WPG hi-' Ts, f i ' f ,ftt M ix j I CAN OFFER tlf nMllly fnliffd thransh 10 rsWrs etwtara with of lha Mat- rorpemtlons In Phltsdrtplilsf ess htnele en efflca farm, boekkrrptnc sSMf, correspondence it IT, tnil cn 4fthe electrical supplies; am SS. MrM, American by birth sod origins 1ft but of references, of court. Ctn 1KI use msJ OX II 41S. ItSOEB erncs ill The Husband who begins his day with a steaming cup of delicious OSCO Coffee will find it hard te believe that thousands of wives are .fetting such quality for only 29' lb In all our Stores '- ' r - "-"Hf ' '' ' X-'"".'."" Illiisilll' "l I till I II '" ''. HI "! I , ... .,.., S U .'.'.' Dark Coatrooms Menace Landreth Scheel Pupils James Fer ten Building Alse in List of Old Antiquated Structures That Are Found Throughout City The Improper ilipeil of overcoats, lints and ether nppnrcl for outdoor near Muring tbe dnv in tne public school W one of the most diingrretis condition that can menace the heulth of the hundreds of children. When the routs nre piled up In the rear of the' classroom tliey often send out disease germs through the entire class, as well as from garment te gar ment. ThN condition In prevalent In many Philadelphia schools. At the Landreth Scheel (here still j In ue an old building. It stands in the rear of the new structure at Twenty-third and Federal street. The building (nod te be en the corner but In 188D wn moved back te make room for n new structure. A tiny closet suffices for the chil dren's overcoats. The cleet is old. The weed Is retting and the place- Is neither sanitary nor wife, for It la within easy nccess of petty thieves. In addition, the toilet facilities of the school are deplorable. Te reach them the children must paM along a narrow passageway in the basement of the newer building. The way la lined by furnaces and steam pipes. A slip en the concrete fleer mid a child would receive a serious burn. This pasxage U nle used te carry fuel te the fur nnccR nnd the concrete is ulwnys slip peiy from coal dust. the children ue ni rercM, are dark nnd winding. In the basajnent is a special lunchroom. Hun by a neighborhood community, nnd supenlsed by Mim daffy, fpcclal lunches ate served the pupils. , . 'We give them the best possible," said Miss Claffy. 'There la n cup of eup for a cent, or else a cracker nnd Jam sandwich. Loek at the pudding that only cesti a penny a cup. Firs cents will give n child a nourishing and wholesome lunch, while less will give them plenty te sustain them during the looming periods." One boy hnd u cracker In each hand, which was spread with apple butter. "Is it goedV he wns asked. "Urn!" he answered, rt he slipped nut the deer with a bread grin, for he was enjevlng It tee much te waste time telling about it. When Miss Daffy arrived at the school te lake up her work as principal she found that hnts nnd coats were hung along the walls of the cellar during sessions. .She decided te risk the chance of theft in the tipper ball te the dnn.pness of the cellar. Lately n tank en nn upper fleer burst and leaked through the building. This was followed by the fall of the MMIWWVMMAMAWmwMMMMWW BOOKS BOUGHT LARGEST OLD BOOKSTORE IN AMERICA ureer. j.;ie deer ut the end is en tlU (treet and Is far away from tlc nrin- cipal office, " there is no one who . c:iii Kpim) nn e.e nn the hcleiialnsH of the pupiK. The school was built in , imiii nt a cost of SMOS.il. It wns .culled the Lembard Street Scheel. It then steed about seventy -five feet hack from Sixth sttnet. In 1STO en nddl- - A 4. 4- 1 . U,,. 11 ' ",,u ut lw" ctencs was nuiim te tne uttiiuiu iu ""'. uuioiiv.unreit at a rnt of ?1:?.S,iO. In 1(10." n afford te read Of the travels Of , further addition of an extra story en the AfViefa I fren' wni built at n cot of S7!"i. In etners. , ,MS ,he mmp WB, ciianR(.,i te the The Far North. Darkest 'limpet Scheel and then in isr.e the Africa, Forbidden Thibet, the Land of the Incas, the River tlaster of the celling In the girls' cook ing classroom. Ne sooner had that . , .,..-. , . .. iiin.iKvi lull,, ii iv ll-llllll. v.. mi, inn .iiunn renen mciioei the hiniiergarten room fell, narrow! A condition net dissimilar exists at viuisslng some of the children. JamcsFerten Scheel, en Sixth Mrect) Se It pees en each dnv. nnd the above Lembard street. The building it. I principal strives courageously te over ever old and badly lighted. The children ceme each cllfficultv nnd keep up the place their coats in the linlhvHy, and spirit of her school. According te the Mien the classes are dlsmhred tbe open , plans of the Beard of Education, this doers completely block the hall. building U te be abandoned and tern I he hnll Is easy of access from the down, nnd when iwtHltlnnnl nrnnrrtv Is ie travel is a real pleasure' and an educa tien in itself. I Net all of us purchased a new sand larger school erected en the site. Tomorrow' article will dUcuit Ihr Weccocee Scheel at Third nnd Reed ttr'it etid ethtrt of nimilar tupe. LIQUOR $ALES CHARGED of Doubt you can take these trips at small expense and with great enjoyment. Beeks of travel te every place explored by man can be found at Leary's. Scheel and College Te.t Beeks Leary's BoekStore Ninth Street Belew Market (Opposite Pest Office) Man Who Poured Liquor Inte Qlau Arretted With Walter Because he poured out two drinks of whisky th'U another man sold te two old name wns restored. In 1ST1 ir was Slce squad detectives, Jeseph Lara Lara unenu'd the .Tames Forfeit Scheel. I lelln. of Fourth and Seuth streets, was Miss F-lionep V. ClafTj. the principal. I orrested jesterdny charged with vie- endeavors te make It a success despite i lntlng the prohibition laws. Detectives the handicap of the old building. ' say they visited the cafe of Angela Vi-i.1,1 t. ,ff.,(,i IChcse, at Twenty -second and Itecd . , JRI . !. . I streets, where Lnralellu poured the As Mis3 Claffy steed talking in the ,i,.ns while Chesse served and col cel col bell of the school it was noticed that , lected ' for them. Magistrate Ceward the pupils of her eyes were very large. i.( ,,tii men in ?e00 ball each. "cs. she explained in answer le n Constance Lutze, e; Nineteenth and question about them "I work se con- rnipcnter streets, wus held in S.'Ufl bail stnntly In the dntkness of my office diarg.il with selling liquor In a heuse that new I can see better In the dark nt rifth and (lasklll streets. Vice than In th. light. i .mi detectives raided the heue nnd A glimpse into her office prove.! the , nn.,,sff.(1 tlu, glri nlui x etlfr ,,ersen9 Mill! 