. Hely CrC0HUul: Nev. 4. CMtLT It. (n Hern). widow et Dr. Wm, M, Q. dirrle. Funtriu from her Inte reldenc. 54 Hiirmar it., Weil., a P. M. Int. private. Frltndi may cnll Turn. e. C'OHtfO.V. Nev. 0, W. WAItrtRN COIl s(iN, in til sth yesr. IifUtHes nnd (t lends, nle l.trutenant J4hn II, Kihcr l'est, Ne. 101. O. A, n., nnd Trunk II. (Ilrurd ret. Ne. -"1. A. I.., nr InMted te ntteinl, Thura., Nev. 0, '.Villi 1'. M., Inte ieilncf. Mnrelnnd ae., Hatboro, .l'.i. Int. Hmbern Oem. It lilt VN. .Nev, 4. 1022, 1'ATKtCtC J. Ct'ttllAN, Mr. lt(lniUt and friend, na onfercuoii et St. Vincent d l'nul sech't. llelj Nnmc Society of t, Jehn the HartUt (.hurrh, .MnnaMinli! Marquette Council, Ne. :si), K. of C . nnd Plv. Ne n. A. l. H.. are It-.Wted te nttpnd funeral. Wed , R'.SO A. M., Iitn residence, 132 Recter nt., ManiiutiK Solemn recjulem ma at St. the Hnp'.lat Church 1e A It . Int. 8t. Jehn's Cem. DAVIS On Nev. 4. MAHY, wife, of Tharlei ml. tn her 7Id year. Itelatlves nnd frl-nils lnlted te attend i.erce. at her home, nt I'lianiM tern junction, nmnrem. Nev s nt '.' 1' M . Interment private. ., Oi:ll1tlNOi:it. On Nev. (l.lt22. JOHN Uer.lIItIN(li:i(. Serlc en Thuriday aft aft ernien. at 2 o'clock, at 4S07 Wayne ae. In terment nrlvnte. .,. . .... l'iltKUI -Nev. 0, tlOJlERT A., hus bind of l,dta Armtren Doherty. Fiineril erlci nt his Inle reldence. 8l'3t McCal lum t.t acrmantOHn. Thum.. 3 l M. Int. llnenutnnTY. Nev. . jknnib t.. wife of Hun J Iieucherty (nee Welth). formerly of 21,11 Merrle at. Ttelatlvcs nnd frlendi nr United te ittend funeral. Thura.. s 39 A M.. 1321 S. Hatley at. Solemn hluh tii.rj of renulem St. nnbrlel'a Church 10 A. M Int Cathedral Cem. ewni:y.- no-. a. it22. ci.AftA n.. if ct Ite. Willi im JJeny rtelatlvea nnd fiieml nre lnvlttd te attend funeral eerv lee. Wed , 2 1'. M., nt the reldence of hr ,iu"'itid '.113 N. 11th at. Int. private. HAXTWOOn -At Durllnitten, N. J., en !.'e 3, Iti2.' THOMAS MlUOi:t.K.Y HA8T 0'ip, 1' Ii Funeral aerWoeH nt ihe I Iret Hni'tin Churrh. llurllneten, N. .1., Tuea. at : -iii r M It.tertnent private. r.t.vrnseN, Nev. e, 1022. sarak ic. ni.VKIt"N Helatlvei and trlenda are in vited te ntiend funeral aervleea, Thurs . 3 V M, nt rat,eni of her nephew. Franklin pVnmc 1;. liirr, 1VJ w. .Nippon at., ah. .ir. im. I'Ari.KN'nn - Nev. 8. MARY A., wlfe ct Trn' k M Knulltncr and diuuhtnr of the late Th mis n-id Mary Tlllett. Ilelntlvea an I rlei In are invited te attend funeral aervSrea Wi I. 2 V M. nt her late tealdence, l.i1 rr.rk'erd ave. Int. private. Oakland Cem, rtlrl mu rill Tuea., 7 te O r. 31 flM.I.Y Nev. il. ANDRCW J., hiubnnd I f 1. Illl I ' rinlev. Ilelallves anil jrin is. .iin tin- e. et v. n. n. nnd e. n. t, d A jj ali x n IteJ t te nttend aarvlcea ti ura t' M . from hta lata realdence. ' n rl. rrlme, Del. Ce, Trlenda n. ii ii.l fum ml Thura. H 30 A. M. hui. b.ind e l.edinee, 2410 Memphis at. Solemn r. nu em nws nt St. Ann'a Church, 10 A M. 'nr,'n-'ir?i. ,,.,. ' .'. '-'-'?",L ..... 'y ?,-, -ul. ,,-. '..". '..j 1 1 'I l'Uir. i iviiiiti i.vininiD iin. frln! nvitel te attend funeral eervlces. wv.l n 41 A. M.. nt her Inte residence. dlS C.reen at Int. atrictlv iirlvnte. Pest-t lively no nevvera. Chicago papers pie399 .-. 'li-wrr v- n mi" lnnrrtt T , ''Ut,,i,;,vi r.Viev ?nl itnn.i 1'"" ', "... V"Ye v."',?."...'"!1..' i .mi nu., i..n ...-. . . . ......... Inte Peter Oaffney T!',il. tint frtenils 1'hllS. I OUncll. A i 1'iii K ..f C. nnl St. FrnnclR' llelv Vaeie s ir'ets nf Invited te nttend funeril Ihn s. sin M. hla Inte residence, ejus Wa-- renn nve Solemn requlm maea tt Pt l'ran-U de Sales' Church 10 A. M. Int. Hi i'p sa Cem. IV '.Mill I II Suldenly. ,, NViv. X Til i A- 1' hulmnd of Jeephlne O Clnl lailiT in.-e Cinvvav) Iielstlves nnd ftlenl". i 11. r Pist . Invited te attend tu ir, Uel 0 A M.. Inte reeld-nce, 1S'.' i I J?.'1' ' Solemn tnsj of renuiem nt fli r ' t 'Ihr.mns Anuitin a. ?i lir H v r s Cem ... . , Gl IOW AY Suddenly. Nev. n, resi dent ai4S N llreil st . rnANCIS I... hus ImnJ f 1 '! It flalevvny. in his ear. Ite it'v i I frlenda are Invited te funeral .,r lfi Thnr , 10 A. M.. at the parlors of decree W H.inett. I'.irk nnd t-ehlfh nvea. Int rrit. Trlenda may call Wed. eve. OAl I.tTV Nev. 0 MARY It., widow of Pan c .1 tlirrlty Ilelntlvas nnd frlenda. A tar irt Hessry Becletv, nre Invited te at ten I u r,l Thurs.. S SO A. M., late real den e UJi Kmllv at. Solemn requiem tnnes at h' i hurch of the Kplrhany, 10 A. M. irrl Int. Hely Cress vm rii:ilITY Nev r.. ACUl'STA. wife of Themas U'rlty, aged 3d. , Relative nnd frl'.r.Js ar invited te funeral services, Wed , Ii A M at her late residence. 8110 N Hemljirs-er at Int l'alrvlew Cem.. Hid Heik. N" J. Rcmnlna may be viewed Tucs. lHANTHAM. Suddenly, en Nev. 4. 1022. IIUI'l LRT T ORANTHAM. Relatlvea and friends ire Invited te the aervicea. Tuesday aft.rn .n ut 2 o'clock, at hla late lest-rti-i e ITS Queen lane, lltn Interment rrlmt- Att-"n. ra.. papers please ropy. i.rtilTIN Nev. f, SARAH A . vvlfe of Unn 1" (l-'ftln Relatives nnd frlenda In v'te.l te fun rjl. Wed s 30 A. M.. from her lite resllm e. 1B40 Poplar at. Seletnn re I a" 'p; "";" ra churcn 10 A M' Il,t' lIvN.-nS suddenly. Nev. B. chaui.i.m T r n a' the late Jehn N ant fatnenne Kara n P. 1-vtivea an I frtnd. nl'O pnliee nf the 13'h Iilctrlct. nnd the various omanl emanl rni is J vvll.-h he vvim a member. Invited te uin-n.l ThurB.. : P. M. rn-m the re-l-derre of Ms ter. Mra llenrv Heward. 310 1 1 lies ht. It turOUirn. inv l.rcilllliwil v-c.n. Frienda mnv call Wed. evcnlnsr. T N.iv. 4. 1''.'.' nt her rel rel 1ence. )3 Du Hels ave.. North Woedburv, .V J Et.IZAnhTH M.. v-lfe of Jacob S I. . -. t.k.llUnl 1 1 "n-r """ -7 Vj. -,.. .U :,,'.r,, nlatlvis and frlenda Invited te utieni ru- I "; rr"" Viiura 'le A. M. 're-n resident m iir .m ,.w.., r ner rr.emer-ir-ia"-, .nw. Hirbsrt 2"7 "" V... 1-niiW I ""."'"". "'".... mull St a nn nii iiurvii r j " ! In 'I ly Cress Cei HI 1C.2 i e l I'lirHHIMEIt fn 1eket Nev rt I PM.MA P.. wlfn of J Uber Herce. . ItHRiivee and f i lends nr iu ti d I i 1 funeral ervlre at her Ut ri inJT N llth n Prl., 2 P. M pr ; in' Oreenwoed 'K. nf P rem KS --Nev? 5. 1022 JENNIE VAN1 wife of Themas Hleks. former rest. K10 N. !eth at. RMatlves and frisnda -vit, 1 te attend funeral services, at . h-r II n. iter.i ar- Thurn " P M. precisely. Int. West Laurel II i em Prlends may call Wed.. . te 0 '' u-.-K Nev. 4 ELIZABETH, wife of Jii II -'t (nee Landhsrr), ated BO Rela i 's n I frlenda, also members of Jehn II I ' lee Ne 2R, O 3 et II., are lnvltid te t . I funeral Wed., B.aO A. M 34JS i ii v rd st. Solemn requiem masa at the A, n Church 11 A. M. Int. private, II r'ei'remer 'em. pr FFElt Nev B. 1911. at De' r.. . . i i-s? Tinveirtrn. husband evulaeavllle, I et Jossph- ir. ' itMTer. in his 88th year. Funeral fr ni ihe residence of James P, e. near Peua'Djsv.lle. Pa., en Thurs., Nev. 1, at 2 V Hul'Pi r. Nev. 4. JOHN, Jjusband of the at i.ahe a N Hepple fries i Measlck). In his - in veai Relatives and friends, alae Idaho re". 7.1 I. O R M . Invited te attend t .em .srv cee, Wed.. 1 P. St., at his .vn m. ii fnwr.ts are inviteu te avignu 111110111 mi.- iri. Jjea 2 P M. preelaely. at residence her 3n. .awin -""" ','..' 'ZY..... V 're nve i.rmnnievvn. i..v. i'"-". K1P.LIN Nev. tt, 11122, PATRICK. hubanl I .."'.' l-.T'ViV.Wiriri.n' 7n rKhauih- 'h? W fln,,,.Wen(S'daTAV8UA" hr.n!'ef flarah Klaae. Relatlvea end frmls Invited te funeral services "rnur M at hla lale residence, yeue n. ain it Int Lawnview Cem. irienes may cnu , WKUK-KHAUM.-At hi. resldenee. 010 N. I "4"i St.. en Net. fl. 1022. OEORUE It. I.'n.ilAfM 8 "" 'ur,her ' iuu o'Inevv'j'OHN M.. husband of the ' a'i Vermlca Kruc (nee Btephln) Relatives , jnt yorthweod Cem. Remains mav i, '-'.. ... n.M.i,. .vV.nvlnu...l tui i- .n. i.vMn Nev. 5. WTU.IAJt. J., nusuana of Amelia Umb (nee Crlvtlle) areu B(J. ltelatlvvs anl friends lnv te Juneral lliurs,. ;M a. M. from residence, 2137 lV Albert t Hlr mess at St. Ann'a Church U A M Int private. .-, , r. Pnneral" Wed ' 10 30, from home e I I Nev i h s hi m' 'hr. 23(1 W. Mahaney ave., Mahaney .City Pa LB Itur -Puddenly. 1022 . -. - ., J -ili . TV 1 1 I n SSI. 1UL. UI IVKIII rm :... i i) A.',t. si ' iijssssjifi,' ' I MtATHt FREDERICK O. 1R RC O. l raulla .rarrn, Newtewn, Pa., aited ftlt. Krfande nnd rein lives Invited te attend the funeral, at till into residence. . en Wednesday afternoon. Nev. s, nt 2 o'clock. . MAYDttRRY. .At Oermsntewn. Sunday Nev. R. I'l.OltnNCK WINCHKSTF.R. wife of Wtlllnii (J. Mnjliurry." Jr. Funeral services Wed,, 4 :P I'i M,, nt her Inte realdcn. f.432 Wavne ne., (lermcntewn, Int. Old Chnt"l. t'larke Ceuntv, Vn. .MKIAHAN.-Nev. 4, 11125. RHtDaKT T.. d.iuchler of the late Patrick and Mnrfnret Mctlnhnn. . funeral prlvntc, Wed,, 8:39 A. M., from her Inte residence. 232S Richmond ft. Solemn reiiulnm mnu St. Ann's Church Hi A M Int.. New Cathedral Cem. McPANN. Nev. 4, 1022. PATRICK A., son of the Iste Patrick and Mary McCsnn. Relntlvea and frlends. also St. Uabrlal's Hely Nama and T. A. H. Bocletles, emp1oe of 1'. It. R. nnd all ether societies. Invited te funeral. Thurs.. 7:30 A. M.. from his lale residence, 1233 S, 3tat at. Solemn high mass of requiem St. Oahrlel's Church 9 A, M. Int. New Cathedral, MJt.t.i:R. Suddenly, at hi renldence. 8020 N, Sth at., en Nev. 7. 1022. PKTER. hus band of Jeanlo Miller fnee Stewart), ased 72 veara. Netice of funeral later, foelJ Nev. 4. MARY 'A, wife of Thmnas P. Moere. Relatives and friends, nlre Allar Society and Ieasue of the Sacred Heart, Invited te funeral. Wed., 8:30 A. M.. renld-nce. 3409 Hnverferd ne. Solemn re re quiem mnas St. Asntha'a Church 10 A. M. Int St. Penis' Cem. Ml'RPtiY. Ney. 8.1088. at her residence. SOI Spruce at.. IlKOINA, dfntahter of late Jehn and Klla Murphr. Relntlves and friends, "ten U. . V, IM. Sodality of St. Mary's Church and emplejes of Lit Brethers, nre Invited te attend .funeral, Thurs.. 8 A. M., from the apartments of Andrew Hbcrt's Sens, 2..S fl. 4th at, Solemn mans of requiem nt St. Mirrv'a church nt .,..' ,. .... vi.-yiPL-i. jiii, HDiy t-rnea l-em Ml'RRAY Nev. 3, JOHN J., husband of Maty A. Murray (nee KatteleV at his real dnce. 14211 Kuelld ave. Relatives and friends nre Invited te attend funeral. Thuri 7 3rt A, M.. residence of mother In-law. Mnrv Snttele, 13 7 Oxford et. Solemn requiem mV"MHt: .huK L SE13?. A"rcy ...rt .NOUN A"ch7,err'pi.rNev?Tj,0 IN P. hunlund uf Mnry Nelan. Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral. Wed . s-30 a. i rrem ma late residence. 1223 i Pimm m """'" "sui, mun mass St. chnel'n Church 10 A. M i. u. Mlchnel'e Cem. " uflPKN Nev. 4. WII.T.TAM T i...v...i nf Maruaret Osrden. Relatives and frlenls ' are -nMiet. w iiiicimi iiinerai, wea,, 2PM r!dcni.e nf hl daucjhter, Mrs. Carrie M Simen. 1 4il S, 32d st. Int. cnll Tiles eve. uui.h-.ii. nev. , msDEniCK T.. son I nf fnreilne and the late Jehn D. Orlleh (nee Knltver). need 84. Relatives and friends, also llelv Name Society; Frankford I.eslen: Ce II 31 Sth Infantry. 70th DIv.iTetenkA Tribe, Ne. 321. I. O. H. M., and Court Mt. etnen, Np. 117. F. of A are Invited te1 funeral. Wed , A. M., from his mother's reinience. siau Maimon st. Solemn renuiem lush mass All Salnte' Church, Bildeaburi. A. M. Irt. Meat Hely Redeemer Cem. I PAI.MRR. Nev. 8. 1022. JOHN, Jr.. be- i loved .en of late Jehn and Hllen Palmer . (ne.i Cloonan) Relatives and frlenda invited te funeral. Wed.. 7 A. M., late residence,! n iu incoming- si, neuuiem maas nt hi. Mct'hen'H Church. 