w m V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1922 bn - k & STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M. CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. P"VI Wk Yk 1 1 P 1 1 d WW T 1 SnellenburgS 1 we rages racked r ull or W endert Y. J ENTIRE BLOCK- MARKET & 12 STREETS yM HSS:SHSHSS5SSrSS!SBS:S I BU '. &. lv.M f y ffi .fc I! ft Ih i 3 5 i ir i: i if si i !' ft '!' M H I ft re iu. .'..1 If. I tf- Wonderful Gift-Opportunities in Levely Undergarments OF MANY KINDS Imported and Demestic Garments At Tremendously Fine Anniversary Savings $4.00 Philippine and Perte Rican U1 AC Lingerie WUVD Exquisite hand-made and hand-embroidered garments of finest nainsoek, in many lovely styles. $3 Crepe de Chine M QC Envelope Chemises DXt70 In daintiest styles and colors. $4.98 Crepe de Chine Gowns Of fine quality, charmingly lace tnmmcd. Wonderful Let of $2.50 te $5.00 Imported Hand-Embroidered Lingerie Anniversary Priced at $1.29, $1.79 & $2.59 bNF.LLENBURtjS Stceml Kleer A Real Anniversary Special! 500 Pairs of Women's $12 Silver or Geld Brocaded Evening Slippers Te Sell at $& 7R Pair 1S V V V $3.89 These are the genuine imported silver and geld brocades, se fashion able, yet se difficult te get here tomorrow at about the wholesale cost that ether stores are paying for them. All-silver cress-strap pumps in two distinct designs one medel with '2-inch Spanish heels; the ether with l-inch Spanish heels. Geld brocade cress-strap pumps, with high Spanish heels. Silver brocaded vamp with a small black dot in the center of the brocaded design, with black satin back and heel. Popular one-strap model. All sizes and widths. SnTlleneTjS First Fleer Wonderful Anniversary Purchase of Juniors' and Girls' Splendid New Winter Coats Big Feature Values Tomorrow at Only .95 Developed in wool veleurs, tweeds and novelty fabrics all heavy, warm coatings along the newest lines, and fini.-hed with large cellars of fur or self material. Splendid Coats for Set-rice and Fine Appearance. Sizes 6 te 16 Years. One Shown Alse a Marvelous New Shipment of Juniors' and Girls' Dresses Anniversary Sale Priced at '&(fmi Yi $12 Jpe.SO bmart, fashionable styled ireck- ei velvet, wool crepe. 1 renin serge end combinations of novelty materials in large assortments of charming models for school and best wear. Tremendously Fine Values at This Very Unusual Price. Sizes 6 te 16 Years. S' r ' f-ua Ti.:S .Second Fleer Wonderful Sale of Dells Heads Anniversary News in Toytewn Today Cheese Them New te Dress for Christmas Take Advantage of These Tremendously Fine Anniversary Savings "Baby Ella" Sitting Infant Character OKc DeUs, Special at " Children's Desk-and-Steel Set Natural finish. Tey Baby Grand Pianos. Special at.. Fer children; with fifteen (15) keys; in rosewood finish. Tey Piane Steels te Match,50c $2.50 $2.25 $1.25 0T Character Dells, Special at With voice and moving eyes. Infant Character Dells, Qs Special at D;n' With moving eyes. Four-Way Checker Beards Interesting and amusing adults and children. Demonstrating the Famous "Rejuvenating" Corsets Jm& Under Direction of An Expert Cersetiere Trained by Prof. Chas. Munter, of Nulife Institute A splendid, scientifically constructed corset, designed te lift the body te the cor rect poise, rest the back, support the abdomen and reduce the hips. The Nulife Requires Ne Lacing Just draw the belt and your figure is instantly brought into lines of symmetry and beauty, giving you a feeling of youthful buoyancy, comfort and splendid health. Come in and See It Demonstrated in Our Corset Salen, Second Fleer PRICES AND STYLES WITHIN REACH OF ALL Misses' Corsets, $3.50 Women's