Twtity-twi Yuri !&'; . Ie 1900 Philadelphia Jf mm uia en a z.907 ir.f L.i. s.s .. . . EK ! 4A twwirta rlitA 10C9 m - can b bought at 101 J ji M' and Interest, te yield ' about 3.93S. A Price Chart and Circular will be sent en request, Hi ) Harrit, Ferbes ft Ce Pin St., car. William NKW YORK PHILADELPHIA OPTICS Winner lldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 $200,000 CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 44 ROAD BONDS Augutt 1, 1927-1944 FREE FROM STATE TAX IN PENNSYLVANIA fe Exempt Frem Al I Federal Income Taxes PRICED, TO NET 4.10; REILLY, BROCK & CO. 306 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA OPERATING com panies constituting part of the national telephone system are links in a business chain. All must func tion at full efficiency, constantly, in order that the system may maintain the quality of service the country's triiemmerce demands. dlspla. , tenmsi own and offer first '-brtgage bends of :i werfe mpany associated -?u,'l-ith American Tele phone & Telegraph Ce., ' te net 5. u HARPER & TURNER Investtaeavt Bankers JFAItettlpAlm StetA Exchm STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING PhiUdelphU J3JniS)S.,S5IiL'2a."3,,a,rS2,'2f3g Methods Are Continually Changing j and the bank that is I progressive helps te 1 meet this with reme dies te overcome the difficulties. We are always willing and ready te advise our clients of which course te pursue. m. Come -in and see tte. Opposite Bread St Station Third 1 Lf Oryunizcd JiCS I mKssMsis5S!sMSEBsnissmmm Proven Public Utility Bends vs n ef-. Baker, Yeung & Company OBZFH W. S WAIN. Jr.. Ksntftr Land TltU Buildipg ten A National Bank With $ a Savings - fDpartment a 'iTi&it, National of Commerce .nc iBalBgBa bbVJbbV avBHaHM r ;iMm?.i,.., :s.?Wfi L13W' , mmtjmSimMMtMWV vwjv k wnsssm- public tjdteer-phitmeph """'llr -- r eaa.inV , , 7 ' -" -w-. .,........-,..' v.-.KVf .i-.;fc.r,.-i:.n.i" , s jtiiir.t tmmmmm w,tj. - i 1 1 1 1 tm nSst u SKYROCKETING IN new yerk stock exchange transactions at . a 1 an .a avai asm j aaaia. wm.m.m aaa.aa saaasa ta a nil" Aiiaiai ATAnPA """""" "" " .-"""' -"" -.. iw .,, i , MtuHAIN5l Uncertainty of Tomorrows Elactiena and Turkish Situa Situa tlenKapt General List Ragged1 New Yerk, Nev. 0. The shores if tlie merchandising nml chain store ec cupied the same prominence in today' typical pre-election stock market n's' that given te the copper shares en Sat urday. The general list jogged along in the Mine listless nnd irregular fash ion, getting uewlicrn in particular. in audition te the uncertainties of tomorrow's election the critical Turk ish situation also served 'te put ' n damper upon speculative enthusiasm mil influenced both Hides of the trading contingent te keep hulls closely reefed pud hug close te shore. In censcMuence, me tntti n? ter 1 n most nnrt 01 1110 1 session was altogether colorless nnd 1 unproductive of nnv important price changes, although the greater part of. tlie list during the Motion ruled nny nny wlicre from stibytnntitil fractions te mera than a point under Inst week's closing level. I As a matter of fact, had it net been I for IniHUli demonstrations in the chain 1 store, the day's operations would hn been iei.iiieuiy uninteresting. While the main body of stocks backed nnd tilled I according te the adjustments of the 1 vroresslenal trading contingent, the fcierrhandlslng stocks and n few ether I specialties gue 11 spectacular pyretcch- iitt display in rapidly rising quotations. Woolworth seared mere than 14 points; Kresge mere than !, nnd .May Depart ment Stores mere than 0. In each ease new high prices for the year were recorded. Several ether high-priced stocks made ..similar seicntienal exhi bitions, with Otis Elevator jumping 0 points; United Fruit :H. T.erillard To Te To bncce 3 and Mnckay Company 2U There was nle some boosting done iitnetig the mere speculative issues. Kelly-Springlield was conspicuous for a rise of mere than a point nnd l'lggly AViggly Stores 2 points. It is doubtful whether the Street was exercised te any great cstcm met the les favorable outlook of the Turkish situation, but coming at a time when the market had lest technical strength through the substantial recoveries made in the latter part of Inst week, the in cident was mere or less depressing in its Influence. As te the election re.