VAVAVAVAKir . i it. j ft, vsrt vc , ' niHriTTsniFET ar r '.E-jry.-r," , PW Tvr ''.'' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 AU These Goods en Sale Tomorrow? r.Mull and l'linn (Inlrm 1'lllnl llell, Wiilnut 0300 Krynlnnr, .Mnln 4101 : Stere Open Dully at 0 A, M. C1em At SO P. M. il 31st Anniversary Sale-Charge Accounts Net Due Until January! tift ?sa ti00t0iij90iti k MtnerdtttPiiM HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phon8erdK.Fflie Men's ?18.50 New Elgin Watches 1$ 11.45 A Nw Series Tomorrow! ELLOW G Our Anniversary bale brings thorn at a third lower thnn they will be Inter en! It will nay you te buy for Christmas! ; A n w thin, epeti-fiii"(l w I tluU i illHtlnetlw vll'ieut ) IriK oilnntntleiiH. (lelrt-flllt il imwph, Ktinrnnterd in i,r 20 jtuitf WJuti pn'iiiiii, kIImi- or jjelil dial Uiny nim of thr-ir. wnlchc-i lut-ii ciiri'fully tiKU'iitffl nnil li-nt (1 for lour iijiiieii thty Urev t mi nrftr'. 9U TRADING STAMPS FREE ffwt ?S Solldlield" CiifT Links," I i S SlUer-Vinish Mesh ItnKs.t ' S(l Indestructible lVurls, T' $2.98 I j $0.98 i ! S2.85 I I'.niniin or bright lltuli own or liiperlnl Hi) k'jeiI loekliiK opera ItiiKth Klml quality iiiiinil ffi im .Inst tlvi Ititiil in n ikHlm mlth ntrap h.iiiille .mil ).irN with lnet lii'tuecn cuch lll bpt fei heft culfn 'limi" ' prttty lilstrr. Helut kem 1 Ir i I'loer, .Seuth nitf lies. V.j? ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY 3 Filbert .w s Market Eighth Seventh i T ' '1 Te Every Purchaser of a Dellar's iverm of ilferr Series Nes. 1 1 9 & 1 20 Geed in any Yellow Trading Stamp Boek, no matter hev many ether "extra" stamps you may alrqady have. All Goods Furcttasea uurtng November will ue Charged en December Bill, Payable In January, 1923 ttrmivi-rA.rTniiTr-ftifri'i'irMifri"rrw"fn' -!-- -i- Bfi&04ii4iitiaf0&JVim Tomorrow-Friday Bargain Day in Our Anniversary Sale During our Anniversary Sale-net one, or a few, but EVERY need is here at less than anywhere else in town ! And the geed ,uality of each article is net only evident te you but also backed by our complete guarantee. MVMApMIMs ilMWi!' 1 9wtFm ALSO SEE OUR OTHER :i PAGES ,t0l0l1Ut $45 Fine Winter COATS Still mere beautiful coats! Still mere marvelous values! The Anniversary Sale makes new value records daily! . iLyww."""1111 I rimmec! ilsts, .98 Extremely modish hats in rich black ! Fine Lyens or paen velvet or effec tive combination of these two. Rather larfre picture effects, and numerous efl'-the-faec styles flar ing and curving b"v.itchingly n-irlpam with rir-h mntnl.p'eHi " trimmings or vth lovely tin- s fMM'lflrl fmfl'lP.rl fiipiivlinrr 1 he VY crown, drooping from the brim, swirling about in delightful way! iflr Alse Children's & Matrons' X( 'l 74C Ml I5n.Hi. i -TlllltU l'l.'idl: iifh 'JW AtffPSk "ml 3yfh 9U, rZ-lin -' 'e' T.-i'-5M-l nZJJ . f . hV"J lfc'CiiV J .JMJ Ml w xv jjj Tssttmm One-of-a-kind coats glorious fur-trimmed models far mere handsome than any we've ever known te be sold at this price. Belivia .Cords, Suedines, Chameistynes and Lustrous Sea? Plushes Stunning straight-line, blouse and wrappy models many enriched with embroidery or braiding, each model with some individual feature that's most attractive! All new color-tones. The Big, Beautiful CaUars Are of Opossum and Caracul All finished with finest linings and interl ined. Ne mail or phone orders; all sizes for women and misses. lit nrnlliim SnC'OND I't.Oi IS ANMVKKSMtY GLOVE PIUCi: ARE A THIRD '10 HALE LESS MAX L'bl'AL! Women's 5L25 te $1.75 Duplex Gleves!OQc Twe-diii-p an 1 stiap-ri-t styles in .Vl t' n v f;ill polennjjs. G9c! Tfvien's $2"25 Cape Gloves, $1.59? M i' I 1 M ' n l.rir i ir it i r Mil viev Tan lirewnl J : ' 111 :ir..ilur I II. -T I'l.i i Hi STII T J . 9 ...-. .. ..... f.......i..M Werneki s $1 Chic Gloves . Mi r i' 1 J i i; i i . i i u ii i I r sn, ui i l ' fl li "ill Clilldresi's'2 te$3 Hats Fer Anniversary $49 Tomorrow An unexpectedly fine purchase! The entire ?amp! line of a promi nent maker at le?-; than ce-t and te thi, we've added several- excel lent reduced leth from regular stock. f";1 '' gtff'jrv""'"'sgfgSB'.","i Verv becoming and attractive styles m f lia'm' (SwZkh nTVV 1 velvet, and feit. Smart shapes Stf-' Wi W jriSvi fi??f,- Z5 l- 1K1 iu-ith tiiimmiiiri! nf m-ntl v t:is;plv: -inrl . .ta e. .''-v i !... n ....... r..rt. . ,..vw w J!. ' tvx? ribbons. Black and colors. a ii rvr t iVrit '. 1AO? s JS&m JLl vf-f i . Jrti -rfaiv'ftn i lj ''" r JTW'rf IP l HI i Ml I I I'.'fwAT' n,&&rtM' j " " -L'w-&i it c w ( re I .W -wr I 1 K I tLi 1 1A. WU f foeaxv ia w (. $1.39 N w k r vc r v IJ'lJfc- S2 Ready-te-Wear iATT' JC WTlk I V e'v'A Sports Hat Art Ai : yJK f'aa3 $5 Ready-te-Wear Hats, $2.98 $1 Imported Hackel Breasts, 49c rtilk hatttr's plu&h w,lh elvet or baer Black and colere. lacings HATS TRIMMED FRLE OF CHARGE! (.It llrelhiT 11 - llJiii; iKril Uft-Vi ,1 n It its m Krcat :uiety et shapes and ! .is. ,Mfeimnam0ifiiJaiv WAt WQ t Friday Bargains $3.50 Imported Beaded Bags - 6Z twi .rL Ctti P ".airfV, Beautiful kinds for gifts stunning accessories r 5v;)p57 for any costume! 'W!WM$ Phenomenal values in tnese nanuseme leruigu hags! Various designs and' very attractive colorings; geed size; celluloid frames. All nicely lined. Mt IlrnlliiTM KlHSl" KLOOlt KTH ST. ' -: $1 Powder Puff Bexes, 49c Hainty colors.; puir mid mir ici. $1 Boudoir Caps, 49c Vestee Sets, 38c Satin j vestue with cuffs te mutch. Ill llrutlu-re first I'loei, Xurth 75c Shawl Cellars, 49c Impeitcil lace. 45c te 55c Ribbons, 29c Wanted colon? for hair hew-,, sashes and fancy weik. 1 Vj te (i inches wide. Lit llnillirri. I'lint l'leur, Ninth $1.50 Fancy Corduroy 69 c New block effect. 86-inch Brown, Burgundy, Copen hagen, beaver, sand, navy, taupe, midnight blue, black and white. 1.11 llriilhrm KIUST I'LOOK, S-Ot'Tll ANNIVERSARY CLEARAWAY OF DELIGHTFUL We mens 25 Dr 9 O IT e a m ?c-p if lOdvd IMI finL fyv flD'v W'5 Anniversary prices en Hesieiy and Underwear are particularly appre ciated, as they offer haungs. neer pes-sible in ordinary chopping! Women's $i.S0 pc Women's $1.50 & ijfa $2 Stockings & J Union Suits Si V .u oel in v i tril two-tone speits bhades; -. ' llun- -hi mi"." I Ml (!eeiu(l shan ' ' u. Geed uuirr. ! 2. 1 I 1 j I Women's $1 7QCI Beys' $2 551 .49 j Underwear . . j Union Suits . . rii'ic iiinlist- i I . !-- fL--t yht, jmi i !. I slightly imptifiii ' Jli 1. natuial color Women's $2 Union Suits, $1.59 Beys' 50c Stockings, 25c Kibhed: (let t , ! .,'1 Btiik pultin Ml,n,(i Women's $1.50 & $'2 Silk Stockings, 9Sc w uirei i iih, in ei.u, an I i '.i, ful i.ihi m ii. j Women's 50c and 65c j Stockings, 29c Bl.uU in i n i t i ,. l lis,.; I f i- P' d In pi tfi tt j. . . . ,, , omen's $1.50 Keeltex Silk Stockings, 59c V. ,u .in ! i "U .n f t! - i " I II llriiilii r. I r .south The ip unci vn ,i .e,is m i S.l' '- - ipt I -.l K 1' 1 - V i l . 1 11 i Wuiint U jl . i. e ir ' iN..r r -i 'ii;! $2.50 Satin Charmeuse 1 30c te 50c Cotten floods, yd. 19c 3 in il .! I il... i.r ........... . . - . jam luiiKina. woven Binning macirus, colored pepnna, tancy stripe ripplettes, fancy nlald suitings, fFUHn, imwy Binpe nppiettes, tancy niaitl suiui J percales and ginghams. Ne mall or phone orders. w -r . ii Many show veiy effective trimmings of Dulgnrian em- f&jfebfr m breidery, bright beading and braiding, gay sleeve i8:.fv L A U facings, or a stunning buckle or ornament. W&fUet Canten Crepe, Satin-Faced Canten, Crepe de Chine, Jersey, Peiret Twill and Tricetine Smart shades and superb qualities I All sizes for women and misses no mail or phone orders. i Lit Urutlirn SIX'OND FLOOII Ifltltir A!1- ik qii'i'j; -oft -atin t n i i , M.uU ir i I w .51.50 Black QQc : 50 St.-ipcd Washable l$ P T 5f -I- Faille Popl.'n Spltndid ual t ; it t ' 'fi ll.ih 1 'S Iks i 1 AOl l$1.2S Jncquard C(c A.-tcr , c:n. I 3 - l irt ii . - Silks u i i 1. ri . i . I i in 'i 1 ' I i r vjiitli These art- p:i(nt da f i iiMus.ii Piiii - ? $ Mir ui.i-ti i-' i . i SI AH u, ual t i tli nt 1 f r t . i .id w lather at im 1 r f-v r s' z VAnt4!!! mmfv Ai SW U III tit LUIUl T '' ap j I Ot2 All-Weel White Coats Mr t'hinilii'i.i and iltt uniuiej w tli -m ul.intr ,n. I a mi 1 mi 4.. . .. . SI. 50 te $2 Dresses fii9c & Beys' Suits 93' I II I .Ii .1 I .(-i v I ' 1 i ,i 1 1 in in a U I r.) I 111 I 1 1 1 U"s -huh 1 1 Ii 11 ' 1 1 nl In t x 111 Ohu Tw 1 t 01 n a ' l 1 s ''li s .' te li Sl.'l 1 t(i i. Tots' $1.50 Rompers '7Qc & Dresses S I J ! 1 1 a 1 t 1. 1 K li ki 11 I 1 1 !i. I 'I 1 j . 1 In I ID ft lit Pretlur FIRST FLOOK, NORTH M I I LIL w MfMlaiHMHM "T IMXnil kMaaMMMMiKSMBanEsVUii uw miiwm Btt ft Evtirthlns ( LWMt rria S!!!'$.2le$3J$l,$1.50&$2 ' (I 1 Wilbil - .-.rtfi. -'I . . 57rcM 11 1 iiNi.iu Kiuxl 're3scs , .Mllilrtil 1 Infants' 75c te $2 X OQc te $1 A11...1:... ... tee X rkiuut.i - F j i,uii or iiw na ; trlinniH.i x 1 1 1 ween, niitj Ofj pretty eirptt de chliie ami silk fallle; vaitii BmetKiiiW ami leiitnutmi; Htltchlng. JMO MlltlVU UIIU VlUlJlIf It'll SIJJOS, yir UJW i n "i & 9 y n SUrke SlXCR 2 te b. Ml Vr(bM--VMMta VJoer B.Th rier-r et Our Nn BiiUAir. 1th ,i M ." J niViA"'"V i!w,i'm1'i'..B... v i I . V " k LIT BHUTHL'lIrt ) L " ..'. ." rtsV" - --- '," . w-- . . .1... . J. DDDDDDDDBgplDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDMMDDDDDDMfcDi