",J r. Y' .-- 12 r . & a J ra?s5ftflsa!isassRfflBa.3K . -lHt jt:iiamMRMWiJifMinsf,. ri'j :, AMt.JUii'f tfjrVrt.W 'ITt . ' . ,, ,r , f.'V ' NORRISTOWN PLANS CAMPAIGN WIND-UP Plnchet Leaders Will Held So Se rles of Rallies in Montgom ery County Tonight WONER VIOLATION CHARGED tvrtlat fttentitch te UrtxUw Fiill.'e t.tfner NorrUtewn, Jjw. fl. Tite RoiiMlenii fmpnl?n In "MoulRemcry County, tlie banner I'inrliet county In the prlinnry election, will wind tip tenljht In the trmlittennl "blnre of Rlery" In the shape of nn nutnmnblle piirntli find tour. .About jevcn.y-Avt enr, lie-idc-l by n bnml In n bus, will lravc the l'lnchet bci1nuartri nt Main mid Swede strcrtH at 7:f!0 1'. M. nnd go down the Ittilgc iilke te Conslwliecken, where nnethrr auto delegation will be met. Then they will ke te Amble, North Wnjea und Lanmlnle. ' Till1 i nn innovation for Montgom ery County pellticnl riimimtgn., nnd It 1m beltiK entered Inte with Brent en tliiiHlaMin by the l'lnchet mtpperter. The iinriidfi In In I'lutrsc of WilHnin H. l.ii.-.vl.tn.l, county chiilrmnn of the I'ln. cliet niminltteK. mid Mi- Helen (.!. Llve'i-y. of Wliltemnrnh Tewiwblp. di rector of the Women's Plnehet Cem witter. Wanted en the chaw of belnR Im tilirated in the Illegal Bale of iinri'etjrN. Jlvlei Easten Bitrrcndered te the police nn'd wns tnt.ii te l'bllndelphla te be iiiinliini'd before 1'nlted Stutcs Com-inN-lener Munley. The police have been looking for him since n raid ut the lieuw of Michael Carparclle en Main street ten days nciL On the charge of violation of the Wener Act. Charlen Sehiele. n Conn Cenn rlliiitin, waived a hearing before Mng Mng ...rnte Clark nnd entered SMMI bail for emirt trial. Tint nrrent was mude after the ueatli of cnaritM unnagiicr. im October ir. The hitter declared he l.,. no-lit ulil.kv fi-nin Scheie, who will net be charged with manxlaughtcr, n De poison wu found. Ouiseppe Snnsvll. of East Venn treet, died at Montgomery Hospital from Injuriei received while clearing the debrin of the wreck nt Whitemarsh tower, en the Trenten Cut-off Unit Unit lead, in which two men were killed. Sanseli, v:ih struck by a uhlftlng loco leco loce tiotive. Krederlen Warren Fergusen U suing fjcerge M, Fergusen, of Lewer Merlen, for divorce en the ground of cruel and barbarous treatment. The couple wert, married nineteen yearn uge. The First Italian Citizens' Club, en Saturday evening, celebrated the sign nlng of the armistice by Italy. The program included music nnd fpecch making. The will of Margaret Brown, late of Jlryn Muwr. dlftpegsefi of nn citate valued at $0500 te memberx of the family. A Heme nnd Scheel League'lini been erennl7.nl In Lewer Providence Towri Tewri lilp, with Morgan Weher ns prcldent, and Mrs. William Kent, secretary. i- FINAM'IM. LATROnE - CONVKT.I.HVIM.K reAI. A rilKK COMPANY. FIRST MORTUAfiK JO-JK-i1 67e SIXKINtf STND T.OLD IIOND8, Notlce Is hereby given that pursuant te the .irorti-mce, dated Jun 1. Hill. 0'.' of the above bends, earh for tl.OOO. have been drawn for redemption en December 1. 11)22, out of money ether than In the Hlnlctng Fund t H."i and accruud Interert te that date. The bends drawn and numbered as helnw. 'lt)i all unmutured coueuiis nttarhed. should be preicnted for payment at the etTlca of the, Commercial Trust Company. Trustee. City Hall Square. Philadelphia, en or after De cember l. 1021;. when all Interest thereon n111 cease. ie se.', nne nor. loot me 1,120 '.'2 31 1 (ISO (Kill lOO'l 1S21 ir.'.'ll 11 sse 70a 1107 U12 ls.in j:.25 M 31)0 717 040 1121 in7H 1.V.9 H 305 725 ll.-.l 1134 1387 l.l!2 ion 4n.i 740 iih nn I4nn ir.dii 143 470 7fll IIR3 11IH 1410 1RS0 147 471 7110 102S 1201 1422 1SS3 inn nns Hnn mas 1202 1411 irsd 171 litf R17 11)70 1203 1432 K,2t 1'irj MIS SSI1 1071 123rt 1418 10M 203 enn s,-,.'i ifisa 1240 ifii iflrts 2CII 11113 SS5 10S3 1281 1 IR9 1H00 COMMCHCIAf, TRUHT COMP.XNV Traitee JOHN II. M.VSU.V. President, l.Titiiu: . roNNr.Li.evu.t.K :e.i. & (lKi: t'O.MI'AW. FIRST MORTI1AOK lie.Nii's SIVK1Ni FtXD 0UL J.'i!.11!', l! l"'r'''!l sv,a that pursuant te he Sinking Fund Prevision of th. Mertuaga. ated June 1. 1011, 8U of the above bends, fich for $1,000, have been drawn for re re tfttrptlen en December 1. 1H22. at 102'4 nnd accrued Interest te thut date. The bends drawn and numbered as bslew, with all matured coupons attache'd. should be pre pre ,'Tn.,"1fer Payment at the ottleo of Compter Cempter Compter .?,L,TrUni.iSem?.an'' Trustee. City Hall fXr,?.1 Philadelphia, en or after December 1, 1IU2, when all Interest thereon will cease. 44 net r.iie 820 P3.1 1170 1177 1178 1217 1227 1230 123S 12311 1277 1204 1, '().-, 1.110 13.10 1443 till) IMS ir.:e ir.he l."l'2 H',38 1U80 S40 M2 K, sun S74 S8I el)3 RII7 DOS 004 pan nni t)7 1 ns2 1342 1331 13V 1870 13SH 131)3 I.T111 1307 1401 1 IH3 1131) MI'l 147 077 713 720 781 7S2 7f.A 733 Sll SI 100 144 141) 1(12 I'll I 341 30 I 4 lid 000 (1114 leni 1073 1043 Kill) 1102 nn.-t 111s 4N1 S20 02 i:i:ir 1440 vuHAiuiiuiAb TRUST COMPANV. Trustee JOHN II MA HON. President. VltTVKvir,iPM,,..'Y-....I.t0"''nnAThI rlrTi-iKAR in II I'KIt I'KVT mil 11 BONDS DtlK J!I,Y 1, 1057 ''" ..'?"- .'." hr.reh' Bltn. Pursuant te the tsiiiis of the Murtgaa dated July 1st. 1H07, that the midereluned ns Trustee will rcele enlud Tim, nun u ,. ,.. e 1 it ' .1. k ... nf 'li..;..t... "rni.' ...' "" .' r;.i :.:" v.,'"t'.V' '" i of Ki . """."'"'riiieu, sumcent le use L,S, .Ky.-"?-S?i. '"'. . unuwalirn-jl r In wliei. e'P'in pa'rt ' ""y r "" ,L'"J TI1I3 NEW yeitfv TRUST COMPANY Trusiee by A. O. IHIWNINll, JR.. te. x. 1 . . Assistant Secretary. Kw Yerk, Neember 3. 1022. "'. Annual Meetlnfa Kg T1IK ANNUAL MKKTIM1 (IK THUS haTiliVal iS&ttM! ChMtB ",?ee': ii y eruer or tne Heard et Atunnnra chah. hknuv ticerr. jr.. s?- . .. nei:reiary, Kgr- T1IK ANNl'AI, .MKKTI.iniri'TlTF. m atiiAlfhnLlH a a. . an as '. will l held at thn iifflce of ihai'Smpan?! 2j.rk?1R.,i,.n.wn "' t-'hlih nves , Menduy. Nev !S f 'li'HVn8 K M'. " whliK lime olectfen will be held for dlroeters. teuether with sueh WMt'Si. '" "" my co,n b"e" tiia ' E. T, nALDKItHTON. Hecy. FINANTIAI. , ni of una Mera nr th, vn.i.i. . rreiwaals DEPARTMENT OP I'DUI.IU lV(lltK4 uiThkAv OP llliil ItVJ's iK ),!.. VIU Hull" Chlof f bureau. , Oeteter ,11, 10'" Healed proposals will l.e leeilved "and Spenad in ftcem 810. City Hall, at -j oTIeIS en, trlduy, Nevenibrr 10. 1U83, fe.-i UradliiB Asphalt J'avlnB (Asseisment Werk) fend .imcatena Duat Aaphaltle Cement Autecar Trucka Xlraait Tads ter Ilerasa trejt llrt Bheveln plltd CeaK and Ilata Vliittr Capa , , FltANK II. CAV13N. Director. Jnuulre at lluem Uii, city Hall. ni.vJileniU heiitiiwabk" NATIIINAlT IUNK (110-lli-U Meuth hrrund Htreet. . Phllade niillia. Pa. NevclllUir 11. lllQ'J. . Ta Directors Iiuve this day declared saawsi! nnual dividend of Paer Par Ceel (4) and an aatm dividend .of reu. Per Caat ), MiraJsltea demand d.JTrfa of all :. WMRT. CM tXM. K. X, cukiwr. WJ.Wi?I?!WT!WWSJSi,JHJitf J1 nmTmwWWy' ,a - I v E - - Letters te the Editor A -J Approve Rtsolutlent Te the Krfller a the Butitlne i'ubllc J.eilvrrl , Sir At LiniKdewne Avenue Monthly Meeting of Friends, held Tenth Menth -Oth, JD2U', our nttcntleii wan called te n letter issued by Ijinsdewne Monthly Meeting of Friembj, HI rut ford nnd Owen nvenues, te the editors et the several Philadelphia newspapers ex pressing disapproval of the prominence given te murders and ether social mis demeanors. We hcurtlly Indorse this letter, nnd ndd our appeal te you te emphnshep the iroed intlipr Hum the ivll. LANHDOWNK AVKNUF, MONTHLY JIKKTJNa OF FRIENDS, DAvin it. mam:. ElilZAIIETH 8. UOHEIITH. Clerks. 