tfST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Speaks of Mr,.. and Mrs. 'Montgomery? RaciM&etpedayS&eflells of Costumes Seen at, a i Debutante (Tea Yesterday Other Interesting News, ' MR. AND, MBS, HOBERT LB AM INU MONTGOMERY wlU'glvc a mm 'meet -this alternenn at tier Siuihtr. Helen ellpbc Wfwt be .ins nt" 2:45 and a tea will fellow It. Kere will b,twe events, nnd It sounds IMhe affnlc 'Would be nn Interesting 2nd untiUrfdrm of entertainment. Ne den l 4ui'h for her debutante cousin. "Staf-MW nnapnrtment nt 1830 Rittenheusis sciuats new, te tUe warden elact at Haverford in being oc ec cwled by her brother, Herbert .Warden. t. nii wife. who wa Dorethy Ely, dawfter of the William KeyrteUf Ely., "$??$ 82: .E!r. MV.' taken an acirtment at the' Aldlne for the winter 2S5 hare rented- Ihelv house In the Country te Mrs. Abrnm un he? dnu?hter. Carolyn, who returned Sbeut two months age from a year n Europe. The party teiilffht will be chaDcrened by Mr. and Mrs. harden and Jlr" and Mrs. Rebert McLean. , RffARIE ARIB LOUISE ADAMS, tne daughter et Dr. and Mrs. Themas XU h AlkcK. made ner aeeui yri V;. -'. . t.n which her Brand- SSSSTMr and Mrs, Cyrus Beruiw. Ellen"! Feeks. .lauBhter of Mr. C Mil Jacobi., et West Chcjtnr. 'he Sliii nart Included, Mm. Car. of Overbroek, Rave for her and for war- re- relvlnK party Inclu. e.. ." " rndWltt. Mrs. Iinr.T ?'","'.-,- Brooks' aunt, and about sir or seven ftUrfe LeuJss looked very well In , an old-fashioned dress of white tulle em broidered in silver ever white si Ik. The Jress was made with a long, full skirt and the bodice was trimmed with silver. Ellen Brookes wero a pretty dresa el white velvet made en plain .'"M. The mothers of the two girls, Mrs. Aiken and Mrs. Jacobs, were charming. Mrs. Aiken wero orchid crepe de chine combined with geld lace and Mrs. Jacobs rose color velvet. Marie Louise s Jrandmether. Mrs. Bergner, wero a rets of dark blue velvet trimmed with ermine. t EVERY ONE will be glad te hear thnt Mrs. William H. JcfTcrys Is well nnd at home twain. She was taken sick last June, but had expected te he well enough te give her debutante, daughter Lucy a tea en October 4. However, bv tlien he bad net fully re covered, se it was thought best te post pone her rtniighter'a party. She nnd Dr. Jefferys expect te give a dnnce for Lucy and Margaret Hot Het field, Dr. Charles J. Hatfield's daugh ter, who Is afoe coming out, In January, I hear. e Lucy will have a party after nil. If I nm net mistaken she will have a tea given for her tee, ns her sin ter's mother-in-law, Mrs. B. Frnnk Clapp (Nancy Jefferys married Alger non Clapp). Is planning one for her the end of this month, but it is never safe te mention n date, they are changed e often and se quickly. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Henry Whipple Farnum. of Brvn Mawr. wilt Rive a dinner en Saturday evening, December 23. at the BcllMit BcllMit Stratferd. In honor of Mies Jesephine Jenks. rtehutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jenks, of this city end Mount Kemble, Morrlstewn, X. J. The guests will later attend the dance which Mr. and Mrs. Harry Valentine will give in honor of their debutante daughter, Mlii Dorethy 13. Valentine. Mr T. Truxton Hare will give a ahoet and luncheon today nt I.lmeheuse, hn Place at Radner. Among the members of ths club are Mr. Benjamin Chew. Mr. Alfred Devereux, Mr. Henrlnuei Craw ford, Mr. Lincoln Godfrey. Mr. Stncy 11. Lloyd, Mr. Cerlles Morgan. Mr. H. Kad cllffe Ilehert-J, Mr. Rebert Uratz Fell and Mr. Henry Thouron. Mrs. Frances It Strawbrltlge. of woedsIUe, Germantown, has Issued Invi tations for a luncheon at the Acorn Club en Thursday, November 23, In honor of Miss Nancy H. Woolston, debu. tante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph I Woolston. of Glenden, Chestnut Hill, and Miss Letitle. I.andreth, debutunte daughter