'iHVIlt , JJI 4U' l-l'llll-L jl in' 1I1MI1I II gas bracket nutig trem tne celling four liiiriiers. it was equipped with w 1th . urine n party. weie discharged. The ether prisoners V? r .special mantles, nur tne ngnt was taint, tier assistant has a desk m-nr the win dew, hut it iiieket) little diircrence, for the nearby houses nie ;e close as te es es clude nny sunshine that otherwise might by accident wander into the fc'Ioeojy loom CBind Resinol that cut and see liew it heals The side entrances te the jard. which ! been ill for some time, Finds Wife Suicide by Gas On his ret tun home from work last night. Themas Watsen, of 2044 North Waterloo street, f.und his wife, Flor ence, dead in her room with a gas tulw In her mouth. The woman had Ce Hern & Hard art Baking 25 &ierTP ALL CEtsJTRALL.V COOVT I Little cuts and scratches are aggra vating and painful, and thev can even Wcomedancereus if infected. Prevent inch a condition by cleansing the in jured spot well, and then applying . TIESINOL OINTMENT. Its gentle I antiseptic balams seethe while they I heal. A physician's prescription, and I recommended widely, it is no longer an experiment te thousands who have I id It successfully for various sltin i affections. At all druggists. tine person out ej every 13 of the total population ej Philadelphia, (men, women end children), eats in a Hern & Hardart Res taurnnt fvtry day The . 8 lLJJLOCATO jSS1' vS&S late Hern & Hardart Coffee delicious flavor te.11; mn wVif nm. 50,000 cups of this unexcelled coffee are consumed every day In our 25 Automats, Cafeterias and Res- tanrants. This one item, ordered and re-ordered day 2ifrt..BT' c,car,y Proves the wonderful quality and delightful flavor of Hern ttu, r?-- 'i.. five cents the cup. Ne better coffee can be had anv- lp These are genuine re- "T I ductiens en our regular z I ateck numbers; every piece T is perfect and carries our C K full guarantee. f a-Uaht nmw hub . It iiiii ".light Bedroom Flxtuie, cemplt with (lass shades 'X 912.45S1.95 (Ut A I K ElKtric '2.69 1 V2.69 where, at any price. Try a cup today! i tritium "vii A SPECIAL for Baked Halibut with Spaghetti and Stewed Tomatoes (except in Automats) 35c V ' THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE MANY SPECIALS GET ACQUAINTED WITH HORN & HARDART SERVICE TODAY. tip kau carload of assertta taak Bowls, sobs whti a M asffMvs aeoeraieo. 6 te $7 at regular prices, f iwrta A jlkagL af.se ViHBHh bB IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII m fii :-m j ts- s 'IMUaft" GiinrtntCKt eltrtrl lra wltlt ttinl ami rerit. WiYirk Llfht Supply Ce. W le n. Vth St. ' H stdnt 9mtrm let entimg. ( 09 IT TSOAY Investigate the power, speed, accelera tion, comfort and general efficiency of the PAIGE "GheAtest Beautiful Cat 'in?merica The Paige "6.66" Series haa been put te tha most severe tests recorded In the annals of motorcar history. In the remarkable hill climbing fent en Pike's Peak, and the equally remarkable speed exhibition en the sands of Daytona Ueach, its performance Is clearly established. Call Spruce 1410 for a Dmon$tratien OPEN EVENINGS 60V A.WIltf Y MffTOR C9 iPaiie and Jwttt DUtributers BR9AD STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA itueelafe Dealer ADVOCATES HAIRMITI FOR WOMEN IN FACTORIES Would Htht te Fravant Accldanta, Oidarts Fadaral Official Ure of listrneta for women employed about machinery In factories it recom mended by officials of Federal nnd State Departments of Lnber as ene tnciins of preventing nccldcnta. A survey just computed disclosed that "while the number of Occidents resulting from the unnetted hnlr of women is net high, the accidents are of n particularly distressing nature nnd merit mere attention te preventive measures than has been given te them In the past.'' . t . Chief Walker, of the Bureau of In- pectfet, rwniylrWt-Iprm Laber and Industry, Mid ha found nu merous accidents were occurring where the hair of female empleyes wa being ntnndad In mevlna machinery, or nart of