8 A. M. Int. Hely Sepul- "",,. V.'U.,, ... - ,- ... ,.E,vi,ch. at hi. resldsncV i'ryn Mavvr. In ' '.V".'"-! ''"' of his nse. Funeral aervlcea at ' ""'v Trlnltv Church, ltuh and Walnut sts , ."" fh1!'' he uth in.t.. at 2 P. M. In- - ivrmcni nrivaie. I'leass emit new era. l'i:iZUM) ince Kaelherl. l?'nf 'urieh Pet ri. iv i "i.ii Nev 4. 1U2J. IAIUISA .1 old. Residence Cedar Brenk, V, ,1. l'u-' ncral services Wed., t P. M.. residence of. her sister. Mra. Anna Cook. 2228 Cud vvdllader at. Int. Greenmount Cem. Prlends C.l'l I'iIps eye J ITINtlSTAvl. Ner. H. 1022. I.U.LIAN. wife nf Harry C. R. pnnsatan (nee Ihe) 1 Rilntlvi and frlenda Invited te funer.vl enlres Thura.. 2 P. M at her late real-il-nee 1174 s,-. Ilttrew at. Int. private. at Niirthweed Cem. Vlewln Wed eve PulJTHK. Nev. 6. QEOROn W. Jr.. en of (letirare W. and Inte Rebecca W. Pevnter. Puneral aervicea and Interment at. I.enea. t)el Frl.. 1 P. M. Frlenda mav calP ac reuience. nl Lecuat at.. Phlla.. wed., nftei T P M. RA.VCK. .JJev. . 1D22, ANNA M. RAN'CIC. dauchter of the late Dr. Nathaniel nnd .iiisan Ranck, Relatives and frlenda ate Invited te attend funeral eervteea. nt the reslili.tim nf h nnhw WMItAm T. Enj- ' tiil 4016 Baring- it.. Wed. 2.30 P. M. tuetiseiv. Int, Mt. Merlah Cem. , Inn Davll and Raehel A. Reynelda. Rela tives and friends ate invited te attend ' funeral, Thura . 2 P, M . residence 3307 I Wharten at. Int. Arlington Cem. Frlenda mav rail Wed. eve. ltteny. On Nev. 4. 1D22. OEOROE It. RlHUr, of 120H Lecuat at. Funeral Thura.. h 30 A. M . from the Oliver II. Balr Illdg.. I--1') Chestnut st. Solemn reuutcm mass at st Juhn'e Church at 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem Remalna may be viewed Wed. ev New Yerk carers pleaie copy. Pleaeei emit tluwers. ) M'HIVKLY On Ner. B. IB22. AUOU9- Tt'S, son of the lata Edward 8. and Catha-1 rlni Schlvely. Relatival and frlendi, also ( nuncll. Ne. ii, e. U. A. M.. and all ether irK.inlzitleni of which he was a member, nre nvited te the service, Thurs.. 2 P, M., ... ...a r,l.m II t,l lll Ifi'JA ..Sua.m.l t.k ,1 - W.l..-, ,,, AJUli 4JUI. ,D.I WIVffUIHI I st. int. private, PCHOCH Nev. B. ANTONIA, wife of' Jehn Schech. Servlcee Wed., 2 P. M . at her Inte residence. 2Sld W, Yerk st. Relatives I r.ii'1 iriemia Invited. Hedy may Ce viewed Tui a eve Int. Northwood Cem. SHANE Nev, 4. KLIZAHETH. wife of W illlam Shnn (nea Qallachar). Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral rerv ices Thura . 1 P. M.. late residence. 2330 V.. Letterly at. Int. private, East cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed.. alter 7 P. M, S Mil II Nev. 4, OEOROE LACY, hus- bnmi of Marin Smith (nee Bumm). Rem I lit,., nml fri.xl, .l.n mamh,.e. r.t Rllnnm ... r t." - ...-.., ..?v ............... ... r..r ... 1 .Mtliedlt Liilncepal Church, nre Invited te iiiinnu mnerai services, Tiiuraeny, j:su P M,, late residence, 1200 E. Suaquehanna nv. Intimnt private. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday utter 7 P .t. bTRAWN -Nev. 3, JOHNSON, husband of Florence M. Strawn (nee Meredith). Tuner! win be held Wed.. 8th Inst., at 3 P. M.. from the home et his son, Themas Strawn, Old W. Bread St., Quakertown, Pa int eienda' Burial Grounds. SWAIN. Nev. B. THERESA (nee Relth), " . ub y U41I1 aJ nsaiiii tajisBbi wm MIU (C II War. also B. V. M. Sedalltv. and St. Lee's ladles' Henetitisi society, are invited te uttend fu tjeral. Wed . d.30 A M.. from her late resl aence. State read and Olaaten at., Teanny. Solemn requiem maas at St. Lee h Church. l0A. -)? Pettavllle tPr.) papers please ennv TAYLOR. Buddenly. en Nev. 4. 1022, SAMUEL huaband of Mary L. Tayler. IWatlves and friends are Invited te the serv ice Wed . 2 80 P. M.. at the Oliver H. Balr Bldr 1620 Chestnut St. Int. private. INruh. Net. 4. WILHELMLNA H.. JV4raa r TnVm J.italn llalntdiu J (aUnita T,,r, UL ,( uaniei . unnin, aaea ,u. iveia- and friends are Invited te funeral serv. Wed. 3 P. Tf.. at late residence. 420 aw., aienslde. Pa. Int Ivy Hill band of late Ellen Van Hern, ace'd er iteiativea and friends Invited te funeral services, Thurs., 1 P. If,, at late residence, 2S81 H S1 st. Int. private. Prlends may i. " ...-....-, ,-v . ...,,.CT et ..uiun ' ;vaa a member, are Invited te ftinera . ' ..V !..:;.. .tail a.i... '"'i."v V.""!.' Vi.,."..,"::S u-"i".ST""e .'b-,."uK'!' nrlvate. Vlaivlnc Tues. eve. ..... .. .iiii iiiiiu.1 ..,. .uv x, 4, Ullm WALTMAN Nev. 4, MARIE, wife of William Waltman, aed S3 Relatives and frlirds Invited te attend funeral. Wed , 0:30 A M.. resldenne of father, Jehn P. Coonan Mtn Wharten st. Selsmtt mass of reeuleni at Church of BL aabrlel 11 A. M. IntYlIely t resa Cem. PKPBKTAKI3H ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK Provide r.ew, the future Is uncertain. Reautlfiil Accessible. rerpeiuai tare. I Main Office Olenslde. Fenna Wfl - iiys JJenert. Cem VAN igj &!geiir tsetn rnenaa, S5 I , , .. v , 4. 1MJ. Wlb d of Susan Jehnsen illlam A. and Anna . .WARD. Suddenly. MAM A.. Jr., busb flev no W.rrf and mnn of William WI! Ward. Relatives and friends. nse Veellan Council. Ne. 17. F. P.A.i Aeolian 1. A.. Aanlla.i Vearlv llenanclnl Society, nnd Painter Council, Ne. 21, invited te runerni aervicea, vea... v. it., residence. 1640 H. Tanev at. Int. North North weed Cem. Vlewlnat Tuee. eve . ... . . WBBKR. Nev. B. HVA. widow of .Mlehaal Weber (nee Haas). Relatives nnd. friends of the family. Invited te funeral. Wed,, 830 A. M.i from aena residence. Henry M. Weber. 3141 Cedar at. Solemn requiem mne at the Natlvltv It. V. M. Church 10 A. M. Int New Cathedral Cem. WKHSTHH. Suddenly, at T.ankenau Hos Hes pltal. Phlla., Bun.. Nev 8. CHAtlt.KS K. 8. WEllSTKR. M. D. Funeral service at his home, BOO Seneca st., Uethlehem, Pa Tuts., 7,VeTTER. Nev. 81 MA'ROAnET ., wife nf neerna A. Wetter (nae Donehujth), In her 70th ve.r. Servleea ThUra.. 1:30 P. M., at residence. 1820 . Seltzer at. Int. private, at Itlllslde Cem. Frlendn mav call Wed eve. WU.SON. Nev. 3, FRANK W. WILSON need 77. Relntlves and friends nre invited te attend funeral rcrvlrea, Tues.. 2 P. M.. Inte reatdence. 4fl4t Penn at.. Frnnkferd. ,nvir.',Yt'SARY. ,,,,1, ,et r-ftl'preXtean'u'h. Invited te attend funeral services. Tues,, 3:30 P M.. realdenee of aen-ln-law.lUny J. Slushes. 2048 Rraddnek st Int. East Cedar Hill Cem. Vlewlns: Men. eve. PARCEL POST Cigars "CORAZA" $7 Bei of SO Cenit at $3.00 The Cerara it clear Havana filler and ene of the famous Philadelphia make. Searht Pay the Parcel Peet IT D C ET With Each Bes r nLk of tersi Citi Asfc,5AGE cmces MAIH3 UY KISHNLOHU BROS. Eipeclallu for lliptt-arade Trade SCARLETT'S WEEKLY SPECIAL We will mail te any address, "parcel pest prepaid," a car ton of 200 Piedmont cigarettes for $1.25 with 2 additional packages free. Parcel pest paid SCARLETT 703 Chestnut Street Parcel geet racE Drtntf Tarn a Zta Blanket Cleth BATH-ROBE at ibeut half the regular nrtee. Act at once eea4 rout order before they in ten, Just what you want fer bis Christmas gift. Mention color end site. Meney Refunded It Net satisfied T. H. THOMAS 020 CHESTNUT ST. Philadelphia, Fa. LOST AND FOUND MEDAL Lust Jehns Heiikltn sold medal, owner's name en back. Return te c. P. Gowman. SOL'S Spring Garden Ft. HEI.P WANTED FEMALE ADDRESSERS Attracttva work addressing Chrl.tmai rirl? for the girl vshe can vvrlii, eulckly anl leidblyi mujt be ever 10 seirn of age, Call nt onea. Mra. P.itten Curtis Publlshtn.' Ce.. 001 Saneern at. AN OPPORTUNITY Several women will be given evening em ployment 8 or mere evenings each vveeki at pllcanta muet be ever 25 sears et aK9, JJ. cellent pay te these eelected Call Tuesday evenlnga only at fl o'clock sharp. Ask for Mr. Were, 1001 Colonial Trust illdt. BOOKKEEPER wanted. Apply 114 N 3d St.. Id fleer. CAPIUEIIS N. Bnellenburg (. Ce h-vve voeanrles for bright, alert yeunc women past 15 jears, of ' the better type, for cashiering positions Apply at any time durlnt the dav at the l.ureau of Lmpluv ment, nfiii fler, .--eutfi llulldlng. Market, lull te 12th sta CLERIC wanted te run elfele record book", and general clnrleal vvrtk, kve eiperl ence, rtference and raltry desired, p "3u I.iilger Office. CLERKS The Curtis Publlshlni: Cnmpeny his clerical positions new open which th GIRL of ambition. Intelligence Inltlatt.. tlneerltr and willingness should net fall te INVEsTIUATl. If you are 18 te 21 jenn u ntr nnd hive had t or mere ears' high school education th" " TOUR OPPOR1 1 :,-ITT Call and see met brirtr veur Klrl frlenda Mra Putlen Employment Ofllci, (101 Pansem et Emplement erllce open frini A. if. te 4 P. M . I neon hour rrt - SH , h .(bkvm.', TtWrV,! DBATKS 1 9 nsisav -':-t? V4ffasB jf.L, yAvJ HKX.P WAKT1S VXXA1V1 'CLJURKS AND CASHIERS Toen women, 18 te 2(1 years of ate, for the positions of rnahler-lnspecterai If you hnve ability te handln nrurea accurately and are Interested In belrut trained for, a job higher up, call nnd Inqulre about the opportunities offered here. Apply rtureau of Kmplerment ' 'ANAJtAia3R'S CLURK9 Tntsrestln epentn for reunr women with clerical experience! see advertisement under "Yeung Women." Apply Bureau et Employment, WANAMAKER'S CLERICAL We have a number of openings for. yeuna women IS te 2A ytnra of aae te write and price orders 1 this work requires no previous experience -and will ha permanent te these who qualify. Apply Employment Department 8 A. M. te B P. M. Saturday neon EAnS. nOERlTCK AND CO. 4840 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD CONTRALTO SOLOIST for Episcopal church In the suburb: mixed cheir: I3nft te atstt. Applicants will be heird at 4'M P. M Tuesday, Theodere Prcaser. 1712 Chest nut st. CORRESPONDENTS If you hnve a natural aptitude for writing clear, cone ss letters nnd ate 20 te 2n tears et ass. call and see me at once, XIra. Patten , Curtis Publishing Ce., 00 Baneem st CROCHETERS, experienced, wanted en shad.v rlnas te de work at homes no wqrlc um nut nt eltv Till I in neraen. F. V I Mauter & henn t.'e., -IStl Wayne nve., near lain ana uerinaniewn avw. DEMONSTRATOR, extwrlenced. for products, Annlv 1821 N. (1th at. feed DRESSMAKERS Geed openings for experienced dressmakers. Apply Bureau et Employment WANAMAKER'B EXPERIENCED TYPIST If you are a Itttle above the averasre then you are the GIRL for whom we are loeklns-, and a position above the nveraEO la what we hnve te offer YOU Twe ymra' hlah school edueatlen. experl encii. apeed. accuracy, with aem knewledee of the comptemeter, nre the requlromente. Mra. Patten Curtis Pulllahtns Ce.. 001 Sansom at. GIRL wanted for aeneral housewerks new i heure with nil modern cenvenience: Reed wave: position permanent. Pheno German town fcOII J. GIRL Rrlsht nnd enercetle Ctrl, between 18 and 20, for nllnar nnd general office werk: opportunity te advance. Doertun ty te aavnnce. add y te tne Western Ulcctrie Ce. supply dent., llth and Yerk ate. GIRLS 16 te If) year of age tn enter our clerical department as junior clerks: these posltlene will lead tu promo tion within a short time. Apply Employment Department 8 A. M. te S P. M. Saturday neon BEAR". ROCniTCK AND CO. 4440 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD GIRLS We want some alert, active rtrte 15 te 104 senri of hrb, who vquIi! be Interested In permanent position's In our lunlnr denart ment: must hnvu at least 1 jenr'a lilch school edueatlen or ctulvalent, The nduintniree we offer Include geed pay, pleasant n.soclatlena and eurreundlnga, with promotion aheil. Doea thli Interest yeut Then call promptly nt Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S OIRLR Can you write nulckly afid IcilMy? Are tm paurt 18 years? . De you want attractive work? Then call and see m, Mrs. Tjtten Curtis Publishing Ce.. 04 Ransom st. UIRLS AND WOMEN We. are adding a new department and enlarging several othera, and again Imvu work lur at least 1 Km mere glrlu at enre: all light work In a ninleni, uti-tn-date facteryi hecuuse of our I clone proximity te the subway nnd elevated, .'IM tt ct itlen. alae te IJarlng, Lancaster ' nve . Darby. Spruce, rialtlmore nve, and i bprlng Garden nt. aurface lines nukes It ....a.. ,.. rn.ieh nnr nlint fmm nil n.i. n. the city. Apply factory office, II. T. Pnlste Ce ,32(11 Arch. lit. (URLS Id te 1H. for office werk: sume ex. rerlence preferred. J. Ldvvarda & Ce,. UM N 12th et, iitttl.t in tinck coffee tea and epics: must le ever 10 jeara. Apply llSi N. Prent et Oilll.S te tin I h 4.V. N. 3d it. U.i.lle hosiery. Apply HOSIERY Experienced winders and rib hands, Apply Pay Hosiery Mills. Inc.. Prent and Carfleld aU llersEWOItIC Cooking and downstairs work, re washing; sleep In; tefcreuce". Oak Lane 0180 (1705 N, lth stj ' IKJt'iEWiiK win, wr.ue gen. nwk: geed . tiAi ,ut ... , ..iijiii.hii ..j1- iim 01 W, INSPECTRESSEB We offer exceptional opportunities for glrli ..nd vvcr.ien te learn Inspecting and wripplns: tool opportunity te qualify for udvauced i'UfilllUUS N. HNELLENDURO & CO, Market, llth U 12th sts. Tils WlWJlMste'iiii 'si'ms'iisi J iiii'Vilt-Ja ' tf ' i "t f " ' Vit '' rft -1 f .r 4' l-isB .n.'j.4fu itSsm aisVs.fjifV.jga! Ijl'TSSSSXBSMmmWMmmMmmmmmmmm HELP WAH TID-TMf it It A It), for MfiTippftl hntismwnrL aa. i iJ In famllv. lhnni flgrmtntftw.i iSPm 4 OPERATOR If you J have harl soma aneu.. r ? tabulating; machine, IX ou are IB i7sa,L!i nf ere, if you can future aeaurati?.7S!l'l rapidly, ou nre the eun lady we Sl.l bup at DI1CO, "-M y MRS. PATTnv CURTIS PUnLISHINO CO.. 604 Benin. IJn-.pIeyment Office enen from f8:30 A 2 4' P. M., Ineludlnv lunch hour. ' .! OPERATORS, TELEPHONE There's cleaner, mere attractive, better paid J8 n Philadelphia than Hell TeleDhnSl TJI inir. v teacn you and pay you liviK week while learning (14.00 psrweek K! part evening 'work after r. weeks' b.,ii2 2nd T pn,M "" btw," A a? OPERATORS wanted en wash dressevTa operators deslredi special propeiltlon "25 f& , "Jkers i come Investlsatt our laS this N for permnnent emolevmsnt and 7U alack aoasen: beat sanitary factory, with H lined class of Blrlat Apply at onea te rtlhlT 6Anu1t"st:AU5f rer cakB COUnU " wW BAAIpSp?yLAlD3'CS3-f,?lt?tf.Une,a- ""'"gg HAT.rvnirpM We ar new selleitinar anniteatima t. women of the better type for the fS mievViai ucimiiiiiruini Art Nedlewerk Tnya Infanta' Wear China Gloves peels Jewelry Ctatlenerr nhtIfPi1el" ,n eth,r JMtmenta far 4m IirmL.,-.,MW0.m.enl rlenee net esseatwi week! we will Blve special consideration. M h'.w.1?0i.vh,lV,! b,,8n Mioelata wluTlS 8 .i. j . nce"ry quaiineaueni S,t taJilurinlr tn ,r. Bureau et : V." -L.i.rJ.'i?uln iiuiiainv. N. 8NELT.ENBURO A CO. Market, llth te lstli sta. SALESWOMEN Wanted A .few britht saleswomen aareeahle linlM... m.i.i ... i" " wli1""-1 ?nc ia.n(1 mnner. and a genuine InterssJ In soiling merchandise, which T TiTl inetuJS OLOVEB, ROOK9. TOTS. HADKERCfllEPa I . Th? nilvantsges Include geed par. pleaaasJ associations and gurreijndlngs. ana theeS! ilS",'inti Tf ,l, "rrla hplnVaprlvllSl extended tn our regular empleyes miniegg "WD. lll promptly nt Interest yeu7 Tha call Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S SALESWOMAN. 