MHMMHHHIHHMPlPiHHMHai! . 1 .- ., .-.iv iJUw' Afcv',-rvrrT,A . nttmAV vnviaiureifitl a. '1022 . li VS ' ' E8?N ' : -Jr wm r m 1 11.1V1 . vrW i . ' ' ! ' . . , i STOnK OFENS OAlt.Y AT 0 A. M. AND CLOSES AT 830 r. !.- All These Goods en Sale Tomorrow malt, Oil M10SE OHDKltS MLLED-BELL. WALNUT SS00-KKYSTOKE, MAIJC 4MH -. . ... .., .. - it. .. '- - 1ct Inn vprcnrv Cale ptlB TRADING STAMPS Ctiarjje Accennls Net Due tni uvien 0191 fllllllVO tSClI J (jUlC lThemo,tdvMtae.,h.pptegtime.ftfIth.yl 1lJSb of delhri' worth of brtml-new goedi, t m " f third-tiB-er me,. A New Series Tnverrnm! YELLOW TRADING STAMPS r FPEE -Te Every Purchaser of a Hellar Wortiier mere Series Nes. 121 & 122 Geed in any Yellow Trading Stamp Uoek, no matter hew many ether extia" you ma aiieady have. All Goods Purchased During November Will Be Charged en December Bill, Payable in January, 1923 Mail Orders Fllltd 0' HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phen. Orders Fm, mtmP wMswmP W0 mfwmt . I' I lii ' lWil IK I wlvV YfSl I'll l?JI IMI Iv-'.P i'i- &"'3i ff.- i fJ.Vft YH'.i.lAtW I lZAUiltw XiAWif W f 1 M I Filbert I I ffW F?tT 0c PURCHASE ALL DAY I "l Free Sample Aucrbach Chocolate Bar $1.50 Candy Package, 98c One r-euwl each aserlcj cliecnl.itr.", icmiut brittle, gum drops unit asserted candy. $2.50 Family Bex Chocolates, $1.49 75c Chocolate Liquid Cherries, lb., 49c GOc Choce'ate Matshmallews, lb., 3tlc 1 Wilbur Buds, lb., 70c Lit Urel hers First loer, Main Arcade & Subway Only In our AnnUcrwry Sale de you And prices te Kreauy lewcreu en inpie". $1.65 Embroidered tl 1A lilt Weel Flannel White wool with silk embroidered borders. 3Bc Outing Flannel, 25c ."If. Innlv fHi! nnrt liltie J stripe; also plain wintc t4 $ 27 Inch ten; bleached 1annel,22c J Demet and can-1 iched. I 29c Flannel Lit Brethers KUtST FLOOJV NORTH VUBUyUEIHV Tomorrow! 'he price is for the fine day only Stunning- $3.50 Hand Bags $1.95 1 . i ri... uuvciync ma tc a. & I i ' . y" fflWP i vtpnittitiiT nressv bass with rich lining and pretty decorative frames. Alte S:-.iait Leather Bags In fine goat, seal, calf and "Vachette with inside frame, purse und large mirror. ' All colors. Fine choice for pretty Christmas gifts. rit Brether-wnsT laoen, sth st. The Anniversary Sale particularly ionable velveteens and cordureyi, I $3 Silk-Faced ! Velveteen , $1.98 Jlest popular for dresses and wteps. In all the newest fall cel.' ors, including plenty of black., 29 ,, wirfc. ' ' hii ii-m.iM . .i-n. .-, 1 . n. .nmiwnmr .. ! Plain or in fancy block effect. I Black, white and winter colors. I 29 and 36 inch. JL I in II li li till IIIMMIIMH , $1.75 Silk-Faced Velveteen, 98c 24 and 27 inches wide. Rich silk luster. All colors and black. Lit .Brether FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH $200,000 Werth of Magnificent Furs at Clese te 50c en the Dellar in the Anniversary Sale Tomorrow! v I The most phenomenal fur purchase in the history of any Philadelphia department store comprising the entire stocks of two J' leading New Yerk furriers purchased for cash. A small deposit will reserve selection ! Tgjjb Raccoon "p'QQ $500 Black $39760 1 !.. - ' '11 .'.' ". ' Curmrvil Ceat rseal I wLX. French Nea Ceat $169.7 j$li5 Kelinsk Marmet $7ty 5 Coats Excellent pelts in stun n'ng 40-inch model. Pic-ued. .. ...i ii ., .,.4. $250 Natural Muskrat Coats, $142.98 Trimmed with natural rac coon. 40-inch. $300 Natural MusWat Coats, $197.50 Extra line, selected pe'.ts trimmed with raccoon. 