BPfPwsSPSyKlvjy' ste WWPW w m Wf'las-W "J WW. ' r V r'.jij ftaiivsr x. W.'fil.WS I v, ll' lw ifji, I ?vi L& ii S.V: w U4' Si I y'Sifi ft ill P' j 1 M 2ir. a I' ili SBJs mi E I 11 i III iff A l (4 ay lv 4s XiV If altt- ffi 24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDESDAYi NOVBlJB , 1922 AVTVMS KKMKT J-AKKWOOD. W.' I. Artrsnc wkwehth AfTlMN HESORTH l.AKKWOOti, W. t. W KBNKKSVlt.l.K, PA. LAUREL HOUSE . LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY OPENS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH INVIGORATING CLIMATE I COURSE FINE WALKS 18 -HOLE GOLF SADDLE HORSES DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING SUPERIOR ROADS FOR MOTORING FRANK F. SHUTE, MANAGER GALEN HAIL WERNERSVUE.PA. Physical Comfert, Gelf, Music Dry Air. Beautiful Scenery Baths, Massage. Mydriatic Department. RaservaiiOM for November should net be delayed. TmouetPVuMAioFoMNiwYijtiiiPiii. Hetel will tfM f er tha SeajenDac A NWUlMWWMMUl J) GRAND VIEW .! TI.MH' MTV X. J, ,Ti.NTir riT. x. j. Gfh cJB v c a k c r s I tS&SSei JOEL 1IILLMAN iti ivTiTlTV M JOEL 1IILLMAN Proprietor -tai sw rtlill .a..n 'Ujli inn ,M(iilffc3SSfc?s mflSKM lis! ?1rTZ1nJljlZJ?W,t,z ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On Ocean Freit Fireproof Kiiibudjitif; tuery comfort anil Service that should be included in a hotel, catt-ring te the highest tpe of tour teur ilt and health recker. Ammtxen nnd vran PUm UaUralt.4 oeldeor dt.eT.Een.. Otragl. Wen CelfCIub prltllepe. BeJaee Feil Wliltf Rati WERMEBimtt. A. 1 Ann all rut. All medrra eenTMti , If 14at ten rt for recreation with out and Inrnnr tperta. n.llent nnTeirisns. I ftf PT" tA. (.!, fir M.. &EUBEN D. WENEICH. at. P. IS MIAMI. VIA, I Its JUNE In MIAMI Trfar tt 3Xlt, U'rlte Chamlirr nf Cemmeres. ZfiZntfU i ri:i i.iiiii nt. I ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. 1 uireriij en id wcfin rival Tbe American Pl.m Iletel car-excellente ei tne Atlantic t rait. u WA1.TEK j r.t!7nT ! I prepertf Owner and Maaager 1 Brisk Oarage iei WESTMINSTEn Heniuckv Ae near lieach Remodeled atiJ returriMhed tl.ruuftieut. All ftutelde rooms. Runnlh watei ant prlat bathe. Kavater te street leel. Cuisine ua tirrassed. Wlitta rvlce lleiluccl rail ratea r eiaer upon request, Perenllv manage) A. V K"P Oener, HI- a- Pt r1l-rfrl hy ISOTMW Virginia are , 1M lieu fnun !l"t.wji k t' 1 Her. Eer lntuitiit lllsln t. tHti'ir 1 It umine anil eriIee nun. natrln l r r in kit. Ilnte Unllr 1 nci-KI n:i . euble $15, with tm'h. lnsi $3.' il ubk $'i" J. B"thwe'l. Prer VuaiBla ae., 8u uti tiuui Ucani. frll atlit, runnlni wairr, eievutur. icjytia fu ptitra. aaiu fcllla. win, in. J. Celtlnl. mgt. P g ..! 1 Ainui open alnaya lGntinSQt?.l radi term medaraia. (vvuMuwuk.x Write or pcena . M WALSH DUNCAN . LA MARNE Playground of Your Dreams only 44 hours away bathing, beating, fishinjz, trap-sheeting, golfing, open-air con certs, tennis in StFetersburg- Where thesunshineis inpeeple'a hearts as well as overhead, and where veu w ill find friendlinesa en e er v hand. Splendid accenv. doaatiens te suit everyone. Write er cur heciliti en the Cltj at co Sports and Rrcrcatioei Aryinfe- tcauea en request, r