Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 07, 1922, Night Extra, Image 27

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We have ready for
distribution a special
letter en Mercer Mo Me
eors dealing vith its
New car
' , Finances
Te the man who is inter
ested in the automotive,
industry this special letter
en Mercer Meters, which
produces one of America's
really fine cars, will be of
special interest.
Aik for thlt week's
pedal letter ,
Tenes &. Baker
Membtrt New 'erJc Curb Exchange
MtwYerh Chtciie Deiter rMIlal
FltMbrb Detroit Baltimore CUrtlan
Wideacr Building .
Telephone k,,,, ?&, 5Ml
a Emeriea Hetel
Telephone . Plata 841
- High Grade
Public Utility
Preferred Stock
Yielding 8
We offer at $100 per share a
limited amount of the Preferred
Stock of a well-known Lighting
Company operating in Greater
New Yerk. This prosperous
Public Utility for the 12 months
ending August 31, 1922, earned
the dividend en this stock mere
than three times. This security
, in our opinion is sound and
should appreciate in value.
Circular en Request
The East St. Leuis
& Suburban Ce.
Stockholders who nava
net received notice of
the eficr recently made
te purchase the stocks
of this company should
Immediately coramunl ceramunl
cste with us.
E. W. Clark & Ce.
Orders Executed
for caih or en a oennrvative mar.
Stall bath, in all eeurltlas iiette)
n the New Yerk stock Exehins.
Large or small lets.
Jftmttra New Yerk Stock Exchange
Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia
A well-known bend house has
penlng for salesman who can
Elace best quality utility and rail
end. A liberal arrangement
will be made with geed producer.
Bex fit 606. Ledger Office.
Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. H
iMiatlKiitf .uul mljiist lurinifjilin ami
Hr'iT hip iii-nuni una prepare
Incoren Tj- Iletyrru.
... .huicrmura te
mi."'"1 .!! Miht nnil Held.
iW ! '"i" no "" lee del.
Zli?' ?' Prfl)al r Intern.! en ay
Menrity bought of 8. W, straiu ft Ce.t
Write for our booklet S-Q and leiire the
vtateu why,
ljilH?KS.TA.Hn.. iW'" " mi-
w.ViJsrAii,: ..vi? ,i.,?lMriAr (i"n'
. TrufitPA
or A. C. new.NINO. JR
Ww Tork, Timber tfwr 8,"e'"-
At ,h. di&-ymiyil -w
Al.EK n, noniNseN,
.. Trenmirer,
At . ...,,...ill,1,h,R'. Net'nlMr 0 jiijj
"f tir M Ir??.?.?' i'";"n,,l,l "Jlvli""l
irn I " of h,J ii'.' 1" ilwlainl out of dm
etwcli. win iH, ,nii,,(w',t ,
:. 1: ualubhuxun; rriMWH
- i I i
Letters te the Editor
Paradox In Demeeraey ;
Te tht Editor et tht Kvtntne PubHe Ltieert '.
Sir 1'rebnbly no strnngcr paradox
exists In this democracy than the fact
tlmt thoe who nre nearest te the scat of
Government nrc net permitted te vote.
The bnlf million,, population of Wash
ington, D. C, of which 80 per cent Is
American, claims te pay the hlghet
per capita tax in the country, but It
has no vote. It aces the climax et a
Government reposing solely in the suf
frage of all the people, but Uelf Is dis
enfranchised, and has no 'voice as te
lta own burdrjns nnd privileges.
Ner 'daps It seem possible thnt the
citizens of the capital city cvr can
acquire what Is theirs by all test of
jiiHtice and logic unless help comet te
their rause from eutside Washington.
They have no Representatives or Sena
tors te feel the lash of the constituents'
will. Thiv nre absolutely cut off from
every effective means of achieving their
legitimate ambition under the existing
system, rdnce recent Congresses at least
have never been of sufficient nobility of
character te address themselves te a
task which premised them no personal
returns In their local elections.