45 inch. FOX NECKPIECES $23 values $16.50 S50 values $29.75 $100 values $59.75 All colors. Selected Alaska fkins. "iKelinsk) S200 Koinsky $11A Mnrmnt Coats HV Marmet Coats Trimmed with natural lac lac cecn. Very geed looking 40-inch model. $500 Fur Coats for Larger Women, $250 $350 French Seal Coats, $169.75 Full 40-!nch length. Handsomely trimmc with natural skunk e- snnirrpi. a s-eeciai creur i ei 200 coats. j $750 Caracul Wraps lemrths. Very fine, and Coats, $4S5 French nearseal selected Beautifully trimmed with pelts, trimmed with skunk, back lynx or taupe fox, beaver or squirrel. mfm MB; ci en t. r wwmmf "v-i ,. .nE-jivy $200 Natural Muskrat) $1 A Ceatsf llv Excellent pelts. Self bor dered and trimmed. 40 'nch length. Kitif naturnl rmvnnn. CaraCUl Ceat Selected dark pelts. Lim- 45.jnch Handsomely trim !!,":..... imed with fctjuirrcl or ke linsky. Ceat $79.73 58 bust. Sizes te Exclusive models. length. 50-inch i Handsome Hudsen Seal Coats t)00 value $450 value $397.50 $297,501 45 and 40 inches long. The finest northern skin; some skunk trimmed. m I vsWIUinlr I mwmJ Mi a. FUR JACKETS U10 $.00 ttlnrk Car. uriil JiicliflB. . 517.1 Hay eal 1.9QO-30 Jatl.ct J $530 r.rjy Cur. "ISJ OC urul Jackets... fcJ 37S Iladser Curac ul Juclirts '150 (13:3 Mnlr, Nutrln ami Caracul IMQ7-M .luckc-lii lf I 1NUU rrriau m. uw uiiu , Gruy Caracul IMQfi lJiu-krt J 4 aMMl Black Caracul Jacket $110 $500 HIack Caracul Ceat W97.50 lilB4laBHaHlt 1 SllOFrenchl $74.98 Lit Dreiiirr sucu.vb fLOOR Near&eal Ceat, $169.75 Seal Coats 40 inches long. Very geed looking. XiaBUMiaiHaM'"aIHH'n1" f9SritKs. 0 Beautiful FiirTriinmed Hats Ready-te-ivear hats te go with hand some fur and fur-trimmed coats all at making cost and less! Marvelous purchase of 600 from one of the city's biggest specialists in fur-trimmed J millinery. Matchlessly fine choice savings truly wonder ful! Seft, lovely duvetyne, rich metal brocades, matclasse satin and embroidered duvetyne with rich furs in mole and seal effects. Bright, pretty ornaments, fancy pins and fetching ribbons add te their attractive ness. Glorious colors combined beauti fully with the dark richness of the furs ft9& something s" and the variety pleasing for all. provides cT L Abi 9k. -9V.90 aL. &BBL YiH II tBfKTr Xx II I.Vr & M hL & I JUMtfM r Mb wM j.5b? 3!fl & i sif ai wv--j vanrav rimr nm. LJr Grim?- ewXBmrB tIIIBi ,jjj Jwsg JST'sBv iT'Mflf ? "sW .r i lanMtlM(l1 Wll(MIMMIMIHMM(MBNWlN $4 Untrimmed Hate, $2.98 '1Ka1ia nemnlnarl iHVi t'rtltfe- in 1nrv dressy and medium shapes great variety Children's $4 HatS $249 iEi.liS.L. ,...., .,---.,. ,,--4w--,i Vcleur and Ions imp beaver in lovely new styles band and btrcamcr trimming. ft A ? sin Mil mini imniM niiiiiii iiiiiiimni iiiiin in an n , ,J, riMi .1 t j. mii mitw $4 te $5 Plumage Hats, $2.89 Cequc, hackle and duvetyne trimmed with ostrich. Black and colors. TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE! $1.25 Beit Fancies, Black and Celers, 79c , Ilretheri FIltST FLOOR. NOUT1I Huge mill purchases were necessary te achieve these values prices arc low beyond comparison. $4 te$6.50 AHAVoel Belivia Coating 2 69 Pekin blue, beaver, Copenhagen, dark brown, me3s green, navy, midnight blue and black. 54 inch. $3 te $4 Coatings & Suitings, $1.48 Pole coatings, doeskin cleurs, GUlting-welght Jersey?, fmeii'b-wear Ferges. frost-glow cleurH, clievlet.s, Unglls-h tweeds anil oferd :,iiltlng. h'enii hmplQ plcccb Included. rl liicli. Xe mall or phene eidprp filled. Lit Urellicrs KIHST TLOuH, SOUTH $1 & $2 Weel Goods, 69c Weel hemespuns, cMrtuig plaids and checks, radio crcpee, Canten crepes, elellrs, English tweeds, shadow checks, mixed-yarn nultlnss, trlcetlnes, I'elret tuilK ciges, gran. Ite cloth, cic SC te 42 inchen wlde. Ne mall or phene u del r. rawf h rp U,., I'M? Wiiir Excentienally smart sweaters and scarfs at prices by far the lowest we've ever known. Women's $5 $0.98 Spert Scarfs & in"" lit' ii ul l-t I.enff, v 1 btuth'd wool -ft.- i Tuxedo i elUr. friligel cn-. ' .l.e'.- ai fl I' One plHurfd. L ' n ., m Women's $7 Tuxedo Sweaters, $4.98 Worsted j-irn r neetty stitch and mar' I nr.icticj, Tu."le KtMe with pechets ami pus bel' if sial V c ileis. f Lit llrutlirr, SUi-'JND FLOOH Women's $7 Silk Umbrellas Blue, Green and Purple Best paragon frames; fancy handles yi line as sortment with tips and ends te match. Guaran teed fast color and waterproof. Lit ilret!irrvnr.f rK)eri f,euU) j Women's Sample Neckwear, 58c SI te SI. 50 Values ii , i-tjihr-and. I'd .tpjiai" In -''idim, lurt'i l I'll :' ll 'i. lOll.ll- b.J Iiruhcd iiel Hat Brushed Weel Scarfs S1.30 Hertha Cellar $'J Vcstee Sets Lit llrnlhrr 1 ' lloei, Neilli $1.98 $2.98 98c '" 78c Women's Handkerchief s(7 jC $1 Bex of Six - - - S v Attractive colored bolder htyle with initial te match; also plain while with hand-cnibreidercd initial. Men s Zoc nanaKercnieis, iew Whltn ltli tatlii-Mrlpu I'etdern: etheis .Uh narrow rulur'd lierdn,, mid ld- linme. Women's 50c Handkerchiefs, 23c Flne Irish Uncn In solid colors with pretty one corner embroidery; ulhe plain xUilte with hand, embroidered Initial. :et all Initials - tome hew handling. i.u nreiiieM-ru'i' ri.oeTi, south Many and varied are the blouse section's contributions te the Animcrsary Sale. Very Smart Waists,$1.98 Yeu won't find their equal under a geed third mere elsewhere! l-'inc assortment of trim, smart styles in crisp white dimities with btripes of vary ing width Peter Pan or Tuxedo cellars and tailored turn-back uffs. The blouse pictured features pretty braid trimminc; in pleasing colere ethers .hew dainty leucnes) 01 naiiu viiimumviy uiiu iiiuu,v imvc neai edging.;. ,l.ll I, M.W .B.,HBa.0,aMta Stunning $7.50 Waists, $4.98 1 H.Arln1a iti lmmrt nrrn i i I ..-. ..i.l i Lit llretliers MXu.ND FLOOH fl3li ivm ifk ffnn te Keliable Toels Underpriced Because of the Anniversary Sale! . ii i 7i".50 D.amend.Edge ") QCc 65c Adjustable Hack-Saw Ae8 j JJ Frames, 39c i.,!, isj h.u JK $1.50 Plumb and 3 te 6 inch 30c Screw Drivers, 1, 1 Qc Level. 98c ! I W " II ' JJ-ltl'-'l $1 Bleck Plane." j CQc I .Hull ' $2.50 One-Man Cress-Cut Savs, ,-, trad Ts&- 1 tcet lern: cfniW-l $2 KM $2.15 Inlaid Linoleum An Ani ""? or v Src'al Fer Tomorrow Square Yard An unprecedented Annier.