Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 03, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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    W&M Xw?r6!
tTjr fi
8tr OfM (
CMMt Wf M mh
ft Seems That Everyone Realizes Buying Winter Things Can't Be Put Off Any Lenge
It Is Net Extraordinary
Circumstances or Rich Friends
or large capital that create the golden
opportunities of life.
It is something in theperseri that thinks
and gets an idea, and seizes the first possible
moment te de what he can toward developing
it He may net reach the goal he wishes.
One must harden at his work, prove his
honesty and ability, and keep steadily en
until he reaches the goal.
tfevmber 3, 1922.
Mr. Courboin's Second Organ Recital
of the Fall season will take place Friday evening,
November 10th, and tickets will be ready tomorrow.
They will be given te these who apply at the Con
cert Bureau, Main Fleer, near the Juniper Street meter
A Dezen Styles in Fashionable
Gray Handbags, $3 te $5
a 1A 41a mmw haffl.
the gray furs and the gray foot
wear be fashionable nevjr.
Here arc bags of duvetyn. of
elain or brechc velvet, of striped
noire silk and the softest, most
l.i.lu a1
TIIVBky vu.
Seme have deuble handles and
outside pockets, some have cov
ered frames. Envelope strap
books are in charming styles and
fabric bags are soft and de
lightful. All beautifully lined and fitted.
(Main rieftr)
Matelasse Crepe
$5.50 the Yard
A rich, heavy crepe weave, pat
terned all ever in self-color de
sign. Effective shades of bark and
Hal brown, rust, navy, taupe, as
Well as black.
SS inches wide.
Flrit Fleer)
Special Manicure
Sets in Cases
A necensltv for any en hn
tmel. These at home often prefer
tnm liernuiw they roll tip no con
veniently, taking little space, jet
It complete.
Each article is made of particularly
fine steel The cases tire meitly of
tend lenther, attracthely lined.
4 SO tu $10.
(Main Fleer)
100 Novelty Silk
Specials, $2.25 te $5
It seems the prettiest blouses
of the season are in this collec
tion, but. of course, the little
prices tell the story of only a
few of each kind.
They ere in all the geed colors
for suits. Crepe de chine, printed
silks, satin, stitched crepe de
chine and se en.
(Rati and Writ Attlei)
Claire's Fleurette
Frem Paris
rieurette Is Clnlrc'a exqulelte
fra prance, which In found exclusively
at Wnnamaker'a. It Is nlwaje packed
In a dainty orchid color.
Extract, IS. Pace powder, $1.25
Toilet water, I3.E0.
(Main Fleer)
Favorite Slippers in Black Satin
and Patent Leather
Fer the many women who
Iwayb prefer a strap slipper,
here arc three styles in black
latin, all with one strap, and
offering choice of either narrow
ir medium tee, 'high or low
Irench heel.
Priced $9 and $12,50 a pair.
A favorite enestrap style in
fatent leather with medium
'rench heel, has a band of per
forating around vamp and top.
Priced $10 a pair.
A new patent leather tongue
slipper, with low Spanish heel
and a touch of perforating, $12
the pair.
The Splendid English
"Redleaf" Gloves
Have Come
Finest cold-weather gloves made, ler the entire
Fur-lined, fleece-lined or just the seflj, warm un
lined skins. Ideal gloves for ..metering and outdoor
wear. The best Christmas gloves for many a one.
But please cheese early, for they have a way of
selling very quickly.
Made exclusively for us in England, and te be- found nowhere
else. Hurried in before the new tariff, or the prices would have
te be considerably mere.
Netice especially the genuine deerskin, and the squirrel-lined
K;iees, both hard te get. All the buck suedes are in soft velvet
Fer Women
Genuine deerskin gloves,
soft as mocha and wonderful
for wear; two button or two
clup, In sable, tan or gray, $4
a pair.
Strap.wrist gloves, of velvet
finished heavy buck suede, wilh
six-inch tops; sable, tan or
gy, $5 a pair.
Fleece-lined strap-wrist cape
geves, the cuffs rabbit-lined;
black or brown, $5 a pair.
t Iccce-llned cape gloves, two
"P, black or brown, $3,80 a
Twe-clasp buck suede gloves
wjlh seamless wool lining,
M0 a pair.