At olio time in the history of this
nation, "Ne taxation without repre
sentation" was considered an argument
Important enough te die for, If ncccs
nary. Inasmuch as the perpetuation of
the principles established In thnt splen
did day Is the whole purpose of American
Government, It becins a selfish uncon
cern .which permits any body of cltlxvn
nhlp In this nation -te be deprived of
thnt te which their citizenship prlmn-
1 ily entitles them. Te newcomers It must
seem peculiar, If net ridiculous, that
there exists et the seat of Government
a great body et men and women who
are excluded from tlie very lununmcn
tals for which the United States stands
se signally before the world.
What Washington teems unable te
win for itself the nntten oheuld mnke It
an immediate business te win for its
national capital. Let every American
Philadelphia, November '2. 1021'.
Watching the Near East
Te the Editor 0 the Vvcnlne Public Ltdatr:
Sir Euiepcan powers nre formally
notified that the United States will
net take nn nctlve part In the Lnu
winni' conference en Nenr East set
tlements. Such action might hnve been
anticipated, had Europe's statesmen re
called te mind the nnphntlc but cour
teous decision of the United Stntcs
Senate net te permit President Wil
!(in te accept the mandatory for Ar
menia. ' '
Nothing In this can be construed te
indicate u lack of concern en part of
our Geveruii.cnt for the future of Eu Eu Eu
tepe, or of Ar-ia Miner. On the con
trary, Interest In these problems Is
lively and sincere in this country.
America prefers that Europeans adjust
their own affairs, te the end that we
be net unduly. Involved In bargains
made. Experience of the past 19 war
rant for this attitude, ter the handling
of the problem presented nt the Dar
danelles has net been such ns te In
spire confidence among the outsiders.
Had a sincere effort been made te
carry out in principle, even, the doc
trine of the Treaty of Versailles as re
flected in the Treaty ,of Sevres, a differ
ent tale might have been told. With
England France nnd Italy ull exhib
iting ' "expansionist" views, with
tiiuecp grabbing for Eastern Thrace nnd
Anutelia in addition te that part of
Smyrna net included In her award
under the treaty, a situation was
brought about that resulted in the pres
ent dilemma. If Turkey did net ob
serve the tcrmH of the treaty It is
eminllv true that Greece did net, nnd
a prevalent belief Is thnt England and
France likewise held it lightly.
America will be represented nt Lau Lau Lau
ounne by an observer. Europeans have
a chance te begin there te lay the foun
dation for substantial recovery. Un-ler-s
agreement Is reached, and ob
served, the restoration of the Old
World te tranquil health will be post
poned, but the blame will net lie against
America. We us a poeplo nre willing
te help, but respectfully decline te carry
the whole burden.
Atlantic City, N. J.. Nev. 2. 1922.
'' A Study In Figures
te the Editor 0 the Evenlne FubUe Ltdatrt
Sir These of ua who are interested
ui numbeis nnd nre mere pleused the
larger the numbers nre, will de well te
consider the number 54,421,832, nnd
heside this place the number 20,750,
703, which is even mere Important tbun
the larger number.
The larger number represents the
total nuraber of eligible voters in the
United States, and the smaller one
represents the number of persons who
voted in the last national election. The
dlfferonce betwecn the two, 27,002,120,
represents the number of persons in this
land of democracy who did net take
upon themselves the duty of making our
government n democratic one in the
uldpfst henHO of the word.
1 In se fur ns any candidate, even
though sucrctssful at the polls, fulls te
, lepresent the majority of eligible vot
ers In his community or in the country,
1 lie blame must fall en these who did
net go te the polls.
Tuesdny next, less than a hundred
hours from the time I write these lines,
! I he citizens of Philadelphia nnd Pcnn-
1 hylvanln will have an opportunity te
demonstrate whether tlicy really eherlsli
the light wen for them by the fathers
et the Republic. Thnt is as ninny of
them ns took the trouble te register and
theiehv show themselves worthy of the
democracy bequeathed te them.
Philadelphia, November 4, 1022.
Psychology nnd the Dinner
J'e the Editor 0 the .'villus PubHe Ltdatr:
1 Sir Mrs. Housewife, nre you In the
! habit of u-Uns M'ur husband, when
t he arisen from the breakfast table,
I "What shall we huve for dinner?"
I f)h, please don't de it.
I "I'is had psjcholegy, n professor of
tlmt science urines te remark. Hew
rnii n man, leaded down with n ceupln
tinen buckwheat cakes, three cups of
euffce and a pint or he of maple sirup,
knew or care what he would like for
New, women nre, different. They
think in terms of the kitchen, net the
dluiiii; room. In n great many homes
the dishes for one meal uren't done be.
feie preparations for the nct meal
must be put under way.
Se, Mis. Housewife, you have a per
fectly geed nnd noimalTcnsen for ask
ing hubby. Yeu want 'te pleuse him,
mid if he'll just drop a hint you will.
Hut choeM jour time nfcely. Ask him
1 jiii-t liefeiu )ielts down te dinner what
he wants ter dinner tomorrow. 'Alien,
If )ou have roast beef today, and lie
mswrrs, "Ht'ast beef hash," go up
nnd hug the old thing,
There once was a woman who nl
was nked hubby tibeut the meals
something after this fashien:
"Perk chops or steak tonight,
"Perk chops," he might nnswer,
"Well, 1 can rvt n nice plece of
inuud steak a little cheaper, sad we'll
have 'that." a
She meant all rgpt, but she was Just
Letters, te the Editor should be M
brief and te the point as possible,
avoiding anything that would open
a denominational or sectarian die die
cuealen. Ne attention wilt be paid te aneny
neus letters. Names nnd addresses
must be elgneri as an evldenee of
f?oe4 taMu although names will net
rrlnifii If request Is made that
they be emitted.
, The publication of a letter Is net
te be taken as nn Indersement of Its
Mnv by this paper.
, Communications will net be re
turned unlesn accompanied by post pest post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
Imilt perversely. 80 after a while that
husband get 10 he would- ask for the
one he didn't want and It worked like
? .c ..nrm; H wn diplomat. Every
family should contain at least two dip
lomats one. husband nnd one wife.
ell, new, what shall We have for
ni?ri?, . UNCLE JAMES.
Philadelphia, November 3. 1022.
Highway Mortality and Ita Causes
int eaiter 0 the Evenlne PubUe Ltdatrt
Sir Here is a statement I read In
Sunday's Pubme Lldeer:
"In the last twelve months 277 per
sons were killed in Philadelphia In
Tcweular' traffic accidents. About 00
per cent of such deaths wera the re
sult of automobile mishaps. The ether
10 per cent is divided among trolley
"""i ronrenns, motorcycles, bicycles
and horse-drawn vehicles."
. bservt " y?u please, that 00 per
... "' ""e miaiiues were uue te
automobiles. This, tee, In spite of the
policy of revoking the licenses of
urunken and .careless drivers, together
with the disposition of the courts te
Impese jail sentences instead of fines.
Drivers who use liquor while en the
iuu sneutd net be permitted te men
ccc the safety of. the nubile.
let ridding the highways of these
pests does net meet all the requirements
01 safntv. Minn .1.1 ....... . .1. .
drink alcoholic beverages take desperate
......c uv gruue crossings; some et
them linvn kun ..... " ' i ..
trolley cars while passengers are cross
ing the reads and turning blind corners
nt excessive rntp nf .nMil . Ake .-
UU0Cnit,y erget tb? lraPrtant rule for
.......... .cuwuauiy 10 me ngnt 01 tne
traveled part of the roadway."
Persons en feet often are' Inexcus
ably care ess ; they step from the side
walk without looking in either direc
tion en the assumption thnt all the re
sponsibility Is en the drivers of vehicles,
livery one en the highways is under
obligations te be vigilant.
I his is t,he lessen of the street desth
?,lt ,feu. the Iast twe,ve months in
mn a )V,1,LLIM n.- MICHAEL.
Philadelphia, November 0, 1022.
Questions Answered
"The Sandman"
Te the Editor ef tht Evening Publte Lttetr:
..!LZ;!. ' ?n "wr In which th.
sandman" puts the Htm children te sleep.
I hae heard my titter npeak of It. but have
wmr!.arcl,,t nnd .hve '"rotten th. name.
WHLye.u. p"a" ,e" me ALICE.
HUladelrhla, November 4, 1922.
Sandman la ene et the characters In the
n,..i ,Mfi """ nu uretel." flrst pre-
i Vie -"" '" i Kiia in New YerK
In 1805. Uaecd en the "Babes In the Weed"
story, the opera epeni with two children be-In-
aent Inte the weed for atrawberrles and
lenlna- their way. Sandman alma them te
alcep and fairies and ancete guard them.
Tha "Hall ef.FameV .,
Te tht Editor et tht Evtntng Publte Ltdatrt
Sir .Will you pteaes state In your People's
Forum what Amerlcan In the Hall of Fame
received tha createet number of tes eaat
by tne Judia7 j. y, p,
Philadelphia. November 4, 1922,
. I?u flrst 1,cn te the Hall of Fame
In 1O0O 100 judces were cheien te make the
decision, and of theae nlnety-aeven cait bal bal
eot, aeersj Washington received the vote
of all nlnety-anen. Abraham Lincoln re
ceived nlnety-alx vetea. as did Daniel Web.
eter. Benjamin Franklin received ninety
four. Technically, "B" Wins
Te tht Editor of tht Evenlne Publte Ledger;
Sir It would pleaae the writer, alae the
partlea Interested In the following question,
te see same answered at an early date in
your valuable eclumn among heading "Ques
tion Answered"!
A made a, bet with a whleh was made as
A claimed that Mrs. Beater would either
get esnt te the chair for the crime she com
mitted or she would be sentenced te twenty
years' imprisonment.
B bet A that she would net get either, but
thnt there was a possibility et Mrs. Rosier
being sentenced te net mere than twelve
New that the jury has brought a xerdlct,
which was sustained by the court, of "net
guilty," does U win the bet?
A claims that- beta are off, due te th
deftnJant getUng rdlct of net guilty. I
he correett CONSTANT HEADEK.
Reading. Pa.. November 4, 10!!.'.
Technically B wins, ae he bet that the
defendant would net he "sent te the chair"
or be "sentenced te twenty years' Imprison
ment," hie Qualification that there was "a
possibility of her being sentenced te net
mere than twelve years" had nothing te da
with the terme of A'a wager.
Samuel Oempers' Trade
Te tht Editor of tht Evening Publh Ledger:
Sit Please state what trails wan followed
by Samuel Oempers, head of the I'ederatien
of Laber. MACHINIST.
Philadelphia. November 8. 1D2.J.
flnmucl Oempers Is a clgnrmalier by trade.
Poems, Songs Desired
Te tht Editor of tht Evening Publia Ltdatr:
Elr In a recent issue I noticed a request
by "Qeraldlne"- for a poem entitled "Flirta
tion." Thee are a few light verses by Harry
M. Kay, concerning whose life. hnweer, I
knew very little. Z give same below.
f. n. r,
Philadelphia, October SO, 1023.
Touching the edge of affection,
Daintily playing a tune,
Treading with much circumspection
A pnthwny from perils Immune,
A song In 'he clasp of the flnrtrs,
A dance in the glance of the eye I
The trace 'if a pressure that lingers.
But never the trace nf n slrh.
VTrrds with the fragrance of eplees,
And flattery tralntrt f an art!
A rnptureus kiss that entices
Tha uiiiij9, but neer the heart.
As there Is never a moment nf faith.
There Is nmcr, u moment of deubt:
All the Juy, all the suing of the bena-fld
With all of th pain left out.
"Down Along the Rie Grande"
A reader of the Trepin's J-'crum requests
the words nf n K.rm ulth the above title.
Can a frlind supply It?
.The Pfeulr's I'lirimi "III 11 linear dally
In the KirnliiE I'ulillii ld(rr, and also
In the .Wiiinfm I'lilillr Leilaer. I.Kirrs
discussing timely lenlm nlll w nrlnted,
ms well an rraurstrd RfDl. end aurMlens
ui special Intrrrst will be nsHernl.
Emperia, Ivan., Nev. 7. The triul
of William Allen 'White, author und
editor, ehurged with violating the In
diiHtrinl Court I.hw by placing a strike
placard in window h of hie efflce at the
time of the railrentl shepmen's strike,
linn In-en net for November 22, Hlch
nl J. Hepkins, Attorney Uenernj,
nbked that the trial be rentlnuetl, but
Mr. White's' attorney objected. Mr.
White has declared that the trial" Would
be a test of freedom of speech.
By Mary Roberts Rinehart
Auther of "DanatreuB Day," "K," "The Amaaing interlude," and many ether twitting and tucctttful nevsla.
Copyright, lilt, by Geerge B. Deran Ce.
Bit. DAVID LIVlKaSTOKB, eMef. tHtff
Q."Frlti. a smalt (own, arXfV.JS'Zl
Ht thartf n ttcret tonrtrnine MMltttf l
thtir beloved ntohtte with 1
LVOV, hit titttr. eleu(fRr evrvtM4v W
i fc HtaMii
en there it a oat.anfTteho it emjg
eem dav te 00 tack te NeraAa. Wj.sl
?.""! V7! ."..order te .BridettHffav-
?n .?"2r.Z.Z-lLiLMA
"SJ1 l.t" of tiltalllv and 4s.
h iseNina
una acting in spit or file II
MUBABETH WHEELER, a wfcelMOtn eirh
uhe love him vtrv tinetrttu. '
in iev w.
BBVKRLY VARLYSt.K, actrttt. esse. Jtn
Mere etf ere, ua mixed fa 0) Jf
fteru. Htr hutbani. Lueet. had effJh9
JI?K at Mint generally blvd. JQ9
eh veung, men
fewn. Olerg hoof ii(oeBeoreil immHUatfly
aatf.it WU Bshevtct ht etrlsMS
etnevia ht ttritnt """
MM OBEOORT. Beverly1
manager, te tot researches
'VIS BAtHETT. e nte"arm
mttectt'i at Dick IAvinottenf
Hark. Hit dttirt it te clear this
'"fcf. 'e( blefc Wvjnosrep e
Clark. Hi dttirt i te clear thlne .
It IN A, BlUabtth' sitter, an ectrevagasl
young ml;
WeAL?E,rtBAtRE. a rieh.vouthvte
ei?.,'VJt't mother w(he.Mi,f2 """
JtltMBtffi, with whom he i emit!.
AFTER n time she went upstairs nnd
put en the brnrclct. And late In the
afternoon she went out nnd bought some
wool, te make nn nfghan. It ensed her
conscience toward Nina. She commenced
It thnt evening whlle ehe waited for
Wnlllc, and she wondered if some tlrae
she would be making an nfghan for n
coming child of her own. Hers nnd
Wallle Snyrc's.
Suddenly she knew thnt she would
never marry him. She fuccd the future,
with nil that It Implied, and she knew
he could net de It. It was horrible;
that she hed even contemplated it. It
would be terrible te tell Wallle, but
net se terrible ns the ether thing. Sue
saw herself then with the snme clear
ness with which che had judged Dick.
She tee, leaving her havoc of wrecueii
lives behind her; she tee, going along
her headtftreng way, raising hopes net
te be fulfilled, and pnsBlng en. She
Thnt evening. ChrNtmns eve, she told
Wnllie she would net marry him. Told
him very gently, nnd Just after an at
tempt of his te embrnce her. She would
net let him de it.
"I don't knew whnt's come ever
you," he enld morosely. "But I'll let
you alone If thnt'n the way you feel.
"I'm sorry, Wallle. It it mnkes me
Bhivcr-" w .. v .
In n way he was prepared for it, but
nevertheless he begged for time, for n
less unequivocal rejection. But he found
her, for the first time, Impatient with
his T)lcudlngf.
"I don't want te go ever nnd ever
It, Wallle. I'll tnke the blame. I should
have done it long age."
She was gentle, almost tender vlth
him, but when he said he had spoiled
his life for him Mie smiled faintly.
"Yeu think thnt new. And don't be
lieve I'm net Forty. I nm. I hate net
playing the game, as you say. But I
don't think for n moment that you'll
go en caring when you knew I don't.
Thnt doesn't happen. That's nil."
"De you knew what I think?" lie
burst out. "I think you're still mad
about Livingstone. I think you nre se
mad about htm that you don't knew it
But she only smiled her cool smile
and went en with her knitting. After
thnt he get himself In hand, nnd per
haps he still had some hone. It was
certain she had net flinched at Dick's
name told her very earnestly that he
only wanted her happiness. He didn't
want her unless she wanted him. He
would always leve her.