machinery. Ethelbert Stewart, Commissioner of Law Statistics of the United States Department of Laber, stated s "I certainly believe that women working around machinery should bare their hnlr securely confined under hair nets or working caps. While the sta tistics of accidents resulting from hair being caugnt in inns or maceinery are net JmprcKsivn b te actual numeers, such accidents, when they de occur, are most painful and usually quite serious." di ' ' "W . -, B. BXO&D 8T, FAIOE 8AT.E8 00 7ENCIL MOTOR OOKVANT a Mirth 831 St OUBUN BTXE8 MOTOR CO. 4'.'33 N. Ilre4 St. BROOSIfaJt'l OARAOE (or. iltlac fct. tad HUntnu Art, OaSON'S AUTO WORKS wu niTrnera at. ABTHOR 3, MIARB l.'ilO H. 671 h Sr ORR OARROLt. P01I-18 B. Chriwlrk St, SIMONS KAWXR HOI 7 N. Rre4 St. KORTHtAIT OARAOE "sbW&arW0''' fleurMii7 rt. anflii ill run in n iiiiiii nil iiu urn 11 nn 1111 mui iiui 11 iiiiuiu in iiiiiiiiiiinn n if- Sterling Silver Steak Set A sensible gift such as this is very acceptable. The handles and guards are of sterling silver, the blade of stainless steel set $0. This is one of the many inexpensive gifts of sterling silver, of which we show an unusually large variety. a5. Kind & Sens, UIO Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVKKSMITM8 THINGS WORTH WHITE and because we make them 25 te 40 Lewer in Price and by these present, the offerings below Prove It te Your Profit Seems all the Mothers are coming here for These Coats Fer the little boys and gtrla and their growing sisters in their teens. Ceata that have taken the mother heart by storm and for that matter the mother heart of the whole city. Built for beauty, built for warmth, built for aervice, they fill up the full measure of satisfaction, adding te the little ones' natural charm and a parent's joy in the children. Examine the quality, examine the linings, examine the work werk manshipand then the lower price. Special Today and Tomorrow Bey' and Girls' )$ Coats Chinchilla ) Ir 1 A J r V L I ei 1 A i r I Nil ft ;jj 1 IgiO Val $26 Sizes 1 . 2. 3, 4, 5 years with Droeortionate in crease in price for boys and girls up te 14 years. An exceptionally low price, as you will find when you see the qualities, the linings and the making. Every mother ewes it te herself te see these coats first before buying anywhere. Outfits Coats, Hats, Leggings in tweeds, $35; in chinchilla, including a wonderful blue for children, $40; in camel' s hair, $42.80. Coats Fer Larger Girls and Women .. This model in matvella, brown, navy and eepen blue, trimmed with black caracul cel lar and cufs. Design of silk stitching, a indicated. Special Val. $150 1 J! 95 Sports coats that are differ ent, individual. Raglan and set-in sleeves In light blue, brewa, tan tweeds and sports cloths. Special Reg. $55 $ 38a W. H. Embick & Sens cJS. 77 rebating AfU' Ordm Accepted Ordmrnwi PBBaaaaaiSl t a a L.1. gtgtTgtTBTBgHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHsMBsValBVH 1215 Chestnut Street. A One Day Fur Clearance Kelinsky Trimmed Hudsen Seal Capes 595.00 ii'ii'i.-'ji T ' ' tl'l'llli !h! i . !". ' ! i 'ii . I ', , -?.. I I il i'l, i! t iiiii ' i .r i 't'i i . I'ln! 'I : ' i'i,i'!..' 'I ' ' I !,' i rr'rfi i . .i'i. ii i BO It! i '. Ii "I" I I ' , -' , t-OvJ i i"i!lhl'' h'jifjA ''i . i 'in ntwVi 'i.r i' l.iWWSMli'1'iiii ! i 'I i' ' n T "i'll!!.!!' $. ' t'lil'" it ll irs ''P'lM'.'feAj-. .4 ii iwi'.iuanysv yi i h ' 1 1' r! 'flunBauff . L' aDBBaaassa i iU" l,pkPJBBMgn.. i hi i geWsra ' " " ri'SBlHBaBBBBBBK : ''IBBBsVB,i::.'1v:1 v bHisbbbbIVlV '' ' vJHl,:!;:: JIIW famsfil '!' afjEejMfBVPf '' (ilfwWaB'iU':!.! ,!iWiir7f-lfTirhii'.,ri VI i' l'l!l ! ' 'I'll I '' 'L-V!'''! 'I ! !iil "' ' wiiwiiii.i.isiLrffiiiilii.a Fex Trimmed Hudsen Seal Capes 325.00 I ' Ir. htVAmx, pKmJ ' '" i i ii .mi y i i , V.W, f I 'iOJIl . f&H il'i'n' !! ' " 'ni ' . i r ni "r'ii,i'!i. m 'I M!' i VI i'1 ,t,!lil l,l'l'l','l "'ll II ,"l '. . l. l' 111 1 .'It, .1 '! . I III ! - . I mmm irii.. i ii. ii rii i ; .. i" '"i, ! : ', 1 7 asaai Hudsen Seal Kelinsky Trimmed 595.00 All Small Lets Te Ge! Reductions of One Half!!! The aftermath of the fast and furious selling of the pant few months leaves many broken lets in our stocks that must be cleared quickly and for you it means Furs at far below regular prices for that Is our quick clearance method. Instead of waiting until the Feb ruary Clearance Sales we have de cided te offer these stylish, up-te-the-minute garments new, at re re ductiens se sharp that they will impel immediate buying. This event offers countless opportun ities for Christmas purchasing. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Required 97.00 5 French Seal Coats, Skunk Trimmed. 3 Natural Muikrat Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 4 French Seal Capet, Full Length. 3 Leepard Cat Coats, Seal Trimmed. 3 Hair Seal Coats, 40 Inchen Leng. 6 Marmet Ceata, Raccoon Trimmed. 4 French Seal Wrapt, Full length. 5 Taupe Lamb Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 132.00 4 Black Carncul Capes, Full Length. 3 Civet Cat Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 3 Taupe Caracul Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 5 Squirrel-Trimmed French Seal Coats. 3 Taupe Caracul Capes, Full Length. 2 Beaver-Trimmed French Seal Coats. 5 Wolf-Trimmed French Seal Capes. 2 American Opossum Coats. 192.50 4 Hudsen Seal Coats. 5 Natural Raccoon Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 4 Hudsea Seal Cepes, Full Length. 3 Scotch Moleskin Capes, Full Length. 2 Scotch Moleskin Coats. 3 Squirrel-Trimmed Black Carncul Capes. 5 Black Caracul Coats, 40 Inches Leng. 4 Skunk-Trimmed Caracul Coats. 3 Scotch Moleskin Wraps, Full Length. 242.50 & Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats. 2 Squirrel-Trimmed Hudsen Scrtl Coats. 4 Beaver-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats. 3 Fex-Trimmed Caracul Wraps. 3 Trimmed Moleskin Wraps. Full Leneth 3 Hudsen Seal Capes. Full Length. 3 Skunk-Trim'd Carncul Mandarin Coats. 2 Hudsen Seal Wraps, Full LenRth. Fer Tomorrow Only 19.50 Twe-Skin Mink Chokers Stene Marten Chokers Blended Sable Chokers Taupe Fex Chokers Brown Fex Chokers Twe-Skin Kolin Kelin sky Chokers French Seal Steles Fer Tomorrow Only 34.50 Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers Baum Marten Chokers Black Lynx Chokers Black Fex Chokers Pointed Fex Chokers Alaska Fex Chokers niiasen 3eal IIP Platinum Fex-Trimmed Caracul Caps 495.00 il J1'! ! ' 'i !'' i'fi11!1'!'; ! JjgMtil iST Eastern Mink Medel Ceat 1295.00 ' 9jisMBlUfiuflsllBBBB i II trKUsSSHBerfliSBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBLl 't If'llHgaVBgssslgsiHn lifSSHit Scotch Moleskin Medel Ceat 695.00 Medel Ermine Fex Trimmed Fex T r mm TT T Cepe Mele Wrap Caracul M 3 1 i""Jky Tri,"'d kolinsky Trim';! aaKtin Aaz nn '-rl Medel Hudsen Sel Cutt-ul Medel 695.00 495.00 Ceat 39500 Cenl Cnnt 1 reS-M JW3.00 " t ''''''aasaasBSBBssjisssC Charge. Purcha,,, P.yftW, Jay ,t MMMmm a "r tes.. K P rH!i.,.., UrX-4- a h M4.."., JM4 iMpW....L -fctti. i,rtitfea!taaAffli.