of Mr. and Mrs Burnet Lan dreth, Jr., of Chestnut Hill. Miss Annabella B. Weed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horatio O. Weed, of 164 bclioel Heuse lane, Germantown, will shortly Issue Invitations for a luncheon nnd bildiw party en Tuesday. November -1, In honor of Miss Lucretla S. Heck fcher, 2d, daughter of Mr. Steens lleckBcher, of Greenwood Farms, Straf ford, whose engagement has been re cently announced te Mr. Jeseph Ilar Ilar liben, Jr. The guests who will attend the the f'ru pat ty, followed by bupper at the lt-Carlten, en Wednesday evening. December ti, which Mrs. Kdward V. Deri Deri nlsten, of Hiirlngmead, West Scheel Heuse lime. Uermantewn. will give In Hener of Miss Jey Di ew.JJear, debutante ??usJUer. of Mra- Ju-le Drew-bear, of 10 J Seuth ElKhteenth htreet, will intlude Miss Helen Waireu Allen. Miss Helen Hepe Montgomery, Miss Mary Uldgaly -arter jilss Maud Hanison, MIes nflaa beth Atterbury. Mi. Menda Uarr, .Mr. James Aylward Uevelin, Jr., Mr. ,?!?B0,A Armlstead, Mr. James Fcr &An,.iM J.?!,1CS D Altcmus and Mr. Edward D. Kd wards. Miss Diew-Ucar Jl. b9 J''??cntd by her methui at a i,.,en rr,Uuy af let neon, December 1, t the Itltz-Carlten. wilr.8, A!beft I'Ucas, of 329 Seuth Eighteenth street, will entertain nt luncheon nt the Acein Club en Moh Meh Moh 5?,er,neo" November 27, in honor nii;..- r . '"m ! v,onsiiince u. t w ji't"1?11"1 daughter of Mrs. wiiinrd Rcdgers, Mr. ami Mra Harry Valentine, of uermiuitettn, will entertain at dinner en liimn'tt' ,cv5n"H' November 29. In Ceitt'e"10 UttUB"tCr' M,M tim"'!!?1 BttuBh Brewster, of Ual Ual 1V,mer,a' wlll avt as best inuii at the ii.v.'.BU. ' ',,ISS K aine Tailor Eng. Wh't'1n;1f1UT'if Mp- a"a Mr. VuHleilclt T,v.,..,f5,1.?"l'. of Germantown. and sir. Si. Tin, an,h f Washington. mii of anVvf'r: N'1"11 poden. of Baltimore, ?op ri' S:ae.Ba "arnett, wife or Ma Ma eor General Geerge Bnrnett, former wmnaka,.lf of tne V- " C. which neit U J lac, ?n. Saturday afternoon fewn atTh' V"1'0 " .ChurLh. German f?id pn0iifhiCM w " '"L'l"l'e -Mr. Al OmSiiP nf ilV'1" ,'!"d M.r- '"rtiuund W. 8iiP",. " ,'"H ctvi Mr. ThnmnH A. S'fetti,""? " .Walter V. Montague lLvni1 '"i',6' nd,Mr. Jehn FrederUk WihanatnT;,r 'ucl".. Vnn.lernn. of CranJ Bn,ri Ml' a,,U Mrrt- Theten 1. .lin',0' "finantewn, will ,;lvu n ev.Sfn;a".Sca, at h'r liwne en Friday Mr nr,innhen.Sr et Mls8 K"B"h null the b?ld" ,"artT". BUeEta wlU llKm of FalennndlM.V,nlcnar, Kvn"s Norten, atknVnJU"i,IU,!nLent' wl entertain 5iaTte followed by a theatre party h2Tr sfiy yfn'nf. November 16, lii tani.r Si?1 Mftjyrte V. Geary, de'bll- White C&UaKry!er of Mr- ftnd Mri Jenn of "Hnrf "?"" Frederick McQ. Falck, will JKJ?IflHa avei'V.e' t-'hestnut Hill. VartvlVenai.d,nn9rAfollewc1 by thcatre KM' flW in December In honor of K?.'r.. debutnnte daunhter. Miss Mai-v 5i" ' "i"; ana i,ra" PuIcK will give ii HS?,8f0,l! fj'VtSSfr l . tlie.Ueilivuet Batferd it, faeiw of mTw KM , Mr. ma MrnJPftr Plume J JPewell, Mrs. llcrDcrt en. . """p 'iY.;. by. Mrs. Charles VnVhanvr' EHen Hi Av-mn. nf New xerlt, fciien ta I'mn na iiniii S.n.V. "lr'ce .iiecKimge, aeuutanie daughter of the Kcv.. Jehn Meekrldue. i.tlV ""M" Mecktldge, of ZMi of 43 Angera terrace, are receiving cengiatulatlcmi en the birth of a son en Saturday, Nevember 4, Mrs. Pewell will be remembered as Mies Helen Smith, dntiBhter of Mr, and Mrs. Cler Cler eont Smith, Jr., of 4918 Locust street. Mm, Charles Custls Harrison, of 243 Kast Rlttonheuse squnre nnd Chucks Chucks weed, Vlllaneva, Is spending a few days at Concord, N, H., where she Is visiting her son, 'Mr. Charles Custls Harrison, Jr. wiie Is a student at St. Paul's Scheel. Colonel and Mrs. Jehn 9. Muckle will entertain at nunner at their home. 2023 Walnut street, en Sunday evening next tbn Wftfinli TVnr VfArnnM nt tililla. delphla after their Armistice sorvice at Ht, Sauveur Church,. Twenty-second and De Lancey streets. ' , The British Ofllcern' Club will held Its Armistice Day Mess at the Rlts-Carlten Hetel, en Saturday next when the guests of honor will be Rear Admiral Leuis McC, Nulton, Commandant, Philadelphia Navy Ynrd; Majer General Lyttlcten W. T. Waller. IT. H. Marine Cerps, re tired i .Captain Clement B. Weerd, Com manding First Troop, Phlldelphta City Cavalry. The eftlcers of the club for the current year are President, Cap tain B. Hubert Coeper: vice president, Lieutenant A. R Andrews, M. C J secre tary, Mr. T. Hareld Fex, British Vice Censul; treasurer, Captain V. J. Sharkey. M. C. Mr. arid Mrs. Benjamin Bulleck, who have been spending- two weeks at the White Sulphur Springs, have returned te their home, L'dgoweod read, Ard Ard mere. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Hare have returned te their hnrme, Roberts read, Ardmerp, nfter .spending a few weeks at the Virginia Het Rprlnars. Misi Small Legan Stnrr, dauchtfr of Mr. nnd Mi. James Starr, of Olney avenue. Gormaniewn, will entertain at a luncheon en Thursday, November 1, a if? JSly Club- In -honor of Miss ""ah K. Hudsen, daughter of Mr. and New Yerk' Hud80n' t cl'y m tTx,; ft? s,.Ane! ana ner daugh ter, Miss Mary Virginia Allen, who have nue5 5S!ndlnf a ?w dy at Atlantle M.V:hav r?rnJ te their home, 2124 spruce street. .-iffi H2n BuTe Retb nnd her Sim.'ii' 0,f.uHAverr2Tdt.w,H P"d the S1. vMr."- Rjb's .Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rebert E. Hastings, of 1720 Spruce street. SJi!fi1-Ida Cu,bman. who has been Sll'lf 5?verJl mnths at the Idlewlld 9191 Pine rtfcit retUrncd t0 hcr neme ,mra.n.d .llt.'- w''am Wilsen Curtln !!i.c,082 lhp.r. country place nt Rose Rese m.vp'niwlJ,nrJ?,i,U.ley 'l0 been spending CZ.0' ?,.0En,li'' .nnd Pnn their town house, 2215 De Lnncey street, feT the winter, the latter part of this week. pi--?!? Schuyl-r Banghart, of Flushing. L. I., who- has been the gues-t 2$ Sininn.u Ms' A- Helmor EngTund, 2f,..6,tA Fh", Overbroek. has returned te her home. Mrs. Herbert Hcsten has closed her w.?'.9 JUnCasV,ne'.Me- where "he has been sncndln? inn in i n.n.n,. ,, haa returned te her apartments at the i oiein eun, iniriy-reurtn and Race streets, Mr .and Mri. J. Gtiy Hallewell. of St. Davids nre receiving congratula tions en the birth of a daughter en Km,J?erT.!!:...Mr8- Hallewell was Miss Gertrude Phillips, of this city. Miss Florence Relnelce, of 4525 Locust itIe,etLienlr,.a!ncd ,.ut luncheon at the Adelphla Hetel, followed by a theatre party yesterday In honor of Miss Mae Sheehan, whose marriage te Mr. Henry Meran will take place en Saturday. Mrs. Jehn Joyce, Jr., of Bcrwyn, will entertain at dinner nt her home en Saturday evening, December 2, In honor of Mhi Mary Carrell Relln, i'.e,b.y.tnnt aa,,Bhtcr or Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm A. Jtelln. of Strafford. The guests will liter attend the dnnce te be given nt the Ritz-Carltcn by Mre. Seth P. Hothcrlngten te Introduce her daughter, Mls Betty Hotherlngten. A cencert will be given this evening at the Lu Lit Temple for the benefit of Pest Number 2, Circle Number 194. Ladles of the O. A. R. Among the patronesses are Mrs. B. Debion Alto Alte mua, Mrs. Livingston Biddle. Mrs Geerge I. Bedine. Jr., Mrs. Rebert 1C Cassatt, Mrs. 8. B. Caldwell. Mr. Alex der Brlnten Coxe, Mlsa Mary i:. Con verse. Mrs. Cyrus H. It Curtis. Mrs. Ocorge W. Child Drejcel, Mrs. Jeseph M. anzzam, Mrs." Rebert Glendlnnlng, Mrs. Charles C. Hnrrlen. Jr., Mrs. W. Freeland Kendrlck, Mrs. Geerge Herace Lorimer. Mrs. Jehn H. Masen. Jr., Mrs. Victer C. Mather, Mr J. N. Pew, Mrs. Geerge R. Sinnlcksen. Mr. i.ecnra Snowden. Mrs. Rebert E. Straw bridge. Mrs. F. King Walnright and Mrs. Clar ence A. Warden. West Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. Franrls S.lvestcr Hnlll nan, of 1841 Seuth Fifty-seventh Mi cot, recently entertained informally at their apartments at n. tui pr'se kitchen uhewer lu honor of Miss Eliner Vivien UeIe. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, Ocorge McHugh, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Broomhall, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn J. Ryan. Mlsa Dorethy Ryan, Mrs. Walter Low lier, Miss Mae Hnlllnan, Miss Ethel Halllnan. Mlsa Margucrlte McOill, Mrs. Charles McOill, Mrs. James Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Clay, Mrs. Edward Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grin nan, Miss Sarah Bole, Miss Levlna Meade. Misi Eleaner Grlnnnn, Miss Lerette Orlnnan. Miss Mara Muliln. Miss Kathleen Muliln, Miss Frnncls Mc Carre, Miss Anna Lane, Miss Lerette Malency, Miss Rose CViTltlll, Miss Agnes Kelly and Miss Marie Murphy. North Philadelphia Mies Agnes M. Glllesnle entertained Thursday evening nt n buffet supper and shower In honor of Miss Mae Sheehnn, whose marriage te Mr. Henry Meran, of Uerwyn, Pn will takrt plnee en Sat urday, November 11. There were about thirty guests. Miss Betty I. Brown, of 1828 West Tiega street, will prie a luncheon and bridge 'party nt the Lu Lu Country Club today. The guests will be Miss Margaret Pnrk, Miss Maigaret Blckley, Miss Ida Rublcam, Ml. Elslo Daniels, Miss Muriel Margxrum. Miss nesste Margerum, Miss Eleaner Smith. MrH. Walter Eakln. Mrs. Jehn Buchanan, Jr., and Mis. Harvey P. Jenes, Mr. nnd Mrs. L'en Freed, of 2523 North Thlrty.seeend street, entertained eighteen children at a masque party In Tan $11.50 CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut , CentUUntly Fin Footwear Since 1868 Recently Engaged sasav'v " ''W'mt 'J;'' '"''',?' ImUA ' jBasaBasl J' Hgggi y;: ',", ", "- s , , 'UvtU ;&:', ; -;;; ;'i"1, -$$ I IwiTtL-y i MISS HELEN KLAGHOLZ Daughter of Mrs. F. E. Klag Klag helz, of 100 Queen lane, Ger mantown, xohese engagement has been announced tq Mr. Ray mond A. Gilden, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Gilden, alto of this city honor of the sixth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Miss Frances Freed, en Saturday afternoon last. The cnRnRcmcnt of Miss Leena i P. Rnke te Mr. Herbert O. Sperry, of 2213 West Vcn'inge wtreet, wa announced bv hcr mother. Mrs. Charles O. Rake, at their home, 1837 Beuvlcr street, at u dinner party en Friday, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Knelsler and their daughter, Miss Elisabeth Knelsler. have closed their summer home in Vent nor and have returned te their winter home at 2667 North Seventeenth atreet. The Sigma Sigma Alpha Borertlv wilt held its next meeting en Saturday afternoon, November 18, at the horn; of Mrs. Deuahaa Whitehead, 4606 Bread street. The members are Miss Mary Cress, Miss Helen Farmer. Miss Rheda Fowley, Mrs. Dallas Beeth, Miss Vera Frankenfleld, Mrs. William O. Gorden, Mrs. Rebert Moero. Mrs. William A. Lockyer. Mrs. Geerge W. Wagener and Mrs. Jehn Plckard. Seuth Philadelphia Miss Mary Howe will be hostess at the opening of the monthly parish euchres te be held tomorrow evening In St. Teresa's Hall, Bread and Cath Cath arlne streets. The members of the Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity will glve nn Armistice Day dance en Saturdny evening next, at the Bellevuc-Stratferd. Mrs. Albert A. Messcr, of 2316 Seuth Seventeenth street, entertained infor mally at a Halloween party at her home cm Friday evening In honor of Miss Knthryn McCube. Among the guests were Mrs. J. McCabe, Mrs. A. Jollne, Mrs. F. Caislrty. Miss Anna McCabe, Miss Mary McCabe, Miss Julia McCabe, Mis' Menica McCaulcy, Miss Mary. Mc Caulcy, Miss Kathrvn Caffrcy and Miss Kathryn McCusker. Girard Estate Mrs Walter Samans, of 2522 Seuth Twentieth street, will entertnln at a luncheon bridge party today. The guests will Include Mrs. Jeseph Brooks. Mrs. A. Ferrer. Mrs. Geerge Carr, Mrs. D. Webb. Mrs. Jeseph Harrlman, Mrs. L C. Shute and Mrs. Wllllnm Bewer. Germantown Commedore W. If. Baxter, Contruc Centruc Contruc tlen Cerps, U H. A., and Mrs. Baxter with their dauehter, Miss Maigaret Bn'xter. of the CrcMiclm Arms, Aliens, have left for Washington, D. C, where they expect te make their home. Mr, nnd Mrs. Heraco Allen have re turned from Spring Lake and are oc cupying their npnrtments nt the St. James. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, until re cently, mnde their home In Wlstcr street. Mr. and Mrs. Hareld White, formerly of Oreene and Coulter streets, have re moved te Easten, Pa. Mr .and Mrs. Rebert T. McCracken, of Westvlew street, have returned from a three months' tour In Europe. Mrs. Jehn Themens, of Lincoln drive, wlll entertain at a luncheon and card party at her home this afternoon lu We Are Ready Fer Mere Having completed shipment and deliver ies en all orders re ceived in our last "Big Sale' we are new ready fcr mere. 50 Off List Price 2 WEEKS ONLY On our full line of Lighting Fixtures, Toasters, Irons, Fleer and Table Lamps in our show rooms. Adelphia Sales Ce. 235 MARKET STREET EeiMHMMUWiWMVWW Mdyw Women's Norwegian Calf Oxford Wing tip, heavy sole with a layer of rawhide through the sole. honor of Mrs. Marlen Caft ' ?,y mere,, who la spending several weeks In town, Moerestovon Mrs. N. Newlln Stokes, of Cheater avenue, returned after spending the mimmer nt her cottage In the Poeeno Mountains, Mrs, Chnrles Brown, of Chester ave nue, entertntned a few friends at lunch eon en Wednesday of Inst week. Miss Sarah Helllngshcad, of East Main street, celebrated her nlnety-flrst birthday last Wednesday at the home of her niece, Mrs. G. W. Haines. Mr, and Mrs. William D. Buiby, Jr., have returned from their wedding trip and are new in their home at Haddon Hadden fleld. Mr and Mra. Stanten fjave adlnner en Wednesday night te meet Mr. and Mra. W. D. Buiby, Jr., Mrs. Busby was formerly Miss Dorethy Stanten. Collingswood ' Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Tayler Rteke-., of Collingswood, N. J., entertained last eve ning nt their home at a phantom party. Among the guests were Miss Florence Morehouse, Miss Eliner Smith. Miss A,nnelJLn Metiger, Mlsa Agnes McCnrr, Miss Frances McCarr, Mlsa Jule Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Oeergn Beltsel, Mr. nnil Mrs. Geerge A. Watts, Mr. Frederick Brandt, Mr. Harry N. Blair, Mr. Jeht Brown, Mr. Jeseph Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mntthlesen, Mr. Q. T. Dickin Dickin eon, Mr. Jack Scheefleld, Mr. Arthur E. McCarron. Mr. Hareld Fredericks and Mr. B. G. Lehman. Norristown Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cellins, of 1B48 Arch street, have announced the en gnKemcnt of their daughter, Mlsa Olive nuth Cellins, nnd Mr. Harrlaen Stanley Miller, of Bridgeport The engagement Is announced of Miss sggregBiraEKtmflBM Geerge Allen, 1214 Chestnut Street Attractive Sports Hats of Hatter's Plush With Duvetyn or Felt One charming hat of Black hatter's plush has band and facing of duvetyn in Pottery, Antelope or Pheasant. $7.75. Te match one's sports suit there is a smart little hat of hatter's plush combined with felt in any of the following colerings: Navy and Gray, Brown and Tan, Green and Tan. $8.00. Our collection of children's sports and trimmed hats is complete and you will find it very appealing. There is everything from tiny little velvet hats and the veleurs with their long grosgrain ribbon streamers that children love, te the most adorable affairs trimmed with fur or feathers. $3.00 te $13.00. Si Levely Old Fashioned Candlewick Bedspreads, Stamped te Embroider, at $4.50 With a fourpester or any type of Colonial bedstead there is noth ing nicer than one of these olden-time bedspreads. They make ideal Christmas gifts and they are net difficult te embroider. The spreads, all stamped ready for embroidery, are $4.50, and the threads te work them with in Blue, Rese and Natural are 35c a skein. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs in Celers, 50c te $1.50 Each They may be colored in the center with white borders or just the ether way around. In either case they have attractive hand embroidery in the corners. The Newest Ideas in Paislies, $2.50 te $4 a Yard Paisley silks have a sceic of uses nnd a frock made of them alene is undoubtedly chic. They are 40 inches wide and come in various colorings at $2.50 te $4.00 a yard. Metal Lace Is An Attractive Addition te Any Gewn We have just received a new shipment of metal laces in all widths narrow edgings and insertions. Bertha widths, rim,; and all-evers. There them. 75c te $16.50 Annual Fall Sale of Hosiery, Underwear and Gloves Famous Harvard Mills Knit Underwear at 20 Off Purine: this ale we will effer our rntlr stock of Women's mid C'hlUlren'H ll.irnril Mills Knit I'mlor I'mler wear nt thin remarkable induction. i'rioe tags will be ultered ut time of puivlmse. Wemrn'n Allentlnle I'nlen Nulti. Hlrrs SI. 00, usually n. lXtra hIzeh, usually J3.S0. TIip fabric In Allonilale I'nlen Stilts Is knit of the very llnest yarns. A fabric ilenlKtieil te be used for the extrcmea of coldest outside weather and our heated buildltiKM. . M;ide in all styles. Silk, Lisle and Weel Hosiery llrai r I'ur SHU Heilcrjr. with 111 top and poles and iHMtned back, A depAiidahle he.'e for norvlee nervlee norvlee able uiar. In all the smart colerlnus. $1.35 a pair, 3 pairs for sa."8. I'iiII-I'iihIiIc nd 811k HutUry, Kxtra heay weave pure il Bilk tn sll ahadca. Sl.Dn a pair, 3 pairs for S3.73. Van Ilimltn lltmjr All-Silk lleilery in nil nhadea. SS.ta a jialr, 3 palm for 97.25, Illack I.UU lleiltrjr, full faBhlened with French and embroidered Bilk clocks. $1.50 quality at B3e a pair. rull-FMhleiifd I.l.le Hetter? In White, dray. Cordovan nnd Black. Sl.oe a pair. Fin Weel Iletlrry, with hand - embroidered clocks, In the newest hcuther colorings. $3.00 aua. ity ut a pair, El!eHennlnf, daughter of Mr, , and Mra. D. A, Hennlng, of 622 Green atreet, and Mrs, J, Irvln Conden, of German town. Miss Helen Cerretl and Mis- Catharine Cerrell, daughters of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn O. Cerrell, of 711 Stanbrldga atreet, gave a masquerade party en Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Clayten H. Alderfer, of West Main street, have left en a trip te Texas, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Bentley Barclay The marriage of Miss A, Vlnrlnta Barclay, daughter of Mr. nnd Mra. Wil liam K. Barclay, of 4014 Spruce street, and Mr. William Henry Bentley, ren of Mrs. Henry N, Bentley, of Wlssahlcken, took place nt St. Stephen's Episcopal Church en Saturday evening, the Hev. Carl E. Grammar emelatlng The bride, Who w elvvn In mnrrlafM bv her father, waa attended by her slater, Miss a preu. Seupf y pjePasw iff kaml. I 9lVKBblllllllWP U U iwT sHijiBSHHy The Venture will inaugurate a Sunday Service from Twe o'clock in the afternoon until Eight. Special Course Dinner, $1.25. : : : "The Left" is available for Committee Dinners. Sales Councils, Anniversaries, Birthday Parties, etc. Quality and Cleanliness are paramount considerations. t t I Open Daily, 12 Noen tp V Established 1837 Children's Flannelette Night Gowns at $1 and $1.25 They are warm and cesy for sharp win ter nights and the children will love them. In Pink or Blue, in sizes from six te four teen years, $1.00 and $1.23. Allen's Hair Nets Reduced te 75c a Dezen We have reduced the price of our single mesh hair nets, cap and straight shape, te 5c a dozen; 3 dozen for $2.00. The double mesh nets are $1 a de7en, 3 dozen for $2.50 nnd the White and Gray nets are 15c each. $1.50 a dozen. are Silver, Geld, antique Geld and Steel anions a yard, and there are ethers at higher m-ices Women's Gloves lnTHf.!T Whi't! '"""' "sean, sewn, two clasp I8.M qalOT,e,'n"prr.n a"d "'a' Trefnnsse Kid Jlleves. special P. K clasp. J", Black. White. Tan. Brew n RfBtilar $2.7C quality ut si.03 a pair '""" U.e. of Imperlrt cip, l.rh',S 'nil "?' n&V'ar,&, -7air. Our l.nlire Line of Cane nml M.h. ir.n , ler. has aleo beep reduced W nIMnB Women's Wuelrn ile,r, reduced te Sl.Ofl n nalr Funne'n I'lleni-ttr iler. in all tlu sVannu hJf.' ta'alltt A,duce,d,. W0Un -na Fab"e ' Heys' L'apesklu and Mecha Glores. Best ntialltv one-elnsp sty e. KeRularly $2.B0 at SI.75 a pair Mecha Mittens for ths llttl. ems. White Brown and dray. Sale price, Sl.oe a pair. rewn l.C00llamir.W,,O, G,m UUA MM'M' SaIe P". Children's Duple Fabric GleTei. In all i,nH. Hegularly $1.60 at 75c a pair. shades. Marian Barclay, aa maid (.honor, and I Mrs. Henry C. Mlddletnn, Jr., or inn city as matron of honor. The brides maids were Mlsa Marian Henley, the bridegroom's Bister t MM. Itpland D&ane, nf Kw nnrriatia Tin Island ! MI'S Alice C. Helneke and Miss Kathrvn t Johnstone, of this city. Mr. C Marshall Tayler eervad as best man nnd the ushers Included the brlde'a two brother-!, Mr. Geerge O. Barclay and Mr, William K. Bnrelay,Jr. : Mr. Lewln A. Brunner, Mr. Italph W. Preston, Mr Jehn S Wll-' Hams, 2d, and Mr. Lawrence IJ. IIus-' ten. A reception followed, After t; wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Bentley will live at Hamilton Court. i McCLEES GALLERIES ISM Wnlnut St FHEE EXHIBITION PAINTINGS WHY POINT ETCltlNlta bT Wtlcet, lUnkey, IllnmpM, Dreutt irrrue tvikVNa e wVite (AmcSmBEp zss. ATrinsca iiumsmb miytweKj. r. M. ii prices. and Children's R ! $ ewn, ene and CJrav Inc. -1214 i mXJSissmmKBBmiKKn t ' ii,it'ilisdisisiii aflsal sm.H H ik B sMsaV Ttw sanBLHI KVT XuDlVILLE DAILY .MATS., StlS ETIS., AT Sill P. LANCHE RING and CHAS. WINN1NGER Feremeit Xiulesl Comedy Stars In "AS YOU WERE" AND A BIG GIRLY REVUE And Thi BUrs ef the VnltTlll Firmament BERT BAKER & CO. ? Pftietiftll Rrn.. TAir Atfitifinn Civ. Eltiy A Ht t."e, bu Tll St CeTey. Oarrte Olsnn y ..r'i'T-, tih Einwnrtni ann etners 1 liutira Mtahtt nt lilt Bhara "lllv Pep. Mat. Tomer. THE MUSICAL Uir np AlBtlt BLOSSOM DUClr f3nM a umb; (ant anil inert WITH ORIGINAL VTAK8IMT , N.V CA1T mMNtMTtV "Wen instant merited aticcmi. nm r.F.riN AflELPH! THE KVENINOS AT 1:20 Mai. Tsuri. Btit Sttls, 1 JtJ MG: BIGGEST LAUGHS VIVIAN MARTJN in KAH9 LYNNE OVERI .MAN Tha Sntlrn Ortvlnal W. Y. Oait InUet Thnt PNyi1 8 Weelii at Bave'i Theatre A"CUIIsCDT S:15 9 ifiivvuii 1st Mat.Tera. ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN'S fierr PAmreus peoeocrON TFRANK AA INMET IN A MU5IGIRL. COMEOV I DAFFY DILL Mli THE BONA rffF HV CAST C,GARRICK?8SVA" CHARLES DILLIKOHAM PrnU '11m Sen em Mmlcnl Comedy THE BUNCH AND JUDY Mule hy Jereme Kern Lyrtca by Anne Caldwell Benk by Anne Caldwell and Hush Ferd With militant Cam and Euneinble magea ny rrea iainan FORRESTpeTp?'Mat. Tomorrow LAST 2 WEEKS SBATS NOW MR DOTH WEEKI ONLY 4 MORE TOP. l'RICE MAT8. ZICGFCLD TSIOMPH AVI MARILYN MILLERlTl LEON ERROL BROAD EVENIKOS AT ISO POP. PRICE MAT. 1UUOKUOW FRAKCIME LARRIMORE In the New Smart Comedy NICE PEOPLE dsjb ii.vninr, cneriiEns Jmb iy (ini:.ucsT Hi-cci.m Jy 9UTH ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW of the HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF PENNA. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Nev. 7th, 8th and 9th PRIZE OnrillDS, CIIKYHAXTIIE MUMS. IIOMEN, CAItNATIONH. PALMS, F O 1. 