Rabbit-lined and fur
"immed buck suede gloves,
brown or gray, $10 a pair.
Nil squirrel lined buck
KS ,0VCB brown or ry
Wsh palr-
Hllp-en gloves of wenl-lined
uek suede with six-ineh tops,
the cuffs fur-lined aid fur
bordered, $8 a pair.
Fur-trimmed buck suede
gauntlets, wool lined, with
leather-lined cuffs, $7.60 a
Fer Children
Weel-lined buck suede gloves
in brown or gray, $2.75 a pair.
Fer Men
Unlined buck suede gloves
in gray or tan, $3.50 a pair.
Lightweight gray mocha
gloves, $4.50 a pair.
Tan cape gloves, seamless
wool lined, $5 a pair.
Rabbit-lined buck suede
gloves, $7.50 a pair.
Squirrel lined buck suede
gloves in gray or tan, $16.50
a pair.
Strap-wrist gloves of heavy
tan rape with lamb's-wool
lining, or black or tan ripe
with rabbit lining. $9.50 a
(Main Fleer)
Here Is the Sale Thai the Yeung Women of
Philadelphia Have Been Waiting Fer
An Annual Event of Surpassing Importance
In Fashionable Things te Wear
HE prettiest frocks and the smartest coats in many a day!
Fashions that say the last word en the correct thing for young femininity.
It's an event that has as important a place as the Army-Navy game en the
calendar of young Philadelphia.
Yeung Women 's Dresses $15 te $45
Yeung Women's Coats $15 te $110
First of all -every coat and every dress is new.
Everything was made te our own order, se that we
might be absolutely sure of the quality. We selected the
materials, chose the styles, the trimmings, the furs, the
We knew that down te the last detail every garment
in this sale is RIGHT.
Only the most fashionable furs are used en the coats,
only the finest linings.
In the dresses we have never once sacrificed quality
te garish trimming. Seme of the simpler dresses are per
fectly plain, but the material is as fine as that used in
dresses of twice the price.
There is a genuine taeney saving en every coat and
frock in the sale. In many instances the exact qualities
have been marked $10 te $25 mere in our own stocks.
All are a great deal better than one can ordinarily find
for like sums.
Everything is fresh, youthful and charming and
there are fashions for all occasions. Sizes range from
14 te 20.
Dresses Start at $15
and there are a desen different models. Plain draped affairs of
beautiful satin-back crepe; frocks with side panel's, with circu
lar skirts, with bolster rolls at the low waistlines. Navy, black,
cecea, brown and a few light shades.
Wonderfully Fine Frecks at $25 and $30
Satin frocks with tucked panels and wee ruffles of moire
ribbon at $25.
Satin frocks nearly covered with all-ever embroidery done
in wg circles. sz&.
Loveliest Dresses, $35 and $45
Seme of the most successful models of the entire season are
in this group.
Afternoon dresses of crepe satin combined with velour
broche Georgette. $35.
A plaid satin crepe ingeniously made with the material
reversed. $35.
Seft wool velour with sleeves heatiiy embroidered with
silver. $35.
Navy blue Pelret twill generously banded with mole. $35.
Wonderful afternoon dresses of satin-striped duvetyn,
copied from a French model. $45.
Georgette and radium lace combinations. ' $45.
Evening gowns and dinner dresses of silk lace ever metallic
cloth. $45.
Matelasse jaequette dresses, cloth dresses heavily embroid
ered and trimmed with fur. $45.
Sports Coats at $15 and $25
uble-faced mixtures and herringbone coat
Ide. Usually in shades of brown or tan.
Belivia Coats, $35 and $45
Of double-faced mixtures and herringbone coatings, plaid
en the inside. Usually in shades of brown or tan.
"anten crepe dresses with the popular "penny" trimming.
Pelret twill dresses with Balkan blouses embroidered with
gay little sprigs. $30.
An afternoon dress of satin has a deep bertha cellar of
black net embroidered in white. $30.
Anether, of Canten crepe, has a deep pleated Bertha and a
pleated skirt. $50.
Evening frocks or gleaming soiree taffeta are also marked
$35 coats are in brown, black, navy. Sorrento and rein
deer, made with fringed threw cellars and lined with peau de
$45 coats have wide cellars of black wolf and are lined with
crepe de chine.