-ults, it was. somewhat of a different uuctlen, us It was thought if the ballets tomor row weie against the party in Power I the market was likely te sustain courts , tlve chills when business wa mumed ,tm Wedncsdnj. There was net very 1 much selling en that fear, but there wirs aj ! a conspicuous Indisposition te make new ventures and a similar desire te reduce outstanding commitments as much as possible. Commodity Markets I GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Nv. (J.- The Wheat mar- l;pr .Icellnrrl 3.c te , fit thn ntttet.f nn easier Liverpool cables than expected and under runner liquidation ler ever election. There was mere or less buy ins en the Turkish news, however, ami 1 during the tirst part of the day prices rallied and regained most of the leases. The Winnipeg innvket was closed for Canadian Thanksgiving Da.v . and there was little evidence of new expert buy ing. Cern started unchangedte ie lower and developed a steady tone en buying by leading commission houses and ow ing te an absence of selling pressure. Oats were unchanged te 9c lower at the start, but later advanced te slight ly above the previous close. Previsions were tinner en an ad vance of 10c in the he? market. Cern Prcv Cleje Oten 1 V M. rc ... JN e'S C "is )SS 'M..y . . ''st, w C,s, iis IJun 07", i.S O m", OS', 1 Wheat De,- . 1 H1 If. If 111'. 1 1.V, .May ... 1 14m, l.M 'a 111'. 1 IBS July . . 1 OC 1 u4' 'il 1.04j 1 05i LUtl D: ... 4- 4- -liS Mi.v ... -U n'.V sl v: Jvv . . 3's JOW 'au'i m"1!-. .. s.l tt s-4 j. 1 Uirtl Jan. ... ' S" "' I'T ! 87 Maj ... 10.13 -'in.J 10:i-' Dec . . 1'iOT B'3 COTTON MARKET New Verli. Nev. t!. lleneueil inuat of Near Kasi ceinplicatiuiis. with weaker foreign exchange, mused a I heavy selling movement in rett.-n nils' morning, vhich weakened iirst prueK L'O J te .12 points. There w-as a geed deal of realising en the foreign news, and also Southern selling. Liverpool and Jap ane interests bought. The offerings were well nb'erbl and later the market acted steady without further Iem from opening level. St. CI"!. O t r ?r 1 w Dc-nvbr H 1 January l3 March . pi, May ft Jul) . . . I!.-. IS '((.'.II , , '.5 2u J I , . -! 'nlfl J.'. . 'Jl Tl'.i 7s . . V HujJ ,. S3 U .1 'M Jf 7'i J I J-. 13 U'J '. t l li 43 AUk'Utl . NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk. Nev. ti. T! e coffee mar ket opened at a decliiic of '' te ." points this morning, dun before tin- local N 3 II fill 2) I KSIIlM Hi opening a special KIe nl.'.-H r ported I w wwvHraiBvw ws . . . ..-, -i .. .. - ! tlie term ... in i nj r. is lower. Itie exchange J-Hid Ingi,. r uriil a de cline of ."0 reis in tl." dollar rate. Hlo exchange en Londen showed ' igr.s of Irnpieverneiu. (ulv.incing 'S-lild, ' 'and this promoted .1 little covering heie . by trader herts, as well as furnishing ' some encouragement for new Iejir buy- I ing. At midday, prices had advanced e! points for some of the niete active pe- ' titlens. I l'rev. Ciif-. "e-ritr . ... .. I l.'mt-r ... & HSldl'l .1 i tiua . M.irti ... 11 I.V'i l.l i May ... . . . fl J4 ..I Jul j ... . ..SI)', u VII. I .Siytember ... s)S?ii.'i Oj.n I 'i "..'- , 'i ..1 a iM I' '. , 'i l.l ' Pi 21 'a!.'. - 'U 'i S LOtfOJ Raw Sugar Quiet but Steady JffW Ynrk. Nev fl Th iwi nutnir ror rer kt Jh mlt but, wlih Culwi f r No Ne vcmbir ind r)cetnbr .iilrmi'i t Tuot, nt 3. cenm, 0Jt anit lr:iit. rnrre mts nn fHlH repertfcil en haturili. ". Arrlviin of Tivwa en ihnt ilaar ii'lunei itn -,nu hti Cuba, te tlii National sjUBar Hinlnf 'm r.iinv. 14 SD0 bB te the '.V:rnr Suir.r tl. 1 11 tie t'limpan .-ml 12 wen ba V m i-n r. ue 10 i. nn.inn. i un ie n la unchunuej. both nit te cendli . t .. ..... -. .... Philadelphia prta tnt the Nutlnnal "Uir itt-ttniiiK i Company l Arm en tlm l.ittrr I.j.h l.iat l t aij.i yr ! price" ranee trem tl.Pe te 7 00 tent". I'm a per cenv ler vain, Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at th twelve Fed' era! Reserve Uanki. nrc a fellow. 4 iT"a rem'a liKrs. cits, 4 , 4 1 betiil, rateH. uccept. Tio.ten ,,... Ny Terlc . PnllRrtflphl CleviUnil , Itlohmend ,, Atlanta ..., ChluaKi) . . . Ht. J.eum , Minneapolis Kan.i City 4 4 1 4J IV 3. 4l 41, 4', 4W 4', 4i 4.1 Interest en Savings ii!i ! 4i-; iJliN . , , . t . 4 ban Francisce , , 4 Liverpool Cotten Miernoel, Nev. (I There was a fair d mutnl for xnel retten today, ultb. prices steady en the basis of nil mlvane of S3 points for mlddl Intent ltl.eN.i. The unlee i.rn jO.OOft biilei. The receipt were UO00 linlea. of tt llll'h tllOU llftlfH W.Jrn Auiirl..'in tst .;--..7- " " ...,..,.. ... ti.S' ''. "r'.""