18 Violet lane, Lam-dewnc. Prohibition the Important luue Te the V.iHter et the Kvtnine PulUe Lttteer: Sir I am n HepubHenn. 1 knew of no action of the National Republi can party nt any time whereby na tional prohibition has been made an nrticle of faith of Republicanism. These Republicans who are strivinc te commit the party te that principle of power arc Prohibitionists nnd net Republicans. At no. lime nt any Natiennl Republican Convention has the pnrty ever given Its sand Ien te that principle of national governmental power. I wax therefore very much surprised te read the rmarki of Secretary Hughes te the Republicans of Jersey City en the beer nnd Hcht wine issue. lie Is quoted ns having said: "Coveriier Edwards mljlit ns well propose te hnve the Washington Mon ument moved te Jersey City. The Con stitution specifically provides against the manufacture und sale of Intoxicat ing liquor. It would take thirty-six States te clinnfe that law." New, Secretary Hughes, in tlwe words, Is doing the very thing that he charges Governer Edwards with doing. He knows no one knows butler than he that under the decisions of the Su preme Court, adding the eighteenth amendment te the Constitution, the States, as Stales, have" no vejep or vote In the timendment of thn Federal Constitution. 'i'hn'p derision" have nationalized the Legislatures of the various States In the art of ratifying proposed amendments. The Court lias ilrelnre'tl tlint the fifth article of the Coiif'itutlen of the United States "Is a isrant of authority by the people te Congress." It hns held thnt the Legis latures of the kexeial States derive from Congress nnd the ('oiftitutien of the United States (heir power te ratify n proposed timendment te the Federal Constitution. It Iiiim ticid that the peo ple of the several States, who are the States, hnve no power or control ever their own Legislatures in the net et grantins new power' te thn Federal lievernment. lly ilicse tlcclsleiw the peeple nnd the States nre M'parated from nil power ever their Kevernmentnl agents In the net of nmendins the Con stitution of the United States. Secre tary Undies knows that this is se, if he has read the deelslutH, nnd 1 presume that he hits, miice lie was if oeunMcl who urged oil the Court this principle of power. Let him tell the people of nny State or of tlilrty-slx States hew they enn control their LcKlr-latiircs, under these decisions in the net of rnitfylns n pro posed amendment te the Federal Con stitution. The Federal (ieveriiment has given te the Lctfihluturcx its protection In the exercise of their Feilernl power, by de clariitK uiiciin-iltiitliiiiul nil meitsures tuken by the peeple of the i-cvcral States te control their own Legislatures In the net of grnntlns new power te the Fed eral (levcrnmcut. Under this iiuichlr.ery or law, hew in it possible for the people of thirty-six States or for the people of nil the forty ferty elKht States te control their Leglsht Leglsht ttiree in the art of ratifying 11 proposed amendment te the Federal Constitu tion? It can't be done under the deci sions of tin) Supreme Court. The sov ereign power of the people Is a myth. It bus vanished like vapor, having been absorbed by the Nutereign power of gov ernmental agents. The people cannot get the eighteenth amendment out of the Constitution nr uny new power Inte the Constitution without tlie consent of their govern mental agents. I de net believe in tills principle of government. The ncpublicuu IVrty tines net believe In it. It wa organ ized by Lincoln nnd the men of his day te combat that very principle of power which had been enunciated in the Died Scott decision. It is impossible te keep this Issue out of politics. 1 predict tills will be the important Issue In the next presidential cam paign and thnt the major parties will be compelled te meet it honestly and Miuarcly, us they should hnve done in the beginning. It. li. Philadelphia, November 1!), lDUL'. Creditor and Debter Te tht Tililei' 0 flic y.'eriilee I'ubltc .tduer: Sir We hear re much about the worms miiiKrupicy. n timt is near Who will lie 'ri'iliternV 1 sillinose ' cuii lie only one uxpiiiimuuii tiienc Hint hultl li Imliim-i.' of the wealth aeninst thn iimchti'iliii'ss. Ami j there in hank rnptey or fiinvliiMiivf. ir must he crt'il-Itei-H or tliOM- whtiin the world en tin tiimiey. It hheiild lie iinunt-wei'.iblc that they ii the best utile te pny the debt in, mi'v one your. IllNtentl of tnxili'.' bilHlni'Ns null i lnluir which nre the pre.liii'L'rd of wealth. i niy ier twenty- venrs. Anether school of rconeinhdN clnlmit renllilencc produces vnltic. If we lire luinkriipt it Is tiiiiiiiMrcrnlilR (lint the crpilllei are creiitini; the hick of cen-flilem-e by refusien te pny profits te busliiffes und Inhei'. V. .HISS YOI'NU. I'hllaili'lphiu. Nevcmhir I, l)T2. Questions Answered Naturalizing of a Foreigner ' "" I Te """ HiMer et i -.. ... thl' l.ltlllilll 'lllilf, I.ritnt I f li Will jeu he se kind eiiiiunh lis te publish lu the "(Misiniim Atnueied telumn uie reiiuiirinenta ,nul llin lu-i-rsjary sti-ps In b t liken III ei ili r le bin.01110 an Aliicili-mi eltlnin7 And ufti-r tli llrst papers liuvn tun obtained. Is s-ild perren mlltl-d te proteetlen from the United Htatea (lovern (levern Wt1 13. O, It Is necessary at the outset te lllu a "dedal a Hun of Intention" te Income an Aineriuin illlzcn. lu l'hll.-idi-lnhla this is done lu the office of ihe clerl. of tl.e United i Slates Cuurt, I'.idiril Hulldliiu. Nli.th and Chestnut (Irects In this du-lanitlnti the upiuiriini 1 mm ii'Imiiiiice iiiuviauce te any foreign i'uvver nnd niut clve Information of his kkc iii-"Ui.itli'li, llni uf anli'l in the United Wtntrs, ,-n, This decln ration lannet b ..led hi'fiue the applicant Is nt leist ilaht ilaht ren .irs old nnd has leeu In the United Stntea ut In'it two yeats, He then Kits wlm t 111 11 known ns his "llrst papers," und ufter live fats' continuous residenen he n-.ay file n petition for cltUanahlp, provided he has lived roiillnueusly fm ut least one ear In lh Stale where he wakes applica tion. In this p"lltliin he sets fmth tha shine stnte.-neiite iniuln lu hln ilecl.iiuiiuii nf in. tmtliiii. and Is r-iiulr,d tn niisnnr speeifieii iiucstlfl.is Ills in'titibii mum U (11 1... mit m his nu hnndivrltlliu- and miiii-smM by ivvu irrul'il'l' P rums, Willi must ilei-lum Hirv liave liiieivn the i.ppllunu fur xt least nue The 1'i-eiile's leriiiii will iippenr iliillv In the l.vniliiK I'lihlle l.nlk-i-i', mill iiisu In Ilia Sundiu I'ulilli; lder. letters dlsi'iiBslna timely teplca will w printed, as well na raauaatei dmm, SM questlaaa af ventral Ikltrcat will ka aaawarad. . eflrvMSffmiaiB Mr - wi1" tu. -wivzmtiAW-r'w iwt, - YEIflNG PUBLIC THE PEOPLE'S FORUM I venr of teX lien of year of his rrililence In Ih fllste sua knew ana r3lk,l In Urn United mules t ' yrnrn. Th trt for nllnir n dcclnrn- Intention la 11 1 fur thn naturallta- tlen petition, J, An alien Ih entitled le protection of the united H(nl- (lnernnirnt ufter tnliln out hl "flmt imrers," nn wm dem tmtrated In the cflthrnted "Keilr.n nffnlr" of mny Msrs ngn r.nd erlflcl iluMnir the World Wnr In lcjr.il pmctvdltiRs follewlnit efforts le ImpiCM nllcnn llvlnn In the UnltH lltate Inte the U(rnian army. Civil and 8panlsh War Sonde Te the Kdlter et thn Kvenliw Public Lalatri Sir Will you ltlndly tMI ms through the irsdlum of the l'enple's Forum whether the ITnltrcl Htatcn Htm linn any of her bends nutnUndlns t;relnc nut of Indebtsdnrie rued by the Civil Wnr or whether they hnve nit lenched maturity uhd been calljil In or net? Al-n, did thn United Htatca hati sny Rnnnelil ebllunllntm le meet tin nn nutcrewth of the Hpnnlnh.Amerlcnn Wnr. tnd. If ee. have they bcun pnld off? jeani'it n, ti.Mi:RO.v. Phllattelplila. Octnb.T 30. l'JL'J. Neri ef the nctunl bends crewlnj out of the InJcbttdneen of the civil War are In existence. All of them were refunded, but there miy lie in Inflnllenlmnl part of, the war debt represented In ome of the existing 2 rcr rents. Th. a per rent bend Issued during the Spinlnh'Amertcan War were alre refunded Inte the 2 per cents. Poems, Songs Desired Anether "Reck of Arjes" Te the r.Jlter et the Kvcntna Puhlte t.tAier; Sir Severs! days nvi 1 rend In the reruni a fci.