1 A O K PLANTS, MINIATURE GARUK.NS, FLUBAL DECOKATION8, ETC. 10 A. M. te 10 P. 31. EACH DAY MUSIC, PRIZES. JUDGIXO BY TUB PUBLIC ADMISSION, SO CENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES Beginning Nev. 1 7 & 1 8 PRESENT DAY FZKINO. NOV. IT. If; INTO CHINA. UP THE YANGTSE XIANO NOV. 24, 2Si LAICADIO HrABN'8 1 U! I'AKILIAR JAPAN. DEC. I. 8- MODEBN. IZINO CHOSEN AND MANCHURIA. DEO. 8, 9; GREAT EIGHTS EAST OF SUEZ HEC. IS 16, Courts Sale at ltcTina a New, Clciet Sat. Slnirl" Sail 1H.3 iday. Net, 14 WALNUT Nights at 8:30 Mat. Tomer.,50c te $1.50 THE EMPRESS" OF FUN rm A0 vnui llll dM French Night Tonight Stanley DANCING flfKnv N. W. COH. 18TII A M.VIIKKT Fei Tret Centett Tomorrow Nifet K EITH'S THEATRE 80TH ANNTVrnRA-RV tkhttc, i JANE &. KATHERINE LEE1 EUVMT O Kir, Oermalne MITTY & TILUO-Euaene Gorden m Ferd: Laurhltn & Welti CHARLES (Chic SAIF ANNUAt CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW Elaotlen Raturna R!l Frem StaVa Metropolitan Cpera Heuse SATURDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 11 OTELLO With the International Fnniein Dramatic Tme A N T O X I O I A O L I , And the Renowned Barytene, Vlneen p.n... ' .! f th ThPntre nn.1 lllmhl Ilrnthen. FASHION SHOW"" BY CINTRA Or rONDON BROAD STREET THEATRE Tuesday Afternen. Nev. 14.t 2PM BENEFIT CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN CLUB . Medol. pe.ed by prominent 7 ,. j Acadtmy of Mnic Thuri. Evf., Net 111 HEW YORK SYMPHONY DAMROSCHTI",WACNER CONDUCTOR I PDnrDAii ricSeUjicamyJtjuPpe.1. n 1 Cheetnut PEKIN CAFE r.tur' Seiirenlrs TONIGHT CAFE CLOWN NITE Kranklln & l.'rnril v 1'iin lluriirNr. PLAYS & PLAYERS' CLUB (Formerly the Little Theatre i CHAS. WAKEriELD PRINCES3 CADMAN TSIANINA TOMORROW AT 3 OXLOCK TlnU... nt T....,, W . O.P UtSMOND Ken, At, It Cumberland Nlshtly t S-15 HatB 1UM.. Thi,. U.. " ?A"vlr?W LADIES' NIGHT '''' a w vi. ,k .1.... ,, ,ia E.MMETT WELCH Mins'refs is hatlre OPFTIIWO 'M1P llMKVQaD "t" CASINO bill it Mm l.nlii. GIGGLES J, il'JV'-l E lfrtTlNTR(fffAnj -- ' " mm h . 4 m-m A WILLI AH.; DE MILLE rr mount Vmimiiwln CLARENCE vnnM m.AV nv BOOTH TARKIHOTOrf OAST INCI.UOM WALLACE REID AGNES AYRES and MAY McAVOY Mt'HICAr. FIMTI'IIK THE GREAT HARMON VIOUM VIRTUOSO ADIIK1I CADMA.S CVCI.K" fU.nNIC HIM) IKMiH AFIELD . mfmmm 1STX AVS MARKET Fer mera thaa fifty years th (raatast American heart'drama ever written. New a perfect Paramount picture whose tears and smiles and heart-throbs will live forever The Old Heme stead WITH Theodere Roberts Geerge Fawcett T. Rey Barnes Harrison Ferd Fritzi Ridgway THE IMMORTAL DRAMA OF AMERICAN HEARTS THOUSANDS and thou sands of people want te sec Theodere Roberts as a star. At last Paramount has been able te acquire a piece that fits this great character actor like a glove. At last we have a truly great special for the "Grand Old Man of the Movies." Uncle Jesh is a part he was born for. This play is known throughout the world as positively the greatest heart-interest drama ever written. Ne one can see it and withheld the tears. V VaUr ALDINE t 19th and Chestnut &. iniiti) wehk 11 se 1"3), x-'vi a "te, 7:ai. nan REX INGRAM'S METHO MAHTERIMECB "PRISONER OF ZEKDA" reMINO Rnesl MAE MURRAY in "Broadway Rete" iL .ii'inni Mini i nm 1 1 n in na 'i miiirriiu 'iiu: rni . iriirin i xamA ) r Carlten IlltOAI) i. CI1KSTNLT 10 A. M U', -J, 4. 0. M A. 10 V. M. PRISCILM man S"CI(2RETTErHE DAUGHTER OF THE .REGIMENT, IN UNDER. WOFIrttS PALACE . 1ITK ft UlRVIT 10 A. M TO U F. U, . GEORGL RLISS "The Man Who Played Ged" VICTORIA 0TK AND MARKET V1VIUIV1A Siii ,. MAN.m . ai ip.uitdi UU niUll O - wmm m-Mm tM ... muaan SIEIOHAM ARCADIA 16T1I iNn niffivum 10 A, M. TO lllUP, M. IRENE CASTLE "SLIM "WQULDEM" CAPITOL X&mF "Mere te Be Pitied Than Scens"' glebe mn Kaxlmum Qmlltv Minimum Prlee A VAl'DEVILLF UNIT "Mistakes of 1922" 17 rrOPLE MINE SCENES HIIOAII ft HNYOEB oreBQWoy s n, eoe, r i VAUDEVIILE ANH "LOVES OF PHARAOH" ah I yitANitreaf Allpahenv and - V.HHP1MM!? e.lft n " "THE SIRENS" jfrVJgm "BURMNGSAND IfiEBL My ..suaunnn tivf. ... i.t.. Jfijj'.. m Pt.i1 ;f4z 1 W '3 A " C51S TJt M 3 f iar M HI t'- tVi, 4 lll IO If-i .1 ' K .III I V '. Irfk J 1 Si bfc !. ri nl i j a ji JliS rrr nit I'M tvt f j't 4 pT t"- a .19 tt ; rt id i trt Jt $ 1. "Jf: ui& jif&mmmvj