Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Anether Big Auction
and Harness
Wednesday & Saturday
at 10 o'Cleck Sharp',
Auctions Conducted
If you have anything you wish
te sell quickly bring U in and we
will sell it for 'you and give you
the cash.
Kaighn's Avenue
Auction Ce.
J210-12.14-16-18-20 S. 2d &.
Camden,; N. J. '
AMtCMufnl f .let VjtUeunt. cqplm4
raedam new. m.rhn.rr. lecatad te
a prtuptrnaa nanrrr district.
OWDtr rl'lnr frnm n.'na.
a mnn nvnni
i IW. twiavw m
Rent voting Hervies
Hew's the Moter?
If the meter hits en all
and brings you back, don't
worry ever appearance.
Leave that te us. We'll
give it a new dress at
little cost.
Phene: Poplar 9190
19th and Buftonweod
Established 1878 smm
Etch package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions se simple any
woman can dye or tint her ern,
shabby dresses, skirts,'' waists, coats,
stockings, sweaters, coverings, dra
peries, hangings, everything, even if
she has never dyed before. Buy
"Diamond Dyes" no ether kind
then pertect home dyeing is sure,
because Diamond Dyes are guar
anteed net te spot, fade, streak or
run. Tell your druggist whether the
material you wish te dye is wool or
silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or
mixed goods. Advt
"MY ftBpL??.
1 Lb. Pecan.
Chocolate THE
Fudge TW0
"Kghftitf"' POUNDS
CHeicr op I FOR
Butter Creams $
Hand rtinn.J
JUflMSa Smsi.
L'fliglen Fudge Sheps
Chestnut Above 15th Strait
and thr New Shep NewOpen at
w uirnnm street
y warming and circulating bleed
Step these dull, insistent aches,
nenM?,".1 rulbbi"K. it quickly
Penetrates the sere spot, Mim
linfi, 'the circulation d ami
gmnjL'h h. Conation is re-
....... i.aK pug,
aaaaaaaaaW I H
iciicvrK enr
1 iH'iUnlw--LJlLL-,-,
aaa - WMM9WSJ aMaUVaT I I VHII I fill BAiViritV ITiU nilllin nil Bllfl lafin
. ,-, KOt baktaa taa ipeartltn pag e. 'I . ' ' .' . III,
JtMaaAAAi .x.. :.Ctf . JrXr .,A ,,hdV , . ' il' I . :
ttttttttttttttttttttttttmtmtmmstWttttt AiSL-m?&)mzim, , -,!ta ----.
Investigation Shows Fossils te
Be of Vegetable and
Weed Origin
Lancaster, Nev. 2. Ceal deposit
found in thr extreme northern section
of Lancaster County nre being Invcstl
jiatctl by representatives of both th
State and National Departments u
Mines and Mineralogy.
IndlcntieiiH of coal deposits in thi
section have long been known te exist
but little effort lias ever been put fort I ,
te determine the exact value el th
The question of whether these cea
deposits are of animal origin wan defi
nitely settled in the negative. On ever;
property examined the fossils and car
bonacceus matter in the ceal-bcnrln
rocks were of trees and vegetable na
ture. In none of these properties or
the prospects of a clinracter te wnrrnn
expectations of economic value, neithe
was' the evidence entirely against th
possibility of commercial coal, if sem
one has the courage te go te a reason
able depth te prove or disprove tin
The annual meeting of the Lancoste
County Chapter of the American Re
Cress will bey conducted In the Y. W
C. A., this cly, th'ls'aftcrnoen, nt whic
time the e'ectien of officers and Execu
tive Committee will tuke place.
Coincident with the unprecedente
and sudden slump in the hat lndustr
nt Adamstown, which but a few week
age was booming at full capacity. tker
comes n boom in the hosiery Industry
which Is taxing the five mills te the!
full capacity. Several of the Adams
town .mills bave refused te accept
orders, owing te the large amount of
business en hand.
Miss Evelyn Kunkle, who recently
graduated from the training school of
the Columbia Hospital, has taken the
position of night superintendent of the
Coatesville Hospital.
November CO has been the day se
lected for the burning of the mortgage
en the property of the Lancaster Me Me
eorial I'resbj terinn Church. Dr.
Lewis Seymour Mudge, of Philadelphia,
a former pastor of the First Presby
terian Church, of Lancaster, wil
preach at both the morning and evening
services en that day.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the Lancaster Conference of the
Lutheran Ministcrium of Pennsylvania
is conducting its annual convention in
Trinity Church, New Helland, today.