Corsets $5 te $16 Nulife Belts and Braces for Men Braces $2.00 Belts $5.00 & $7.00 Separate Fitting Roem and Male Attendant for Men bNELLENBURflS Second Fleer Anniversary Brings Unparalleled Values in the Blouse Department Headed by a Wonder-Greup of Women's Stunning $12.75 te $18.50 Imported Hand Made Beaded Overbleuses at $7.95 n t Georgette and crepe de chine model?, beaded elaborately in cut steel, crystal and jet bead?, or richly embroidered. Collarless neckline styles, in henna, jade, gray, navy, bisque and black. $8.50 te $12.75 Imported Hand-Made French flC QC Voile Blouses tDel.tJU Daintily trimmed with hand tucking, hand embroidery, hand drawn work and real Irish lace. Vcstee, frilled and cascade front styles with Peter Pan and tuxedo cellars. French and Demestic Voile Blouses Values Up te $4.00 at $1.00 Filet and Venisc lace-trimmed models ether with embroidery and tucks. Frilled, ves-tee and smart tailored models Peter Pan and tuxedo cellar styles. $5.00 and $6.00 Silk Blouses and Overbleuses $2.95 Crepe de chine, Georgette and Pussy Willow taffeta blouses and oerbleuscs, beaded, embroidered and lace trimmed. Smart tailored models included. Flesh, white, bisque, henna, navy and black. $1.00 and $2.00 Fine Lingerie Blouses Sheer voile, batiste and colored novelty blouses, trimmed with embroidery, lace, tucks or in "mart tailored models. Tuxedo and Peter Pan cellar styles. SseLu NBURCS Second Fleer 50c This Handsome, Brand-New Medel in Men's 14kt. Filled White Geld Elgin Watches A Big Anniversary Special Today at $12.95 Newest style in men's watches. Elgin movement, fitted in 14-kt. filled white and green geld fancy case, with silver dial. Handsome for Christmas Giving. SCELLENBURXjS First Fleer jrwi ntB3nniiff!iBrmi.!(Mii!mTm"ii iuirav,iniT"T m wrra. iiw Special Netice te ' Charge Customers! 4 All purchases made during fc' November will be charged en our December account payable -in January- Three Big Anniversary Leaders in Beys' Furnishings Tlutt Save Yeu Decidedly Werth-While Sums Beys' $2.00 Silk- $1 J7 Striped Blouses.... x9 Blouses of the finest quality silk stripe madras, in distinctive pat terns. Made with button down cellars and soft turn back cuffs. Workmanship, fit and finish of the best. Sizes 7 te 16 years. Beys' 50c Silk Four-:n- 25( Hands Just half price for these tics! In the popular narrow shape. Wide range of attractive stripes and plaids. SnELLENBJRSS First Fleer Anniversary Deeply Cuts Price en These Jaunty Slip-en Sweaters Fer Today at $2.69 V arieus weaves in nu merous pretty, becoming mod els One pictured. .1 the popular colors te smartly top that favorite sports skirt. Sizes 38 te 44. Beth geed-looking and r.ervieeable. SNFILF.NBURaS Second Fleer mmffl 75c for Flexible Flyer 'TV. iM U.I Mm' i Special at $2.95 5NELLENBURCS Tey Town, Fourth Fleer Wonderful Anniversary Sale of Fashionable Black Silks Savings Average ls te l2 Black silks are the most fashionable silks of the hour. This sale includes all the weaves most preferred by -vogue and rich, deep, jet black. Exceptional assortments. $4.00 Black Satin e 1 Q O YA $2.00 Black Satin e 1 AQYA Charmeuse . pl."0 Ial Duchesse . . P1-T a. Very heavy quality, firmly woven, though very soft, of highest giade pure silk. A beau- 40 inches wide utfh very soft. tiful lustrous black. $3.00 Black Satin 1 CO yd. Charmeuse pA07 40 inches wide. cellent black. All silk, geed firm body and ex- $4.00 Black CO 7Qyh Canten Crepe . .P.7ia' 40 inches wide. Heavy quality, all pure silk. Ex cellent black and warranted te wear, $3.50 Black flJO CQYJ Canten Crepe . P.07 Ia- 40 inches wide, black. All silk, geed body and splendid 35 