WSBmM W.V wrfwmwwm WM wmm?immfv& aBswffss Mfe '( ) 4 ' V4 Ear Fi rM.Viiifcl J 9. JJH iBMED 1 ML WW 4 JKJOO Men's, "edle Used te Build Up Autocracy," Hylan CemmtttM Charges "fet1" AW?"1 " here are uWSMng with liiterwt the final .report of.Mper .Tehn F. Hrlnn'e Irmstiit tlen CemtnUteci which left Johnstown Iff N.eJV it?.f,,a''. V.We eon. fldent that the finding of, the committee will' favor the miners and be con dcranntery of thi( policy employed by the Berwind'Wblte Coel Mining Cem pany," .lamei Olbnen, preeidenfef the local union, stated today. -- ' --f r FINDS FAMILIES IN WANT JehMlew. P., Net. y.-Munlclpa wneriblP of the New erk Subwny Altera was predlctM yesterday by Da-' tld HitihfleW. chairman of New Yerk it Committee Inrfatliatlni cendl ieniln the Berwlnd-Whlte coal mines, 1 inneunc ng the committee's Inventl StKnEid confirmed chargM laid be 1m New Yerk City eflclals by striking ffierief the BerwlndWhlte Cem """Ijeal should net be purchased from Meters who de net give their win! Tfilr living and a square deal," wild r Ilirshnclil before the committee, hich completed Us. hearings jester Jiv left here for New orb. ilie oncralerr.' side of the conlro cenlro conlre r ba net been told. Hcveral cf farti were made te have the Kerwlnd White officials attend committee hear inn. but the company refused te par tldpate In any meeting where repre. iwtstlTfsef the United Mine Workers 3 Amrrica were present. Pnmmlsslener Illrshfield, In a state ""The'cemmulee appointed by Mayei , Mm F. llyJ'nt.Sl NX '-, I U tricta of OntrnMJeuthwestcrn I'etiu liTlTanln. a zone controlled by the Ner-wlnd-Whltn Company, hu disclosed mny amazing facta. Berwlud Controls District "'flic district in quMtlen,. Hemer t Count J. IS cuniruitcu iiuuiiy unit nelltically by n wal corporation which E. J. Berwinu ii Juirman of the Beard of Directors of the Interboreugh Ilapld Transit Cem mm of New Yerk City and is a dl rtcter of tbe Pennsylvania System which hauls the coal from the mines. "The great Berwind White interests Mtni te linve used home 4000 men'H bodies and eeula te build up for them Mhes nn iiuliibtrinl autocracy. The remmittw lias heard harrowing stories of hnt'!liips endured by the miners and lliflr liclplcss families alnce April 0, when the men no longer would endure lh (tine of the corporation lash. '"Wf lave henn in the tents. In the hfitroeps and in the stables where the nlncrs and tliejr families sought shel K," ntftr hsTini been eummnrily rvicted front their lieines by the coal and Iren police liiiiigr.v babies nod women whose feet were bare nnd bleeding and whose llnilis wen- thinly find. "Frem the very moment we reached the strenjjhidd f the Berwlnd-Whlte fjmpany were nverded no courto ceurto courte iilem by that corporation. Their local eflWaif, invited te attend the hearings. , rcftised. I"" ""''I "'ey would meet the renuntttPt' privately In their offices. ere tlicy hiding'" The clowns paragraphs of the state menl related te the candidacy of Alfred E. Smith for Governer. san IgflCWtaSOlW I Leading Spedialists in. Nursery Furniture and Appointments ' of exceptional utility and quality Battlneli,- Vfsrtlrebet, cribs, nresisre, KI4tle.Koept, Cartslee, Pltt7Pnf , Bath Tnbi, Scats, nalntr Blaakets and Comfert , etc., str. Dougherty's Faultiest Bedding Hair Mattressea Bex Springs Bedsteads 1832 Chtttmrt Strt end 113 Seuth 17th Street 9Eb!E5I ak 4i-n.n of moving F1WW M m H Kiila BT t rgfkB?BL3flHfclkiLKJ 8' Wlndhrr. I'a.. Nev. .'5. .Striking je.. h . Full ITJlwK" JUjuiMt Harry, and Gtl Oas Ike WSrU'i Grtattit watcksil Pay se wasr sewn! Jelt BresMtti te psy a. I1.W wMk! SAII.7S