Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 03, 1922, Night Extra, Image 17

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    , ,n - -- i I ii mil I " ' -
Stere Opens
at 9 A. M.
Stere Open
Until 5:30 P. M.
Stere Open
Until 5:30 P. M.
6000 New Coats, Suits, Dresses for Women and Girls
Prices a Quarter, a Third and Half Less
ill X nVltP lL rk.
BelWit, $50
M rilSIP
Ceat, Abs B V I
ui.se'1 YfT aWr y
I ' TTV Br.v'BEf
' a
7Slf S)KLh ' .flSPJi BMBU zBSb
rCJn fcHfr 7v-3 mttf lrW
Belivia, $47.50
Belivia, $55
Chinchilla, $25
Pole Ceal, $16.50 Mixed Coatlef, $10 Flash, $4S
Pole Ceat, $20
Belma, $47.50
Belivia, $38.50
Tweed, $32.50 Tveed, $25
Jener, $5
Hundreds of different models copies of much higher-priced
garments samples all of superior quality and definitely GOOD
STYLE all just fresh from mere than fifty makers.
A November Sale se much better than even our best sales
heretofore that there is hardly any comparison.
Exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, unique! Any such strong
words would serve barely te describe this great November Fashion
Sale Down Stairs.
Tt is the biggest sale we have ever had. It is by far the best.
All this week every express has brought dozens of huge cases.
By tomorrow all the thousands of new garments will be care
fully separated into price groups with plain price cards and placed
in the enlarged Down Stairs Fashion Stere for every one te see
It would take three newspaper pages te begin te describe
every garment in detail.
Belew is the abbreviated list of the mere important price
Peirat Twill
aad Silk, $7.83
Women's Coats, $9.25 te $65
Quarter te Half Less
Women's herringbone tweed coats with contrasting
plainly colored backs. English style, raglan
sleeves, new longer length, very soft and
woolly, sizes up te 44
Women's heavy tweed coats effectively ffe-tl
flecked with bright colors or in black and white, hill
ill (.uunaanufc,
Women's long black belivia coats with Scotch moleskin
cellars, warmly interlined and silk lined throughout; also
sports coats of plaid-back tweeds and
delightful tan pole coats with large rac
coon cellars
sizes up te 38
Women's tweed
plaid or plain
backs, h a 1 f,
lace, $15
coats in herringbone effects with
$10.75, $12.75
Women's pole and heather-mixed sports couth, light
tan, navy blue or brown, silk lined throughout, all rt f)
smartly man-tailored, some with large beaver- tf)J
dyed ceney cellars .... '
Women's seal-cloth coats, three-quarter length with
large shawl cellars, silk lined ; also tan pole coats which leek
like camel's hair; also velour, tweed and chin- (fcOtT
chilla cloth coats silk lined throughout, together fbfj
with Balkan blouse coats of caracul fur cloth . . -
a ui umiit. uyeu bjiuiik, mi inicu. wiiu
$38.50 and $45
Women's sample coats of soft, beautiful belivia with
nutria, caracul or wolf cellars, some with cuffs te match;
some richly embroidered; ether coats of Hudsen seal fur
cloth with cellars of black dyed skunk, all lined with
crepe ue chine
or p e a u de
Women's sample coats of belivia with embroidered loose
back and sleeves or with the new blouse backs, have cellars
of squirrel, fitch-dyed opossum and caracul ; seal cloth coats
have large fur cellars; all beautifully lined with crepe de
chine or peau de cygne,
$47.50, $50, $55, $65
Girls' and Juniors'
Dresses and Coats
Quarter te Half Less
Dresses of wool jersey; with pleated skirts and narrow lace
cellars, sizes 15 and 17 years, or of black-and- a "
white checks with red flannel tops, or all of navy Hk
serge, sizes 8 te 14 years tft
Silk dresses in fifteen styles; crepe de chine, Canten crepe
and Georgette in henna, navy, brown and a few" in black,
aise some one ei a Kinu st mm mm mr i . .sv aaav
S:.r.8.."..,4..$7.75, $10.75-
Tweed dresses in brown or rose with (frc r i
feather stitching and braid neckties: size? K 11
10 and 12 years pOeU
Coats of heavy brown coating with beaver-dyed ceney col cel
lars, sizes 6 te 14 years: or of double-faced cnatincr with
goon ceney ceuars ; sizes
te 14 years
$10.75, $15
Women 8 Capeskin
Gloves a Third
Le88 at $1,65
Ju-t added te till the ether re
markable glove offerings In the
November Sale e gloves that
started today.
They are strap-wrist cape
eklns deftly worked te a re
markable (softness and pliability.
Full pique sewn, with embroid
ered backs. A five-inch flaring
cuff extends from under the
smartly strapped wrist. Twe
eoed shades of brown.
Chamois-Lisle Gloves, 50c
te $U5
Fourth te Third Less
Plain, duplex and silk-lined
chamois lisle gloves in two
clasp, strap-wrist and 12-button
length styles.
French Lambskin Gloves
$1 te $2.8,
. Fourth te Third Less
Twe-elasp, slip-en and 12
button length styles. White and
desired shades.
Glace Kidskin Gloves, $1.05
Almest a Third Less
Imported kidskin gloves in
two-clasp Btyle; everseam sewn,
fashionable shades with self or
contrasting einlneidcral back.
Suede Gloves, $2.25
and $3.25
Beautifully soft fine gloves of
exceptional quality kid suede.
8 and 16 button lengths.
New Gloves for Children,
05c te $1
05c for wool gloves in giay
and brown heather mixtures;
sues for 4 te 12 years.
?1 for flcece-llned tan leather
Wuntlets with imitation feather
embossed cuffs; sizes for te U
(Dawn Hlalra Ntera, (.'antral)
- v
Women's Dresses, $5 te $38.50
Quarter te Half Less
Juniors' coats in brown, very well tailored and nice and
warm ;also velour coats with beaver-dyed cellar and cuffs :
sizes n ana 1 1
years, varieu.-l
i lien u Vftlr store. .Marfan)
V mmmmmmWmm&K W
J akBBBaL V If
I " mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. M '
V. mmmmmmmmmmmmmT mm.' ! 1
mmmmmWMi(fi I Chit
mmmmmmwQtittl JVY
mmmmmW&g&m 'I iSfel
mmmmmmWMM fii
7M lElT&'SkxM
J Satin Cr
Matflaue, M
.".. nii.it ucmur-uyeu ceiiar ana cuns:
$11.50, $18.50
Women's dresses in twenty-two styles; velour skirts, with
brocaded velveteen bodices; wtfel jersey in one and two
niece stvies neavy crepe ue eiiuiu m umni;iwu. b
styles, plain or braid-trimmed all-wool serge and
many ethers; some are copies of models at two
and three times this price; sizes 14 te ;58
Women's dresses in twenty-six styles: brocaded silk-and-wool
crepe, heavy crepe de chine, embroidered Peiret twill,
beautiful crepe-back satin, serge with ft rjr Q CT
Paisley silk bodices, draped crepe de chine ; Jh eO
sizes 16 te 44 t
Women's dresses in fourteen styles; Peiret twill with Pais
ley bodices and circular skirts; velveteen in youthful
fashions; Canten crepe, tncetme and
long -line Peiret twill; sizes Hi te
Women's dresses in twenty-two styles; street, afternoon,
dinner and evening frocks ; twill-back velveteen with Balkan
blouses of satin matelasse; rich Canten crepe, twill-back
velveteen with large silver lace cellars; tricetine and Peiret
twill with brightly colored silks ; dance frocks (T - K
of pastel taffeta and lace; sizes 16 te 44 and 2S I O
extra sizes 42 Va te 52 V ,... t
Women's dresses in twenty-one style: embroidered Peiret
twill, Canten crepe, twill-back velveteen,
novel tricetine, wool crepe and Jace ; sizes
J 6 te 44 and extra sizes l2h- te 52U
Women's sample dresses in fifteen styles; mostly Canten
crepe and Peiret twill of the finer kinds in the simple re
strained styles that leek se much mere expensive, also
charming evening frocks of pastel taf
feta and chiffon, some with large silver
lace cellars; sizes 14 te 42
Wemen's' dresses in twenty -nine styles; chiffon-velvet with
lace skirts, heavy Canten crepe with touches of monkey fur
and beads, crepe-back satin, also additional samples of even
finer kinds; sizes 16 te 46 and eight styles in extra sizes,
42ie te 521j, including Peiret twill, Canten &?
crepe and black lace dinner frocks ever char- jKS
meuse foundations VgfmdfJ
Women's sample frocks in fifty styles: chiffon-velvet with
imitation ermine, chiffon-velvet with lace skirts, crepe-back
satin, chinchilla satin, lace gowns in cocoa or black, beaded
crepe, handsome cloth frocks, copies of French models
and many ethers ; sizes dri ChSr m n
JW: . . ":':.. . . . $30, $38.50
Women's New Shoes
$5 te $6.50
Customers tell iu they are the best shoes in auk' and
quality te be found anywhere at these moderate "prices.
These shoes fit preperlv. They wear well. They are com'
Pumps and Oxfords, $3
Black or tan call' one--trap
pumps and oxfords with niihtnty
or Cuban heels and u cited soles.
One-Strap Pumps, $6
Patent leather, black 5atin and
black alf one-strap pump with
military heels and turned .-ole?.
Dress Pumps, $6.50
Dlack or brown oer.e calf one--.trap
pumps with black patent
leather or brown kid trimmings;
Spanih LeuU hceh and turned
Children High Lace
Shoes, $2.75
High tan or black late aty.es
en straight, comfortable last?.
They have the appearance of
much liigher-piiced shoes and
will weai well. She- G te '.
Women's Spats, 75c
S and 10-btitten spats in gia,
black and fawn. New is tlie
time te anticipate Winter's nced
ai a remarKaele saving'
lllftfrii Mir Mere, Client nut)
Women's Suits, $16.50 te $25
Third te Half Less
Navy and black tricetine uits; finely
tailored, with peau de cygne linings;
sizes 16 te 44; a third less at
1"4K.I.,'Wl(iWAW , '
, ' " ' - I
Sample suits, one or two of a kind; cress-barred tweeds
with natural raccoon cellars nnd cuffs, velour and fine trade
marked plain-colored woolen suits with caracul, (Xctm
wolf, squirrel and ether fur cellars; sizes 14, 5S Vf
16. 18 nnd 36 iP&tM
(Itewu tiift Stew, tlarktt)
Best $5 Millinery
This Season
Such dash te these new $5 hats! Such gayety, hpaikle and
biilliauce te their colorings.
The glamour and uparkle of metal cloth trimmings and gilt
and tinsel brocaded stuffs, net toned here ami there with a facing
or banding of fur. Modish all-black latin hats have great swirl
ing sprays of imitation paradise feathera for reunurant wear
nnd afternoon dancing.
Draped turbans of tinsel-tinced brocade or Faisley-patterned
duvetyn thew here and there a touch of metal tiimming.
A whole roomful of thee fascinating lints at just ?5!
I On w n MUlr Mera, Maikri)
Men's Plaid-Back
All-Weel Over coat 8
$25 te $37.50
-Nine men out of ten are
buying plaid-back overcoats
this season.
There is no denying their
geed leeks, but aside from
that there is u perfectly
sound utilitarian reason for
their tremendous popular
ity. An overcoat of plaid
back overceating is actual
ly made of two material.
The right side of the cloth
i woven. The reverse side
or plaid-back is woven.
Then the two arp sewed
together. Jn Wanamaker
overcoats, both hides are of
chemically tested all-wee!.
With the fray plaid back,
light color tepi arp finding
favor. Seft tans; unusual gray
lilu diagonal tweed; icddiih
brown diagonal neveltits. Abje
plenty of deep rich gretnMt
browns, brown mixture, hwtfc.
era nnd conservative dark myi,
Plenty of plain-back caati
of especially Bmoeth-flnfah chrr-
iet overceatingTH in th $25 i
(De ii HtHlra Utura Ur ilaa.
en tlia Uallary, Market)
1 0 '!.
J .. ' , '
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