HHMHMIiBBIMWBPiSMI ppffipwfw rww WWr: Ai'JMm' ' v,lvfrrfmwmsm THE WORLD OUTSIDE By HAROLD MacGRATH Thrilling etery of m fight ter $7,000,000 mni m hematIM atrTe fM by tht author of "The Man en the Bex," "Luck of the IrtaV (. CetyrtaSt. tin, by BartU Maedralh ' ' MMWi ;,r.ri TlWTvntm TitTTTAIlWrUUTA flkfrhltTTVA V. WIVIflMHKK li. 1UZ2 . .i. '-.':-:.; . JUYJUJaJLHU1 ,rUJJUlV UiiMJ-rvrjaxv jtxjlm- " .wwa-. -, t ' w r- . ' ' ; : ; i info's WHO IN TltB BTOKt mnnuuu coi.t.maavreoD BAttcnen, sit e mytrieu rremid ushe aim fit en titcurt vimet, leoytne. him I7.MMM. Itrrv. en alert, wtlUrtad. elean-ciit teuns JlHOWi it oiwrtevf la !!. and oef te Bi flTEWK a tttntittr it net m- IM M uinrM. wifce claims fa if(tir MtntAtmtmJ' uhl0h mitt Jerry a bio odventurc ter $10,690 mwmm. -.Mifrtirtt ts :abf man p I itn' ( I mm iMit ait ihir. though h dUlifcu tht oilmKent et urtntful muMtal temt&U unqer, who ntpirts te grana opera. itmihat dent her i favor, and tht ieuna a Iff I vnniirtr ininrBicu vwuv ted old a elrt ill the JJr. teAeli-isulcd but elunf. i&echew n tktaineat mtn. IWUUV MAL.I.OY. n(fMiJa lii(aM. rihATi..aA.if.f fMift ilBnVW ... WIHIf-KIW ! wS$ BHADOVT. a creek In srieari'a melewl tib'neh DpiuuSr.ent of tht "Adventure jmffi,V'c'nA'?reack.r or Nancv't thou,. and fci loe ieMJt her.. ...... ... MisNBDY. a tmttcrleui individual. . (lfc uihem Ma fldfr AaMffrett had unwcstalHfd iioline". i has dKassedred. 'N bcn cel rip. It ain't eny t'nlghtt you're deln' It right alone. Seme bill tbpfrtt efinatn vaii ' "Jenny, I'm afraid of allcyt." "Yeeyeu are!" "I'm net joking. My horoscope says " "What kind of a aeepe It that?" "The things that are going te hap pen te you some time In the future." "Oh, you ain't tellln' me you've been te the' euljn beard en your knees nlz i You're coin' t'be rich some day, an' marry a lovely girl. 'Lived In peace an' died In grease an' burled In mutton teller.' That's what they uied t' eay when I was a kid." She began te ting-. "Sema Utile bua Is tela' t at you u u Bem dyt" THE GUMPS-In the Stretch Twe Pain of Idpst ANCY went down and out into the street. Fer a little whlle the street, Cf with its tremendous warrens and its scattering human atoms, refused te be teal. The primal cause of this un reality was net that she had failed in ker ambitions or that they were lu a master's judgment unattnlnnble. It ley In the fact that everybody consid ered her a comedienne, which, in her oplnleu, she essentially wuu net. What would happen te her, new that the preps had been knocked from under? What would become of her. with the pur gene Mint carried her threuch her foolery every night A cemenienne, when her background was trnalcl This great mncstre, telling her that she , and made him Inughl Oh, she was ' lead or the world wan 1 She wanted Line Foej she wanted the doe te cuddle mid crv ever and hue i te nor empty nenrt. A cemedinne I AH He laughed. Jenny was geed com pany. She was never still, physically or vocally, and occasionally, when something touched her heart, she was almost as ucnumui as nancy. "I nm honestly afraid of dark alley ways. Seme day the llttle bug you spunk about is going te jump out nt me, and if I have time I'm going te beat It as fast as ever I can." . . "Toe'flshy for me I Say, ain't Nancy reg'lur, though? Yeu don't reullze what a smash she's had. She's always been a bug en grand opera, an' old Hor Her Hor rentlne tcllH her t' forget it an stick t' th job she's get. Next yeur she'll be tli' best cemedienne in America, She Is new, but th' public ain't wise yet. That mechanical dell stunt bus get th' critics cemln' back. What d' you knew about that?" The clouted, rearing above them for they were mounting the stairs ttuved him from commenting. It was n queer feeling, but he did net like te dlscuM Nancy with Jenny. Ah they llimlly entered the hallway of the hutisn in Xlnt.1i street there hap pened ene of thofie tragl-cemedles tlmt are always trcauiwr uren me uccis of youth. Without the least premenl- IV MOO GtKTUMeM Vlt Tt TO cm ma lb uitaMMUrreN cam fL teU1rl TWT M.10O7k IM vm mmeM tuf fttSTTtBe HM. MAMC MCAflb V & VQMTtt VMA Wt OM 01 A,iei turns tee eAji- fW rV -HtVtt hxh mtr vrtit r, CAH"I .V - ---"---s-ai'"---" " eswsssaitiBissiiB- VfrV BKSI vtiuu) vrteMun- tta voe ih ttrrettytr W ? 60 Te YtfE POUU YeMOrXtOU; SfS. i. wtwwf i pny- -t tw ukh ua Tn biMau-ui-ink.1 Wi rM tKfItttn, am WkV 'T... .Zl X' "" n cv ,!-. .-vnv vr m-&. W-OVV. maw r GAHmeKa ,-Jl un-mear 0 Y1 OIL tAATf n Qf MMf I COM TO V6V VtOMtH 0? mewrms, vcm vwe wcava AHft P Mp WltlH MOOR MMCAie HKrP AH MttWUC MINOS MOUIO VMM. Mf AMM MMlftKU tM1tV0U CKCKtKONt- X AK FOR. MOWH )TWtt 1H 1M CMAVrVlGM ' TOW. Q MOW. HW WkU AMO MOUfA VtlX OH (tO0 VMHWT- 7 i rt fl p D By Slimy S rte NOU (UN lfJt. MMO AM, COHTlMUilM ' IlKIHb HOUR. LtVf. tH TWt LiktOkm' n tteltij Iuk iuiii1..i . "" i lr ..-w-,.., -Wl- ,lk--IIVT KN ert xev T&rntU ANO 4tMtWt . 4XCAT (MvrCIHAL SSt i!i?St) u v-nv riv u fAwteN Meuwntu i MMItrl VNMftMMfO LWB VfU.fIMO fO - . WIS.. &! 2J"!- tcr SOMEBODY'S STENOG Betty Writes a Letter ltetttrd V. Ptnt Oflle By Hayward re nor cm ny uenrc. a cemcuinnei ah i rr .'--. - ..-. ,-,,- at once she recalled the question, she J tien e what he was going te ; dq Baa had asked heruclf before the innestre'n doer: Was bup n thoroughbred or a whincr? Her chin went up and her eye flashed. The seller of ndventurcs, half a dozen yards behind her, noticed the sudden tilt of her hend and the clenched liiindn, and wondered what manner of thought fcnd as-ailed her. The girl who had ordered the apple. One or the ether of theae young women might become nccessury te his plans in the near future, and it behooved him te investi gate their habits against this possible need. That night the god of irony entered the theatre with her ns usual, but in a new role. Nancy wns permitted te be conscious of everything die did; she was no lencer mi nutmnnten. After the flrt net Mannheim came te ker dressing room. "Was wns I nil right ?" engerlv. (Bread and butter, bread and butter!) "leu were, little Inuy. That me chanical dell stunt has knocked them ever. You're a born comedienne." Hut she knew that all the rent of her stnge enreer wns going te be one con stant siege of terror. On the elevated thpt night she had insisted upon going home alone she Iirescntly became uunre of nn unusual nterest en the part of her fellow trnvelera. They stnrcd nt her, some icily, seme with smllep. Curious te learn the reason, ns hitherto nobody had ever paid any nttcntien te her, she opened her hnndbng und stele a glance Inte her pocket mirror. She w at horri fied te see that f-he had forget te take off her innke-up! A week pnssed, another, without any notable event in the lives of the thrce inseparables, for Bancroft n always cither with Nancy or with Jenny or with both. The three of them went te Sunday concerts, there wnt generally ten at 4 in Nancy's room, and frequently he went abroad with Jenny. There were timet when he had ten with Nnncy alone, for Jenny could net al wns get awny from the model Fhep. Se far ns Bancroft was concerned, Nnncy no longer troubled herself te ebserve convention. She had reached that point of faith In him when his liresenee was comfertlue: Mie liked te -be with him, for he wns never dull. They lenrncd that they hnd ninny likes in common, the same- romances, the snme poets. She sang for him In the twillisht, old folk-songs, old love Jiallnds, nnd there was ene particularly haunting refrain : Only come niratti In dreamt. And v.lth thci morning lislit are fl4 When she snng tlint he would hit with hi chin lu liis palms nnd stare into the gathering chadews. What happy hours thefce were te him who had never known comjttnienship ! They were sometimes Joined by Craig, who was arranging for a tour In Janu ary, Fer he hnd tnken seriously Ban croft's suggestion about playing te the broken soldiers. Nnncy praised him generously, but she did net knew that for this meed of praise Crrtlg would have gene te Dahomey and played be be be fere the havnge king. But ncuely nnd leaentfully Bancroft comprehended this fact. One twilight Crnlg sat at the piano aylng Chenln nocturnes. Nunev linil ilnir lYe in hnn Inn .Tminv wn. Inn,. Wg ngalnst the piaiie. Bancroft sat in the Merris chnlr, his head back, study ing the pntch of reflected light en, the telling. Craig turned. "I say, jeu people. Thanksgiving In three days. Come up te my home nnd nave dinner with me. Turkey, cvnn berry suuen nnd mince pis. I'!! sft the hour nt 0:!I0, e we enn have about two heura befere thentve. My nunt Jill ceme in; bIie always docs. What de you say?" tiJen,nyt """'red for everybody. ell, bellove me. that's th' best music I ever henrd! W.lll we go? On'y a Dusted subway could held us back 1" Te dine in u renl home, thought ancy, with rooms and rooms te mean der about in, flue rugs en the floors, paintings and tapestry en the walls, nd cesy bookshelves! "Jenny in right," she snld. "That is goeq music te three lonesome folks, who were dully planning dinner In a nearby restaurant. Of course we'll go," B&nerOft M lln- nntn linH Intifawli. for the chnnK In the. plans of festi val, He would new have te shnre these I ? WH. Crnl- ,nl11 I'e fchuntfd te ene lue. Ha managed, however, te voice nls Bceeptanoe heartily enough. Craig departed, and Jenny Bang his Praises. Nnncy turned en the lihls and Bancroft approached n window and stared into the dim configuration of back ynrds. Twe weeks, and bejend the purloining of the contract nnd pros pres pectus material, the Grent Adventure Company hnd net stirred in his direc tion. Battle, murder and sudden uuHin. croft threw his arms clumsily around Jenny's neck und kissed her. Jenny steed perfectly etlll, the color geno from her face, her mouth partly open, and a something in her eyes as perhaps would ceme there hud the hnndsome boyish fnce vanished, nnd a Japnnche devil-mask replaced it. "Jenny, Jenny I I didn't mean te de that. I'm sorry! But you looked se sweet. I'm sorry. I didn't mean te de it!'' That wns te be Jenny's tragedy for ever after. He wns sorry. He nndn t meant te kiss her. A kiss is n perfectly foolish thing. But what nre ;ou sclentltlc old gray beards going te de about it? There it Is; dlscct it, annly.e it new you will, but where de you go from there? Nowhere. Who tuught human beings white human beings te kiss one an other? Nobody. It wns the Begin nine of Things: it is with us new; it will always be here. Bugs? Who cares? Twe pnlrs of lips, male nnd female watch out ! There It Is, come and gene, henee or whence nobody knows. Dam nation sometimes; always a revelation. We find ourselves trapped in the mid dle of all manner of emotions, geed and evil, joyous and miserable, ecstatic and despairing. Leve and a Dagger! And what of Jenny? In receiving that kiss, she, tee, made a dUcevcry; thut she loved this quenr boy better than life itself. Thunder and light ning. Thnt he wns as fur out of her orbit as the fnrthest stnr. Thnt she hnd net the intellect te trnp and en Knge his affections beyond the point of tvii.niKliln. Thnt. with the leynlty and willingness of n deg, she would have ceme te his heel up nnd clown tue world, te the end of time. All in a moment, lil.e thnt! And never te kiss him ngnln! she thought. Fer Mie hnd kissed him. First te recover, she snld, defen sively: "Jeremiah, I ought t' hand jeu one en th' jnw for that." "Jenny. I'm terry. I don't knew whnt made me de It. As Ged Is w-lt-ness, I never did such a thing be fore." "Yeu don't have t' tell your Aunt Mary thnt. Aleyslus! It's no fun beh choked nn kissed nil at once." She could smlle! It wns wonderful whnt you could de with your face when yen hnd te. "Will you forglve me?" "Sure if you'll premise never t slip ene ever llke thnt ngain." Hop Hep ir.e he would, hoping with nit the hcnlthy fire of her heart that he would, nnd knowing that, for the peace of her mind, she must net let him! "On my word of honor! You're such a reed comrade I've been se lonely nil my life. " , "tferget it, Jercmlnh, an' toddle nleng t' bed. Thnt's where I'm geln'. I'm tired. Say, write out thnt Jenny-kissed-me thing an' I'll call it squnre." She gnve him n gentle push toward the stalls, and followed. It was hours before sleep came te her. "Oh, Jeremlnh," whispered Jenny te herself, pendeiing en her problem be fore she llnttlly fell asleep, "peer old Jenny klw-ed jeu, nil right!" She turned her check te the pillow But Jeremiah musn't ever de It ngnln. Jeremlnh never weuld: he took his solemn vow te thnt, ns he sat ou his bed. The phase thnt troubled him par ticularly was his patent disloyalty te Nnncy. He could leve Nancy, and et thrill te the recollection of having kissed Jenny. Something about the touch of her lips, her startled eves, the faint odor of lilac, Ha bent his head, his lingers lu his hair, bewildered, What hnd hannened te him? There had net been the slightest notion in his hend of kissing Jenny uutll ene Instant befere the act. Comprehending that these cogitntlens, if pursued, would carry him into ripe old age, and futilely, he absently reached for the pillow under which Mrs. Jnnsen. the Janitor's wife, stewed his night shirt nnd his hand enme Inte contact with something hard nnd cold. He threw nslde the pillow quickly, nnd beheld n hilted dngger, tirena in niniie ami raer-Mmijj. xe me handle was uttnehed n small tag, upon which was scrawled "One." Compliments of the Grent Adventure Cempniiv. He was net the least terri fied. On the centiury. he welcomed with satisfaction this diversion. Idle, the kiss nnd Jcnnv and Nancy would fill his theushta; but the npprench of battle, murder ami Midden death wns ns the north wind bearing away a fog. DfiA MR MAV(!Af0'- klAiDLM LET MB. SCft 1Af YOU RsPCR WHAT CAM THIAIKS ABOUT THIS?- 5AM CAAAIU.E HM-OAl EA?TH DlD'TOU EVER allow meutfself te be lee te wear These aiew Faajglee lex6 Presses. I Thought Yoe surely weuna Stick with The rest of us flappers amd stick te the. Short Comfortable Skirt, i deal't kaiew whether te say i'm Slad you fell eai 'tour Jese OR MOT. AT AAJY RATE AAA ASHAMED OF YOU A PERT6CT56, "B&TTYw. 3QW BETTf I D-OOAiTDtSWvfi IT L Eas--i 1 J I D-D-DlDAtT WAMT T-Te fPuT On lem& Skirts -elv- VMM-VtfE'tMLl. BfifiAf CRITlOSesj SOAtUCM-J-I-I THOU6HT AMY BE. IT WVVCUUD BE. BeTTfe , IP TO UEAR S-SOMB.THING MOR& AAOD&&T fie? A CMWI6CT rsee.) WHIM jp- mjatr -&. c3 IM AeT SU?Pf?lSEO The. skia4nthi6 WAS 3tADT2lje.T QOWAJ TrHB ClrAIM She has LiTTLt ok iCrHiM6"I& SE- nS -7 PROUD Of I Z? 1 MAKDLT AJtvcx TiCB WhaT The WEAfes 5e's IT UOHT RiajM TWlPlR BRA.IA4& . Toe Tl&HT. " r 'sksa.. ' lMe??f Te5ee THB SfiAjSlBLG short. SKIRT Ge' r (V-ItIhe 1 rj$m?k WK S5 "ZIOAH, The. "BOOK-KEtPErT W ty U0 ) iL J a Scratch .t.'H4wwceia -4 The Yeung Lady Acreia the Way There Wca a Leng Delay Starting the Game Last Saturday The young lady across the way ays her brother says a soed set back is a grent thins for an over confident football team, but she Buppescs all the ether plnyers are Important, tee. .fcT ... S' .aO .t. Vl5 faaaaaaaaaaBHMTHHMiaiMlHlw -A. I II KS-'. II .ttk'l ' n' TW.L - IiILwa i& "-'Zbm f-h .,,-s 4 By Fontaine Fex &r Ihm ffm' SCHOOL DAYS By DWIQ ri t va 3 ,. M.. - "TgErC .wTn . .i 'fUe. CrWTAitt Of THt'JM-OrlGeRS FeeTPALL Tcam neGisreits a toeo peTsst agaihst IHt eTHeR SlOt POTTING IH THAT TAUL. 8eV AT niGHT etiO, , T WRHtrti mr h ICAverfe Nftrta ft BOT y6!!! 0 a HH, (TJ WOTlMrl VfAJMV)T STAM. 0OW, VW'O WSftfA w" -. m. er EHncK TT wr. a tfeO SrWfll nc jvw -- ,r, I vw? a. fTifLttil Mew tbMAHS Ar VI11D VfOMAK PETEY Gelf's a Great Recreation By C. A, Veiyht Xt t& 7ni-J) m 4t-lA V rT rl Zrt AUO . -Jiyat -Jj t-JmLjyme KiSWVAZl I t-"ra-A MWy 1 1 1 Kr&S 7 AVIAM!' I'M TTRED Or VORMlUtf MoTtem' Bar FlGn?iLi'iiP ah. "nHETiMe.ACuY UrTfDS A CHAiVTK JT" ItlCAtLOPl DIU. AMD GfflRCE lllz-f PtAV UTTiE eetpi VfWAT PlDfOU ceT MICK- Sr , s&t. ceuuThd SEveia w. neii tn.-RiMiiiM.irjr'TDien Tenic &i vdi in iuuun in- inini invisv i Mrnpi,jMi -" ti f.K"TT3Awcs t fin ifTi I intHiw e ikj ii. ir riunutn- "tOU WAD AT ITASr iCTVEkl- IWAT HAMeS MIT OWE UP OMTW ' AV4D CreffCE SeTW OOWM JW?A rTICHT J?ATR6HT.L Ol 0. ?. vctty n f -ova - Deyir care. ,-ctrc yt. t,-. ' "n. feRTHC- J f VHATNeUiA-.'.' A HOW V -LESSEE- Get tUA. QXK A , vV S I WAD N00 .DOWU AJeuTTWAT f X0VJH- HO, LETMMf? S0 0V6plMf.J UA?ftft WlMElWAT A TPOHOLE-J VACAIU- FtfttT H0tE,AlE HALVHD S h J uVe-" e Vev ieT MeS "TKeu CeT a Seveu AHO H J fy ijTel TpAWMlCJAWey DeWUVfROrHW I 60TASIV THEM VfE HACVEeTrtR tuS . II c.a;U r GASOLINE ALLEY Quick, Wait, the Ladder By Kiny . : : m ininiiiiiiiiiiiiiuBiiii ' mum i 1 hi i . . ,. , M li li 111 I ( II S It SEEriXl LET UNCA WALT NOW, LISTEN, SCEEZIX i DO v p, MsMsJ 0 T 0 ' H I L ? I IN THE BATHROOM. TURN THE ) Mr AS V"C WALT SAYS J S W( MV SMAVINO J" e H j ' ""IM JIT I I I LOC LIKE fOU DlD-OMLVy 1 ("""HE LITTLE RASCAL DOEStfT H CREAM' " j 9 II l THe OTHGRWAV ib" PAVHy ATTENTlQrj, Jk PL. li ' ' '1 L JP" - VWHAT I 'S()--JT J'J'' 1' 1 P aam!r 1 1 kv i C m ifM "UJ -CSitit i iq jjwrjeiiuni ui me contract and pros- juiuvx'iauui.' 'lunuivnuw 1 a ft - r . r e""'l k j s, Jet - 7C 'A J 1 f i-i IP I i I Pectus material, the Grent Adventure , . VSr f W iLKkmX J6 T jAiS " WlHiwl)tfKlU SR I H -"..juuj iuiu iiui Hiirreu in nis tnri'c- m ci i w ci m j ... ,,'c ytt .R a a r -7 7 rr km LI 'J "3 a lie neciai ecents leaay v e. sjlk teircmir r - kkBk fv Zr' Jl jw a "iW your narden." 1 ,.,!,,. h nUnopertruyol hy (ferg0 '1 rJutiMl LLLHS f LLLLKlli i(r I ML WL A "I wns snyln'," snld Jenny, "thnt u"' ,Vi ' i a- JJV a LLLLK LLLLHf IJi 4 . 1 you're booked te tote me th' round) )flef," fn ftte new nei-el. 1 fcX NkWHik . jlfLLLLMg .LLLLLV - Ife) h WL A tf?- f t night. Bee you after th' show. Will umu H ,., ilMTc ffn "" m.LLLLHl ,LLLLLW I I C- fT llT rT" " j i jeu be Nnncy?- 'Tic Heuse of N. f A - f i I Mmy . ww,, LLLH i 'rvcy I k 3 "I ehnll be tee tired." - - Ss U. A N. I'1 A 1 iM&m K &0m lb TJ I I 3 Bancroft did net euro te re the MehUtl Sjte, ) ' X V . HtVeK. - KLLLLLV ' W II 1 rounds with Jenny j he wanted t see t ... ... . sBRO L CPV"" pSHPV L "" SilB 9VSRV--,sS V I J fancy home from the theatre but he Vut p'"' itrtllictalttlrt and prt- Cl"VK jV gH!l ' - ' gV akWiiiiiB i3JBHK J 1 aWl tj im110 K00tl ''x(llse ,0 elfcr Jenny. frmvt of high iecieUj are ruth- jpbNl - flilPs SlHI I -es. ebV J m !. Rl v Say, m hut's th' hlj: IdeuV" de- ltssty rcvcalnl, whakiame Ameri- "" 0 iHBIiEafce'J,L',N iiiiViiE w J?"lS?S rx B-- T&Hk 'Hl "Whnt idea?" paid Dnncreft. re 1M(j , -. -. VMtMav X.' BHbl nJ g"1 -yy XiaTB - I 'fhtsjaukln' me ncresi allcye'alf r ' " .1 TTiSX r- v?CCN 1 X2V m u ' flJjwht truck w.i cemln 'out." IKeflnMrfay 31 l T11" v JV C5-? fi ! J, , , m jf ''yeuM,Mi'iwf,rrjhmiMM r ' 1 . mm. , i -I-.- 1 r. xgu:f?J -m I m