Uiftt' Elgin Wriit-Wileh f n ysllew. srsta sad Wfclt. C.U Cain. 20-ysar cait fitted witi. Gaarsatsed Eltia Move tat only ffi PAY NO MONEY DOWN ! Jait Preatit Te Pay Ui $1.00 a Week sad Ye Csa Wear On Herns! CREDIT TO ALL! Your Premise te Pay It All We Aikl WALNUT 529 B.COHEN5SON Phila'.s Better CredUJertel&Htttia iik c riMMML tex Xsmincwn,d.s. spy. i&itj YWllen 7I. OPElJ SATURDAY EVENINGS! OttSltR.M PHIL. PA. Phiia. licpairiny and Remodeling ss Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted FORBES 1115 CHESTNUT ST, C Opposite Keith' Theatre) Open a (charge Account ARRANGED FOR TOMORROW A GREAT FUR EVENT Te make tomorrow the first Saturday of November the greatest day in the lustery of this establishment, -Te prove that you can buy BETTER FURS at Ferbes and PAY LESS for them than at any store in town. WE HAVE MARKED FUR COATS 20 TO 50 LOWER THAN FORMER PRICES .1 Small Deposit Reserves Your Purchase 5950 French Seal CeU Russian Peny CeaU Brown Marmet Coats French Seal Wraps JSBsV gKa kWl "IgeE&sBBBBVn BBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV f BbbbbbbbI I svsbVbbT French A French yfTi Seal Cl V .Sep sCg 59.50 iQ 59.50 S bVVbbibU ell If1 Mill Bug Tomorrow and Take Advantage of the Great Savings Skunk Trtmmttl I'vtnth Sail 79.50 79.50 Natural- Muskrat CeaU French Seal Capes Raccoon Trimmed Marmet Coats Skunk Trimmed French Seal 7A50 f r Seal Trimmed Muskrat CeaU Hair Seal Coats A Q Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats JQ Trimmed French Seal Coats and Capes .50 Tomorrow Cheese Frem a Wide Variety at Special Prices 195.00 Civet Cat Coats 125.00 247.00 Black Caracul CeaU .... 145.00 275.00 Scotch Moleskin Wraps . . . 165.00 310.00 Natural Raccoon CeaU . . . 175.00 345.00 Hudsen Seal CeaU .... 195.00 395.00 Hudsen Seal Capes .... 225.00 425.00 Hudsen Seal CeaU, Skunk Trimmed 245.00 450.00 Natural r link Coate .... 275.00 495.00 Natural Squirrel CeaU . . . 295.00 i;xTit.i.Hi.r. cu.Trt i'i te 54 ju'st in stock 9 79ky rfifcP' Coats ir 79.50 Wolf and Fex Scarfs .. ' ' viirlely of si'l: '"I'd uim (loubie fur hcurf.s "1 varied colors. Stene Marten and Baem Marten Chokers HfiA Dark animal choker .scarf?. A f tOU I'rtluularly llnu in the full, 3 T3 teft texture of the fur. as,w' 1017-1019-1021 Market St Tomorrow Ready Again Anether Sensational Sale Even Better Values Than Ever Before " . . . BBBBBlBBBBBBBJgJBBBBfe 1 BBBBBBBBW SBBBBBBBBBBw BBBBBBw BBBBBBBbVPVbVBBPBB9BbW BBaVsaSgBBBm .BBBBBs!BBBBBBBlBBalW LbBBBBBBBBV VHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbJ BBBBlBBiPrgBBV BBBBBBBBBBBbV E9gEEHESJrSH H BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBB.bPBBBIbBBBbP BBstBBBsF SBBBBB BBk ijbbbbbV bvV' O.mviMi':, r- bbbbbHbbIbV'' (BBBnattBBTrlWraPiBv9ftBm! ' ' I''BBaKv9BKsllf -dVByBBBBBBV ! '4!BBgHgBBlPBHBBH t' JvABBBBBBBBlffiiBBHffiMVyJiBnBBBBnBf s :' vi' I 'B-JBW t:HiL':nBIBIS.; ... 1 Eit.'C'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBVaf4BBV' 'M-fm .. (tti''-'VBBBBBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeaBBF' W.JLtEMSm JM9 JBMae,J. '' iBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBr KBBBEASsJBBn'BBBBBBV"' OBBBrBr 'ffiigt-'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHpWl JS-WfejP ffKKBlk' laSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFJut Hy .MHBiZBBBBribAvs3S vMbbY' '"vsIbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV'. " 'Si'jjMiSStr-Wr 'WgBvt .BBBBBBBBBBBBVS'RPfV SmsS0WSf 4iJ 'eUBBV SBBBBBBBBBBl'lBB!iHTX BBBmCTffCaBBT aBBBBB 'BBBBBBBBnBBBBVBlBBKfWBBHflBBBrBBBi 'sfaK'BBBBBlBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBlH BJBBaj SBBBBBBBBlBBBBfiBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBXBiiJj tJHBBBBBBk ifSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHajH BBBBBBBBkxBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH!9' 1 ibbbbbbbbbbbTSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiB 777771 'rfllW bbbbbbSbV ?ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM J$itA V tm. $BBBBBWr.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmVVi:V . bBBBBBBV f fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWlMS. X iBBBBBW f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBnjRKlHKBWK laT nBBBBBBV ' ' ' IbBBBBBBBBbSbBbIB BK'BK -STIKV !' ISBBbV h 'fBBBBBBBBHSflS-W.a'' OBBBBBBBV - '"..1 iIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP BBBBel ' -SbV ' VpV BBBBBBB '' .J rlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBSnLt' - HTBbH ''!'' l.yJiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwTfa '.HV 'flT' fHM- ' ligBBBBBBMaBBWiV' 'im' Hm KMbbbHbbbHbbbPca MM'Vii liVHBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBf1 Thousands of Garments at Absolute Savings of $ lft, 01) te $ 15,00 Choice We are off again! Ready for another smashing day of business tomorrow ! Ready te outfit thousands of men with their winter suits and overcoats at prices that cannot be equaled anywhere! .nan it is just as you read! Thousands fleck in here te share in the savings, and thousands will come tomorrow. Remembei, w h e n you come te THE HILL CO. you come te P H I L A D F. L PHTA'S LAROKST CLOTH I vg STORE where stocks arc the arircst. varieties the biggest, and values the greatest. I SSBBBSiiiiiBBBB -' BBt?!. lWH Mr. Hill's Personal Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase Never Before In History Such Real Wonderful falue-Giving and Man. it is only possible by the constant time and attention Mr. Hill gives te clothing. Fer months we have been preparing and this is the result. The greatest varieties absolutely the- bust value and the biggest clothing bargains ever presented te the men of Philadelphia. SUITS With One and Twe Pairs of Panls ! Single- and Deuble-Breasted Medels English Ferm-Fitting Medels Jazz Medels Twe and Three-Butten Sack Medels Beys' First Leng Pair of Pants Suits Sports Medels Silk-Lined, Plan-Back OVERCOATS! Convertible Cellar Overcoats Storm Coats Dress Coats Single- and Deuble-Breasted Overcoats Ferm-Fitting Overcoats Gabardine Raincoats and Topcoats There isn't a style a material -a pattern or a coloring that an man could want but that is ri-presentfii The snappy kind of garment, for the young man going te college . high -neel also comervathe models. Many et the suits have two pairs of pants. 1,tu,une COME TO Philadelphia's Largest Trouser Dept. Fer our stocks, arc JureM -vurieticd the bevt puces lowpet Men's Pants .See the big values at these low prices. All materials. All colors. All sizes. Beys' Overcoats, Mackinaws and 1 and 2 Pair Pants Suits In the Greatest Sale of the Season Ttu-rc is no uthiMWmv that call .-hm l Open Evenings V fW VW W W XW JIM rill kd BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. MgfeMBiteBSL BsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr.TuBBl fcy.- - H Stere Orders Accepted Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere ft. s" J lsW 1017-1019-1021 Market Street I 4 mm"mmmmmmHuitMt Seal ia thltd Mutkral : French Sl U dind Conw n i -ararJrilPS . . , M , - -, . , , BBBBBJBBBtelML .afa... ,,1,. ,, . 1. .J . Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere yyylHj ' ""VIBBVBBBBBIU V. '. f -Mv' wmm . i j&& km.-; .tiidl M HHIBBS &fi&&&unm& x' . .w; .ts v5i?lpJ5iiUEt!3