"Net always," she said, with trag
ically cold certainty. "Men nre net
like women; they forget."
She wondered, after he had gene,
what hnd made her cay that.
She did let tell the family that night.
They were full of their own concerns,
Nina's coming maternity, the wrapping
of packages behind closed duerK, the
final trimming of the tree in the li
brary. Leslie hnd started the phono
graph., and it was playing "Stille
Nacht Hellige Nacht."
Still night, holy night, and only in
her was there a stillness that was net
They hung up their stockings val
iantly as ubtinl, making little cere
mony of it, nnd being careful net te
think about .llm'.s minting one. In
deed, they made rather a function of
it, nnd Leslie dcmumlcd one of Nlnn'b
baby socks nnd pinned It ud.
"I'm starting n bank account for the
little beggar. he said, und dropped
a geld piece into the tee. "Next year,
old girl"
He put his arm around Nina. It
seemed te him that life was doing con
siderably better than he deserved by
him, and he felt very humble and con
trite, lie felt In his pocket for the
square Jeweler's box that lay there.
After that they left Walter Wheeler
there, te play his usual part at such
times, and went upstairs. lie filled
the stockings bravely, an orange in each
tee, n box of candy, a toy for nlil
time's pake, and then the little knick
knacks he had been gathering for dnjs
nnd hiding In his tick. After all, there
were no fewer Mec kings this year than
last. Instend of .Urn's, there was the
tiny one for Ninn's baby. That was tliu
way things went. He took away, but
uUn He gave.
,11c snt back in his deep chnlr, nnd
looked up nt the stockings, ludlcreuclv
bulging. After nil, if he belieed tlmt
He gave nnd took away, then, he must
bellove thnt Jim was ihcre he hail
tried te think htm, filling a joyeut-,
active place in sonie boyish heacu.
After n while he get tip nnd went
te his dehk. nnd 'getting pen and paper
wrote carefully.
"Dearest : Yeu will find this In your
stocking In the morning, when ou get
up for the early service. And I want
you te think ever It In the church.
It Is filled with tenderness nnd with
anxiety. I.lfe is net se very long, little
daughter, and it has no time te wnvte
In nnger or in bitterness. A little
work, n little Bleep, a little love, and
it in all ever.
"Will you think of this teilnv?"
He locked up the house, and went
slowly up te bed.
Klinbt'tli found the letter the nel
morning. She steed In the bleak toeui,
with the nnl,ies nf last night's fhe still
Huieklng, und the stockings eerhc:id
net tettive in the gray light, but look
ing forlorn and abandoned. Suddenly
her eyes, diy and flntucly burning for
be long, were wet with tears. It was
true. It was true. A little work, n
Th F tapper!
The Jauheand!
The Butterfly Society Weman!
The Meneymakinf American Dad!
Uveige Uibba picicnts a tcalittie
picture of them all in hit
powerful new novel,
"The Heuse of
An aaterbing diamn keepi the fa.
irnif chat octet in a centtant
whirl of gavcly and excitement.
Begins Tomorrow -
1 PL
KegsfB W jflaTarXryP
"Want e!" he said. "Mere
thnn un thing else en this earth."
little sleep, a little love. Net the great
love, pei haps, net the only love of a
man's life. Net the love of yester
day, but of tedny and tomorrow.
All the lierte lcprcvslen of the last
weeks was gene. She began te suffer.
She saw- Dick routing home, perhnpj
high with hope that whatever she knew
. ou,l understand nnd forgive.
And (die daw herself failing him, cold
nnd i,hut away, net big enough nor
woman enough te meet him half way.
She saw him fighting hN losing battle
alone, protecting Daid, but never him
self; carrying I.ue.v te her quiet grave;
sitting alone in his office, while the
tllage walked by and stared nt the
windows; she saw him, gnining harbor
after storm, and finding no anchorage
She turned and went, half blindly,
into the empty street.
She thought he was at the early
service. She did net see him, but she
had once nunin the thing thnt had
seemed let forever, the warm sense of
his thought of her.
He was theie, In the shadowy back
pew, with the grill behind it through
which once inslsttnt hands had reached
te summon him. He wen there, with
Lucys prner book in his bund, and
none of the peace of the day In his
heart. He knelt nnd rose with the
"O (jed, who mnkest us glad with
the early remembrance of the birth of
Thy Sen "
David was beaten; most tragic de
tent el nil. beaten by theso he had loved
and faithfully setved.
He did net rise en Christmas morn
ing, nnd Dick, visiting him nfter nn
almost untttbted breakfast, found him
still in his bed nnd questioned hiu
.. "'"J"1,1 riFht'" ,,p nrrted. "I'm
tired, Dick, that's nil. Tired of fight
ing, lpu re mng. Yeu can carry It
011, and win. But I'll never see it.
They ic stronger than we arc."
l.nter he elaborated en that. He had
kept the fnlth-. He had run with cour ceur cour
age the race thnt was net before him.
He had stayed up at night and fought
Has the jazz age made
the twentieth century girl
reckless as well as restless?
Flippery and flappery did net seem te win Masen Leng, who held some eld-f-ishinnpd irlpn
earning women. It was possibly the perverseness of the feminine sex that when Aline found .'
man who did net yield te her wiles, she fell deeply in love with WiT'ThS lure of the unaUain
viewpert reVerSGS Came and AHne fUnd h Vitally neCGSSary t0 l00k at Hfe from a Serious
Utilizing her one talent, Aline wen success. Even mere, she wen recognition for her funda
mental sincerity from the man who had scorned her as a social butterfly. Her impulse hen was
te punish his former temerity, but '"ijui&l men was
Fer what really happened, it will be necessary te read the entertaining new serial
fEuenmij public ledger
for them. But he couldn't fight against
Dick went downstairs again and shut
ting himself in his office fell te pacing
the fleer. David wan right, the thing
was breaking him. Very seriously new
he contemplated abandoning the town,
Inking Dald with him, and claiming
his estate. They ieuld travel then: he
could get consultants In Europe; there
were baths there, nnd treatments
The doorbell rang. He heard Min
nie's voice in the hall, net tee friendly,
and her tap nt the deer.
"Seme one In the waiting room," she
When he opened the connecting deer
he found Lllabclh beyond it, a pale and
frightened niinbelh, breathless und
very still. It was a perceptible moment
before he could control his voice te
speak. Then :
"I suppose you want te see David.
I'm sorry, but he isn't well today. He
Is still in bed."
"I didn't come te ice David, Dick."
"I ennnnt think you want te see me,
"I de, if you don't mind."
He steed aside then and let her pass
him into the rear office. But he was
net fooled at all. Net he. He had
been fooled enough. He knew why she
hnd come, in the kindness of her heart.
(She was un little. Geed heavens, n
mnu could crush her te nothing!) She
hnd come because she was sorry fet
him, and she had brought forgiveness.
It was like her. It was fine, It was
His voice hardened, for fear It might
be soft.
"Is this a professional visit, or a
Christmas call, Kllzubcth? Or perhaps
I shouldn't call you that."
"A Christmas cell?"
"Yeu knew what I mean. The day
of peace". The day of what de you
think I'm made of, Elizabeth? Te hav
you come here, gentle and geed and
He get un nnd steed ever her.
ana almost threatening.
"You've been te church, and you've
been thinking things ever, I knew. I
was there. I heard It all, peace en
earth, geed will te men. Besh. 1'eace.
when there is no pence. Geed will :
I don't wnnt jour peace aud geed
She looked up at him timidly.
"Yeu don't want te be friends,
"Ne. A thousand times, no," he
sold violently. Then, mero gently:
"I'm making a feel of mjself. I wnnt
jour peme and geed will, Elizabeth.
Ged knows I need thorn."
"Yeu frighten me. Dick," she said,
lowly. I tllrtn t come te bring ler-
givtness, if that is what you mean.
came "
"Don't tell me jeu eame te ask It.
That would be meie thnn I can bear."
"Will you listen te mc for a moment,
Dick? I nm net geed at explaining I
things, and I'm nervous. I suppose '
jeu can see that." She tried te smlk1
nt him. "A a little work, a little i
sleep, n little lee, that's life, isn't it?" i
lie was watching her intently. I
"Werk nnil trouble, nnd a long sleep
nt the end for which let us be duly
thankful thnt's life. tee. Leve Net
cery one gets love." '
Hopelessness nnd despnir overwhelm
ed her. He was making it hard for her.
Impossible. She could net go en.
"I did come with pence," she
said tremulously, "but If you don't
Aline Fester hadn't a serious
thought in her head. She wasn't
at all in love with Charlie Tyne,
although engaged te him. It was
exciting te be engaged but
marriage, se she understood, was
another steiy. Charlie became
tired of playing deer mat and
boldly asked for his release.
Fascinated by a new man, Masen
Leng, Aline swallowed her pride
and watched Charlie find happi
ness in Mabel Cellins, one of the
least popular girls in their set.
Hazel Deye Batcheler
New Running in the
Order Your Copy Today Frem Your Newsdealer
The Evening Public Ledger prints en an average of from one te two . n f
late new. and entertaining future, than any rfher pKi3Sb SiEp
"Make It a Habit"
want it " She rose. "I bust Uf
this, though, before I go. I blame mjr
self. I don't blame you, Yeu are
wrong If you think 1 came te forgive
Jen.' T
'She was stumbling toward the deer.
"Elizabeth, what .did bring' you?;'
She turned te him, with her hand en
the deer knob.
"I came because I wanted te sec
you again."
He strode after her and catching her
by the urm, turned her until he faced
"And why did you want te see me
again' Yeu can't still care for me.
Yeu knew the story. Yeu knew I wui
here nnd didn't see you. You've seen
Leslie Ward. Yeu knew my past.
What ou don't knew "
He loelcd down into her ejes. "A
little work, a Utile sleep, n little love,"
he repeated. "What did you mean by
"Just that," she sold simply. "Oniy
net n Utile Ier, Dick. Mm be jeu
don't wnnt me new. I don't knew. I
hnve ntilfcrrd se much that I'm net
sure of an thing."
"Went you!" he snhl. "Mere than
nnvthlng en this earth."
Bassvtt wns nt his desk In the office.
It wa-i late, nnd the night editor, see
Ing him rending the early edition, his
feet en his desk, carried ever his coffee
and doughnuts nnd joined him.
"Some time," he said, "I'm going te
i "Miilfiifl.Lir cwenwcaith Vliri'fM
ti li 'S n puibv'n ff tfJ'L
Title Insurance and Trust Company
N. W. Cor. 12th and Chestnut Sts.
OUR complete facilities for overhauling and rebuilding loco-
motives were gladly civen te the railways of the ceuntrv '
during the present traffic jam te help them keep all industry
mevinpr. Much of the credit for the present return of prosper
ity belongs te the railways for their determination te meva
traffic, no matter what the cost te them.
i ;j
I , ,
get that Clark atetr at af
Wasn't you who turned
fesslen, I'll eat it." ..
Baesett yawned.
'' "Have it your bwa way,"
"Yen 'wer rlleMlltsT
weren'f yett? Ne? Wfcat'i
miMU-ar?" J'
Iiiissett made no renlr. He)
up the paper and pointed te a IMi
Willi the end 01 nis pencil.
"Seen this?" ' ,.
.The night editor read it with
ivl1s-1irmtnf. Ua ff1f.nrr1 MlKi
"Whnt's that get te de with Of
Clark case?" . . j
"Nothing. Nice people, thM
Knew them both."
When the night editor walked awafl
rather affronted, Bassett took P til
paper nnd reread the paragraph.
''Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter W hosier.
Haerlv. announce the engagement jta
their daughter, Elizabeth, te Dr.
ui A T.ftjf Miig(f).ft '
(ail iinia,niwm.i MJk
He rat for a long time staring at M
The End
Bishop Asks Red Creta Aid
1"nlnnnnl rOnrrfvmen in this dteC
have been nsked by Bishop Garland t
work for n 100 per cent enrollment d
their congregations in the.slxta an
mini Bed Cress rellcall which eptrf
next Saturday. ,
October 31, 1921
L April 29, 1922
October 31, 1922
V. . f !" " - '" ""' ''- - '.
C'Tt I J
I,. .,.f..l