A. Lawrenre, Caialir f CaatatTM St. Patanburx, Florid Terns ermudA unb MT (Under Conn net wtth Bermuda Onvtl 8 Day Tours, $83.00 and Up, Until Nev. 30. Including Alt Expaniei. Tla Palatial. Twin Srrcw. Oll.Itnrnlnf S. S. "FORT VICTORY" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Each 14.000 Tens DUpltcement. from New Yerk Wed. ft Sat, rem Bermuda Tu-a. ft St. Special Holiday Sailings LeaInit New Yerk Dm SO. 2 J and SO for riiMma r New ir In ll.rniuda. Bermuda Offer. All Oat-Doer Saetti Modern Hotels Ne Passports Uoek New for Winter ft Holiday, Satll&cs. for tlhutrateJ tloekleU write te FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall 8t.. New Vcrk rurs-Witby & Ce. Ltd., Meune Bldf., PhUa.. Or Any Teurl.t A.cnt. AtTTtMX MaWTH MOUNT rOCOWO. fA. MEADOW3IDE INN MOUNT retOHO.F. . Oasn ail raari newly aullti atsam (, ilaainlaiai txiittnlnar hri ann artlfl . T.'HRffflE i runnlni het and cold watar ranm nrivata nam.. 'or fall atieTwIntar .perta. C. TtaOamr-aR,,SS!.ffl winter rate, nenaiet. b. i. iledtr "P!L . K V n. ideal ana Arrman ABMETIttK. I. C. Da I mil I WW tieaV&m if asewB te a aieenmmatint tllcnteA lltcp (mHea. erelMBM Ui. eltr and Man ea aTaryaiea. TwenpertM IS- ig&u,w!afmfic j&imvuLmfnL sjumssmdt&i. rivawttavwUe 1I Uead. Jaa VTrwinvOK , H,p, 1B Bwimmlni 1 ThwIs courts. Mra. arab it Mm 2a Jaaa l4 roei. trawWSf reNNKIXT ftfaUNOB MHtiaiitl bl4ai aaaaal wata atilaiw) vV'.'i.VKVilM,.. Sno ralnsral water, JOcmmTuI JH2,te'Vi loom and beard 116.00 cm " tubsreiilar Mnt..Jkan. Tffrlt WM. JEFF DAVIB, Owner and Fraa. or r. O. Ferd, M. D Heuaa Phrslelsa, Connelly Borings. N. C. KnHypji Halal FRASCATI rmasfa.. A pest dellfhtful wUf front H?m eTRiua pi?. . ar.vvr .0"' elAMt liraaa free .te asts. nanrina afl year ' lar. it. i Twe golf renraea cesTealeat. fcewea m Ineat ri.hisi Daritmn. 'V& MS TIH'RH TOt'HW Bermuda-West Indies Wonderful Trips of 8 Days and Lenger Frequent Sailings Palatial Steamers Send for Booklet of "Independent Tours" FRANK TOURIST CO.. 219 Se. 15th St Phil. EsttMUfcad 4IT& SU FhoBSS-Sprues 8U4-6 (BsUw Walnut St.) "t fWM Tetms -aw-saawjawaaw- M' ROUND THE WORLD CLARK'S Id CBVISE. JANUAKT SI. IMS By the Spselallych.rt'red aupsrb a. a. "EMPRESS of PRANCE" .11,411. Under the. personal direction of Mr. Clark, originator of Round the World Cruises and the only Tourist agent ni n,s ever run a Cruise Round the World A flaatlnv nalaca for the trio. Rnutii. Vmvt VarV. Panama. Ian Franallfle . 51 .' m Z-- .m. i -..T". " ;"" Z -"--.-- -:-:,---. luin. 1 eaya in Japan, uniiu, aaaniia, Jara, amgapera, aurman i: Ootlen of II dsrs In eteri) Ciunbee, Br, te hr char tared steams, i. w if II India. Cerlm. 4 dava In Cairn. Nanlei. HaTra. Seuths motenr f.toe evers) Qunbee. Menusal and New Yerk, 4 MONTHS, 11000 4k up, laeludtng HeUls. Drlrei, Ouldss, Tess, U, TO THE MEDITERRANEAN CLARK'S IWh CRUISE. rEBRTAR' By SpseUUr Chart-red. Bumptueus B. S. "EMPRE8 25,000 aress nei 63 DAYS CRUISE. 1400 and up! 19 Spain, Italy, Oreeer, etc. FRANK O, CLARK, XI CLARK'S 1Mb CRUISE, FEBRUARY 8, 1MI "EMPRESS of SCOTLAND.' eU burner. BARTLETT TOURS CO dara in Ervet and Palaatinai Times BglW'nr, New Yerk 800 P0UTH 1TH TRFET AMIiltllK.i; sl'ii 0. PA. Boardwalk at Ocean Ave. Winter rate. rtnllr. Jl 50. rlth running water. S8 CO with rrtvatn bth !! Rne-eVipl Kentucky hp. nr. iwnelu KPPtlr. Teleplirne II". A. E MAIIIOX. Are.. Jit of H R IlnBlfae. it th t r'an ff'.nl On i ir MI!UII)l.h Hl'KI.MJS. ri'XNSYI.VAMA 13oe f i e sea Ivel; neted for It. health lul ollinate and mlnerni jprlntfs. Ker ratee I wrlli- Jletel l'.le-lde or Hetel Uartlett. .tMIOMlMW, X. J. ffaw Clarien ft? SEASIDE HOUSE m LAKEVIEW INN At Almonesien Lake, i Almonetson. X. J. I Oprn all cnr: L'5 riemt; runnlnx nater. ild' trie lli:ht ami shener lath. IMnncr I'aKUi epeilulty. I'ersanent and tramlent. Bell pi.li Hltrktrenil r.Mll HBIItVXs Mll.l,'. X. J THE PIG'N WHISTLE INN Brown's Mills-in-thc. Pines Net a Sanitarium All of Its old clientele, including w-. fjaders. welcome en Ita reopening the last of aVtebt r. It lll rfrnnln h tel a before Sfferlng mere dlteraleu. nnj mitelr edei'iae the eanltarlum prlvllif" of liTdrntliernpy. tnauag. and dletetl.' anperrUlen where d.tr.! FnM TOIRi irrtHTSI. EKICeSON UNE for Baltimore Fare I S 0u ena a. SJ.uu round trip Call)' at S I'. M.. a o'clock Saturdax. teatners atop at Betterlen. Latins Pl.r J hei.th Delaware Ave. fend for J'ampktet TWO WAYS TO CHINA AND JAPAN With Connections for Aunt) alia and India N. Y. K. Lines Offer Choice of Reute Rail te Seattle, ST tiFM&'Z? K""Ua ef ,t ; 1 ;. i P., --,- t irncc N'li'pen Yufn KliVa. Steamer transatlantic L,mes te turepe, fr, ni , B',,'n rr ,ir...i. vla ,tlez. FREQUENT SERVICE LOWEST FARES EXCELLENT CUISINE Fer bnllins V nernil and rni Hpnlj tr r.illruud, Miauikhlp and 1enrlt Agenti i:urrlinv, i.r NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. 8 Bridge St.. New Yerk City. EGYPT-THE NILE, COOKS . wv EeO'Pt- mysterious, eternal callsyouteherwonders: tlic luxuriant, mystical stretches along the Nile, the monumental tombs and temples of bygone ages! Cook's euti Nile Fleet consisting cf magnificent steamers and dahabeahs are the finest nver-craft en the Nile. Frequent sailings from Caire te the First and Second Cataracts. Only the best of accommodations comfort and lusury throughout. FULL INFORMATION AND LITERATURE ON REQUEST THOS. COOK & SON PHILADELPHIA 130 Seuth 1 5th St. Telephone Spruce 8820 jlaffSciwai fljSaPM aWsRrfr---J5 I aV IBL iSESLSsS MS XQ(g Foreign Travel in America again opened kii Of supreme interest te these fermulutinj, plans for their Win ter vocation is the news that Raymond Whitcomb are re suming their popular Tours te Mexico Fer the first time in 12 years this unique fleldef foreign travel in rur own continent is nain open BJar.i HtuMBU M Raymond Whit comb operatedTeurs te Mexico for 26 con secutive years. Te our unexcelled Mexi can experience; we have added a care fully acquired up-te- the-minute knowl edge of immediate conditions Departures Jan. 22 and Feb. 12 Sixty-mile Moter Trip Through Beautiful Jamaica One of many splendid side trips included free en your Great White Fleet Caribbean Cruise this winter. .Alse: privilege of stepping without extra charge at United Fruit Com pany's resort hotels at Pert Antonie and Kingsten a tour of Havana bv meter cantrip te Matanzas via Hershey. with opportunity te inspect a modern 6ugar mill through the Panama Canal by sub marine chaser special train through scenic Cesta Rica. Ne ether cruises te theWest Indies and Central America offer se much in variety, interest and included features. Fares: i!p350 and up All expenses 23 days Personally conducted Great White, Fleet ships are the only vessels nailing te the Caribbean built especially for Cruise Service. Only one class first class. First sailing from New Yerk, January 6, 1923, weekly thereafter. See your local tourist agent or railroad ticket agent at once for reservations. FREE "The Qateief the Caribbean," an illustrated booklet about Great White Flett Cruises by William McFce. Address Fjiicngcr Department UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 Battery Place New Yerk Central Officii 131 State St., Bosten, Mass. California and Hawaii Thronhheat the Winter Season fa meus Raymond-wmtcemD tours te veur way te Del Mente, Santa Bar bara, Pasadena. Hawaiian Tenrs in- the resorts of the Pacific Coast. This elude Honolulu, Wnikiki, Kauai, Winter include n trip te Mexico en amair.& Kilauea Departures Nev. 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 3, Jan. 8 and until April Caribbean Cruises I ii' Japan 'China Raymond-Whitcomb Tours visit Japan during the Cherry Blessem Iris and Wistaria Seasons. Quaint Korea, the "Hermit Kinfi Kinfi dem";Manchuria;andChina are also included Reund'the World De Luxe Tours of 6 months' duration Europe Six Special De Luxo Tours Departures Nev. 11, Dec. 2, 9, 30 I Unescorted Travel RAYMOND -WHrTCOMB are travel experts and ceint the eldest American Travel Cem. party appreciate the way Areerl- aatu lure te travel itcemb will secure year railroad. Pullman and Hetel rat in band srrsnte special Qk Barriltltravel information "Ne, we ili en rtfutil abe Seuth America In addition te Buenes Aires, Rie de Janeiro, Montevideo, Raymond-Whitcomb Tours also include pre-Ince Bol Bel ivia end Peru; the glorious Andes; Chile Departures Jaa. 10, 27 and Feb. 7 Waoreveryeu prefer te travel aayanena- w micome 1 a nor sue m-e,. ,., nct. TU..- Le :,.t, , M vnt Then tlnr"" v '" ' "" i"-.- - " .' lv S sr- t-k. l-tl t 'aafp L ZZj, '' -PaT. L!la'eaaeiHP T v.tHLa. FRANK'S Cruise De Luxe te the $7mend & Whitcomb Ce tat atatement fused te leave Judce Barratt.' JiliriM'rl81, PHILADELPHIA Tel. Spruce 8663 la the last time I NtV Her gUlatleaa Wtttt Wd you em see bar or coaetrnuim any MEDITERRANEAN (Limited te 450 Guests About Half Capacity) By Magnificent, New CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Specially Chartered Twln-Hirew Turbliie Oll-Ilurner, W.ODU Teue. bulling Jan. 30, 1MJ, returulng April 3, vtelttng Egypt, Madeira, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Hely Land, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Sicily, Riviera, Mente Carle, etc. The Wonder Land of the World The world began en or near the shores of the Mediterranean, and the clvllliatl. han we enjoy today gees back te the lands en tfce great Inland sea for Us origin. Ne wonder we (.rave te view the scenes where man roude everlasting history. Visit these dream lands in comfort, luxury and without trouble or worry, Their wonders will be a lifelong memory of pleasure. Kree atefwnrer in aurejie. yiM Information oe requast. Jtarljr lasemilrji aitrlaaWs. Established m FRANK TOURIST CO., 219 Se. 15th St., Philadelphia -hoe ma inm (Mew Walnrt Jt.) H awav wavje Jaw-' "-sawaw bbwbbfs wa AROUND THE WOWJ)X vft4 On tlM Cunarder "LAwniH x V Frem New Yerk, Nev. H y Frem Sen Francitce, Dee. 10th ISO glorious Sununtr days In WInt)r-way from fcwn-j-.JT .. .si..... .a se faaciriatina; feriifm landl Entire quota of crulss pasasngtrs was nlaidjmM tea af due te various unprtrsntabls reasons, a lew 722uS! SZZUrTu bsrths havs at tha last mlnuts bssn rslaasad. Inmsdiasa attsetJea ts necsssary. - Exprtttien ef Inltrtt hf pht tf sf f i miwftf CRUISE by way of Havana, Panama Canal, San Francisce, HO WCUK,fc Sonelulu. Japan, Chins, Pert Arthun Jg mesa. PWUpplnei. Java, Burma, HiteniMana, Bnrpt, Mtdltsnanean. Europe. Long-te-be-remembtred share wscttf slens at mere than 25 ports of can. svtcsefl ,.. f.werahlw with averatw expanse ef VWI wlnterini at home. Berths new evaUable amount age of H50 per mentn ana up. ew pns w. nths cruise ranges from (WOO te 18500 per N te an avera the 4 mom berth. aUaWnga assars a travat rewr.al waWMal ranlaanss freai awary part el a aaaavy. American Eiprtis Trarcl DepartmeBt 1708 Chestnut St Spruce 5596 Balttmam Md- 1SI wast, rayaitw . Waablnitaa, B. tH isaw r at,, .. WtweesweyaWgwiaiMWi iCANjg Mauretania The Cunard's Blue Ribbon Ship of the Atltnttt te the Mediterranean The Enchanted Sea of History and Remance) The Luxury Cruise Next Winter Frem New Yerk, February 10, 1923 Inland excursions planned from all Assuan and the First Cataract. ports of call Madeira Gibraltar- Algiers Mente Carle Italy, Reme, Naples the Dardanelles Constanti nople Greece, Athens, Eleusis, Marathon Palestine. Haifa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Tiberias, Da mascusEgypt, Caire, Memphis, and up the Nile te Luxor, Karnak, Thebes, In diverting the Mauretania from Its regular ports for this Cruise, the Cunard Line departs from traditional policy te make an epoch In Cruising history. Prices range from $950 up according te character and location of stateroom. Reservations should be made at once Pact?cMerMEbren Built especially and luxuriously equipped for cruising In the Trepica Te Seuth America 68 days of delightful travel across and below the Equator Frem New Yerk, January 24, 1923 Havana, Cuba; Panama Canal; Callae, Lima, and Mollendo, Peru; Arica. Antofagasta, Iqulque, Valparaiso, ana Santiage, Chile; Juan Fernandez Robinson Crusoe's Island; ever die Andes Mountains te Mendoza and Buenes Aires In the Argentine; Monte video. Uruguay; Santes, Sae Paule and Rie de Janeiro (Brazilian Centennial Exposition 8 days). Trinidad-Barbados. $1890 up according te stateroom. Special Tours te the Brazilian Centennial Exposition The American Express Travel Department official Travel Representative in the United States for the Brazilian Government offers Special Tours te Rie de Janeiro leaving New Yerk every ether week te February 17th. Fer full information, deck plans, itineraries, details of iharc cents tens, etc, en any of Out above Crulte Tours, call, phone or writs .American Express Travel Department 1708 Chestnut. Spruce 6598 Baltimore, Md 1S2 West Fayette St. Washington, D. C, 1328 F St., N. W. WHEREVER YOU TRAVEL CARRY AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES "TheBMt (n Travel "The Beit in Travel" 0nyf f suaaBBBBBBar eaamawsTgCilemBTriUeB a aa- 7aW L A lamsVSST y mOKjJtmGw teV&s i". yNJaBasasaaaaWaaaaBBaBBBBB&-JaBBBBBBBBBB . ! y Yya, 16ihCentuiyAkntuKin20ICentuiyCoiufeit When Drake wiled Round-the-World toward the close of the i6,h century he had te rely en tails and favor able wlndjandhiicompaffejweredeubtful. Withfcanty previsions and inadequate maps his anxieties and pri vations were Indescnbable, but his reward was adven ture, romance and an experience te be looked back upon with pride. That was sixteenth century cruise. Today, ever three centuries later, comes reuR World voyage, full of the old-time adventure and romance. Yeu are assured en.the "Resolute" and "Volendam" the great Cruise ships of 193 of comfort, interest Cruising Round-the-World and an experience that it will always be a pleasure te leek back upon Raymond-Whitcomb are travel experts. They are theOLOHT American Travil Company and appreciate the way Americans like te travel Imagine then, the undeniable satisfaction of waking up in a sumptuous stateroom, surrounded by your own Hiings and the comforts of home, and from your Sf p.12,' EaLl Jparklin uPn an "ur h"ber alive with Junks and sampans and full-tailed dhows vl Mediterranean Cruise S.S. "Rotterdam", Feb. 10 Plannsd with the same thorough knowl knewl knowl eak, that chsracterizss all Ruymond Ruymend Ruymond Wlutcereb srrsn&cmsnts this Cruiss A rusl event in the life of every Am. enean travster of diicriminstien, the Raymond-Whitcomb Cruises Reund-tn.- World art typical of the "Bs.t 111 Travel '. 16th Century sdventure in 20lh Century Comfert" it no longer a vision, becsute the "Resolute" mid the "Veltndam" sailinft Jan, 9snd Id respectively enable you te spend two 1 . '. '5 "l1"1 .,h"' m '" Mewever In selas Weitbeand you visit ih. vuieu, countries at the laesi enjey.ble lime, ana arrive I Europe lest es the (lowers .iui Mel tie barstiii into iVeIr laiasur (lery tt .bbbHsW J BVfY,AVjtgVy Seuth America Cruise Ineladln, the West Indie S.S. "Relianu", F$i. S This Raymond-Whitcomb Cruise has the distinction of bainfca unique enter pnie. In 45 days you can visit the Centennial Eipojitien at Rie de Janeiro and make a Cruise of tha enchanting Csnbbssn. On an ideal Cruut-ship you icsn visit Cuba, Panama, Vena lusla, Brud, Barbados, Martinique, Perte Rice, St. 1 nemas It xWnl opportunity te visit the wonderlands of history under idetl conditiens-tho "Best in Travel" The exclusive features include the Azores, Lisben, Mslafca, Corsica, bidw vary tnterenn shore excursions in Pertu- Fer Booklet 0 the terticuhr Cruin that op. "? te ten, tall, write tr telephone ei. epsin, the Hely Land and Ekvet RAYMOND & WHITCOMB COMPANY 1000 waimu street PHTT.at.ht mii a Tel. Spruce 8663 il M rV M 1 a .: ri , t &&& K kafare far aurtisft !' A K Aly-v Mi. ! ''u. L&LL1 Aii-X&te&Ja&l&iisLK y