Daniel Redman, eighty-five years
old, of Lancaster, and William Blttin
er, eighty-one years old, of Dil'sburg,
11. F. D. Ne. 1, Civil Wnr veterans,
met for the first time since the Civil
War Tuesday, when the Lancaster vet
ernn visited bin old comrade. They
were members of Company G, Twelfth
Pennsylvania Reserves.
Farm Women's Society Ne. 4, which
met at the home of Mrs. Raymond
Gaiber, Fern Broek Farm, Norwood,
this week, elected Mrs. Harry Lichty
president for the ensuing year.
. Chestnut Level will stage its annual
farm products show November 10. It
is planned te make this one of the big
Best events of Its kind in Lancaster
Miss Florence Lefcver, of Manheim
ias been appointed notary public. Hcr
commission was received this week at
the Recorder's effiice.
The November meeting of the Lan
caster County Historical Society wil'
be conducted in the Lancaster Public
Library Friday evening.
Saturday wl'l be observed as "Dm
matic League Day" In the Iris Club.
After the business scsIen in the after after after
ioen, Samuel Russell Small, former
secretary of the Lambs Club, of New
Yerk, will lecture en "The Theatre,
Past, Present and Future."
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shultr, of Mar
tlcville, celebrnted their golden wedding
anniversary Tuesday, with an all-day
reception at their home.
Th trapping season for fur-hearing
animals, which opened yesterday,
premises te be one of the most pro
ductive nnd profitable for trappers in
recent years.
Little Benny's
Nete Boek
By Lee Pape
Ma wee sewing a button en my coat
last nite, milking the H-d tlme this
week but net for the Mime buttin, and
pep was snieukiii'.' and ilil''klnr. n--d
ma sed, Theres one woman I can't stand
and thnts Mrs. .Iesp. If 1 sed wlte
wns black she'd siv it wan pink m
i ir.utter If it was blue. Every time I
see her wc hue the same Identlele
1 urgcwinent about wet stilish nnd wnts
net, nnd its perfectly redieullss because
she has about as much stile ns a pe-
leeremnn up a b.uk street. '
i Even se, thnts hardly n reason te
ii'uce her among the lest soles, pep sed.
Everything is according te the mil-it t(
view and you awt te us nreail minded
enuff te gln ether pcuplv a, rltt- te
their own view points, he sed.
I de genrellv, hut she's iet-t n mns
of concentrated ignernnts, mu sed.
Thnts a line wnv te speck about a
sister human -being jest because she
likes hem stitching en her glove nnd
you dnnt, pep sed, and nm sed, Well,
all rite, I nlppM I awtent te be iiaiin,
III Invite her and Mr. Jessip up If ou
say hi, goodness knows she fished hard
enuff for an Invitation this ufteinenu.
Dent misunderstand n.e. I dent be
leeve In ceiug te lticnies, pup msI. s
n matter of fact I weuldcnt have thnt
fellow .lesin crinuud the house for a
million delleis u miiinlt. Hk's the
worlds chamidnn dum hell and he gets
wersu lusted of better. Kw-rv time I
mention tenuis he cuts In with a let
of feel i hniss about go f, and tny man
who thinks golf is better tlmii tenuis
dci-i'i-vcs my sini'i.Hliy and ileut get it,
he sed,
Hut Witlvum, wy dent jeu be bread
minded wiursclf and let bin. think wnt
lie wunts. I thirwt .win sed cwrybndv
should be allowed te de what they want
with their own viewpoint, ma sed.
Thut it mil bell never had n view
I ulut in Iih life,-pep sed.
nee nee, ma sea lauing. Ana sne
ThcDaily Novelette
Say It With Radishes
By H, Louts Raybeli
EVEN after Betty Gayner's uncle
died and left several hundred thou
mil dollars Jehn Bradley kept right
n loving her, although he didn't talk
te much about it. Hew could you ex
cct thet Betty, with nil sorts, of rndl
tnt possibilities suddenly opened te her,
vetild still feel the same toward the
T'snlc life be could offer her as his
vlfe? -
Jehn wan doing well in his profession.
As a matter of fact, he was fast getting
the natne of being one of the, finest
nndscape gardeners in the country and
'tad many a beautiful, artistically per
tect estate, te his credit. Yet it would
e many years before his Income would
e a drop in the bucket compared te
New, one of Betty's first extrnva
ances se termed by Miss Deberah
'erklnn, Betty's middle-aged, thrifty
eusekeepcr was the purchase of old
7aleb Hemingway's place, a rambling,
mn-dewn farm of devitalized fields,
ivergrewn woodlots end unkempt
ncadews. Bettv had tern down thn
house and replaced it with a tapestried
ricic nnair, comfortable and pleasing
n appearance. The grounds well,
'hat mere natural than that she should
ut them Inte the bands of her old-time
(rtend, with carte blance te de as he
leased with them?
There beautifying became n labor of
'evc with Jehn. Much of the shrub
bery and many of the rare specimens
in the rose gardens he set out with his
wn hands. By night he pored ever bis
books and blue prints, seeking new
neans of 'expressing beauty.
Frequent consultations with Betty
Be mere critical
of your battery
Yeu will get about the kind of
battery fervice you demand.
If all you want ia ordinary per
formance, you will be satisfied
with nearly any battery.
- If you wish te get the most
from your automobile, you will
leek into the subject of bat
teries. Yeu will find out if
there is one battery that gives
the maximum combination of
power, reliability, and long
Whether you talk with users
of different types, examine the
construction of the several
The Electric Storage Battery Ce., Philadelphia
Factory Branch
671-673 North Bread
Visit Um nearest Exide Service Station
Bnlei'a fiarniir. I ..nasliuri-
t)Tki 8t.. T-rnny
B. CreSle" heii.ilr Miep. Sail N.
DaBT,!e.Hi..tUrr KUdrl. I'".. "0I
W. PnaMi At ,,h
i;rl Ate. Autu Mipily tu.. int.. nn
ramrur-'aViuai Market hi.. vwt
Ad".r.H r-M.r. Jr.. te.. HHi M.I.
Oruukftl'me... d - Wl. "
avtr. ?. Jio,.,,.,.-.,.i-Va'8r-i4.r'eV "i:
'iHiuy'iiik ll.illfr 4 .cnerlf Ce.
M.,,,''?"Vu.,Uafr,MS7 W. Huntlni.
Iiif.'r.'irii. Mlllmrr, 18.10 N. Blh Ht.
sli?Hirrii llrtllery Srrlir. 4SI0 N.
i hlrlril1 IV.ier. S7H3 Woedlund At.
l'..Jlr?ii llTllcrV Wrrvlrr. 4MBIW-
(n-tSi'i'iinrVlrnrlfiil trlt Ce., Ilia
HIUIfr-UfUrluK, Inc., 4U41 N. at
were by no means the least desirable '
feature of his Jeb, nnd at times it
necessitated nil his seir-contrei net te
tell her of his love. A certain wistful
ness In the girl's eyes tempted him.
Did she wonder why he was se much
mere formal than in the old days Be
fore her for tu no had come between
Day bv dav the Imnulse sstrcngth 1
encd te. let, her knew, In some dellcnte
fashion, that his love for her still ex-
isted. He came te'pdhder the problem
almost Incessantly, but net tntl! , Hetty '
declared she must have a vegetable
garden d d the answer come.
Fer m time he hnd decided what
form hN message ought te tnke, but
te' use for the purpose the conspicuous
means of n flower bed would never de.
A vegetable garden suggested the so se so
'utlen. He would plant his love in
seeds in some quirk growing annual.
Radishes, for example.
All but a sunny, Inconsplceus little
corner he turned ever te his nsslstnnt
a canny, taciturn old Scotchman named
Fergusen. , In that little plot he Inbered
carefully, reminding himself 'that he
must urge Betty te take personal su
pervision of her radish, bed. Truly it
was a work of love an well ns alpha
betic art, and en the morning of its
completion Jehn rose from bis knees
with a prayer for the proper amount
of nun and rain te preduce speedy re
sults. New, whether or net Jehn's long
hours spent bent ever In the sun wus
the cause, or whether, as an up-te-date
psychologist might say, It was the re
sult of the long repression of his love
for Betty, at any rate something went
suddenly out of kilter thnt night in
Jehn's well-being. Morning found
him calling incoherently nnd tossing In
fever, while two doctors discussed
treatments and remedies, and tried net
te listen te "Betty! Betty! Betty!"
Anxious hours followed, in which
Betty shared. Hcr first thought in the
morning was for the latest news of
makes, or go by reputation, we
are satisfied you will ultimately
settle en the Exide. Yeu will
find that Exide quality is net
only a satisfaction, but an
economy. It saves many dol
lars in length of service and
freedom from repair.
The main thins is te demand
reliability and real lasting
power of a battery, and net te
be satisfied until you get it.
Yeu are heartily invited te go,
in a critical mr.ed, te the near
est place where Exide, the long-
life battery, is
Street Phene Poplar 3383
Cinirci- I". stiiicr, t JJ3 .. Ilmail "I.
Ill lllivlrlr stiir.iiit IHIUrj Cu.,
JI N. Ilni il M.
rtiiirlr IriKiinrn, '400'j N. SJd sf
Jnhn l.eul. irw.irr. UVil Mlnilrlm
Jnhn I
il lt(lrv srrtlrr.
N. .Mir-
Nil 'II Ml.
Inhrrail Hrrvha Mntera Ti liirie..
14U7 I.uiuhI st, A IV',-,--ti MurUit
nuniiii krr tiiirusi'. '.'".I A iilimt
Vlmrr tVl.fr, ?'il A lne "(,
Wft I'l-lli. Stnrtitf. ItnlUr, Ce..
fllSI ChIt Tf.
7ti H,i.r. s,.r,(,. Mitinit, l"
nflrr Ht.
Arnblrr Amblrr Murii.-e ll.iKfri .-,f.
Ire Hl.itluu
II ll i, KrjNt-r I left lie
JlrilmlnMir, I. lv llrrr A Hun
llrmlik, .rlli- M.ttlliiiiKiUI
ll'oeni'1'iirc. rrru lnit
Hen Mir, . .lenes Neil
Ipi.i". K, li Tilt riN u,
Ca.Hratlllr, !. I.. MHIinis
Irnnai-nhui krii. M. I'. Jlitur (l.irrtUt.
tmlllr. Mill O. Iltuuu
luMiilnKtnwii, tt I'ml darns
hiilr.lOHii, Mil.iintlilln llitlerr
f-Mrid. r. lV
fVriiwand. w hit
Feri WukIiIikIei
,5"J,r'-10.i ....-...-
III, (1.1M Jt llll Mlulln..
tlHlllllClDn. Rlll.flhutlkM Mm ttl.
Olanali'e.'cae. H. Ban y
is 11 O 4V 0WSmM
Jehn ; her last, a prayer that he would
upend n quiet night. She made ninny
a uaimy msii te tempi um i'i.-""--i
hut labored In vain.
At length Jehn's nurse nssumed nn
unprofessional responsibility. "Think,
she snld te Betty as she steed nt the
deer answer ng tier inquiries, inui
before he will recover mine worry mint
1 icumvnl irnm ill in. nd. He he's
evidently In love with some one who
doesn't reciprocate!"
uetty'H gnnci. fell. , Then she rnlsed
hcr eyeH i,j?nv,,y( ,.But ., ,eesl. shc
snld. "Cupid could I see him und tell
mm se "
Jehn's quick recovery dated fren the
moment when, startled out of all 're
serve nt the white, drawn fuce of the
mnn she loved, Hetty fell en her knees
at his nedslde nnd whispered brokenly,
"Oh, my darling! My darling!"
The doctor prescribed a sea voyage
te nsslst Jehn's convalescing, and Hetty
net only ncqiilesccd but made all ar
rangements, own te insisting thnt he
must have a nurse along, and in order
te provide one she would marry him !
And Jehn, weak hut beautifully happy,
could only thank heaven he hnd saved
sufficient te keep them going, at least
until hu get in tin; harness again.
Seme time afterward, one glorious,
breezy afternoon, Betty, leaning agnin't
the rail with Jehn wutchlng the scud
ding wake of their steamer, heard a
queer ltttle chuckle from her husband.
"What is It, dear?" she asked cu
riously. "I was thinking." said Jehn whim
sically, "hew very much supriscd Miss
Deberah Perkins must have been when
she' read 'I love you, sweetheart!'
in hcr radish bed !"
But net until the two of them were
Sjack at home aguin did they learn
the true r fbcary of Joint s vegetable
eesnge. Blushing like a bride herself,
Miss Perkins welcomed them at th
deer, and utter proper inquiries iih te
II incur ,i
ll.irl, nil,,.
II ' Hi. ru II
Html, I ., ,
n r II .u,i ii , n
nm i I . lt.uii k
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ullir iimiii' I. ir (CI
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Sc tiuiin In . i li r iivmh ,
llniVi-rV". ''" M"',k'""") slr.ii:r
N, i , tj i, . (..hu ll. rrmiur. Jr.
II s 11 11 I I ,1
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IVrK si I i ite , m,
rhnrhlMill I In- s,rlir Shuu
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KiiMrsrnril lliil I t, u.un A Sin.
i'iIiic ( ii Ini
hi 1 1-1 1 nilii li Hi- l.lh.uii uliiiililiu
((Wert Uuruie te.
.NOVEMBER 2. 1922
Mr. Bradley's health, with becoming
hesl'"tlen she broke the news.
"Yes, Miss Betty, I'm Mrs. Fergu Fergu
eon new. Yes, ma'am, I knew jeu r
be surprised. He's thnt ren'ived win
wouldn't have thought It of him, B"t
he's clever, for nil he's Scotch. He
writ in radishes what he thought of
me, And when I see them coming up'
In such lovely sentiments I went
straight te hltn and wild, 'Fergusen,
I'm jeurs. We'll he married tumor tumer tumor
ilewv And-we was. And I'm sure If
he hndn't thought of such n lovely wnv
te get around his bashfulncss we'd
each been single yet!"
Medical Missionaries Return After
Twe Years' Absence
Dr. and Mrs. Warren J. Miller,
medical missionaries te the Philippine.
cre ghn u farewell reception 1-i-t
evening In St. Paul's Pri"-b.t'iinn
Church, Fiftieth nr.d Baltimore iivenue.
They nre returning te the Philippines
iwte'- n two J ears' furlough in this
When Dr. Miller went te Tncleban
Leyfp in 1018, thi-re were no medical
supplies In thnt district. By hN ef
forts n first-clus hospital was estab-
hed, having twenty-one beds. Ir
Miller wus engaged formerly In Y. M.
C. A. work li. rinuklln, P.i. .Mrs.
Miller Is a grudiiuti- of Vass.ii- Celb-Kt-and
was formerly u professor In the
Girls' Nermal Scheel ltt "tills city.
N. J. Weman Found Dead Here
Mrs. W. II. Chamberlain, sitj.fle
M'ilSk old, of Newtonville, N. J. was
foil iiu dead lu u 'efond-sterv room of u
rooming heu-e In Wnllncc strut ubew
Tenth yestenl.ij. She wii" tnkui te the,
Hahnemann Hospital, when- n w.-in
found thut denth wus due te natural
Get an Exide Radie battery
for your radio set
Whatever make of battery !
In your car, you can be con
fident of tktlful repair work,
fair prices, nni repenib!e
advice at the ncareit Exida
Service Station.
hi'r.iis 4 u.
Kiiijirr dar n;
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"M.',J "-'' -nific s:;;if.
nrw.f- -.t.nltr, m n i
SlUliti UlXna Al V J HI. vuuena, na uww in, -,j'if
Amazingly Lew
Anniversary Prices .
& Bedding
Davenport 9Q TK
As Illustrated
MalieBany Dnlsli, covered In brown
American liifher( epf-nn into bed
$4 Gelden
or Arm
j own lcdth
ere'ta ?eut.
it i. .tKi.v"l rjd
tMa'ftjLi4,-Ji m.rS ' 'Ij t I
hi U Ml fr?P
m " t '
e I
1 00 Sample Extension Tables
Reduced b
This 5-Pjece Gray-and-Blue
Ureak- fl"l I At
fast Suit.... sPH."D
i p j i
White Eiirimel Bed,
Spring- and Mattress
Complete Outfit far
Uer E-!':imii 'A -i
5s -TI -fl
or t,!':imii C0 srf
ni-e,i I. ;U iDJ.vD
I'"" ii I
i - m f
ii ii i
V ll,
,1 If.
,in .- ii I ii il till, r
.- r I
h .it i
li uUc in nn '
v WW 5
W li?
XT- (.-
Ipppl 813.95
jZZZxn-, -,f
V.r'!s---- ---s s-v
W,y ,"Si-r AiAtUSmm&
a. nneva Ann i.en n II ' v
and China
Mzrvclem Anniversary
$60 Clean-as-a-China
Uefriircraler Jp4ZtD
i -si
- Jiirce
porce. 1 1
I - 1 ll
lain I
r'lUnd rnrtier.
lertdHlli feed rfrK
liamhir Snlil (If
en ( llll, I'lllll.
Till, l the
I lli-llllrst ii ii il
lw. rrfrlB-r-ater
unj uhrri.
A Limited Let of New
$140 Electric
(J-J A Down Places It in
$U Your Heme
Balance nn Convenient Payments
Gas Steve
$20.00 American
Porcelain Q1 A KA
Dinner Set P-1-V.UU
1 i pi B ! b.ind and Beld lace
d ira'i n Cn p etf fi rvlce for
( t jrli? fjlii; t pi pi-rfpctlena.
Res. $1.50 Clear Glass
Covered Bowls for
W of.'i..
T'i'pp slira,
cm- pint, one
.in. I two quart.
I'.n In.- us d as
in MUK bowls.
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bNELLEMBunnS Third Fi I
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