'--!--"-"'--- .! -EVENING P.UBLIO LEDGFyR-PHffiADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1022 r " " ' ,fe' ? 4f( uHi F" The Heuse that Heppe built C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 1 17-11.19 Chestnut St. Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets XifXi&Xhl fjgggflgawwfiMrft'Ti'T v ircwwn) This Music Rell is my interpretation. It ffl was recorded by mc for the Due-Art and I 1 hereby authorize its use with that instrument. jj Founded in 1865 Introduced the first self-playing instruments in Philadelphia 1888 f- iM; 7& " ' f Clr.'nrc TtnnT, vi I'l'i ifi'i'i : ;'ii Mi,"'.r',".irfnmgmtUi IIT fwvfll 9. !( lUROITlWiBI .WirXTTOGrajnTWlTCiv rjjAiauimraztgiKoreCTmroa: I.W tWA.dir' KilMW hi Mr t I Wimi lAftjnii hwniinwni 1 1 -mm iiw m h .w r. , . VsT : Noetlicrrccordei'a-i SStM N Tim nlinve .iiit!inri7.in'nn .mwin n rvrv etemt'tnr. Dim.Art Music Ne otlicrrccerda-rol!saDrroach the Duo-Attrells ui fidelity te the T)..1I t.... K.1..-! T"!l i A.-T A . J''-..-1 ..-M.Jn fnm nit.f Mr..v.MHj-A MrttA lM,ArUtArt fertMC 7Vr Mr rt?iftr tnpfMfw! the Due-Art Pime and no ether instrument. Ne rights te reproduce of recording h as perfect n3 tlie Due-Art system, and Second Ne ether &ggft A these folk fr etncr instruments Iiave been or will be given. instrument is as capable of actual reproduction as the Due-Art Piane. k -l). Th$ ' ifi T nB-xT-SJ f 'WW s ' ' Mm H vSs! 'JjJJLjjJiiVi'Jjii!:-'MLUJ Wliixj vBi . f fffftt, Vffltfh m f ifS Kk I Ml- M SV -v ( 1 ' AK I JJUr I PbSbhS I "fl ys:is. p3 III J 111 3 WijinMin y In "Tt Due! is iih ms mnMM .1 n in it Sh?l life- I I f-1- 1 1 Pf rrs tEE "Tfe Due-Art it JestmcJ te E I vw I i high nitiicn in our z. I JAV) I EEE; lE mutual life." . . I ty.a 1 mT 1 t neme AitinfiAiHiTentf ' I .ixi.J I IWnlil Oie I EjE ,'$";$ "; j 3 J Mj I j '-J. ."I temUerth Due-Art Piana I ., H I j one cf the n'est netibte in- r .j I lL H EE -: I yentient in fie. arrult cf pj I VFf v ",t" f M pl K'Bfeflm IfflL feVS C01UC 4S?J 3 1? :EE Pin the perfection of fi' Due- -r--j aVI I rr f eryiiu mlmfwu of belli j Jrr'l ) r euni; jn ccmpeitr." '. J V' I pt ALEXANDER SILOTI ." - fl "In its perfect reproduction, f- i piJj; 2s it 11 be) en J corrpjruen " j f) ji. ; , IONACE miClWAN Pf ,"2". H few M TtiM ' V'.Wr, . 5 t VAV.'J " ft '. II repKihcesmy rui. t perform- H,l AV, "fW tlllili 1 1 ill r utmuccie uusewi l , U'fTzVx ' I J s bk mm w: mm i 1 ill E IJrgV VJ'tfU! ndi.enuibU H tSe mJmt. UtVM(tl4 ;;f: (Q$lf 7 W V) iRNcsr chkiunc. tj E : IK) H)T.fr of (fiinmunieJtien MmV" i WB "-' V ur TACIIMAS.N if" , " "" fc ii 1 .lull mJv TrmrmTTTTTTm "'""' ' ' TnT ri L TlTTs 'l L "ni'i-iKei uui " l( l BiiyiJIJ'''llll,llllJrTrTill r-1 rih lljllMlll'lte Ml "The .to-eAtt gives us Chepin flayed by Tcdaewski, 'Beed.eyen pk):d lj H)Jnnn, or a song from the latest nusical comedy, zlhjays it is net) tnuste as w? could hnc m no ether way' ' w. w t-Af If AST It 1 Jjr A h KI ei U M -"VK J M if iA sJlutherked Sledium of the Great TPiantsi j Without the particular p:ane artists pictured en this page the music world would b peer indeed starved as te piano music. Small wonder then why the Due-Art Pianola-Piane holds se distinctly its supremacy in the piano world. These artists cannot be correctly heard except through the Due -Art Rolls or en th ; t stage. Yes there are a few Viclrela records made by some of them. But any rolls ether than Due-Art rolls attributed te Paderewski, Bauer, Hofmann and ethers are in their words "artistically worthless" revisions of simple experimental rolls made years age for a German inventor. The Due-Art is new their only reproducing medium. Only through Due-Art rolls will they be heard for generations hence. AVOID IMITATIONS OF THE DUO-AR1 The mischief of imitations is cunningly perpetrated by their charging the same price that you are asked te pay for the genuine Due-Art piano. Due-Art prices begin at $695. Nete: The song rolls of Ihe Due-Ail piano have ihc Words printed en the roll in line ivith the notes. A perfect accompaniment. The Dun - Art leprcducin" mechanism is te he had only in six renowned pianos TEINWAY, WEBER. STECK, WHEELOCK, STROUD and AEOLIAN all of which We sell Prices $69 j up. We extend convenient terms and lale ether pianos in partial exchange. 8 X5S7 ,1 Heppe & d,y & cHL L Plulculelphia Repi cu. nl 7vcs -n ?. 1! fy -a s -n r T'. . c -e,:i ijlju-jiiis? lesinii d creet ma an Sen id I homeson btreet isiigaaaegESET' sajassgar -rfcj1 -ClC (& u w .PWt&ifi Titf Pie-.Ut i. fit fintit r Jiiy ii;.'niiRpi( 11 C itCKC." CTIUL SCOIT XL Hvay Artist whose pic- Ay ' -lz ,i -i ' I .1 ' v -V i,T ture appears en tnis pige records exclusively for the Due -Art Piane r M rw kand no ether instrument feg$ A i$ft&k mfm mm hm v:-H $$m kJ !mi w .p 0 A'TT. V.J1 ITT It .,.. .1 .. .1 Miri.i.yrn .rr i T "J7T :) ' " " -' Mi, 'Mill'' l s ''f " ' is ' l. I M l, 'kniTMM'ivv """"'" i"1. ,i i Ml - uiayyMu JlMlWlJMik S?a& iui' V'...J. i : ( ' ,j"-: mi'm W 2StaSSSaL ' -- fcJtl ' ri..?if j, vnW 'fi'") .Tunu f in M in ,'HitlfTlf ; Iv .IIIAKINE CCOl'il S . A ' I fiKWOT M- W.W 8)C,r K-3 I V'A lv jesir IIOFMA'.N If f I H (?-tJ ! "' fit D-ie-Art Pime m fie t 1 JB tr i . i fdclity of rruihdl refreduc- KrV nfn W f- . r AlIWED CORTOT I j 1 U I &! riS IK JS 1 IIS T YT K "feiJ W "J ' 1 u-v UJ i H 111 -. sr lisV r-,i?ftJJ 1 f S ! Si'.H & KrtTO'SC 3 VT& 'iM V ' S SEE l VViVl r- tfi J it I .j '- j 'j i v1' ' y I I JB jbi . j '. eEE H lf fisvv pEE "TheDue-Arfs rtzreduett n I ' - B bB jItJ ps crry ei -a rtwlima I i I H j'rV; Ct-r-ptcte recUticn in i(j I I .H G(J 1 i fjilnfiil tone fkotefr-tphy ' I i t 1 'fl tire's- h "J j -. . r r I f lnfl 5 3V ?3 vcj 3 E I ' ISf M I!!1 Z15? - ill 5 iHS &d : fV'TIuXW EiE? MU ll;l fcE3 I ' Goofier mifvrtent it equjt r : lT-V P I 1-fieDuj-ArtPav" $$ 1 j pi ySj b J 1 vfc&f-; B '! .'iiJi( t 'n !.',. f rcprdu- m z3 1 ; J ' " . - iif mevrufuv i EEEz fi rEirx. tJ jimj' ii fii"irifi ii njf i: If ji I "jt pi? J- i 'e'y c lA W '4 r I I"! i Srl Er jw ? Ii' i a$f ---- 61 ,- s Ki't) ? H I c 'J"-n-riTtiwrmri . . . ' -i 1 --- U I -? rr M1"! W H S -it I ACH ' . A nfVJiN -4 '"" "J " f -jr fcr: i U ' L-J y'ftA t ... . '! wai - f- ,-'"'. '"-i tf .. EE I" K4.'A 4r y fu -J''JW., "-J"5,'' TT. i Ji'K .--- 1 :vd, xsi iJ XKJTJr WJf..A --i s; ,HJ 'f.m,, 1,r-r8. VTSfk - a,,.., .v., fe lv "H - -V ' It, I. .j n,s ... . y' ' .f 'APIS. vv. '.l -, r Eten kry wA ' aa -i 'i hi Ell, -, Wnftyrf,,-M U-U ''".". '. 'j : j. i,,,,!.,.,,..,! -I'urcr jlni mrf,jrj I1 ' "t I I - ' 'iB 'ii.t .iii l. --' ;' n ! aan V;, I ll'i' 1:' j V WilAl.l.L Mtrr mUW 'HI T Tl r 1)1 II f ' ' f Ji I mil ' A CAPMM i' " fv -rfri'i i ' Hv .Aitat ii ttMiMt.4 liMi4 ' Xr-Ttl1 'I'Mliu'M'llllJllljl.llfiTll -. Hl - . .f ! '' I JbH j wUMBfippmsM j-, Mmm is?Rr ittr HHBIPrirVJ I A ' v a.