Fur Cellared Coats, $55 and $65
Belivia coats in brown, navy and black, lined with silk
crepe and generously cellared with black or gray wolf.
Luxurious Coats, $75 and $95
Net many of a kind, and each a beauty. They are of the
finest and softest belivia weaves in navy, 8errenft, gray, brown
and plenty of black.
Cellars of beaver, squirrel, kit fox and wolf, $75.
Cellars and sometimes cuffs and bandings of fox, golden
beaver and gray squirrel, $95.
A Few Fine Sample Coats at $110
Luxurious wraps, wonderfully lined and handsomely
trimmed with fitch, beaver or natural squirrel. Celers are
marten and Malay brown, navy, black and kit-fox gray.
HPHE woman who usually has te pay
from $25 up te get the kind of hat
nhe wantB, will find it here tomorrow in
a group of exceptionally lovely millinery
specially priced $15, $16, $18 and $20.
They are fine velvet hats in the most
exquisite colorings and shapes ; soft little
French felts in the most sought-after
styles, and smart hatter's plushes in un
usual colors, as well as black.
All are of a quality net ordinarily
found in hats at such prices. And the
fine trimmingB many of them French
and skillful decoration by our best mil-
Fine Millinery of Higher Value
at $15 te $20
liners, are all in keeping with the quality
ei tne nats.
A little poke in old blue felt with a
French nosegay set in silver lace ; a soft
felt of seaweed green, trailing uncurled
ostrich in the same color; verbena vel
vet circled with tiny mauve-shaded flow
ers and silver leaves; brown hatter's
plush with dull geld and brown French
flowers ; and dozens mere as artistic and
satisfying. Many, but net all, are in un
common and delightful colors.
Please ask for them in the Grav Mil
linery Salen.
(Seeand Fleer)
a, C - MSvsbnhbsbbk
Women's Special Tweed
Coats, With Raccoon
Cellars, $47.50
OMEN have been waiting for these te arrive. There
is nothing te equal tnem anywhere, they say.
unce again mere re em me prewy gray, tan brown
and cocoa colored herringbone and mixtures in heavy
Winter-weight tweed with plaid or plain backs.
All have large shawl cellars of beautifully blended
raccoon fur. It is a goed-flttlng sports model with raglan
sleeve and slot seam down the back and a narrow belt. It
makes the nicest kind of a coat for metering or everyday
wearjm train or, trolley. '
" (Hist near)
Women's Everyday
Dresses, $22.50,
$25 and $27.50
rRESSES of Canten crepe, crepe-backed satin and
ether silks; of matelasse or stitched satin, of wool
crepe with drawnwerk, and of Peiret twill, made up in
ever se many d fferent styles, from the gracefully draped
te the trim little affairs with pleated skirts and Balkan
Alse there are one-piece coat models and models with
loose panels which dip below the bottom of the skirt
Celers are the most wanted shades of brown and
blue, besides black.
tint Titer)
Boudoir Silver for Christmas
Is Usually Bought Early
Which is one mien far the
Jewelry Stere being ae fully pre
pared right new.
There are as many aa sixteen
patterns in boudoir silver alone.
All sterling silver, and prettier
ones would be hard te And. All
are in complete sett, or one may
buy the pieces separately.
One of the newest silver pat
terns has a striped deceratlta,
exeept the center monogram
snieid, wnien is piain,
The mirror is priced $81,
Drum, 8e; ceme, as; pu
(Main rieev)
?rf Vi-
I. keJewNvVi
anz ;
uruau, , iiyiiiv, h vuu Jinv, u
$20 and all the smaller artUlM ,-t
" Hw"""t . , J,rt
Serviceable Reading
The kind men like te have
standing betide tha arm chair
brass fleer lamps of the adjust
able geese-neck type, with oval
metal shades. Price $1.50.
Other fleer lamps of bronze
finished metal with smoker's at
tachments, $18.
resit fleer)
Weight Can Be Lest
and Grace Gained ',
if one faithfully fellows the
scientifically arranged exercises
which can be taken te the music
of the phonograph.
Wallace Reducing records art
carefully arranged and sell tot
$15 the set.