-ar. purchase of 1500 yards all in full rolls and em bracing an unusually line variety of pat terns and colorings. Thy Anni-versary Sale saves jeu ever a third en it correct value. $1.38 1 Fine Furniture Anniversary savings are si third te half very big and im portant sums when if comes te buying Furniture! And our Club Plan makes it possible for you te purchase at once, conveniently. M,lM ,1. $2 Wire-Cutting Plyers, 98c I Key8tne 2$ ., ., i reed yyt $1.25 Steel Hatchet, 89c Philadelphia liand-inadi Choppers, $1.29 UMiaaln r 75c Claw Hammer, 49c Ooed ti'iallty, 75c Compass Saws, 39c $2.50 M!llcrs Fall Ratchet Bit Brace, $1.79 i i $1.25 Weed Saws, HOC j htlengi made, heat uteel blttde. I'atent tenalcn roil. $2.5u Sad Iren ?., $1.LS lllLll .1 0 t, I t li iron 1 and, aE22r $5 Electri : Irons, $2.95 $87.50 Fine Wilten Rugs($5K 8.3x10.6 Feet I T Seamless. Superb quality in lovely patterns and colorings reproductions et linesi Persian rugs. ... $295 Exquisite Chinese RugsiSl qQ.50 Wonderfully durable quality; rich dark blue grounds pre dominate .-... $1.25 Kn'fe-Handle Pipe Wrench, 79c 10 Inch. 40c Slip Joint Pliers. . OCc inch: iilckl plated $1 Haater Scoops, 58c rtf fi Mn , , MtiAviwi $2.50 ug-v BJtSct of Sx, $1.98 Lit Ureth.r THIRD FLOOR $2 Weel RuSS, $1 Plain natural brown grounds, with nretty fleial horde,!. 3izr. 21x18. n.u)iK.if CORK LINOLEUM $1.05 Grade: 7Cc Vl yards wide, sq. yd. ' u $1.25 Grade: 1 QQ ) rr C ., WOOL VELVET RUGS $-15 Rugs: $33.50 9j; 12 sue . . . $42.50 Rugs: $31,50 1.3x10.6 size. . ' learnles. Ueuutiful designs pi colorings,. 111 )i PI ---Lm-M: - f" . Ht"tesS 1 Ir--. i Mttlfh in i m ' 'J j- & I c , iFll.'JPfflS sfl Lp-P This $450 Bedroom Suite, 275 Figured American Walnut Queen Anne Design .VJ-ineh bureau with large mirror, full-hixe vanily, chifTorebe with clothes closet, full-fiinc bow-end bed. Mahogany intrierp, 13es,t of construction. 4 yards wide, sq. yd. Fu'l rolls ample (juantitics of a nnttein. 89.50 Seamless $fi7'50 Royal Wilten Rugs Ki"e 8,:jxl0.(l. A wonderful oppor tunity! Excellent designs and colorings. Lit Uretber.-FOURTH ..FLOOR .viitv mmi MniriiHT-Mit.ei Kvnvmun t,m warmAC TMirm SUVBlfTSimillf Mf OCTIi OTHf $1.25 Metthd ag Rugs, 89c Wanted 24x48-inch size. . It1 I Iff 1 1 This $400 Dining Roem Suite, '247.59 Ueuutiful Two-Tene Walnut Old Italian Period Ten pieces. 72-inch buflfet, cal inct china closet, Inclesed sen ing cub. net, oblong extnaien table five side chairs and ene n' m chair. ' , , . .... : -Ml ffcftreuHTii rtoen $$ MX lit, Anniversary has arrayed a most wonderful assort assert ment e pretty UpheIsterie-and cut prices down te the lowest possible margin of profit. Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar Chests 16.50 Values. 34x20x20 inches, $11.98 $25 Values, 44x20x20 inches, $19.39 i!lifl me(,els with dustproef lids, locks, etc. $5 Silk TafFaf r1.. 'l. tfr ri- bldtt"d.hC,,trepe- R0Und d M, With noun band trimminirx ami ..u:....: a' 4.........ll '" ""HUgS. . "' ! I'liaailM llnll Um rtSS , " .De" ' '98 $3.50 Fancy Lamps, $2.98 j Werk Basket., Colonial dells ltee, blue, B,, nll, , $1.39 te $2.25 etner wanted colors, fjemitiful i 'mpm'ted fine reed habketa with mid well inadn. Complete with ! c,,ratu( 1)etul trimming and teul and plug. ",ie1 ' various colons; silk draw $2.25 Nottingham $1,59 $lf25 1 fiQc Lace Paneh . . . . ' Cretonnes . . S V9 l-'ilct loom hue weavi.! ..(Tn...i.... pattens. Uoed weight; pretty tnft'eta and "w.- weaves,; lovely color com iiu, :.... 40c Curtain 1 et-A. Marquisette -Drapery gc SK crel an'd lL;r,1C"' "' , ffj "' , n ' lshi uU desirable colors, . -,. -....,-uunu O0H p: VymgHiBippHsVMsVKSzaBaHCSSS mm r. . " Te a XjWeM lUT TBs1as SmW22S3BL. V r i .;i t, .. k .tit. ri r. n rji ' E ?r .-1 iiM.: ,-v.:.Sl . I . i..-Jv . V . 'Viit IM.t-'.'rJ t lilikl iVJ ,v V j- A ...... w - w .- . ..W.W . W , -r T--- - J . 'tll,i. .!r.,.r