-.utlful reem. n sort of para thra nu the hlMerln ld hymn "Re'ik of Aves," vthlrli you itatil tj b- nf aneny meus authorship. I have another para rhmse en tin same noble sin, carrylnw a heptful m-asniin. which Wis written by Fiank 1.. Htanten. which I would be Klad le tee In tli Pennle's Kerum when ynu have the tlal'e for It. I nm IncleslnB It Mna. M. A. IIATH3. Phllailelphln, November 2, 1022. none et aeks Jlv Prnnlt I.. Stanten "Re'-'t of Ak"", eleft for me, I.et 1111 hid" myself In thee," f!ni: the Indy. nft nnd low, And the Iiil:imhri1y flew (if hr voice se sweet end clear, Hnse upon th fxenlhi; nlr With that lender, touching priDer: "Ilefl: of A?fs, cleft for til. I.et n hld mjeclf !n the"." Y.'t she sanit n oft she. hid When her theurhtlesM heart aa slad, Sinn brenuse slej mm? alone, i'.'iiia I'Cciiukt hr soul had erewn Wenry with the tedious day, fanir te nhlle the hcui" n'.Miy. 'Iteclc of .lii", deft for me, l.ct r.ie hlde myiclt In the?.' Whcre the ireniMInt: stnrllsl.t falls 1)11 her mansion's shadowed walls, Ot ll.e chill 'und nll"tit strce' Where the llshls nnd khnduws meet Tl'ere tin lady" 11 velc ea heard As the deepening duplt wr.s silricd With the tnuilc or th.it prnsct Culerlnr Ihiuuiih the Icy nlr: "lleclt of At.-s. elr.ft for inc. Let me hide mself In thee." Wnnd"rlns7. hemeliss. threuuh the iilnht, Praylnit for thn mernlna llslit; Pale nnd liPtiuM. Ist nnd lene. Willi 110 hai.d te held her own. Went a woman, enn whose life Had been wrcil.'cd In (In nnd strife, Te v11011 senalcss lips c piajcr Ncvar cinie frtiu llfe'r deapalr. And hir hart, by sorrow wrunc Heard the lady ns he aun "Reck et AKrs. clett for me, I.ct me hide myself In thce." Piuslnir low ter had she bent, And tin music ci It went lte-it'licd her slnkhiK etil and breuKl.t Hack M her as lest In thought Trembl In-sly ahe steid the past. White the burnltiR fers fell fast As her heart relev.-.-d the days Wh'ii she wnlkcil In vlrtue'a wajs. V.'h"ii she sini; tl at very son, With no nenie of sin or wrenit: "Heck nf Apes, rleft for me, I.et me "lld.i myself In tl.ee." On tbe mnrble H"P rhe knelt, Ar.d her ieuI that Instent flt items' r hi-nlln-; touch, na there yulvirlne moved her lips In prjyer: Anil the Cled she had foritet mll"l upon her lonely let. llturd h'.r 111 she murmured oft. inirCATIONAI. Until Sexes Wanamaker Institute 23d and Walnut Streets COURSES IN rins Arts. Liberal Arts. Buslaeu and Cem. nerclsl Bubjecti, Heme Educitien, Archltsc I turn end necaamcai uraniax ana Trad ; ueurtei. "The man who succtcdt man who work toward a M the deRnitm 70a . ENROLL NOW ralepbone Locust 3140 for Catalog FOURIER DESIGNING SCHOOL Fhena Belmont 4038 B a iW.hrncr nnd vatternmahrr and earn MO te a vtsek. Speclal ceuries In Men's, Women's ami Children i fariner.ts. flttltfac. tlcn cusranteed or money rrfundeil. Call day, evening or Sunday, 500 N. 62d street, v 111E NATIONAL BCROOL OF ELO0OT10.1 A 11 D ORATORY 4010-4019 Chestnut atr.al PuhlL'Spcalilnir lie. ItiiN llrumnlle Art S. L. 6H0EKAKEH, l'rlndssl Preatnn r,l24 DREXEL INSI1TUTE Reerianlied. Knglnrarlnu, Heme Kconemlev """" ','"'"'' W'cretarlal. I'b, I'HKstna lull OA n A V BUSINESS C0LLEGB OV'Vti I yht!!W?b$lfatir STR A VPR'( tQ1 Cbistnut Strati 3 CI O Xhe Beat Bualneaa Sraael pealtlnni ruaranttadi enter new i day or ntaM. beekhtasleaT aherthand. day Ii night cl (jla. uttnaaa Cellaaa. IT1B Maraat ! MI'SICAL IXITHITTION" LLLtibiS - H1LLE JhSStftiL Uti-26 Chcitnut Street . SSth Avenue and Yerk Read Natien! Bank IlulMlna, T.madewjia PH1LA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Cierm.iiilAKii llranch jn Kast Walnut Lane. I'liuns Gta. IIU yresneeins miillfJ. Jaaeph W. Clarfca.. IHi. rni'ij., tu.NNtiitv.Vieitv" ut', Si I bin ii: H..-MIIIUV, r..i.nnn.-s i wirrcisra VA1' tKN IIIJI'MT. ', 2iu ciiiL'iii Uiu ntiir.r.i, tihuh 61MUDA wrm w (Under Contract With Bermuda Gev't) 8 Day Vacation Tours $83 and Up, Until Nev. 30, Includlns All Expeniea Sailings Twice Weekly 1 uiuUm,' i isseueera directly at Haiiilltun De, k, nvei lias liuon liuen vmleiue of tiatisfee by tender. Tickets Geed en Either Steamer Insuring I'lieiiualed L'tpress Servd-i' via I'.tlellnl Twln-Serew, (lll-llurnlni; Steamers S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. 'TORT ST. GEORGE" rneEA0 VeWc TIat. FROM BERMUDA TUE8. ft HAT. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SAILINGS Leaving New Yerk Dec. 20, 23 & 30 cur 1. in minis gr new xear s in HcrmiMs OUTDOOR llf ITivn lSHnle Cniirsesl, Tennis, Siillliu:. MODERN HOTELS cVadtii l"llll."l1!, J ".I."' -"."""'l M0"' t'lelne. l-'lsl" jV n&eennnJ.rr SPORTS im;, iiliiiiii,', iniviiii;, t'jdiug, i'te. NO PASSPORTS Boek New for Winter and Holiday S.villnai Fer Illiistiiited lli'ukli'ls vvriti I-i FURNESS BERMUDA LINE, 34 Whitehall St., N. Y. iur"wn7 vu.j Mvt mvuwvm siew., rniui, ur Any rawSssj?aKX'ffl U3i ! i. i., tAT uri, T'KVBKHiH'i "jm ivri i-. i , r.t,tti'jrMiwrrL'r,Af,v f"...)y - HrJ - 'ly;rr'ga:V'.f:-J-'-'J:?iL,''', 'LEDGER FKIUAlJJliljFllIA, MUIN-JAi, With an accent sweet and seft: "Itei'lt et Ages, rleft for me, t.ct me hldn imself In time." I.lllln knew the lady fair, As Khn n.iiiB no neftly Ihere. rlhat hrr Vi.lre li Irt Inurhed A pnul That had lived III nln'H control l.lttla Itnew Vhin she was dene That a leit anil rrrlnir one Heard her nn she breathed that Heard her, nnd ihiii! hums ftneln! "Heck of Anefl, r'eft for me, Let me hide lnsnell In thea." strrln niK tNvisintB 11EMI8MAN Wlrelens inntrel if battleship ta at tracttnit the strleus ntlentlen of c.ur.nayy efHelals. I.ate In the fftil the Pnltlesnip lewa, iike a aoemen. enw, , "f, "."' .- lently out te sea. deserted, lifeless, et ehyln every ibneat of the navigator It ha left behind. Then the Mr , suns of her aiHtcr shlpi will hurl inlnrnly, inlsaiej nt u.. ...,.. .... .,ii a,.n 1nUs. Itena this exceptional article In the Mar.alnn Hee Hee tlen of Ihe Sundnv PtiDMC LGPOU1I. ".Maka I It u llulilt,' Ada. Deatl)6 MtLTt V I W11 T.tAt V. Iiiisbendl. m t MK i 11 i..i.i. K ! frtunrtfl. ni,e Washlncten Camp. Ne. IS5. P. O, H. nf A., Invited te fun"rnl services. Tu?s... 1 MO 1. f .,, ,, A.i.t..nn -iale H. WnodsteCK si Int. nt Ureonmeunt Coin. Ilemalns may be viewed Men. ee, AsirwertTir. Nev. n 1022. r.LiZAnr.TU C, widow of Nlehelns S. Aihwnrth. tl"li tlves and friends nre Invited te attend fu neral senile. Men.. 2 P. !.. late L rejMtlence Sill .'effci"n nve., Chenf-nham. Montitemcry Ce, Int. Wst Laurel Hill Cm ,.,.,,,. .,.,. AL'COTT. (in Nev. , iWiJ. iIOHNKt.lLH. husband of M.irv l,rnneca Aucntt. nnefl. ,1 Mars. llln the wrUiM un Widnesdjy nnernoeo, ni ihe First nnptlst i-hurch, 2:30 o'clock, l.u-e,t V,I W l in I, M. lll't.t..Vni. fl ,n, f"ITAnf.ra 8n "' hiisltan,! nf i!,m 1ni Ini.l Hell (nee Hlmlns), 111 his 82 1 ve-ir Ilelatlves nnd friends are Invited te attend funcrnl servlcea Monday, FALL ,XI WIXTHIt ItEBOnTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Dlrectliy en Ihe Oeean Fre at Tha Amarlean Plin Hetel par-axeallatiM of tha AUantle Coast. Ktk Otrtse ea WALTKH J. UU2BT. 11 trepnity Uwaar aad ataaafar )t 'j&vtaktv On Ocean Frent Fireproof AiuvrlvHii & Lurnpean Plsns. Gelf Club prl't les. Osr. Iteiluced Fall end Winter tstea. Hntel Rnnrnnel KcutiicUy ave. ni. Piaca nOlCI OCSCOOei .Pn nn year. 17.50iib weekly. Telephrne UT. A. B. MAIItOV. fn.!:...!.! Always epsn. alwara vvuuUSUiai nauy i farms medarau. wrlve or nnena M. WALHH DUNCAN SEASIDE HOUSE "TAl SIT I'OCONI).. I'A. Thn Cntwnnrl Dpen nil yes-. Alcdcrn. Ideal IBC uniWOOQ ,,;.,,,. Hneclnl fnll and winter rates. Itenltlet. K. L. ft 13. V. Artraan. jytJliVN'S MILLS. N. .! Pig'n Whistle Inn Brown's MllU-ln-thj. rinei. M. J. Welcome all ef IH eld illentele. Inrliidliif vvei-U- nli-rs nnd transients, en Its roepttttiK Alendii.r, V ,r. lltli. I3ntlr, house lias been redemi.-ited, n-w furniiecs In stalled, and ii tivndiide Relf course cninplrteil n tin- ground. Spi-rlul Keiitliern cuisine by iiilnri'd vimnen, I'liine 1',-nilierten as I, LAKFAVOOn. N. J. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY Open for Winter Season IinlKeratltir- cllmntn. 18-lie!e coif eeurse. Pailille horses, l-'lim watlts. D.-tlly renreris nml ilmiclng. Suiicrler re.ms ter moierinu. FRANK P. SIIUTE, Manncrcr AHIir.VU.t.K. w. e. ?3Lli"t 1 ASHP.VILLE. NX. Ksferablv known te a titrlmlna-.!tiir cllcnle3. I Idrsl hillten l,vri.llnn. nvi,lf.tltt,.a. (K e, mA I ineuntsln relii en ercry tide, 'ineuptnur le- I Open kit year. Wit , r u ,.s"i uriiii-w.iiioier rnies. : IlKVKillPDUI'. Mgr. .a.Mui. ,r. , r.eiki Ill-RMtrDA Hetel FRASCATJ Btrmudm A meat delightful water front lecatlna. Coel breetrs, Ut-rniiida's flneat sea bathlai free te gueata. Ileatlng, Flailing. Tennis. Dancing, 'lwe golf ceuraes convenient. Open all yaar. i3vH H. Daviiten, Ugr. ST. PETEK8BLr.O. F1A. &Oi$hinejCify n i jr w, wiiii,i;i,.i incnuunfu and a tbeu iinl w r iceaiti. A de!!l.t(ul city ler (iMrjre m,l rr.ieitiun. Climate mll.l and e.iiit!;. Mowen. frulta, Mrda anil iweei iKfln brrezri all year. Tee one place s-t.-re a'l rccrtjllena are enierei oet-eW.r tell, f.ibi-n.'. ) a.-htm. tirimailng, kuaiiiig. njje, quem, buwllnt. burbill metering, SjIcnJIJ acconaedltlun. te mil entryene, Wilte let beiillrti a iae Cur nr en Sjerta aad Ktcifiiieni. AiiV information ca rnjuciu F. A. Lawrence, Chamber el Cemraerea St. I'ctcriburi, l-'lerid A .,... .1 I..... ..,-.,. MIAMI, 1 .. It's, JU3ir. In MIAMI Inf or. & aklt.. V.i Ite Chamber nf Cemtnerct. retiiH ERICSSON LINE for Baltimore rare 13 00 one way, $3,00 round trio. Dally nt fi 1. At., il o'clock Haturdayal Hteamers step at Iletterten, leaving flr (, Beuth De! ii ware Ave, Ptntl for Pamphlit -LINE i!.ii,Mn,. f . ....... .. ..a ivu iiin i Plllf i tcry. "Frlemi, mav- en 1 Tuesday evenlnn. at '",. m m Denis-Cemetery ZZhfitt aVS'Tn 'p hTAt Vlle'. I le . nd f'Wr.il. Tues .' , 'X,' ,',' hlsre:ddence1 l'2l Wlrsahlcken ave. , A ,,ibVi, ....A, '"rrt X. Ur lit" r.-.l I. te ... 1 1 17 N 411, ,' MreMnThu prrv1 ZQ&?ptei pti. x. r v leurta Bldf., PhlU. Or Arty toeal Teurlit Acant 4JMU nviiiriiii--.i. i.uisimv. f lliesc. naa .ms. Jiaw.sark, !Kiiii3iraiins -ri. . j- vim. "ct rij' , ,' ivji.Kj'i.---r i riitt- i-i ., ,', V,'J',i -r Xl,t,hn.lla( ,i...-.. ..-!l .. , ff llAli:it.-..Nv. II, KI.I.A 13... wlfe nf Ait"rt.J!- Ihiher nnd dnunhter of tins lata Hsinurl ) and Klljalwth Clark. Ite'allve litnl . friends are Itnllpd te attend timer.ll nt -,," . "" 8 P. l.. nt h'r resi.innce. Sl.in h . l.-,ti, nt. i,,t, nt the convenience of th rnr,ill II OWN. Nev. .1, 1022, HAnAH O, wife nf 'Ihnniaii iirnnu Funeral services at late mi i)enc, Troten read, Strafford, Pa., vV'"l., 2 P. M, Im, pilvate, AJIPIim.i.'.-ljiVv. 2. JANK. w hlev f Patrick .1. (.'niiiPl.er, I'.flntHes and Irlen-U Invltiil In fiiniriil. Tue,, S A, M. lle leal leal ilenie, 2J1I h .Mnrsh-ill st. Ite.einn riwliilMil inasv (.'hiiicli ,if Our Iidy nf .Mount ' mini I. 1 ':". AyiM..."cclsly. Int. Hely Otn" I em. "ii-.;NT,H:''''' .Nev..',. at ner late resl lence. 211! H. Km ,.M ..na JllMlil'lilNli. wlfe "f lain IMwnrd ,r. Canlrell. int. strhtiy Ptliiiti-. at Spm Ceiberlral Cem, ,mVW!!I':"" fl'' Nev. 3. 1U22. K. ISAAfJ IIAMIIIJIIH, of West Chiatrr, P.. son nf the lam Rdwant n. nnd Mary Werth Cham burs. nuil .11 ynars, Services and inlcrment at llellefnriir.. Pn., en .Monday. .C'l.AltK. Nev. a. .MAItTJIA M., daughter or jiimes nnd tl.e Inte .nrah ClarK, Ilei.i liven nn-l frlendn are Invited te attend fu-n-ral service-. Men., 2 1. St.. labs real real ilmee. ma ll.irrlen st,, Krnnkferd. Int. ""'Y?'":. Please emit flowers. . f'l.AV.-On Nev. 3. OLILMIINS CLAY. ii"i.' u.-i and r-lmds luvltMl te i.erle. "n , Mendnv, nt a P M . at late re-ildeli.-e, 211)0 1 .N, SJ'I l. lr.l. nrlvnf... rpi.l.lN.J Nev. s, 1022, JAMKf, beloved - iiisii,irii or mien c,ilii. HcliitlveH nnn iriii'i-, nlse M. Kdmend's Hely Nnm sncl etv. arc Invited te nttend fuier.il, Tue., S-IO A 11 I.He t"sir.nce. IS-.'!) S. 23d st. Silenili mass of i,-iiilein nt HI, Kdmend's '''''..'.'J.' -M- '"' 'I0"' Cress Cem. (OttKin Nev, 4, ILMII.Y If. Inee Hern), widow of Or v.'m. Ji. O. Cirri". I'une-al from hir li,t leslil-nce, n.Hl llarmnr st , "'i.'':- ' M '"t private. PrlencU may cull Tims, rv,. trJ.'fir,5.'JN,: Suddenly, en Nev. -1. 1P22. MIII.N I'., hum nf f'ntliftrlnn nnd Ihe Iain l'ntilik . Courtney ItMatlvci and frlen'ls rnernliiir, nt s,:in n'dnck. from his lat" r-.-l-I nnce, .('Hit I'uliniTi nt. Solemn reeulm iimns ni ,-i Annum- cnuren at 10 u heck. rn 1 I 'em .,,... i.'.Vl.'.v- :-"" . IH--'. I'ATRICK .1. . ( '! '1111 V. , r,nlr,l,M. ,.m.1 rl..1d !,. i eiirernr.i of ii Vim-ent d Paul -Society, Hely N:,tr,e Kecktv of ,M, Jehn the Uiptlst Ij'irrh, Alnii-iyur.'.!: Alarnuette Council, Ne, I'M'. K of C . and Dlv. Ne. fi. A, O. II. , lire Invited te attend funeral, Wed., S:nf) A. AI , lain lesiienre. 1,12 P.icter st., Atannuuk. i-'denin reipilem miss nt Ht. the llap'.Dt I hiirch In A At Int. St Jehn's Cem. CFSI -K Nev- 3. A1AI1Y. wlfe of the Inte Jehn ciick. P.-latlves nml friends, iilii Almr a -id lieirirv Secletv, are 'nvlt-J 1 te nuer.d fun--ril, Tues., M'tn A. AI late tesldnii ,., ihjii'i Hnr, I nve. Solemn requiem "I.ISM S C-ir'ln ue's Churc'l pj A. AI. lilt, IIelv Cresi Cem, d uiti::,:, Nev i. mas. rT.nrtRrCR ALICi:, viri. of I'urne'.l 11. Dnrrell. Jr ltela the.i and friends invited te funeral services, Atnn , l:.le P. AI.. Isle resldonce. &214 kltusesslnir nve. Int. private. DAVIS On Nev 4 AIAItY. wife of . narii-s wiMs, m ner .--I jenr. T( datives , nnd frli-nds lnvlti-d te attend services, nt her neme, in i n..iiu lern junction, weilnesuav. Nev s lit a V ai . Interment private DI3S nit - ;-u,i.: nly. en Nev 3, JOHN D., husband of tin- Lite Alniy Devr (nee Trvvli). It'-lntlvcs and friends Invited te Btttid fii'iernl. Tt""s S:.1e A. AI.. from ilntiPhtit's reKldenn-, ir.ns N. snth st. lllKh lenuleni m i-s Si. AlnlSchy's Chuich ID A. AI. Int. Helv Cress liriUMXH-Nm I. KDWATtD X.. hu hind of dr.ire Debtilus infe AlcCnnn). Rel atives nnd friends are Invited te nttnl fu nerei, vi , x :tn A. Af.. fr-tn his late resl- lienre .1, 1 I., rrice St., li'-rmJUltOWIl. Hei- emn mns of r. eulem Rt. Vincent's Churcn 10 A. AI Int IIc.lv Sep-jlehtn Cem I)iil'iilli:i-I'Y Nev ;., JK.VNIK T.. vvl'e of Ituirh J Dmihertv (n" Welsh), former!