inches wide. All silk. Geed body. Beautiful lustrous black. $2.00 Black Satin M OQVh Messalinc . . pl.ra- 35 inches wide, body. All silk, fine weave and geed 8t.T$225 40 inches wide. A heavy quality all pure silk. Excellent deep black. $4.00 Black Sating QO Y. FaceCantenCrepcP.O 1U 30 inches wide, All Bilk, semi-luatreua face. Geed body and fine weave. bNELLENBURflS Second Fleer Overwhelmingly Endorsed By the Men of Philadelphia Yesterday Snellenburg Clothing at Anniversary Savings! Six great Anniversary lets of splendid clothing, direct from our own factory, Bread and Wallace, all built en the newest lines, of the sturdiest, best-looking fabrics! in smart new patterns and colors. jl Come Meet These "Big Six" Value-Leaders in iOf Man9 Clrti-hina Stfir Tnmnrintii f M& VMI Irlvfl W mm m h mmtwm m m mmswm w w $35 and $40 Winter Overcoats at $42.50 te $47.50 Winter Overcoats at ... . $24.50 $31.00 ea.; . & ea.a $ $35.00 and $37.50 Fall and Winter Suits at ... . $23.50 ji ea. $40 and $45 Fall and Winter Suits at . . $27.50 ea M $8.50 Fancy Trousers at $4.55 Pairi AH $12.50 Fancy Trousers at . $5.85 Pair SnELLLNBURCS Third Fleer A Very Special Anniversary Event i:i Our Music Stere Violin Week YV9CE X -J'Q m i A Offering Choice of Three Splendid Violin Outfits, Especially Adapted for Beginners $Ss At Prices Net te Be Matched in Philadelphia Onffif 1V 1 cens'sts f violin, bow case, Uullll 1MO, J. extra set of strings and resin, in one-half, three-quarter and full-size violin. at $9.85 rtufif Ti 9 includ03 violin, bow, case, VJUL1II rU, 4 niute, extra set of strings, resin and stand, in full-size violins. at $18.50 Hnffif TV 1 inclutlinR violin, bow, extra UUUll Xiu. e set of strings, case, stand, mute and resin, in half and three-quarter slzb violins. at $21.50 Yeu are invited te come in and try out these fine instruments for beauty and sieeetnesa of tone compare them with ami ether violin in the eltu at the price, and note their wonderful value. SNELLQJBURflS Fifth Fleer Extraordinary Anniversary Sale of Babies' $1.95 te $2.50 Creepers & Rompers at $1.45 ea. Daintily and well-made little garments of excellent quality materials product of a fine and famous maker. Levely Celers and White White Twe Pictured Many cunning styles, attractively smocked, prettily hand stitched and ef fectively trimmed with contrasting col ors. Sines 1 te 4 years. Thrifty Parents, Take Advantage of This Extremely Lew Price! bNfclLLHUURGS Second Fleer A Striking Em Anniversary Men's $2 Capei At Fine nualitv caneskin style, with spear-point emfl Asserted shades of tan an Women's Sheri Chamois-Lisle Gloves. . . . Excellent glove for wear that is washable. contrasting embroidered, Gray and brown shades. Anniversary Shm Children's m pi Ml at iTi II "yn Goed4 T " " l( trav " 1 l U 1 1 s $9.75 Stripe and Plaid Sports Skirts Featured in the Anniversary at $5.95 Splendidly made of Bachmen and Wnlthers best prunella in the popular box-plaited style. Cleverly fashioned with plain-color box plaits en top, colored stripes or plaids beneath of Brown, Tan and Navy. Sizes from 26 te 32 Inch bands. Very un usual offer! SNELLENDURflS Second Fleer Anniversary Prn Km OurF3 Best Tim IW Pure Gum TuJ Tremendous cndurancjl these tirc, because they I JOc'c BifMTl Wheri Kvery (iirard (elJU utmost service and MitisfJ Guaram Cnn.lrurllen ef lllmril j 1 34 30x3 i2f $11.75 32x3 yz ...$16.20 32x4 ...$19.05 33x4 ...$21.25 32 33 34 INELLENB S N. SNELLENBURG & STOR1 iifjaiiuiftu 'jv'- w '' ' m a Ai. . . . v.. . . - . -i v. h . . . 'Mi vrW,W. rft. , SI. , y , URG & CO. mHHyiH iWJAllli.lin I- '.t 'Witi'- a ,t ai . jy, LM.U.. i: n " ', ( lift VL jjMfcMJMjMMB