- '' niiu-ti. .nun .nai'Vi.nri).Aiiicj-li'i early leapns'a. ruiurcn wnu m.m in win early final itr li hpei urjera, ere; nierirun,'ijjienjinif rt I jiA; ! erdinsa-j . i.08d. ;aai m-einarr. ' I 11V BW M lilS Nrt P. M. cuss, Sls la STOCK Mlife tow 78 49 13M 7BU t13ft 44 H 32 ft 39ft 38 72 H 110ft 186 T28ft 24 ft 6 148 12U 108 30ft lift 35 B7ft 12S 121 48 ft 7H 21ft G8ft 103 100ft 45 ft 61 124ft 153ft 151 Ti 29 ft 98 E0 60 2ft T17M 2 104 22 ft 32 130 51 93 21ft 41ft 69 ft 97 ft 112 7 lift 119 17ft 15 121 59 ft 131 48 99 8ft 32 21 83 ft 52 8ft 144ft 32 H 38ft 39 61 75ft 104 37U 60ft 5 12?; 23 ft 45 ft 88?; 82 ft 40 ft 89 ft 27 H 20 ft 79 107 ft 3ft lift 49 H 69 ft 37 ft ft 136 11 95 128ft 48 ft 75i; 22ft 36ft 33 ft 22 ft 135?; Ill 45 155 84 ft 85 55 H 851ft 13H 21 55 29 ft 94 149 94 12 ft 22 ft 74 K 564 084 78 1 1 177' J 101, 14 12 97 6i 33 25ft 91 34 ft 16 45 38 100 ! E5 20 1, 4ft 111'i 35', , T. 32' 57 , ;m 15 43 ft ft 50 ft a 1 2ft 45 an; 88 34 100 tee 1000 100 .1000 100 600 300 TOO 100 6400 200 . . Adams Express.... 78 3 Advancs Rumely pf 4 i. AJax Rubber 14)4 . . Alaska Juneau O M 1 i , 4,A1lled Chem ft Dya.. 78 7 Allied Ch A Dye p(113Vt 4 Allia-Cbaltncn .... 44 H .. Am Agrle Chem.. 4 32 It .. Am BMt BUgar..' 39 ji Am Besch Magneto, '38 .. Am Can 73 7 Am Can . linu 78-2 49 i'- 14 i!i i 78ft- H 113ft- 44 H- ft 32ft i 39ft 1 38 - 1!4 73ft- 1ft 110ft .. 186 126K H 24ft - ft 6 148 - 4 121 -r V 1084i ft 30ft- ft 1 1 ft - ft 35ft- N C7ft .. 128ft- ft 121 -- ft 48 ft -r Tft 7 .. 21ft- ft 59 -r ft 103 H J- H 100ft- ft 45 ft 4- J 61 -!- 1 124ft- li 54-2 153 ft J00 12 Am Car ft Pdy....18 200 flOO TOO BOO 300 600 100 100 3100 TOO 200 300 800 1400 00 TOO 100 100 1000 600 300 100 600 3600 200 100 100 500 2100 200 100 7600 6-0 tee iiii v.uuun tin... au .. Am Iruir Syn 6 8 Am Express 148 .. Am lltds ft Leather. 12f4 7 Am Ic 109 .. Am Intemat Cerp. 31 l Am La Franca Kng 1 1 ! .. Am Linseed 35 T4 ,. -Vm LlnsMa pf.... 57 Ji 6 Am Locomotive.... 126 7 Am Loce pf 121 :i Am MUI i... A3V M Am Bafsty Raie'r. 7 .. Am Ship ft Cem.. 2214 .. Am Smalt 59ft 7 Am Smelt pf 103H Am Smalt Bcc A. . T00W 3 Am Steal Feundria 45 ft C Aru Tel ft Cable.. 61 J Am Tl ft Tl 124K 13 Am Tobacco 155f la Am Tobacco B....153 .. Am Waterworks... 29 !4 7 Am Woolen 98U .. Anaconda Copper.. 50 jj 4 Asse Dry Goods... 68 .. Atlan Blr ft Atlantic 2i 7 At'.antle Coast Llne1175 .. Atlantic Fruit etfa. 2 6 Atch Tep ft San F104 . . Att Oulf ft W I S 8 23 .. Austin Nichols ..... 32 7 Baldwin Locemotlva131 Vt . . nattlmera ft Ohie... 5U . . Hang A Arees pf . . . , 93 . . Bamadail riu. n. sits, 98 50ft- 68 - ft 2ft- H I17?i- 1ft 2 . 104 22 ft- 32 -130?;- 51 - 93 -- 21ft 42 - 69 ft- 97 ft 112 7 llft-r 119 - 18 - 100 jvu te ueeennut packing.. 41 2600 6 Beth Steel B 70(4 600 . Steal pf new.. 97'2 200 8 Beth SUel 8 pf..112 103 .. Beeth Fisheries..... 7 100 .. Brit Em Steel .... II !4 200 s Brooklyn Edisen ..110 3000 .. Bklyn Rapid Transit 18i 600 .. Bklyn R T ctfa.... 16 200 s Bklyn Union Gas... 121 500 .. Brown Shea 60 4 400 Id Burns Bres A 132 2300 L" Burns Bres B 48 600 T Bush Term Bid pf. 99 J.J 5500 .. Butte Cep ft Zlne.. 8Vi 400 .. Butta ft Sup Cep.. 32 ?4 1 00 . . Buttericlc Ce 21 100 B Ca'ifernla Packing. 83 1 J 700 .. California Petrel .. 52 H 2000 .. Cal Zinc and Lead. 0i 1400 10 Canadian Pacific ,.145 300 .. Case J I Threshing 32 J 100 .. Centra! Leather ... 38 & 1500 .. Cero-de-Peaco 39'4 390 $ Chandler MetUrs . . 61 t 300 4 Chesapeake ft Ohie. 73 H rttyfS . . a. . w..- . . fe lft is?; ? 121 - 2U 60 ft 132 48 ft ? 99 ft- 8ft 4" 32H- 21B1 83 ft- 52 ft- 8ft- 145 - 32 - 38 ft- 39 ft 4- 61 -75ft- 104 37 ; . 60 ft . 20(7 6s chenapeRke ft Oh pf!04 200 . . cm & E in 37 .. Clilft E IU (new) pf 60J4 .. rhlcage ft Gr West 5 .. Chi ft Gr West pf.. 12?i .. Chi Mil ft St P 29?4 .. Chi M ft St P pf... 46!J 5 Chi ft Northwestern 90 Vi 4 Chicago Kneu Teel. 83 .. Chi R I & Pac 40i 0 Chi R I ft Pc flr Pf 89 V, . . Chine Copper .... 28 . . Chile Copper 27 r t Coca-Cela 79H t! Celum Gas ft Elec. .t07l? ., Celum Qraphaphone 34 . . Cel Graphaphone pf 1 3 4 Cem Solvent 'A.... 49H 6 Cemput Tab Rec. . . 695j .. Consel Ciger .... 37 & .. Consel r)i inc.... ! s Censu'idated Gas ..137 . . Consel Textiles ... 1 1 '4 . . Continental Can ... 95 t Cern Products Itcf,129Va 1 Cosden & Ce 49 ft .. Crucible Steel ... 76ft .. Cuban Am Sugar... 2214 .. Cuba Cane Sugar p 36 ft . . Davisen Chemical 33 ft .. Debeers C Mln Ltd 22 H 6 Del Lack ft West.. 136 5 Detroit Edisen ...111 1! Deme Mlnea '46ft 8 Du Pent (E. I.) Ce161 C Du Pent 0 deb pf 86 5 Eastman Kodak .. 85 ft D Klec Storage Bat.. 56 5 Endloett-Johnson .. 86 ; . i:rie 14 . r:n m pr 21 ft J Exchange Buffet .. 29ft Famous Players L. 95 in Fisher Bedy 149 S Fisher Bedy of O pf 94 . . Flsk Rubber 121 . . Freeport Texas ... 22ft 3 Gen Am Tank 75 ft . General Asphalt ... 57 U f. General Asphalt pf. 884 ( General Clfcar .. 70'2 5 (leu Electric . .178 . . Genl Elec speclul pf 1 1 . , General Meters ... 1 4 Ji . 'Hidden Ce 12 7 Glmbel Bres af.... 97H . . Ge'.dwyn Pictures . 6T . . Goedrich B F 33 . . Grunby Mining .... 26 7 Great Northern pf . . 91 I Grt North Ore ctfa 34 H .. Gulf Mobile ft North 16 .. Oulf Mobile ft X pf 45 . . Gulf mates Steel... 89ft 7 Gulf Statea St 1st pf 100 . . Hablrshaw Electric. 1 Ts 7 Hartman Cerp 85 -' Hudsen Moter Car. 20 ft . . Hydraulic Steel .. 4; 7 Illlne'a Central ....111 i4 . . Inspiration Cen Cep 33 . . Inter Cen Cerp.... i 200 700 100 1600 1800 700 1000 1900 100 41400 1100 1900 600 1300 300 103 100 100 100 170u 1400 200 4300 4600 2700 100 100 200 500 500 100 3100 3860 300 200 1500 2000 5100 300 100 eoe 100 100 1200 300 EOO 2B00 103 100 200 1400 13200 50 400 200 100 400 900 1300 100 200 1200 200 400 12?;-:- 29 ft - 4S 90 ft 4- 83 ft -r ft-28H4-26 ft -79H J- 107ft-3ft- 13 -. 49W4- 69 ft . 37 ft . U-136ft- 11ft 95 -128 ft - 49 ft 76 ft- 22 ft -38ft-3344 4-22ft- 135 111 -45 161 4- 84 ft 05 55 ft 4-88ft-1JK-21ft 29 ft 4 95 -149 -94 12ft ft 8'J; -78 ft- 177ft 11 14ft -12 97 4- 3ft 33 26 -91 3-?;4-16 -6 -88 - 100 4 20?, 4 4 , 111ft-36K- H . ft -32 ft . 52 ft-' 15 ft i- 23 ft ,'. 15 43 ft -ft . 50 ft 4. 21ft- 2ft 45 -81 ft- 88; - 100 100 100 . 100 2100 . 100 . 200 . 100 2 inter con terp pr. . Internat Cement .. 22 ft 900 600 100 ,i00 100 3000 100 2400 GOO 100 1200 200 100 4e0 C Inter Mer Marine pf 52 ft . . Inter Nickel 15ft . , International Paper 57 S . . Inter Rapid 24 . . Jnt Great North w. . 23ft . . Invincible Oil Cerp. 15H , , Iren Products .... 43ft . . Island Oil ft 4 Jenes Bres Tea... 51 . , Kan City Southern. 21 H . . Kansas & Gulf aft . . Kayaer ft Ce new.. 43 . . Lackawanna Steel . 811. 7 Lacleda Gas of St L 89 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS 1 hdfr. I7fis. "ItiiH SOU Iih.1,!. Cldcaae. Nev. ). 1IOQR nwelptu, :m,0(i fcei.1. Market 10.1 te l.'.e hlsher; bulk IPO !. ' :0V? 75Hhivy j-erkwii llsht ierker. i? S5 te ilO mutul uverasM. ,50ii8.03; eoed. , ami W.. tt MOU ie ' ' lied JIll'l. ?A 2J0 le.SSO pound butc(.hr. iireuml IS.7U. , hlfL.i;i AND l.AMnH e-elpt. 1S00 1 Sllvnr I'lek as ""'?- K-iuipm. icnin, (it.niru n, i.; minium weiLn, i- ejv u 8.70: llahturlxht. Sv-tr1M.0.': lUht listiu. s 4us.uu; pnrKinv HfnMi, Ftnoein, .,.oeru 7.IH): pscklnir sunn reush. J7.l3W7.O0; kill. LOCAL Im lllul. ih.'.ll'n H.' I'i'fTl.i: lleiciDlu. "'.I.OnO hi(l. Cjualilr pUIn: butter crml.i cern-feil ter, t cow , ,i uny nn.l hf.lfpm. Htii.ntf. nthtir cradeii b.f atrtrrt i,.., ,..-.. and butcher h hihcIi, lev. eiirly top m. ii1.,..NfJ'1!,,.. ...., 1 Tl '. 1,1.11 ha.ll A l,a. u.ddva ... ..n.M. luic, r.'i.i .."..''. ,..., m ,. ...v.. LrfHOAJlt f eunllly .nd cundlllen te atll larKi-ly at iiMwav tS.SOfrlli approximately half-run We.tcrn Mlipali Kxtcninen ZrH..Hrii UU1..IUI". ...l.l. MJi'. UU..T. .IK.Ujr, .lljnllT.. veal ralves .tendy te 'JSe lewer: tinrker. . North Star .". and fi-eilera. alew: bulk veal ralvea early, Rescue Kuia . . line.Du: uum pen oeionn duiir mw,.:3; Tonopah Kitsii.Iun bulk canners and cutters I2.(1B. West Knd HHBEP Receipts. 21.000 heaJf. Fat na- Wait Ten T. . ". '. Y. tlve lamba. epenlns ,ntren tu 33q hlfh.ri " 1 ';' early top. 114.10 te elty butch.rsi ita.TB te HVlKi: packers: Western mostly feeders: no surly ' Allied Dty sali.aH: one neuuie i-unu Hnreiifii peer meutnea .ute jiv .Mentana feeding ewa. (0.10: sheep tesree; litlchtr around steady, belcher Kxter.Ien ureuan uivnie ..-.. . plvlde Uxtenslnn CATTI.n 1) v Cen Kiiet St. l.eul.. III., Nev, II.- Recelpts, 0600 hand, Wentern steers, strenr, uiviunr.ii Raat HIv Ilarrelll Knox , fillvar Kin .Mitive steers miu einnr Kiiuns ciaases, stcuily: litht yat calves, N steady te OOe hluheri top, I0.B0: steeker steers, strene te jr.e nisner: puiae iniiewi native siecra, ! 17.50 Insa, 2 83 7.5OM10.46: Westerns, 1.1. 28; light year- Tonepaji I)v nuineriann r, cows. s.r,e4.r,n UVI CO. bulls canners 8302.40; bulls, ia.7B4.23l Mecker lonepan i Victory 7) Ifasbreucl: ateere, e.e0S0O. HOOP Receipts. 12.WK) held. Active. lOe Vsrde Dlv Zene , , , . iviue te l.'.e hle-her; top. IS S3: bulk. 130 te 200 pound nveruses. Stt.40Qs.DB; 210 tieunds and up, S8.Bftiuft.un; light llEhts, H.4OH.D0; pica H r.O StH.eS; packer sews, $77.23. HIII-.R1' HirfllDls. 1000 head l"al limhi ..... aOI.l)ieiCI.D STOCKS Beeth OS yome rrftii ,, i;i .'racktrjaclt 'jae niae'T. mu umcr uuenanveai ie classea unch.nj.dl top lia. bu; culls, ts.nuaji .60; heavte., Hiti-tJ, lanips. ein.iai pma. V; fat llcbt ewes, UO -203&kJPJ!22. 1s&?Xt A I- iJ'ia.vlJt. i. .lr.u .t.'fftjss(i.. 'iii.tir(-1 mam ji u oei. .wj Florence ,U l'j gj2ni!i,vt'en vri 'SI Kuaiu tJVp ' : J ". :?e ,'ii jasai asM ...... , .01 i.e P.'i. Bales in I 2700 .. btecx nita .. fMiiy-Hpringmia .. 43 Kally-gpt T pflOl .. Xennseatt Cennav ., ast4 4214 100 4900 200 101 38 s .. KaystenaTftR... OH "S .,7 Kranrs a a i4 i22 ..7 r"w My'" Xtt3 200 8ft Lima Loeomotlva .. 59 112 1 M-'W TOO .. Loews Ine 19ft 3H 200 100 900 TOO 200 2200 400 400 300 200 2500 TOO TOO 4000 4200 4600 500 500 1 in caaay 13 is 12 LerllUrd (Pism).. 1644 IMM '; &? TTue' Mr 2 I Maek Truck 1st pf . 91 91 MackayCe 106J4 10B .. Magma Ceppar ... 34ft 33ft ... Malllnaen Ce .....32ft 314 .. Manatl Sugar 42 ft 42 t Manhat Shirt 58 M SB .. Market St Rwy pf.. 68 674' 4 Marland Oil 33ft 33ft .. Max Meters Class A 49 ft 49 ft .. Max Meters Class B 14ft 14ft 8 May Dept Stores. ...167ft 163 1 Melntyra Mining ,. 19ft 18ft 18 Mexican Pet .224ft 220ft 6 Mex Seaboard 19ft 19ft i M4- 1 .. 09ft 2ft 34W I 32 - K 42ft ft 98 ,, 674- W ffli 8 '8K t 223 19ft- J Max Seaboard Oil ct 18ft IBM 1K JH . A !,,m CPPer 27ft 2222 1'20 Jlddl st" Cerp. 12H 27 12 31 6 ft 16ft 43 19ft 84 ft 106 121 K iSI. 19 237 55ft IK 67 99 3ft 13 33 H 98 . 87 ft 26 ft 15 120 94 ft 89 2ft 23 152 9ft 374 TK 82 49 ft 88 K 8644 4ft 48 314 93 ft 34 4 43 45 ft 5 42 ft 95 38 113 111ft 43 97 109K 127ft 44H 29 13ft 01ft 34 ft 95 74 26 ft 49 85 15 56 ft 534 28 ft 33 ft 57 2ft 3ft 85 111 9ft 8?. 35 94 32K 99 9ft 92 ft 25 66 19ft 121 ft 210 118 B7?4 54 ft 82 ft 126ft 7ft 2A H 47 ft 65 ft 27 22 ft 32 ft 23ft 81 ft 14 1644 145 78 159 26 ft 80 6ft ,66 ft 86 ft 53 ft 9694 105?4 120ft tin 39 00 64 ft 13ft 10ft 29 ft 12 1114 14H 24 ft 16ft 59 ft 6 10' 6 414 1894 27 12ft- Ilk 1 - - 108 122K- J6ft- 19 237 38ft 4- IK- 67ft 99 - 3K 19 33K- 9894 87 ft- 28ft- -15 120 - 94ft- 89 - 2ft 23 196 4- 9ft- 38ft- TK- 83K4- 46 - 90 4- SB - 1300 . fuiavsJO steel 31 ft 4 M StPftS STM.. 68 ft .. Me Kan ft Tex (wl).. 16ft .. Me K ft T (wl) pf. 43ft .. Missouri Paclfle ... 19ft .. Me Paolfie pf 54 M 8 Mentana Power ..108 .. Montgomery Ward. 1 22 1 Moen Moter Car... 16ft H Mether Lede Mining lift .. Mulluia Bedy 19 7 Nat Biscuit 237 .. Nat Cleak ft Suit... 55ft .. Nat Cen ft Cable... IM .. Nat En ft Stamp... 67 ft 7 Nat En ft Stamp pf 99 .. NatRRef M 2d pf 3H Nv Cen Copper.... T5 6 N Y Centra 99ft 6 N T C ft St Leuis.. 07ft .. .ew Yerk N H ft II 29ft 2 N Y Shipbuilding. . . 15 7 Norfolk ft Western. 120 C North American ... 95 5 North Pacific 85 .. Okla Pred ft Raf... 2ft .. Orpheum Circuit .. 23 5 Otis Elevator 156 .. Otis Steal 10 3 Owens Bet Mach... 38ft . . Pacific Devel Cerp. 14 .. rae Oaa-ft Elec... 83 i 3 Pacific OU 46 H 8 Pan Amer Petrel... 90ft 8 Pan Amer B 88 ft .. Panhandle 4ft 3 Pennsylvania R P... 48 ft .. Penn Seaboard Steel 34 C Peeples Gas Chicago 93 'ft .. Pere Marquette ... 35ft 3 Philadelphia Ce ... 42 2 5i!!ift Ce,6 p' 3 a Phillips Pet 45 ft ricrce en 53; 4 Plggly Wlggly Stere 44 ft 7 Pitts Steel pf 95 .. Pitts ft W Va 3a 15 Pestum Cereal .... 1 1 5 8 Pestum Cereal pf. ,111ft .. Producers & Iter... 44ft 6 Pub Scr Cor of N J 98 ft 8 Pub Ser of X J pM05 8 Pullman Ce 128ft .. Punta Allegre Sugar 444 2 Pur. Oil 29 .. Ray Cen Copper... 13K 4 Reading 82 H .. Remington Typew.. 34ft .. Rem Typew 1st pf. 95 .. Rem Typew 2d pf.. 74 . . Rcplogle Steel 28 .. Renub Iren ft Html. 50 100 300 300 700 600 40 1200 300 5500 100 700 100 100 1600 100 300 500 200 5100 100 1400 100 100 300 800 800 200 400 200 1000 400 3600 10300 4300 4600 100 2300. 60 100 900 300 200 500 2800 3500 200 300 300 100 2800 eoe tee 1100 200 1400 700 7200 300 100 200 800 800 100 200 U ft ft IK X 1 i ft li H H H ft lft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 48 - 3K 43 4- 49 ft-5K4- 43 K 4 95 4 38 115 - 111ft 44ft 97ft ft H ft ft t ft ft 1ft tt i ft ft 2 H 10594- 128 ft 4- 4494 -f- 29 - T3ft- 624 34ft 95 74 26ft 49 85 15 4 57 54 - 26ft 35J, 47 ft- 2ft 3ft Bft 8 ft 4 36 - Rep Iren ft Steel pf 85 Reynolds Springs. 15 3100 3 Reynolds Teb B.. 57 54 26 ft 35 ft 57 ft 2ft 3ft 85 ?4 111 T000 1.18 Royal Duth N Y.' v 19 in 1 ft ft Hi 'ft 200 500 .. ht Leuis San Fran, .. St Leuis Southwest, . . St L Southwest pf . .. San Cec Sugar . . Saxen Moter . . Sears-Roebuck . . . 7 Sears-Roebuck pf . . . .Seneca Cooper . . . 1300 200 100 400 100 200 100 .. ShattUrJc Arte rnm :: 4 400 158 Shell Transport ..36' 100 6 Shell Union Oil nf. . qi 94 32 K 99 9ft 93 25 66 19ft 121 ft 212ft lie. 7300 200 300 500 200 203 103 1200 700 200 400 1200 100 14400 5200 200 300 2900 8100 100 1600 2000 300 200 900 200 1100 100 700 100 200 400 1500 400 210 100 16400 100 1400 100 700 100 300 4100 400 300 100 100 100 500 100 300 800 300 200 300 100 2100 5 Sinclair Consel ... 33 8 Sinclair Cen pf.... 99 . . Skelly Oil 9J4 6 Southern Paclfle .. 93 . . Southern Ualt 25 ft C Southern Rail pf. .. 6C . . Spicer Mfg 19ft I Standard Oil of Cal122 C Standard Oil of N J212ft 7 Stand Oil of N J pfllBft 3 Sterling Products ..574 4 Stewart Warner Spd 55ft 4 Stromberg Casb ... 52ft 10 Htudebaker 127ft .. Sub Beat Cerp 8ft . . Sweets Ce of Amer. 2ft . . Temt Cern ft V "A" H 8 Texas Ce 48 H 4 Tesns Gutr ft Sulph 66?4 . . Texas ft Paclfle.... 27 1 Tex ft i-ae c ft e.. ::24 3 Tlmken Rell Br.. . 33 . . Tobacco Products 34 7 Tobacco Pred A. . . . 81 J, .. Transcontinental Oil 14ft .. Union Oil 17 10 Union Paclfle 146 .. United Drug 78 5 United Fruit 158ft .. Unit Rwy Invest pf 26ft .. United Retail Stores 80 ft ..US Feed Products 6ft ..US Ind Alcohol.... 67ft .. U H Realty ft Imp.. 06 ft ..US Rubber 539; SUB Rubber 1st pr. . 964 6 U S Steel 10694 7 U 8 Steel pf 120ft 2 Utah Copper 66 . . Utah Securities ... 1794 . . Vanadium Cerp ... 39 . . Van Raalte Ce 60 .. Va-Cnr Cliem pf... 644 . . Vtvaudeu Inn 1 4 ft .. "Wabash 16ft . . Wabash pf A 30 1 Wcber ft Heiltironer 12 7 Western Elee pw,. 11 194 .. Western Maryland. 14H .. W Maryland 2d pf. ?54 .. Western Pacific ... 16ft t Western Pacific pf. 60 4 Wasting E ft M.... 60 9; .. Whlte Oil Cerp.... 5ft ., Wteklre Spene Stl.. 10 , . Willys Overland ... 6 a94 4- 55 ft 4- 52ft- 127ft- a j. 2ft 1 K I "4 H 48 66;-'- 27 i 53 ft 819-14ft-1694- 145 94 78 - 158 4 26ft 80 ft-6ft-67 ft r 86 ft 53 ft 4-969;- 106ft- 120ft 65 -1794- li ft 1 1 1 'h 1'i ft 39 64ft 14ft 10ft 29 ft- 12 4- 111-!- 14ft 25 ft-16ft-60 -h 60 ft- 8ft 10 - 6 -414- H ft ft ft H Wilten & Ce 41 94 8 Woelvvorth F W...?02ft 202 Kx-dlvldetid., cow, $rifl. Oslvet no-i Jumbo ExtdiiMen ,SM4y. Tep, $12. KavvunaH .04 .01! HOOO h.nil. I.uwrr. Ii'av-1 1.0ns Btar SflHCL'LLANEOUS MINING 8T0CKS TfiN-ePAII MOCK8 Aimurn Arls United ... Caledonia . , , llrnrna silver . Jlllllep Ihireka ("rneau 1 1. ill!. a Helly . .no .et .Alt .01 .111 .111 Xi .11 :i .ir. ,im ,08 lllil .10 ,li. .07 Asked .IU .07 ,mi .en 12 .07 .e .IS 8.2ft 1.30 .03 .01 .OJ ,e;t ."7 .Oft .Id ,iM .04 .02 ,7 .05 :?,a :Ji :e!l .12 , ITHl Marsh . ... -Mether Lede , , Nev Kill Nevada WetiJer Huciese Tecopa Mln ... V.ilcane White Cap.1 ... Wllbert . , ii! u". fill 07 is a iuli i'sji, 0' "'AI STOCKS O0!i U.S. Certificates and Treasury Int, Maturing net?. . Date . nid Asked in OS u.t ,u .14 .02 .03 :Si SVi 1)C. ID Iee., 1D22....100 ... l)ea., I02:, ,,,100 1008 - MIU Dee.. 10 t4U Mar.. 1023. t8 June, lH2.t. T'fl. 57m: (;'';, ' ,',"x." 1028. .100 ion 1.1 ma asK' i .: nvi am-.p 'ivrr1 -.:.". ". i . iw 00 imii iar,, iti'i i MS S0 11123,,,. ftf Mar., i2....i 4JJ Hept. 1S.. 0IIH 1UD1. 90. 100 1001 Ifil l.s nepi., lvse... , vvvi vuu IRvaitiM rrntn F,.1.v.l nm.l iK. i .!.' ;..'--...' -.--.. tArceptakle for payment of bicenvs due en dale of maturity. , MONIY-LINDINQ RATIt ;;;;:::;:;: ;ie , ,tn M YORK- Heney en call, hnik ?f cellsteral, opened today at 0 or lending and renewing. .04 ,V3 asTMDPJreiAC!all. 5 'iff 'Jjt .JJt "SB'S, ' VW ' " ' t'vQm .r.-,.M,i?it..Kirf--e.-i- - ' Vrttltftiia air"t - Qj AMTOCAH STORES cSsV 4. -H 1 - i 7 Aimltat Drift In thrOanaral Llit Baeausa of Holiday Influaneta After several weeks of neglect Amer lean Stores again loomed Inte premt nence in today's local market, making ene f the characteristic sensatiena upward flights of 10 points te 168. Llke most of the preceding dtmenstrn tlens the sudden rejurenatlen was en- heralded and unex; reel nr nesltlve (. iBiainabie By any ni or positive developments. There was the usual assortment 01 nnnneini rumors, but It would be a useless waste of space te recount them within the comparative brief space afforded this dsllv review. The turnover was relatively small, as the 10-pelnt jump and a subsequent 2 point reaction was accomplished en ap proximately 600 shares. In ether words, these who tried te get the stock and apparently wanted it badly were com pelled te pay fancy prices, as there was evidently little of it around. When tills mere urgent demand was satisfied the price fell off. The higher price was within 4 points of the high of the year and 70 points sbeve the low. There is little te be raid concerning the operations in the general list. In the first place, there wis little done be cause of tie reluctance of the trading element te increase ventures ever the holiday. In the secentl place price rari- tlnna Anninrlsed ahavinr nf frnrttnns In - 1 1 'i 8 ft ' I ft ft ft ft ft ft .. 14 ft K .. ft 94 .. ft ft 94 .. 6 ft ft ft IK ft ft BHft either direction Despite the light volume outstanding and the unsettled cenill- i tien of the ether markets the tone wn fairly strong. Seme ebserveis professed te find evi dence of accumulation of P. U. T. nt 82. last week's ten price'. Geed ab sorption of Pennsylvania Railroad was also noted at 48U. even though the stock sold fractionally under that quo tation in the New Yerk market. On the ether hand, Electric Storage Bat tery yielded a point, which, however, was merely n reflection of lower trend en the Hlg Beard. The Philadelphia Electric issues and U. O. I. continued te held ground well. Lake Superior enjoyed n geed support. Few odd lets of Elsenllir came out at 70. Lcbmlgh Navigation shaded frac tionally, 4ft- lft ft ft IK K 1 ft ft ft IK l li Philadelphia Stocks 1:13 Net High Lew 1. M. chge. 000 Am Sirs.. 108 153 101 8 JM0 Elee Ster. 05 B5 05 "j in ve - a i 100 Lake Kttp. 03 20 Leh Nav.. 74 4 10 O Kisenl'r 70 4t!8PennuItR 48 "i 000 Penn Trnf a 1821'hlla Ce cum pf.. 43 144PhiIa Elec 31 IL'4 de pref.. .11 40 40 1 0 74V4 70 48',i 42ty aivi 3HS 0.. 70 48H-. - 94 - 1ft 43 314.. 31?,.. '.V Tie l'liiia it T n'i : 32 .. - ft - 3 - 1ft 20 Phila Trnc 0fl 00 COVj li 2.. Tone Mln. 2Vs 2 2 ,V J00 UnlenTrac 40Va 40Vi 40? i 310 U O 1. ... 52 51 OlTfi it pmuDPn,PHi. BONDS 2000 Liberty 2d 4Jh '42 08.00 5000 Liberty 4th 4s '28 00.10 3000 U S Treasury 4V4s '52.. 100. 01 IK 'i '154 1 K K -tKKt Amer uns & Klec 5s. lets 88'. '.'AM Electric & Pcu 4s... lets. 72 500 Electric & Pee 4s... lets 70 100) Lehigh Vnl gen 4ViS 2003 ItOK 14100 Phllii Electric 1st 0s...ets 100" 20(H) Phila Electric fi,(js IO0M, 4000 Phila Cens 4US '00. . . . 00?. ANOTHER BREAK IN MARKS German Currency. Establishes New Lew at 1 2 Cents Per Hundred New Yerk, Nev. 0. The disturbing news regarding the action of the Turk ish Government in Constantinople und the uncertainty relntUe te the German rcpnrntiens negotiations were responsi ble for a bad break In the market. Marks fell te an extreme new low record nt .01V&, a decline of 3-10, and the following losses from Saturday's final figures were sustained: Sterling down 1,8; francs down 13, Helglnr.M and Swiss down 10. lire down 0, Span ish down 6, Swedish down 4 and guild ers down B. Norway nnd Danish were 1 point higher. K V 1 - ft - Ji - K 4- ft - ft - 1ft - ft - ft ft lft ft ft ft 1; Merllng cables were 4.4.", demnin 4.'M'j; irnnc cables (1.74 chrclcs rt.73'4 j Belglat.1 cable, cheeks 0.27V4, lre cables 4.14VJ. checks 4.14; Swiss cables 18.28, checks 18.25; pu sctu cables 10.21, checks 15.10fc ; Dan ish cables 20.15, checks 20.10; Norway cables 18.20, checks 18.21; Swedish cables 26.8a, checks 20.70; guilder cables 80.18, checks 3d, OS; marks 01 73- Today all the exchanged were closed in the Dominion' en account of Thanlct. I'. 1 1 3 . 1ft ft il! ft ft " giving Day. A nominal quotation for Va.1.' S.-nrla uiiu .. ,11,..,. ....... . . -. .,. ...... ....... "-" " .. iin.illlt ill l-jlj per cent. The premium en Cnnntlian funds in New inrk was 1-J0 per cent. .SATURDAY'S CLOSING QUOTATIONS j Jitl' VKS' L1," 'ulldern 4,4BVi O.NRl. 4.11lla la 4.eyj e.87i; 4.20 35:17 Demand Cables - 94 4- 3 - S .. BAR SILVER tefiy'af'iV'l.lOa? 'W W,h,r '" ,nJ"1 ft ft ft V 1ft ft ft li ft ft DIVIDENDS DECLARED ATfieiTsak tlaiWflfa' A sarln,A. eiannst . avs nsnvtn iUU, (lUHrlfJrlV I ' payable Nevvmber 10 tu muU of reveril ..Mill Jfoter remp.ny. nuurtcrlj- 11, i,aj able December 81 te steck of rcenl Decern RIDING CLUB OPENED Four Horsemen at Marple, Near Media, Equipped for 8perts ft .J-I4J; Mere tlmn 100 ctiuestrlnns anil their fricnil-t attended the inferiiinl ejienltiir yesterday of tint Four IIei'SL'ii.fii Itldlnf t'lul) nt Mnrple, near Meilin. At the chili, which is nu old farinlieuse re modeled, there are facilities for riding tenuis, swimming nnd ether outdoor tic- i .ed .u.l .OH .02 .04 .09 .07 in men, The president of the club is Colonel E. M. Uartlett. Other officers inelude J. Elmer Watt, llroekline, treasurer,' nnd Jeseph Decatur, fecretury. Among tint guests yesterdu were Frank V lluhler, Charles II. Grakelevv, l.'hnrles h. Martin, Leuis N. (luhlsmlih, Wll- am E. Driver, Theuus Plemlng Wll Wll Hern V, )Velff, (jeergn Noting, Diimnl eung, Charles li. Uardlcau, AVarreu Hardicun, Geerge 11. Webcusmltli