2.1 te 40. unencumbered; experience In we fare work preferred? for special edticHtlenal lleld! must have eer. eenn Ity and liitclllgcnce: permanent poeltleni eheiild ndvancn tu executive work vvlthlu 1 te . metilhs if canable: advance salary and ?8rifnrM ".,nrt' Bfa Mr- 1IuB' 1!U LlberS Ifldg.. Mninlnv or Tunsday. w" STENOORAnrKR Read atev negraphcr wanted by manu facturing concern located 3 miles outside Philadelphia: geed enlary paid at start, with or er or reptlenal opportunity for ad vancement; Pleasant surround. Inns: civ n experience. M 629, Ledger Otitis. STENOGRAPHER Experienced woman tine under 30. familiar with merchandise ledges work for our collection desk: elessant surl iuuiiu iik, .wmi i-ieniy ec aicianen: stats age, air. aclieiiiing. experience and salary de- 1. Address relief CMerlr Ma WM....S Bldg. "" STENOGRAPHER! must reside In north enst eectleti. Apply ut Penna. Steel Eg. pert Ce.. Venango and O ate TELEPHONE OPERATING If you art looking for clean, attractive, high-grade, well-paid work, nee Mlaa Stevenson at 1631 Arrh et . between 8:30 A. M. and 7 P. M, fehe will tell you about telephone operating a profession, $l.'l per vvetk te start. S14.r.e per week for part evening work arts 0 weeks. Belt Telephone Company. TELEPHONE OPERATING Advancement la certain te any jeung woman who be cnmei a Hell Telephone operater: $13 rv wee te atari: $14.50 per week for part evening work after fi weeks: there nre frequent las creates In painty: pny starts when training bccins; and the advantages of this Ideal oee rupniinn nre numerous, sen miss ritevensen, JUOI Arch at.. Hell Telephone Company. TTPISTS wanted by large manufacturing concern Is) Kensington; no previous experience neeses sary. C.Ut Garfield 2100 for appointment. WOMAN, educated, business-like, wanted te learn n selling (educational) system anl then tench It te ethers: salary for trial period, SI 2. a month. A .112. Ledger Office, WOMAN Opportunity for bright, refine! builuesi woman te Introduce msds-tn. ineaiuie silk underwear. P 114. Ledger (Uft TOUNQ LADtBB We have a position for the young laAr &1 10 years of age who ean writ rapidly n ean wms rayic Christmas cards. icRiniy. nunressinst nt once. Mrs. Patten Curtis Publishing Ce 001 Sansom I v TOUNO WOMEN HAVE TOU A knack at flguresT A nice, cletr heJidwrtttngf A clear head for thlnklnsT Pleasant feeling toward people? An ambition te get en In the werlat Tf no. there la most likely a. position watt lug hern fur you, ns u clerk, cashier, la ipTtrem or sale'in-einam eeme et these P Hltlens will be peimantnt: all of them ener importunity, geed pay and Invaluable buili nt. ii ii. lining. Apply t'lemptly before somebedr else rru the uucnlng, v'hlcU you would have Hiss til. i meat. Bureau of Emslenr tent (First rioer Gellerr) WANA AKER'fl (lenerel AN INTERVIEW Will convince ou that - have the epeth tunllj ou h.ive been looking for; eIM furce ure mk!nj morn money than uef nvri d; ejr mibclal course of trl; lug fits ou for our wcrk: eiperlence nl iiccus.aryi pi amotien te these who iiuallln uesi ei reierences reuuirea. Apply personally, T10 Wldene it. 11. . II M llll ...llw .. .-. tlm. ., hnm. UI dressing, milling musle clrculsrs; M at ene for Information, ete, Ameitcan MM" co , iuss uroaeivay. x.ew YerK. U1RI.H wanted: llevt." "positiens: I1J0 ljj manv vacnncleai xamlnatlena Nav. arn positional IIJ0 tn! amlnatlene Nav. aM u. P 1431. 1-ed. OJ. Dec. Write for pos, open HELP WANTED MALE UOILUiiUAEERS, ITi machinists. ITl M Jeb, free fare, Apply Jtoem 2, !" a 1 1 rtsi. . HONE aAU'VERH .......Si ..III .lj. AM el lew le.irners Pulaski live. Emll W.hl Uf Ca.. B9T I IIUNE IlUnONMAKEItrJ wantedl will ..." f. v" . I'rucra. jinu want i.s. vv, ri7n Piilnak me. ho(iicki:i:pku.steneo.. capabis, tr-fM '"" inure marge uoegs ana ertice e''i of iipttrlnient hutelj stat e age, auallflfgt'0 iOn, Idser Qm ti i iij sumry nssiiet l i.(i'iMvi.'El-Eii nd telegraph cpersw w .11.1. .ij diva run particulars and retina iiuei. a rnij, i,eier imiee. ii V. Hi te in, in tterrntntewn r ."fl i.iftke, saint y ti",(,rdln In ability, AW UHlIll , r.i iieraui'tee HanS1 IIOV wanted for after ad ":ii. piirumncnt vretk, Apply llius,, JU3 i'i, IU si. I I J 'I