-. 7 2l."..l Mnrrl Due net'c, from 1321 H. Hnlley t DOWNI3Y Nev. .-.. 11)22, CLARA 13.. wife of I'.ev. Wllll.iut Dann'v. Itel-ttlves nnd fl lends nre liiilie-l te attend funeral serv ices. Wed . '. I At . t tin. i.'sidenee of her hl';i'.,r.'.L..',,,'i', -N "U1 et Int. prlvnte. RATWOOD At Il'irllnBten. N. J., en I.'nv M. 1!)22. THOMAS AIlDliCI.KY L'ASf. MOOD. D. D. 1 unral srviees nt th Klrst Hillt Chun h, lluillnicnii, N, .1, Tuei. at i::..e P M, Irdermcpf rrlv.ile. KVANS. Nev. 4, 11122. CATIIAR1N13 AI . wife nf Charles A IIi.iii". Relatives nnd frl'inds nr Invlte.l tn nttend funeral rerv lees Wed , 2 P. AI., lata resldenc... 20 13, Wyo Wye mltiu nve , dermintnirn. Int. private, Orcen ininmt Cem. l"i lends may call Tues. eve n.I31Slil3ll.-Nnv;. .-,. IDA I'OItnMAN. wile nf Leuis Mt-lstier. Ilelatlves ind friends Invited te nttnl fun-r.il .services Weil . 9-Id A. AI , at her l,it r'sldene. I'lil.', Crn.n St. Int. strletly mivnt... .nji. tlvtly lu flowers. Chlcase rnpeia pleisu ropy OALLAdlir.R. t ml dn 1 v. .Vnv .1 Till 'MAS 1-' htishHiid nf Jesephine (1 Onl liiBher (11 I'enivayJ Due nultfc from rvsl ilcui". 1Ni.1i Iiudlev t. tlAUTAIAN. Nev. I. MAN. huhnnd nf Itartha (iartinan, nyeii mi. ItelatlvH und ftliiidi urn Intlted tu attend fimrr-il Frv Ir s, Tu'-s . 1 30 I'. M.. at his 11 rsl deine. r.s 17 Chcktnut st. Int. ptlv-itc. View In Men. rve. (iAllWODIi R'ldJrnlv Nev .1. .Mls ADU LAIIH". VI1K1INIA '".AHWOOD ,si ;; Fun-nil services nt Klrl( ft Nic.'s unni Ctir-matiin-.vn avt-., Jicn 8..T1 I. M. Int. pri vate. C.At'HMAN. Nev 4, AL'OL'STX V. v If.. of th late llrnest clnusmnn, nn-ii fi'l Jtn tlves and friends t Invited t-j nttend fu neral services. Tus . i';.1e P. M , a t..i. deuce. 111'.' W. AMinnm st. Int. private l'rlends m-'v call Mim. rv tHLiHIlIST- At lllhlislmrn N .1. v,,. I. IH-.".' .IAMI3S A. (HI.i'lli(' i,rfe,r sV Servlc-s Men , s I' M . jm,, tesMcnce. Olhbs. horn nr 1 Klrliw-oed reads int flreenmeunt Cem l'hila . Tues.. 1 1 lu A M '""""iv (ion -Nev. a, ifiJL' DA VI 11 II,, son c' Kiilu.ilm 13, and of Jennie K Ceif, nuvd ll'l Itelutlv.s and friends, Cimden l.edse Nn' 13, I' .1 d V. M ; Camilm Lede, ,-n ..i.-i' II. I1 i. 13, rtieren rrlepd LmUc. Ne 11 I. (). ' 1'. ii.vlted 10 fiir.ertt. Men.. 2 1'. 311 . fi -ni Ids late reslderne 718 Washing ton 41 . (.in.iden, N. J, int rr.vate. liar lelKh Cem, tiUI'.'lAV -Nev 4. mwi; 1- , husband of Itn.. I, illinium. nE"il !-,. llel lives nn I filemu ,11 'i I tn ntimd fuiii'i-iil. Tui-s . Nuv 7 L' 1' M. Iite rislt.'i'v. ,8ii N r.th st. Cam', n N .1. Ir,'. 1 ivnt.-. ILuleleh Cem l-rnii'ls 11 -iy call .Men evi. (IR.WT of ."'i)4 Diesel reid. en Nev 2 11122. MAItmitllT UI3A. vvilevv of Albert I, (Irani lu-ed lit icars. It, lauves and frleti'lh .ire Invited te the r-if. Ice. e-i Mon day afternoon, .it 2 n-Uiirk, lit the Ollyr II Hair Illdir , 1S20 Chestnut st Interment private OHANTIIAM Suild.'n'y, en Nev. 4. 1022 IIR".III3IIT T. (1KANTIIA.M. Ilelatlves .,11,1 friends .ru Invltnl tu the service. Tuesday Hfternoeii a. 2 u'clei-K, ut his l.ite ro,l re,l I'.emn. 17n Cjueen lu.i", S tn. Interment pilvii'e A'heii I'i . i,iuers iileasi: cniiy. (li;l3i:v.'AI.P - Nev L ANNA A,, dauah ter uf H'-ir- and the I lie Herihi llreenvvalij in h"-l 2D-Vl S , ,i J ', -111 tiVeH .111.1 frien.1.1 r.. ilnvlt-'-l 1. 'Ml -s . U-.l , 2 I' M.. parents' lenidej, I...-U, i.i!u'y t int. nrlvate. l-'i., uds nu! call Tues, i.fn-r 7 I' M, ILiM.- - 11 Nm L. I'.l.-y. MAr.n.V HI3TTA II wldi. 1 of Wil.lnpi llivev ,jorv ,jerv I'M cl. M. lull' ,ll 2 l,'c-l0v.'l lit the lsl dii ' 'i 1 -en. llti'ir II Hnv.s, 21M W Al'u.li-iv .ne Intiim-i.t ut American Mei hail n 1 i met' 1 v 1113111 1 III Si I. 1122 nt her mil dm, ,-, li l-'i.s nve N.irth W.sjilb'irv, N J I 1.II-. VDI.TII M . wife nf Juuji, h Il.ilii 11.1,1 .-- i.llitiui. In licr 27tli veir Htl.itlvis .11 'I t'lrnde Invited te intend fu. Irel Tin's ' M A M fnun res:jL-iirn I nr tier n' e. ihvv vun nerlieit. 207 1 l,l,l... l.l.ll ,.l..i,.lt , U..I. .. . ,.1 1- eiiiui'i e , ,,,,.,, w, i-i, .,, . .-.,,',, 1 I re- Ill lelll 1 iss t Mplnnsus' v'h-ir h ) 30 A M In' II '1 '' "s 1 ...j 1 IlLCKIU'IMLll v I. l.r.STIIlt S. lll.i Mli.lMI It, .iB-d il" Ileiiitivs and friends 11 ' viiNan." .Vs-.enilily Nn 2 ('olio, Us 1, . 1 un 1' Ne. r.-.'il tlasives Tithe Ne ISJ I ' li M . n '1.1 ll.uiie I lli.iiicli if the P'-l. I' l.'I'hoile in. .tie Invlt.-u ill attend fu 1 nl -.1 .s Alun . 2 I', Jr. at Aslr ,t; .' 1 s Pi- .id Muot Chiiptl. l,iue N. Ili.u.l s' Im private lir.TIIPHIM'ilv'N. -- 'i.llTlv Nev 2. riiA.su 1 is- w iii3Tiii:itLVdTiv n., d ai He' Hives ,111 1 friends .lie inv Itrd tn alien. fuiier 1 1 seivi'-s, Mini 2 1' M lesidtu.-u. ,',,12J VV nt " (111 1-Vi-niviiiid iVni IIU'LS N..v 8. IH.".'. JI3.NNIL' VAN DYKI3 vv ' -f I n -in is IIilIis im-niir j.i. deni" ITIu s .'lili st itelutnes nml friends .1'" " ""! I n't,nd fun. 1 nl services pi li-f la'- i, -uli p... 121:, aiwemI r.l , Oveihine'. I11i1ed.lv 2 I' M tu,' U Iv n. tein 1 W " 1. 'J 1 Hill Cl!'. tei'v. Ir'il'iids lllll i ,.' VV I'e-.lll iVdilllk- 7 t., II lilt, il ' V ti 1 I ri v .11 Au.-ust 1 i;i , Nm J 1 It III i3- II liiitliAinl nf Lll.i j, Hifch'"! It 'Pi -s nn I 11 lends, nl-e IViKini t.iii... S.i in.' I nd A l . .,f 1'liiln , j,,. vlil 1. tun ' 'I. "iu fuller..! parlors nf A HUH II Hi"'- " II ls live mi ji,, . slu'l st .Serslnvvn P.l Mnn nt " 1 M A'l s, -v.iis in leiiver 1'i.iviJeni-. I'reslij lerlun 1 huriti. 2 .111 1 M. Im In a lleinlnir "iVlsi:- -"I N"V .1 l.'2. AN.W III3LLA C HIM1"' 'I i ' remi). wtr ,,f n,,rrv K III11111 It. Utiv.s in! fi lends, i,sn Anna M. Puss i'ln I Sn -III Ladles of 1 i A It. aid Pnli'. is i.i. " v of t Paul's P l: Chureh, t,r, Inv'te.l 1 , tie s iv.i.eH, nn Tuesilu;, aftei. noun .11 2 v. I", a at the lekiiPnie ut h, r sun, I'iuiiI. M lluiisi -.Ti-.'l S. l.i.h st lui-r-inetit ut .V.rih 'Oiid Ceineuii Mmvln.' . M. 11 1 v vn.,11" iii'i iM.r s i i. .Kins', mi, 1, 1,, ,1 ... ,1 , III,, Is.ilnll.k S llupidn lliee M. N4icV.i, In l.ls 7 Uli ir. P" i'iv s ,i-id Irleiids, jM1 ,lRii , 1 1 It .Nu 7.1 1 " I' . l . iiviiul tu 1," 1 , ifUMIll' s. r.H'S I'll VVeii, - i , .,, , Inte iialknie. Mil.i S. llih st Int. pruite .lit Ivy 11.11 I'eiii ltjiii.ilns may be viewed 1 Wt-d . S te in P M 1 III TIMS' nn Nev. ,'l, M.MIV J , wife 'of tin- lite ll.'teit lluttnii, St-, in h r .'.ith venr. riim-r.il "ii"i nu 1 11. ii'i.i . m . p , M at hr line rvsldepce. d:t'J Wushhwl -n i terrice A'lli'n'i, J. .1. Int trlviite, ' Kl.en.N nm -all ! M.vul.iv. trier 7 jj INUItAIIAM -,'Y.'!.' ' s', -N-wltlrk st N..V 2 I'l.'-J I PA i, vvldniv it I'liimesl W luKriihin i:eliilv-s and fi lends .110 1..- ed te aii.nl li'sril seivues Jim -i M, pu.,.1"! -t vvuiiam 11 stilimildd ul VV Su-ai'i- iiiiiui.i ive Int inn ii MS-il -Se 1 1U2-. SI SAN'N'V il , I w iiie'i ni i-i" " iiiii, ii. iniives iirel frl.-nds .11 inviuii te nttend tuniTiil sen-Im-ii. Tue -' i' , M. prci-lnly at irsldvii. nl her sjii, IJdvvlii D Klnu, Jr, 213 , WynmliiB av". llcrmantaun, int. piivnte. K1BLIN Nev. fl. 10SS. PATntCK. hup4 of tha lata Catharine Xlrlln (nta Hhauah. naaiy), iielatlvea and frltndi, alia Ueiy "" I DKATIH ! I a.80 1'. M.. at his late residence. 3114 lien- 1 T.V. .!mrment Private. Oakland Cemetery fi UV.'iJiK- At Tiffin O., nn Nev. . IB. I KATl: UNVIili, liAii I'V ...if. r llr. A. W. - - ' . nancy. Kcrt-lr,. Mn i ill P. M.. nt in . i jr j.. ti. w -. i-rs j.iuliivi'iilib. i tn ji t a. mil .it .1' jj l ii u jj l a w'--" 4nnn .MJVJ1.M. - 1 - - 1 e. v -1. DEATH Naiim Heclnly of Ht, .Menica's O'hurih, Ml l.mnH n..l. .. I, A SInt.lnlV: nnd 11 Ml III vlln.l ,r. .lUml ruhn.uf. W,l . H MO A. 1 JI irettl 11 ltil,i rev!,l"nnn ?10ll H. liarnCl P! ijuner noeva linn), rleiemii requiem "" .hlirtli nt hi. kienlns. in A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem, . . KUIIIIN. Nev. .1, OTTO, husband of Catherlne H, Kinlm, iwd 40, llelntlve.s mid friends, nlse nil seclelle-i, nre Invlteil te at tend funeral service, Tucs.. .1 P. M.. nt "Is residence, nc14 Utah s'.,, CIrrirniituwr,. Ue mains v(vveil ,Men. eve, ., . ,,AI flillTr, .NOV. '. IIUMI-i i., '" IIJ T. i illlLlilir or l. n liile ,,a In), r'liiple llliil t'.n line, i nines nm Hern Iifferty, Helntlve nnd ''''. 1 nwid fun.rf. Tim- . no A. M . , Solemn rciiulem mass Ml. I'mirlcu' ."' "fT linn rrpid( nrn ll,t ,ni nu n p i 1 "'"" i l"iA. J'-.ln- cathedral (Jim I. rtASII.-On Nev. .1. III'J LILLIAN 1IKI..MH. wife of tl.n Inte l.ninen ,m ItnMi, Ilnptlst Church, ate lnvltnl te nttind fini'l-nl, inurs., i-;pj r ji late reldenc,'. -!He ., .Masdier si. Services Alpha llnptl-l Church. 2 P. .M, Int. private ilreemvoel (L. of P.) Cem. Friends m.iy call Wed, eve, I.K.MIY. On Nev r,. Ilev COIlNi:Llt' H, I.CAIlv run'-nil Weiimsilny, 10::id A. M . from heni" of his innthei, VMC, West Mahntiuy av- , Mah.itiev citv . ! LLAlt. en Nev I. Pi22 LLeNAItn 1" rnn of Jcs" Jf and tin- l-i' IMbnriih ('. Lear (nee Ilurnettl, m.-ed .10 vears Heln lives nnd frl nds. aim LudKc .Te, ,,1, F mid A. At , Tail Delia, Phi, I', or P , and Wn di Inatnn Camp, Ne 7.".. nf (V nn CH. N .t nie Invlte-I te vli-w run.ilns Tu-ndiy -wnin ( at late reldente, ,','k;.' Trinity place. In terment private, J.riVY -Nev .-, rtl'TII hu'lnnd of ilm lain Faiiril.. I.evv (fu- lint). I!nlittli- nnd friends, alie Alt. Alerlnh LedQe. Ne. IT,, F and A M . atel -ill eth--r se-l 'ts of whlih he was n m nii,e, tev-'t d n s r-, l-. Wert.. 2 P, At nt his 1-ite rt(ldi-ine, :,i H. sad st Ir.v t-rlv- te LINTON lll'-venih .Menth .Mil. I'l-.'S AI HLI.LN II LINI'i'.V Fiiiirrnl si-rv.e -it her lal" home. K Wa hlrmtii i nve . Ne ,--town, P,i , Fourth d;,.,. Hlwrmh .Menth Nth. .1 P. AI LIPPINCOTT nirverth-ni'inth ."il. A7JA ft LIPPINCOTT .le of lleillillb-4 Linnnl- i-ett. In h'-r "Tth veir I'-luines u.nl fr, nds Ixi'ICC .'nv ,- J'I3PH c . liusband nf Nellie C Leuue fr.re lle l,,n, . Ilelnrlvra and friends. iiin jiurf (n Ce j: Mec.nn. Nn. 14.1. P. of .. De'. Kit lt.-nr Secial, emptnjei of I', a I r . ,yx nnd Alarket Hts., Invlleil te tl, n ril!lr,,i T-je. , 7.10 A, AI , late resld"ii'e. 221 N. ileih nt. Snl- emn requiem mass Hf ,)Ur i.j,,!V 0f the Itesvry Church P A. AI Int. Helv Cnm Cem. MASTKnsnJNev it. HMHIAP.V 13. widow- nf Anthenv AIisie',n (n Dh slneer) In her SStli y.-ir. L n-ivs and friends. also memlers of ih. Aim- Ke, ti.iv. invited le attend funT-il U,,i . v.iii ,v. ,vf from her l-ite r'sli!ein.e. 1 1.1 W Dauphin st. f-elemn reciule-n nnii it St. I'enffice's Chtir'h t'i A. AI. Inf Vi fn'h'dr-il ivni .MAVnt'ItRY -- f iierminteiv-n un Nev ."' J.'l.nitI3CI3 WI.i-i:.,Ti;n vvl'n nf WIL llntn C, Atnvburrv. Jr Netice of funeral Inter. AIAPnr.R-HArMNV vr ptr ntn re. mai'her.iiai-MWN V,.i ......ll.i Jinn . J i" .m . ei i"e 'lln' or Mrs Henry h'chneMer & .ion. mi: w CamLiii st. Int. private. siciiiivni - - : ins'j. Jehn I . . - '--;-. .inn: 1.. l-iei"t in". Uiuirl.ertvi, t 'l-es nnd 'rendi .ilse nusni'lie or j;es- "'in ll her r.-.M v--ir I . I, O O V , .V, ! II.,. i.nnl-,es of the l.p-lt-r ' iimtii'r il .villi" n r, Jn-e,l te nt tend futiTni Til s sun M, fietn til 4 cie re"l-1'iire U2s Oi,e'i n i-. J I'hlii 'Clemil reiii ni II. -1 ii- fie C.iureh of the I3p!nhnnv ln A. M. lit fid C,tp-deiil iv m AleflAIIAN. Nev t 1P22, HtltDfircT T ' rtaiiKhter of ihe ' te Pitrlik in.i M-,r,.nr; i Atrtlalinn Kinin ii i runte MVdpes.lsv'v "0 A. M.. frilll ll' r I-i'." ieMi,-,-ier. Itletl- I mmi'l st S il - - n r-eiil-rn m.., 1 Church Pi A M. Infrinert i t. Ann's Cnthr drnl i:ciT eterv MOtilti:- Nev 4 MAr.V T. ivlfe of Themas P. Mn,n pe.nt ves nml f-ends also Altar h'ielitj and I.'acue r,r th S'iri'. 1 Heart, Invited te fuiernl, Wei , s no A M tesidenee, ,",110 llHierf'inl nv.. Solemn V -ijulem nines s:. Aetna's ciiu-ih. 10 a M Int St. Penis' Cem . MPItPIIV - Nui .-,. I-3MMA. helmed fe nf llr I'.llre 1- I" Muepliv (ne- lles, ' Il.-lnllves and frlem.s also n mNrs Areli. I'linfrati-rnltv nf ir Helv t'lini-v nnd Alt 1 -SecMtv nf St Iliinif ii.-'s I'hu'ih Invit -I 'e nttend fun.-r.il. Thuri s 'in A M . fium he- Inte re.nlen-e. ISP! N 2' st -n.i. nr rniulem m.'ss Si ttnnlfni- s Church 11) M. Int. New Cith'dr.il '.'m NOLAN A' Oicet.-r. ', v v .". ,IiIIV P, husband of Mar;- Nelan Puiieral W ' "i.tfi A. M . from his lat. r m 1 in; ,;. , I't'land st M.i' nt St V h -Vi i't, 1 Pi V Jt Int. St. Mlrh.ii- s r, rn. urinEN Nev t. WILLIAM J. h'Hlui-I 01 .vi.irKnivt luien, l(clati..s nml tri.n I 'i,n Invited te attend fune' il Wedni-li .' t , r'sld-Tiee of dm d.Hjvrli' r Mrs 1 ,, rr I .11. Mmrin, HIM ;i2d st Intermei t I Vllte. Prlen 1.J elllt Tues ll ,. n e, rn- 1 PALMI3I! Ne". 2. 1!)22 it UufM a N T. ANNI3 M.. 'vlde-.v of I'.chir.l Pilm.-r sued N2 Ilelatlves and f-l n Is ar, liivlt"! te services Mnn. 2 P. M. t tl,.. 1 , inrs or Martin I3ve Sen. 2Mjij Ln.un n I at Int private. Mt IV ice I Pl''LEllJl3ltl31l - On Ne 1. 1022. ' PAltLL.-s LKWI. lui'limd e.' I31"iilei, 1, I Plelderer. Ite'attvvH and f- .ids (,He j I'lissvunk Tril .- Ne .",!i. 1 ..1 It winiiiiF, inillieu .lie, ,111'ini ll 1 l 1,.-, Tir ,11- llanre. Ij, al I'n, en Ne. !! i.nl t -li W r, I), mcsaillc Club. ,ir- Invited te H-.n -. i v -Ic'-s. en Tues lay nf'crnean, i' 2 In u c n' ;. at Ills lute residence .I.'!''. Whitlv nve ln- t'lmeni -it .ilnunt M rl.ih Cem eiy. 1 tier, nuii- cill lnndi ev .itiic PlITI.ttS .Si '. I I'll '. l.tlVV Vl.ll hush Hal f Sll ih p, ' is . 1 :i.-, J tlves and friends. Is. I i 1! .M Jr i) V A M else VV 1-, l I ri',- I. he'tv I' .Ml ell N ..- ll.v, 1 tn s - f' nee. 2I7 13 A Tus.. I m.i st Int OaKl.ii.l vl we i Jlen , -,i plin: N"v 2 ON V -en el 13' I I- It-lnllil''.. Ai' I.' are Invltid te ni- r -.' P. M . late te ! Int rrlvnt". Nertli .ilns i . S'l I . I I VI I Il . IV, '. f IMC" ll e I i es ' 2.P-.' .V 1 n. , c.'d.ir lllll Cem pi lilt. -- .Si llil.SJ. I.u-h'ir, T "I, Pllir in. 13r I; i IV friend ure 'i. ,i I n ,irt,nl le, s Tin" . 1 P M . I i re Ulndsttine s' I vf' M r ih ItA.Ni'K N .. I l'.'.'J ItANCK It' 'itiv. ,v I fr--nd te attend fun- lei her neidi" Mr Par, nit n . W- In Itite-, ie Vt-Miru IlKYNOLD' Dn'l an 1 P.aeh'-l of funeral, reald; .'. .''IPS' 11 'nil Is .tin; VV!,, 'en I i IJll.HV I Hi N I IJ .13 If elllvlil lildliY. of l.'i's l.et.is: A.uinur nf fllt'er tl l.tle- HITCllli: Nev I WILLI t 1 I3!nier J .m.i lie-trill.- P. ' !i e. l-'urieral se'vl-es Tu s 2 - t lesldellts. "012 VI la ! lit V!' 'I I em. itiTi'inn s-1 ;i i.'j SS V Aril le Itll.-I - It- i I'jvlU'd le ,t'.-r.l fjt . v late rs.l(. lull I. i-- 1 r'-iuUm rn.-iss .ii -- .-lei t. A M. I'll n.U in u , 1. 1 Tu P.O-T - Sel." i i. s lie'nlt.l liuli,m 1 ' Al . It need l',7 lte'..i!v-. ,.n I . hers nt Itenil Aiiaiiiiin i' i rf:iel2tr Casine, tniit I i Mnn 2 P M hi t" I. is -Schmltt A Sjii l.'ll N :, h s ineiirit Cem IliiTAN -Nev 2 If,..-, 1 nf Pielerlck It nan 1 Tues . 10 A. M at her '.. i st, and (hk L.in nve tut r.ri'FNPn. Nev 2 1" ' i l.li ' i i--h, pi :i nii.n - V-f. ) lliem- 2'i I it -er I. es .' "enh : U'ein- V ll f . s -v ( .., Mr.Y I SO vvidiivv or lutii'i i i.u'i" . - l'uner il Tues . H "10 A M i i nf her sls'e Mrs P 'V M Newhill st I'.'rr.iantew ! Huh l-'rnnels nf Asrlei's rhiirili 1' at II Uv jpulehte Cem. 5I3IPI I 11 - Viv I .' -P' PP AMT. ife nf the I i'e ! , . ' ll'latlv i arid fi'cnds .re ' . the funeral W'-d II A v " reeldtiu j lti'..leivat, : , Pi i may I vl.-e e 1 T I s. v p. M. 13. Church- ar I .sMITH S ,v ,1 Vlt VSI. , Julia M H- Uli Hue i ,i . . tl lillds llse .Idlll Wll'I It -i , , Invll li te f iri-rnl. VV. I s ., i leelden -. ISi'1 i4 Hi IP w i i,iiui,ni ri, ihs m i', ilrel's i I , lilt II .Iv Crns C. -u .MYTH -s.iv I i" M. i.' vl I'ltAN'lx MTH r.ui i - - i rsvi j,.. 7'li III-, t .it 2 I M let, i.r I- VI Aillns will t.i' 12 I." 11,. i1l.ii- I' -l- ii ll il Me ''.MYTH S.e I .u V i I -vi FltANK r-MYllI I'u in i, ,f iUi -be men il v- rTi:uNS - Nev ::. nu.'. math da. i of Jehn M m-iiis Itel.l l,-. li i ;, I. Invll'll te lltl-lel fuii'-I.ll K'lVlvs l . P. M lit llul lute residili, e. Uli! N ,"..' lur miv.ite mTL'IVH IPIJII -Viv I. ("11 l i STi:iNH.M'l3It Hi-e,t 7n H-iiiv,. friends, -vl"" IPh Wird Htuhli-..n I live CemmUtc illd lie etiii,.1.,.s n- , C inmilsslniii 's nm Invl'el ij m rnl sen lie1 Wed . 2 P M.. late rt .' Pit Ciilnvvhill ..1 l"t i-r.i ii, ., I'llll Hi lll.lllis .1 lev lev , I I ,,, , 7PM HTP.WAP.T --On N.iv 2, H VII Ml STCVVAU'l line tii'lfl "is1 It 1 1 e, friends Invited tn nt -n 1 tl.e tin. ,i Ic.-s in Meniiy t 2,10 P M t i, -residence ,','.'. Hen Mjiir ,., , i ., ., Intel mint private i: I Vjd. r-Hill'sFlowcrShep-i J,4C5 Frank! erd Avrnne Call Frnnkferd 0770 Anywhere any place, any tine -. INUKItTlUIRH il lie IniL '...ry.A.'iMn ' 'r-,1, it n. "" s ""' frl-ndi. also all societies f winch ?elr,!!fi;t ,apr1vutJ.Mte,1i,0 mSy r'cm'. '&M h , ,",- "XlW? tWrW ''LI'Xl'.I.m.-Nev. s HISS. WILLIAM, hu,. Viri.0tM,;JJl"5nnV,,l.nta;35,,l" M.Int'. band of .Inne L-i.l.-r (me MrCulleimh). Ilehi- 'J '' " Wnwli,B 'I tie" . v Ives and fr ends. i,lwi eirmlmm of A tilia ,' r,.YP .":.. .J.'. ""t..'.'c. .'v.. .r-t,Kr-. Ni ' '-v i . the n - .' ., f U . KV..U tlaf ii . .1. i" ' i.nifi I i in III mj ' n .' .te V M t i sel,. VI i i ' " i- t -i KW W wmmm WM ll Mi l hi. nm mi mwi mmm r ! - Wt Vevr ... KinnLbKSi. w i -,T3 a jb s.i ;.. jijkijijt a ir.ivi, iiHr.'rri - '"'-"yi!' 1 JTIRAXItrL utlfAIV r.i r. n-llr.-tll.MA InM ttplthll Wlfe ef'-iahn Haln. Itelallves nnd frlejidj, aim li v M h'niHiiiv, ami ni. i.ve "."j" Hi-ii,-IiIh Heeli-lv. lire Invlleil lu ntten-l fu-M-rni, Wed. s .in A M . from her lata reM-l.-iic. Hmte innil nnd lllaslnn st., Tnreny. tekmn ri-'iulein mnn nt St. I.i-ps Uhuren, lu A. At, I'e'l-ivllle (Pr I n.ipers nleiioe ejpy. HVKl.ri. Mev. il. l'KTIIlt, husbdnd of I ha biti- Minnie Hylic". Itelatlvea nnd friends, - n loe all RicletUH of whlsh l', wi n '".V'", , Per. Invlli'd te nttend funeral, .Tiles,, 'fM I'. M from iipiutinent of William II. 'llntli rah" iiilla N, llie"'l st, l .Mil II, Miv, S, , I iii.,.. ,,,.... , . .',,,., ,,i..i i.v i-,,riih. ire,i 7n Heln. n,,M rrienns nrn "vpV,,IV!?IUmrer4an ti,.i...- .. . -ii...i.t l.. nt Ivv 1IM1 ivm. .;. . ... ... Vur.I.ciir.it Nev .I, nt i-nnrieii"sviiie, V.I.. WII.I.IA.M ! ,tr., son of Wlllliiin I". I -M'ir IC. VoeleHiT inee iieniiij. iiein- uifrt ,,r .ImIie IV ilker (nee linker). In h"r ,-d 'veir Itidiillvr-i end friends nr Invited te lilleint tut,er.-il e'-rv.cie, Tuea , " l At., nt i hi Lit" rldeiie", f,"2J .lames st. Inc. ' C-d-ir Hill Cem. Fiuiuls inav call Men,, H Ivuili'-sudd.nly. 'ev 4, iri22. W'L- I.I .M A jr. Iiiinbenil of Hilsui Jeliuinn , W.ird end heii of W'llll'im A. nnd Anna I ml. lti-'ntlv-s nnd frl'nds. nl"'i eellnll ' Conn, 1 N IT. I' V. A Aeellii, Venrly IVn-i'i nl Snrietv, nnd I'.llnter Cn-incll, Ne. JI Itivluil le ruiiernl n-rvkt-n, Wed., 2 P. m" iin'ileni" 1I 10 P Tenev st. Int. North i 'v-"l cm. Vl"vlnr Tues. .-ve U Mllirtl.. Mips" HL'VItir.TTA SAL- TOV-STALI. WAhllllt P.N fnee. Aluinferd). Iw f of Dr. I. ,ul C Wnshburn rector of Christ s Church (Philadelphia) DUd nt her I I err.n liiilu De Luncev t ln", Newmber 4 t-aiurdnv-). llurlnl ssrvl-ea nl Christ's v'h'Jidi. Monday. Nev-""ih,r K, nt 4 in ths afteriinnn. Interment at P"ch"st,'r. N Y. New YeiV and Iteel uler pnpns rli- ceny. I WLIIHTDit Sud'lnly, ut Lnnkenau Hes. ' pit il Phlla , Hun Nm B. CHAIlLl'.S 13, . iWI3HSII.lt A!. D. 1 uneral servlis at his , home, r.tie Ketu-cii st , Iiethlehem, Pa , Tues., i 7th lntt a P AI. Vl3NDi:i.L --"' 2 1"2;. Mltv ,v . 'lilevid wile ' Jeepli AI Wndill e.i.l da'jehli-r "f If '"'' ' n.irs ann nrnnu.t te nt' nn rueei,.; se-vi. at ili Alirv A Mmpenti nn' ,1'ffersen st". Int. .Men.. 1 p. I AI 13. Ch'lri-h lllsr Told. Iluntlnsduu I Cn P,i VVtl.SflS" -("1 .1. PI3TI3R. ru.l-a-id I nf Hit" tina Wlln-n (r" Se'J'rl-erit) R-lu lives aid fu-nds iiii"'i Kieiirnenij 1.0114s, r.e. tn 1 11 e. 1' itivlti'd te funeral, or. "iu'edav t 2 P. M.. fiem late tsdenc,'. -C.,!i At ,i-r ' li". AH. P"ac I'm.iir. wii..-'jN.- " :: 1 rank w wilhe.v. 'S 1 77 i;,-..iuvn e.n'1 i.'-oes ere invns.i 1 i itt' tut runern " , j,i-s.. .- i- ,m l-it 1 ri H.4I f'enn f. , I rani.ferl III- T" . WIU'O .1 rimes W i'. 1 Hill 1 ii" ,- - Nev ,1 AIAP.r. vvidew of Ism. it, wives urn rrtenils. al"e it C T I'r. -livti-riiin '"lurcli. are 1 1 ten 1 tuner,'! s'rv.res, Tus,, 2,:i'l .nil. te ! if Min-ln-law. Ifeiiv .1 ; 1 meml er-, I Inv li'il te P. -M lluiihes. 2d 13 Itrid'lnek si Hit 13ast Cedar Hill C"m. Vliw-llut .Mini. i-ve. 1 WOP.11I3LL if . pl'ieini' cjrehrn nlnnl ir, nlinfltie e'1 " '' ni.'niui; v. on en UI3LI,. pist'jr 'A liit"ri-ssi,,Ti Refenne.i 3pisren-.i ci.ur.-li 25th aid l-'Ielrher st . rune; ai ..ml irw-inerii -inc-i'.v private. Rein. livi" -ii"l frl-i.i's .ilse H'-tmnntewn Gelden .'"-,. Cul-llr ! ' nttend ,isr I " 1. " ' :" vv-iiuni .loiinseu i!' It, 1.. 1 ..e 2.1. Invited te rvb-s. In 111" irurch en Alen. I- . u elm k P'ecil urfertni.-s may h -ni either u r-.-.r-'i or the furernl par- lnis of Ilenr At I'lXull. n.,0 N llienil St. AU M.l- "' 1 "'--vvi'VAl.l rn.-"-! "it. Iuner-1 serVe", Tuei-: . AI x' I - lat'- re""l re-. Lliii.i, D-in- " r-v in- ai 1 iime'iianii rem V.Kt-tl'.It - Sldien!' Ml'.', ,1 MMIE wl f Ji-'-ih '. -er 11 ir.! K7 Pui-i-ial Tues, 1 10 A. 11 ll' I' "c HUH I. Monmouth ft. 1 int I'.. re-' II 11 "in ll-mains may be I vle"-ed Me- . nf r 7 P M I 'IVUIM.I! S ,v n JOHN PIlI3I)F3rtICIC. pat -.11 . I I 1 n'.l ltq 13!l7.lhrth I'.vvirner (nee Pntdd i and 17. n-lallves nnd fll.l'l- Inv.ie1 "1 -elvil . Tll-a.. I p jt t lili 1 ,11 n'-.' les.dence. ,"'',2!i N. Arr'rl. ar st. 1 W I ui! Hill Cem. ViTnv ni' M n K t" M P M. FARM AIID GARDEN W Impert non but the high fit iu;illty Hulbs crown In Itellnnd: it1e spcjnllzu In the Introduction of new varieties, adapted te these secklntr tha bent el talnabla In their col cel col kctlens. HYICIHTHS, TULIPS, NARCISSI Gctutlne P Prh Weeden Sheea nnd ether novelties en aala at et;r new locAtle.'i. See our window display -5 A r HOfSEA Waterer HO 8 FA .. j.i 2jy ia A KKAL DOLL IIOSI'ITVL EXPERT DOLL REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION UrinK r it- i i t I' iv new be- fe-i i' .su .is r i Mnrrici Dells from S2.50 up Imported Delh from 25c up QUAKER DOLL Factory HejDiia) PARTS, WiCr-.RUQBER EtC. 155 N.65t. (WneiessleC Retail) 1YT Tv 7 S L.-1 171 C1 DENTAL Ui... lTiOIi.O fc?LWALISTS OriiTiu'ter In thu c 'v nf 1 "dWEET All ' , Met )d cf Painless Extraction of Sjf l. ! , S . im n r , t'T .1 tne r ri. f r u rv peiipli s . ,,i 1 1-,., ts . w its n-e S. K. Cur. Tth t'v; Market Sts. ! Puni.'.'! ,n sf.r e prumlnrnf fe.ritfall HELP WANTED rMALE ,i".ps-r- . I . i ty . J d ;' ,llld men's "hole vc p.i u Joliiiateii. m3 I llll,-lts i t n.. i . l'i l rt . UiLP.L.SI.I.-i I A I e I. i It iiddresrl'iu i - r ,i ,h'i V.' il VV rile ni,. k i uv"r Id vr ,, uk 'Hi' i lints, ll, e.. I'u. ut lllll. I le Mrs l'l'iti-'i I 11TIH M'P.l IMIISU t " J. ii. I'k.. i in in i iiin,, vt nn .J 'l 1' 1 , l..l.'l 'II 4 no i .Linsam st nn en ,,j, HlllCII ll. ui I 1"V Will (..PALI "it A'!lil3l AIU.I3 li ' l 1-illiU il . ii. it,. I'll I' S l.K.iViM.s l"l.ll'"i l'ii.-ri'ii;;s a I and lef.neil Hitei est in ulld In tun ii Vullu.1 lllll., J of I III! nd. .. pur- .11 l i . i :. p.. . ltuuKU, TOYS' NI3( KVVI3AI". an rill fm .in in'ervleiv I l-IC.III I'fl 3) ion im v A.SA.MVKI3II .S .v.s ui'i- ii.-i t sri y I III in ' " ' I ' i I" " . lUl'H ,l' Ut I L l -., JIN ut llJe Ik i ilctil iuy tu thueu M-iei li.it (,'ii, Tuesday . VftllllL'S filllv tl, ,. ii'elr.eLr .1,.,... ., ..I Ur. ll.cra. IDOL .Colonial Trust uid. 1D0L.CO ii l& ,Ni I 'u:i I i 1 j iat " I 628 Chestnut St. 7rSVm .St. gfBA l-nlv ANT'i- Ettabl'uhtd IS52 nX,WsaWi ' i i id : . 1j - -iS'iTXixiA I 'f r""l i-'iv, i -iid fjiitiLU ruai j 1 &umT aUH Teeth f rA I .ii l w i s 1 VJ vflal 1 "! i Bl - kias ' . .3 I - ; . . . I L.t LOST AND FOUND" ! , w ' "li1;1; ' J " ,"-''V"B ", '""'"'C ' iivw-ir s . ,k , it, ,, ni t . ., , i j Gi ivir..in. au.s .- .in Oirdeu st. HELP WAMTXD-TMIJ HULL TKLKPimxie, OPltMATOft! deiiinmli ,mtr this nttraetlva buaii receive 1.1 per work v. hlje laarnlna' per wc-U fjr pnit even.n work i woks permanent rosltlens assurM Ideal ceiidltlun nmnna nltaaant as ffe Miss Stevenson. lllSl Arch at. Telephone (Mmpany. llUHrJAU 1-Ull PAHT TIMK :ie-j S. 1.-1TH HT. Slenearaphers. special aecrelnrlaa. trail nurses, trained and practical ckfaiatl nnxicni lruin.iur. social service, ate.l le In I. CANDY PACKI.VI AND OTHF.lt W i.Aiiui-j, v;i,ejA,i,T, WNIilr SUM) f'AVIUtlZi VVL. WANT A TYPhi 0,e iN'nJl.i.UlKNT (nltL8 etTJl PHKH13NT KAIPI.OYKH AND OV l.risiis 111,17, lll.AI.I III' Ul, HUMUf ISftlH. HOT l.tlNCHCONM s5h' KXTHA I 'AY Kill I HIKADY TILL XMAH. WHITAIAN'H 4IIVRAC i-Aiiii-im N, Sncllenbum Ce. hava vaeahelea tar bright, alert ynuiiK women, pit IB yaari, H ' 111" lilll,r Iviu, f,,r A.al,la.lM - - Apply at any time durlna. tha "day aiTs6-.r,$ llurenu of ilmtiiuvmni. nftt, An,,-, Im.TK tf-.Liij llulldlnic. .Market, 11th te 12th .' 'M . Cf-RRK The acceuiitltiK dtpnrtment of tha Public I.edK-r Ce. deslrea tha aerv ces of a yeunir woman, with at least -.' years of hlRh school oduca educa Hun ur Its euulvslent. Apply (Ith and Chestnut ata. . ask ier Air, wiest. It 1.IMII. ilAalc.hl.. k..,.Ikh ..1.." I jeuiik lady, te nutherlte charaa chedul( i In cte.111 department, one with eiperltnea prererud. Apply Department Acceunta. B. IJ D'ttees. I1VJ.S4 Chestnut at C I.r.RKS Th- Curtis Putiilshlnir Company has clerical positions lieiv open which the (DHL of ambition. Intelllirence, Inlllntlva. sincerity and vvilllnsneks Hlieuid net fall te INVI3HTIUATI". If you are is te 2". sears of aai and hava had two or mero years' Utah Scheel adttM adttM tlen thli Is YOl'R OPPORTCNITY (ad and see me. Ilrlnit your elrl frlrad. .Mrs. Patten I3MPI.OY.MI3NT OKPIC'II (104 Psnsem st. I.innleyinent Offlre open from S-30 A. M, '" t P. AI Including lunch hour. 1 C 1,1-3 UK :t InWijttmr epeiilntrs fe clerical esrerlence si" "Yeunrr Women. ' )""'i n-eiien with advertisement under Apply llurenu of l-.tni ijmnt WANAAIAKLRS CI.I3RICAL ASSISTNT for saUl saUl werk In m.itiufnctiirinit plant, north nerth rasi section- Hiilisiantlnl education, Initln tlv- und ability te handle de. till essential Hutu inc. education. ixprlente and aalnry deiirnd. Aildrtssi II SS. P u, rjex 3470, CONTRALTO SOLOIST for Rplerepal church In the suburb, mixed choir; Jaen te start. tj;; ;','!' T"e,"'"r ,,r"""- 1712 ch- CLERICAL We have a number of epn'ngs fur yeimt women 1 te 2,, yeats of aire te write, and priie orders, tils vveik dequlres no pravldut cxperl-riee and will be permanent te theaa who iiuallfy. Aiir!: I'.mpleyr-ev. Department S A. M. te 5 P. M. Saturday neon PEAK". TtOEnt'CK AND CO 4Ulu UOOSEV13LT BOULEVARD i eijk tei institution of 200 children. Maply A. I), Kabrr. Jewish Fester Heme. Church lane nnd hvv st.. Oermnntevvn. COOK, no washing reliable: sleep in, Camden. N. J. Hell i and Ironing; must be Apply ,3ft Broadway, phone, CaiWdsn 3T3 R. COOKS, chambermaids and bnuaaVaapara vvanted for Cath. reotery, M rilH.,I.ed u. COHH13SPHNDENT.S If jeu liave a. natural ipttiud- for writliir clear, concise letlera and are 20 te 25 years of uce, call jnd aea t. nt emu. Mrs. Patten (LP.TI? fTDLL-IIINO Ce. 001 Sansom at. I'lt'iCItKTKHS experienced. wanted en shude rings te de vverlt at home; no work ent nt.t et cltv Call In perien, 1-'. V .V's'iicr & .-sons Ce., 4HU Wayna avt., near I 'h and Cirmsiitevvn ave. C.IflL wanted for general housework; nsw hnus with all modern conveniences; geed tu.'. s. posl-:en .riria'.ient. Phene Uarmau t. v n r.U4- J, UIKL- Pitnlit Hlid eriire-tlc slrl. hstvvatn I. and 20 for f!Iln and c-nernl efflca i vveri-:: opportunity te a.lvance, Apply te tha Western 13!cttric Ce aueply tiept.. 11th Ma i Ymk jr. i Ulltl. Enperlenced Kllielt-Plshsr eperatari , lilM, telmihene numher P 1SI L O. CIIRL- HI te IS je-iri of itt te entr our cleilcal departments as .1 ceri.s tr.i-ne positions will luiu tu ptuuM ptuuM ten within nheit time. PP'y nmplnv-ment Pernrtment S A. AI. te ,-, P M. iinturdity noun M3.rts. iieKnrcic ane re. 10 lu UOOSCVULT POCLI-3VAKU cir.Ld i"nn von mt. tulcKly ar.d lealbly Ar "mi patat Id years ' 1'u seu want attraetlva) Vlirh" Tll-ll Cll and fee I)9. Mrs I'at'eu CIT.TI3 PPIU.IHIILS'U CO. 001 Sanaem at Kmi'InjiUfM uft.re open from K:3ii A, U te -i i' ,M lucludlnv lumh hour I uihi.h v I e huve rsuchr-d uie un of lfl yara ta sturt us inekumcers. we nlvs them a thai -euuh business ir.iimr.x and promote thtrn te " tilulier pieitltvns us vicani-IeH nceur, AMHV LiiipiJiniei,! Hureju, I en rlh fleer. UI.Mill.l. UllUlllKIt.i UlPi.H AS It WO.MI;.',- -W. r addln a new department and enUralntj aavaral ethers, and uuulii huvu werK for at Itaat loe ni'iJu uli Is ut uut.e, nil llsht work la ft mulern, up-te-date factnry, htcauas nt etar c!unj piuMimty te the subway nu elevatesT. ii.'d st, nuiieu lsj in llmliu, Iintaatr sve. I)..r.iy Hpiucu lUltiiuura ave. aa4 tliriiiir Garden at. eurfacv lliiss inskta II . mi ie reie'li our plant trem all purta of the Hit Appl tavteiy eftli-s, II. T, i'slata l , ,1.1)1 Alcli si i l Oltll.S iCIIDt fll.ATI" C'lATPIIH) 1V..1I till, lllUlli.M Willi lilt VVIIIilJI I" I'.X TITO OP (JIRL O'-lllKNCK mNjj "Dll I'llll VI ANhNr UVI It PI YHAItK ULI). M 3LL-I'.VI1) WUIIK lli;U N.S'UItH AHB I, ill, ll.'llll I I Milie in , . . . .".V. . r"T .,.. ....,,1. ,.,..... ,.., ,,. . i 1 1 e.u.. -LltVLT AT i i'VI' 11(11 Kt LA TL A COM. Pi:NSAT..)N,...t)ST.,AI,rWO.,Kl,-.,HM ; -111 HACK hi". (HKLH some rlr( uuilve clrls 111 in lilts, r ... i v In, 'Vnulll le Illiel lH, n Bi.f. "$' iiiii niiiu'ii in uur Junier ilepurtinaeli M u'i,,u.!e'nw,,r-,l,.i,uTvnll.;;;,. y"ttrH '"'" m i I B1:M BB'il BWr'CiX f. I -- r J.ILatM m xtem M imiiiv ' , V? i; i iel il ' ' i -1. 1 ii ( r WW "--,. ,rji umtm ff mms iTTi-VCv aiaMLslJ A. X lifl-JG-" v.i I 21iteVr!r..,i,,1V,,,., v- .