Geerge Geed. Dr. O. K. T.tttle, l' ,r"v Ellis, Dr. William Cook, Itayu.end Eg Eg glesten', Tex Ramsilell, AValter Fegel t ' WVfjlV!S,!,,,f' r.V ' ri',l,,k Pelr and Jcsse M. Diets. Arthur Cuambcrluln is the riding muster. EDWARDS' EXPEN8E8$8B50 Trenten, Nev. O.Whlle the titntc inent of campaign expenditures of (jev. erner Edwurds, Democratic ciinillHiin, for United States Senuter, was mail" tee late for publication Saturdur bv dm Secretary of State, the HgUreH were made public here yesterday. Governer Edwards received In centributtnn $8224.50 and expended S8300, accord, ing te the statement. ' "'fl' 5:?J .OS .02 l.H?li ,5'J 'X'i lit 'Xi .44 .20 ..10 .us .011 Nete tum ""' 83 iliJl'l ' a a, 117 .. 4.8.1 te 180 1. 411 48T 4,41 437 -iw tax le.u ser eeat . ' te.Sfore'81i 'balVf 5 WAV;' "V' , :it, Jr. l".'.--Wt JUMPS TEH POKTS aesssss-aas.-.- -e jV ihiiiii I r 11 n I." sinnirt.- awini X t ylW '$' it it is a ctfse wi mere money ! k " than busitfess MANY businesses are seasenabla "working capital is net steadily employed. Most lines of business ex perience subnormal periods when cash en hand accumulates, earning little in terest. Such surplus funds can be invested in U. S. Certificates of 'Indebtedness and. Geld Notes te earn from about 3.75 te 4.45. Maturities from a few weeks te four years are available. These U.S. Government securities are readily saleable and are nowobtain newobtain nowebtain able at lower price levels than have pre vailed for many months. If held by banks or corporations, , these securities are entirely tax-exempt and, ii held by individuals, they are exempt from Nermal Federal Income Tax. WE BUY SELL QUOTE in. any amounts WsMerwrka for Informs- iIm or quota- tleas HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCONPONATttD 209 S. La SaJle St, Chicaf e CHICAGO DETROIT NEW YORK MILWAUKBB BOSTON , ST. LOUIS Wa have) opened an office), la r Commonwealth Trust Building Harrisburg Pennsylvania Paul W. Gerdes ' Representative ' Telephones Bell Telephone t Harrisburg 69S6 Cumberland Valley t Harrisburg 2362 Biddle & Henry 104 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia $100,000 Kh "M DIVIDEND H SS Wl'eBllar. ulR Frem tnc earnings of the past Wjjm lzw?K SSflHIessK fm Hi'N n,entlls. the Directors have fiM . tlM ifflnlfa: ra lcclarcd a dividend of Ten KM avKV. . 9RaTasielaT ' .A Tnllnvs nm ulmt. nnnlila XTn. traesl e r urn .saiTi siii t't.ia :. :,-. r; .""w :: n.i'v "-: &mm blv ssKftflBleaV r A tIllucr (III 10 SCOCKnelUOt'S OI WSffik lvV niBA fjfi record November Cth, free- of Wm. Rl) wKmwfM ,state tax vm HsKm mtM 'Wfc Futurc dividends will be paid WTr, bBSvaCIi Mi Quarterly: February, May, g IwttWT JHsW vTl August and November. Wfflk i .wtS th Cep0) si,oeo,ooo wmi .ll)iH VfiSm J' 'A Surplus 2,500,000 Wm SAlHVu, EaSOk fyJl Undivided Profits . .. 350,000 MM NWl '' fafflTlll fj& Reserves 200.000 VJ& , $ MllllfV 4 Resources 20,500,000 Wmi fygM PENN I X. vfK$6&$n$ NATIONAL BANK 0 i iMeWWKiL&ASM. "Alivnve rnmrnerelnl" & 1 sV agaljBssssssmisBTsEessTi . eT AjLtlJ, S ' ". SkjraX --i-.s wwaieeaee we, . X'jfj BSBVeTaBBnrVS 7 eTV' i VSRV V2r esnsf.ssns3insu..s.jsu.j ' li .,....,.. . u.. ..,. t FBrJess1Bn?fJ?-rrl-ttt;i. riM &, JE'T I'mIi n"'ff i ""tBil-.,'' I , --1 siiinwijjii i mmimtaam -a T- un . - j. n .'. 11..1 u. nrirn.u ir m assssssssWllKLj 'n.ian-rr- i&KWtm&railWSlr -a-eiastPX;eg JJiter'a lieeBssnEivi"--;SSVffi?VtlfH Tr3iMBim&2&'!SZk aajMiaJMBMsSSyssWa IWUsKMa' HfK. .-ei MTI ' -flSKJI?! miMfMiiffim in " ifi ji' nap nm,?,,! ( - - immmmga Mvbmwm muiiu iiiilwi; iumiH!iiu!iniiini!ii i iijiiiiiiiii!iiibii' III W I j Lembard GS21 ciMiKMiisi 'ml mil I I V Tl Vl 1 0 LONG ISLAND R. R. CO. DEBENTURE 5's. Due 1937 (Controlled bu the Pennsylvania Railroad) The estimated valuation of the property is 96 in excess of the total funded debt, while the company is earning for the current year the rate of ever I Yi times total interest requirements, During the decade from 1910 te 1920 the pnsetiHer den ity increased 141'" nnd .the gross earning ever I009f. The rapid development of the territory through which it eperntea should bnn8 continued increnses i the business done i ever its lines, m addition te which the supervision of the Pennsylvania Railroad in its management assures the utmost in efficiency of operation. PRICE i MARKET. TO NET 6.62 BATTLES & CO. Established jbse Independtnc. Square (East), Philadelphia imiu.ium.L.,1,..--, 9 u. - ik nreLM:Li- jfcjsjstf V'jft' iriW t- r f 7M1 - -f' 'lA'iii y.isfi't'i' itM -iW m y m PHILADELPHIA MINNBAPOLIS 4.' t i i r i