An expert will be here te eon
suit with eaeh day next wees;
and appointments with her cat)
be made new,
(Secant Fleer) '
It's November and the Air's
Full of Frest
Persimmons are ripe, chestnuts are falling;
and every geed, sound, sane companion you meet
en the street is wearing
A Big Robust, Out-and-Out
It's time you joined the
rest and there's no time like
tomorrow te de it.
What's mere, there's no
place like Wanamaker's te
get it.
The best coats te be found
the whole length and
breadth of this land are here,
designing, everything.
Mere of them in mere models young men's models,
smart and full of swing, or just the big, warm-looking
coats that any man would wear.
Lets of them are light colors. Se light that over
coats would never have dared te leek that way before.
Plaids, everplaids, mixtures. But with them are the
usual darker coats and there are enough different styles
that every man is going te get the one that leeks as if
it were made for him.
Prices. $32 te $85, with the greatest cheesing
around $50.
(Thlrt rieer) '
What De Yeu Think Is a
Right and Proper Price
for a Hat?
e-1 BbbbbbbbbbW T
Best in fabrics, tailoring,
Every man has a different
idea, because eiery man wants
a different kind of a hat.
But the big thing te knew
is that no matter w hat kind of
a hat a man wants he can see
all kinds at Wanamaker's.
Every one geed, eery one
up with the season, eery one
of a type that will leek well.
$2.50 is the lowest price for
a dependable hat, then they go
$3. $4, $5, $6 and upwards.
About the Newest Thing in
a Fall Shirt, $2
A geed woven madraa shirt
with a separate starched col cel
lar te match.
And the cellar is the new
comfortable cut that men like
O well, ennieil aft.r iU vm.A
that are usually found with
higher-prieed shirts.
Neat aa pin stripes must
be neat and in several color
Everything That a Geed
Oxford Should Have-$6.40
Smart, roomy, comfortable Naturally they are breguish
and built bis; enough te en- in Rtle. of grained calfukln,
dure the weather, sturdv Vl bLlck or Un ni ha
enough te defy wear. heelsbbeheels?' t0 th
(Main Fleer)
There'sa Streng Football Line-up
in tne sporting Goods Stere
Footballs, soccer balls and most
everything the player wears.
Everything of the best make
and reasonably priced.
ratfkll. II in .a aa
iMfterted teeeer bftUt,' IS ( II.
iTh (leiltri)
Fenthell panu, S2.t te Sle.
. ueidbii ann.a, iu in 110.
llMMlcuarda. M
lieiililr part, SS.71.
T'nr werttad Urj, ll.tu
Foelhall hair, Sl.tS anil il.AO.
Heavy ahak.r-knll p a 1 1 e v e
uneaten, fs te SIS.UO.
Little Things te Take Heme
A Whole World of
, If a baikct in netdI for xi,,.
thlnr t all it la safn te say that
tt Ih here.
There are biukcls for fireweed
for fruit, for cut flower, for
plants, for window bexag, for ie
Inc. for marketing, eweat oral
ha ike U. plain baekets and deco
rate baaketi et every Ue and
Ue te $14 DO.
Turkey Time Is
einl hire are the reaaw
Sclf-batnt reaatam of nan i
var can be had In six alzcs 3 25
te f 5 SO
Iren roaster are prlcd tl 2X
for l.peiind aire; 12 for 16-pound
JtJLr " , - i ' ' , Vm ..) I j- r
sislsssskateuttifr .,..fJ, i .tfelfryt A....C .Liv.kL1.W... ... .' isatMj , t '
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbWbIbBBBbW I ill ' ttiiaia1laTi?ilfatf -' I I " ' -.-.OJftiflfid ,,. . . , ,, ,.
Wanamaker Feed
Choppers Are Extra
A fine feature 1 that lh.y re
'May te elean.
They are of aurwrler canting und
emoeth Keur knlM, im ludln s
puherUtr. com with each
In three aliea, tl SO, $1 : and
An Old-Fashioned
Southern Butler
nii Hmillria- black far, end
Mhlte elilr whhltre u,i iirfl.i jour
Miieliea for Mill
ether atnekarr. Minnie In char,
a r are Perklm., the Knilieh.
L'XbefrV "",ar,ll' un""
aw j,s
, i: