FTTJ VTf W, sf" wtf Ke1? s l?V " - . r wrfifl . (r 1 "" Pj .,J. --" ,.'stf3rarfj:affifl w.-TiTT ;; iw" MKcra - . . T'lTfc Ni '7STW '-.: ifihf. "i V -. 35fc j k. I tAS'tf" a -.. i fct ." ".i1 J T '- iV1 .'rfsv.i'.riij fr V 5 i I . . . ' . ... . - v r . i ' V1, SWSfiSK ASSAHS SYSTEM ( OF HIGH SCHOOLS Dr. Evant, U. of P., Says Avar- - age Graduate la Without Ability te Think UNINTELLIGENT, HE SAYS The iwfld hlh nehoel graduate U rnitntrillKfnt, nccerdlnf te in. u. n. T,ran, prefewwr of mathematics In the t'nlrrrritjr etPentwylvnnla. , "The h!(b rhoel imdunte conies out of rehoel with no Jntelllfcnce," Dr. Emm wld today. "He han been de sloped along mechanical line te aueli tnt that he ha overcome mi HI. -.--- Mlify te think. 'Beventy-flve per tent of the high rhoel graduates are net able te meet the problem of the world. A boy grad lutlni from grammar school is Intclll- f. but the high pchoel graduate in "Of course," Dr. Evans explained, "tell i speaking comparatively and let abielutely." ' ' Dr. Evnns bases his opinion en thirty years of observation. He be lieve the best Rtudents the University graduates nre these who start with an average barely sufficient te enter col lege, and nn!h with a high average. "They are better, Dr. Evnns said, "because they have met and faced prob lems which the ether still have te face. The man who enters with n high over use and remains high in hi class, has never been forced te tell as the former his. He hiiH the problem, awaiting him in the world, and if he meets them flmultanceiiHly with the former, the ban he hnd the low average and came out en top Is the mam bound te win. "The university must fit all, and a man with n very geed high school course generally finds work easy the first year. Many of his studies are mere repetition, ml he leafs. The result Is when his studies get harder he can't study, amlj J; bis axeragc gees down, and he finally Tj crops uui. Fer the first time In many years no department of the University of Penn sylvania is overcrowded, due.te a strict control of enrollment which the L Di versity administration and faculty have exercised. Enrollment in Wharten Sfhoel,1 Ahlch last year totaled 2532, has been cut te 2413. A cut of utmost 300 was made In the freshman class this year, nblch numbers 504. Last year there were 842 members of the freshman cIim. The school was greatly over crowded, and during the summer Dean Emery Jehnsen and Acting. Provest Pennlman derided te limit the enroll ment te 2500 at a maximum. Many applicants were refused, and miny mere who applied were admitted te departments where registration was light. The Law Scheel, which still has ?r:r'i ' "" ?M fre,Hh: i yTr.Clrs.fgh?eirncrVDatseasr ? miiiea in ine nrsi-year class in medi cine, and the enrollment in the Orad tite Scheel has increased 20 per cent. The remainder of the increase in en rollment is te be found in such de partments as the summer school, eve ning school and certain extension courses. Matriculation figures for the present academic year nre net ready vet, but eS.,.p thn were ,n n" departments 13.W.I persons registered, compared with 12.P.1D last year. There are ap ap preximately 300 "duplicates" in the figures for this year. The records show a slight falling off in the number of women students. Last year In nil depertments 3382 women were registered, while se far this year there are 3547. Dr. Edgar Fohs Smith, former pre- .of the University of Pennsyl Tania, professor emeritus of chemistry ii I'!'?ent ??, th American Chcm leal Society, will speak en the life of Jeseph Prietly. fnmeus early chemist. ?i.V,net;,",gTef, the PrlM,Hy Club in the Ilarrlten Laboratory of Chemistry, Thirty-fourth und Spruce streets te- nerrntv Dr. Smith will exhibit many objects I IWffJS J J"!?' '? !"tiy ! tt public. Among them arc the original manuscript of Prlestly's autobiography awarded ami instruments which he &XkU certa,n ,,s from Twin Reunited After 40 Year bterllng, III., Nev. 2. Twin sister mterdaywl.eXMrCeErlce .11?' Rr,,('1"1 M. Ciin.des H H. Held, dais flr.i ii "n""i"". rntu ten . siciu nu net Inow niter. (he had a Reported Missing S"M gS?. Te8 Me1 Bft' & W h' -'P'ien krewS ee"',' aml " we" ht enn .-ickle, forty-four years SL43.nbr'' S,l?pei"n ?treet?efiv"e old. feet pounds, slim build. Wna'nt wh ts'm.'. ' ,1 t;id.TOn .., wearing Up ' "" snues, .in urernim. i... . ..,. brown wm, kcsp ,., i.-" .. " "w en "V25 .v.'f. " W 3102 HenietineH,;riI,;rt;'en '" Wy ee". w--rii7e,' ,,row 'r and ami c,i ,M.rarln".br"wn iat. trousers Dorethy fiinii,. .,,rewn Bhe- "ir, i up ,.j-, 11,1,. 7' ,'""'" "tonne tag brown . J i. .'."" "lex Ien, wear &klJln ,mt' lt)W Wnck shoes whit. tui'singg mes perils Ludlow ten ,, " 5128 W noun,). ...."'."-. pet . U rT"w" nirHHF riHn. a .,. '.- ( UIII. Pind, i black hnlr nml incurs, ffl"PI(l.in. tn .7 i r. "."" '"'"'. ark jBtr ..!kl a?. r,BI ' orewn S . Mnrkrt Ki.,m,5 .?." w el.l. Dennj. --v!"-i sireet. four t.i nve ,?'K?lft "'. rlw - -- iwm iuS, ITFMtn nn.n -.-..( (rill fMI UNPEWQROUND STILL FOUND Acclll Only Through lUBUri-a nun' Turin) Atlanta, UB., Nev. 2 (By A. 1.) W. .. Whltner and C. J. Decamp are under arrest here, charged with operating one of the most ingeniously arranged ."moonshine" distilleries yet ulwpvered by the authorities here. The two men were found in n sub terranean chamber forty feet Mew the surface, operating a fifty-gallon still in the outskirts of Atlanta.' The. underground room, the peller stated, was accessible only through a tunnel connected with the shaft of tin (dd well, the officers gaining entrance by letting themselves down the well with a rope, The underground, room was electri cally lighted and equipped with run ning water, the officers stated. Wli QUIZ SISTER E Mrs. Phillips Relatives Tall of Mantal Daeay in Fam ily Traa MURDER LAID TO EPILEPSY By Attaclated Prt Les Angeles, Nev. 2. Cress-exnmi-nntinn of the defendants' sister, who detailed the alleged mental decay In her famllv tree in support of the In sanity defense, was planned for today by the prosecution at the trial of Mrs. Clara' Phillips, 'charged with having beaten Mrs. Alberta Tremalne Mead ows, twenty-year-old widow, te death with a hammer. The witness, Miss Ola Weaver, de clared en direct examination that her father. Jehn Weaver, also the father of Mrs. Phillips, "was insane mere than half the time, and, during the .latter yean of his life was completely in sane." that her mother. Mrs. Hnnnnh J. Weaver, new an invalid, at Tam Tam peon. Mexico, was "subject te epileptic convulsions and was considered danger ous both te herself and te ethers" ; that Henry Weaver, brother te the witness and the defandnnt. was "an idiot all his life." and that Mrs. Phillips had "spells." The condition of their mother, Miss Weaver testified, we such that the "family had always te keep some one with her." N , Miss Weaver nlse told of alleged actions of her father, .declaring he hnd once ben ten her wlthN n heavy Htrnp until neighbors rescued her; thnt one of his attacks upon her mother was stepped only when the police were Mim Mim mencd and that once he hnd broken all the furniture in their home and had driven his family Inte the t-treet. Anether Muter. Mrs. It. S. Jacksen, declared the defendant suffered from periodical epileptic convulsions, and In one of them in May. 101N, at San An tonie, Tex., had attacked the witness, throwing her ever n trunk and striking her en the head with n shoe. I still have the scur. she said. Miss Weaver said Mrs. Phillips tried te take poison a few da; of Mrs. Meadow, ditjs before the PEPPER EXPENDED $5000 Additional Statement Filed of Cam paign Expense Washington. Nev. 2. Addltinn.il statements of campaign expenses in con gressional races filed today fellow : M. M. Xeel. of West Virginia. Democratic nominee for Senater, 213!); Senater Heed, of Missouri. ?1K07, generally, and 88770 for stationery nnd print ing; R. II. Brewster, Republican, of Missouri, $300; Ljnn J. Frnaler, North Dakota, $340; Senater Pepper, Pennsylvania, $3000; Senater (Jerry. Rhede Island, $3030; Senater King, Utah, $1070: Senater Hitchcock, Ne braska, $5412; Carl W. RiddicI:, Re publican, Mentana, $310; Hubert I). Stephens. Democratic nominee. Missis sippi, $0821 : Senater . Swnnsen, of Virginia, netnins: Frank U. (ireene. Republiean, Vermont, $0.13: Senater McLean, Republican, $102; Themas l Bayard, Democrat. Delaware, $322, Senater du Pent, $2250. VALUABLE OFFICE SPACE 13 OFTEN OCCU PIED BY I.V- , ACTIVE AND ANCIENT REC ORDS. W H T NOT RENT A PRI VATE ROOM IN OUR FIREPROOF ' WAREHOUSE? . 20tk Ctatury, Steraj WarekMie Ce. Oppeslt Wast Philadelphia Sta, Where will you light en mere for. your money? Rogers Peet suits and overcoats. World's best woolens. Tailoring as fine as the fabrics. Variety! Style! Service! Prices same as in Rogers Peet's own stores in New Yerk. i FERRO & COMPANY Regtrt Pjit Cletbtt Exe1u$iv$ly Chtituut St. at Juniper 4 i Ml . "t tL" N HAM CHS i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, HOME RULE VALUE IS POINTED CUT Buraau of Municipal Research Discusses Question as "Citi zens' Business" AID TO CIVIC FREEDOM The value of hem rule for cities is pointed out In u statement issued today by the Tlurcau of Municipal Itescnrch. In discussing "Citizens' Business" it Is contended flint the velers of a home rule municipality should be able te con fer, by charter, upon the city gevern-im-nt any power needed for municipal ndmtnlsttntlen which the Legislature of the State could confer if it were enact Ine n legislative chnrtcr. This Is n long step en progress, the lurenii imerts. compared with the doe dee trlnes of strictly limited powers obtain ebtain ln in three-fourths of the States. The statement snys: "An cx.ict staking out of tlm field of local freedom is, of course, net pos sible. As an Indication, however. It might be Mild thnt in some of the States en which Pennsylvania may be likely te drnw for precedent such nmtters Iiiive bppn ndjndgtd within the unham pered province or the i'UIiw ns the con trol of tmrkH, boulevards and bridges, tlie awarding of contracts, the levy of special assessments, determining the nrdlnnnee procedure, the number of ceuncllmeii, thi nunllficntinns for mu nicipal office and the regulation of pros pres pros erutien for violations of the charter. Fixing debt limits, en the ether hand, I ns been mlitwlispil te he n newer lvlna Avlth the Slnte. Se with the power of eminent domain, the annexation of tor ter tor tltery and the regulation of hi -railed county elHu-rt, in a consolidated ilty and county. "As te the establishment mid con ferring of additional jurisdiction upon courts, the control of public utilities, the control of police, the control and Improvement of streets, the conduct of elections, the adjudication of claims against the citv, nnd the levy of taxes for local benefits, precedent of varying weight may be found for holding these mutters te he either of local or of gen eral concern. Within the sphere of concurrent ' iiirlsdictlen lie net only matters of education nnd public health but the exercise of the police power, with the tendency nppnrcnt of giving the cities jut as much 'leeway as pos sible In thin regnrd." Here, for your serving, is a vary complete or er or ganisateon. There is no Real Estate problem that you can not entrust te us and feel sure of efficiency, coupled with quickness. HEYMANN&BR0. Rtal Eitatm Htyaitnn Bnilding 213-215 S. Bretd St., Pkili., P. IMVORTEUS, DKSKiXKRH Entire Canten Crepes Peiret Twills Satins s 29.00 29-50 39-50 te Values 39 se te 22S - Typical messes ei peiret, Lan- ten, matelasse awl aatin crepe. IQ.00 Value te 39.50 Coats 49 Ge'its of wanted new aw materials : heaver and squirrel cellars, 75M 'CKOWN PRINCE' SUPPLIES POMP FOR DAIVS WEDDING Arrlv at Deem With Truck Pull of aggaga Deem, Nev. 2. (Ily A." P.) For Fer mer Crown Prince Frederick William arrived In Deem today, for the wedding next Sunday of ex -Emperor William and Princess Hermine of Ueuss. Fred erick AVIllhm 'brought with him a truck full of baggage, most of which was presumed te be uniforms for the various functions. He avoided atten tion by slipping into the castle through a small ecludcd garden gate. Measures for maintaining secrecy as te the nupttnW arc Increasing as the wedding approaches. The park is be ing patrolled by men nslgncd from the ex -Kaiser's household staff, the patrols being accompanied by mastiffs of for bidding nptearance. The Duchess ufiltruiiftwick, duughter of the former Kliscr, accompanied by her suite nnd Paster Vexel, of Pots Pets rinni, arrived nt Deem last evening. Pnster Vogel Is te celebrate the reli gious ceremony. MARSrTFIRrTMENACED TOWN Four Miles of Marali Land lurnad Over Near Secaucu, N. J. SecMicus, N. J Nev. 2. Fire which yesterday swept ever four miles of marsh land bordering this town nnd threatened tn reach dwellings here nnd county institutions in Laurel Hill, was under control Inst night by firemen from Secnucus nnd North Ilcrgen, when the flames reached a large section of wet meadows. Graham See State 8wep Representative Oeerge S. Graham, Pennsylvania's member en the Repub lican Congressional Campaign Commit tee, jesterdny snld there was no doubt of the outcome of the congressional elections here In the normal Repub lican districts and that indications were the majority party would win two of the four normal Democratic dis tricts. He t-tlmntes thirty-four of the thirty-six Pennsylvania Representative will be Republican. Halloween Party for Empleye A Halloween party was given by the Kstey Company for its empleyes nnd friends under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Leuis V. Qulmbv. Mrs. W. Her bert Dungey. Jr., gave an exhibition diinre. Miss lte-e Kelly recited. F. Ncvln Wlest, Sum Rnppapert, MIm Ruth Staplci nnd Kennld Wle enter tained the party. The Indies' prize wns iiwiuded te Mim Until Stewart, and K. .1. McCernuick enrried off the honors for the men. cWbt de your savitigs J Qa.rn for veu Capital &Sllinhi teode.ooo West End TfeusT Company SROAD-STRECr-AT-SOUTH PCNM SQUARE .-tA'D MAKERS OF WOMRK'S i.Vn OF THR UIQHKHT CHARJC1KR FOR TWEXTV-SETSS YKAKH Extra Ordinary Offering of Chestnut. Cerner Twelfth Stock of Dresses Metal Cleths Velvet Chiffen of the Many Unusual Velvet, metal bro- i-udes. silver cloth? silver lace trimming- 69 50 Value te 100.00 Capes - 50 te 375M Three Remarkable Values Fair Types Coats of soft fabrics Fur cellars and cuffs ; umbreidered and pan eled. 89-se 1 POLICEMEN ROUT 4 MILL Cempel Them te Abandon Me- tortruek They Had Leaded With Loet EXCHANGE PISTOL SHOTS Four men, discovered robbing the mill of Jehn C. Mnwsen St Ce., Kens ington avenue, nnd Venango htreet, were routed this morning by Patrolmen Con Cen nell and La) re, after a running fight, during which several shots were fired. The robbers were compelled te aban don a large motertruck in which geed valued at several thousand dollars hnd been packed for iuick removal. As the patrolmen appreachid the place they noticed lights moving ubetit en the first fleer. They entered the rear of the building. A man, serving as lookout en the truck, sounded the alarm as a warning, und the robbers fled te the street. Aa the engine of the truck wns run ning the robbers attempted te escape with the geed, hut were forced te abandon the truck when the patrolmen opened fire. Cennell und Las re chased the men several bleeks. The would-be robbers dodged In doorways and returned the fire, finally vscuplng through a smull street. PAYS FOR DEATH QAS PutcMen. N. J., Nev. 2. Reside the body of Mrs. Carrie Kimball, In n gas-filled boardlns-beusc room ester- dny, wns found a note nddrcscd te the i preprietress: "inclesed is n Uuiiar bill for the gn- I use." Oftentimes we make line en gravings from copies of office forms, order blanks, type pages, etc., at less than it would cost te have them re-set by the printer. The Cueteut jJtreet EflGRIKlNO Cete Hntrance en 11th St. ROBBERS Ill tH1Wi af r-Mfr.nni.--n mm nt r Lace Taffetas Brocade Chiffens 175M 00 Values Fer street. and c'anee. afternoon In chiffon. light taffeta, velvet fjeiret and Canten. 3950 Value te 69.S0 Wraps of Many Coats in blouse, straight and draped. Richly fur trimmed. UQM Wi 1-tSl NOVEMBER 2, 1922 DANIELS TRIES TO "EXPOSE" G. 0. P. METHODS IN N. Y. Partitan Plan te Employ Republi can Student Set Ferth New Verk, Nev. a. (By A. P.) I Declaring it obtained its Information i from Jesephtts Daniels, former Secre tary of the Navy, mid hlJ son, Jen a- I than, n student nt Columbia I'nlver-1 Mty, the New erk World today printed n story charging that Deputy Attorney General Gilbert had evolved a "partisan" plan te employ Repub lican students nt the I nivenlty ns specinl deputies und investigators at the polls next Tuesday. The young men would he paid nt the rate of 8IO n day out of a 8100,000 fund autherised by the Legislature for ballet purging purposes, the Wet Id charges Yeung DanieN henid thnt some of hit fellow-students nt Columbia Law Scheel were going te make some "easy money" at election time nnd liifjulred hew he might de likewise He wn referred te Miss IMIth K. Fnlrchild. secret nr; te Denii Stene, of the Law Scheel, who. the World mi)h, admitted she was making up sm li n list. "Hut jou'i-e a Southerner, nnd they're nil Democrats," Miss I'nlr child snld te young D.uilel, ns nueted in the World. "Whv. ew," he replied, nnd MIs Fairchtlil then told him It would iln no goeil for him te apply. The euru; man told his father, who wns in the city yesterday, what hnd occurred, nnd the elder Daniels informed the World. r FNRARFMFMT DIMPQ MJ ENGAGEMENT RINGS Giamends of exceptional brill perfection of quality. ALL NEW New rags give te bend paper a quality that can be obtained in no ether way. Old rags will make a tough paper, but new rags make it crisp and crackly, and produce that fine, even surface that is se necessary te geed engraving. Crane's Bend is made from all new white rags, the cuttings from factories which manufacture white goods. Only from such material is it pos sible te make a paper that will meet the exacting demands of the engravers of bends. ioe ft selected new rag stec 121 years experience Banknotes efzz countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends of 18 Mdti'eiis Crane's BUSINESS PAPERS ' . CptiJer sand !j he h.ici in price trem 4; te I JACOB REED'S SONS I 1424-26 CHESTNUT ST. raT&mMrAVrztnt4.f''iJwjj m ., . . ,n&jsd' ..i.,i.- ',-.. .-iim ! J f xrinr" f- - s'Wiai5)6Sj , ROLLS INTO RIVER Man' Bnoex en Leg Interrupted. Saved by Policeman i'rnnk A. Heeth, of Hnnnver, Pu.. went te sleep en n leg nt Pier Ne. II Seuth Wharves, yesterday, nnd theu rolled Inte the river, . As Heeth struck the water he yelled, ' A railroad iiullremnn rescued him. LISBON EDITOR ARRESTED I.hbnn. Nev. 2. Jese lltmereni. nre prleter of Lisben's leading newspaper,, .Siculii, was arrested yesterday churgctl , with hnvinst defrnuded the Stnte In coal , transactions during the war. Rugcrenl is it HrltNh subject. We firmly believe in Advertising. It would be foolish te preach and net practice. the Helmes Press, (Pnntnt 1313.29 Cbtrrr Street PhiUdttphta ianes arid RAG STOCK 'jr. fckg))))))) 1 Cm .& s&wiBmfW oil Wa "' Urn 1 jft SfJ i$5KW J W IS own I lmm rli Make Us Prove It When we emphasize that our Super-Value Policy guarantees you a definite saving en every fine quality Suit and Overcoat we mean it. But Make Us Prove it '". 1 Loek at the fine qual ity fabrics in our Overcoats, make a mental note of the generous satin lin ing, the perfect de signing of our Over coat Specialists, the wonderful harmoniz ing Plaid Backs, and above all, leek at our Super-Value Prices $28, $33, $38, $43 I and up. Then leek and com pare with 'any or all ether geed stores. We urge you te de this before you select your winter overcoat no matter where you have been in the habit of buying. The Greatest Assemblage pf Winter Overcoats Ever Shown Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men A 7 -1 3 VI . 9. ft K i LJ.fttt" ..!." Yi. rt- . r- m . vj. r t. . i . KflBM-BW AaV " ,-VM!xs - 1 l' ! illfafrii III I l M BjBjBa&MB .? -ftj "V;'aMaJBJl' f'?'.i